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L1[00:01:51] <Neal> "xor edi,edi" XORing the same register doesn't seem like the most efficient use of time, Visual Studio... *chin scratch*
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L6[00:10:14] <kuzetsa> Neal: I think it's a cheap way to put a zero into a register
L7[00:10:55] <kuzetsa> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33666617/what-is-the-best-way-to-set-a-register-to-zero-in-x86-assembly-xor-mov-or-and
L8[00:10:58] <kuzetsa> ["TL;DR summary: xor same, same is the best choice for all CPUs. No other method has any advantage over it, and it has at least some advantage over any other method. It's officially recommended by Intel and AMD"]
L9[00:11:09] <kuzetsa> ^ confirmed
L10[00:12:25] <Neal> looks like I need to pick up a book on asm optimization
L11[00:13:15] <kuzetsa> alternatively, have a peek at how compilers turn intermediate representations of a program into compiled code
L12[00:13:43] <kuzetsa> like - it gets compiled to an IL before being turned into the specific instructions
L13[00:13:59] <kuzetsa> that last step is a lot of dark magic
L14[00:15:10] <Neal> il = intermediate language?
L15[00:15:13] <kuzetsa> aye
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L17[00:15:50] <kuzetsa> like java bytecode or .NET / mono assemblies, I think
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L20[00:17:29] <kuzetsa> either way is fine - compilers are full of dark magic, but various script engines like V8 (node.js and chrome) are doing low level optimizations too
L21[00:19:28] <kuzetsa> http://jayconrod.com/posts/54/a-tour-of-v8-crankshaft-the-optimizing-compiler - ["in this final stage, Crankshaft emits a sequence of native instructions for each Lithium instruction."]
L22[00:21:11] <kuzetsa> before that, there's yet another representation (the first abstraction in V8 before it turns into lithium is called hydrogen, apparently)
L23[00:21:39] <kuzetsa> too much dark magic - my brain just noped out of this topic. sorry for biting off more than I wanted to chew or comment on :(
L24[00:23:25] <Althego> http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/proj/msl/redops/ods/surface/sol/01949/opgs/edr/ncam/NLB_570519386EDR_F0680000NCAM00289M_.JPG
L25[00:24:59] ⇨ Joins: Pakaran (Pakaran!~Nathan@cpe-98-10-61-178.rochester.res.rr.com)
L26[00:25:53] <Pakaran> Came so close to Mun orbit without nodes.
L27[00:26:09] <Althego> you can go there, land and come back without nodes
L28[00:26:18] <Pakaran> https://imgur.com/a/XHN2T
L29[00:26:18] <kmath> https://i.imgur.com/wrxUY0L.png
L30[00:26:31] <Althego> that is way too far
L31[00:26:51] <Althego> the usualé way to do it is to start injection burn when the mun rises on the horizson
L32[00:27:07] <Althego> then you will be at your apoapsis when the mun is there too
L33[00:27:31] <Pakaran> Since it's at double the period?
L34[00:27:47] <Althego> double of what
L35[00:27:54] <Pakaran> of the transfer orbit
L36[00:28:03] <Pakaran> i should know that...
L37[00:28:05] <kuzetsa> Neal: good luck
L38[00:28:14] <Althego> i dont know, never looked at that
L39[00:28:31] <Pakaran> either way, though, I was aiming for when the mun rises, but trying to guesstimate from map view to also watch the orbit.
L40[00:28:39] <Pakaran> issue was more a bad gravity turn
L41[00:28:56] <Neal> I think I have the option to take an asm class next semester
L42[00:29:14] <Pakaran> (more an over cautious one, but generally FAR doesn't seem kind to long 1.25m designs)
L43[00:29:25] <Althego> yesterday was tough. day 12 full in swing, all the mun and minmus missions running in parallel, i still havent run out of the 10 minute nodes coming up constantly as i finish the previous. they are so close i cant even launch new ships
L44[00:29:37] <Pakaran> dang.
L45[00:30:04] <Althego> i even postponed the current mun landing
L46[00:30:58] <Pakaran> I've been coming up with all kinds of fun goals, but I'm just glad to have Jeb and Val at their first star
L47[00:31:36] <Pakaran> I could sit in this orbit until the Mun reaches it at the same time, but I don't think I have enough spare delta-v to enter orbit and still make it back.
L48[00:32:10] <Althego> if you have enough for a flyby you have to do it the free return trajectory way
L49[00:32:20] <Althego> unfortunately for that you need the maneuver nodes
L50[00:32:30] <Neal> kuzetsa, OR eax, eax would probably set the register to 1 right?
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L52[00:33:00] <Neal> wait no
L53[00:33:07] <Neal> wrong
L54[00:34:08] <Pakaran> high space eva/crew report collected
L55[00:34:45] <Pakaran> I am proud that even in my FAR induced disassemblies, there's been nothing that would have led to crew loss.
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L57[00:35:12] <Pakaran> Generally they were supersonic, but a drogue and main chute on a mk1 pod is plenty
L58[00:36:14] *** Shoe17 is now known as shoe18
L59[00:36:35] <Pakaran> Ooh, and Mun was nice and helped me get home.
L60[00:36:36] <Pakaran> https://imgur.com/a/UNRju
L61[00:36:37] <kmath> https://i.imgur.com/Bi3gvr8.png
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L63[00:37:13] <Pakaran> I think a bit higher periapse would be safer.
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L65[00:37:41] <Althego> my usual goal is to launch the first mun flyby mission on day 1
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L67[00:39:38] <Pakaran> ok, so how do I raise my periapse when I'm already past apo?
L68[00:39:52] <Althego> radial burn
L69[00:39:56] <Althego> not as efficient
L70[00:40:12] <Althego> or rather a combination of radial and prograde
L71[00:42:54] <Pakaran> still have a fair amount of fuel, got to a 36 km x 10.3 Mm "suborbital" trajectory.
L72[00:43:19] <Althego> have heatshield?
L73[00:43:28] <Pakaran> yes but no ablator
L74[00:43:32] <Pakaran> it'll be fine.
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L76[00:44:23] <Pakaran> I wasn't as worried about heat, as coming in so steeply that I didn't reach terminal velocity in time to open the chutes.
L77[00:44:53] <Althego> for that i use the small drogue chute
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L79[00:46:48] <Pakaran> yeah, I want to say I've been using that around 10 km
L80[00:47:27] <Gasher[work]> Pakaran, if you have maneuevre nodes open you can set up one and then play with prograde and radial handles to get periapsis higher
L81[00:48:55] <Pakaran> Gasher[work], that's on the list to get. This is, like, launch 5 total I think.
L82[00:50:01] <Gasher[work]> ah ok
L83[00:50:03] <Pakaran> VAB parts limit isn't bugging me as much
L84[00:50:25] <Pakaran> it's maneuver nodes I miss from science games. Not money as such either.
L85[00:50:35] <Althego> 30 parts is a bit tough for the first mun landing
L86[00:50:49] <Althego> but it is ok for a flyby
L87[00:51:20] <Althego> especially with beginner parts and the weight limit of the launchpad
L88[00:55:19] <Pakaran> launchpad is upgraded
L89[00:55:46] <Althego> things are a bit harder in the hard mode settigns
L90[00:55:53] <Pakaran> so I'm figuring to next get some 2.5m parts (and, particularly, long fuel tanks)
L91[00:55:58] <Pakaran> because you earn less money?
L92[00:56:00] <Althego> all the research an the upgrades are expensive
L93[00:56:37] <Pakaran> I've definitely done things specifically to get money, but it's more often that I see a mission that looks fun to try.
L94[00:56:46] <Althego> but ultimately because i am juggling a dozen missions in parallel, the income is high
L95[00:57:25] <Althego> next big is 10 tourists mun landing. maybe i do 3 hitch hiker containers and add 2 of my own too
L96[00:57:54] <Althego> bob is way out at minmus, pioneering the science
L97[00:58:18] <Althego> but since it took him days to get there, i got 2 new instruments
L98[00:58:20] <Althego> no, 3
L99[00:58:30] <Althego> but only 1 is missing
L100[00:58:50] <Althego> but for that i still need millions for the science building upgrade
L101[01:01:13] <Pakaran> https://imgur.com/a/rpXut
L102[01:01:13] <kmath> https://i.imgur.com/pxjyel2.png
L103[01:01:22] <Pakaran> yep val will be fine, even if she does lose the drogue shoot
L104[01:01:40] <Pakaran> chute*
L105[01:02:30] <Pakaran> just a matter of waiting to see how much money we got for records...
L106[01:23:01] <Pakaran> Hmm, tourists to Kerbin orbit. might be a nice test for the rescue craft...
L107[01:25:18] <Gasher[work]> beware that long return craft can wobble and turn the wrong side to the atmosphere
L108[01:26:56] <Pakaran> hmm thanks
L109[01:27:17] <Pakaran> at the moment it'll be a pod with a probe core, then think about combining rides etc... hmm...
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L111[01:34:03] <Pakaran> thinking I want aviation. I'll get more science parts later.
L112[01:34:17] <Pakaran> hardly behind the curve, and planes sound fun (science car?)
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L114[01:38:26] <Gasher[work]> Pakaran, science flyer+car
L115[01:38:33] <Pakaran> This looks tempting for money. https://imgur.com/a/3146i
L116[01:38:33] <kmath> https://i.imgur.com/E81nl1L.png
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L118[01:38:50] <Pakaran> hmm.
L119[01:39:02] ⇨ Joins: Supercheese (Supercheese!~Superchee@cpe-76-178-137-142.natnow.res.rr.com)
L120[01:39:23] <Pakaran> a flying science car could get to the mountains west of KSC, too?
L121[01:40:10] <Gasher[work]> it can get anywhere if the landing zone is flat enough
L122[01:40:32] <Gasher[work]> also beware that takeoff velocity usually exceed the wheel max speed
L123[01:43:32] <Pakaran> thanks.
L124[01:43:52] <Gasher[work]> check those etc
L125[01:44:26] <Gasher[work]> one way is to make landing wheels longer when unfolded, take off on them, land then retact them and drive on rover wheels
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L127[01:45:26] <Nezumi> Hello! Is any body here? Need help with my spaceplane.
L128[01:45:40] <Gasher[work]> hi rat :D
L129[01:47:01] <Gasher[work]> Nezumi
L130[01:48:07] <Nezumi> I'm gona find somewhere to upload my design.
L131[01:49:26] <Nezumi> Here is my spaceplane https://ibb.co/hV3966
L132[01:50:16] <Nezumi> And I went with stock ksp without F.A.R.
L133[01:51:39] <Nezumi> I'm using Kramax autopilot, it's good until I reach to 1 mach.
L134[01:53:04] <Nezumi> The plane kept nose up and down. I can recover this by disable autopilot and active S.A.S.
L135[01:54:39] <Nezumi> Dose any one know what I did wrong?
L136[01:56:17] <Nezumi> Gasher u still there?
L137[01:56:24] <Gasher[work]> damn
L138[01:56:30] <Gasher[work]> sorry gtg
L139[01:56:32] <NeverCast> Nezumi: Sounds like your control surfaces are too agressive
L140[01:56:35] <NeverCast> at high velocity
L141[01:56:42] <Gasher[work]> Pakaran, or this https://i.imgur.com/jpJ8zxz.jpg
L142[01:56:55] <NeverCast> That and the PID in Kramax is over compensating.
L143[01:57:34] <NeverCast> If you can do several G manuvers with your control surfaces, have less of them, or limit their deflection.
L144[01:59:02] <Nezumi> NeverCast: Indeed I tried 11G turn and it works.
L145[01:59:39] <Nezumi> So it is way too much than what I need.
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L164[04:38:35] <Pakaran> Did not know this was a thing! https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/137293-wait-caps-lock-does-something-in-ksp/
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L172[05:55:07] <Fluburtur> so my dude doesn't have a lathe but I can probably use my press drill and amke a wooden former for my nozzles
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L176[06:18:10] <Fluburtur> so I made this based on guidelines I found on the internet but that diesn't look optimal https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/405528003997859842/408234426804469760/rocket2.jpg
L177[06:18:24] <Fluburtur> but then I guess rocket candy doesn't generate a super high presure
L178[06:19:11] <APlayer> AFAIK most rocket candy boosters don't have special nozzles at all
L179[06:19:32] <APlayer> People just stuff it into a pipe and leave some room at the end to act as a "nozzle"
L180[06:20:05] <Fluburtur> I found stuff like that https://www.nakka-rocketry.net/knight2/desfig1.gif
L181[06:20:16] <Fluburtur> and I followed those guidelines http://www.jacobsrocketry.com/aer/designing_rocket_motors.htm
L182[06:20:25] <APlayer> Uh what
L183[06:20:30] <APlayer> A concrete nozzle?
L184[06:20:38] ⇨ Joins: darsie (darsie!~username@84-114-73-160.cable.dynamic.surfer.at)
L185[06:20:47] <Fluburtur> yeah because those peoples don't care about weight apparently
L186[06:20:56] <Fluburtur> gonna make mine with plaster I think
L187[06:21:04] <Fluburtur> at least the test ones then I will see
L188[06:21:16] <APlayer> What about a sheet of tin or so?
L189[06:21:27] <Fluburtur> harder to make I guess
L190[06:21:34] <APlayer> But concrete
L191[06:21:52] <APlayer> Sounds... sub-optimal
L192[06:22:27] <Fluburtur> at least it's somewhat strong
L193[06:25:07] <APlayer> I have doubts regarding what will happen to a blob of concrete surrounded by, presumably, plastic, heated to a few 100 deg C and violently shaken
L194[06:25:48] <APlayer> I can totally see it cracking or at least detaching
L195[06:26:33] <Fluburtur> we will see
L196[06:28:09] <Fluburtur> my nitrate should arrive within a week
L197[06:29:44] <Fluburtur> I still have the activated charcoal pellets from one of my gas mask filters
L198[06:29:55] <Fluburtur> I could probably use that as an additive in the rockets
L199[06:34:09] <APlayer> What does a (presumably) carbon additive do?
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L201[06:34:31] <Fluburtur> darker smoke
L202[06:34:35] <Fluburtur> some extra fuel too
L203[06:34:56] <APlayer> What's the point of darker smoke?
L204[06:35:00] <Althego> nothing
L205[06:35:01] <Fluburtur> idk
L206[06:35:11] <Althego> normally you dont want smoke
L207[06:35:11] <Fluburtur> making a rocket more visible I ugess
L208[06:35:29] <Althego> but historically black gunpowder had charcoal powder in it
L209[06:35:41] <Althego> probably burned better
L210[06:39:27] <Fluburtur> well I could probably make black powder
L211[06:39:33] <Fluburtur> but I don't have sulfur
L212[06:57:03] <Fluburtur> I reduced the control rate of the tail of my canadair to 20% and it's still too much
L213[06:57:11] <Fluburtur> reduced it mechanicaly too
L214[06:57:19] <Fluburtur> this boi will need more nose weight
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L216[07:10:46] <APlayer> Fluburtur: I just had a random idea... How suitable are old, half-dead phone batteries for RC stuff?
L217[07:10:58] <Fluburtur> not at all
L218[07:11:03] <Fluburtur> can't deliver high amps
L219[07:11:10] <APlayer> Ah, makes sense
L220[07:11:10] <Fluburtur> also they are low voltage
L221[07:11:22] <Fluburtur> and have integrated protection circuits and you don't want that
L222[07:11:26] <APlayer> I would take a few of them for that purpose
L223[07:11:35] <APlayer> OK, makes sense too
L224[07:12:19] <APlayer> (Because I have a few Li-ions lying around, and they are pretty dense)
L225[07:12:49] <Fluburtur> you can kinda use the 18650 cells from laptop batteries but those are often half dead so I prefer getting new ones
L226[07:19:00] <darsie> I'm about to use Li-ion block cells from a Mac notebook.
L227[07:19:32] <darsie> For an RC airplane.
L228[07:19:47] <darsie> Original battery was 7 Ni-MH cells.
L229[07:19:51] <Fluburtur> the problem is that li-ion can't deliver that much amps
L230[07:20:06] <Fluburtur> I got some 5amp ones for one of my planes
L231[07:20:53] <darsie> Not expecting aerobatics performance. Just a trainer to begin with.
L232[07:23:33] <APlayer> The motors draw a lot of amps on their own, without any aerobatics
L233[07:25:12] <darsie> I doubt that AA NiMH can deliver more amps than big Li-ion cells.
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L238[07:51:34] <taniwha> http://taniwha.org/~bill/2018_01_eclipse/
L239[07:52:20] <taniwha> http://taniwha.org/~bill/2018_01_eclipse/P1310804.JPG
L240[07:56:24] <Arcan> :O moon
L241[07:58:50] <Fluburtur> man I wish the weather was better
L242[07:58:59] <Fluburtur> I need to test my telescope
L243[07:59:18] <taniwha> btw, that's just a camera with a telephoto lens
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L245[07:59:29] <taniwha> (well, not just /any/ camera or lens, but still...)
L246[07:59:33] <taniwha> tripod, too
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L258[08:57:19] <darsie> Are these contracts bugs? Map 16 asteroids endangering Kerbin >35 deg inclination, 11 MVF, 237 science, 410 reputation: http://www.bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot161.png
L259[08:58:54] <ve2dmn> darsie: no
L260[08:59:11] <ve2dmn> The asteroids will have a 35 degree inclination, not your sentinel
L261[08:59:47] <darsie> ve2dmn: Yes, but the reward is very high.
L262[08:59:58] <ve2dmn> darsie: yes
L263[09:00:26] <ve2dmn> Finding that number of asteroids will probably take a few years of in-game time
L264[09:00:29] <darsie> Just for sitting there for a year or so.
L265[09:00:34] <ve2dmn> yes
L266[09:01:15] <ve2dmn> It's a lot box
L267[09:01:16] <Iskierka> if you fast-forward through and miss other opportunities for progression that's on you for pushing the timewarp. Game is balanced for a sensible rate of progression
L268[09:01:18] <ve2dmn> loot
L269[09:01:53] <ve2dmn> darsie: That 35degree is really rare
L270[09:02:40] <ve2dmn> You'll probably build a full base on Laythe in the mean time
L271[09:02:52] <darsie> Iskierka: There's not much progression in my game. I have all the tech, 90% reputation, 50 MVF ...
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L273[09:04:42] <ve2dmn> darsie: clearly you are not using LS :D
L274[09:04:47] <darsie> nope
L275[09:04:50] <darsie> stock
L276[09:05:33] <ve2dmn> Do you have any already existing Sentinels?
L277[09:05:37] <darsie> I guess that means life support.
L278[09:05:44] <darsie> ve2dmn: Yes, 3 or so.
L279[09:06:03] <ve2dmn> I use USI-LS. It's life support. Make the game MUCH harder
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L281[09:06:48] <darsie> I played RSS/RO/RP0, but switched back to stock cause a friend plays stock.
L282[09:07:52] <ve2dmn> I played around with Asteroids a lot when I was making my own mod.
L283[09:08:28] <Fluburtur> Mat2ch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8OUVHlpnag
L284[09:08:28] <kmath> YouTube - Marble Demagnetizer - it's Mechanical! / Marble Machine X #24
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L286[09:10:08] <darsie> I would have made more asteroid missions, but bugs prevented that.
L287[09:10:29] <darsie> Asteroids eating/exploding ships.
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L289[09:21:35] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/ba8dfd44af35df651517b08aae33ff25/tumblr_oxnsrkfIpn1r3msfuo1_540.png
L290[09:21:59] <ve2dmn> eating?
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L294[09:26:23] <ve2dmn> I have issues with asteroids but they are related to USI-ART
L295[09:27:01] <ve2dmn> Which reminds me that I should do a bug report on that
L296[09:27:30] <ve2dmn> I just hope Roverdude won't close my bug if I mention CKAN
L297[09:31:03] <darsie> ve2dmn: Ships docking on asteroids move partially or completely into the asteroid after reloading the game.
L298[09:31:26] <ve2dmn> hum... so it's not just ART
L299[09:32:30] <darsie> dunno ART.
L300[09:33:12] <Althego> hah wintergatan video
L301[09:34:11] <ve2dmn> darsie: Asteroid Recycling Tech. It makes Asteroid bigger, more massive and allows to hollow them out to put storage
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L305[09:43:53] <ve2dmn> wow... https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/381828/how-do-towels-stay-on-hooks
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L309[09:58:13] <Althego> mechanical demagnetizer
L310[09:58:19] <Althego> so simple
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L312[10:02:24] <Althego> lol he made music from the drill measurement
L313[10:10:45] <Fluburtur> that's Martin for you
L314[10:19:12] <Mat2ch> Fluburtur: that's still a lot of work...
L315[10:19:42] <Fluburtur> yeah
L316[10:20:10] <ve2dmn> just cut all the gaming from your life and you too could make these things
L317[10:23:08] <Fluburtur> I already build plenty of things
L318[10:23:10] <Fluburtur> but not enough
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L323[10:47:15] <Pakaran> Ok, I have good news and bad news.
L324[10:47:30] <APlayer> Start with playing some KSP
L325[10:47:46] <Pakaran> Ok, good news is you can play KSP with dilated eyes.
L326[10:48:08] <Pakaran> Also, the eye doctor says my left eye, even uncorrected, can pass an air force test :D
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L328[10:48:25] <Pakaran> I do play KSP, but I can't find a mod that gives Jeb glasses.
L329[10:48:36] <Pakaran> It would explain the oversized helmet, if they don't get smudged or something.
L330[10:48:57] <Pakaran> So it appears that I still need to learn to fly straight.
L331[10:49:25] <Pakaran> KrazyKrl, that must have been an interesting ramble to walk into. Want a recap?
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L333[10:50:00] <APlayer> Pakaran: Simple: the glasses are integrated into the visor
L334[10:50:17] <Pakaran> APlayer, and no need for sunglasses.
L335[10:50:24] <Pakaran> Maybe an LCD if you get fancy?
L336[10:50:34] <ve2dmn> sunglasses would be cool
L337[10:50:36] <Pakaran> not an LCD...
L338[10:50:40] <Kalpa> So the bad news?
L339[10:50:44] <Pakaran> what's the electrically adjustable window thing?
L340[10:50:52] <Pakaran> Kalpa, I need to learn to fly straight?
L341[10:51:09] <Kalpa> Oh.
L342[10:51:09] <Pakaran> ve2dmn, For Kerbol landings?
L343[10:51:33] <ve2dmn> Pakaran: nobody is cool enough for that
L344[10:53:03] <Pakaran> It's not the landing.
L345[10:53:10] <Pakaran> It's cooling the takeoff engine.
L346[10:53:18] <Pakaran> You'd need emdrive boosters?
L347[10:54:00] <ve2dmn> also, in a real solar case, what would you consider 'landing' ? There is no solid ground.
L348[10:54:23] <ve2dmn> It's like trying to land in a gas giant
L349[10:54:32] <Pakaran> The photosphere is analogous to the clouds of Jool, or the ground on Eve?
L350[10:54:37] <Pakaran> You can return from Eve, no?
L351[10:55:05] <ve2dmn> You would be one with the planet WAY before you hit 'solid ground'
L352[10:55:39] <Pakaran> Picard escaped a spacetime wedgie by using the phasers to perform eye surgery on the event horizon.
L353[10:55:49] <Pakaran> But that's scientifically problematic, maybe?
L354[10:56:37] <Pakaran> Wesley helped, and Q watched from his phone on the pad. Honest, officer.
L355[10:56:41] <ve2dmn> That's just Technobabble
L356[10:57:19] <Pakaran> I resign.
L357[10:57:19] <Kalpa> Sounds plausible.
L358[10:57:22] <ve2dmn> nothing escape from an event horizon
L359[10:57:28] <Pakaran> Mate in... 3?
L360[10:58:35] <ve2dmn> but to my original point, if you CAN define 'landing on Kerbol' and 'Landing on Jool'
L361[10:58:54] <Pakaran> To your original point, seriously, I can't.
L362[10:59:03] <Pakaran> I don't think I even need to sign the scorecard.
L363[10:59:07] <ve2dmn> There use to be a way
L364[10:59:30] <Pakaran> Yeah.
L365[10:59:32] <ve2dmn> Plus the science experiement text 'while landed on Jool' are funny
L366[10:59:42] <Pakaran> You can get a probe fairly deep.
L367[10:59:43] <Pakaran> ?
L368[11:00:07] <ve2dmn> https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Jool
L369[11:00:19] <ve2dmn> look at the Trivia, in the spoiler tag
L370[11:00:34] <ve2dmn> "Despite not having a surface, the game files that contain what the Kerbals say in the different reports/observations (ScienceDefs.cfg) also contains some reports while landed on the surface of Jool."
L371[11:02:42] <Pakaran> nice
L372[11:03:07] <ve2dmn> It's various comments on "You are not supposed to be here." and "The sensor is now a pile of crushed metal"
L373[11:03:24] <Pakaran> Not surprising.
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L376[11:04:04] <Pakaran> I mean, at most, you'd get a pressure reading.
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L392[12:14:56] <ve2dmn> Pakaran: a pressure reading? more like "The scale has compressed into a singularity! It's over 9000!"
L393[12:15:24] <Pakaran> heh
L394[12:19:32] <ve2dmn> Falcon 9 in 3h
L395[12:19:40] <ve2dmn> (not FH)
L396[12:20:05] <Pakaran> has that Chinese station reentered yet?
L397[12:20:15] <ve2dmn> that's in months
L398[12:20:44] <Pakaran> ah, I last saw 'march' and lost track.
L399[12:23:57] <ve2dmn> I still want the Tesla car to have Jeb on the dashboard
L400[12:24:09] <ve2dmn> https://cdn.trendhunterstatic.com/thumbs/jebediah-kerman.jpeg
L401[12:24:21] <ve2dmn> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CKjhgW_XAAA0jJD.jpg
L402[12:32:28] <ve2dmn> according to the list, Red Dragon Mission 1 from SpaceX is in 2020-06
L403[12:33:07] <ve2dmn> same time as Mars 2020 from ULA
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L405[12:44:23] <APlayer> IIRC they scrapped Red Dragon?
L406[12:45:55] <APlayer> I wonder if it is possible to manually pilot the FH. Because with so little payload mass, it must have lots of excess delta v, can afford manual piloting losses
L407[12:46:17] <APlayer> And it would be /so/ Kerbal in nature even Elon Musk would have liked the idea, I guess :P
L408[12:49:33] <Draconiator> They should have added a copy of KSP pressed onto a solid-gold DVD. And a gold-plated box. eh, is it possible to crack open a hole in the fairing to add something?
L409[12:53:12] <APlayer> Draconiator: Kolden Rekord?
L410[12:55:53] <ve2dmn> Draconiator: even better
L411[12:57:13] <APlayer> ve2dmn: But don't put Jeb on the dashboard
L412[12:57:26] <ve2dmn> at the wheel?
L413[12:57:49] <APlayer> Jeb is too valuable, use a generic Kerbal, in case the rocket explodes on first launch. Also, yes, at the wheel is a good idea too
L414[12:58:14] <APlayer> Let it dangle on a cord in front of the wheel, that will make a nice effect in zero G
L415[12:58:24] <ve2dmn> I referencing 'this' jeb: https://cdn.trendhunterstatic.com/thumbs/jebediah-kerman.jpeg
L416[12:58:30] <APlayer> Yeah, saw it
L417[12:58:40] <ve2dmn> but it could be Elon Kerman for all I know
L418[12:58:53] <APlayer> Still use some different Kerbal, you don't launch Jeb on untested rockets :P
L419[12:59:52] <Draconiator> Is there actually an Elon in the random name generator? I remember I got a Leia once...complete with a bun in her hair.
L420[13:00:03] <ve2dmn> i wonder if the Leon Musk twitter account still exist
L421[13:00:14] <APlayer> Also, yay for clear skies which happens only like once every two weeks since November. I can see the full moon once again
L422[13:00:28] ⇨ Joins: Ezriilc_ (Ezriilc_!AdiIRC@
L423[13:00:42] <APlayer> Leon Umsk?
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L426[13:01:28] <ve2dmn> or 'Léon Musque', the french Elon Musk
L427[13:01:55] <APlayer> L'eon Musque
L428[13:02:37] <ve2dmn> https://twitter.com/leonmuss4earth
L429[13:03:23] <ve2dmn> Still there
L430[13:03:46] <Draconiator> Apparently, solar eclipses baffle even Flat Earthers...and the more I read, the more I'm convinced all of them are high on an unknown substance....
L431[13:03:49] <Draconiator> Some believe the sun and the moon are simply holograms projected in the sky, to convince the masses that we are part of the universe which we are led to believe we are in. A person by the username Hoeskioeh wrote on Reddit: Maintenance downtime of the sun/moon hologram, new firmware upgrade.
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L433[13:05:36] <APlayer> OK, someone please explain why I am getting genetic engineering software ads on Twitter
L434[13:05:36] <ve2dmn> Draconiator: They don't believe in anything, the only common thing with all of them is "IT'S ALL A LIE"
L435[13:06:22] <APlayer> I mean, I sure am honoured, but I've never (or at least not anytime recently) even Googled remotely related things, so...
L436[13:08:37] <ve2dmn> Draconiator: but seriously, the conspiracy-minded people don't usually believe in anything specific, they mostly think they are lied to
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L438[13:12:05] <ve2dmn> If you are ever stuff at the same table as that type of people, they are easy to 'fool' in front of everyone else...
L439[13:12:41] <ve2dmn> Arguing with them is pointless, but if you want to show everyone that this person is nuts, it's pretty easy
L440[13:13:56] <ve2dmn> Just make up something more 'conspiracy' minded then what they are saying.
L441[13:15:40] <ve2dmn> They'll usually prefer believing in your stupid story then the truth
L442[13:17:08] <ve2dmn> "I heard it's actually not the lizard people, but a group of mind-controlling snake people that are responsible for global cooling"
L443[13:18:02] <ve2dmn> "They are the one manipulating the lizard people in replacing our politicians, so that when they are found out, we can't blame the real culprit"
L444[13:18:35] <ve2dmn> "And the moon is an hologram hiding their spaceship"
L445[13:19:24] <APlayer> ve2dmn: No. That's what the government wants you to think. Actually, things are much worse.
L446[13:19:56] <ve2dmn> Don't tell me it's the mole people????
L447[13:22:58] * ve2dmn still thinks the powers in charge stole his dream of owning a house hippo
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L459[14:06:02] <Althego> which one is minmus flats?
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L461[14:06:49] <Althego> i am trying to collect all of the eva above biomes on minmus, and i am still missing the flats
L462[14:07:04] <oren> the little ones
L463[14:07:16] <Althego> then what are the lesser flats?
L464[14:07:24] <oren> the less little one
L465[14:07:28] <Althego> argh we really need a labeled map
L466[14:08:06] <oren> I used to be fairly good at drawring hand-drawn maos
L467[14:08:08] <oren> maps
L468[14:08:22] <oren> I should do some for kerbal planets
L469[14:09:00] <Althego> there are maps
L470[14:09:20] <Althego> just no labels, so you dont know which one is which
L471[14:09:26] <Althego> https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/images/f/f0/Minmus_Biome_Map_1.2.png
L472[14:10:08] <oren> Althego: yeah I mean liek the lord of the rings map style with labels and little mountains and towns and such
L473[14:10:28] <oren> I guess rather than towns, it would have the varous landmarks
L474[14:11:54] <oren> a legend for that one would be nice
L475[14:13:57] <Mat2ch> Uh, there are better minmus maps
L476[14:14:15] <Mat2ch> https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/File:Minmusbiome.png
L477[14:14:18] <Mat2ch> Use this one
L478[14:14:35] <darsie> Althego: Use Kerbnet.
L479[14:14:36] <oren> nayway the "flats" are the light cyan region northwest of the greater flats
L480[14:15:33] <oren> Mat2ch: that one is slightly outdated but at least it has a legend
L481[14:15:48] <oren> there isn't nearly s many slopes naymore
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L484[14:18:50] <Mat2ch> oren: well, the slopes are easy to find...
L485[14:19:52] <Althego> heh, i wouldnt have thought. thanks
L486[14:20:02] <Althego> yes even the slopes were easier
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L490[14:26:30] <darsie> Althego: Hmm, appearently you need something better than a HECS to display biomes: http://www.bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot164.png
L491[14:28:12] <oren> brb adding labels to that 1.2 map
L492[14:28:58] <ve2dmn> 1h until F9 launch
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L494[14:32:07] <Althego> the mun has more biomes but clearer because each huge crater has it osn
L495[14:32:36] <darsie> Althego: An octo2 will do: http://www.bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot163.png
L496[14:32:47] <Althego> dont have the octo yet
L497[14:33:13] <darsie> octo2
L498[14:33:38] <darsie> Althego: Then you can do EVA reports for biome detection.
L499[14:36:28] <darsie> okto2*
L500[14:39:43] <oren> https://imgur.com/a/Tu8Mx
L501[14:39:44] <kmath> https://i.imgur.com/oLozAXy.png
L502[14:40:23] <oren> first draft anyway
L503[14:41:42] <oren> interestingly the lesser flats are larger than the great flats
L504[14:46:10] <Althego> nice
L505[14:46:11] <halcyon_b> Is that minmus?
L506[14:46:14] <Althego> yes
L507[14:46:26] <halcyon_b> Nice
L508[14:46:50] <Althego> or maybe a color leged is enough instead of labels
L509[14:47:09] <Althego> but in many cases like in this one where everything is green, it would make it hard
L510[14:55:33] <Althego> wait, when is the launch?
L511[14:56:46] <halcyon_b> I thought the F9 launch was yesterday
L512[14:56:54] <ve2dmn> Althego: 30min
L513[14:57:06] <Althego> eh i think i will go to bed
L514[14:57:13] <Althego> just watch it tomorrow
L515[14:57:40] <ve2dmn> 6 days until FH
L516[14:57:50] <ve2dmn> http://nextrocket.space/
L517[14:57:54] <Althego> or more
L518[14:58:08] <halcyon_b> Whoa, that's a lot of information
L519[14:58:48] <Althego> and in 5 hours an othe one
L520[14:58:51] <Althego> interesting page
L521[14:59:03] <ve2dmn> you've never seen it?
L522[14:59:08] <halcyon_b> I don't think I've ever watched a launch out of Russia
L523[14:59:12] <Althego> hehe falcon heavy is red with the comment it"s happening
L524[14:59:20] <ve2dmn> it's like http://stuffin.space/
L525[14:59:24] <ve2dmn> easy to remember
L526[14:59:52] <Althego> looks horrible
L527[15:01:10] ⇨ Joins: FltAdmVonSpiz_ (FltAdmVonSpiz_!~chatzilla@hh004c.halls.manchester.ac.uk)
L528[15:01:15] <ve2dmn> but it's a live view of all the tracked objecs
L529[15:01:30] <Althego> that is why it is horrible
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L531[15:01:45] <oren> https://imgur.com/MHwQAvL
L532[15:01:45] <kmath> https://i.imgur.com/MHwQAvL.png
L533[15:01:48] <Mathuin> ve2dmn: I got all excited to show my wife my new script yesterday, the one that worked perfect in practice and in my real game. I spun up a new sandbox game, picked out the rocket, and launched. The inter-vehicle communication failed for some reason, which made me very sad.
L534[15:01:51] *** FltAdmVonSpiz_ is now known as FltAdmVonSpiz
L535[15:03:33] <oren> tldr if you land in the greater flats and take the right route overland to the lesser flats you'll hit every biome except the poles
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L541[15:08:31] <Mathuin> Sorta bummed they're not recovering the first stage today, if only because we need more in museums.
L542[15:09:13] <ve2dmn> they arent? bummer
L543[15:09:34] <Mathuin> The first stage for this mission lofted NROL-76 last May.
L544[15:10:05] <oren> Eh.... I'll work more on the map later, probably make a much higher res one
L545[15:10:08] <mrBlaQ> webcast is starting soon. they're on the title card
L546[15:10:25] <Mathuin> Yep! started streaming about three minutes ago, launch window opens in 15min or so I think
L547[15:12:53] <Fluburtur> what webcast?
L548[15:13:01] <Mathuin> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ScYUA51-POQ
L549[15:13:01] <kmath> YouTube - GovSat-1 Launch
L550[15:13:06] <ve2dmn> spaceX
L551[15:13:32] <Fluburtur> nice
L552[15:13:50] <ve2dmn> Fluburtur: http://nextrocket.space/
L553[15:17:01] <ve2dmn> I know what they are, but do you all know what the towers around the launch site are for?
L554[15:17:19] <Fluburtur> lightning protection
L555[15:17:31] <ve2dmn> So I was right. Thanks
L556[15:18:02] <halcyon_b> Huh, I wouldn't have guessed that. I guessed they were platforms for sensor packages
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L559[15:21:36] <APlayer> http://www.spacex.com/webcast In case anyone is missing the launch
L560[15:21:46] <APlayer> T-3 min
L561[15:21:48] <Mathuin> oren: have you seen the SCANsat maps? They have good default colors.
L562[15:22:03] <ve2dmn> APlayer: thanks. We are watching
L563[15:22:15] <oren> Mathuin: yeah that was what I'm planning to do
L564[15:23:38] <Mathuin> I'm now wondering if anyone has done poster-sized biome or terrain maps of the bodies in KSP
L565[15:23:39] <oren> Mathuin: I'll load up ksp in sandbox and set the scansat settings to just let me see everything, export high-res biome maps, and then add labels in inkscape or something
L566[15:24:05] <oren> then upload result to the wiki
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L569[15:31:57] <APlayer> Stage 1 entry burn?
L570[15:32:03] <APlayer> What for?
L571[15:32:04] <Mathuin> Not recovering stage one.
L572[15:32:11] <Mathuin> Probably to force it to land where it's safe
L573[15:32:23] <Fluburtur> forgot to remove the landing program from the rocket lel
L574[15:32:25] <APlayer> Alright, makes sense
L575[15:32:46] <Mathuin> oren: Hyperedit the probes in the right locations, warp ahead as long as necessary, get the data in an hour tops. :-)
L576[15:34:06] <Mathuin> It pleases me that my own geo orbit mission in KSP follows the same basic mission plan as the real ones. Liftoff, staging, cutoff, change orbit to GEO, let the probe circularize
L577[15:34:12] <Ezriilc> http://www.Kerbaltek.com/hyperedit
L578[15:34:55] * APlayer cheers at a good launch
L579[15:35:15] <ve2dmn> yay!
L580[15:35:24] <Mathuin> oren: that's the tool
L581[15:36:15] <Pakaran> another silly question
L582[15:36:27] <Pakaran> if pluto doesn't have an atmosphere, why doesn't it lose ice to sublimation?
L583[15:36:53] <Pakaran> is the sublimed gas simply too cold to reach escape velocity?
L584[15:36:55] <APlayer> It has a cloud of ice crystals, IIRC
L585[15:37:29] <APlayer> Also, much colder than LEO, so harder to sublimate
L586[15:37:34] <Pakaran> which would limit the mean free path of "hot" molecules
L587[15:37:45] <APlayer> Also see comets and such
L588[15:38:18] <Pakaran> nod
L589[15:38:19] <Pakaran> and I'
L590[15:38:44] <Pakaran> I'd guess that bodies occupying the middle ground between "boils off" and "still here" don't interest astronomers, because there's not many left.
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L593[15:39:52] <APlayer> Anyway, got to go to sleep early today, early wake up time tomorrow. Won't watch the GTO insertion
L594[15:39:52] <Pakaran> Ceres has buried ice apparently.
L595[15:39:56] <ve2dmn> Pakaran: there's a lot of interest
L596[15:39:59] <Pakaran> sleep well
L597[15:40:05] <APlayer> See you tomorrow guys!
L598[15:40:05] <Pakaran> in Ceres?
L599[15:40:18] <ve2dmn> in everything :)
L600[15:40:53] <Pakaran> :)
L601[15:41:02] <ve2dmn> And there's no such thing as 'not changing mass over time'
L602[15:41:17] <ve2dmn> either gain mass, lose mass (or both at the same time)
L603[15:41:30] <Pakaran> Yeah, even if Pluto were made out of platinum, it would still accrete random stuff.
L604[15:41:31] <darsie> Should I do a plane change for Moho near Kerbin or in solar orbit?
L605[15:41:45] <Mathuin> Wasn't it Ceres that was transformed into a secret base in Ender's Game?
L606[15:42:02] <Mathuin> Eros, sorry, wrong one
L607[15:42:07] <ve2dmn> Mathuin: SPOILER ALERT!
L608[15:42:15] <Pakaran> http://avs.scitation.org/doi/10.1116/1.575916
L609[15:42:39] <Mathuin> The book came out in 1985, I think it's okay. :-)
L610[15:42:42] <Pakaran> that's the kind of thing they worried about in making really good vacuums on Earth.
L611[15:42:43] <Mathuin> (I didn't read it until 2001ish)
L612[15:42:53] <Pakaran> 1989, as well.
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L615[15:46:11] <Draconiator> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-kzXHIUAFA - Maybe I'll start a movement that believes the Earth is really one massive tide pod.
L616[15:46:11] <kmath> YouTube - Why People Keep Eating Tide Pods
L617[15:46:36] <ve2dmn> The earth is a donut
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L619[15:47:15] <Mathuin> Mmm, I think I would enjoy playing Civ on a toroidal map
L620[15:48:07] <ve2dmn> I did that in freeciv
L621[15:48:14] <ve2dmn> it was... confusing a bit
L622[15:48:21] <Mathuin> Civ6 has these neat minigames, 50 moves long, which are fun
L623[15:48:28] <Mathuin> I don't think they've got taht kind of map trickery though.
L624[15:49:29] <ve2dmn> it's like the normal map, but the north wrap up in the south along with the normal East-west wrap
L625[15:49:47] <Mathuin> Right.
L626[15:49:52] <Mathuin> That's why I think it'd be fun!
L627[15:50:30] <ve2dmn> but sinc the maps was huge and always centered around my current unit, I was always : "Where am I again? ho, right!"
L628[15:52:12] <ve2dmn> I eventually terraformed the poles
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L630[15:53:21] <darsie> Near Kerbin is cheaper.
L631[15:54:20] <ve2dmn> Mathuin: Is there a way to do custom maps in Civ6 ?
L632[15:54:39] <ve2dmn> Think it would be possible to play on Kerbin?
L633[15:54:43] <Mathuin> whoa
L634[15:54:46] <Mathuin> just who
L635[15:54:51] <Mathuin> that would be awesome.
L636[15:55:47] <ve2dmn> because it's a generic heighmap that has been re-used elsewhere, so it should be possible to get it
L637[15:59:23] <Mathuin> There's a youtube video on map making, hmm.
L638[15:59:35] <Mathuin> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-ukQKp0asE
L639[15:59:35] <kmath> YouTube - Civilization 6 Mods, Maps, & Tweaks: Map Making
L640[15:59:56] <Mathuin> In short, it comes with a 'worldbuilder' which is disabled by default.
L641[16:00:07] <Mathuin> Enable it, it's under the mods.
L642[16:01:53] <ve2dmn> too bad www.kerbalmaps.com doesn't work anymore
L643[16:02:07] <ve2dmn> (it's a domain park... don't go there)
L644[16:04:24] <ve2dmn> http://i.imgur.com/TUyFjF5.png
L645[16:05:13] <ve2dmn> https://imgur.com/a/SYOyK
L646[16:05:33] <ve2dmn> given enough motivation, you could play on Minmus
L647[16:06:01] <ve2dmn> ok, I'm heading home. Laters
L648[16:06:02] <Mathuin> You'd have to have a very comprehensive mod.
L649[16:06:04] <Mathuin> later!
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L651[16:08:05] <oren> man that implies that the Mun, unlike any real planet, is a prolate spheroid
L652[16:09:02] <oren> actually a lot fo the kerbal planets are, to the first degree of approximation
L653[16:09:16] <Mathuin> How are you reading that from the height maps? The proportions?
L654[16:09:41] <oren> Mathuin: well they have high elevated poles and lowlands arounfd the equator
L655[16:10:06] <Mathuin> So it depends on whether they're corrected or not?
L656[16:10:12] <oren> if you map that onto a perfect shpere you get a prolate sphereoid
L657[16:10:31] <oren> Mathuin: all kerbal planets are perfect shperes
L658[16:11:06] <oren> (neglecting heightmap)
L659[16:11:31] <Mathuin> Ah okay
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L661[16:25:02] <Eddi|zuHause> Settlers I had toroidal maps
L662[16:27:58] <Eddi|zuHause> man, just saying that makes me want to play that game again
L663[16:28:48] <Eddi|zuHause> ... and then throw it away again because either i played against too easy AI, too hard AI or i miss game features from "modern" games
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L665[16:32:17] <Raazeer> hey all.
L666[16:32:46] <Raazeer> has anyone ever done a coop mod for ksp?
L667[16:32:59] <Fluburtur> there is a multiplayer mod that somewhat works
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L669[16:37:01] <Raazeer> Fluburtur, I know the one, I was more aiming more at working together to launch ONE rocket.
L670[16:38:32] <tawny> get a friend irl, each of you takes one half of the keyboard
L671[16:39:34] <Mathuin> Raazeer: Houston is the name of the mod I heard about
L672[16:39:39] <Raazeer> tawny, what's this irl you speak of?
L673[16:39:50] <Mathuin> Where one person is the pilot in one room separate from everyone else who works on mission control.
L674[16:40:04] <Raazeer> Mathuin, that sounds promising
L675[16:40:14] <Mathuin> https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/118867-104-houston-v100-a-mission-control-ui-for-telemachus/
L676[16:40:33] <Mathuin> "Houston's designed for Mission Control Parties. What's a Mission Control Party? It's when you get a bunch of friends together and each person has a separate station, and you somehow have to coordinate with the pilot (who you may have locked in the bathroom with some snacks for dramatic effect) to try to pull off an actual mission."
L677[16:41:09] <Raazeer> Love the last part.
L678[16:41:33] <Raazeer> So kerbal
L679[16:41:53] <Raazeer> aaand it's also for 1.0.4
L680[16:41:55] <Raazeer> bust!
L681[16:41:58] <Mathuin> Read the bottom
L682[16:42:01] <Mathuin> of that thread
L683[16:42:13] <Mathuin> Apparently it's integrated with Telemachus which was at least up to 1.1.3
L684[16:42:46] <Raazeer> Ah, K.
L685[16:43:33] <Mathuin> The forums include a fan's "packaged up version that seems to work fine for me in 1.3.1"
L686[16:44:05] <Mathuin> IDK what happened to OP, maybe they fell under a bus or graduated.
L687[16:44:24] <Mathuin> https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/144482-113-2016-07-24-telemachus-telemetry-and-flight-control-in-the-web-browser/&do=findComment&comment=3232260 -- said packaged-up version here as of November 30
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L689[16:45:04] <Raazeer> Mathuin, If all else fails, I can probably use KSPrpc and do my own networking.
L690[16:45:24] <Mathuin> Recreating Houston with kRPC would probably not even be all that hard.
L691[16:46:31] <Raazeer> Mathuin, I'm not sure about the browser thing either, I'm kinda fascinated by this here thingy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6zseFi070E
L692[16:46:31] <kmath> YouTube - Making Fun: Mission Control Desk
L693[16:46:54] <Mathuin> All about the hardware
L694[16:47:05] <Mathuin> My wife calls those things "busy boards", apparently they're a big deal for kids.
L695[16:47:09] <lordcirth> I've enabled Advanced Tweakables in this new save, but autostrut isn't showing up? 1.3.1
L696[16:47:19] <Mathuin> You may have to exit and re-enter.
L697[16:47:27] <Mathuin> It shows up in the right-click menu on the parts.
L698[16:51:43] <Mathuin> OOC, if a craft has autostruts when AT is enabled, what happens when it isn't?
L699[16:52:41] <Raazeer> Mathuin, I was thinking about turning the light and soud show into something actually useful for controlling KSP, somewhere along the lines of replicating the interior of a mk1 cockpit.
L700[16:53:32] <Raazeer> with all the action groups, staging, abort, all that stuff.
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L702[16:56:29] <lordcirth> Mathuin, I've restarted the game, nothing
L703[16:56:33] <Mathuin> Oh, there's an entire subreddit for that IIRC.
L704[16:56:37] <Mathuin> lordcirth: :-( that worked for me.
L705[16:56:55] <lordcirth> *sigh* I've got a rescue contract and the pod has no hatches. Any good workarounds?
L706[16:57:07] <Mathuin> The pod that's in space?!
L707[16:57:12] <Mathuin> Or the rescue vehicle's pod?
L708[16:58:28] <lordcirth> The pod that's in space, yeah. It's Ven's version of the Cupola I think
L709[16:58:44] <lordcirth> Common bug with modded pods, I hear
L710[16:59:52] <lordcirth> A Reddit thread says to save-edit it into a mk1 pod
L711[17:01:32] <lordcirth> Oh, it's a USI part
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L713[17:10:11] <lordcirth> Neat, it worked!
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L715[17:14:49] <Mathuin> Oooh. I don't know if AT autostruts work on non-stock parts.
L716[17:26:53] <Mathuin> Raazeer: https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalControllers/
L717[17:27:46] <Raazeer> Mathuin, schweeet.
L718[17:28:13] <Raazeer> I foolishly installed a mod that was SUPPOSED to move the KSC to Duna.
L719[17:28:33] <Mathuin> !!
L720[17:28:37] <Raazeer> What it actually did was REPLACE Kerbin by Duna. Now my satelite constellation is all over the place.
L721[17:28:42] <Mathuin> I'll bet!
L722[17:29:32] <Raazeer> Oh well, I guess I'll toss the savegame before I try to fix that ratf**ck.
L723[17:29:43] <Mathuin> It's hard not to get attached to games
L724[17:29:54] <Mathuin> But the all-mods-in-all-saves thing is particularly frustrating.
L725[17:30:34] <Raazeer> Mathuin, I keep separate installs for the crazier mods like that one that installs true newtonian physics.
L726[17:30:38] <Raazeer> That's real fun though.
L727[17:31:18] <Raazeer> Heh. Would't want to combine THAT with RemoteTech though, I'd need to hire a real space engineer to get me ANYWHERE.
L728[17:31:27] <Mathuin> I have a separate install with zero mods for testing
L729[17:31:42] <Mathuin> I had a super-frustrating KIS experience yesterday that almost got me to toss it and KAS
L730[17:32:04] <Mathuin> But kOS is just awesome, and at this point it might just replace MechJeb for me.
L731[17:32:39] <Raazeer> Mathuin, Which of the KSP gods did a video series about KRPC a while back?
L732[17:33:47] <Raazeer> Because he said the exact same thing.
L733[17:33:54] <Mathuin> Huh!
L734[17:34:06] <Raazeer> about replacing mechjeb.
L735[17:34:11] <Mathuin> I like kRPC for metagaming stuff (like Houston) but kOS for doing things in game.
L736[17:34:45] <Raazeer> Mathuin, the fact is you can pretty much emulate Kos with krpc, but with quote decent unquote languages
L737[17:35:03] <Mathuin> They can both manipulate in-game controls, that is true.
L738[17:35:36] <Mathuin> But kOS involves parts with their own little storage and communications issues.
L739[17:35:48] <Mathuin> While kRPC is "here's the state of the game, now change the state of the game"
L740[17:35:58] <Raazeer> Mathuin, ok, point.
L741[17:36:40] <Mathuin> I got paid to write Python for years, and have started learning Go, and am super excited about using those both with KSP -- but only for telemetry and the like, not for MechJeb.
L742[17:37:22] <Raazeer> Mathuin, I actually like a bit of obscure languages now and then, gets my mind off the fact that I'm basicly still a web developer.
L743[17:37:43] <Mathuin> Yeah, but I get so pissy when I use . instead of : or forget the trailing . in my Kerboscript. :-)
L744[17:38:06] <Raazeer> Mathuin, that's what makes it so retro.
L745[17:38:16] <Mathuin> I love that it has lexicons.
L746[17:38:21] <Raazeer> obscure syntax, forget one dot and it all goes pear-shaped.
L747[17:38:39] <Mathuin> And I wish I were more experienced with Atom plugins so I could add some syntax checking.
L748[17:40:04] <Raazeer> man, adafruit has more in the buttons category than in any other.
L749[17:40:24] <Raazeer> heh, kinda tells you what it's all about
L750[17:40:31] <Raazeer> shiny, blinky buttons!!!
L751[17:41:09] <Raazeer> "Ooooooh, shiny! What does THIS button do? <click>"
L752[17:41:23] <Mathuin> https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLb6UbFXBdbCrvdXVgY_3jp5swtvW24fYv -- just found this in /r/kOS, looks like they might be worth watching if they're not out of date.
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L754[17:41:55] <Raazeer> looks like fun.
L755[17:42:22] <Raazeer> I think I still have my ascent curve program somewhere.
L756[17:43:13] <Raazeer> Sadly adafruit has nothing of the more... obscure categories, like safety switches and stuff.
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L758[17:47:54] <Mathuin> https://www.adafruit.com/product/3218
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L760[17:49:30] <Raazeer> Mathuin, ah yes, those. No, I'm looking for those push buttons with spring-loaded covers.
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L762[17:51:26] <Mathuin> Might be worth checking sparkfun then
L763[17:52:35] <Raazeer> Mathuin, I think I just cracked the google code for them.
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L765[17:53:05] <Raazeer> So now I can finally finish my doomsday machine in style Muaahahahahahahaaaaa!
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L768[18:00:32] <Pakaran> Is this a topic where I can be helpful as an enthusiastic newbie?
L769[18:01:01] <Pakaran> I actually did think about the issue of glasses in space.
L770[18:01:16] <Pakaran> (whether or not I get them myself particularly soon)
L771[18:02:06] <Mathuin> I imagine goggles or contact lenses would be how glasses would roll, but I bet NASA has already addressed this.
L772[18:02:53] <Pakaran> yeah.
L773[18:03:00] <Pakaran> 1.000293
L774[18:03:00] <Pakaran> is the index of refraction in air.
L775[18:03:26] <Pakaran> Glasses literally taped to the outside of a helmet would perform far better than normal eyes underwater 1.333
L776[18:04:18] <Pakaran> if you didn't do an eye exam in LEO, which is silly.
L777[18:04:58] <Pakaran> temperature differentials in air are another issue
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L783[18:11:31] <Pakaran> there actually IS a mod that includes sunglasses.
L784[18:12:15] <Mathuin> I imagine TextureReplacer would do that well.
L785[18:12:22] <Pakaran> https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/153654-1xx-kerbal-hacks-wearable-kis-props/
L786[18:12:37] <Pakaran> they add about 7 years of age, but other than that...
L787[18:12:59] <Mathuin> Very TopGun
L788[18:13:07] <Pakaran> hmm
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L791[18:17:39] <Pakaran> where I left off actually playing, Val had done a successful Mun flyby in a craft with some ascent controllability issues
L792[18:18:00] <Pakaran> which was either the third or fourth mission to space.
L793[18:18:52] <Pakaran> I almost wonder if boosters were helping me mostly in acting as drag stabilizers when I tried to start my turn at 30 m/s
L794[18:20:53] <Pakaran> I have reverted to VAB, but never in circumstances that would cause loss of life. Worst being supersonic FAR disassembly around 8-10 km.
L795[18:24:20] <Pakaran> I mean, somebody did it in a Blackbird.
L796[18:26:55] <Mathuin> Whoa, apparently the first stage landed intact in water!
L797[18:27:14] <Mathuin> "This rocket was meant to test very high retrothrust landing in water so it didn't hurt the droneship, but amazingly it has survived. We will try to tow it back to shore."
L798[18:27:26] <Mathuin> https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/958847818583584768
L799[18:27:26] <kmath> <elonmusk> This rocket was meant to test very high retrothrust landing in water so it didn’t hurt the droneship, but amazingly… https://t.co/wAIBtlLyTz
L800[18:27:28] <Fluburtur> wow
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L802[18:28:22] <TheKosmonaut> MAD LAD
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L804[18:28:51] <Fluburtur> I still want a marlin engine bell to make a bbq
L805[18:28:55] <Fluburtur> merlin*
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L808[18:33:04] <Pakaran> Through the eyes of a kerbal seems a bit much.
L809[18:33:08] <Pakaran> https://github.com/Virindi-AC/Through-The-Eyes
L810[18:33:46] <Pakaran> I mean, I have no intent of landing on Kerbol (or even attempting to do eva reports in the atmosphere).
L811[18:34:13] <Pakaran> I tend to use nontrivial orbital EVA for rescue missions...
L812[18:36:03] <Fluburtur> like bradley?
L813[18:39:28] <Pakaran> Bradley?
L814[18:39:48] <Pakaran> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_E._Brady_Jr. is the closest name I can find, and I don't see anything about him doing EVAs
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L816[18:40:53] <Fluburtur> https://www.youtube.com/user/nEvermore930
L817[18:41:02] <Fluburtur> dude is hardcore
L818[18:41:32] <Aviatior101> hello
L819[18:41:32] <Mod9000> Hello, Aviatior101
L820[18:41:50] <Aviatior101> is anyone there
L821[18:41:53] <Pakaran> oh, what I'm talking about is getting a mk1 pod with a probe core and electical system in a very similar orbit
L822[18:42:35] <Pakaran> ideally, close enough that once you EVA, it's hard to miss the rescue ship.
L823[18:42:55] <Pakaran> that's what I did in a prior career, anyhow
L824[18:43:08] <Pakaran> (also fewer mods)
L825[18:44:08] <Pakaran> yes, yes he is
L826[18:44:27] <Pakaran> The Odyssey by Bill, Book 9: 564 Kerbals Single Stage to Laythe
L827[18:48:18] <Fluburtur> I need a name for my rocket engines protos
L828[18:48:25] <Fluburtur> preferably a very kerbal acronym
L829[18:49:12] <darsie> What's a proto?
L830[18:49:18] <Fluburtur> prototype
L831[18:49:37] <darsie> irl?
L832[18:50:08] <Fluburtur> yes
L833[18:50:15] <Fluburtur> rocket candy at first then maybe hybrids
L834[18:50:20] <darsie> Flea?
L835[18:50:52] <Fluburtur> I had EREA which stands for experimental rocket engine for airplane
L836[18:50:59] <Fluburtur> but it isn't kerbal enough
L837[18:51:30] <Pakaran> BACON. Bicarbonate acid combination outputting newtons.
L838[18:51:43] <Fluburtur> lel
L839[18:52:17] <Fluburtur> well it needs to have like 50% of related things to the engine itself
L840[18:52:36] <Pakaran> oh, I thought you were looking for kerbal ideas for an actual candy sounding rocket or something.
L841[18:52:48] <Fluburtur> nah is for rc planes
L842[18:52:54] <Fluburtur> butmaybe rockets too
L843[18:52:56] <Fluburtur> mostly planes
L844[18:53:04] <darsie> For thrust or smoke?
L845[18:53:10] <Pakaran> mentos RCS?
L846[18:53:22] <Fluburtur> well thrust
L847[18:53:29] <Fluburtur> I want a plane to fly only on rocket power
L848[18:53:45] <darsie> From start?
L849[18:53:53] <Pakaran> Have you seen soda bottle rockets?
L850[18:54:04] <Fluburtur> yeah but those are meh
L851[18:54:14] <Fluburtur> and I just ordered 1kg of potassium nitrate
L852[18:54:27] <Pakaran> ok, so think more kerbal?
L853[18:54:47] <Fluburtur> yes
L854[18:55:37] <Pakaran> potassium nitrate and sugar?
L855[18:55:42] <Fluburtur> yeah
L856[18:55:49] <Pakaran> could ignite with a light bulb
L857[18:55:52] <Pakaran> even in flight
L858[18:56:09] <Fluburtur> I was thinking 9v battery with a switch
L859[18:56:19] <Fluburtur> tu burn a piece of wire with a match head if needed
L860[18:56:28] <Fluburtur> either external to the plane itself or internal
L861[18:56:42] <Fluburtur> will probably do both ground launch and carrier aircraft
L862[18:56:47] <darsie> End burner or core hole?
L863[18:57:05] <Fluburtur> will need to do some experiments for that
L864[18:57:20] <Fluburtur> I want a long combustion of between 20 to 30 seconds so maybe a mix of both
L865[18:58:25] <Aviatior101> I just made a V-1 pulse jet rocket
L866[18:58:27] <darsie> core hole lit at the nozzle?
L867[18:58:28] <Pakaran> and just let the plane transition to providing lift?
L868[18:58:50] <Fluburtur> nah, lit at the end of the core
L869[18:58:59] <Fluburtur> will take off at an angle of 15° maybe
L870[18:59:06] <Fluburtur> so it will provide lift all the way
L871[18:59:55] <Fluburtur> also pulse jets are much more complicated
L872[19:00:03] <Fluburtur> needs a tuned exhaust pipe and stuff
L873[19:00:47] <darsie> I want to make a solar powered plane.
L874[19:00:55] <Pakaran> I've definitely seen small planes designed to launch from the runway using a booster, and land with chutes.
L875[19:01:21] <Fluburtur> darsie watch all of those videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mS2UvS0Jb_8
L876[19:01:21] <kmath> YouTube - SOLAR Powered RC FPV Plane Build and Maiden - RCTESTFLIGHT -
L877[19:08:18] <Mathuin> I decorate my planes with chutes to help deal with landing challenges.
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L882[19:30:04] <Supercheese> It's quite a realistic safety feature, too: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cirrus_Airframe_Parachute_System
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L885[19:33:35] <Guest17832> hi
L886[19:33:39] <Mod9000> Hello, Guest17832
L887[19:33:45] <tawny> https://i.imgur.com/QXFrKdT.gifv hi guest have a good cat
L888[19:33:57] <Guest17832> woah this is a noice community
L889[19:34:46] <taniwha> Mod9000 is a bot, though
L890[19:34:50] <taniwha> however, hi :)
L891[19:35:11] <Guest17832> anyone have rasterpropmoniter
L892[19:35:15] <Guest17832> the mod
L893[19:35:22] <Mathuin> I use it.
L894[19:35:26] <Mathuin> It is keen.
L895[19:35:47] <Guest17832> i lovei t but my moniters are not on is that normal when i start or no?
L896[19:35:47] <taniwha> until you look in your logs :(
L897[19:35:49] <Guest17832> if so
L898[19:35:55] <Guest17832> how do i turn them on?
L899[19:36:33] <Mathuin> You have to hit the buttons.
L900[19:36:44] <Mathuin> Along the top and bottom of each monitor, there are seven buttons
L901[19:36:47] <Mathuin> (I think seven, I'm at work)
L902[19:37:00] <Mathuin> The one I use the most is the second from the left on the bottom row.
L903[19:37:01] <Guest17832> yep seven
L904[19:37:02] <taniwha> several, at any rate :)
L905[19:37:12] <Guest17832> to turn on?
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L907[19:37:22] <Mathuin> Press it once, get a certain mode. Press it again for another one. Press it a third time to go back to the default.
L908[19:37:27] <Mathuin> There are issues with RPM and CKAN.
L909[19:37:39] <Guest17832> i press them and nothing happens at all.
L910[19:37:48] <Guest17832> the screen is blank no numbers nothing
L911[19:37:50] <Mathuin> So if you have RPM installed via CKAN, you will have to remove it and install RPM by hand from their website before they will help you diagnose the problem.
L912[19:37:57] <Mathuin> Do you have power?
L913[19:38:07] <Guest17832> yes
L914[19:38:10] <taniwha> I haven't used RPM for several years, so I can't help, sorry
L915[19:38:15] <Guest17832> ok
L916[19:38:50] <Guest17832> i have rpm will it work with out CKAN
L917[19:39:01] <taniwha> most mods will
L918[19:39:08] <Guest17832> ok
L919[19:40:09] <Mathuin> No mod requires CKAN.
L920[19:40:20] <Guest17832> ok
L921[19:40:44] <Guest17832> i dont have ckan i only have RPM and it still wont turn on its only a black screen on the moniter
L922[19:41:05] <Guest17832> im clicking all the bottuns
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L924[19:44:09] <Guest17832> clciked them all nothing new ):
L925[19:44:20] <Mathuin> Are you sure you have the most recent version of RPM properly installed?
L926[19:44:28] <Mathuin> And are you using the most recent version of KSP?
L927[19:45:11] <Guest17832> let me check
L928[19:45:41] <Guest17832> mine is
L929[19:47:06] <Guest17832> v0.29.3
L930[19:47:48] <Guest17832> yes
L931[19:49:34] <Guest17832> do i need to turn it on or something first?
L932[19:52:12] <Guest17832> hello?
L933[19:52:37] <Mathuin> Sorry, I'm at work, like I said.
L934[19:52:45] <Mathuin> I think that's the latest version.
L935[19:52:58] <icefire> CKAN requests CKAN ??
L936[19:53:08] <Mathuin> There is no CKAN only Zuul.
L937[19:53:26] <Guest17832> ok sorry
L938[19:53:37] <Mathuin> Seriously, though, I have no idea why your RPM monitors aren't working. If you have nothing installed except RPM and its dependencies and it's still not working, I'd post on the forums.
L939[19:54:15] <Guest17832> ok ihave like scansat and one other thing
L940[19:54:33] <Guest17832> rentry particals
L941[19:55:10] <Mathuin> It's safest to reinstall from scratch, then add only what RPM needs.
L942[19:55:29] <Guest17832> ok i will try that
L943[19:57:33] <Guest17832> oh shoot thats why i have no dependencies for it silly me!
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L948[20:09:27] <Mathuin> I want to say ModuleManager is its only dependency but that's just a guess.
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L950[20:10:51] <Mathuin> taniwha: now you have me curious, does it spam Player.log or something?
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L953[20:23:28] <Aviatior101> DO any of you have the argus PulseJet mod
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L958[20:34:55] <taniwha> Mathuin: last I checked, yes
L959[20:35:04] <Mathuin> taniwha: huh, wonder why.
L960[20:35:07] <taniwha> though I admit to that being a while ago
L961[20:35:14] <Mathuin> The sketchiest mod I'm using now is the RPM kOS mod.
L962[20:35:30] <taniwha> more importantly for me, I do not like what it does to the stock cockpits
L963[20:35:33] <Mathuin> I stopped using a number of other mods because I can't maintain my forks of them anymore.
L964[20:35:39] <Mathuin> Oooh, I only use stock pods, what does it do to them?
L965[20:35:47] <taniwha> (though that's really a few config tweaks away from being fixed)
L966[20:35:59] <taniwha> makes them ugly :)
L967[20:36:11] <taniwha> (I /like/ the stock props)
L968[20:36:19] <Mathuin> I haven't seen them without RPM in a while
L969[20:36:23] <taniwha> and the stock cockpits are designed around those props
L970[20:36:25] <Mathuin> Is there a viable competitor to RPM?
L971[20:36:59] <taniwha> IVAs that are designed around RPM are a completely different matter, of course
L972[20:37:33] <taniwha> there's MAS, dunno how it compares as I found out about it only yesterday
L973[20:37:59] <taniwha> https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/160856-wip-13x-moardvs-avionics-systems-mas-interactive-iva-v0120-27-january-2018/
L974[20:38:05] <Mathuin> I like the stock pods, but I really want RPM-like functionality.
L975[20:38:27] <taniwha> each to their own, really
L976[20:43:35] <taniwha> that said, a bit more functionality in the stock pods would be nice
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L985[22:03:23] <UmbralRaptor> Plutino with asteroid like composition. o_O https://arxiv.org/abs/1801.10163
L986[22:07:12] <taniwha> UmbralRaptor: http://taniwha.org/~bill/2018_01_eclipse/P1310802.JPG
L987[22:08:30] <UmbralRaptor> taniwha: nice
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L990[22:21:42] <taniwha> UmbralRaptor: several others in that directory
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