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L11[01:29:17] <Draconiator> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VHS - Officially dead format. I still have a few movies on VHS....
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L54[06:34:08] <APlayer> Booster rocket made a soft touch down (not quite on target, but somewhat close)... With 0 (!!!) fuel left.
L55[06:34:27] <APlayer> That was /close/.
L56[06:38:20] <Rolf> whew
L57[06:38:42] <Rolf> I almost landed on duna, ran out couple km up and crashlabded
L58[06:38:57] <APlayer> Do you have a quicksave?
L59[06:39:03] <Rolf> it was computer ship, and compyter lived to be able to... do nothing I guess lol
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L61[06:39:19] <Rolf> it had power source and thats it. everything else get destroyed
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L63[06:39:24] <APlayer> So it was with kOS?
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L65[06:39:36] <Rolf> I dont add mods
L66[06:39:44] <APlayer> Ah
L67[06:39:52] <APlayer> Coputer ship as in no Kerbals?
L68[06:40:36] <Rolf> yeah
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L74[07:19:47] <Blaank> probe
L75[07:20:58] <Fluburtur> Rokker https://youtu.be/LJxW4gGYGrs brrrrrrrrt
L77[07:22:47] <Althego> why doesnt it brrt?
L78[07:23:15] <Fluburtur> hard to fit 30mm rounds in a plane of this size
L79[07:23:32] <Althego> just some sound device and smoke generator
L80[07:24:50] <Fluburtur> will need to be louder than the two ejt engines
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L138[11:10:23] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/236560222133551104/442719697431953408/wings_scale.jpg
L139[11:10:34] <Fluburtur> scale thickness wing vs not scale
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L146[11:36:30] <Fluburtur> I have a question about cameras
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L148[11:37:19] <Fluburtur> the sensor of my camera has far more pixels that the recorded video has (sensor is 11mp, 1080p video is 2mp)
L149[11:37:38] <Fluburtur> I do use all of the sensor whenr ecording video so how does it work
L150[11:37:53] <Fluburtur> is the camera only using certain pixels or averaging pixels groups?
L151[11:38:20] <APlayer> I guess that's memory limitations. Pretty sure there must be some resolution option somewhere
L152[11:38:29] <Fluburtur> or switching between pixels while recording to even out the load and possibly give a higher framerate and smother result
L153[11:39:13] <Fluburtur> well it is true that camera have a maximum number of pixel per seconds they can reach but im not sure about this one
L154[11:39:42] <Fluburtur> also recording 2k video would make the sensor overheat very rapidly
L155[11:40:02] <Fluburtur> but im interested about how they go about to make 2mp video with a 11mp sensor
L156[11:40:20] <Fluburtur> I can take photos using all the pixels of the camera btw
L157[11:40:35] <Draconiator> hmmm, I have no idea. Maybe it limits it via software? I have an 8mp camera, and yet I can only get 640x480 in video mode.
L158[11:40:48] <APlayer> It's likely limited by how fast your memory is (SD card, I guess) and how much memory you have. I doubt the sensor array can get meaningfully warm from recording lots of image data. Also, most videos are at 60 FPS max, which is much less than could be done with a regular sensor array.
L159[11:40:51] <Fluburtur> yeah it is probably software
L160[11:41:18] <Fluburtur> I have the fastest sd card I could get for that camera
L161[11:41:30] <Fluburtur> the bottleneck is probably the cpu and the cache
L162[11:41:33] <APlayer> Software still limits it probably
L163[11:41:49] <APlayer> CPU could be a limiting factor too, indeed.
L164[11:41:53] <Fluburtur> and my camera overheats when recording for like 40 minutes in average temperature
L165[11:42:03] <APlayer> That sounds weird.
L166[11:42:13] <Fluburtur> my camera can record 400 and 1200fps during 5 seconds but at lower resolutions
L167[11:43:02] <APlayer> Yeah, the sensor array can handle a big FPS. It's about how fast you can save the data, though
L168[11:43:32] <Fluburtur> my camera was top of the line crap in 2011 so idk
L169[11:43:55] <Fluburtur> and still pretty good by today's standards even
L170[11:44:48] <Fluburtur> usually you can find gigapixels per seconds rating for cameras
L171[11:44:55] <Draconiator> https://www.nikonusa.com/en/nikon-products/product-archive/compact-digital-cameras/coolpix-l19.html - here's my camera. The battery door needs to be taped shut now (crazy cat got to it one year) but it's pretty darned good for a 9-10 year old camera.
L172[11:45:14] <Fluburtur> https://www.cnet.com/products/nikon-1-v1/specs/
L173[11:46:01] <Fluburtur> well I know the framerate at certain resoluatons so I guess I could calculate that
L174[11:48:19] <Fluburtur> 124.416 megapixels per second if I use 60fps 1080p resolution apparently
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L176[11:49:12] <Draconiator> Pretty nice outside so I think I'm gonna take some shots with it.
L177[11:49:21] <Fluburtur> uh when I shoot at 400fps it uses only 61mp per second
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L179[11:49:53] <Fluburtur> and 46mp/s at 1200fps
L180[11:50:26] <Fluburtur> so I guess the camera is software limited in high speed mode
L181[11:50:49] <Fluburtur> but it uses only a smaller part of the sensor in high speed so there is probably cpu and cache crap going on
L182[11:52:23] <Fluburtur> actually if I record 5 seconds of 400fps and 5 seconds of 60 fps, the 60fps file has only about twice the number of megapicles
L183[11:53:23] <Fluburtur> what is fun is that photos are heavier than the high speed videos
L184[11:53:50] <Fluburtur> the photos take up to 8mb in raw
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L187[12:04:59] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/236560222133551104/442733473367851009/render_2.png
L188[12:18:17] <Althego> lol this is just too funny https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHsRtomD4twRf5WVHHk-cMw/videos
L189[12:18:25] <Althego> explains evolution in terms of a pvp game :)
L190[12:18:42] <Althego> patches, meta, server, etc :)
L191[12:23:09] <Draconiator> hm, pretty interesting comparison.
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L193[12:26:46] <Draconiator> I actually LOVE this. it uses gaming metaphors to teach about Earths history.
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L196[12:36:26] <Althego> hehe, the tardigrade :)
L197[12:45:13] <Draconiator> Some Human players need a patch immediately. They have a programming oversight that makes them think the world is flat.
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L199[12:48:09] <Alanonzander> it should be obvious. If the word was flat, cats would have knocked everything off of it already
L200[12:48:14] <Alanonzander> *world
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L204[12:50:11] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/254984631512858634/442744833048707073/nose_intake.jpg
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L206[12:56:13] <UmbralRaptop> Alanonzander: How did you think the trilobites went extinct?
L207[12:57:03] <Alanonzander> hehehehe
L208[12:58:33] <Fluburtur> uh
L209[12:58:42] <Fluburtur> time to optimise this model for 3d printing now
L210[12:58:57] <APlayer> I thought they went extinct when the flat earth theory impacted at Chicxulub?
L211[13:05:37] <UmbralRaptop> The cats knocked off all of the dinosaurs that couldn't fly.
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L213[13:09:02] <Fluburtur> oh boi https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/186186471202357249/442749525547941910/agazgyrzy.jpg
L214[13:09:24] <Althego> why is that wooden texture?
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L216[13:09:43] <Fluburtur> I did a render and I wanted it to look nice
L217[13:09:48] <Fluburtur> the real one was made f wood
L218[13:10:04] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/236560222133551104/442733473367851009/render_2.png
L219[13:23:02] <Rokker> Fluburtur: BRRRRT
L220[13:23:16] <Fluburtur> oh, he woke up
L221[13:24:16] <Draconiator> https://i.gyazo.com/60be11c196a20af108238c05221a5750.jpg - Hazelnut flower and catkin from my camera
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L223[13:32:07] <Draconiator> The thing has no manual focus though...which is annoying
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L225[13:35:11] * Tortoise767 finds out you can type "coin flip" or "flip a coin" into Google and a coin will flip in the search result
L226[13:41:10] <Rokker> Fluburtur: apparently there are still F7F Tigercats that are airworthy
L227[13:41:44] <Fluburtur> yeah I think there is one that does races at reno and crpa like that
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L229[13:42:08] <Rokker> Fluburtur: idk why but i just found that so unexpected
L230[13:42:51] <Rokker> its always odd how many of these low production count navy planes are still airworthy vs, say, high production air force planes that only have a fraction of the airworthy craft
L231[13:43:59] <Rokker> Fluburtur: wait what... there are more F7Fs flying than there are on display at museums
L232[13:45:23] <Fluburtur> hh
L233[13:45:32] <Fluburtur> you produced a whole lot of planes back then
L234[13:45:41] <Rokker> Fluburtur: not navy
L235[13:45:44] <Fluburtur> most were scrapped but a good amount is still there
L236[13:46:32] <Rokker> actually huh... navy prodction numbers were higher than i expected
L237[13:46:47] <Rokker> outside of the F7F
L238[13:48:57] <Rokker> Fluburtur: i love that we were churning out massive bombers every 24 hours
L239[13:49:28] <Fluburtur> yeah, you had no productions or ressorces problems like the european countries
L240[13:49:41] <Fluburtur> build all those nice planes at home and send them away
L241[13:49:52] <Fluburtur> no bombing of the factories or crap like that to worry about
L242[13:52:10] <Draconiator> North Korea still uses propeler powered biplanes, I think.
L243[13:53:18] <APlayer> I should get some propeller mod for KSP. They seem very versatile (even if not for biplanes)
L244[13:53:29] <Fluburtur> I think they have a few IL2 or similar
L245[13:55:04] <Fluburtur> the tupolev 95 is a propeller aircraft
L246[13:55:12] <Fluburtur> but it uses turboprops
L247[13:55:30] <Fluburtur> electric props would be nice for submarines in ksp as well
L248[13:55:37] <Rokker> Draconiator: i mean
L249[13:55:50] <Rokker> Draconiator: most militaries have propeller powered planes
L250[13:55:50] <Althego> electric props for duna and eve, want them
L251[13:56:17] <Rokker> Draconiator: north korea still has a few piston powered planes if thats what you mean
L252[13:56:22] <Fluburtur> props are a bit more efficient than jets I thikn
L253[13:56:30] <Rokker> Fluburtur: nobody still uses IL-2s
L254[13:56:39] <APlayer> Althego: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4SytD3xR0k
L255[13:56:39] <kmath> YouTube - HoverBot drone - a kOS program
L256[13:56:45] <Rokker> north korea uses piston planes for transport only
L257[13:56:46] <Fluburtur> too bad
L258[13:56:49] <Rokker> the An-2
L259[13:56:55] <Fluburtur> superior russian attack aircrafts
L260[13:57:24] <Rokker> NKs only dedicated bomber is the Il-28 which i find hilarious
L261[13:57:53] <Fluburtur> old school design, not too bad
L262[13:58:03] <Rokker> NK does have some modern fighters tho
L263[13:58:14] <Fluburtur> they have some nice migs
L264[13:58:21] <Rokker> >nice
L265[13:58:25] <Rokker> >migs
L266[13:58:28] <Rokker> pick one
L267[13:58:35] <Fluburtur> no
L268[13:58:49] <Rokker> i cant have both
L269[13:58:54] <Rokker> you
L270[13:59:47] <Fluburtur> oh boy I like asian food
L271[13:59:51] <Fluburtur> but I don't like fish
L272[13:59:56] <Fluburtur> my life is so hard
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L274[14:00:02] <UmbralRaptop> Define "Asian"
L275[14:00:40] <Rokker> UmbralRaptop: he likes to eat asian people
L276[14:00:42] <Fluburtur> japanese, chinese, vietnam, thailande
L277[14:00:42] <snow> UmbralRaptop: Borscht built under license in China and still eaten in NK as of today
L278[14:00:52] <Fluburtur> pretty much everything after india
L279[14:00:55] <Rokker> UmbralRaptop: but their fish based diet ruins it for him
L280[14:00:57] <Fluburtur> but I like indian food too
L281[14:01:00] <snow> oh wait, I'm mixing up discussions
L282[14:01:05] <UmbralRaptop> Like, falafel, dal, something else?
L283[14:01:09] <Fluburtur> I like spicy stuff
L284[14:01:24] <UmbralRaptop> snow: hah
L285[14:02:23] <Rokker> Fluburtur: i like chinese food from ~1960
L286[14:02:27] <Rokker> plates full of air
L287[14:02:30] <Rokker> nothing burgers
L288[14:02:40] <Rokker> great stuff
L289[14:03:01] <Fluburtur> I prefer playing vietnam in rs2
L290[14:03:05] <Fluburtur> in order to protect the rice
L291[14:03:19] <UmbralRaptop> Rokker: this isn't #spacex
L292[14:03:22] <Rokker> Fluburtur: some maps have you play as south vietnam
L293[14:03:42] <Rokker> UmbralRaptop: show me the rule where Great Chinese Famine jokes are banned
L294[14:04:00] <Rokker> Fluburtur: i think ive reached peak plane nerd
L295[14:04:20] <Rokker> i just applied to join a B-36 appreciation facebook group
L296[14:04:29] <Fluburtur> eh
L297[14:04:49] <Fluburtur> I found out about a project to rebuild a mb 152 made by a few schools
L298[14:05:06] <Fluburtur> WWII french plane with like almost no infos remaining exept a manual and a crashed plane
L299[14:05:27] <Rokker> Fluburtur: implying you need anything else
L300[14:05:46] <Rokker> you should see the miracle work they do at the NMUSAF restoration hangars
L301[14:05:48] <UmbralRaptop> Fluburtur: time to start measuring parts of the wreck?
L302[14:05:57] <Fluburtur> well idk what they did but when you have like 5 schools implied and the Dassault workshop you can do nice stuff I guess
L303[14:06:07] <Fluburtur> but the wikipedia article is out of date
L304[14:06:15] <Rokker> no blueprints, only a half corroded chunk of steel pulled out of a lake
L305[14:06:32] <Rokker> and theyve completely rebuilt the tail section
L306[14:06:38] <Rokker> which was half correded
L307[14:06:42] <Rokker> corroded
L308[14:07:17] <Fluburtur> well I mean, I do retro-engineer planes myself
L309[14:07:41] <Rokker> i mean down to the smallest now missing screw
L310[14:07:46] <Fluburtur> like the messerschmitt of which my only ressource was a hand draw 3 views from 1945 at a crappy quality
L311[14:08:06] <Rokker> they figure it out
L312[14:08:44] <Fluburtur> aren't there engineers alive that worked on those?
L313[14:08:47] <Rokker> they have former plane engineers on staff who know the ideas the people were building these planes with and basically have to guess their way into reverse engineering it
L314[14:09:29] <Rokker> they cant go through a phonebook and look for the last 2 living A-25 Shrike engineers tho
L315[14:10:05] <Rokker> Fluburtur: come to dayton and take the behind the scenes tour, you will be impressed
L316[14:10:17] <Fluburtur> heh one day
L317[14:10:29] <Fluburtur> my dude still didn't answer about the tour also
L318[14:10:55] <Rokker> Fluburtur: maybe they would have finally started restoring the MiG-25 by then
L319[14:11:08] <Rokker> still looking for wings and elevators tho
L320[14:11:26] <Fluburtur> call mig directly maybe
L321[14:11:33] <Rokker> Fluburtur: you wouldnt happen to have any mig-25 wings would you
L322[14:11:45] <Fluburtur> sadly no
L323[14:12:02] <Rokker> so
L324[14:12:11] <Rokker> cut to 2003 iraq
L325[14:12:26] <Rokker> the US military detects some metal buried near an airbase
L326[14:12:39] <Rokker> they find a whole dang MiG-25
L327[14:12:41] <Rokker> and then another
L328[14:12:43] <Rokker> and another
L329[14:12:51] <Rokker> BUT NONE OF THEM HAVE WINGS, DANG IT
L330[14:13:06] <Draconiator> https://i.gyazo.com/8628923fa5e884d82643e51adbac181d.jpg - Deep Space Relay and Propulsion Module.
L331[14:13:10] <Rokker> the moral of this story is, always bury your planes with wings
L332[14:13:16] <Fluburtur> can't they just make mockup wings?
L333[14:13:21] <APlayer> This was the biggest troll in the history of human aviation, wasn't it?
L334[14:13:33] <Draconiator> Sattelite goes on the front end.
L335[14:13:52] <Rokker> Fluburtur: they probably could, but they like to be super accurate, and they cant if they dont know the wing design
L336[14:14:07] <Rokker> also, real wings would just be a nice tough
L337[14:14:09] <Rokker> touch
L338[14:14:12] <Fluburtur> eh give a phone call to russia
L339[14:14:17] <Fluburtur> ask if they have a few spares
L340[14:15:02] <Rokker> Fluburtur: wanna see a burried MiG-25 being run over by a tank
L341[14:15:12] <Rokker> http://i.imgur.com/KEvpiOb.jpg
L342[14:15:33] <Althego> rare sight
L343[14:15:42] <Fluburtur> poor bird
L344[14:15:57] <Fluburtur> doesn't look too inconvenienced however
L345[14:16:06] <Rokker> a clear sign of americas ground and air superiority
L346[14:16:16] <Fluburtur> rokker
L347[14:16:30] <Fluburtur> running over a plane that was in the sand since like a decade doesn't prove anything
L348[14:16:32] <Althego> enjoy it before you are run over by falt earthers
L349[14:16:43] <Fluburtur> could even say that it is the best they can do
L350[14:17:05] <Rokker> Fluburtur: ur wrong
L351[14:17:14] <Fluburtur> no
L352[14:17:27] <Rokker> Fluburtur: how many planes has france run over with tanks
L353[14:17:36] <KrazyKrl> At least 3
L354[14:17:46] <Rokker> im not buying it
L355[14:20:22] <Rokker> Fluburtur: build an f7f
L356[14:20:34] <Fluburtur> I might
L357[14:20:38] <Fluburtur> what do I get if I make one
L358[14:20:57] <Rokker> Fluburtur: my appreciation
L359[14:21:17] <Rokker> Fluburtur: ill buy yur tickets for the museum
L360[14:21:17] <Fluburtur> nah I know I have that already
L361[14:21:23] <APlayer> 10000 funds in KSP for completing the contract
L362[14:21:34] <Fluburtur> will you get me the plane ticket so I can come too?
L363[14:21:41] <Fluburtur> I can give it to you then
L364[14:22:01] <Rokker> no
L365[14:22:18] <Rokker> Fluburtur: only museum tickets
L366[14:22:26] <Rokker> mainly cause the museum is free
L367[14:22:34] <Fluburtur> heh
L368[14:23:10] <Fluburtur> well, no f7f then
L369[14:24:10] <Rokker> Fluburtur: :(
L370[14:24:24] <Fluburtur> instead I will be building a potez 631
L371[14:24:29] ⇦ Quits: kronal_ (kronal_!~kronal@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L373[14:26:11] <Rokker> Fluburtur: im ok with the potez
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L377[14:37:51] *** Nekark is now known as Kracc
L378[14:50:14] <Draconiator> We used to build model airplanes...
L379[14:50:32] <Draconiator> I wish I could come visit you so we could actually work together Flub.
L380[14:51:17] ⇦ Quits: kubi (kubi!~kubi@c-d6af71d5.018-143-73746f43.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) (Quit: Leaving.)
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L382[14:55:42] <Fluburtur> yeah that would be fun
L383[14:55:43] ⇨ Joins: UmbralRaptop (UmbralRaptop!~AndNex@byod-natout-129-174-182-94.byod.gmu.edu)
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L389[15:20:52] <Supernovy> Evening, Gentlemen.
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L394[15:43:49] <APlayer> https://i.imgur.com/YnGbtna.png totally not a stolen perspective idea
L395[15:44:33] <APlayer> (Also, totally not a flipped upside down image because I didn't remember how the original should look like)
L396[15:45:03] <Fluburtur> heh
L397[15:45:37] <Fluburtur> kinda annoys me when someone pulls a graph of an asteroid passing by at like half the distance of the moon and be like "dawn we narrowly escape apocalypse"
L398[15:45:39] <Fluburtur> like nah
L399[15:45:55] <Fluburtur> but well, I don't expect tumblr peoples to have that much knowledge about space
L400[15:46:08] ⇦ Quits: eriophora (eriophora!~Christine@ (Ping timeout: 383 seconds)
L401[15:46:16] <KrazyKrl> Yes... but where is tank cam?
L402[15:47:28] <APlayer> Now, this is actually wow: https://i.imgur.com/XZuJYE1.png
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L405[15:50:06] <GurrenLagannTSS> Hii
L406[15:50:08] <Mod9000> Hello, GurrenLagannTSS
L407[15:51:19] ⇦ Quits: UmbralRaptor (UmbralRaptor!~AndNex@2607:fb90:64b1:5161:6849:75e7:83b:a280) (Client Quit)
L408[15:51:28] <APlayer> Fluburtur: Well, technically, that statement is not wrong. If you call about 175000 km narrowly. Except for one nitpicky detail: Apocalypse narrowly escaped us. :P
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L411[15:52:03] <Fluburtur> crap like that happens pretty often
L412[15:52:09] ⇦ Quits: UmbralRaptop (UmbralRaptop!~AndNex@byod-natout-129-174-182-94.byod.gmu.edu) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L413[15:52:28] <Fluburtur> and space rocks that cross the path of earth are pretty well mapped by now
L414[15:52:30] <APlayer> I mean, considering usual space distances, 175 Mm is pretty short.
L415[15:52:40] <GurrenLagannTSS> APlayer, What happened now? Did a asteroid pass by 175,000 km away from Earth in the past week or so?
L416[15:53:10] <APlayer> GurrenLagannTSS: No idea. "<Fluburtur> kinda annoys me when someone pulls a graph of an asteroid passing by at like half the distance of the moon and be like "dawn we narrowly escape apocalypse""
L417[15:53:11] <Fluburtur> no but space rocks fall down to earth every day all day long
L418[15:53:21] <Fluburtur> but they are tiny
L419[15:54:06] ⇦ Quits: Raptop (Raptop!~AndNex@2607:fb90:64b1:5161:6849:75e7:83b:a280) (Client Quit)
L420[15:54:08] <GurrenLagannTSS> The last time i saw a meteor falling was never
L421[15:54:19] ⇨ Joins: UmbralRaptop (UmbralRaptop!~AndNex@BYOD-NATout-129-174-182-94.byod.gmu.edu)
L422[15:54:26] <Fluburtur> I saw like 3 the other night
L423[15:54:30] ⇦ Quits: Gasher (Gasher!~Gasher@broadband-46-188-122-40.2com.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L424[15:54:43] <Fluburtur> nice high altitude fireworks
L425[15:54:49] <APlayer> Hehe
L426[15:54:55] ⇦ Quits: UmbralRaptor (UmbralRaptor!~AndNex@BYOD-NATout-129-174-182-94.byod.gmu.edu) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L427[15:55:04] <APlayer> Interplanetary Ballistic Rock initiating reentry
L428[15:56:22] <APlayer> Anyway, I've got to go now. See you guys!
L429[15:56:22] <GurrenLagannTSS> I never saw a meteor in my life
L430[15:56:51] <Fluburtur> go look at the night sky for about an hour
L431[15:56:56] <GurrenLagannTSS> Since i live in the worst place possible for meteors
L432[15:57:01] <Fluburtur> preferably in an area with low light pollution
L433[15:57:21] <GurrenLagannTSS> Seriously, meteors never pass here
L434[15:57:43] <GurrenLagannTSS> also i live in the middle of a damm city so rip
L435[15:57:52] <APlayer> Meteors are pretty uniformly distributed across the globe.
L436[15:57:58] <APlayer> (/me leaves for real)
L437[15:58:35] * GurrenLagannTSS cant into meteors
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L440[15:59:02] <GurrenLagannTSS> soooooo many operators
L441[15:59:47] ⇦ Quits: UmbralRaptop (UmbralRaptop!~AndNex@BYOD-NATout-129-174-182-94.byod.gmu.edu) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L442[16:01:20] ⇦ Quits: APlayer (APlayer!~APlayer@p200300C22BF6E40049C9CE46586B2392.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L443[16:04:44] <GurrenLagannTSS> Speaking of asteroids - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lost_minor_planet
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L445[16:22:25] <Draconiator> ummmmmm.....I think my relay got ejected by itself from Sarnus's gravity well....eh that's okay I'll hyperedit it back.
L446[16:23:58] <Fluburtur> nah
L447[16:24:03] <Fluburtur> send a rescue mission
L448[16:24:05] <Fluburtur> or another one
L449[16:29:11] ⇦ Quits: KrazyKrl (KrazyKrl!~KrazyKrl@108-82-241-32.lightspeed.sgnwmi.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: http://i.imgur.com/FwmxJtC.jpg)
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L456[17:33:32] <Rokker> Fluburtur: I just got in to the B-36 page
L457[17:33:51] <Fluburtur> how surprising
L458[17:33:56] <Rokker> Fluburtur: look at this https://i.imgur.com/KCO8ymS.jpg
L459[17:33:59] <Rokker> hnnng
L460[17:34:17] <Fluburtur> yeah not bad
L461[17:34:58] <Rokker> Fluburtur: imagine the sound
L462[17:35:02] <Rokker> the loud beautiful sound
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L464[17:37:45] <Rokker> Fluburtur: IMAGINE IT
L465[17:38:03] <Fluburtur> I can only imagine the sweet roar of the rafale on take off
L466[17:38:12] <Fluburtur> not like I heard many other planes that close
L467[17:38:24] <Fluburtur> there was the a380 but this one is really quiet
L468[17:50:04] <Draconiator> https://i.gyazo.com/0b267f4b31f44a8dd6f16ad9f9db6dcd.jpg - Darn...never seen diodes this small before - decided to crack open a tiny USB drive I had. That's a U.S. dime to the left.
L469[17:56:25] <Fluburtur> yeah smd stuff can get tiny
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L472[18:08:01] <Apexseals> lol
L473[18:08:26] <Apexseals> nave you ever watch louis rossmann?
L474[18:08:33] <Apexseals> thats what he works with on a daily basis
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L526[23:19:46] <Draconiator> Argh, if you have too low thrust, apparently your conics get thrown off.
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