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L1[00:15:56] ⇨ Joins: Blaank (Blaank!~Blaankk@c-24-11-223-177.hsd1.tn.comcast.net)
L2[00:20:19] <KrazyKrl> I read the datasheet for one of those cheap SSDs... they are practically just a thumb drive in an enclosure. And they have PATA speeds.
L3[00:20:46] <KrazyKrl> But i guess they are technically SSDs, since they are solid state.
L4[00:22:14] <KrazyKrl> The datasheet is hillarious though... 100MB/sec reads, 25MB/sec writes.
L5[00:23:48] <Draconiator> Heh, I think that was mine.
L6[00:24:35] <Althego> hehe
L7[00:24:39] <Althego> what a speed
L8[00:24:46] <Althego> an older hdd can beat that
L9[00:25:49] <Draconiator> Still, it's awesome for my usage. Wanted to plop it in the netbook, and the 2.5 inch 160GB drive that WAS in there is in this computer now, and used for virtual machining.
L10[00:27:31] <KrazyKrl> price per GB is double a normal SSD... let alone a HDD
L11[00:31:49] <Draconiator> https://i.gyazo.com/63bde210fccc1e77641018a2ceeaa0df.png - That's how the old one is mounted in here. Suprisingly a single screw makis it really stable.
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L124[03:33:22] <Althego> 2.5 hours until insight
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L126[04:34:07] <Althego> 1.5 hours until insight
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L132[05:13:22] <Mat2ch> Althego: ?
L133[05:13:45] <Althego> launch of the insight mission to mars
L134[05:16:10] <Mat2ch> oh
L135[05:21:38] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4_JNAFClFk
L136[05:21:39] <kmath> YouTube - NASAJPL Live: InSight Launch Week
L137[05:21:48] <Althego> let's hope there will be something here
L138[05:21:56] <Althego> the other pseudolive streams also show nothing
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L143[05:35:09] <Althego> hmm, there is fog
L144[05:35:14] <Althego> maybe from the ocean
L145[05:40:12] <Althego> lol these nasa people are up early :)
L146[05:46:23] <Mat2ch> ok, why do they have two countdowns?!
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L148[05:48:13] <Althego> the guy explained something about it, but i wasnt really listening
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L153[06:04:33] <Althego> 1 minte
L154[06:05:28] <Althego> maybe there will be a plume lit by the sun again
L155[06:06:22] <APlayer> LOL, camera is ded
L156[06:06:35] <Althego> it was just covered by the smoke
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L158[06:20:11] <APlayer> Nice!
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L160[06:28:09] <BenjaminK> Wow!
L161[06:28:13] <BenjaminK> Insight was great
L162[06:28:20] <BenjaminK> I saw it live :D
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L165[06:32:05] <TheKosmonaut> So.. I was actually riding the rocket
L166[06:32:10] <TheKosmonaut> I'm still on my way down
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L168[06:32:52] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/231106102693986314/442286537603022848/31922626_1663988477024753_1003046408904769536_n.png
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L171[06:33:25] <Althego> lol
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L175[06:53:39] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m8jnjhk2OM1r6790wo1_540.png
L176[06:55:00] <APlayer> Fluburtur: UFO sighting in supermarket
L177[07:00:12] <Fluburtur> btw have you seen the plane I printed last night
L178[07:00:21] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/336533573781684244/442111688767045632/DSC_8857.JPG
L179[07:01:58] <Mat2ch> wow
L180[07:04:30] <Fluburtur> now I need to make a proper desk plane version
L181[07:04:49] <Fluburtur> but in case you are interested https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFEOoAfKOxU
L182[07:04:49] <kmath> YouTube - mini vg33 timelapse
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L188[07:31:00] <Fluburtur> https://youtu.be/kGssITciXQE
L189[07:31:00] <kmath> YouTube - BPM-5 Flight Qualification Test May 2018
L190[07:32:59] <Mat2ch> I love timelaps videos
L191[07:34:53] <Fluburtur> I kinda want to get one of those tiny helis https://www.banggood.com/WLtoys-V950-2_4G-6CH-3D6G-System-Brushless-Flybarless-RC-Helicopter-BNF-p-1119984.html?rmmds=search
L192[07:39:17] <Mat2ch> that was a short burn
L193[07:40:43] <Mat2ch> it's sad that they didn't have a microphone nearby :|
L194[07:40:52] <Fluburtur> yeah
L195[07:41:05] <Fluburtur> but they had plenty of cameras so we can expect a video with sound later
L196[07:41:15] <Mat2ch> hopefully :D
L197[07:44:48] <Fluburtur> btw I looked a bit more into it and I don't think I can make molded foam planes so I think I will make them direclty with fiberglass
L198[07:45:38] <Fluburtur> a 1.2m full fiberglass plane might be a bit overkill but eh, should be fine
L199[07:46:05] <Fluburtur> the prototype will probably have fam wings and 3d printed fuselage however
L200[07:50:55] <Fluburtur> I could probably build the wings now actually, I have plenty of foam
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L203[08:18:45] <Fluburtur> Rokker what size should I make the farmand
L204[08:19:06] <Fluburtur> I was thinking 2.4 meters and use two gas engines but then I wouldn't be able to fly it
L205[08:20:36] <Fluburtur> or I could make it 1/7 scale
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L208[08:49:39] <Fluburtur> who was it that gave me a plane to test last night?
L209[08:51:10] <Mat2ch> Busy day in space industry today. InSight, Copenhagen Subs and Dragon undocking from the ISS
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L213[09:08:41] <Alanonzander> Not busy enough Mat2ch. Today should be a 'slow' day not a 'busy' day
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L218[09:35:57] <GurrenLagannTSS> Heyyy
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L222[09:57:22] <APlayer> Woah, man. FAR actually forces me to do a reentry burn for this rocket to survive landing.
L223[09:57:26] * APlayer is impressed
L224[10:01:16] <GurrenLagannTSS> Cool.
L225[10:01:39] <GurrenLagannTSS> But i cant go into orbit without hyperedit
L226[10:01:55] <APlayer> Well, I think we've told you a lot of times how to do it.
L227[10:02:17] <GurrenLagannTSS> laaag
L228[10:02:25] <taniwha> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Qr8vhEo7vE
L229[10:02:26] <kmath> YouTube - Asleep at the Controls
L230[10:02:45] <GurrenLagannTSS> You know that my pc is a potato
L231[10:02:54] <Fluburtur> get a proper computer then
L232[10:03:10] <taniwha> slow computer = time to think
L233[10:04:20] <APlayer> LOL, this upper stage waggled its tail (engine) before igniting
L234[10:04:43] <GurrenLagannTSS> slow computer = takes 1 million years to go to orbit
L235[10:05:11] <GurrenLagannTSS> and cant handle rockets with above around 200 parts
L236[10:05:58] <Fluburtur> get a job and buy a nice computer then
L237[10:06:08] <Fluburtur> complaining all the time won't fix the problem
L238[10:06:26] <APlayer> 150 parts was enough for me to build a The Martian style ship with all sorts of gizmo on it.
L239[10:06:31] <taniwha> so don't build > 150 part rockets
L240[10:07:02] <GurrenLagannTSS> Fluburtur, no monies + no good job
L241[10:07:12] <GurrenLagannTSS> wait
L242[10:07:19] <GurrenLagannTSS> i remenbered
L243[10:07:33] <GurrenLagannTSS> my mom has 7k of my currency
L244[10:07:36] <GurrenLagannTSS> for a car
L245[10:10:57] <APlayer> Woops. Turns out, when you are moving downward, your vertical velocity is negative. Results: Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly
L246[10:11:51] <APlayer> (Reentry burn failed, because it assumed it was "slow enough" already. While, in fact, it was moving just the wrong direction.
L247[10:11:58] <APlayer> )
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L251[10:22:03] <GurrenLagannTSS> How do i make it so i make the sun a black hole for stars to orbit on like KerbalGalaxy2?
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L253[10:24:19] <APlayer> I'd guess you make the texture of the sun black, and define other planets as suns.
L254[10:25:28] <GurrenLagannTSS> Ohhhhh
L255[10:25:44] <GurrenLagannTSS> But how do i make the sun black?
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L258[10:27:15] <APlayer> I suggest you talk to the people that have done this before. I have no idea.
L259[10:27:56] <GurrenLagannTSS> The only person in this IRC that know this is Thomas, but he's gone...
L260[10:28:21] <APlayer> Then browse the development forums and the github pages.
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L262[10:37:58] <GurrenLagannTSS> Hey UmbralRaptop
L263[10:38:08] <UmbralRaptop> hi
L264[10:38:09] <Mod9000> Hello, UmbralRaptop
L265[10:38:36] * UmbralRaptop pokes the bot with a strut.
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L268[10:39:24] <GurrenLagannTSS> How do i make the sun black using Kopernicus?
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L272[10:55:39] <Draconiator> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mbBbFH9fAg
L273[10:55:40] <kmath> YouTube - Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun
L274[10:56:48] <GurrenLagannTSS> halp me
L275[11:00:40] <Draconiator> why would you need to
L276[11:00:42] <Draconiator> ?
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L280[11:03:47] <Rokker> Fluburtur: make the Farman 1:1
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L283[11:13:28] <GurrenLagannTSS> I'm getting myself a android emulator
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L288[11:46:05] <thelounge17> Please fix your glitches on console edition. Controls are hard to work with as it is and all the glitches are literally killing the entire game. I refuse to waste more of my time and money for a buggy game.
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L290[11:51:48] <Althego> lol
L291[11:53:37] <APlayer> Your loss. :P
L292[11:54:27] <Mat2ch> uhm, is actually any KSP dev or squad employee still in this channel at all?
L293[11:54:34] <Althego> dont think so
L294[11:57:25] <APlayer> taniwha is, AFAIK.
L295[11:57:43] <APlayer> Is a KSP dev, that is.
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L297[12:02:38] <Althego> no
L298[12:02:52] <Althego> didnt he left a long time ago, when the great exodus happened?
L299[12:03:02] <Althego> works for valve or something
L300[12:03:06] <Althego> along with the others
L301[12:03:24] <Althego> i liked that time, he even fixed one of my reported bugs
L302[12:03:27] <Mat2ch> Working for valve must be great
L303[12:03:34] <Althego> the vanishing ocean floor
L304[12:03:45] <Mat2ch> hey, they fixed the landing legs bug!
L305[12:03:47] <Mat2ch> :F
L306[12:03:49] <Mat2ch> :D
L307[12:06:42] <Fluburtur> vanishing ocean bug, i remember that
L308[12:07:01] <Althego> only submariners noticed that :)
L309[12:07:10] <Fluburtur> so like 12 peoples max
L310[12:10:15] <APlayer> 80 people, according to Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Submarine#Crew
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L312[12:12:58] <UmbralRaptop> ;8ball Yell on the forums about IRC ettiquet and how we don't have Squad employees here?
L313[12:12:59] <kmath> UmbralRaptop: As I see it, yes
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L317[12:23:42] <Draconiator> Well if ex Squad emplyees work for Valve now...maybe we're gonna get Half Life 3 now!
L318[12:24:04] <Althego> hehe
L319[12:24:07] <Althego> dubt that
L320[12:26:53] ⇨ Joins: sasamj (sasamj!uid193032@id-193032.brockwell.irccloud.com)
L321[12:27:32] <Rokker> APlayer: what
L322[12:27:41] <Rokker> taniwha hasnt worked for squad in years
L323[12:27:49] * APlayer is sorry
L324[12:28:03] <Rokker> APlayer: the only well known long term employee is RD
L325[12:28:09] <APlayer> I'm not following this kind of stuff
L326[12:28:19] <Rokker> because squad is awful
L327[12:28:38] <APlayer> (That is, excuse me for not knowing that, because I am not following this kind of stuff)
L328[12:28:56] <Rokker> or at the very least, pre-take two squad is awful
L329[12:29:04] <Rokker> might have gotten a little better since then
L330[12:30:02] <Rokker> not a huge fan of RD either
L331[12:30:09] <Rokker> ive heard... things about him
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L334[12:37:17] <Althego> rd?
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L342[12:49:46] <Althego> r okker is not a huge fan of most things, except if they are airplanes :)
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L347[13:03:51] <Althego> rd = rover dude?
L348[13:04:42] <Fluburtur> do you want to see a Finnish CR 714
L349[13:04:49] <Fluburtur> witht he Finnish air froce roundel
L350[13:20:03] <Draconiator> So I just re-installed OPM, trading it for North Kerbin Weaponry. those mods are around the same size anyway.
L351[13:22:41] <Fluburtur> drac we need to do another design challenge
L352[13:24:58] <Fluburtur> I should go make some food
L353[13:25:39] <Rokker> Althego: roverdude
L354[13:26:16] <Rokker> Fluburtur: you should go make a 1:1 model airplane
L355[13:26:50] <Althego> i suggested to him to make a 1:1 scale rc boat and go to the island and get the canadair model that fell down from the treee
L356[13:28:06] <Fluburtur> I don't have room for a 1:1 plane
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L358[13:28:15] <Fluburtur> also, I will be eating nems tonight
L359[13:28:29] <Fluburtur> I should go back the the japanese restaurant some time, it is good
L360[13:28:49] <Rokker> Althego: the only thing canadair is good for is nearly hitting planes while landing
L361[13:29:28] <Fluburtur> I will try to go find someone with a boat tomorrow
L362[13:31:37] <Rokker> Althego: altho seriously tho, something about San Francisco makes canadair pilots want to hit planes while landing
L363[13:31:50] <Fluburtur> not enough canada
L364[13:32:03] <Fluburtur> I should 3d print some reaction wheels stuff
L365[13:32:06] <Rokker> they've nearly done it twice since last july
L366[13:32:23] <Fluburtur> the ones with two spinning wheels mounted on pivots ot exploit gyroscopic precession
L367[13:32:34] <Rokker> Fluburtur: might have to add fishing weights or something to them
L368[13:32:51] <Fluburtur> yeah they would need to be rather heavy
L369[13:32:51] <Rokker> I doubt plastic would be enough
L370[13:32:58] <Fluburtur> idk what I could use that for however
L371[13:33:08] <Rokker> fishing weights
L372[13:33:17] <Rokker> or just melt down some lead into molds
L373[13:33:45] <Fluburtur> or screws
L374[13:34:06] <Rokker> Fluburtur: hell, you could just cast the wheels purely from lead
L375[13:34:16] <Fluburtur> yeah
L376[13:34:28] <Fluburtur> I knows someone that had a bunch of lead fishing weights
L377[13:34:50] <Rokker> 3d print up a single model, make a plaster mold from it, cast a bunch of the wheels
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L380[13:34:58] <Rokker> or something similar
L381[13:35:04] <Fluburtur> well I need to find a purpose for that first
L382[13:35:21] <Fluburtur> so I won't take the trouble of makign complicated stuff if it is just a desk toy thing
L383[13:35:25] <Rokker> you know what I find odd
L384[13:35:32] <Fluburtur> however I could make a nice one and try to go at a maker faire with it
L385[13:35:38] <Fluburtur> tell me
L386[13:36:14] <Rokker> the two MarCO sats are using compressed CO2 for orientation and trajectory adjustments
L387[13:36:44] <Fluburtur> can just use those tiny co2 bottles for airsoft
L388[13:37:31] <APlayer> https://assets.hongkiat.com/uploads/programming-jokes/joke-foo-bar.jpg
L389[13:37:49] <Rokker> Fluburtur: it's just that for the first cubesats mars probes, I would expect something a bit better than co2 cans
L390[13:39:46] <Althego> hehe
L391[13:39:56] <Althego> be happy that they have propulsion
L392[13:40:25] <Rokker> Fluburtur: build this model https://youtu.be/FpcI3XudnX0
L393[13:40:25] <Fluburtur> well I read the specifications manual for cubesats and it's pretty strict stuff
L394[13:40:25] <kmath> YouTube - P-51D Mustang First Flight (2/3 scale) - Camera Stabilized Version
L395[13:40:31] <Fluburtur> no
L396[13:40:55] <Rokker> Althego: eh, if ur building a 6U cubesats, propulsion isn't too hard
L397[13:41:18] <Fluburtur> no cowboy plane
L398[13:41:33] <maltesh> Blar.
L399[13:41:34] <Fluburtur> only superior easter europe tech
L400[13:41:50] <Fluburtur> like those romanian or serbian planes I think, they look nice
L401[13:41:58] <Fluburtur> eastern* crap
L402[13:43:02] <Draconiator> I love the fact you can still get mods for old versions if you look.
L403[13:43:30] <Fluburtur> kerbinside is like never broken by updates
L404[13:43:37] <Fluburtur> my version is like 5 updates old
L405[13:43:51] <Fluburtur> but they got rid of the aircraft carrier a while ago, that's sad
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L407[13:45:05] <Rokker> Fluburtur: France is eastern european?
L408[13:45:13] <Draconiator> The last time I loaded mods for a new version, it crashed on load. that was 1.3.1 I think.
L409[13:45:13] <Fluburtur> no
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L411[13:45:31] <Fluburtur> but I was talking about the weird planes for eastern europe
L412[13:45:40] <Fluburtur> well cool planes actually
L413[13:45:44] <Fluburtur> and russia
L414[13:46:13] <Draconiator> I did find a way you can use a flashdrive as extra RAM though...I forget what to do heh\
L415[13:46:21] <Fluburtur> heh
L416[13:46:30] <Fluburtur> I need to change my ram dump drive
L417[13:46:39] <Fluburtur> I think it's dumping on my ssd and I don't want that
L418[13:46:56] <deadly_penguin> Format it as cache and attach it as such
L419[13:47:35] <deadly_penguin> Its not super useful, since it is so slow.
L420[13:50:25] <Fluburtur> I kinda want to eat some indian food as well
L421[13:50:32] <Fluburtur> chicken with sauce
L422[13:50:41] <Fluburtur> was really nice last time
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L425[13:53:45] <Draconiator> https://i.gyazo.com/73e9698236a8c804d2be556020e6f080.png - OPM moon called Thatmo, planet is called Neidon I think.
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L427[13:57:15] <Althego> nince shot
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L429[14:01:44] <GurrenLagannTSS> A thing my weakling pc cant do
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L431[14:02:51] <ve2dmn> I can't believe he mixed up Canadair and Air Canada...
L432[14:03:40] <Althego> americans )
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L435[14:15:06] <ve2dmn> For the record, one is a Water Bomber manifacturer while the other is an airline
L436[14:15:20] <Draconiator> Trying 1.4.3 out. I have my old netbook hard drive in here, so it's going on there.
L437[14:19:18] <ve2dmn> Canadair got bought by Bombardier Aerospace in the 1980s. It's been renamed since
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L439[14:22:42] <Draconiator> for some reason it seems to run worse than the other one....weird
L440[14:36:18] <Rokker> ve2dmn: listen, if it's a plane in Canada, it sucks. doesn't matter if it's canadair or air canada
L441[14:36:33] <Rokker> I don't care enough about Canada to correct myself
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L454[15:43:37] <APlayer> Houston, the Hawk has landed (at least partially) https://i.imgur.com/42hfHIV.png
L455[15:44:28] <Fluburtur> heh
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L459[16:02:22] <Fluburtur> real camo https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/236560222133551104/442429452257984545/20180505225601_1.jpg
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L477[16:39:41] <Rokker> Fluburtur: WAR THUNDER
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L506[18:24:11] <Draconiator> I think people are grasping at straws because we debunked flat earth....please help my brain hurts from stupidity
L507[18:24:13] <Draconiator> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1e4OlwXNCeg
L508[18:24:13] <kmath> YouTube - Is NASA Hiding Our Second Sun?
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L514[18:27:16] <ve2dmn> Draconiator: These people are just upset about findign out Santa isn't real and they are SURE people are hiding somthing else
L515[18:29:08] <Rokker> Draconiator: listen, if the earth was round then why can't I see the curvature https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DVo6w70UMAA5Qpf.jpg
L516[18:30:32] <Rokker> Draconiator: checkmate big globe shill
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L531[20:14:32] <oren> https://imgur.com/BQDwZgr
L532[20:14:33] <kmath> https://i.imgur.com/BQDwZgr.png
L533[20:14:44] <oren> this time it didn't fall over
L534[20:14:47] <Draconiator> I think HL2 is completely loaded into the SSD portion of my hybrid...heh
L535[20:16:20] <Fluburtur> https://youtu.be/Rpi4CcHQHTg
L536[20:16:20] <kmath> YouTube - 6 Months Update – (Population Explosion) NO filter, NO CO2, NO Ferts 5 Gallon Nano Tank
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L538[20:22:12] <oren> rrgh taking off from duna at 1.5 TWR is way different from taking off of the mun at 3 TWR
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L540[20:26:52] <oren> https://imgur.com/BTQvyAq
L541[20:26:53] <kmath> https://i.imgur.com/BTQvyAq.png
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L543[20:30:59] <Tortoise767> anyone ever experienced an issue where you'd log onto ksp, go to one of your vessels, and for some reason they're mysteriously split apart into 2 different vessels, and somewhat far away from eachother(~7km)?
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L545[20:40:43] <oren> https://imgur.com/GpBpkiZ
L546[20:40:44] <kmath> https://i.imgur.com/GpBpkiZ.png
L547[20:41:10] <oren> Tortoise767: that can heppen if you think they are docked but they aren't
L548[20:47:11] <oren> small differences in SMA will cause anything not actually attached to drift away veyr slowly
L549[20:48:20] <Tortoise767> it actually split apart at a portion of the craft that contained no docking port
L550[20:48:33] <Tortoise767> it was simly in orbit...but i feel like it's a mod that's causing these weird things to happen
L551[20:48:43] <Tortoise767> ima just start uninstalling.
L552[20:50:00] <oren> weird, I have a ton of mods and I haven't had things split apart mysteriously unless I'm actually looking at them
L553[20:50:30] <oren> (when I'm looking at them, sometimes things shake themselves into oblivion)
L554[20:51:54] <Tortoise767> I've been having a few weird things happening to my parked vessels after I installed the most recent version of BD Armory and Physics Range Extender. So ima just uninstall those and monitor what happens.
L555[20:53:11] <oren> ah, with physics range extender it is possible for things to shake themselves into two pieces in orbit while you are flying a plane and not looking at them
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L557[20:53:59] <Tortoise767> That might be the case.
L558[20:54:17] <oren> not really any good way to stop that other than build things carefully and use struts
L559[20:58:05] <Fluburtur> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRB66PGxNIc
L560[20:58:05] <kmath> YouTube - Haunted Faucet
L561[20:58:14] <oren> https://imgur.com/zUcmAxo
L562[20:58:14] <kmath> https://i.imgur.com/zUcmAxo.png
L563[20:59:13] <oren> for example this space train requires a ton of KIS struts to stop it from wobbling and annihilating things
L564[21:00:44] <Tortoise767> I see.
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