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L34[02:18:57] <JCB> so...
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L36[02:19:21] <JCB> sorta avoided the place for a bit... was guessing there'd be a lot of falcon heavy chatter...
L37[02:19:39] <JCB> and then I come across this tweet...
L38[02:19:40] <JCB> https://twitter.com/TorinDarkflight/status/961071825689161728
L39[02:19:41] <kmath> <TorinDarkflight> Ok...whoever made this picture, you are awesome. XD #FalconHeavy #TeslaInSpace https://t.co/QTWdChiwrW
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L47[03:19:44] <TheKosmonaut> JCB: ahha. I literally watched that episode right after the launch
L48[03:29:44] <JCB> thekosmonaut I don't even know which one it was.
L49[03:29:53] <TheKosmonaut> The 37s
L50[03:30:12] <TheKosmonaut> Season 2 Episode 1
L51[03:30:21] <JCB> someone said in the comments it was the one with amelia... if I recal, it was the one aliens picked her up and had her and a few others in cold storage
L52[03:30:59] <JCB> the crew just picked up an old truck... was it? Radio was still playing but was some kinda sos..?
L53[03:31:02] <TheKosmonaut> They find the pick up truck, then follow its trail to a planet with Amelia Earhart, her navigator, an Imperial Japanese officer, a farmer that owned the truck, and I think someone else
L54[03:31:25] <JCB> ya ok... I wouldn't have been able to get the episode just from the scene.
L55[03:31:26] <TheKosmonaut> But eventually they discover that alien abductions in the 30s was real and that they had basically created a planet of humans
L56[03:31:59] <JCB> nog...
L57[03:32:10] <TheKosmonaut> It's funny because Tuvok pulls his phaser when the truck backfires in the cargo bay
L58[03:32:23] <JCB> ya.. typical
L59[03:33:02] <JCB> Saw Tim Russ in an episode of NCIS: New Orleans last week...
L60[03:33:40] <TheKosmonaut> ... They have a new orleans spin off now?
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L63[03:35:34] <JCB> been for a while
L64[03:35:45] <JCB> scott baculla would you believe?
L65[03:36:04] <TheKosmonaut> Oh how the far they have fallen
L66[03:36:12] <JCB> appearntly not very far
L67[03:36:14] <TheKosmonaut> ER
L68[03:36:22] <TheKosmonaut> How far they have fallen*
L69[03:36:55] <JCB> not uncommon... look at what happened to a number of the TNG cast and gargoyles animated series.
L70[03:37:03] <TheKosmonaut> I liked Enterprise. It gets a lot of hate because it didn't attain its full potential
L71[03:37:13] <TheKosmonaut> Voyager was the same.
L72[03:37:34] <TheKosmonaut> Though both Voyager and enterprise have some of the best overall episodes.
L73[03:37:39] <JCB> Enterprise was intersting.. though wasn't fan of the direction it went late ron
L74[03:37:45] <TheKosmonaut> Voyager has Year of Hell which was great.
L75[03:37:56] <TheKosmonaut> JCB: I felt the same. I actually didn't like the Xindi arc
L76[03:38:13] <TheKosmonaut> But lots of people seemed to find that to be the best part.
L77[03:38:35] <TheKosmonaut> Enterprise did do some cool continuity stuff with how damaged enterprise was. Which was certainly cool.
L78[03:38:58] <TheKosmonaut> Voyager could have been an entire series of the Year of Hell. But execs didn't approve.
L79[03:39:15] <TheKosmonaut> The good thing is, it's what spurred Ronald Moore to do BSG so can't all be bad.
L80[03:40:05] <JCB> lol.. I remember seeing ads for a number of the series together.. The good, the bad, and the Phlox... umm..
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L82[03:41:34] <tawny> Year of Hell?
L83[03:41:37] <JCB> ugh.. speaking of Gargoyles..... here's a scary crossover: http://s0.geograph.org.uk/geophotos/05/07/26/5072602_93bc02bb.jpg
L84[03:42:51] <JCB> Year of hell... two episodes if I remember. Some one built a time travelling ship, starts meddling with time stream to get his wife back, ends up doing all sorts of havic. Voyager gets caught up in things...
L85[03:43:55] <tawny> oh right
L86[03:44:03] <tawny> isn't that how they get out of the alpha quadrant eventually
L87[03:44:13] <tawny> or.... do they have a chance to leave, but they don't for some silly reason?
L88[03:44:50] <JCB> eh... not really...
L89[03:44:53] <tawny> I like to say I liked voyager but it's all a blur honestly, I only remember snippets of episodes I watched while visiting my grandmother
L90[03:45:20] <JCB> Robert Duncan McNeill, aka Paris, good greif his looks changed since the series.
L91[03:46:17] <TheKosmonaut> Well. They really wanted to keep him as the same character from TNG
L92[03:46:41] <TheKosmonaut> But it became budgetarily prohibitive because they'd have to pay royalties to the writers of that episode of TNG
L93[03:49:16] <JCB> eh..?
L94[03:49:42] <JCB> TNG episode?
L95[03:49:54] <TheKosmonaut> Yep.
L96[03:50:12] <JCB> you lost me.. I only known him to play as paris in Voyager series
L97[03:50:28] <TheKosmonaut> The First Duty
L98[03:50:37] <TheKosmonaut> S5E19 or 20
L99[03:51:08] <TheKosmonaut> Basically, Wesley is being questioned by tribunal after the death of a fellow cadet pilot after a flight training accident
L100[03:51:48] <TheKosmonaut> Wesley, Paris, and a couple of other cadets conspire and hide evidence that they were practicing an illegal maneuver for an upcoming air show
L101[03:52:02] <TheKosmonaut> Paris is the leader of the team.
L102[03:52:19] <TheKosmonaut> He's then punished when Wesley caves and eats them out
L103[03:52:24] <TheKosmonaut> Rats*
L104[03:52:33] <JCB> ok I remember that episode.. didn't realize was same paris
L105[03:52:48] <TheKosmonaut> Same actor. But they couldn't make him the same character. Sadly.
L106[03:52:49] <JCB> hmm...
L107[03:53:05] <JCB> voyager paris I remember had something else of a rather shady background
L108[03:53:22] <TheKosmonaut> But the overall character is the same, the reason he is in the penal colony was supposed to be for reasons related to and stemming from that incident at the academy
L109[03:53:43] <TheKosmonaut> But they changed the details to go from the flight accident to a different incident
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L111[03:56:16] <JCB> reading up on the story they have for him..
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L113[04:07:10] <JCB> hmm..
L114[04:07:23] <JCB> which paris they almost based off?
L115[04:07:45] <JCB> said from crusher's flying group right? I don't see his name listed.
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L143[05:32:57] <flubeh> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/186186471202357249/411205389976338433/IMG_20180208_173135.jpg
L144[05:32:58] <flubeh> finally
L145[05:37:44] <legion> is that device behind it for balancing purpoises?
L146[05:38:06] <flubeh> yeah is to balance the blades
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L148[05:45:55] <flubeh> actually those are pretty handy because they can balance regular props too
L149[05:46:09] <flubeh> and I kinda needed one for a while and I got it for free with the heli
L150[05:47:14] <legion> not often that i am right about something...
L151[05:47:42] <legion> eithr it was that or a seesaw toy
L152[05:47:54] <flubeh> yeah it's a swing for bugs actually
L153[05:48:15] <legion> _
L154[05:57:11] <flubeh> look at that cat https://78.media.tumblr.com/c5b0b932de2ebf3d09b6965e55bfa147/tumblr_p3guf97xAi1rdkpu1o4_r1_540.png
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L161[06:49:32] <mr_trousers22> hello any1 online?
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L165[06:51:06] <mr_trousers22> :/ - ?
L166[06:51:11] <mr_trousers22> ?
L167[06:51:11] <mr_trousers22> ??
L168[06:51:12] <mr_trousers22> ???
L169[06:51:15] <mr_trousers22> ????
L170[06:51:16] <mr_trousers22> ???
L171[06:51:19] <mr_trousers22> ??
L172[06:51:22] <mr_trousers22> ???
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L174[06:51:25] <mr_trousers22> ?
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L190[07:22:01] <Draconiator> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBBf8RUep8U
L191[07:22:01] <kmath> YouTube - 10 Technologies You Never Knew Were Invented By NASA
L192[07:22:11] <Althego> lol what was that with the question marks?
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L194[07:23:18] <flubeh> Althego look https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/186186471202357249/411205389976338433/IMG_20180208_173135.jpg
L195[07:23:28] <Althego> you got it
L196[07:25:02] <flubeh> yeah finally
L197[07:25:08] <flubeh> im doing the settings rn
L198[07:25:17] <flubeh> I can move the swashplate and spin the motor
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L201[07:32:40] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7LJIuB2CHE
L202[07:32:40] <kmath> YouTube - Elon Musk on how Falcon Heavy will change space travel
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L206[07:35:46] <Althego> here he says that they havent decided that whether the moon thing happens with the bfr or the fh
L207[07:36:19] <Althego> why do people always think that rockets need something to push against
L208[07:37:10] <taniwha> because they don't understand momentum
L209[07:39:07] <Althego> but he also said previously that fh will not be human rated
L210[07:39:26] <darsie> Rockets push against fuel.
L211[07:39:45] <Althego> funny thing is, the center of mass of the whole systems stays motionless
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L215[07:53:11] <Althego> hah! systematic classification of life, ep22, finally
L216[07:53:27] <Althego> and he has to finish each episode with a really bad dad level pun
L217[07:53:30] *** XXCoder is now known as Rolf
L218[07:54:08] <Rolf> https://futurism.com/scientists-achieve-direct-counterfactual-quantum-communication-for-the-first-time/ hm
L219[07:58:28] <Althego> quantum zeno effect, never heard of it
L220[07:58:33] <Althego> but apparently still exists
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L222[08:10:47] ⇨ Joins: PirateAE (PirateAE!Mibbit@d50-92-126-35.bchsia.telus.net)
L223[08:10:54] <PirateAE> 123
L224[08:11:11] <darsie> .
L225[08:11:20] <TheKosmonaut> PirateAE: 456
L226[08:12:10] <PirateAE> ... any idea what would be causing this? https://imgur.com/UdBP5CD its been an issue for a while and really took a bunch of steam out of wanting to play ksp :/ mod list in a sec
L227[08:12:10] <kmath> https://i.imgur.com/UdBP5CD.png
L228[08:12:24] <PirateAE> https://imgur.com/Rzku4Xe
L229[08:12:24] <kmath> https://i.imgur.com/Rzku4Xe.png
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L232[08:13:42] *** PirateAE2 is now known as PirateE
L233[08:14:23] <PirateE> think it was you that responded intaly there kosmo? any idea?
L234[08:15:19] <Deddly> Oh wow
L235[08:15:26] <Deddly> That's impressive
L236[08:15:54] <PirateE> somethings screwing with teh aero but im not sure what
L237[08:16:10] <PirateE> at this point im considering a full reinstall reset of mods etc but :/
L238[08:16:12] <Deddly> You're inside Kerbin atmosphere?
L239[08:16:25] <PirateE> yea
L240[08:16:42] <PirateE> on (a failed autopilot) accent
L241[08:17:00] <Deddly> I cannot se
L242[08:17:05] <Deddly> see the text
L243[08:17:17] <PirateE> gonan update what i can and try again in a moment to reconfirm its still an issue but :/
L244[08:17:21] <Deddly> Maybe because I'm on mobile
L245[08:18:04] ⇦ Quits: Raazeer (Raazeer!~Raazeer@p5B25E198.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L246[08:18:07] <Deddly> I would start troubleshooting by removing any mods that deal with heating, atmosphere and lighting
L247[08:18:35] <PirateE> would get a larger image but 38*24
L248[08:20:06] <PirateE> also has ksp itelf updated in teh last month ish?
L249[08:20:13] <Althego> no
L250[08:20:17] <TheKosmonaut> What do your logs say?
L251[08:20:30] <Althego> 1.3.1 was some months ago. 1.4 coming in march
L252[08:20:34] <TheKosmonaut> What happens if you turn off aero fx or change the intensity of them?
L253[08:20:44] <Althego> game will look worse
L254[08:20:51] <PirateE> ill trouble shoot that , in mid boot atm
L255[08:21:15] <PirateE> got pop ups for 4 mods for 1.3 version but dont think that would be an iddue
L256[08:21:21] <TheKosmonaut> Althego: worse than a firey version of the last scenr in Interstellar?
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L260[08:23:51] <Althego> i didnt get the pun this time at the end of the episode
L261[08:24:07] <Althego> maybe it was so bad that my brain protected itself
L262[08:24:50] <PirateE> @Deddly better screen of mods folder
L263[08:24:51] <PirateE> https://imgur.com/a/1abkc
L264[08:24:51] <kmath> https://i.imgur.com/l5xycqT.png
L265[08:25:06] <Althego> use dir /b
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L267[08:29:47] <Eddi|zuHause> while speaking of mods, anybody have an idea which of these mods could cause my gimbal issue from yesterday? https://ibin.co/3r7WbrvIrcRa.png
L268[08:30:25] <Eddi|zuHause> gimbal issue: gimbals too far https://ibin.co/3r3Ho95doJmB.png https://ibin.co/3r3HzhJmzjiZ.png
L269[08:30:31] <PirateE> @thekosmonaut Droping to minimal aero fx removes it but :/ i would rather be able to see it
L270[08:30:44] <Judge_Dedd> Hmm
L271[08:31:26] <Judge_Dedd> Still have the issue without FAR?
L272[08:33:13] <Eddi|zuHause> oh great, ckan crashed :/
L273[08:35:37] <PirateE> gonan try first takeing out my two texture related things (texture replacer and the GPP textures
L274[08:37:05] ⇦ Quits: Judge_Dedd (Judge_Dedd!~MrNiceGuy@h87-96-164-204.cust.se.alltele.net) (Quit: Uh oh...)
L275[08:37:30] <Eddi|zuHause> https://pastebin.com/ERFpcsKZ if anyone cares
L276[08:37:37] <PirateE> next if thsi one fails will be simple ajust farings
L277[08:37:44] <Eddi|zuHause> happened when resizing ckan
L278[08:40:34] ⇦ Quits: tawny (tawny!~tawny@pool-72-66-34-163.washdc.east.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 383 seconds)
L279[08:40:42] <PirateE> whats teh cheat window buttons again?
L280[08:40:50] <Althego> alt-f12
L281[08:41:04] <Althego> or right shift on linux instead of al
L282[08:47:59] <PirateE> not working for some reason :/
L283[08:48:01] ⇨ Joins: Hypergolic_Skunk (Hypergolic_Skunk!uid167070@id-167070.tooting.irccloud.com)
L284[08:48:32] <Althego> one of the keys is not working or some other program intercepts it before it gets there
L285[08:48:55] <PirateE> nativia maybe :/ (grapics triver
L286[08:48:58] <PirateE> drover
L287[08:49:41] <Althego> yes that overlay thing has quite a few keyboard shortcuts and i had to modify all of them because the collided with something else
L288[08:49:48] <Althego> but i think those let it through
L289[08:50:57] <PirateE> a 5 thumper rocket should get me going fast enough to cause aero so >.>
L290[08:51:06] <PirateE> inf fuel would be better nit
L291[08:51:41] ⇦ Quits: aradapilot (aradapilot!~aradapilo@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L292[08:53:52] <PirateE> if i could keep it pointed where it should be >.<
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L295[09:02:25] <PirateE> fun fact the design that finaly got me able to try again... got me to orbital if i hadent turned
L296[09:02:50] <PirateE> on just solids
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L298[09:05:04] <PirateE> normal areo , abit all stock
L299[09:05:11] <PirateE> so lets try truble vessal again
L300[09:07:01] <flubeh> I reved up my heli
L301[09:07:07] <flubeh> pretty impressive
L302[09:07:23] <Mat2ch> and it still works? *ducksandhides* :D
L303[09:07:44] ⇦ Quits: Deddly (Deddly!~MrNiceGuy@h87-96-164-204.cust.se.alltele.net) (Ping timeout: 207 seconds)
L304[09:08:06] <flubeh> you will see very soon
L305[09:08:25] <flubeh> or when the video finished uploading with that crap internet I have
L306[09:10:10] <Mat2ch> :)
L307[09:10:17] <Mat2ch> how did you rocket engine tests go?
L308[09:10:31] <flubeh> didn't make one since the last one that didn't fire
L309[09:13:34] <flubeh> https://youtu.be/jQuTQJMT40M
L310[09:13:34] <kmath> YouTube - heli rev up
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L313[09:20:48] <PirateE> :D TheKosmonaut Deddky found my trouble part ... what what mod is it attaced to
L314[09:20:55] <PirateE> now what*
L315[09:21:24] <ve2dmn> The olympics games needs a rocket competition
L316[09:22:36] <PirateE> https://imgur.com/a/X4SXx ... what mod adds this part?
L317[09:22:36] <kmath> https://i.imgur.com/bDzmV6O.png
L318[09:22:56] <ve2dmn> Although, the paralympic games have the most impression competition of all: Blind Downhill skiing
L319[09:23:37] <ve2dmn> PirateE: look up the manifacturer
L320[09:25:14] <Eddi|zuHause> something is very wrong here...
L321[09:25:26] <Eddi|zuHause> how can a symmetrical rocket have an asymmetric center of lift?
L322[09:25:39] <flubeh> you did a mistake somewhere?
L323[09:26:14] ⇨ Joins: BadRocketsCo (BadRocketsCo!~badrocket@137-234-196-88.dyn.estpak.ee)
L324[09:28:37] <Eddi|zuHause> hm, i sold the hitchhiker and bought it again, now it seems better
L325[09:29:22] <Eddi|zuHause> and now the rocket editor is broken :/
L326[09:31:59] <Eddi|zuHause> hm, no it was the RCS thruster attached to it
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L329[09:42:30] <PirateE> ve2dmn wasnt that easy... ended up makeing a 2 part craft and searching the .craft file. SXTTubeAntenna kinda points out what mod
L330[09:42:57] <ve2dmn> never heard of that mod...
L331[09:43:48] <PirateE> https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/151129-131-sxt-continued/
L332[09:43:56] ⇨ Joins: Dman979 (Dman979!~D^man@c-68-84-106-12.hsd1.pa.comcast.net)
L333[09:44:00] <PirateE> and i just loked myself out of my account on teh fourms ... ffs
L334[09:44:06] <PirateE> locked*
L335[09:44:13] <ve2dmn> how?
L336[09:44:22] <PirateE> couldnt remember password
L337[09:44:51] <Althego> hehe i never even had an account. already too many
L338[09:47:30] <ve2dmn> Get a password manager. it changed my life
L339[09:47:52] ⇨ Joins: GurrenLagannCWP (GurrenLagannCWP!webchat@
L340[09:48:03] <GurrenLagannCWP> Hi!
L341[09:48:04] <Althego> nothing good came out of anything that was called manager
L342[09:48:25] <Althego> hah! you didnt get an automatic reply
L343[09:48:46] <GurrenLagannCWP> Above me...
L344[09:49:02] <ve2dmn> Hi
L345[09:49:03] <Mod9000> Hello, ve2dmn
L346[09:49:10] <Althego> pierce the heavens with a rocket, not a drill
L348[09:50:24] <ve2dmn> Althego: seriously, better to have strong password and a way to remember them then re-using the same stupid password everywhere
L349[09:50:29] <GurrenLagannCWP> Back to KSP
L350[09:50:33] <Althego> that is what i am doing
L351[09:50:37] ⇨ Joins: Pakaran (Pakaran!~Nathan@cpe-98-10-61-178.rochester.res.rr.com)
L352[09:50:48] <Althego> and hence running out of mental storage
L353[09:51:21] <ve2dmn> Because the scenario you want to avoid is the password dumps
L354[09:51:43] <ve2dmn> You do not control how the password are stored on any backend
L355[09:51:43] <GurrenLagannCWP> Just proved that Duna-geostationary sattelites aren't stable
L356[09:51:54] <Althego> i use reused passwords for things that dont matter at all
L357[09:52:55] ⇦ Quits: flubeh (flubeh!kiwiirc@lav63-4-78-211-17-35.fbx.proxad.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
L358[09:53:02] <ve2dmn> I mean... look at this list: https://haveibeenpwned.com/PwnedWebsites
L359[09:53:35] <Althego> lol, does myspace even exist?
L360[09:53:42] <Eddi|zuHause> hm, it says my 3rd stage has 3800m/s dV, yet it didn't circularize for some reason?
L361[09:53:53] <Althego> air resistance
L362[09:54:32] <GurrenLagannCWP> https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/7weaa0/dunageostationary_sattelites_arent_stable/
L363[09:54:53] <PirateE> now i just need a fourm mod to approve that post
L364[09:55:34] <Judge_Dedd> link?
L365[09:55:52] <GurrenLagannCWP> What link?
L366[09:56:01] <Althego> from zelda :)
L367[09:56:22] <PirateE> for me? https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/151129-131-sxt-continued/&page=17
L368[09:56:35] *** PirateE is now known as PirateAE
L369[09:57:00] <PirateAE> only just noticed i missed that A >.>
L370[09:58:53] ⇦ Quits: Judge_Dedd (Judge_Dedd!~MrNiceGuy@ (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L371[09:58:55] <Eddi|zuHause> things that happen when you press space at the wrong time :/
L372[09:59:20] <ve2dmn> Eddi|zuHause: I don't press space anymore. kOS does it for me
L373[09:59:29] <PirateAE> lol
L374[10:02:59] ⇦ Quits: GurrenLagannCWP (GurrenLagannCWP!webchat@ (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
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L376[10:03:08] <GurrenLagannCWP> H
L377[10:03:11] <GurrenLagannCWP> Hi
L378[10:03:12] <Mod9000> Hello, GurrenLagannCWP
L379[10:03:24] <GurrenLagannCWP> Just restarted
L380[10:03:50] <Althego> no h is allowed here :)
L381[10:04:23] <GurrenLagannCWP> I was typing Hi, my keyboard is buggy
L382[10:04:31] <ve2dmn> shutdown -r NOW
L383[10:04:52] ⇨ Joins: Deddly (Deddly!~MrNiceGuy@
L384[10:05:59] <GurrenLagannCWP> 759 Little Green People orbiting, no response for 20 mins
L385[10:07:16] <GurrenLagannCWP> Its quiet...
L386[10:07:16] <Deddly> ack. I crashed
L387[10:07:37] <Althego> the sound of silence
L388[10:07:44] <GurrenLagannCWP> yep
L389[10:07:55] <GurrenLagannCWP> With a VSauce video
L390[10:09:47] <GurrenLagannCWP> ...
L391[10:09:52] <GurrenLagannCWP> 5 mins
L392[10:10:48] <Althego> what
L393[10:10:52] <UmbralRaptor> Sometimes we sleep
L394[10:10:59] <Althego> not yet
L395[10:11:12] <Althego> althpugh the japanese branch is probably sleeping soon
L396[10:11:17] <Althego> if not already
L397[10:11:59] <GurrenLagannCWP> Japaaaaan
L398[10:13:14] <Deddly> PirateAE: approved :)
L399[10:13:53] <ve2dmn> Althego: untrue. Tokyo Never Sleeps.
L400[10:14:10] <GurrenLagannCWP> FINALLY I GOT A negative comment dammit
L401[10:14:11] <PirateAE> 06/08/2017 >.<
L402[10:14:11] <Althego> i thought that was new yourk
L403[10:15:00] <GurrenLagannCWP> Times Square wont stop moving! - Barby from GeographyNow
L404[10:18:08] <GurrenLagannCWP> quiet
L405[10:18:27] <Althego> anyway cities dont sleep, but individuals in the cities do, especially if they have to work for the family as at least 2 of the 3 have to
L406[10:18:28] ⇦ Quits: stratochief (stratochief!~quassel@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L407[10:18:47] <ve2dmn> ...Why are asynchronous communication so annoying.
L408[10:18:56] <Althego> not so annoying
L409[10:19:08] <ve2dmn> The sometimes reverse order of packet arrival....
L410[10:19:14] <ve2dmn> ...is...
L411[10:19:17] <Althego> at least we are not working with mars level time delay
L412[10:19:31] <Althego> i call it the relativity of simultaneity of irc
L413[10:19:39] ⇦ Quits: Deddly (Deddly!~MrNiceGuy@ (Ping timeout: 383 seconds)
L414[10:19:49] <Althego> lins can change apparent order from certain points of view
L415[10:21:10] <ve2dmn> I did the night shift some years ago. You discover a whole new side of the city you never knew existed.
L416[10:21:39] <Althego> i did 32 hour workdays and you discover nothing
L417[10:23:34] <GurrenLagannCWP> Man, Imagine London at 00:00
L418[10:23:47] <Althego> cant
L419[10:23:52] <Althego> never went there
L420[10:24:25] <Althego> although i played enough prototype that i feel i am somewhat familiar with manhattan :)
L421[10:24:30] <ve2dmn> I'm talking more about doing your groceries at 4:00 in the morning and meeting the cleaning, waxing and inventory crew
L422[10:25:20] ⇦ Quits: FLHerne (FLHerne!~flh@cpc129772-papw8-2-0-cust286.know.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L423[10:26:04] <GurrenLagannCWP> 6:30 AM SCHOOL
L424[10:26:37] <ve2dmn> 6:30-7:00 was my bedtime in thoses days
L425[10:27:10] ⇨ Joins: FLHerne (FLHerne!~flh@cpc129772-papw8-2-0-cust286.know.cable.virginm.net)
L426[10:28:31] <GurrenLagannCWP> Mine is 7-9 pm
L427[10:31:06] <GurrenLagannCWP> https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/7weaa0/dunageostationary_sattelites_arent_stable/ comment there plz
L428[10:31:47] ⇨ Joins: Ezriilc (Ezriilc!AdiIRC@
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L431[10:33:17] <GurrenLagannCWP> RIP IRC CHAT
L432[10:33:37] <petti> irc never dies
L433[10:34:05] <GurrenLagannCWP> IK
L434[10:34:09] ⇨ Joins: Japa (Japa!~Japa@
L435[10:34:19] <GurrenLagannCWP> but this one is silent
L436[10:34:29] <ve2dmn> GurrenLagannCWP: Europe and North America are at work, Asia is asleep
L437[10:34:38] <UmbralRaptor> Idle Relay Chat: we are not here to entertain you.
L438[10:35:04] <petti> europe at work on a Friday evening? I doubt it :D
L439[10:35:14] <petti> I'm in a bar
L440[10:35:16] <UmbralRaptor> Also, most city centers are dead between about 1800 and 0600.
L441[10:35:26] <ve2dmn> petti: .... better explanation
L442[10:35:40] <ve2dmn> UmbralRaptor: no night life?
L443[10:36:18] <GurrenLagannCWP> what
L444[10:36:39] <UmbralRaptor> ve2dmn: I recall being in downtown KC in that timeframe, and there were just barely enough to prevent it looking post-apocalyptic.
L445[10:37:58] <ve2dmn> UmbralRaptor: same with Toronto, but I imagine that Europe is a bit more like Montreal where it's a bit more mixed
L446[10:38:28] <petti> Montreal is frigging weird
L447[10:38:39] <petti> ..as told by a Finn here
L448[10:38:45] <ve2dmn> petti: We live in a bubble, yes
L449[10:39:22] <PirateAE> >.> sure people wont mind a cough in a simle 5 min video, forgot to check mic not record... hate being asmatic
L450[10:40:07] <Althego> synthesize your voice hawking style :)
L451[10:40:34] <Blaank> "Component-rich exhaust"
L452[10:40:40] <Blaank> There's a fun term.
L453[10:40:52] <Althego> hehe
L454[10:41:06] <ve2dmn> petti: I always wonder why we have Tourist, but then I remember that I live here and I point-of-view is bias
L455[10:41:13] <Blaank> I would like to see someone do an actual lithobraking from orbit.
L456[10:41:18] <Blaank> In KSP
L457[10:41:33] <Althego> not hard on planets with atmospheres
L458[10:41:43] <Blaank> That's aerobraking.
L459[10:41:49] <ve2dmn> Blaank: there was a video about someone doing that on minmus
L460[10:41:54] <Althego> no, because at the end you would still hit the ground
L461[10:42:07] <Althego> even i did that on minmus
L462[10:42:17] <darsie> Can you hit the ground at 0 m/s?
L463[10:42:34] <ve2dmn> There was also a video of a craft simply 'breaking' from orbital speeds on minmus
L464[10:43:16] <Blaank> But how if there is only a single point of contact and then you are in the air again? You'd have to instantly go from orbital to suborbital in order to stay on the surface and use your brakes.
L465[10:43:46] <Blaank> you could shear off some parts on a mountain coming in then you'd be slow enough to stay on the surface.
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L468[10:49:23] <GurrenLagannCWP> https://gfycat.com/FrankCapitalDromedary
L469[10:49:38] <Eddi|zuHause> uhm, this spacecraft is way too bulky to run a "grab this part and recover it" mission
L470[10:50:04] <ve2dmn> Eddi|zuHause: Think bigger
L471[10:50:49] <Eddi|zuHause> should have brought more reaction wheels maybe
L472[10:52:05] <Althego> or more boosters
L473[10:52:13] <GurrenLagannCWP> https://gfycat.com/FrankCapitalDromedary Kerbin vs Giant dice
L474[10:52:26] <Althego> doesnt lok like kerbin
L475[10:52:32] <Althego> universe sandbox
L476[10:53:22] <petti> ve2dmn: well I was there to work..
L477[10:53:37] <Althego> in montreal? me too
L478[10:53:50] <darsie> ve2dmn: Rolling or sliding?
L479[10:54:03] <ve2dmn> petti: at least you can understand my weather :)
L480[10:54:22] <ve2dmn> darsie: don't remember
L481[10:54:40] <petti> ve2dmn: yep :)
L482[10:54:48] <GurrenLagannCWP> Its impossible to make a exact copy of Kerbin in US2
L483[10:55:44] <petti> last trip was early february too, it was almost wintery with the -25 and wind
L484[10:55:57] <Althego> hehe i managed to avoif winter
L485[10:56:04] <Althego> both there and in finland
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L487[10:56:34] <ve2dmn> I find it funny that they complain about the cold at the olympics...
L488[10:56:44] <Althego> winter olympics lol
L489[10:56:47] <Althego> it has to be cold
L490[10:56:47] <Eclipser> winter is the best time in finland
L491[10:58:03] <PirateAE> least i final figured out my issue... now maybe it can get fixed and i can enjoy ksp again. now if only modding eu4 was so simple...
L492[10:58:45] <GurrenLagannCWP> The KSP team should use US2 to simulate the Jool system
L493[10:59:12] <Eddi|zuHause> i finally grabbed it, after like the 5th attempt
L494[10:59:15] <PirateAE> video of the issue start to issue( already put on the mods page) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yABy9-zxAqQ&feature=youtu.be Mind the cough ~30 secs in forgot to not record mic.
L495[10:59:15] <kmath> YouTube - STX Error relating to tube attena
L496[11:01:33] <ve2dmn> petti: what was your impression?
L497[11:02:54] <ve2dmn> petti: btw, I always ask any tourist I talk to "why visit here". The best answer so far: "because it's there. Every place has a story and I'm here to see bits of it"
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L501[11:10:13] <GurrenLagannCWP> Reset?
L502[11:11:46] <petti> ve2dmn: mixed. I could not believe the variety between rich and beggars.. not so obvious here.
L503[11:12:03] <petti> and the traffic was...
L504[11:12:10] <petti> even in the summer
L505[11:12:29] <Draconiator> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDO6uqKWzIY
L506[11:12:29] <kmath> YouTube - 8 STUPID MISTAKES everybody makes in Kerbal Space Program
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L508[11:13:22] <ve2dmn> 'variety' ?
L509[11:13:31] <Draconiator> Putting docking port on the wrong way...check
L510[11:13:43] <ve2dmn> Draconiator: +1
L511[11:16:57] <Draconiator> I did that at first and I could NOT figure out why the heck I wasn't docking. Learned that pretty fast. I also remember my first attempt to otbit Mun...granted I didn't know how orbital mechanics worked back then either, so I just smacked into it.
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L514[11:19:21] <ve2dmn> I started playing KSP the same way I started playing MC: After watching tons of youtube videos to understand what the game was
L515[11:19:27] <GurrenLagannCWP> I also converted KSP to another game, SimpleRockets
L516[11:19:49] <GurrenLagannCWP> Because my PC is bad
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L518[11:21:34] <ve2dmn> petti: that traffic is what happens when you try to cram North-American style car uses in an older city
L519[11:23:20] <ve2dmn> also, 1 mayor didn't want the autoroute to go through his city, and we are still paying for that decision 50-60 years later
L520[11:24:06] <GurrenLagannCWP> I kind-of learned KSP by playing SimpleRockets
L521[11:24:28] <mabus> i had no clue what i was doing until a half dozen scott manley videos
L522[11:24:48] <mabus> i was shooting straight up trying to time it so i hit the moon. never could slow down in time
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L524[11:26:29] <GurrenLagannCWP> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pEevo7Vo-uk Put the song in the background, so the chat becomes epic
L525[11:26:29] <kmath> YouTube - E.S. posthumus- Unstoppable
L526[11:27:43] <Althego> for that you need 2 steps from hell :)
L527[11:27:56] <Althego> ok this is good too
L528[11:28:14] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwJj2EpC8vg
L529[11:28:14] <kmath> YouTube - Strength of a Thousand Men - Two Steps from Hell
L530[11:28:32] <Draconiator> I STILL have problems with staging too...mostly because the game messes it up. More than once I've tried to launch a rocket, and the boosters just fly off without the core....heh
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L532[11:32:11] <Gasher[home]> i don't use default staging because of that Draconiator
L533[11:32:45] <Gasher[home]> also today i flied some planes that i made earlier and they felt so nice... compared to that asteroid moving contraption
L534[11:34:28] <petti> ve2dmn: I hear you used to have trams in the olden days.
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L537[11:42:40] <Eddi|zuHause> so weird, i was watching the tracking station recently, and thought "oh 7 days until maneuver", then i did some random mission, and afterwards it was "8 days"... turns out it was actually past the maneuver point to begin with
L538[11:42:54] <Eddi|zuHause> it should definitely have a different colour then
L539[11:42:59] <Althego> hehe
L540[11:43:10] <GurrenLagannCWP> Ok, TSFH is great
L541[11:43:13] <Althego> i hate that the maneuver times are blinking over the mission elapse time
L542[11:43:23] <Althego> i never need the mission elapsed time if there is a maneuver set
L543[11:44:09] <Eddi|zuHause> it's ok, wasn't really a time critical maneuver
L544[11:44:33] <Althego> it would also help to highlight the one that is closest
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L546[11:44:38] <Althego> maybe red instead of orange
L547[11:45:10] <Eddi|zuHause> green for no maneuver set, yellow for maneuver set, orange for next maneuver, and red for past maneuver
L548[11:45:16] <Eddi|zuHause> or something like that
L549[11:46:05] <GurrenLagannCWP> KSP: Cant get to Duna - SimpleRockets: https://gfycat.com/DelectableTightArkshell (12x real time)
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L554[12:02:36] <Draconiator> I have SimpleRockets on my iPad...pretty adequate 2D version of KSP
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L559[12:23:41] <Draconiator> or I did at least, don't know if I deleted it or not.
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L564[13:01:45] <ve2dmn> petti: in my grandfather's time, yes
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L566[13:07:38] <Mathuin> SimpleRockets is the tablet version of KSP in my eyes. I enjoy them both, for different reasons.
L567[13:07:59] <ve2dmn> Never tried SimpleRockets
L568[13:09:00] <Mathuin> Imagine a Fisher Price version of the VAB and world's first contracts in a mostly two dimensional world.
L569[13:09:18] <Mathuin> http://jundroo.com/app/simplerockets/
L570[13:09:26] <ve2dmn> And according to HumbleBundle, I own the game
L571[13:09:32] <ConductingCat> :3
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L575[13:14:19] <SnoopJeDi> I think it was in a bundle or two
L576[13:18:25] <ve2dmn> I bought it in May 2016
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L578[13:18:50] <Mathuin> Scott Manley says Starman will return in late February of 2022. I wonder what the world will be like then.
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L580[13:19:45] <ve2dmn> Mathuin: 90% chance of rain, with a 0.1% chance of Nuclear Doom
L581[13:20:17] <Althego> i remembered 2030
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L603[13:43:36] <ve2dmn> I'm suprised I didn't see any Back to the Future joke about the lack of roads for Starman
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L609[13:50:04] <SnoopJeDi> Crowded out by all the rest of the memery, perhaps?
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L614[14:29:36] <Eddi|zuHause> Mathuin: will he actually "return", though? he will return to the point of the orbit that he started, but earth will be in a completely different point by then
L615[14:31:15] <Draconiator> I'm not sure if Starman is in some kind of resonance or not...
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L618[14:35:14] <ve2dmn> It's not. It will be a 'closer', but not in orbit
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L620[14:39:27] <ve2dmn> I'm just facinated by the fact that the earth is now attracted toward that car... it's a tiny, tiny, tiny fraction of the pull the Sun or even Jupiter has, but it's there
L621[14:39:53] <Eddi|zuHause> that's how gravity works
L622[14:40:54] <ve2dmn> it does. to the square of the distance
L623[14:40:57] <Mathuin> Eddi|zuHause: by "return" I mean "closest point of approach", not "duck!".
L624[14:42:03] <ve2dmn> Mathuin: we might be able to get a tiny pixel of a picture then
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L626[14:42:54] <KrazyKrl> The andromeda galaxy... along with Sagitarius A* are also affected by the change of position of that car.
L627[14:43:22] <ve2dmn> KrazyKrl: not right now, the information has not travelled that far yet
L628[14:44:14] <kubi> what we know of
L629[14:44:39] <ve2dmn> kubi: it's a few light-year. give it some time
L630[14:44:49] * KrazyKrl wonders if a poorly dubbed and faceswapped version of "That's So Raven" replaced with Einstein in "That's So Relative" would be a good idea.
L631[14:45:53] <KrazyKrl> I mean... it at least wouldn't not be a bad idea.
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L633[14:51:11] <Twipply> Figured I'd give an orbital decay mod a try, but I can't seem to find one that's up to date
L634[14:51:13] <Mathuin> ve2dmn: I recently posted a picture from "the virtual telescope", it's a few pixels.
L635[14:51:13] <Twipply> Anyone know of one?
L636[14:51:40] <Twipply> If not I'm considering trying this one, but it is quite old https://www.spacedock.info/mod/437/Orbital%20Decay
L637[14:53:39] <ve2dmn> Mathuin: will we get more then 1 pixel in the future?
L638[14:54:44] <Mathuin> ve2dmn: Possibly. I wonder how close it'll come to future comet-visiting missions and other vessels traipsing through the outer solar system.
L639[14:54:53] <KrazyKrl> The pixels are on loan due to the lack of new artesian pixels being mined in the gulags of the artic ocean.
L640[14:56:53] <ve2dmn> KrazyKrl: is it related to the great bandwith bits shortage of 2004?
L641[14:57:20] <Althego> btw isps, give me my ipv6
L642[14:57:37] <KrazyKrl> ve2dmn: Sorry, that leak was never fixed... There are still many seeping into the groundwater today.
L643[14:57:47] <ve2dmn> Althego: sorry. not anytime soon.
L644[14:58:01] <Althego> because they are just redacted
L645[14:58:27] <ve2dmn> Althego: lack of incentives
L646[14:58:39] <Althego> they ran out of the address space years ago
L647[14:58:45] <Althego> they have an incentive
L648[14:59:21] <KrazyKrl> Many ISPs already have 6to4 tunnel broker endpoints for many of their users.
L649[14:59:28] <ve2dmn> Still Easier to buy un-used IP space then to switch
L650[14:59:58] <ve2dmn> KrazyKrl: some even switched to 10.X networks
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L655[15:13:29] <Draconiator> https://i.gyazo.com/e7a81402c5db691b29c7748a26b4123a.png - still testing it, but I think this is the strangest design from me yet
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L660[15:32:57] <Mathuin> RFC 1918 space isn't really meant for ISPs to implement to their customers.
L661[15:33:41] <Blaank> How does that thing even fly
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L664[15:35:28] <Mathuin> I almost think it might work better as a submersible.
L665[15:35:49] <Mathuin> The only "lift" I see is from the one wing segment and the fins, unless the Mk2 bodies also generate lift.
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L671[15:53:56] <Draconiator> Yeah I kept evolving it, and I think it's almost finished. I call it The Dragon. https://i.gyazo.com/f34b5e6dbf71ee50d47e69df75b7091b.jpg
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L673[16:02:22] <ve2dmn> Mathuin: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carrier-grade_NAT
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L675[16:03:31] <ve2dmn> Basically, RFC 6598 instead of RFC 1918
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L677[16:08:55] <ve2dmn> but yeah, NAT444 is a thing
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L679[16:09:29] <ve2dmn> Although I think it's mostly used with cell phone networks
L680[16:11:03] <Eddi|zuHause> who would ever run a webserver on their phone?
L681[16:11:07] <Mathuin> I once had to renumber my ten-net at home because it conflicted with the ISP's *parent* router.
L682[16:11:26] <Mathuin> Debugging, telemetry, letting the NSA and FBI access my content.
L683[16:12:43] <Mathuin> Also to be honest your phone is an endpoint and it deserves a unique identifier for security purposes, and sometimes the network address is the right identifier.
L684[16:14:05] <ve2dmn> it does have a unique ID: the IMEI
L685[16:14:53] <Mathuin> Sure, and your fingerprints/iris are effectively unique too but that doesn't mean they're necessarily appropriate for *all* authentication purposes
L686[16:16:03] <ve2dmn> Eddi|zuHause: also, it's not a question of running a server, but a nat envirronnment naturally block some protocol (for example, no direct skype connection)
L687[16:16:30] <Mathuin> At this time, that can be argued a defect in Skype.
L688[16:17:26] <ve2dmn> Mathuin: Skype still works because it uses a 3rd party server to exchange information
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L691[16:17:57] <Mathuin> That's how I thought it worked -- because both endpoints reach "up", neither needs to be directly accessible in a "down" direction.
L692[16:18:25] <Mathuin> This kind of centralization makes privacy advocates somewhat concerned, I imagine, but w/e
L693[16:18:38] <ve2dmn> Mathuin: it uses a P2P network protocol, and used a 3rd supernode if 2 nodes are not directly reachable
L694[16:18:51] <Mathuin> Right.
L695[16:19:19] <ve2dmn> When Microsoft bought the software, they simply started a lot of supernodes in their servers
L696[16:19:59] <ve2dmn> So unless you are directly reachable, the communication probably goes through one of these nodes
L697[16:21:10] <ve2dmn> There are a few video conference equivalent, but none have the network advanatge of Skype
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L699[16:23:37] <Mathuin> Zoom, we're doing Zoom now with the folks I regularly chat wtih.
L700[16:23:45] <Mathuin> Wife and I still use Google hangouts.
L701[16:25:16] <ve2dmn> Some of the linux folks I know are developping ring.cx
L702[16:26:07] <ve2dmn> It works as a protocol, but I feel the project is not 100% there yet
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L730[19:50:21] <Draconiator> https://i.gyazo.com/5649848036d6747b864b8306c82d384d.png - It's ready for KerbalX I think.
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L739[21:52:43] <Scolar_Visari> Sons and daughters of Kerbin: Enemy Tsiolkovsky used ROCKET EQUATION! It was super effective!
L740[21:54:10] ⇨ Joins: Althego (Althego!~Althego@BC24BDF3.dsl.pool.telekom.hu)
L741[21:55:07] <Scolar_Visari> Hey, a Bernal Sphere illustration I didn't have before! http://bisbos.com/images_stations/bernal1_1024.jpg
L742[21:56:37] <UmbralRaptor> The solar panels don't rotate, I guess?
L743[21:58:40] <Scolar_Visari> UmbralRaptor: I think they're actually radiators.
L744[21:59:50] <UmbralRaptor> hrm
L745[21:59:52] <Scolar_Visari> At least, the way they're depicted in that particular illustration. Whether or not the agri-habs and attending structures are monolithic with the central habitat or counter-rotating has never been clear.
L746[22:03:22] <Scolar_Visari> In older concepts, such as the following, the radiators were more distinct if only because the Solar power plants predated modern photovoltaics http://ssi.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/ssinl_19921112_img09.jpg
L747[22:04:12] * Scolar_Visari would actually gun for Solar thermal plants in lieu of finicky photovoltaics given the latter's issues with longevity in space environments.
L748[22:05:55] ⇨ Joins: KwirkyJ (KwirkyJ!~kwirkyj@246.sub-174-221-143.myvzw.com)
L749[22:09:36] * Scolar_Visari can't decide if Elite's star ports have photovoltaics for surplus energy or low capacity radiators https://forums.frontier.co.uk/attachment.php?attachmentid=90918&d=1451439920
L750[22:10:33] <KwirkyJ> yet another rocket math problem, Supernovy and UmbralRaptor! Given Isp, starting mass and thrust, final mass, and a constant acceleration, what are the thrust and mass curves and, following, the burn time
L751[22:11:03] <KwirkyJ> I find two equations that seem to rely on one another
L752[22:11:20] <Scolar_Visari> I mean, since proton chain fusion can be done with 2.5 metric ton reactors, I doubt there's much demand for photovoltaics on space stations that could easily tote reactors weighing more than entire battlecruisers.
L753[22:11:22] <Althego> hehe, differential equations
L754[22:11:53] <KwirkyJ> differential or implicit, maybe?
L755[22:12:30] <Althego> normally acceleration is exponential with constant thrust because of mass loss
L756[22:12:30] <KwirkyJ> F(t) = a M(t), M(t) = m0 - Ve*T/F(t)
L757[22:12:33] <bees> burn time is easy
L758[22:12:41] <Althego> if i remember correctly
L759[22:12:49] <KwirkyJ> under constant acceleration is the thing, not constant thrust
L760[22:12:57] <Althego> yes, so you have to invert that
L761[22:13:03] <bees> KwirkyJ: dv / acceleration
L762[22:13:05] <Althego> which would mean logarithmic
L763[22:13:27] <Althego> bit it was around 15 years ago :)
L764[22:13:55] <Scolar_Visari> KwirkyJ: So you're throttling down?
L765[22:14:02] <KwirkyJ> correct
L766[22:14:23] <KwirkyJ> big picture being that the payload has a maximum tolerance
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L768[22:15:08] <UmbralRaptor> f/m = a, ? would be a function of m. Hrm, exponentially decaying thrust?
L769[22:15:18] <Scolar_Visari> Do we have a throttle range that goes from 0 - 100% ala KSP?
L770[22:15:36] * UmbralRaptor assumes so.
L771[22:15:47] <KwirkyJ> UmbralRaptor: sounds right… (e^x is a thing) Scolar_Visari for simplicity, yes
L772[22:15:50] <Scolar_Visari> Teehee https://forums.frontier.co.uk/attachment.php?attachmentid=109011&d=1458451093
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L774[22:19:03] <Scolar_Visari> Huh, the Rocinante is tiny https://i.imgur.com/NIxthR4r.png
L775[22:19:33] <Althego> of course it is
L776[22:20:02] <Althego> but i think most scifi spaceships are too small
L777[22:21:16] <Scolar_Visari> Althego: Something something Epstein drive.
L778[22:21:36] <Scolar_Visari> I'm told the sense of scale in Elite's more obvious if you're using a headset.
L779[22:21:45] <Althego> which is a plot device never to be explained as admitted by the authors
L780[22:23:18] <Scolar_Visari> Althego: It's the same fusion propulsion from Battletech I tells ya!
L781[22:23:35] <KwirkyJ> Althego: "The boldest of the officers resumed speaking. 'That one ship is ninety million miles long, Your Highness. It Shimmers like fire, but moves so fast that we cannot approach it. But it came into the center of our fleet almost touching our ships, stayed there for twenty or thirty thousandths of a second.'
L782[22:26:07] <UmbralRaptor> KwirkyJ: m(t) = e^(-a*t/(Isp*g0))
L783[22:26:34] <Scolar_Visari> Even the smallest FTL capable ship in the game, the Faulcon-deLacy Sidewinder, could not fit in a three car garage https://i.ytimg.com/vi/W4bEQlVvUvI/maxresdefault.jpg
L784[22:26:44] <KwirkyJ> huh. Can you walk me through your derivation?
L785[22:27:01] <KwirkyJ> (let's simplify Isp*g0 to Ve?)
L786[22:27:03] <Althego> seems to be ok
L787[22:27:03] <Scolar_Visari> Actually a better picture http://i.imgur.com/X5siNxs.png
L788[22:28:11] <UmbralRaptor> https://photos.app.goo.gl/quYKafYHS9zNhd0C3
L789[22:28:34] <KwirkyJ> thanks
L790[22:29:08] * Scolar_Visari still shudders to think of someone living in a Sidewinder and spending months in deep space.
L791[22:29:10] <bees> KwirkyJ: log(mass/mass_dry) * Ve - time * accel = log(mass_at_point/mass_dry) * Ve
L792[22:29:18] <bees> KwirkyJ: alternatively, this
L793[22:31:45] <Scolar_Visari> ;choose Elite:Stellaris
L794[22:31:49] <Scolar_Visari> Drats.
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L796[22:33:42] <Scolar_Visari> Oh, and I actually have space news for today: Dream Chaser is cleared for a 2020 rendezvous with the Space Station http://spacenews.com/sierra-nevada-gets-nasa-approval-for-first-dream-chaser-iss-cargo-mission/
L797[22:35:32] <UmbralRaptor> Yay
L798[22:36:05] <Scolar_Visari> Huzzah for the Atlas 552?
L799[22:36:47] <Scolar_Visari> Though the CST-100 should get the first twin engined upper staged Atlas V well before that.
L800[22:38:08] <Draconiator> bleh, had some problems with Lubuntu so I'm trying Xubuntu now.
L801[22:38:15] <Scolar_Visari> Hopefully before the year's end.
L802[22:44:22] <KwirkyJ> UmbralRaptor: took me a while, but I think I can follow what you're doing. Just not clear how your m1 = m0 * e(-at/Ve) resolves to the clear-cut function
L803[22:45:07] <Scolar_Visari> What ?"Better to get NASA out of Commercial Crew's way, as the IG found it to be. NASA is the origin of the delays in Commercial crew."
L804[22:45:32] <UmbralRaptor> er, clear-cut function?
L805[22:45:33] * Scolar_Visari ponders if quoted commenter was aware of NASA not being given the commercial crew budget they asked for.
L806[22:46:05] <KwirkyJ> the m(t) = e^(-at/Ve) you offered
L807[22:47:10] <UmbralRaptor> ah
L808[22:50:46] <UmbralRaptor> a = F/m = dm/dt * Ve/m
L809[22:52:13] <UmbralRaptor> er, note dm/dt is negative. Hence the negative sign in my notes.
L810[22:52:52] <KwirkyJ> dm/dt being m-dot, yes?
L811[22:53:01] <UmbralRaptor> yeah
L812[22:53:07] <UmbralRaptor> rearranging: -a*Ve*dt = dm/m
L813[22:54:53] <Scolar_Visari> Maybe Space Station beyond 2024? http://spacenews.com/space-station-supporters-prepare-for-budget-battle/
L814[22:55:39] <KwirkyJ> you're sure of that rearrangement?
L815[22:55:50] <Althego> oh no, not this guy
L816[22:56:39] * Scolar_Visari is amused Ted Cruz is for a lengthened program.
L817[22:56:48] <KwirkyJ> a = dm/dt * Ve/m = dm * Ve / (dt * m)? a * dt * m = dm * Ve?
L818[22:57:15] <KwirkyJ> (with dm being minus, I guess)
L819[22:57:16] <Scolar_Visari> To be frank, it only appears that the administration is behind the proposed cancelation plan.
L820[22:57:54] * Scolar_Visari mutters something about a return to the Moon ala Constellation 2.0 would require a significant budget increase and/or budget cuts to all other programs ala Augustine's report.
L821[22:58:39] <UmbralRaptor> KwirkyJ: well, I want the dm and m on the same side for integration purposes.
L822[22:59:25] <KwirkyJ> so it would be -a*dt/Ve = dm/m ?
L823[22:59:50] * Scolar_Visari can also not see a serious budget increase ocurring in the near future given recent fiscal events.
L824[22:59:56] <UmbralRaptor> doh, yes
L825[23:00:16] * UmbralRaptor is not immune to algebra errors.
L826[23:00:22] <KwirkyJ> so say we all
L827[23:01:31] <Scolar_Visari> Oh dear. "The soviet Union launched the engeria rocket back in 1987, the american media @ the time reported the launch as just a test launch, but turned out to be some kind of laser weapon. That same rocket launched the Soviet equivalent of the space shuttle a year later. It was even rumored to have the capability to go right to Mars."
L828[23:01:42] <KwirkyJ> note, that's what you had in your notes screenshot, I observe
L829[23:01:57] <Scolar_Visari> Buran go to Mars!
L830[23:02:05] <UmbralRaptor> <_<;;
L831[23:02:53] <Scolar_Visari> Amusingly, they're not completely wrong if you remove Buran from the picture. NASA had, in DRA 3.0, proposed the use of Energia LVs for launching test articles to LEO.
L832[23:03:27] <Scolar_Visari> With some austerity, it wouldn't have been compeltely impossible to use Energia for a Mars mission.
L833[23:04:30] <KwirkyJ> UmbralRaptor: so then you integrated...?
L834[23:05:57] <UmbralRaptor> yeah
L835[23:05:59] <KwirkyJ> both sides with respective domains, to get… <?> = -a*t/Ve
L836[23:06:39] <KwirkyJ> ah, that's where you got ln(m1/m0)?
L837[23:06:56] <KwirkyJ> (I re-derived it from the rocket equation, after I saw it in your notes)
L838[23:07:12] <UmbralRaptor> ln(m) = -a*t/Ve, evaluated from m0 to m1 and t0 to t1.
L839[23:07:19] <KwirkyJ> mhm
L840[23:07:37] <UmbralRaptor> (t0 = 0 whenever practical)
L841[23:08:06] <UmbralRaptor> yeah, it's definitely related.
L842[23:08:31] <KwirkyJ> leading to m1 = m0 * e^(-at/Ve). got there...
L843[23:08:53] <KwirkyJ> above is true if t := t1?
L844[23:09:15] <KwirkyJ> thus m(t) ?= m0 * e^(...)
L845[23:09:50] <UmbralRaptor> yep!
L846[23:10:02] <KwirkyJ> kk. so your first listing was missing m0
L847[23:11:20] <KwirkyJ> thank you for your help!
L848[23:11:38] <UmbralRaptor> Note to self: be careful when doing algebra when half asleep
L849[23:11:44] <UmbralRaptor> np
L850[23:12:08] <KwirkyJ> I completely forgot to associate the rocket equation with this problem. dV remains constant, silly dragon
L851[23:13:34] <Scolar_Visari> Aha, a picture of the proposed Energia concept for DRA 3.0! https://snag.gy/B6UVHR.jpg
L852[23:14:02] * Scolar_Visari notes the payloads is not mounted upside down this time!
L853[23:14:46] <UmbralRaptor> Presumably they had tine to test things also.
L854[23:14:56] <UmbralRaptor> *time
L855[23:15:46] <Scolar_Visari> Install sensors right-side-up.
L856[23:16:16] <Scolar_Visari> Insure programmers realize payload is right-side-up.
L857[23:16:51] <Scolar_Visari> Though the Energia proposal, even in 1997, was far too optimistic.
L858[23:16:55] <UmbralRaptor> Also that 180?360
L859[23:18:24] <tawny> what were those big chunky looking panels on energia's boosters for anyway
L860[23:23:14] <Scolar_Visari> tawny: I cannot find an immediate answer, though it seems like they may have involved some sort of booster recovery regime that was never attempted in real life http://www.buran.fr/energia/img/blocA-en.jpg
L861[23:23:39] <tawny> oh, neat
L862[23:23:42] <tawny> thanks for the answer!
L863[23:26:17] <Scolar_Visari> Yep, reuse http://www.buran-energia.com/energia/energia-desc.php
L864[23:26:51] <Scolar_Visari> And more at http://www.buran-energia.com/energia/energia-consti-1eretage.php
L865[23:27:54] * Scolar_Visari cannot imagine the booster landing being terribly healthy.
L866[23:31:42] <Scolar_Visari> SpaceX had tried parachutes on the first couple of Falcon 9 launches. They did not end well.
L867[23:34:32] * Scolar_Visari goes off to add wings to Falcon 9s.
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L871[23:38:24] <KwirkyJ> I've been out of the loop--what happened to the central rocket during the Heavy launch?
L872[23:38:36] <KwirkyJ> i.e., why did its recovery fail?
L873[23:39:27] <tawny> it didn't have enough igniter (TEA-TEB) for relighting the engines
L874[23:39:31] <tawny> and so only one was able to light
L875[23:39:50] <KwirkyJ> ah
L876[23:39:59] <tawny> I think I'd heard it spent a little longer than expected in vacuum and that caused it to boil off a little too much
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L878[23:52:22] <Althego> what is high above the mun altitude?
L879[23:52:35] <KwirkyJ> check the wiki?
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