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L1[00:00:04] <BenjaminK> 'I found Nakamoto's manuscript under your mattress yesterday.'
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L17[01:09:55] <TheKosmonaut> BenjaminK: I was only HODLing Dad! Honest!
L18[01:10:20] <TheKosmonaut> "Son, are these your cold storage disks?"
L19[01:10:32] <TheKosmonaut> "I am holding them for a friend!"
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L22[01:21:09] <BenjaminK> JPLRepo: Are you online, and if not, when/where can I reach you? I have a question on the uses of Vector3 for ship size in ShipConstruct
L23[01:21:20] <GlassYuri> "The owner of localhost has configured their web site improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, Firefox has not connected to this web site." idk but if someone can MitM me at localhost then I probably have other problems too
L24[01:22:15] <BenjaminK> …Who else works at squad that would know?
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L26[01:36:40] <TheKosmonaut> BenjaminK: just PM him on the forum
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L62[05:34:26] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/a8d97351e6c891390eaaedb6fde85a45/tumblr_ov2078yDfw1qa10gyo1_540.jpg
L63[05:34:35] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/8c0bd5f91eade9e4f0beb8a144afa7f9/tumblr_inline_p82g5bZkE21qzk94d_500.jpg
L64[06:02:51] <Althego> dstrong people, hard butter
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L66[06:18:00] <Eddi|zuHause> who knows how long that bread has been lying around :p
L67[06:19:11] <legion> or weak knives.
L68[06:20:17] <Eddi|zuHause> or someone who broke the knife for a totally unrelated reason and then just put it into the picture
L69[06:20:46] <Gasher[work]> yeah it's not that hard to break a knife like that
L70[06:20:49] <Eddi|zuHause> recently i saw someone breaking a knife trying to "bend" it straight
L71[06:21:11] <Althego> not surprising actually. probably chinese. and since people hold the knife always in the same hand, the blade always bends to the same direction. but even without that, the usage can be considered a way to metal fatigue
L72[06:21:49] <Gasher[work]> metal fatigue because of cyclical loads? :D
L73[06:22:16] <Eddi|zuHause> i had a pizza roller which broke after like 5 uses
L74[06:22:43] <Eddi|zuHause> but i think it was the plastic handle that broke there, not the metal
L75[06:23:07] <Althego> the metal should continue well inside the handle
L76[06:23:26] <Eddi|zuHause> not in cheap chinese knockoffs :p
L77[06:23:46] <Eddi|zuHause> well i have no clue how cheap it was, it was a birthday present
L78[06:24:02] <Eddi|zuHause> with a set of knives and forks, which also easily broke later
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L81[06:36:44] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/186186471202357249/441926077661708299/aaaaafffttttyu.jpg
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L83[06:37:10] <legion> Most knives aren't supposed to bend, because of hardening processes they are brittle
L84[06:37:31] <Gasher[work]> >chinese >hardening
L85[06:37:54] <Fluburtur> eh good carbon steel is supposed to be fairly flexible
L86[06:38:08] <legion> and those knives you showed aren't even supposed to be used for smearing, they are cutting knives
L87[06:40:02] <Gasher[work]> i guess no one would make so much fuss for a cheap knife. Or, what is worse in this case would temper them carelessly and make them too brittle
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L89[06:40:47] <Fluburtur> peoples that make sword and knives for fun often use spring steel used in leaf suspensions
L90[06:40:58] <Althego> hehe
L91[06:40:59] <Gasher[work]> yeah
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L96[07:22:03] <Draconiator> https://i.gyazo.com/fb822534db1866909074eba7fc7b0c20.png - Still working on your design Flub, the second stage is designed to be recoverable.
L97[07:22:35] <Fluburtur> nice
L98[07:23:07] <ve2dmn> May the 4th be with you and all that crap
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L105[07:36:37] <Mat2ch> ve2dmn: please, leave us trekkis alone ;P
L106[07:37:00] <Mat2ch> I thought we're here to talking about realistic stuff and not fiction ;)
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L110[07:51:29] <Draconiator> https://i.gyazo.com/662cf13f80b7f0ed140594ac35c9a3ef.png - REALLY need to work on my landings...
L111[07:52:27] <Fluburtur> heh
L112[07:52:41] <Fluburtur> after many modifications I made mine land sort of well
L113[07:52:50] <Fluburtur> could even land on a runway somewhat accurately
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L118[08:00:08] <Fluburtur> https://youtu.be/tA9m2dREoV8
L119[08:00:09] <kmath> YouTube - heli tail cam
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L126[08:24:30] <Fluburtur> https://youtu.be/0Zmy4FU7KeQ
L127[08:24:30] <kmath> YouTube - swashplate cam
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L139[08:37:28] <Eddi|zuHause> how do you even land your stage and bring your payload into a stable orbit at the same time?
L140[08:38:06] <Eddi|zuHause> with the game's weird handling of physics bubbles
L141[08:38:17] <Fluburtur> put the firsts stage in a big suborbital trajectory so you have time to circularise the 2nd stage
L142[08:38:26] <Fluburtur> or orbit the first stage even
L143[08:38:43] <Deddly> Eddi|zuHause: using mods or do what Fluburtur just said
L144[08:38:49] <Eddi|zuHause> that sort of defeats the point of a first stage?
L145[08:39:02] <Deddly> Not really
L146[08:39:26] <Deddly> The first stage doesn't need the Dv to get to orbit
L147[08:39:54] <Deddly> It just needs enough punch to get out of the atmosphere for a little while
L148[08:40:15] <Eddi|zuHause> my "first stage" usually burns out at around 10km
L149[08:40:49] <Deddly> Sounds like you would need mods to do that with that particular rocket
L150[08:41:54] <Deddly> Kerbalism does away with the physics bubble
L151[08:41:56] <Eddi|zuHause> a while back i was imagining a system where multiple "physics bubbles" could stay active, so you could switch fast between them
L152[08:42:18] <Deddly> Eddi|zuHause: yeah, I wish they did that
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L157[08:43:26] <Eddi|zuHause> there might be some complicated logic needed when two bubbles merge
L158[08:43:38] <Eddi|zuHause> or split up
L159[08:44:03] <Draconiator> I think I'm going to make a video of me launching that thing.
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L166[08:51:50] <Deddly> It's because the only way of doing it is to run multiple clients
L167[08:52:28] <bees> Eddi|zuHause: in stock you launch to 120-160km orbit and use first stage of ~2.5km/s dv
L168[08:52:41] <bees> Eddi|zuHause: which, interestingly, is close to optimal dv for a stage
L169[08:53:14] <bees> Eddi|zuHause: you circularize right around when first stage falls back to atmo
L170[09:09:11] <ve2dmn> Mat2ch: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/23/dc/03/23dc035c4724a561f1f739c04cd52ece.jpg
L171[09:09:55] <Mat2ch> Where is my trout? :P
L172[09:10:02] <Mat2ch> oh, I ate it. :D
L173[09:12:49] <ve2dmn> Or maybe: https://i.imgflip.com/128igx.jpg
L174[09:14:43] <Mat2ch> not working on me. Neither an X-Men fan, nor do I understand the hype about LOTR or Harry Potter
L175[09:14:46] <Mat2ch> ;P
L176[09:15:03] <ve2dmn> then https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTWvBAPCTCo5n_Nj1WaHLR37OVLx_knLNfyBmqXcCjtF95EOsVU5g ?
L177[09:16:46] <ve2dmn> Mat2ch: I haven't seen a single movie in years... so...
L178[09:18:38] <Fluburtur> I can probably put a lighter payload on my rocket wing wings
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L180[09:18:51] <Fluburtur> this way the rocket might be able to get into orbit
L181[09:19:20] <Fluburtur> but then it will probably be my most expensive launcher for price per payload
L182[09:19:56] <ve2dmn> Mat2ch: Btw, there are tons of these online. Each referencing 4 different movies and/or TV show
L183[09:20:40] <Fluburtur> rotor heads and swashplate are pretty cheap by themselves so I could probably start wotking again ont he mostly 3d printed heli
L184[09:20:46] <ve2dmn> Like a Firefly image saying: "You must take the ring to the Dagobah system" --Spock
L185[09:21:16] <ve2dmn> Fluburtur: what are you waiting for?
L186[09:21:21] <Fluburtur> idk
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L188[09:21:32] <Fluburtur> having more money to order the parts maybe
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L190[09:23:59] <Mat2ch> ve2dmn: hehe
L191[09:24:50] <ve2dmn> or saying Marthy McFly is a timelord
L192[09:30:08] <Fluburtur> oh yeah the first stage of my rocket can SSTO with a light enough payload
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L200[09:41:14] <Fluburtur> Althego mah dude
L201[09:41:17] <Fluburtur> look at dis https://youtu.be/0Zmy4FU7KeQ
L202[09:41:17] <kmath> YouTube - swashplate cam
L203[09:42:04] <Eddi|zuHause> i was about to say your engine sounds like a lawnmower, and then it appeared in the background :p
L204[09:42:12] <Fluburtur> heh
L205[09:42:19] <Draconiator> I wish Microsoft still had Movie Maker...ugh.\
L206[09:42:23] <Draconiator> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgbPz61NGsA
L207[09:42:23] <kmath> YouTube - Koyuz Horizontal Launch System
L208[09:42:38] <Fluburtur> I thonk you can download movie maker 2.6 somewhere
L209[09:42:42] <Fluburtur> the really old version
L210[09:42:51] <Fluburtur> or like get adobe premiere pro
L211[09:42:52] <Eddi|zuHause> does that still run on anything?
L212[09:47:47] <Fluburtur> Draconiator https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/413109312802521098/441974191378399263/20180504164710_1.jpg
L213[09:51:10] <Draconiator> I rated it for 18 tons and the station payload was a BIIIIIIIT exceeding that weight.
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L215[09:52:04] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/413109312802521098/441975279242575872/20180504165109_1.jpg
L216[09:52:10] <Fluburtur> that thing is actually really easy to land
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L218[09:52:25] <Fluburtur> it just becomes unstable at the transition to subsonic flight
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L220[09:55:34] <Eddi|zuHause> back when i was still doing TV recordings regularly, i was using avidemux2 to convert the videos, it has the possibility to cut out sections (like commercial breaks), but nothing much fancier. i actually didn't use that feature, because it messed up synchronization on loading the raw TV recordings, so i used DVBCut for that
L221[10:03:08] <Althego> that rolling shutter
L222[10:09:27] <Althego> https://mahou.moe/board/pic/b6d73b52e94fb43bbc133544ee322c49.jpg
L223[10:10:25] <Eclipser> ...
L224[10:12:08] <Althego> hehe, there is this picture with a modified original double dragon art. one character is modified to kanye west, you can come up with who the other guy is, but i cant link it
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L228[10:18:17] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxgdcG_NQyA
L229[10:18:18] <kmath> YouTube - Thanks To Gaia We Now Know Exactly Where 1.7 Billion Stars Are In The Milky Way
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L235[10:30:49] <UmbralRaptop> Do be careful with DR2, as the full data download is ~550 GiB.
L236[10:31:29] <ve2dmn> UmbralRaptop: still lower then the price of ignorance
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L238[10:31:57] <UmbralRaptop> Hopefully.
L239[10:33:15] <ve2dmn> unrelated, but I just got access to research computer with Petabytes of share disk space...
L240[10:33:31] <ve2dmn> it's weird doing 'df' on a shell and seeing that P
L241[10:34:06] <ve2dmn> Of course, my own quota is pretty low, so it's meaningless... but still
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L246[11:02:22] <UmbralRaptop> hah
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L261[12:36:54] <GlassFragments> ...this appears to be a real recruitment poster https://twitter.com/OedoSoldier/status/992418511921336321
L262[12:36:55] <kmath> <OedoSoldier> 武警部隊 https://t.co/Rp8zHdQ3al
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L267[12:44:19] <oren> Glass|phone: Epic win
L268[12:45:16] <ve2dmn> Glass: I did a google reverse image search on that and it think it's an ad for paintbal...
L269[12:46:28] <oren> ve2dmn: what about the one with the university graduate turning into a sword-weilding naval officer
L270[12:49:00] <Glass|phone> ve2dmn: should be a chinese paramilitary police recruitment ad
L271[12:50:23] <ve2dmn> oren: it gave me this as a close match: https://eplay-prod.s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/store/movie_region_poster/5342/file/movie_detail_image/db1e0db97051ec67bcbe59d0af958b90.jpg
L272[12:50:57] <Dman979> That's a good movie.
L273[12:51:04] <Dman979> Buster Keaton is the man.
L274[12:51:22] <ve2dmn> https://www.google.com/search?tbs=sbi:AMhZZisaLFv4Xe4u7nNYWy_1ns7IdNK8O49sXvg1_1ol8zJgFHhQ7f1WFVPphksXU-JFiQfng1idbxQFAp5kFgd43e7TVb1E8zJIyUQktegYmCSd4KFqNAyDza664tW460fD3wdsEgBZUyMf_1WpCdvek8CxZAmkiZT4O0iV4FSQyVqU0uUKXd9ph492TCwdixj-EqI5FfaaucB3xKSfzypCagcGq579KI4QliUHtaeuUr7qhEzux9Nm4O_1ULt1nomVAlZXYXZlyEdRjOC2EbsNbhUoEY_1MU4qMD3QzwjA4lC6GRLbcT0VzDcR8gOSQsBKVCvZ13js5Wo3b&hl=en-AR
L275[12:52:18] <ve2dmn> ... I hope the results are SFW... I didn't check them all -_-
L276[12:53:13] <Dman979> I think they are, thank you for being conscious of them.
L277[12:54:40] <ve2dmn> I made a few mistakes in the past and I don't want to cause needless problems
L278[13:05:50] <Althego> scott talked about gaia
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L280[13:06:42] <ve2dmn> The greek Dietie?
L281[13:07:18] <Althego> no, the gaia mission, i linked something about it today
L282[13:07:26] <Althego> they released some result
L283[13:07:43] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEJWuHxUyrk
L284[13:07:44] <kmath> YouTube - Space Talk -Gaia Data & SpaceX's NASA Funding.
L285[13:07:53] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxgdcG_NQyA
L286[13:07:54] <kmath> YouTube - Thanks To Gaia We Now Know Exactly Where 1.7 Billion Stars Are In The Milky Way
L287[13:12:30] <ve2dmn> btw: https://www.humblebundle.com/monthly/p/may_2018_monthly
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L289[13:23:52] <Rokker> air canada should be banned from flying in the US
L290[13:32:47] <ve2dmn> Rokker: the near miss from last year or the Raccoon story from yesterday?
L291[13:33:35] <Rokker> ve2dmn: they just released footage of the near miss
L292[13:33:54] <Rokker> ve2dmn: i cant stop watching it
L293[13:34:09] <Rokker> ve2dmn: we were like 5 feet from tenerife scale or worse
L294[13:34:50] <ve2dmn> Expect more like it. Pilots are in short supply and are being pushed to work more
L295[13:35:14] <Fluburtur> just like the luftwaffe back in the days!
L296[13:35:20] <Rokker> i demand heads roll over this one
L297[13:39:45] <ve2dmn> won't fix the overall problem: San Franciso International Airport had 5 close-calls in the last 16 months
L298[13:40:27] <Fluburtur> controllers or signalisation then?
L299[13:40:37] <ve2dmn> Fluburtur: everything
L300[13:40:45] <Fluburtur> makes sense
L301[13:40:57] <ve2dmn> there 2 runways: https://i.cbc.ca/1.4646186.1525345671!/cpImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/original_780/san-francisco-airport-aborted-landing.jpg
L302[13:41:37] <ve2dmn> Most problems happens because pilots took the run runway. That last one was worse because they mistook the taxiway as the runway
L303[13:42:19] <Fluburtur> can't the guidance computer deal about that?
L304[13:42:31] <Rokker> Fluburtur: it can, but they werent using instrumentation
L305[13:42:41] <Rokker> for some reason
L306[13:42:52] <Rokker> stupid VFR crap
L307[13:43:18] <Fluburtur> guess they wanted to maintain their skills
L308[13:43:24] <Fluburtur> then they found out it was too late
L309[13:43:57] <scribbles> are people sharing mission packs in ckan yet?
L310[13:44:38] <ve2dmn> Fluburtur: VFR was a bad decision when your body says "It's 3AM"
L311[13:44:50] <Fluburtur> heh
L312[13:45:02] <Fluburtur> im usually on autopilot when it is 3am
L313[13:46:07] <Rokker> Fluburtur: anyways, if it had crashed the maximum number of people involved in the crash could have totaled up to 1000 people
L314[13:46:27] <Rokker> including 2 787s and an A340
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L317[14:00:40] <ve2dmn> I think AirCanada has the only direct flight from Toronto to SFO. Everyone else seems to stop at LAX instead
L318[14:01:17] <ve2dmn> scribbles: no
L319[14:01:35] <oren> ve2dmn: they also have a direct flight to tokyo, AC001
L320[14:01:58] <ve2dmn> oren: JAL has better seat :P
L321[14:03:18] <oren> but that had a stop in Ohara
L322[14:03:31] <oren> O'hara airport
L323[14:03:59] <ve2dmn> I did stops in NYC, Boston and Chicago from JAL.
L324[14:10:59] <Fluburtur> Rokker look https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/186186471202357249/441926077661708299/aaaaafffttttyu.jpg
L325[14:11:46] <Rokker> Fluburtur: ew
L326[14:12:09] <Fluburtur> don't you ew my plane
L327[14:12:19] <Fluburtur> the wings and cockpit were super hard to make
L328[14:16:38] <Rokker> Fluburtur: EW
L329[14:17:10] <Fluburtur> no u
L330[14:17:49] <Rokker> Fluburtur: build one of those neat quad engine french bombers
L331[14:17:56] <Fluburtur> the farmand?
L332[14:19:07] <Rokker> Fluburtur: i was specifically thinking of the N.C.223 variant
L333[14:19:34] <Fluburtur> you want to know a fun thing, a friend told me to do exactly that like yesterday
L334[14:19:45] <Fluburtur> will add that to my list, be sure to remind me sometimes
L335[14:21:09] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/186186471202357249/442043002157006848/wrew.jpg
L336[14:23:54] <Mat2ch> Fluburtur: you have to say museum, too. :D
L337[14:24:21] <Fluburtur> heh
L338[14:24:42] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/1bf1cee8cdffbe7913f14176d7ea2627/tumblr_p87ma57UaN1sg4253o1_540.png
L339[14:27:15] <Rokker> Mat2ch: MUSEUM
L340[14:27:56] <Rokker> M U S E U M
L341[14:28:46] <Fluburtur> Rokker I asked foamie ninja if he wanted you to ake him and peter on a tour of the mooseum btw
L342[14:28:48] <Fluburtur> didn't answer yet
L343[14:30:16] <Rokker> Fluburtur: it's sad how rare it is for people in the area to visit the museum
L344[14:30:27] <Rokker> like daytonians don't visit enough
L345[14:30:52] <Rokker> also
L346[14:31:00] <Rokker> Fluburtur: haha electron got delayed
L347[14:31:04] <Rokker> BTFO kiwis
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L350[14:38:08] <ve2dmn> Electron's next launch had been 'TBD' for a while now
L351[14:40:16] <Fluburtur> im printing a scaled down version of the vg33
L352[14:40:20] <Fluburtur> 18cm of wingspan
L353[14:41:34] <Fluburtur> I should probably make myself a thingiverse account
L354[14:42:01] <Rokker> ve2dmn: it was supposed to launch today
L355[14:42:18] <Rokker> at least that's what LL said
L356[14:44:34] <Draconiator> http://www.letsgoseeit.com/index/county/ora/orange/loc03/moose01_8in_30.jpg
L357[14:45:23] <Rokker> Draconiator: no, there already is a mooseum
L358[14:45:31] <Rokker> dedicated to dairy and beef farming
L359[14:49:30] <ve2dmn> Rokker: http://launchlibrary.net/ says 'TBD'
L360[14:50:47] <Rokker> ve2dmn: urdum
L361[14:52:52] <Draconiator> I thinkj I found my video editor replacement.
L362[14:53:46] <Fluburtur> did you?
L363[14:56:56] <Rokker> ve2dmn: it was the 4th for like the last week and a half
L364[14:57:11] <Rokker> Fluburtur can confirm cause we talked about it recently
L365[14:57:26] <Draconiator> It's called OpenShot Video Editor.
L366[14:57:27] <Fluburtur> we talked about what
L367[14:57:39] <Rokker> Fluburtur: there being an electron launch
L368[14:57:43] <Fluburtur> yeah
L369[14:57:46] <Rokker> cause I talked about how I hate them
L370[14:57:53] <Rokker> ve2dmn: ur wrong
L371[14:58:01] <Fluburtur> you can't always be right you know
L372[14:58:08] <Fluburtur> everyone makes mistakes
L373[14:59:22] <Rokker> I'm always right
L374[14:59:30] <Fluburtur> u wrong
L375[15:01:17] <Rokker> Fluburtur: nope
L376[15:01:55] <Fluburtur> yes*
L377[15:02:44] <Rokker> no
L378[15:14:04] <Fluburtur> k I want to watch a movie now
L379[15:22:15] <ve2dmn> Fluburtur: Particule Fever wasn't bad
L380[15:24:35] <ve2dmn> or since you like 3d Printers, you could watch https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Print_the_Legend
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L402[18:18:34] <Fluburtur> https://youtu.be/oFEOoAfKOxU
L403[18:18:34] <kmath> YouTube - mini vg33 timelapse
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L407[18:32:54] <Neal> to get an idea of how stable my plane is, the cockpit exploded at t +2min due to overheating and it just flew over KSP after circling the globe without any control or SAS
L408[18:33:31] <Fluburtur> you know it is a good plane then
L409[18:33:46] <Neal> want the .craft?
L410[18:34:10] <Fluburtur> is it stock?
L411[18:34:16] <Neal> yepo
L412[18:34:29] <Fluburtur> sure then
L413[18:35:27] <UmbralRaptop> Nice.
L414[18:35:47] <Neal> https://drive.google.com/file/d/1k97beuygbNRWn71Pj4YO3ZtVCMSAKacK/view?usp=sharing
L415[18:36:30] <Fluburtur> will take a look at that tomorrow
L416[18:36:38] <Fluburtur> remind me to do that
L417[18:36:40] <Neal> it first mission was to rescue some kerbals on the opposite side of the planet but I've just been flying it around lately
L418[18:37:00] <Neal> ;kmath remind Fluburtur somethingsomething
L419[18:39:31] <Neal> the only edit I should make to it is to move the main wing forward, it's a little lacking in maneuverability when the drop tanks have been released
L420[18:40:27] <Neal> maybe add some RCS for ballistic flights
L421[18:40:28] <Fluburtur> have this plane in exchange https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5o6Ua0BeJXYZF9mYmlpYWVMWms/view?usp=sharing
L422[18:41:44] <KrazyKrl> I have this plane: http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=plane
L423[18:41:53] <Neal> Fluburtur, VAB or SPH?
L424[18:42:03] <Fluburtur> sph
L425[18:42:14] <Fluburtur> it is also a kerbin circler
L426[18:42:23] ⇦ Quits: EricPoehlsen (EricPoehlsen!~EricPoehl@p5498CC83.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Transdimensional connection terminated abnormally.)
L427[18:42:48] <Fluburtur> I have several version of it but i think this particular one is made to fly long at high speed
L428[18:43:16] <Neal> lol SRBs to take off with?
L429[18:43:24] <Neal> interesting
L430[18:43:31] <Fluburtur> the rapiers need speed to work properly
L431[18:43:43] <Fluburtur> but you can put regular whiplashes on it
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L433[18:45:15] <KrazyKrl> well, rapiers are kinda ezmode.
L434[18:45:17] <Neal> I pressed the stage button after the rapiers were lit already, what just exploded lol?
L435[18:45:36] <Fluburtur> there is a drop tank inside, maybe that
L436[18:46:00] <KrazyKrl> Can't you just open the mission window with F3 or whatever?
L437[18:46:30] <KrazyKrl> Yea, F3.
L438[18:49:31] ⇦ Quits: Cranium (Cranium!~znc@2605:6000:1b0b:c283:201f:2c1b:79d9:684c) (Quit: Oh no, my bouncer died!)
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L440[18:52:54] <Neal> Fluburtur, apprently your action groups are set differently than what I normally use. were your chutes bound to "1"
L441[18:53:07] <Fluburtur> probably
L442[18:53:25] <Neal> yeah I have 1 bound to spoilers usually
L443[18:53:45] <Neal> guess what happened when I hit the brake chutes going 1300 m/s
L444[18:54:01] <Fluburtur> well I don't think they can deploy at that speed
L445[18:54:10] <Neal> https://i.imgur.com/3jJQg0K.png
L446[18:54:24] <Fluburtur> lmao
L447[18:54:34] <Neal> WAT
L448[18:54:42] <Neal> guess the peak G load
L449[18:55:01] <Fluburtur> 115.3
L450[18:55:02] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/336533573781684244/442111688767045632/DSC_8857.JPG
L451[18:55:19] <Neal> https://i.imgur.com/T41P0W0.png
L452[18:55:28] <Fluburtur> o damn
L453[18:55:30] <Neal> 190G
L454[18:56:09] <Neal> the crew has now been turned into green goo
L455[18:56:48] <Fluburtur> well it can fly without crew
L456[18:56:54] <Fluburtur> I think it has a probe core on the back
L457[19:19:03] ⇦ Quits: Fluburtur (Fluburtur!~Fluburtur@2a01:e34:ecf7:d4f0:cd8c:3a90:551e:9c0) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L461[19:39:53] ⇨ Joins: Guest05345 (Guest05345!webchat@cpe-67-240-128-110.rochester.res.rr.com)
L462[19:39:55] <Guest05345> hello
L463[19:39:56] <Mod9000> Hello, Guest05345
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L465[19:40:52] <Guest05345> I am looking for information on a glitch where whenever I eva from my spaceship my kerbal goes flying very far.
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L474[20:53:26] <UmbralRaptop> I'm not sure we can provide information when you leave so quickly.
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L476[21:08:56] <Rokker> UmbralRaptop: oi
L477[21:09:26] <UmbralRaptop> Yes?
L478[21:09:45] <Rokker> UmbralRaptop: why do people always ask questions and leave right after
L479[21:09:48] ⇦ Parts: Rokker (Rokker!sid37757@id-37757.brockwell.irccloud.com) ())
L480[21:09:59] <UmbralRaptop> >_>
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L483[21:11:34] <UmbralRaptop> ?
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L487[21:46:32] <taniwha> my guess is they expect IRC to be like some other comms apps
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L503[23:42:47] <Draconiator> https://i.gyazo.com/e300d1f3c553bc579f01e6cc227f07b5.jpg - Some weird Engrish found on a card that came with my SSD
L504[23:44:29] <Althego> hehe
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