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L1[00:00:06] <Althego> and we see by invisible tentacles coming out of our eyes and touching stuff
L2[00:01:09] <Supernovy> Ah! We can use semaphore!
L3[00:01:25] <Supernovy> Oh, damn, but in what medium will the light rays from the flags travel?
L4[00:01:47] <Althego> must be the ether
L5[00:02:06] <Scolar_visari> Aether. Ether's what refills your magic. Aether's what waves travel in!
L6[00:02:22] * Scolar_visari curses local vendors and their outrageous Ether prices.
L7[00:02:27] <Althego> hehe
L8[00:02:37] <Scolar_visari> I can buy a Phoenix Down for the same price!
L9[00:03:08] <Althego> mine ethereum instead :)
L10[00:04:16] <Scolar_visari> How about we mind Elerium and start building our first Firestorm?
L11[00:05:45] <Althego> element 115 is is moscovium :)
L12[00:08:01] <Scolar_visari> Clearly that needs fixed!
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L14[00:09:13] <Scolar_visari> Though I suppose there's some wiggle room in the Island of Stability for an Elerium analogue?
L15[00:09:32] <Scolar_visari> Or it *could* just be Zro.
L16[00:13:51] * Scolar_visari goes off to snort Spice Melange off the back of a bloated Navigator.
L17[00:13:54] ⇦ Quits: Scolar_visari (Scolar_visari!webchat@ (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L18[00:13:58] <Althego> lol
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L42[02:52:35] <Olympic1> Raidernick: everything you released is indexed
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L72[06:14:32] <N70> WOOO
L73[06:14:34] ⇨ Joins: BadRocketsCo (BadRocketsCo!~AndChat63@89-110-157-37.dyn.estpak.ee)
L74[06:14:37] <N70> got Kerbalism Jenkins working
L75[06:14:38] <BadRocketsCo> Greetings!
L76[06:14:59] <Fluburtur> yo
L77[06:15:26] <BadRocketsCo> Fluburtur: yo! How's your rocket plane project coming along?
L78[06:15:37] <Fluburtur> I did a test yesterday
L79[06:15:47] <Fluburtur> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4030Dwu6ztM
L80[06:15:47] <kmath> YouTube - entropy 6 thrust reading
L81[06:15:54] <Fluburtur> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZ8EI9WdtTQ
L82[06:15:54] <kmath> YouTube - entropy 6 high speed
L83[06:18:18] <Mat2ch> funny. The oxygen adds 50 g or so :D
L84[06:18:38] <BadRocketsCo> My network connection is sadly too slow to view it atm. What were the results?
L85[06:19:11] <Fluburtur> almoqt 500g of thrust as peak
L86[06:19:55] <Mat2ch> then it blew the nozzle again. :D
L87[06:23:02] <BadRocketsCo> Oh, that's a pretty ok thrust.
L88[06:25:24] <Mat2ch> you really need a fix for that nozzle...
L89[06:25:28] <Mat2ch> or a mill
L90[06:25:49] <Fluburtur> I planned to put screws over it but I didn't get it far enough in the casing
L91[06:27:49] <BadRocketsCo> Build a turbopump :D
L92[06:27:53] <Mat2ch> well, you could get metal tubes from somewhere cheap, like a scrapyard and make the nozzle by heating the tube and pushing it in until you have the nozzle shape
L93[06:28:36] <Mat2ch> but then you should get a blast shield
L94[06:28:53] <Mat2ch> if that explodes it will create shrapnels
L95[06:29:16] <BadRocketsCo> Metal can be dangerous...wouldn't be especialy lovely to have a anti-personal RPG in your usage :D
L96[06:32:24] <Mat2ch> but he could get more thrust with it and maybe reuse it
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L98[06:35:09] <N70> also
L99[06:35:14] <N70> i'm backporting Kerbalism to 1.3.1
L100[06:35:44] ⇦ Quits: BadRocketsCo (BadRocketsCo!~AndChat63@89-110-157-37.dyn.estpak.ee) (Quit: Bye)
L101[06:43:52] <Althego> backporting sounds like a pain. in anything
L102[06:46:37] <N70> actually
L103[06:46:40] <N70> it was easy
L104[06:46:49] <N70> i just had to remove a mission builder check
L105[06:47:05] <N70> at least i got a jenkins running now
L106[06:52:11] <Althego> and who knows how many nres are remaining :)
L107[06:57:57] <Althego> https://gfycat.com/CharmingAcrobaticHoverfly
L108[06:58:10] <Fluburtur> well I could reuse my plaster nozzles if they didn't fly out
L109[06:58:37] <Althego> this is an ingenious invention
L110[06:59:38] <Althego> wouldnt better fixing of he nozzle on the engine solve this?
L111[06:59:46] <Althego> or maybe the whole engine would explode
L112[06:59:59] <Fluburtur> nah it would keep pulsating
L113[07:00:34] <Althego> you need an (infinitely) variable nozzle!
L114[07:00:58] <Fluburtur> aerospike
L115[07:01:00] <Althego> otherwise you can try out a dozen designs until you get one working
L116[07:02:28] ⇦ Quits: VanD (VanD!~Miranda@sea.sux.net) (Quit: Miranda NG! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-ng.org/)
L117[07:02:40] <Fluburtur> im gonna re-design the next one a bit better
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L119[07:02:47] <Fluburtur> different design than the last one
L120[07:18:39] <Althego> best would be an iris
L121[07:18:47] <Althego> to simulate variable nozzle size
L122[07:21:18] <Althego> and change it until you get rid of the oscillation
L123[07:21:32] <Althego> alternatively ask spacex to simulate your solid rocket :)
L124[07:23:12] <Pakaran_> plaster, should be possible to increase the size in nozzles with a thin file.
L125[07:23:17] *** Pakaran_ is now known as Pakaran
L126[07:23:23] <Pakaran> decrease, less so.
L127[07:24:18] <Pakaran> also easy to split them, but if you're throwing it away as an unsuccessful experiment *anyhow*...
L128[07:25:14] <Fluburtur> or I could test the nozzle designs with a compressor
L129[07:25:29] <Fluburtur> but I doubt it will be able to reach the presure that the rockets have
L130[07:28:20] <Althego> and also doesnt have the feedback effect on combustion. n ocombustion
L131[07:28:22] <Pakaran> dry ice and some kind of pressure vessel would give you plenty.
L132[07:30:26] <Pakaran> In the States, a quarter block (20 pounds I think?) is about $15, and will last several days in a picnic cooler.
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L135[07:34:25] <Mat2ch> or you switch over to propulsion by rocket nozzles.
L136[07:35:01] <Mat2ch> Just add fuel|nozzle|fuel|nozzle. This also has the advantage that you loose weight in flight :D
L137[07:35:50] <Fluburtur> eh
L138[07:36:04] <Fluburtur> the nozzles take a long time to cast so im not sure it is efficient
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L141[07:38:10] <Althego> how many rockets can you make?
L142[07:38:17] ⇨ Joins: Kabouik (Kabouik!~kabouik@
L143[07:38:32] <Fluburtur> a lot still
L144[07:45:30] ⇦ Quits: Kreuzung (Kreuzung!~Kreuzung@157-14-242-93.tokyo.fdn.vectant.ne.jp) (Quit: Leaving)
L145[07:57:16] <Fluburtur> I should go for a walk
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L158[09:44:48] <Althego> http://time.com/5225670/spacex-space-junk-cleaner-launch/?utm_campaign=time&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_medium=social&xid=time_socialflow_twitter
L159[09:44:52] <Althego> what is this
L160[09:45:04] <Althego> i havent seen anything big in the trunk
L161[09:45:21] <Althego> or is this a late april fool?
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L166[09:46:57] <Althego> there was something yellow there
L167[09:47:02] <Althego> that may have been it
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L169[09:47:45] <APlayer> Althego: They did launch such a thing, but it was only meant to capture cubesats deployed specifically for this test
L170[09:48:21] <APlayer> Nothing interesting, at least not more interesting than the rest of all those similar tests they launched
L171[09:48:34] <Mat2ch> Althego: I guess it's pretty small and just for testing stuff
L172[09:48:44] <Mat2ch> So I wouldn't expect something big
L173[09:48:51] <Fluburtur> yeah they launched test targets
L174[09:48:57] <Mat2ch> also they want to try to use a net, which can be stored in a tiny space
L175[09:48:58] <Althego> https://mk0spaceflightnoa02a.kinstacdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/RemoveDEBRIS-in-build-Nov-2017-Credit-SSTL-Max-Alexander.jpg
L176[09:49:01] <Althego> not too big
L177[09:49:12] <Mat2ch> ah, the yellow thing :)
L178[09:49:41] <Althego> the yellow thing was actually the backplate
L179[09:50:55] <Althego> all 3 big things in the trunk appear to be white
L180[09:52:15] <Mat2ch> also I'm not so sure that the whole thing is yellow. What you see is some kind of comb aluminium plate
L181[09:52:16] <Althego> not even scott said anything. but he is in hawaii or something
L182[09:52:23] <Mat2ch> it's only yellow on the inside
L183[09:53:18] <Althego> ah thius is the harpoon thing
L184[09:54:00] <Althego> it is yellow in the animations too :)
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L186[09:54:55] <Fluburtur> I think I finally have a working design for my 3d printed landing gear
L187[09:55:37] <Althego> https://youtu.be/BPQHG-LevZM?t=1810
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L189[09:59:22] <Mat2ch> Hm, what do they do with the cover of the solar panels?
L190[10:02:21] <Althego> flush down the drain :)
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L193[10:07:50] <Mat2ch> Ah, I see. Test targets for the harpoon!
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L196[10:20:25] <Althego> there she blows!
L197[10:20:43] <Althego> soon we have to limit the wild satellite hunting
L198[10:20:54] <Althego> to avoid extinction
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L200[10:24:18] <Fluburtur> oooo nice there is thujnder here
L201[10:24:21] <Fluburtur> fairly close
L202[10:24:26] <Fluburtur> like 2 seconds away
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L204[10:27:29] <Arcan> https://xkcd.com/1232/
L205[10:27:40] <Fluburtur> my only complaint is that it isn't night
L206[10:27:49] <Fluburtur> so I can't take nice thunder photos
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L237[13:20:47] <Althego> there shouldnt be a long silence here
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L246[13:28:47] <Deddly> True
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L248[13:30:51] * UmbralRaptor x_x
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L250[13:33:50] <Althego> hah you gor rid of the laptop?
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L253[13:36:16] <tivec> is it just me or do USI Construction Port Jr.s not connect to standard Docking port Jrs?
L254[13:37:04] <UmbralRaptor> Althego: more of just alternate nicks at this point.
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L263[13:58:45] <Deddly> Connections problems, UmbralRaptor?
L264[14:00:05] <UmbralRaptor> Phone plus meh WiFi.
L265[14:00:16] <UmbralRaptor> Bouncer is, uh, very dead.
L266[14:08:53] * APlayer gives UmbralRaptor a defibrillator
L267[14:09:14] <APlayer> If nothing else helps revive it, high voltage must do
L268[14:10:36] <UmbralRaptor> High enough to produce x-rays via bremsstrahlung?
L269[14:10:41] <Althego> hehe
L270[14:13:10] <APlayer> High enough to cause a current that heats up the object to make it emit x-rays as blackbody radiation
L271[14:13:26] <Althego> hehe
L272[14:14:56] <KrazyKrl> High enough energy that the object may exist, or may not exist.
L273[14:15:32] <KrazyKrl> Absolute hot + 12 degrees
L274[14:16:40] * UmbralRaptor hands KrazyKrl a 2-level system, with >50% of the "particles" in the excited state.
L275[14:16:58] <Althego> population inversion
L276[14:17:12] <Althego> make some lazors daddy
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L284[14:29:17] * UmbralRaptor ? 2.4e9 packets/second.
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L286[14:31:12] * UmbralRaptor totally misread this as "deleting exoplanets" https://twitter.com/NASA_TESS/status/979706815339466752
L287[14:31:12] <kmath> <✔NASA_TESS> There are a ton of ways to find #exoplanets, and many @NASA missions – like @NASAHubble and @NASAKepler - have alre… https://t.co/QHxYTjMp1A
L288[14:32:11] ⇦ Quits: NolanSyKinsley (NolanSyKinsley!~NolanSyKi@2606:6000:5112:df00:479a:75ae:85c0:ddf) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L291[14:33:12] <Althego> hehe it does look like deletinf
L292[14:33:17] <Althego> maybe a deathstar
L293[14:36:13] <UmbralRaptor> Don't let Mike Brown near them.
L294[14:36:19] <Althego> hehe
L295[14:36:30] <Althego> he just killed one planet
L296[14:36:36] <Althego> not even exo
L297[14:37:07] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/186186471202357249/430812987066941455/DSC_8631.JPG
L298[14:37:11] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/186186471202357249/430813008348971009/DSC_8632.JPG
L299[14:37:40] <Althego> based on ksp experiences this will flip over in a second and break the wings
L300[14:38:12] <Fluburtur> not if I take off before the wheels start to move
L301[14:38:18] <Althego> hehe
L302[14:38:19] <Fluburtur> which this plane should be able to do
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L304[14:38:28] <Althego> they why have wheels
L305[14:38:40] <Fluburtur> but yeah I need to have the wheels a bit more separated
L306[14:39:02] <Fluburtur> and the wheels are mostly there to give some ground clearance to the prop
L307[14:39:07] <Fluburtur> and take off and land from the ground
L308[14:40:01] <Althego> make a vtol
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L310[14:41:50] <Althego> lights out
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L319[15:41:35] <APlayer> Garr, this home server is so slow you can see the individual packets of data being transmitted
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L327[15:53:59] <Draconiator> lol
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L341[17:02:09] <ve2dmn> http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/youtube-shooting-police-headquarters-california-1.4603582
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L344[17:29:56] <Pakaran> this guy got to about 4 levels of recursive rescue missions.
L345[17:30:07] <Pakaran> I generally love his series, but wow.
L346[17:33:21] <bees> recursive colonization missions, you mean?
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L350[17:48:25] <KrazyKrl> <bees> recursive colonization missions, you mean?
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L354[18:36:53] <Supernovy> Evening, Gentlemen.
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L357[18:42:03] <Eddi|zuHause> random question: youtube has developed this habit of showing translated video titles. anyone know a way to disable this without switching the language of youtube itself?
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L361[19:13:32] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/2ebd59ee7c298ef32f8c918382784153/tumblr_o6wjptzgFa1rqbl96o1_540.jpg
L362[19:32:01] ⇦ Quits: Fluburtur (Fluburtur!~Fluburtur@2a01:e34:ecf7:d4f0:bc7f:d8e6:baa1:6964) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L367[20:02:30] <UmbralRaptor> https://youtu.be/NjCcl52M7Vg
L368[20:02:31] <kmath> YouTube - NASA Psyche Mission: Journey to a Metal World
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L373[20:17:50] <Scolar_Visari> Sons and daughters of Kerbin: To better protect your freedoms, all civil liberties will be suspended during the indefinite emergency!
L374[20:20:43] ⇦ Quits: Disorganized (Disorganized!~Diso@2605:e000:6161:fb00:2c3b:99f0:38e4:102b) (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
L375[20:28:42] <Supernovy> Good afternoon Scolar_Visari.
L376[20:29:11] <Scolar_Visari> Afternoon? I'm on a tidally locked world, there is only noon.
L377[20:29:37] <Supernovy> only Nuun
L378[20:30:07] <Scolar_Visari> This does mean, however, that telling time is rather difficult.
L379[20:30:59] * Scolar_Visari recalls pre-accurate time keeping for longitude measurements on Earth involved some rather precise astronomical observations.
L380[20:32:27] <Scolar_Visari> I suppose a plausible tidally locked habitable world (one orbiting a red dwarf) would have some neighboring planets close enough to make their measurements relatively easy?
L381[20:35:13] <Scolar_Visari> "Dark Matter, really? Something that has gravity but no mass? Silliness."
L382[20:35:40] * Scolar_Visari begins to ponder if they should be called WIPs now instead.
L383[20:36:35] <Scolar_Visari> Or perhaps they're simply not up to date and still think neutrinos are massless?
L384[20:36:37] <UmbralRaptor> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L385[20:36:52] <UmbralRaptor> wait, what?
L386[20:37:23] <UmbralRaptor> Also, neutrinos are far too hot. >_>
L387[20:38:02] <Scolar_Visari> Yeah, but, old Standard Model had them massless.
L388[20:38:16] <Scolar_Visari> Then Nu Standard Model came around with its viral upsourcing.
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L390[20:42:22] <Scolar_Visari> Oh dear. "I still hold to the theory that dark matter is really just a lot of black holes. Occam's Razor."
L391[20:42:46] <UmbralRaptor> uh
L392[20:43:24] <UmbralRaptor> I have bad news for them about microlensing and Hawking radiation.
L393[20:45:07] <Scolar_Visari> "And to think that we are going to let the Hubble die in just a few more years. Everyone at NASA wants to say that the replacement will be great, but Hubble is a light telescope while the replacement will be a radio telescope."
L394[20:45:16] <Scolar_Visari> Today I learned: The JWST is a radio telescope.
L395[20:45:25] <Scolar_Visari> That would account for the recent delay!
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L397[20:46:29] <Supernovy> well if it's not MACHOs then how the heck would it be black holes?
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L399[20:46:59] <Scolar_Visari> Supernovy: I don't think they were aware MACHOs have fallen out of favor.
L400[20:47:28] <RhineBTV> alright, time to get some game time in and hopefully build this stupid satellite subassembly
L401[20:47:43] <Scolar_Visari> Then again, I think 99.99% of the, ahem, "criticism" leveled towards dark matter is made by people who haven't read any technical literature on the subject.
L402[20:48:14] <RhineBTV> I'm more curious about dark energy than dark matter, it just seems implausible
L403[20:48:23] <Scolar_Visari> RhineBTV: It's a place holder name, nothing more.
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L405[20:48:35] <RhineBTV> I jsut mean in terms of what it's supposed to do
L406[20:48:58] <Scolar_Visari> Well, the Universe is visibly expanding at an accelerating rate.
L407[20:49:02] <Supernovy> It's to do with the expansion of the universe.
L408[20:49:06] <RhineBTV> It's supposed to be responsible for the acceleration of expansion, but wouldn't that mean that it would have to be filling in the space it's also responsible for creating?
L409[20:49:06] <Scolar_Visari> Whatever's causing that is Dark Energy.
L410[20:49:11] <RhineBTV> That's what I mean
L411[20:49:23] <Scolar_Visari> RhineBTV: Not necessarily.
L412[20:49:24] <RhineBTV> In order to continue that same acceleration of expansion
L413[20:50:01] <Supernovy> That's the sort of view Lawrence Krauss takes, that dark energy has something to do with vacuum energy.
L414[20:50:58] <RhineBTV> I don't know too much about it, I'm not a super space-nerd, I just really like ksp, but the whole dark energy thing has always caught my eye
L415[20:51:04] <RhineBTV> I read whatever when I come across it
L416[20:51:58] <Supernovy> To be honest, the cosmologists don't know that much about dark energy either. If they did, they'd give it a better name.
L417[20:52:18] <RhineBTV> Yeah, it's all hypothetical at this point, it just never made much sense to me the way it's proposed
L418[20:52:36] <Scolar_Visari> Supernovy: "The Force".
L419[20:52:37] <RhineBTV> I'm sure once the model is filled out more, it ends up being fifty different things that explain the process
L420[20:53:23] <Scolar_Visari> It's not so much a model as it is, again, simply a place holder name for a natural phenomenon.
L421[20:53:43] <Scolar_Visari> Like dark matter, though we have a somewhat better understanding of what that is and isn't (coughnotMACHOscough).
L422[20:53:52] <RhineBTV> Using the term loosely, just whatever ends up being there for us to figure out when we get there
L423[20:56:03] <RhineBTV> I keep forgetting I need to reinstall scattere
L424[20:57:40] * Scolar_Visari blames video games.
L425[20:58:18] <Supernovy> It's like if you saw a shadow, and said "hey, there must be a shadow casting object", and people got on your case about it.
L426[20:59:30] <Scolar_Visari> Supernovy: "I take umbrage at your fudge factor!"
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L429[21:00:36] <RhineBTV> it's all ksp's fault
L430[21:01:14] <Scolar_Visari> Pokemon also has a lot to answer for in regards to misunderstandings of Evolution.
L431[21:02:56] <RhineBTV> hah
L432[21:03:05] <Scolar_Visari> "Believing you can use a telescope to look into the past is as silly as believing you can use a microscope to look into the future. Light information happens in a quantum instant!"
L433[21:03:15] <RhineBTV> Alright, I need to figure out a limit for myself regarding what I'm going to let myself do in terms of clipping
L434[21:03:25] * Scolar_Visari ponders why satellite internet has such terrible ping.
L435[21:04:04] <RhineBTV> I think it'll be cool to make this bay open up via IR telescopic pistons to access the instruments, but what is reasonable
L436[21:06:09] <Supernovy> Does that second sentence actually have a meaning?
L437[21:10:34] <Scolar_Visari> Supernovy: Looks like word salad to me. Tossed, with moldy croutons and lots of ranch dressing.
L438[21:10:51] <Supernovy> Perhaps tell him that it's actually heavy information?
L439[21:11:21] <Scolar_Visari> I'm afraid they won't understand the gravity of the situation.
L440[21:11:24] <Supernovy> And it happens in a classical instant, which is continuous.
L441[21:12:36] <Scolar_Visari> Oh dear, that'll also mean we'll need a medium for the transmission of light.
L442[21:13:08] <RhineBTV> There's a pun in there somewhere, but I don't have it in me to find it
L443[21:14:18] <Scolar_Visari> "gr was falsified about 30 seconds after publication by 3rd graders everywhere before recess when they realized that "TIME" is a CONCEPT and it can't be Manipulated... (Dilated, Warped, Bent) or anything else. It's a Full on Reification Fallacy, IN TOTO."
L444[21:16:07] <Scolar_Visari> I'm assuming these are the same 3rd graders that believe rockets can't work in a vacuum?
L445[21:20:03] <Scolar_Visari> Oh my. "If CO2 was a greenhouse gas then it would trap the heat created by sunlight in the daytime at night."
L446[21:20:28] <Scolar_Visari> Phew, now we can't toss away more than a century of physics on the matter of greenhouse gasses!
L447[21:23:26] <Scolar_Visari> "According to the double slit experiment the particle does not exist until it is observed or detected. Energy is in a wave state traveling at the speed of light, timeless too. As soon as it is measured the particle becomes physical and pops into existence."
L448[21:23:43] <Scolar_Visari> I'm not entirely sure that's how the double slit experiment works.
L449[21:27:29] <RhineBTV> Where is this coming from?
L450[21:29:16] <RhineBTV> I really am my own worst enemy when it comes to certain aspects of design in KSP. I can spend hours staring at the walls I build for myself between functionality, aesthetics, and believability
L451[21:29:36] <Scolar_Visari> Yahoo! is a gold mine for quackery.
L452[21:29:47] <RhineBTV> Yahoo! Answers?
L453[21:30:02] <Scolar_Visari> Oh, no, the comments sections for the poorly formated news pages.
L454[21:30:08] <RhineBTV> oh
L455[21:30:20] <RhineBTV> I'm surprised people still actually use Yahoo
L456[21:30:27] <RhineBTV> It's like people who still have aol e-mail accounts
L457[21:30:40] <RhineBTV> Little relics of a different era of the internet
L458[21:30:49] ⇦ Quits: Kabouik_ (Kabouik_!~kabouik@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L459[21:30:52] <Supernovy> Didn't Yahoo buy tumblr?
L460[21:31:24] <Scolar_Visari> Supernovy: What they really needed to buy was a decent web page designer.
L461[21:31:47] <Scolar_Visari> For some reason, their sites have gotten measurably WORSE.
L462[21:31:52] <RhineBTV> My favorite part of tumblr is the dude who created it said he wouldn't have if he knew what it was going to turn into
L463[21:31:59] <RhineBTV> Or he would've done it differently
L464[21:34:57] <Scolar_Visari> Supernovy: I'm of the mind that whoever is in charge of web development for Yahoo is actually a group of untrained pigeons pecking at keyboards.
L465[21:35:07] <Scolar_Visari> That is, if they get something right, it's by accident.
L466[21:35:34] <Supernovy> Oh, I thought you meant "They're writing Shakespeare instead of CSS"
L467[21:35:55] <Supernovy> But that's monkeys, not pigeons.
L468[21:36:41] <Scolar_Visari> "I always wondered, if we can convert light into electricity, which is a small portion of the EM spectrum, why can't we convert the other spectrums which are not visible but contain more energy, like the microwave, x-ray and or gamma ray spectrums?"
L469[21:37:05] <RhineBTV> Really makes ya think
L470[21:37:15] <RhineBTV> So much we're not taking advantage of
L471[21:37:36] <RhineBTV> Just all this free energy sitting out there
L472[21:37:37] <Scolar_Visari> If only the Sun produced more of those wavelengths and if only our atmosphere didn't readily absorb them.
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L475[21:38:20] <RhineBTV> Oh, they meant just from the sun
L476[21:38:49] <RhineBTV> I thought it was someone who was oblivious to technology that's existed for a hundred years
L477[21:39:51] <Scolar_Visari> Though microwave transmission is totally a thing, however, it doesn't work best with photovoltaics.
L478[21:40:15] <Scolar_Visari> It's almost as if different wavelengths have different properties!!!
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L481[21:42:56] *** N70 is now known as N70|zzz
L482[21:45:39] * Scolar_Visari goes off to make the Sun radiate more energy in ionizing wavelengths. What could go wrong!?
L483[21:45:42] ⇦ Quits: Scolar_Visari (Scolar_Visari!webchat@ (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L484[21:46:06] <Supernovy> Put some metal in the microwave, and you'll see other parts of the spectrum produce electricity.
L485[21:55:05] <RhineBTV> scansat parts don't actually need to be aimed towards the body, right?
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L488[21:57:35] <ConductingCat> :3
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L492[22:17:17] <RhineBTV> https://imgur.com/a/ahs7f
L493[22:17:17] <kmath> https://i.imgur.com/Gx9uC1k.jpg
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L495[22:17:23] <RhineBTV> kinda satisfied with that
L496[22:17:41] <RhineBTV> the little girder pieces are just so it looks like it's attached to something
L497[22:18:06] <RhineBTV> otherwise I'd have to make the extendotrons a larger size and I really don't want to
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L499[22:19:27] <RhineBTV> ultimately, the goal is to try and pack stuff onto that central pillar extendotron and the two black caps will compress down
L500[22:20:16] <RhineBTV> and then have booms and the various scanners I want come out -- I could just slap them all onto the side of a fueltank and toss a fairing around it, but that's boring
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