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L36[03:39:02] <TheKosmonaut> taniwha: https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/IATk4HHA/image.JPG got a bit dirty
L37[03:39:31] <Gasher[work]> heh
L38[03:40:33] ⇦ Quits: slubman (slubman!~quassel@2001:910:1024:0:2456:1fb9:22a4:752e) (Ping timeout: 383 seconds)
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L40[03:51:36] <taniwha> TheKosmonaut: :)
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L42[04:08:20] ⇦ Quits: Raazeer (Raazeer!~Raazeer@p5B25E178.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 207 seconds)
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L44[04:10:06] <TheKosmonaut> taniwha: ibaraki minimum wage is crap
L45[04:10:12] <TheKosmonaut> 800 instead of 1,000
L46[04:10:32] <taniwha> yeah, not fun
L47[04:11:15] <TheKosmonaut> Bleh. That and technically I am in apprenticeship still. So he could pay less. But he gave me the minimum wage. But pay depends on the work. If we are doing a water filter change for example, then it's 10,000 just for that
L48[04:15:32] <Gasher[work]> TheKosmonaut, what that place that you found is making?
L49[04:29:43] <TheKosmonaut> Gasher[work]: what do we do? American and European import car parts, repair, and junking
L50[04:30:02] <Gasher[work]> aha
L51[04:30:07] <TheKosmonaut> We are removing the body from the chassis of a Range Rover (BMW)
L52[04:31:05] <TheKosmonaut> Range Rover is such a pain. They have this aluminum shield between the transmission and everything else with bolts holding it down that are literally impossible for someone without a specialized tool to remove.
L53[04:31:43] <TheKosmonaut> So I had to cut the wall under the SUV, remove the shield, then remove the frame bolts, separating the chassis.
L54[04:32:06] <TheKosmonaut> We only really want the engine and transmission so we don't need much else
L55[04:34:04] ⇨ Joins: EricPoehlsen (EricPoehlsen!~EricPoehl@tmo-111-68.customers.d1-online.com)
L56[04:40:10] <Gasher[work]> ah
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L76[07:59:23] ⇨ Joins: Blaank_Linux (Blaank_Linux!~chatzilla@c-24-11-223-177.hsd1.tn.comcast.net)
L77[07:59:34] <Blaank_Linux> Is there a link to the technical webcase of the PAZ Mission?
L78[08:00:06] <APlayer> BTW, when's the launch?
L79[08:00:18] <Blaank_Linux> ~20 min
L80[08:00:21] <APlayer> Also, last time it was a different camera on the same stream
L81[08:00:25] <Blaank_Linux> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-p-PToD2URA
L82[08:00:25] <kmath> YouTube - PAZ Mission
L83[08:02:38] <Deddly> !nextlaunch
L84[08:02:42] <Deddly> .nextlaunch
L85[08:02:50] <Deddly> Did we lose the bot?
L86[08:02:56] <Blaank_Linux> like 2 years ago
L87[08:03:01] <APlayer> A while ago, apparently
L88[08:03:10] <Deddly> No, there was a new one. TheKosmonaut knows all about it
L89[08:03:24] <APlayer> Also, looks like I am not watching the launch because it's exactly during lunchtime
L90[08:03:50] <APlayer> Deddly: The new one did not respond shortly after the FH launch already
L91[08:03:55] <Deddly> Aaw
L92[08:04:28] <APlayer> We might pester NicknameHere about it
L93[08:06:00] <APlayer> Or we might rig up something ourselves in order to not pester people about bots
L94[08:06:11] <APlayer> More like "Falcon launch now" :P
L95[08:06:19] <Deddly> Well I could get Mod9000 to do it, I suppose
L96[08:06:38] <APlayer> That's better :D
L97[08:07:19] <APlayer> As for Mod9000, perhaps, yes. I'd gladly help where I can, too.
L98[08:07:21] <NicknameHere> APlayer: Should I let it idle here?
L99[08:07:52] <APlayer> Oh, hi
L100[08:07:54] <APlayer> :D
L101[08:08:38] <APlayer> Deddly, what do you say?
L102[08:09:57] <Blaank_Linux> Live in 24 hours. What happened?
L103[08:10:18] <GlassFragments> Blaank_Linux, https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/966313683633623041
L104[08:10:18] <kmath> <elonmusk> High altitude wind shear data shows a probable 2% load exceedance. Small, but better to be paranoid. Postponing lau… https://t.co/dzuOlZIzs3
L105[08:10:27] <APlayer> Countdown halted, I guess, and the launch windows was momentary
L106[08:10:42] <APlayer> Alright
L107[08:11:21] <APlayer> Anyway, NicknameHere, from me it's a yes, if it's not too much trouble, but not sure what the others say.
L108[08:11:35] <APlayer> But I need to go now. See you soon!
L109[08:11:55] ⇨ Joins: Nextlaunch2 (Nextlaunch2!~Nextlaunc@
L110[08:12:08] <NicknameHere> I'll do a rewrite at some point. It isn't very elegant atm.
L111[08:12:10] <NicknameHere> .nextlaunch
L112[08:12:11] <Nextlaunch2> Falcon 9 Full Thrust | PAZ & Microsat-2a, Microsat-2b - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-p-PToD2URA - NET February 22, 2018 14:17:00 UTC - T-1 day, 0:04:48
L113[08:12:11] <kmath> YouTube - PAZ Mission
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L115[08:15:33] <Deddly> Thanks NicknameHere!
L116[08:15:43] <Althego> heh no falcon 9 for us today
L117[08:16:21] <Deddly> Did it just get scrubbed?
L118[08:17:14] <Deddly> NicknameHere, we like the bot, it's welcome to idle here as long as it doesn't swear at us ;)
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L122[08:30:59] <ve2dmn> NicknameHere: Is it based on Launchlibrary?
L123[08:31:08] <NicknameHere> yep
L124[08:31:41] <ve2dmn> so same data as http://nextrocket.space/
L125[08:32:27] * ve2dmn gives a thumbs up!
L126[08:32:59] <ve2dmn> (not that my opinion has any mass whatsoever)
L127[08:34:26] <Deddly> ;wa ve2dmn's opinion in kg
L128[08:34:29] <kmath> Deddly: Wolfram couldn't understand your gibberish
L129[08:35:10] <Deddly> :P
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L132[08:41:01] <ve2dmn> Deddly: it's a virtual mass
L133[08:42:20] <Deddly> Cool.
L134[08:42:28] <Deddly> Me, I have virtual intelligence
L135[08:42:39] <ve2dmn> so you iq is 100i ?
L136[08:42:44] <Deddly> Not real, it's all a very poor illusion
L137[08:43:07] <Deddly> My iq is QQ
L138[08:43:43] <ve2dmn> https://i.imgur.com/F7yjfbK.jpg
L139[08:44:06] <ve2dmn> (even better original: http://www.mrlovenstein.com/comic/910 )
L140[08:45:56] <Deddly> Haha
L141[08:46:36] <Deddly> We should invent a salt-powered rocket. Just imagine the thrust it would have.
L142[08:48:45] <Blaank_Linux> We have one (theoretically). It's got pretty amazing thrust. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_salt-water_rocket
L143[08:49:25] <Blaank_Linux> http://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/enginelist.php#id--Nuclear_Thermal--Gas_Core--Open_Cycle--Nuclear_Salt_Water
L144[08:58:36] ⇦ Quits: tawny (tawny!~tawny@pool-72-66-34-163.washdc.east.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L145[08:59:38] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/6f9f9b6038e18658394055dbf8b81f19/tumblr_ns7sqru1ht1tq9q5vo1_400.gif
L146[09:02:28] <Althego> hehe hype power
L147[09:12:06] <Fluburtur> Mat2ch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtOt2j-U3tM
L148[09:12:06] <kmath> YouTube - Marble Machine X #26 - Rythm Machine and 5 Other New Features
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L153[09:35:50] <ve2dmn> My job on a daily basis: Dev: "Just give me root, and this will all be solve", Me: "Hahahahahaha, NO."
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L155[09:37:33] <APlayer> Why don't you give them root, though?
L156[09:37:41] <APlayer> If they are trustworthy?
L157[09:39:27] <ve2dmn> They could not tell me what the issue was.... Their file had the wrong group.
L158[09:40:02] <ve2dmn> They could had solve it themselves.... nope.... they wanted everything
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L162[10:09:06] ⇦ Quits: Lyneira (Lyneira!~lyneira@ (Quit: Quit)
L163[10:13:00] <ve2dmn> Who do I blame for the lack of knowledge in computers among people?
L164[10:13:31] <ve2dmn> Society? Education? the fact that things are moving faster then before? Apathy? All of the above?
L165[10:14:51] <Blaank_Linux> Ignorance is not stupidity. Continued ignorance and inability or unwillingness to learn, is.
L166[10:15:53] <ve2dmn> most are not stupid, far from it. If I take the time and explain clearly, they understand...
L167[10:16:34] <ve2dmn> ...But they didn't come to that conclusion by themselves, which is 90% of the problem.
L168[10:17:34] <ve2dmn> Either by ingorance or lack of resourcefulness, the ability to cope with anything
L169[10:19:40] ⇨ Joins: Gasher (Gasher!~Gasher@broadband-46-188-123-173.2com.net)
L170[10:19:57] <ve2dmn> Hard to teach resourcefulness, but it,s a wonderful skill to have
L171[10:21:07] <Fluburtur> does anyone here knows the math to make a parabola in CAD?
L172[10:29:22] <ve2dmn> Best conspiracy so far: "The United States hired Stanley Kubrick to fake the moon landing, but he insisted on filming on location."
L173[10:30:34] <ve2dmn> Fluburtur: isn't it just x^2 ?
L174[10:30:41] <ve2dmn> https://www.google.ca/search?q=y%3D+x%5E2&oq=y%3D+x%5E2
L175[10:35:35] <Fluburtur> cad programs need a little more than that
L176[10:39:29] <APlayer> Rule of three: You always need exactly three tries to insert a USB drive into its socket
L177[10:39:51] <APlayer> And when I say exactly, I mean it
L178[10:40:11] <KrazyKrl> Draw best fit parabola?
L179[10:40:30] <KrazyKrl> 50% of the time it works every time.
L180[10:40:57] ⇦ Quits: Mat2ch (Mat2ch!~xts@k7604.ps-server.net) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L181[10:41:04] <APlayer> Fluburtur: Depends on what CAD you use
L182[10:41:22] <Fluburtur> fusion 360
L183[10:41:25] <APlayer> And what sort of parabola you need
L184[10:41:31] <Fluburtur> there is a conic cruev thing
L185[10:41:36] <APlayer> No idea about Fusion 360, never used it
L186[10:41:53] <APlayer> Never even heard of it, actually
L187[10:41:56] <Fluburtur> the off axis one https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f0/Parabolic_antenna_types2.svg
L188[10:42:08] <Fluburtur> just part of a whole but yeah
L189[10:42:20] <Fluburtur> also I want it to focus not on a single poitn but rather a area
L190[10:42:23] <APlayer> I suggest you just use a circle section for that
L191[10:42:37] <ve2dmn> "Elon Musk is actually an alien stuck on earth and all the research he's doing for space travel is just so he can return to his home planet."
L192[10:42:45] <ve2dmn> Elon Phone Home....
L193[10:42:48] <APlayer> Those are good enough for receivers IRL, and definitely good enough for KSP models or whatever
L194[10:43:28] <Fluburtur> well
L195[10:43:37] <Fluburtur> I want to make reflector sight for rc planes
L196[10:44:04] <APlayer> ve2dmn: Elon Musk is an alien not stuck but on Earth anyway, he really likes the concept of cars which his native planet does not have, but they don't use petroleum. So he made electric cars and rockets to bring them home.
L197[10:44:27] <ve2dmn> Elon Phone Home....
L198[10:44:39] <APlayer> Fluburtur: Any sort of optics don't belong into CAD programs, IMO
L199[10:44:59] <Fluburtur> well this one should be simple, being just part of a parabola
L200[10:45:38] <ve2dmn> APlayer: I'm reading: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/7z3hja/what_is_your_favourite_conspiracy_theory/
L201[10:45:39] ⇦ Quits: Blaank_Linux (Blaank_Linux!~chatzilla@c-24-11-223-177.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L202[10:45:54] <APlayer> I don't know how you would realize that from a 3D model, anyway
L203[10:46:07] <APlayer> CNC won't help much, nor will 3D printing
L204[10:46:22] <RandomJeb> that was actually elon in the roadster, it had a wormhole generator in the back and he is already back at his home planet, the elon musk on earth is just an android double
L205[10:46:24] <Fluburtur> well I just want it to be parabolic in one axis
L206[10:46:41] <APlayer> ve2dmn: That link is somewhat inappropriate
L207[10:46:49] <Fluburtur> https://sketchboard.me/dAUsnW8YLBZI
L208[10:47:13] <ve2dmn> hum, you might be right. I'm sorry
L209[10:48:15] <APlayer> Fluburtur: As it is not manned anyway, what speaks against mounting the camera, if any, in place of the reflector and making the reflector a dummy?
L210[10:48:27] <APlayer> (I hope it is not manned, that is)
L211[10:48:37] <Fluburtur> because I intend to display crap on there
L212[10:48:41] <Fluburtur> like a HUD
L213[10:48:52] <APlayer> Humm
L214[10:49:06] <Fluburtur> and I didn't find nay parabola generator
L215[10:49:16] <Fluburtur> I would need to know the focal point too
L216[10:49:40] <APlayer> I could help you with what you need in Sketchup, but not sure if you'd go the extra mile to install that just for one reflector part
L217[10:49:51] <Fluburtur> yeah
L218[10:49:57] <APlayer> The focal point is calculate-able
L219[10:50:42] <APlayer> Anyway, feel free to specifically ping me in case you decide to use Sketchup, otherwise, I am afraid I can't help you with some different software :/
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L234[11:32:30] <tma> hi there
L235[11:33:39] <Deddly> Hi tma
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L237[11:34:27] <tma> gday deddly
L238[11:34:37] <tma> sal still knock about?
L239[11:36:21] <Deddly> He hasn't been around for some months now -
L240[11:36:26] <Deddly> He is travelling the world
L241[11:36:50] <tma> ah lucky for some eh
L242[11:37:12] <tma> i take it hes not working with squad anymore? or whoever the company is now
L243[11:38:03] <Deddly> That's right. We miss him :(
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L245[11:38:47] <Deddly> But we're also happy for him because he planned the trip for a long time
L246[11:39:18] <tma> yea, gees i would love to be in a position to travel the world
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L252[12:05:57] <APlayer> How long did he plan his trip to be?
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L259[12:27:45] <Draconiator> https://www.space.com/39763-spacex-delays-falcon-9-rocket-paz-launch.html
L260[12:40:33] <ve2dmn> There is a Linux Kernel Developper that lives on the road. Working remote.
L261[12:40:50] <ve2dmn> Code anywhere you want, including parked next to the beach in Hawaii
L262[12:43:00] <Deddly> APlayer, at least a year
L263[12:43:47] <APlayer> Deddly: So that's what he's been doing? Hoarding a year's worth of food and gas? :D
L264[12:44:12] <Deddly> Apparently so!
L265[12:44:20] <Deddly> I wonder where he is right now
L266[12:45:08] <Deddly> ve2dmn, why stop there? Get a waterproof laptop and code from a surfboard.
L267[12:45:20] <APlayer> But seriously, he must have saved up enough money to last him a year without work?
L268[12:48:25] <Deddly> Well he's not working whilst he's on the road, so he must have done
L269[12:49:16] <APlayer> That's awesome
L270[12:49:34] <Deddly> I think if you life a fairly simple life and don't get credit, it should be pretty easy to save up like that
L271[12:49:46] <Deddly> ... if you live* a ...
L272[12:50:13] <APlayer> Well, it's possible, yes, but it shows dedication
L273[12:50:53] <APlayer> In that, he achieved much more than most of us do: He not only had a dream, but he managed to pursue and fulfil it
L274[12:51:11] <APlayer> And what a dream, even
L275[12:51:59] <Deddly> Maybe my dream was to sit and chat on IRC all day ;)
L276[12:52:14] <APlayer> This does not qualify
L277[12:52:23] <Deddly> Hehe
L278[12:52:24] <APlayer> :P
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L296[14:08:50] <JCB> do rockets growl.. or roar when they run.. or is it firing?
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L298[14:13:40] <ve2dmn> JCB: They tweet
L299[14:15:48] <scrat9518> I've heard "firing", but I've also heard "burning".
L300[14:15:59] <scrat9518> I think burn makes the most sense to me.
L301[14:26:27] <ve2dmn> I still can't believe there is a car on a heliocentric orbit out there
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L303[14:45:44] <Fluburtur> https://youtu.be/4iOoiEbtf2w?t=14
L304[14:45:44] <kmath> YouTube - The Original Spitfire Surprise Low Pass
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L309[15:01:32] <bees> ve2dmn: not enough KSP hours, perhaps?
L310[15:02:06] <ve2dmn> bees: 1600h according to steam
L311[15:02:35] <ve2dmn> I wish I was joking: https://steamcommunity.com/id/ve2dmn/games/?tab=all
L312[15:07:01] <Fluburtur> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHJRjaPfbQk
L313[15:07:01] <kmath> YouTube - Slavic Space Program
L314[15:13:55] <JCB> ve2dmn tweet do you say? here... have some T-37Bs https://fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/ac/t_37a.jpg
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L316[15:15:06] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/231106102693986314/415979624426635284/DWhFFURW4AA_0Bg.png
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L320[16:00:46] <halcyon_b> I thought I had a lot, at 757 hours
L321[16:03:18] <halcyon_b> I just went and looked at my games list, and realized that there are a ton in there I completely forgot owning
L322[16:03:29] <halcyon_b> Because they don't come up on my steam client on Linux if they're windows-only
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L325[16:20:01] * darsie picked up Magden Kerman and her scrap: http://www.bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot185.png
L326[16:20:20] <darsie> From the surface of Minmus.
L327[16:22:38] <darsie> Hmm, I forgot chutes. Gonna need another launch.
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L335[17:10:31] <halcyon_b> I like that design.
L336[17:10:53] <halcyon_b> I mean, minus the chutes issue
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L338[17:16:15] <darsie> :)
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L341[17:30:45] <Draconiator> https://i.gyazo.com/f6d7367027e9f88fa2aedb5871cf6d80.png - Anyone know why sometimes when I freeze ice in trays, they make little spiles like this?
L342[17:31:04] <Draconiator> *spikes
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L344[17:31:37] <taniwha> Draconiator: water expands when it freezes
L345[17:31:54] <Draconiator> hmmm apparently it's a common phenomenon too...huh
L346[17:32:20] <Draconiator> https://www.its.caltech.edu/~atomic/snowcrystals/icespikes/multspikes.jpg
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L348[17:33:28] <Draconiator> Wow interesting.
L349[17:33:34] <taniwha> my guess: top surface freezes over, then the sides (core is still liquid). as the core freezes, it bursts through the top surface and freezes
L350[17:34:57] <taniwha> would need very low dissolved air content, I imagine
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L360[17:46:19] <Draconiator> eh, my ice cubes don't have very low air content...they're kind of frosted.
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L363[17:49:58] <taniwha> might be why your spikes were smaller
L364[17:50:07] <taniwha> still, as I said: a guess
L365[17:50:31] <taniwha> (my thinking is the dissolved air would come out, then compress)
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L368[17:57:33] <kevlarballoons> what now
L369[17:58:27] <kevlarballoons> i'm 500 km away from val
L370[17:58:37] <kevlarballoons> and if i try to eva i'll end up running out during landing and dying
L371[17:58:49] <kevlarballoons> and if i turn on crash I get this absurd kraken spaghettification
L372[17:58:54] <kevlarballoons> *crash resistance
L373[17:59:09] <kevlarballoons> infinite fuel i guess
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L376[18:02:26] <kevlarballoons> and now my sas isn't workin
L377[18:02:27] <kevlarballoons> perfect
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L381[18:07:02] <kevlarballoons> f it i'm done
L382[18:07:12] <kevlarballoons> i forgot a heat shield and i've been through enough
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L386[18:26:25] <CyborgDuderino> I managed to break KSP and go 609 Quadrillion meters a second after launching straight into the VAB
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L388[18:28:00] <ve2dmn> CyborgDuderino: congrats on a succesfful summon of the Kraken
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L394[20:18:15] <Draconiator> How can I tell if some engine is stock or not? Not sure if these jump jet engines are stock...
L395[20:19:31] <Draconiator> And they sorta kinda spew exhaust trails everywhere, which makes for an interesting plume out the back.
L396[20:21:58] <darsie> Draconiator: I installed a few mods and one tells me the origin of each part in the VAB menu with a tooltip.
L397[20:25:51] <darsie> Draconiator: http://www.bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot186.png
L398[20:27:44] <darsie> Draconiator: http://www.bksys.at/bernhard/temp/2018-02-22-032707_1272x673_scrot.png
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L417[21:25:31] <Draconiator> https://i.gyazo.com/cf63ef54e67beffd2add1e95266a67db.jpg - Most maneuverable thing I've EVER came up with.
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L421[22:02:37] <Guest82545> Hi there, is it normal that the nerv nuclear engine keeps using LF even when thrust is 0?
L422[22:03:04] <darsie> Perhaps at high pressure.
L423[22:03:29] <darsie> It probably has low Isp at high pressure.
L424[22:03:40] <Guest82545> Nope, I'm landed on Ike, status is off
L425[22:03:42] <darsie> and cosequently low thrust.
L426[22:03:54] <Guest82545> oh wait, it's fuel tank "bolloff: losing 0.02u/min" :D
L427[22:03:54] <darsie> no, not normal.
L428[22:04:01] <Guest82545> forgot that!
L429[22:04:08] <darsie> boiloff?
L430[22:04:23] <darsie> Why would kerosene boil off?
L431[22:04:39] <Guest82545> Real Fuels mod :) sorry for the stupid question then
L432[22:05:01] <Guest82545> need to remove that
L433[22:05:01] <darsie> Kerosene has a low vapor pressure at Ike. Should be easy to contain it.
L434[22:05:41] <darsie> Voyager fired successfully after 30 years or so.
L435[22:05:41] <Guest82545> is there a way to do that?
L436[22:05:53] <Guest82545> oh, "enable cooling" prevents that
L437[22:05:59] <darsie> remove the mod. file a bug report.
L438[22:06:10] <Technicalfool_> you can remove mods just by deleting the mod directory, but I can't guarantee youor save file will survive the operation.
L439[22:06:23] <Guest82545> searching for "fuel tank boiloff ksp" on google goes to real-fuel
L440[22:06:33] <darsie> Only cryogenics should boil off, like LH2 and LOX, mehane.
L441[22:06:36] <Guest82545> maybe that's what it is for
L442[22:06:43] <Guest82545> it is LH2
L443[22:06:43] <darsie> methane*
L444[22:06:48] <darsie> ic
L445[22:06:50] <Guest82545> did I load the wrong fuel type for the nerv?
L446[22:06:54] <darsie> yeah
L447[22:06:57] <darsie> I think so.
L448[22:07:05] <Guest82545> good.. thanks a lot then!
L449[22:07:08] <darsie> In stock it runs on "liquid fuel".
L450[22:07:58] <Guest82545> then I've selected the wrong one, right
L451[22:07:59] <darsie> Which is also the stuff jet engines use, so kerosene.
L452[22:08:04] <Guest82545> thank you darsie
L453[22:08:05] <Technicalfool_> well, in stock it's pretty easy. Just make sure you don't bring oxidizer with you. That's a "fun" mistake.
L454[22:08:07] <darsie> pw
L455[22:08:15] <darsie> yw
L456[22:08:25] <Technicalfool_> "Why is this nuke engine not getting anywhere? I thouoght they're supposed to be efficient! .....oh."
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L458[22:08:55] <taniwha> Technicalfool_: thus MFT :)
L459[22:09:41] <Technicalfool_> ohey, it's a tani. You're still alive!
L460[22:10:30] <Technicalfool_> finally applied the Win10 "fall creators update" thingy. Aaaaand the biggst thing I notice is a bunch of crap spammed into the taskbar. Unpin, unpin, unpin...
L461[22:11:46] <Technicalfool_> Spybot Anti Beacon engaged, oh look a few things got turned off by the totally-cares-about-your-privacy Microsoft. Well that's re-immunized.
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L463[22:25:52] * taniwha waddles around like a penguin ;)
L464[22:30:25] <Supernovy> Ran out of TP?
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L472[23:14:11] <Draconiator> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKdR68KswSQ
L473[23:14:11] <kmath> YouTube - Bumble Bee II, The Guinness Book Records Holder
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