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L2[00:01:25] <UmbralRaptop> Stirling engines are cursed to never be used in production. =\
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L5[00:06:06] <Rokker> UmbralRaptop: i wish that stirling venus rover was reality
L6[00:06:21] <Rokker> i met one of the two guys behind that proposal
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L9[00:13:40] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWwvR6cSH4o
L10[00:13:41] <kmath> YouTube - Dad Jokes with Kratos
L11[00:15:07] <UmbralRaptop> Hrm
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L13[00:27:51] <Eddi|zuHause> always fun to se how people use the word "exponential" for things that are clearly not exponential
L14[00:30:13] <Eddi|zuHause> i mean, anyone who paid the least bit of attention in physics class can tell that solar power scales with 1/r^2
L15[00:30:27] <Eddi|zuHause> which is... not exponential...
L16[00:30:58] <Althego> hehe
L17[00:31:06] <Althego> i didnt notice people misuse that
L18[00:31:26] <Eddi|zuHause> i'm sorry, now you'll see it EVERYWHERE :p
L19[00:32:47] <Eddi|zuHause> that's always a fun thing with patterns. once you notice it, you see it everywhere, and think how could you ever miss that
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L114[04:41:46] <Rolf> Eddi|zuHause: your comments on exponental, havent seen any, but probably will see it everywhere now. thanks! lol
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L119[06:37:32] <Fluburtur> Mat2ch Althego https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/380846093002473475/443738112292814848/DSC_8870.JPG
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L122[06:51:04] <Mat2ch> neat!
L123[06:52:20] <Fluburtur> I will give it to my uncle
L124[06:52:29] <Fluburtur> his son does models so he can probably paint it
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L132[07:15:14] <Althego> the shape turned out nice, it just looks so dirty without paint
L133[07:15:44] <Althego> hehe a tardis under the screen?
L134[07:15:48] <Fluburtur> usb hub
L135[07:15:58] <Fluburtur> and yeah I had to sand it quite a bit so it made it dirty
L136[07:21:25] <Althego> i thought the point of that is to remove some maerial, not to add more :)
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L138[07:28:07] <legion> hmm, would a hot-glue gun get hot enough to be used as a sort of patcher for 3d printed models?
L139[07:28:21] <Fluburtur> yeah
L140[07:28:29] <Fluburtur> PLA gets soft at a fairly low temperature
L141[07:29:41] <legion> but the nozzle of a glue gun is kinda too large, i think?
L142[07:29:59] <Fluburtur> depends on what you want to do
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L157[09:29:47] <Althego> https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/296026715380252672/443777886751686666/Decal3.png?width=668&height=545
L158[09:31:37] <Fluburtur> I finished the 3d files for the desk plane vg33
L159[09:31:41] <Fluburtur> will put that on thingiverse
L160[09:34:08] <ve2dmn> Thingiverse is still around?
L161[09:34:14] <Fluburtur> yeah
L162[09:34:21] <Fluburtur> still pretty used looks like
L163[09:35:00] <ve2dmn> it must be... 8? 10 years old at this point?
L164[09:41:35] <Fluburtur> eh
L165[09:41:44] <Fluburtur> 3d printers still exist
L166[09:41:52] <Fluburtur> and if the website can evolve and not die it's good I guess
L167[09:46:25] <ve2dmn> I didn't follow it after Makerbot changed hands
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L175[10:06:28] <Fluburtur> Mat2ch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0_EliD9G90
L176[10:06:28] <kmath> YouTube - 3D Printed Marble Lift - Marble Machine X #33
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L178[10:35:24] <Fluburtur> it is time
L179[10:35:31] <Fluburtur> time to design a 3d printed propeller
L180[10:36:00] <Althego> have you seen the kratos dad jokes?
L181[10:36:06] <Fluburtur> no
L182[10:36:14] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWwvR6cSH4o
L183[10:36:15] <kmath> YouTube - Dad Jokes with Kratos
L184[10:37:44] <Fluburtur> oh it is teal'c
L185[10:37:54] <Fluburtur> or however you write his name
L186[10:37:58] <Althego> yes, he is the voice in gow4
L187[10:38:17] <Althego> i have to admit somehow the stick joke made me laugh
L188[10:38:25] <Althego> maybe because he laughed too
L189[10:38:45] <Fluburtur> when you only know him from stargate it is weird to see him laugh
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L191[10:38:51] <Althego> yes
L192[10:38:59] <Fluburtur> that's weird because it is a really happy guy
L193[10:39:00] <Althego> except for that one scene with the jaffa jokes :)
L194[10:39:08] <Fluburtur> and the shakey bed
L195[10:39:52] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vt4WredSDog
L196[10:39:53] <kmath> YouTube - SG1 "Jaffa jokes?" - Teal'c tells a funny one
L197[10:40:17] <Althego> i think the joke was ok, but the funniest thing in this is that they dont find this funny
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L202[10:48:58] <Althego> i really want to play prototype. i guess i have to get the previous box with win7 to shape again
L203[10:53:07] <Mat2ch> Fluburtur: I still like the old system from the first marble machine more. But I hope he gets the printer calibrated soon and can print all the parts :)
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L205[10:59:29] <Fluburtur> looks calibrated well enough already
L206[10:59:40] <Fluburtur> and high end machines like that better have a perfect quality
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L210[11:10:56] <Fluburtur> I should get a high speed video of me slicing a bottle in half with the sword now that I can hit somewhat reliably
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L217[11:46:13] <ve2dmn> https://omniglot.com/language/phrases/hovercraft.htm
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L222[12:12:18] <Althego> doesnt seem to be a useful phrase
L223[12:19:17] <Mat2ch> But the eeeeeeeels!?
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L225[12:29:37] <ve2dmn> Althego: I guess you are not a Monty Python fan
L226[12:29:56] <Althego> cant know everything
L227[12:30:17] <Fluburtur> high speed video of my sword, after talking about it so much https://youtu.be/1AnLTbCzSik?t=13
L228[12:30:21] <ve2dmn> It's a reference to the Hungarian phrase book
L229[12:31:04] <Fluburtur> I didn't get the shot where I cut the bottle in half sadly
L230[12:31:09] <Fluburtur> I need to get more empty bottles
L231[12:31:18] <Althego> that was a funny sketch
L232[12:32:33] <Althego> there was even a follow up
L233[12:32:39] <Althego> in the court
L234[12:33:23] <ve2dmn> I never understood what he said prior to being punched
L235[12:34:03] <Althego> nothing i would recognize
L236[12:34:15] <Althego> could be something made up or a language i dont know
L237[12:34:24] <ve2dmn> sounded made up
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L240[12:51:19] <Fluburtur> the 3d printed prop didn't explode but it doesn't seem very efficient
L241[12:52:42] <legion> maybe it is too rough, or not the right size?
L242[12:53:01] <Fluburtur> well it is rough but it's probably not the right airfoil
L243[12:53:13] <Fluburtur> and the angle of attack along the blades is probably wrong
L244[12:54:03] <Fluburtur> I should try making a hub with slots and printing the blades vertically this way they will be smoother
L245[12:54:05] <Fluburtur> but al
L246[12:54:09] <Fluburtur> less strong
L247[12:54:31] <Fluburtur> https://youtu.be/yppzhP4rJeI
L248[12:54:31] <kmath> YouTube - 3d printed prop
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L252[13:12:17] <Mat2ch> and you should balance it ;)
L253[13:21:17] <Fluburtur> yeah I should
L254[13:26:07] <APlayer> Fluburtur: A while ago, I test printed a prop. It was purely for a 3D printer test, but I have a prop that may or may not work. If you want to check it out.
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L256[13:26:19] <Fluburtur> yeah
L257[13:44:41] <Rokker> Fluburtur: I've come up with a theory
L258[13:45:21] <Rokker> planes dropped from carrier aircraft like the XF-85 Goblin are technically VTOLs relative to the carrier aircraft
L259[13:45:41] <Rokker> the best VTOLs
L260[13:48:57] <Fluburtur> I guess
L261[13:49:08] <Fluburtur> but they do have an airflow going over them
L262[13:49:19] <Fluburtur> so not relative to the atmosphere
L263[13:50:04] <APlayer> Can we just call them baby plane and papa plane?
L264[13:50:12] <Fluburtur> probably
L265[13:50:43] <Rokker> Fluburtur: well i would say nine times out of 10, a carrier based VTOL has airflow over it's wings and a nice 20 knot headwind at the least
L266[13:51:05] <Fluburtur> true
L267[13:51:19] <Fluburtur> but the majority of the lift isn't generated by the wings
L268[13:51:50] <Rokker> Fluburtur: see that's the thing, VTOL doesn't necessarily specify that
L269[13:52:30] <Fluburtur> well planes that have short takeoffs without using any engine pointing down are usually considered to be STOLs
L270[13:52:46] <Rokker> it's a philosophical question of "in a VTOL, is the TO and L relative to the ground or to the actual platform being taken off from
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L272[13:53:13] <Fluburtur> I guess we are overthinking that a bit
L273[13:54:01] <Draconiator> https://i.gyazo.com/c4414d2760bbab782715f5b4fe39bb7f.png - Tested the maximum camera zoom on my camera, Google Earth says that house is half a mile away.
L274[13:54:43] <APlayer> Draconiator: How wide is some landmark on this photo, approximately?
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L276[14:00:09] <Fluburtur> https://youtu.be/Le0me6my4B8
L277[14:00:09] <kmath> YouTube - F-15 Strike Eagle Pilots Talk BS While Aerial Refueling
L278[14:00:36] <Fluburtur> how are you supposed to line up for a refuel if you don't see where the probe is going
L279[14:00:38] <Draconiator> That house for example is...
L280[14:01:10] <Fluburtur> the refueling probe on the nose of french plane is ugly but at least it works and is simple
L281[14:01:27] <Rokker> Fluburtur: well here's the thing
L282[14:01:53] <Rokker> Fluburtur: your refueling abilities are based in puny little fighter planes. low fuel flow rate etc
L283[14:02:08] <Rokker> the USAF is based on big beefy planes, lotta fuel
L284[14:02:25] <Draconiator> Actually going to use the width of the road right there. 30 feet
L285[14:03:03] <Rokker> Fluburtur: also you don't line up the probe
L286[14:03:11] <Rokker> Fluburtur: the probe lines up with you
L287[14:03:36] <Fluburtur> guess that makes it easier
L288[14:03:49] <Fluburtur> the french tankers just use drag probes
L289[14:04:05] <Rokker> the US Navy does too
L290[14:04:17] <Rokker> and all helicopters
L291[14:04:35] <Fluburtur> guess it depends how complicated you want to go
L292[14:04:50] <Draconiator> Tried to land my large ion probe on Tekto (OPM planet) and....Mechjeb said the TWR was okay but I ended up smacking into the planet. Probe survived though so I have a great base indicator.
L293[14:05:00] <Fluburtur> but the little hole in the plane that has a door is probably less draggy than a big pole on the nose of the plane
L294[14:05:29] <Rokker> Fluburtur: but yeah, the USAF refueling style is designed for our big beefy long range bombers and transports, they can't maneuver their way to a probe
L295[14:05:53] <Rokker> also yeah, drag is a lot lower
L296[14:05:58] <Fluburtur> do theyhave some sort of fligth assist while they are undeder the tanker however?
L297[14:06:10] <Fluburtur> becasue you still can't move that much
L298[14:06:28] <Rokker> Fluburtur: the F-35C has to have a folding probe
L299[14:06:39] <Rokker> since it uses the navy/international style
L300[14:06:47] <Rokker> and the B
L301[14:06:56] <Rokker> Fluburtur: I don't know
L302[14:07:16] <Fluburtur> makes sense
L303[14:07:36] <Fluburtur> I guess they could have put a folding one in the rafale but they probably wanted to make it a bit simpler
L304[14:07:58] <Fluburtur> it is made to be easy to repair and have a good disponibility after all
L305[14:08:11] <Fluburtur> and being grounded by a refueling probe problem wouldn't be fun
L306[14:09:22] <Rokker> Fluburtur: the B-2 has a sexy af method for its refueling door
L307[14:09:54] <Rokker> for hiding it
L308[14:10:06] <Fluburtur> holograms
L309[14:11:48] <Rokker> Fluburtur: https://youtu.be/k56OoEbuJEk
L310[14:11:49] <kmath> YouTube - B-2 Stealth Bomber In-flight Refueling
L311[14:12:03] <Rokker> it's such a beautifully overengineered plane
L312[14:12:18] <Fluburtur> I have to agree with you there
L313[14:13:11] <Fluburtur> o damn that's pretty cool yeah
L314[14:13:27] <Fluburtur> needs more room inside than a fighter however
L315[14:13:32] <Rokker> Fluburtur: even it's nav lights retract into the wing
L316[14:13:54] <Fluburtur> crap this plane is smooth
L317[14:14:47] <Rokker> Fluburtur: when you look at the B-2 here at the museum it's just impressive how smooth it is. like there are no seams
L318[14:14:50] <Rokker> like at all
L319[14:14:57] <Rokker> other than the control surfaces
L320[14:15:50] <Fluburtur> yeah the airframe is pretty nice
L321[14:16:17] <Fluburtur> reminds me of peoples that say you can't make a flying with that works without flight computers
L322[14:16:25] <Fluburtur> flying wing*
L323[14:16:42] <Rokker> I mean that's a lie
L324[14:16:57] <Fluburtur> yeah I know
L325[14:17:01] <Rokker> I mean Northrop kinda made a good few before the B-2
L326[14:17:29] <Fluburtur> I mean you want to manage yaw a bit so you might need a computer for that
L327[14:17:46] <Draconiator> https://i.gyazo.com/a6de5935fbbf2e6c6f91f86de2ba2971.png - Going to eventually test the weight limit of this thing. Kraken Superheavy with Fenrir boosters
L328[14:17:48] <Fluburtur> and it is probably too smooth for drag yaw stabilisation alone
L329[14:17:57] <Fluburtur> but otherwise it is easy
L330[14:18:20] <APlayer> Draconiator: Field of view is about 1.2 deg
L331[14:18:42] <APlayer> Which is pretty similar to what my Sony can do, too
L332[14:19:05] <Fluburtur> idk what my camera can do
L333[14:19:13] <Fluburtur> the big lens has a focal lenght of 110mm
L334[14:19:18] <APlayer> I used it to photograph the Moon
L335[14:19:19] <Fluburtur> and the telescope has 700
L336[14:19:34] <Rokker> Fluburtur: yaw with drag
L337[14:19:39] <Fluburtur> but I prefer my wider angle lens
L338[14:19:45] <Fluburtur> yeah I know they use drag rudder
L339[14:19:49] <Fluburtur> can't really do much else
L340[14:19:49] <APlayer> Focal length of the camera is 1200 mm :P
L341[14:20:03] <Fluburtur> yeah but you don't have a 80cm tube on it
L342[14:20:10] <APlayer> No, I don't
L343[14:20:21] <APlayer> But the zoom is incredible
L344[14:20:26] <Rokker> Fluburtur: https://youtu.be/9NtVYrBiBdg
L345[14:20:27] <kmath> YouTube - Northrop N9MB at Chino 2016
L346[14:20:33] <Rokker> This does just fine without yaw
L347[14:21:10] <Fluburtur> could add yaw by changing the pitch of the props a bit
L348[14:21:21] <APlayer> This was with my camera: https://i.imgur.com/Sr49OdN.jpg Admittedly, I had to do some stacking to get the noise this low
L349[14:21:32] <Fluburtur> heh
L350[14:21:46] <Fluburtur> my flying wings are a bit yaw unstable at low speed
L351[14:21:52] <Fluburtur> especially withotu winglets
L352[14:22:25] <Draconiator> I never really took a picture of the moon with mine, I should try that.
L353[14:22:48] <Fluburtur> my big zoom lens https://i.imgur.com/iwEcH9y.jpg
L354[14:23:03] <APlayer> Rokker: Is that a flying saucer, or what :P
L355[14:23:15] <Fluburtur> nah that would be the flying flapjack
L356[14:23:25] <Rokker> Fluburtur: lolno
L357[14:23:29] <Rokker> APlayer: and u too
L358[14:23:47] <Fluburtur> I wanted to make the weird aircraft from the incredibles
L359[14:23:53] <APlayer> I want to buy a telescope or a tracking mount for this camera, but I am not sure which to choose. So I keep postponing that for months now
L360[14:24:11] <Fluburtur> tracking mounts are super expensive
L361[14:24:21] <Rokker> Fluburtur: u clearly forgot the avrocar is a thing that exists
L362[14:24:32] <Fluburtur> but my friend will get a proper telescope with tracking mount at the end of the year so I will be able to sue that to take pics
L363[14:24:38] <Fluburtur> use*
L364[14:24:46] <Rokker> https://media.defense.gov/2016/May/11/2001536657/-1/-1/0/160511-F-IO108-004.JPG
L365[14:24:58] <APlayer> LOL
L366[14:25:07] <APlayer> Sue your friend and steal the telescope
L367[14:25:23] <Fluburtur> nah he will let me use it
L368[14:25:38] <Fluburtur> it's surprise actually his mom asked me if I knew about telescopes
L369[14:25:49] <Fluburtur> so I will get to pick it
L370[14:26:02] <APlayer> Referring to "I will be able to sue that"
L371[14:26:11] <Fluburtur> heh
L372[14:26:16] <Fluburtur> I should stop typing to that
L373[14:26:25] <Fluburtur> too fast*
L374[14:26:31] <Fluburtur> point in case
L375[14:26:48] <Rokker> case in point*
L376[14:26:48] <APlayer> Hahaha
L377[14:27:07] <Fluburtur> I don't even think when I type
L378[14:27:15] <Fluburtur> my hands just do their thing
L379[14:28:04] <ve2dmn> ok, I'm impressed. I did a reverse image search for that Avrocar and the first result was the wikipedia page
L380[14:29:16] <Rokker> ve2dmn: ima let u in on a secret
L381[14:29:48] <Rokker> most USAF aircraft pics on Wikipedia use pics from my museum
L382[14:29:59] <Fluburtur> did you take those pics?
L383[14:30:03] <ve2dmn> that specific pic is NOT on wikipedia
L384[14:30:34] <ve2dmn> it said: Best guess for this image: avro car vz a9v
L385[14:30:57] <Rokker> ve2dmn: hell, even the actual wikipedia picture for sputnik, the Russian first satellite in space, is the model hanging from the ceiling at the NMUSAF
L386[14:31:24] <Draconiator> Taped a dime to the wall to see what I could get with a moon picture and I got this, so I think I would be able to get a few features with my camera at least. https://i.gyazo.com/1489e798432c4718dc5353a9fcc5c02a.png
L387[14:31:34] <Rokker> which I find ironically hilarious
L388[14:31:39] <APlayer> Rokker's Museum of Flying Objects
L389[14:31:43] <ve2dmn> The reason for that is simple: Copyright is clear on those images
L390[14:32:13] <APlayer> Draconiator: The moon is about 0.5 deg of angular size
L391[14:32:38] <APlayer> Which means that it will occupy about 1/3 - 1/2 of your screen width. So it does on my camera too.
L392[14:32:39] <Rokker> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sputnik_1
L393[14:32:51] * Rokker laughs heartily
L394[14:33:09] <Fluburtur> there is probably a sputnik in france
L395[14:33:12] <Rokker> ve2dmn: to be fair, the avrocar is a pretty distinct vehicle
L396[14:33:15] <Fluburtur> I will take a pic of it and replace this one
L397[14:33:26] <Rokker> Fluburtur: there are 2 within an hour of me
L398[14:33:32] <APlayer> Draconiator: If you want to do this, the very early mornings pretty much right now are a good opportunity. You will definitely need a good tripod, though.
L399[14:33:40] <Rokker> one at the NMUSAF, one are the Armstrong museum
L400[14:33:58] <ve2dmn> In comparison, similar things in UK and Canada would fall in Crown Copyright jurisdiction, which is far from easy to use for Wikipedia
L401[14:35:04] <Rokker> Fluburtur: I live closer to more sputnik replicas than most of the world
L402[14:35:18] <Fluburtur> heh
L403[14:35:27] <Fluburtur> I could probably build one
L404[14:35:48] <ve2dmn> Fluburtur: you could make it better, stronger, faster
L405[14:36:12] <Fluburtur> idk about faster
L406[14:36:18] <Draconiator> annoying thing is that Nikon has NOT issued a firmware update yet for my camera. usually they add new features.
L407[14:36:24] <Rokker> Fluburtur: huh there aren't any notable sputnik replicas in russia
L408[14:36:28] <APlayer> 8 km/s is tough goal to achieve
L409[14:36:35] <Rokker> or france
L410[14:36:42] <Fluburtur> Draconiator would like an update for mine as well
L411[14:36:55] <Fluburtur> old nikon 1v1 using the original 2011 firmware
L412[14:37:02] <APlayer> Draconiator: Well, you can do a picture similar to what I did with pretty easy means
L413[14:38:01] <APlayer> I used a small tripod, the built in timer to avoid blurring the image from pressing the button, and the shutter speed was 1/20 or so, I think
L414[14:38:19] <APlayer> Small tripod as in 10 - 20 cm
L415[14:38:53] <Fluburtur> I used about 1/5 to 1/2 for my pics
L416[14:38:58] <Fluburtur> any longer than that is blurred
L417[14:39:15] <APlayer> Then just take 10 - 15 images, discard the worse half, stack the better half and boom! You've got a Moon pic. :D
L418[14:39:18] <Fluburtur> but I think I went to 1/60 for the moon
L419[14:39:43] <ve2dmn> I do live within distance of a crappy replica of Endavor... once built for kids: https://goo.gl/maps/7hA4dSkT5S12
L420[14:39:44] <APlayer> Yeah, the Moon's a pretty easy target in terms of shutter speed/blur problems
L421[14:39:56] <ve2dmn> (It a sort of space camp for kids thing)
L422[14:42:10] <NomalRaptor> The moon is sneaky.
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L424[14:47:40] <Draconiator> I may use the flash. that usually makes the shutter speed not slow. take a few pictures with it on.
L425[14:48:38] <APlayer> Can't you manually set shutter speed?
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L429[14:58:11] <Draconiator> https://i.gyazo.com/02513da871d09a09f9166705536c6217.png - my best sun pic though, used a piece of VHS tape and taped it over the lens, using -2.0 exposure compensation.
L430[14:58:37] <Fluburtur> indirect observation easily gives good results
L431[15:00:16] <APlayer> I have a double-polarization filter which is supposed to be an adjustable neutral grey. It's of a varying purple tone, though.
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L435[15:25:19] <Supernovy> Evening, Gentlemen.
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L437[15:38:32] <thelounge41> hello
L438[15:38:33] <Mod9000> Hello, thelounge41
L439[15:39:27] <thelounge41> do you know much about how to find a particular docking port in the persistent file?
L440[15:39:49] <thelounge41> like if i wanted to know the status of a docking port according to the per. file
L441[15:40:08] <thelounge41> on a ship wiver over 9 ports
L442[15:40:15] <thelounge41> with*
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L445[15:51:19] <thelounge41> i have about 7 docking nodes on my ship and i'm not sure how to find the state of 1 of them in particular in the Persistent file. anyone got any ideas?
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L449[16:08:22] <dsockwell> what statuses or states can docking ports have?
L450[16:08:26] <dsockwell> oh
L451[16:08:29] <dsockwell> never mind
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L454[16:16:23] <Draconiator> Ooooh, trying 2 strips of VHS tape to take a pic of the sun.
L455[16:17:30] <Supercheese> a highly Kerbal approach
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L458[16:39:45] <Draconiator> https://i.gyazo.com/7db0854f289cc7459916da3912dc9aa2.png - it worked, heh
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L460[16:43:51] <Rokker> Fluburtur: you should just buy an LR-101 instead of designing rocket nozzles
L461[16:44:24] <Draconiator> if you have no signal, you can excecute maneuvers with Mechjeb, but you can't manually maneuver.
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L468[16:59:12] <Draconiator> https://i.gyazo.com/8bbfbc9b1e652e36fde2ae8fe81e3040.png - What the heck is this round thing?
L469[17:12:55] <darsie> A flat computer or tank?
L470[17:24:10] <Draconiator> I dunno, it popped up when I loaded my ship.
L471[17:24:28] <Draconiator> 22 years alllll the way out to Plock and I had to reset....ugh
L472[17:24:36] <Supercheese> feelsbadman
L473[17:25:33] <Supercheese> Also, I didn't know central Poland was in KSP... ;)
L474[17:26:13] <Draconiator> it's an OPM planet. Pluto analog.
L475[17:26:25] <Supercheese> It's also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P%C5%82ock
L476[17:26:38] <Supercheese> not sure if the author had that in mind or coincidence
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L478[17:32:51] <Draconiator> http://outer-planets.wikia.com/wiki/Plock
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L482[17:54:27] <Draconiator> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJ8hbS4wcUw - while waiting I'm gonna youtube binge. heh
L483[17:55:26] <dsockwell> Draconiator: it looks like a thrust plate, to attach engine clusters
L484[17:55:39] <dsockwell> why it's over there but still aligned with your ship is a mystery
L485[17:57:07] <ve2dmn> Draconiator: good idea. I'm gonna watch 2 girls dissect a beaver
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L487[18:12:58] <Supercheese> Ya don't say...
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L495[19:03:56] <Fluburtur> Rokker u here
L496[19:07:16] <Fluburtur> I asked mah boi foamie and he is ok for a tour of the museum but idk about peter yet
L497[19:07:45] <Rokker> Fluburtur: I'd have to study up then
L498[19:08:05] <Fluburtur> do you have discord so I can put you in contact with him?
L499[19:08:22] <Rokker> yeah but I'm at dinner right now
L500[19:10:03] <Rokker> Fluburtur: you should fly to Ohio and join us
L501[19:10:07] <Fluburtur> k I'll do that another time then
L502[19:10:10] <Fluburtur> need to go to bed soon
L503[19:10:20] <Fluburtur> Rokker when im rich enough to do that I will
L504[19:10:35] <Fluburtur> will probably go to flite fest at the same time too
L505[19:11:30] <Rokker> Fluburtur: you will be the second Frenchmen I've given a tour of the museum to
L506[19:11:38] <Fluburtur> heh
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L518[19:41:15] <Rokker> https://twitter.com/cencio4/status/994316019845009408?s=19
L519[19:41:16] <kmath> <✔cencio4> Just got this from a friend. “Fly, Obey, Fight & Spray” - Global Chemtrail Wing patch. Brilliant! ????? https://t.co/wfquFLpBcz
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L541[21:33:34] <Webchat_95786> Does anyone here know of a camera tools mod that works in 1.4.3?
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