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L1[00:04:00] ⇨ Joins: ArcadeEngineer (ArcadeEngineer!uid196613@id-196613.tooting.irccloud.com)
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L19[02:15:24] <Arynnia> ONLY IN KSP: Single-stage Proton launch Kvant-1 sized service module to Mir-alike station
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L21[02:27:37] ⇦ Quits: iplop (iplop!~Iplop@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L22[03:14:30] <Mat2ch> so, any news from SpaceX when then next static fire test will be?
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L30[04:17:50] <darsie> New mission: 5 stars for Jeb.
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L45[05:37:24] <Oneiros> hi Mod9000
L46[05:37:26] <Mod9000> How are things?
L47[05:37:36] <Oneiros> :o
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L52[05:44:16] <Fluburtur> im trying to dry the tail of my canadair
L53[05:46:00] <Mat2ch> you should make it waterproof somehow...
L54[05:46:11] <Fluburtur> I know where the water gets in
L55[05:46:19] <Fluburtur> I will put some hot glue there
L56[05:46:28] <Fluburtur> but first I need to get the water out
L57[05:49:59] <Mat2ch> Hehe
L58[05:51:48] ⇨ Joins: Flub2 (Flub2!~Fluburtur@2a01:e34:ecf7:d4f0:196:db83:639a:7027)
L59[05:51:51] <Flub2> uh
L60[05:51:56] <Flub2> internet is being bad
L61[05:52:09] <Flub2> and I feel it got slower over the past few weeks too
L62[05:52:13] <Flub2> I should call peoples
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L65[05:55:00] <Mat2ch> Not just call. Scream at them!
L66[05:56:29] <Flub2> https://78.media.tumblr.com/de0fc6b310cee1b16452e2715c3416d8/tumblr_inline_o01h9l7zuv1qiap6e_540.png
L67[05:56:31] <Flub2> I guess
L68[05:58:54] ⇨ Joins: wiliz (wiliz!viakmaky@kapsi.fi)
L69[05:59:21] <Flub2> well putting the hairdrier on the back of the plane for several hours seems like a working option
L70[05:59:25] <Flub2> so let's do it I guess
L71[06:00:10] <Flub2> https://78.media.tumblr.com/ba6a5691d033f24db493c9ae51176ddf/tumblr_inline_mgflmkHWJR1rrzlrq.gif
L72[06:09:47] ⇨ Joins: Flub_ugh (Flub_ugh!~Fluburtur@2a01:e34:ecf7:d4f0:196:db83:639a:7027)
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L76[06:15:29] <Fluburtur> I want a birb as large as a dog https://78.media.tumblr.com/6e61c8acf6123820a14853cc10c21bc7/tumblr_inline_o2wtwagLRt1s90hwm_500.gif
L77[06:16:04] <Oneiros> thats a crow lol
L78[06:16:10] <Oneiros> at least it looks like one
L79[06:16:14] <Fluburtur> yeah
L80[06:16:15] <Oneiros> dont you have those?
L81[06:16:24] <Fluburtur> yeah but lie not domestic
L82[06:16:33] <Oneiros> haha
L83[06:16:41] <AASRaptor> corvids are either the best or 2nd best dinosaurs.
L84[06:16:45] <Fluburtur> I got to play with a tiny crow that domesticated itself
L85[06:16:49] <Fluburtur> a jackdaw
L86[06:16:52] <Fluburtur> cool stuff
L87[06:16:53] <Oneiros> domestic crows. ugh. dont you find their squawk annoying?
L88[06:17:01] <Oneiros> ok, interesting
L89[06:17:08] <Oneiros> ok, interesting
L90[06:17:17] ⇦ Quits: Flub_ugh (Flub_ugh!~Fluburtur@2a01:e34:ecf7:d4f0:196:db83:639a:7027) (Ping timeout: 207 seconds)
L91[06:17:44] <Fluburtur> they are intelligent enough to only scream when they want food
L92[06:18:06] <Oneiros> hm, maybe we got the dumb ones down here
L93[06:18:35] <Oneiros> i used to live near this tree that was always full of them, and they were always being loud and boistrous
L94[06:18:37] <Fluburtur> I was at a park in paris last year and there was a lot of crows and we were giving them food
L95[06:18:42] <Althego> get an emu
L96[06:18:45] <Fluburtur> and one pigeon came to get food too
L97[06:18:50] <Fluburtur> poor dude got bullied so hard
L98[06:18:54] <Althego> that is as close to a living dinosaur than you can get
L99[06:19:05] <Althego> as you can get
L100[06:19:09] <Oneiros> ok
L101[06:19:14] <Fluburtur> yeah but emus are evil
L102[06:19:20] <Fluburtur> less than ostriches but still
L103[06:19:24] <Althego> what did you expect from a dinosaur
L104[06:19:24] <Oneiros> i guess even the crows in paris are more sophisticated
L105[06:19:46] <Althego> the funny think in emu is that you can still find one finger on it with a claw
L106[06:19:50] <Althego> *thing
L107[06:19:56] <Althego> cant move it
L108[06:20:00] <Althego> but it is there
L109[06:20:38] <Althego> http://img08.deviantart.net/2ee1/i/2009/241/0/9/emu_wing_claw_by_aaaamory.jpg
L110[06:20:40] <Oneiros> like a raptor
L111[06:20:59] <Oneiros> oh on the wing
L112[06:21:11] <Althego> its feet are obviously dinosaur
L113[06:21:29] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/186186669324500993/401349943182491648/DSC_0649.JPG
L114[06:21:38] <Oneiros> maybe humans will grow wings some day
L115[06:21:47] <Althego> unlikely
L116[06:21:56] <Althego> unless we add them
L117[06:22:02] <Oneiros> how do you know lol
L118[06:22:13] <Fluburtur> did I ever tell you about my bionic wings project?
L119[06:22:35] <Althego> flying is a specialized thing. you need to lose a lot of weight and must be able to pump lot of oxygen
L120[06:22:50] <Althego> one way birds lost weight is by brain mass
L121[06:22:51] <Gasher[work]> and have your metabolism go fast to get energy
L122[06:23:02] <Althego> so if there are ever flying humans, those would be dumb
L123[06:23:38] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/186186669324500993/401350491138818058/DSC_6804.JPG
L124[06:23:48] <Fluburtur> that's the little domestic one
L125[06:24:01] ⇨ Joins: Oneiros_ (Oneiros_!webchat@
L126[06:24:05] <Fluburtur> curious little dude
L127[06:24:19] <Fluburtur> and he followed us when we left so I had to throw it back home
L128[06:24:27] <Oneiros_> those crows look much more friendly than ours
L129[06:24:42] <Althego> is that a jackdaw?
L130[06:25:01] <Fluburtur> yeah
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L133[06:25:52] <Althego> here most birds are either in the crow family or the sparrow family
L134[06:25:53] *** Oneiros_ is now known as Oneiros
L135[06:30:08] <Fluburtur> I put the canadair in one of the bedrooms
L136[06:30:14] <Fluburtur> with the tail on a heater
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L144[06:49:34] <Flub_ugh> what is this internet
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L148[06:52:55] ⇨ Joins: Jadoks (Jadoks!webchat@33.red-88-9-136.dynamicip.rima-tde.net)
L149[06:52:56] <Jadoks> Hey
L150[06:52:58] <Jadoks> Hello
L151[06:53:03] <Mod9000> Hello, Jadoks
L152[06:53:25] <Jadoks> Does any of you know some random failure mods
L153[06:53:26] <Jadoks> ?
L154[06:53:37] <Jadoks> What is the best in your opinion?
L155[06:53:53] ⇨ Joins: Flub2 (Flub2!~Fluburtur@2a01:e34:ecf7:d4f0:196:db83:639a:7027)
L156[06:54:46] <Jadoks> Okay
L157[06:55:02] <Jadoks> :/
L158[06:55:04] <Jadoks> Hahhahaha
L159[06:55:25] <Jadoks> I repeat the question :S
L160[06:55:41] <Jadoks> Do you know any good random failure mod?
L161[06:56:08] <Jadoks> Like, that randomly makes something fails in your rocket
L162[06:56:17] ⇦ Quits: Flub_ugh (Flub_ugh!~Fluburtur@2a01:e34:ecf7:d4f0:196:db83:639a:7027) (Ping timeout: 207 seconds)
L163[06:56:17] <sandbox> I've only heard of Dang it
L164[06:57:06] ⇨ Joins: Flub_ugh (Flub_ugh!~Fluburtur@2a01:e34:ecf7:d4f0:196:db83:639a:7027)
L165[06:57:07] <Oneiros> UPFM
L166[06:57:37] <Oneiros> https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/160854-13-beta-upfm-a-scrapyard-based-part-failure-and-reliability-mod-091-23072017/
L167[06:57:45] <Oneiros> i havent tried the others but i like this one.
L168[06:58:03] <Jadoks> Thank you a lot
L169[06:58:29] <Jadoks> Oneiros: Do you know if this one is the one in RO pack?
L170[06:58:49] <Jadoks> Looks like what I am looking for
L171[06:58:55] <Jadoks> Thank you a lot guys
L172[06:59:25] <Oneiros> i dont think there is one in the ro pack
L173[06:59:32] ⇦ Quits: Flub2 (Flub2!~Fluburtur@2a01:e34:ecf7:d4f0:196:db83:639a:7027) (Ping timeout: 207 seconds)
L174[07:00:26] <Oneiros> it seems they recommend testflight but that isn't in the pack
L175[07:01:21] <Jadoks> Oh, okay
L176[07:01:24] <Jadoks> Thank you
L177[07:01:36] <Oneiros> you can try #ro as well
L178[07:01:40] <Jadoks> UPFM is not in CKAN right?
L179[07:01:51] <Oneiros> not sure, i dont use it
L180[07:02:04] <Jadoks> Okay, okay
L181[07:02:15] <Jadoks> I'll try test flight too, looks nice
L182[07:02:52] <Oneiros> it looks like testflight is for 1.2.2, but i guess so is ro lol
L183[07:03:58] <Jadoks> I was just seeing it right now
L184[07:04:00] <Jadoks> Hahahaha
L185[07:04:14] <Jadoks> Yap
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L187[07:07:43] ⇦ Quits: Supernovy (Supernovy!~Supernovy@122-60-250-250.jetstream.xtra.co.nz) (Quit: Goodnight.)
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L190[07:13:21] <Jadoks> Oneiros:
L191[07:13:36] <Jadoks> And do you know if UPFM is for 1.3.1?
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L196[07:17:04] <Oneiros> ya
L197[07:17:24] <Oneiros> it says in the title
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L199[07:18:02] <Jadoks> Oh, true
L200[07:18:06] <Jadoks> Thanks mate
L201[07:18:10] <Jadoks> :)
L202[07:18:16] <Oneiros> :P
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L210[07:24:27] <Jadoks> Have to leave, by and again, thank you, see you around
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L218[07:52:28] <Flub2> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/186186669324500993/401372838591856640/tumblr_mm14v84Btt1ql2603o1_540.png
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L220[08:03:02] <madmerlyn> didn't realize I left this on at work heh
L221[08:06:29] <Flub2> well at least your internet is working
L222[08:06:44] <Flub2> I guess there are peoples working on the lines around here because my internet is horrible
L223[08:07:13] <Flub2> probably trying to reduce our internet but keep us paying the same too because it's becoming terrible
L224[08:08:05] <Oneiros> that sucks
L225[08:08:27] <Oneiros> im on unlimited public wifi at home, its fine for 5 bucks a month
L226[08:09:02] <Oneiros> but i wouldn't pay any more for the dropouts, intermittent usability of all google hosted sites, etc
L227[08:10:16] <madmerlyn> I pay $50/mo for 100Mbit, it's reliable, but it's just a promo rate and my ISP recently implemented data caps because "everyone is doing it"
L228[08:10:23] <Oneiros> but when you're used to living off high bandwidth unlimited broadband, it's interesting to switch things up and see what you really need.
L229[08:10:34] <madmerlyn> like that's legit what they told me on the phone when I called and asked what the reason for limiting my service was
L230[08:10:43] <Oneiros> jesus
L231[08:10:56] <Flub2> uh
L232[08:10:57] <Oneiros> they must be getting greedy
L233[08:11:51] <madmerlyn> oh yeah, Cox is the second or third largest provider in the US
L234[08:12:11] <madmerlyn> they're one of the big dogs financing politicians to gut regulation
L235[08:12:23] <Oneiros> everyone gets pushed towards unlimited plans here, but our bandwidth is way behind the US
L236[08:12:45] <madmerlyn> I'm fortunate that in my region the local electric co-op is doing a fiber rollout or I'd have no competitive options
L237[08:12:52] <madmerlyn> soon as it's available in my home I'm firing Cox heh
L238[08:13:18] <Oneiros> yeh
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L240[08:13:58] <Oneiros> i was on 4g for a while, it was around 20 a month for 40 gig IIRC
L241[08:15:41] <madmerlyn> I believe the end-game for US ISPs is to eventually control all the data, wired, mobile, etc. and have an environment legally where they can package it any way they want to extract more money from it
L242[08:15:57] <Oneiros> everything seems to be going up atm tho. the local property market went up 100% in the last 5 or so years. its a crisis here.
L243[08:16:16] <Oneiros> yeah
L244[08:16:22] <madmerlyn> since most of them are also television providers who refused to adapt in a timely fashion and are now looking to monetize through extortion instead of providing a quality service
L245[08:16:27] <Oneiros> its kinda scary how much power they have
L246[08:17:59] <Oneiros> but over there do you have several companies who own the infrastructure?
L247[08:18:13] <madmerlyn> Google is doing it right but even with all their power the other ISPs have been able to slow them down with litigation, and in some areas I've heard there were billions of dollars worth of "pole accidents" where Google's lines somehow got damaged while other providers were doing maintenance
L248[08:18:49] <Oneiros> thats pretty dodgy
L249[08:18:52] <madmerlyn> most of the poles are owned by municipalities
L250[08:19:27] <madmerlyn> and the problem with municipal ownership is, and ISPs figured this out decades ago, local politicians are a lot easier to buy off
L251[08:19:40] <Oneiros> lol yeah
L252[08:19:46] <madmerlyn> which is why something like 85% of the country has only 1 HSI option
L253[08:19:59] <Oneiros> wow really?
L254[08:20:20] <madmerlyn> my house I have 2 non-satellite options (and I don't live in the wilderness either)
L255[08:20:31] <madmerlyn> I can have Cox Cable which provides speeds up to 100Mbit
L256[08:21:05] <madmerlyn> or I can have Windstream DSL which I tried for a couple months last year, max speed was 20Mbit, but I rarely got over 10, and I had 3 major outages in 5 weeks, 1 lasting more than 24 hours
L257[08:21:16] <Oneiros> gosh
L258[08:21:21] <Oneiros> are you in the US?
L259[08:21:28] <madmerlyn> yes
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L261[08:21:58] <Oneiros> i really thought your net was miles ahead of us. that kind of service is pretty bad.
L262[08:22:03] <madmerlyn> also Windstream does some borderline illegal stuff with billing
L263[08:22:15] <madmerlyn> they told me my bill would be $50.04+taxes and fees
L264[08:22:21] <madmerlyn> get my bill, $98
L265[08:22:43] <Oneiros> you need more competition in the marketplace
L266[08:23:00] <madmerlyn> $48 in taxes and fees, I call and they claim it's because of the phone line, but when I look at the bill I had like 2 $15 charges for "internet availability" and something else similar to that
L267[08:23:03] <Oneiros> here a lot of ISPs have their own infrastructure
L268[08:23:11] ⇨ Joins: fhmiv (fhmiv!~fhmiv@c-73-158-172-16.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L269[08:23:45] <madmerlyn> and when I called and complained, the guy seriously expected me to believe that it was illegal for their company to tell me how much the taxes and fees are before I get my bill
L270[08:24:05] <Oneiros> lol what
L271[08:24:05] <madmerlyn> okay buddy, you're not allowed to tell me how much the service actually costs until I'm already on it? sure.
L272[08:24:20] <Oneiros> no, its illegal not to tell you
L273[08:24:23] <madmerlyn> needless to say I effectively only have 1 viable ISP option
L274[08:25:00] <Oneiros> what about using phone based data plans?
L275[08:25:08] <Oneiros> im not sure what your market is like for that
L276[08:25:33] <madmerlyn> so 10 years ago when smartphones took off, the mobile networks here in the US had SERIOUS congestion problems
L277[08:26:02] <madmerlyn> they implemented datacaps back then to try to help ease congestion while they upgraded their networks
L278[08:26:24] <madmerlyn> networks are all great now (largely paid for with tax dollars btw), but the datacaps never really went away
L279[08:26:48] <Oneiros> yeah, ours is capped too, but sometimes you can find a good bargain rate
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L281[08:27:00] <madmerlyn> they're now starting to offer unlimited plans again, but most will throttle you after reaching a certain threshold, unlimited just means they won't charge you more after they start throttling the crap out of you
L282[08:27:31] <Oneiros> yup
L283[08:27:40] <Oneiros> do you need a lot of data?
L284[08:27:53] <madmerlyn> heh a lot more than any US mobile provider offers
L285[08:28:03] <Oneiros> ok fair enough
L286[08:28:04] <JCB> oop.. morn'n
L287[08:28:07] <madmerlyn> my family of 4 with Netflix, Hulu, etc. uses about 700GB/mo data
L288[08:28:18] <Oneiros> wow
L289[08:28:44] <madmerlyn> and US cell providers charge like $50/mo for 1 unlimited plan that gets throttled after like 30GB
L290[08:28:55] <Oneiros> back in my share house days I don't even think 5 gamers got close to that lol
L291[08:29:15] <Oneiros> ok yeah
L292[08:29:16] <madmerlyn> well you gotta remember streaming nowadays is all HD
L293[08:29:28] <JCB> ugh.. the days when was on dialup.. too many ISPs going into the house
L294[08:29:42] <JCB> now its... data caps, no work arounds for some places
L295[08:29:54] <madmerlyn> in the Summer months I have to put a curfew on our streaming :(
L296[08:30:08] <Oneiros> just lower the settings?
L297[08:30:09] <madmerlyn> because with the kids home from school we get mighty close to our 1TB cap
L298[08:30:27] <madmerlyn> thing is, lowering the settings isn't possible on most streaming devices
L299[08:30:47] <madmerlyn> if I were using PCs for everything with browsers it'd be a bit easier to do
L300[08:30:54] <Oneiros> idk. i just torrent, and grap the average quality. 1-2gb per movie is fine
L301[08:30:57] <madmerlyn> but like Netflix, there is no per device setting either
L302[08:31:00] <Oneiros> *grab
L303[08:31:09] <Oneiros> gosh really
L304[08:31:14] <madmerlyn> Netflix I can lower the settings, but it would lower the settings for the entire account
L305[08:31:31] <madmerlyn> so I can watch everything in blurry pixelated 480p
L306[08:31:35] <madmerlyn> or I can stream HD
L307[08:31:40] <JCB> with everyone switching from tv companies to getting much of their video fix from online... now why have they started putting hard caps on data these days?
L308[08:31:40] <madmerlyn> basically my 2 options
L309[08:31:49] <Oneiros> maybe netflix are in cahoots with your telcos
L310[08:32:01] <madmerlyn> JCB to make their TV packages more desirable
L311[08:32:06] <madmerlyn> which won't work
L312[08:32:06] <Oneiros> pushing higher bitrates so that people chew up more data
L313[08:32:19] <madmerlyn> but they don't care because there are no laws preventing them from charging more for Netflix now
L314[08:32:26] <JCB> ya but even the TV stuff comes in by digital/ISP too
L315[08:32:33] <madmerlyn> which they absolutely will do once they think the backlash for doing so will be manageable
L316[08:33:19] <Oneiros> torrents will probably become more popular then
L317[08:33:19] <madmerlyn> yes, but our infrastructure isn't the problem JCB< we can handle all the data coming down the line
L318[08:33:50] <madmerlyn> the problem is these artificial caps are just there so they can charge more to offset their loss of subscribers for their TV package
L319[08:33:55] <JCB> I remember the days when we used to push up to 1gig.. ISPs were freaking out, oh, then this so-so person /must/ be running a file sharing service, lets audit them
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L321[08:34:14] <Oneiros> lol
L322[08:34:17] <madmerlyn> and most providers, maybe all of them that have caps on home connections now, don't count their own streaming services against your cap
L323[08:34:40] <madmerlyn> so like if I want to pay $120/mo for Cox's "Contour" service, anything I stream through that doesn't count against datacap
L324[08:35:34] <JCB> a hard cap on a data though? as in, they won't let you even buy for more data?
L325[08:35:38] <madmerlyn> even though I get more quality content for $40/mo through Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, and Sling
L326[08:35:54] <madmerlyn> anything over 1TB Cox charges $10 per 50GB block
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L328[08:36:28] <madmerlyn> I've honestly slacked off of torrenting because legal content is so easy to get now
L329[08:36:44] <madmerlyn> but these data caps are a real problem
L330[08:36:49] <Oneiros> ya but you gotta pay for it
L331[08:37:00] <madmerlyn> luckily as I said earlier, local Elec. Co-op is going to be my salvation
L332[08:37:03] ⇨ Joins: Flub2 (Flub2!~Fluburtur@2a01:e34:ecf7:d4f0:196:db83:639a:7027)
L333[08:37:15] <madmerlyn> they're doing 100Mbit for $50/mo or 1Gbit for $80/mo, no datacaps ever
L334[08:37:37] <madmerlyn> they don't have a board of directors reporting earnings to shareholders and paying dividends
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L336[08:37:49] <madmerlyn> the dividend checks go out to each and every one of their customers
L337[08:38:07] <madmerlyn> which means they actually have a customer-oriented focus as a company
L338[08:38:19] <JCB> ya.. but was asking, can an ISP not allow you to buy more than the cap..?
L339[08:38:40] <madmerlyn> before last month no, Internet Service was considered a utility
L340[08:39:07] <JCB> (also on news.. geeze, David Letterman's look sure changed over the years... new white beard?!
L341[08:39:07] ⇨ Joins: Flub_ugh (Flub_ugh!~Fluburtur@2a01:e34:ecf7:d4f0:196:db83:639a:7027)
L342[08:39:11] <madmerlyn> however our fantastic chairman of the FCC recently did away with that regulation so that the "open market could provide even better service" to consumers
L343[08:39:37] <madmerlyn> so as of right now, HSI is not a utility and I think that means if Cox wanted to cut me off after 1TB they legally can
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L345[08:40:10] <JCB> ah well.. sorta a reason I've avoided getting data for my phone... there's so much crud surrounding having one, not worth my headache over
L346[08:41:15] <JCB> I'm not sure whats the story with our ISP.. my room mate deals with it. Although... I have heard complaints else where about -Unlimited internet- not really being 'unlimited'.
L347[08:41:16] ⇨ Joins: Oneiros_ (Oneiros_!webchat@
L348[08:41:31] <Oneiros_> monopoloy/duopoly is not an open market
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L352[08:42:16] <madmerlyn> yes, that's what the constituency has told Ajit Pai and our local politicians for years too
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L354[08:42:37] <madmerlyn> and the bigger problem is the big ISPs actively prevent competition from entering their marketplace
L355[08:42:56] <madmerlyn> most common tactic is to bury them in legal expenses with frivolous lawsuits
L356[08:43:49] <madmerlyn> 1 million in legal fees for Cox is nothing, but making a small startup try to defend themselves it cripples them
L357[08:44:30] ⇨ Joins: icefire (icefire!~icefire@
L358[08:44:36] <madmerlyn> I think an easy solution to that would be making the plaintiff pay the defendant's legal fees if the lawsuit is deemed frivolous by the judge
L359[08:44:54] <Oneiros_> sounds a bit like ULA and SpaceX
L360[08:45:01] *** Oneiros_ is now known as Oneiros
L361[08:45:14] <Oneiros> from what I've been reading anyway
L362[08:45:18] <madmerlyn> but then that could possibly create a problem for people with genuine grievances
L363[08:45:39] <JCB> whats the thing called when one company, purposefully cripples another company through, sometimes, illegal actions?
L364[08:45:49] <madmerlyn> maybe they should make a special law for utility providers/ISPs only where plaintiffs are responsible for defendant's legal fees if the lawsuit is frivolous
L365[08:45:50] <Oneiros> sabotage?
L366[08:46:41] <JCB> out here.. they promote compitition between things, but there are times when things sometimes go beyond, outside the spirit of friendly commerce
L367[08:46:52] <madmerlyn> that way it can't be abused to punish people with genuine grievances from suing, but it prevents the problem of monopolies forcing competition out
L368[08:48:51] <JCB> ugh anyways... not a happy way to start the morning.. sigh
L369[08:50:02] ⇨ Joins: Flub2 (Flub2!~Fluburtur@2a01:e34:ecf7:d4f0:196:db83:639a:7027)
L370[08:50:02] <Oneiros> aw dont take it to heart JCB
L371[08:50:19] <madmerlyn> JCB more coffee.
L372[08:50:29] <JCB> maybe later...
L373[08:50:40] <JCB> mmm.. peach oatmeal and toast.
L374[08:50:54] <madmerlyn> I'm at a point in this career where I kinda want to start over
L375[08:51:00] <Oneiros> i find it quite inspiring what SPaceX has achieved in spite of all these kinds of difficulties
L376[08:51:12] <madmerlyn> take some of my successful launch vehicles and move them to new save and start from scratch
L377[08:51:45] <madmerlyn> I've probed every primary except Eeloo, and while i haven't gone crewed interplanetary I feel like a fresh start would let me focus more on that
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L380[08:52:12] <madmerlyn> Oneiros I think a lot of that has to do with the leadership skills of Musk, he's not just a stereotypical a-hole CEO
L381[08:52:18] <JCB> I've been messing around with some rover design ideas... though.. gotta wonder about that command seat thing. They fixed that 'kerbal gets literally ejected' problem in 1.3?
L382[08:52:29] <madmerlyn> he believes in his businesses and fights for them and doesn't give up when things get rough
L383[08:53:11] <madmerlyn> I've had some weird seat ejections in 1.3.1, but not commonly
L384[08:53:12] <JCB> Muske has said a few things that kind of ground my gears a little.. mostly to do with his self driving car stuff
L385[08:53:20] <Oneiros> ya. he's an interesting guy
L386[08:53:26] <madmerlyn> the seat in the Packrat rover would send my kerbal sailing EVERY TIME though
L387[08:53:35] <madmerlyn> I think it has to do with the seat's proximity to other parts
L388[08:53:40] <Oneiros> i read how spacex was hours from going bankrupt before receiving a nasa grant
L389[08:53:41] <JCB> I get my kerbal to get out of the seat, they pop about 10 feet up in the air and just fall
L390[08:53:58] <Oneiros> and now he'll probably go to mars
L391[08:54:00] ⇦ Quits: Flub2 (Flub2!~Fluburtur@2a01:e34:ecf7:d4f0:196:db83:639a:7027) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L392[08:54:00] <madmerlyn> good thing Kerbals are so tough then JCB :P
L393[08:54:03] <JCB> I tested iwth the seat just on a metal panel...
L394[08:54:19] <madmerlyn> I love that quote from him Oneiros "I want to die on Mars. Just not impact."
L395[08:54:26] ⇨ Joins: Flub2 (Flub2!~Fluburtur@2a01:e34:ecf7:d4f0:196:db83:639a:7027)
L396[08:54:29] <Oneiros> hahaha
L397[08:54:37] <Oneiros> my favourite is from the boring company
L398[08:54:48] <Oneiros> something like "digging tunnels will help us get to mars"
L399[08:54:58] <Oneiros> such a grounded idealist haha
L400[08:55:25] <madmerlyn> JCB you play with any mods?
L401[08:55:34] <madmerlyn> I've noticed the Akita command chair does not fling
L402[08:55:38] <JCB> currently just been stock..
L403[08:55:54] <madmerlyn> the Akita command chair is more realistic IMO anyway
L404[08:56:03] <madmerlyn> has a roll cage and all that built into it
L405[08:56:24] <Oneiros> i was just watching a video on that one
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L407[08:56:29] <Oneiros> konstruction
L408[08:56:34] <JCB> akita... -looks it up
L409[08:56:37] <madmerlyn> because no space agency is going to stick a chair on the outside of a vehicle without a roll cage heh
L410[08:56:48] ⇨ Joins: Fluburtur (Fluburtur!~Fluburtur@2a01:e34:ecf7:d4f0:196:db83:639a:7027)
L411[08:57:05] <madmerlyn> it's part of RoverDude's stuff, I think its standalone in the Exploration Pack?
L412[08:57:16] <madmerlyn> might have gotten integrated into MKS I dunno
L413[08:57:33] <madmerlyn> but you could just pull the parts out of the mod, I don't think they have any non-stock modules on them
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L415[08:58:30] <madmerlyn> this is the akita rover http://i.imgur.com/0qDXpU0.png
L416[08:58:32] <JCB> oh.. just noticed I didn't take a pic of my little rover-RV creation yesterday
L417[08:58:35] <madmerlyn> the command chair is 2 pieces
L418[08:58:46] <madmerlyn> the roll bars plus the flat part with the tank behind him
L419[08:58:51] <JCB> doesn't need a role cage, got a roof sorta
L420[08:58:55] <madmerlyn> has built in lights and monoP generator
L421[08:59:17] <Oneiros> i think it might be time for a new solar system
L422[08:59:18] <madmerlyn> very weak generator though like 0.2EC/s or something
L423[08:59:25] <Oneiros> a real one even
L424[08:59:36] ⇨ Joins: Flub2 (Flub2!~Fluburtur@2a01:e34:ecf7:d4f0:196:db83:639a:7027)
L425[08:59:47] <JCB> just a mono-prop generator would be nice
L426[08:59:49] <madmerlyn> I think tonight I'm going to pack up my ship designs and start a new career with OPM
L427[08:59:57] <Oneiros> to help me not get so annoyed at the career R&D system
L428[09:00:18] <madmerlyn> maybe I'll do unmanned before manned to rearrange my tech tree too
L429[09:00:28] <Oneiros> yes
L430[09:00:37] <madmerlyn> CTT definitely makes things harder
L431[09:00:38] <Oneiros> nobody does manned first
L432[09:00:46] <Oneiros> where did they even come up with the idea
L433[09:00:56] <madmerlyn> well even without unmanned before manned I did sounding rockets before I sent kerbals up
L434[09:00:58] <Oneiros> unless they enjoy killing kerbals
L435[09:01:04] <JCB> I've come up with some custom parts of my own... though troubles trying to figure where to put them in the tech tree
L436[09:01:20] <Oneiros> what sort of parts JCB
L437[09:01:29] <madmerlyn> JCB CTT gives you more nodes, makes part placement a bit more logical
L438[09:01:31] <JCB> RCS thruster disk..
L439[09:01:43] <JCB> adaptor cone to service section
L440[09:01:47] <madmerlyn> that would be under one of the flight control nodes for sure
L441[09:01:48] <Oneiros> i made a tech tree mod some time ago, the whole system is now permanently ingrained in my head
L442[09:01:54] <madmerlyn> adaptor cone under construction
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L444[09:02:22] <JCB> in-line drogue, parachute..
L445[09:02:23] ⇦ Quits: Fluburtur (Fluburtur!~Fluburtur@2a01:e34:ecf7:d4f0:196:db83:639a:7027) (Ping timeout: 207 seconds)
L446[09:02:29] <madmerlyn> survivability
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L449[09:03:02] <JCB> the service section has some fuel, batts, rcs...
L450[09:03:12] <JCB> think something like what gemini had
L451[09:03:27] <madmerlyn> I'd probably throw that up in rocketry somewhere
L452[09:03:49] <madmerlyn> or command pods, they have that in the stock tree right?
L453[09:04:13] <madmerlyn> could stick it in same node as the mk1-2
L454[09:04:42] <JCB> I was thinking some place so that it doesn't skip past something you need to research first
L455[09:04:51] <madmerlyn> I know that's a bit bigger than Gemini but the mk1 is too small for gemini, I'm thinking there will be a proper 2 kerbal pod in Making History
L456[09:05:00] ⇨ Joins: Fluburtur (Fluburtur!~Fluburtur@2a01:e34:ecf7:d4f0:196:db83:639a:7027)
L457[09:05:12] <JCB> basically the idea behind the con is, 'just stuff that got put into a structural part, where space would have been wasted
L458[09:06:17] ⇦ Quits: Flub_ugh (Flub_ugh!~Fluburtur@2a01:e34:ecf7:d4f0:196:db83:639a:7027) (Ping timeout: 207 seconds)
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L461[09:09:04] <JCB> ah there...
L462[09:09:15] <JCB> https://imgur.com/a/WMrkC
L463[09:09:15] <kmath> https://i.imgur.com/s1CqLAv.jpg
L464[09:09:29] <Althego> nice
L465[09:10:11] ⇦ Quits: Fluburtur (Fluburtur!~Fluburtur@2a01:e34:ecf7:d4f0:196:db83:639a:7027) (Ping timeout: 207 seconds)
L466[09:11:32] <JCB> 4t... sometimes I wonder how we get these things to the surface of other places
L467[09:11:50] <Althego> kerbals can do it
L468[09:11:52] <Althego> we cant
L469[09:12:14] <Althego> we dont have a method to land that much mass on mars for example
L470[09:12:14] <JCB> mind you... been considering doing an arctic base, using a cargo plane
L471[09:12:46] <JCB> I have a smaller car.. its only about 1t.. fits two people, but lacks the habitat section
L472[09:13:01] <Althego> cabin is a must for crew report
L473[09:13:02] <JCB> more like flat car... cart.. thing
L474[09:13:26] <Althego> my ksp cars always look horrible
L475[09:13:31] <JCB> oh...?
L476[09:13:35] <JCB> career ro stock?
L477[09:15:16] <Mat2ch> ah, tomorrow is the next try for the static fire test of FH
L478[09:15:22] <Althego> hmm
L479[09:15:49] <JCB> they say why the cancellation?
L480[09:16:02] <Mat2ch> nop
L481[09:16:12] <Althego> probably they dont want it to blow u? on the pad
L482[09:16:24] <Mat2ch> I guess some valve or sensor reported something and now they're taking a look at it.
L483[09:16:27] ⇨ Joins: Flub_ugh (Flub_ugh!~Fluburtur@2a01:e34:ecf7:d4f0:196:db83:639a:7027)
L484[09:16:31] <madmerlyn> last cancellation was due to weather IIRC
L485[09:16:48] <Mat2ch> Doesn't look like they're doing much, otherwise it wouldn't be this short
L486[09:16:57] <madmerlyn> they don't like doing anything with rockets if it's gusty in Canaveral
L487[09:17:20] <Mat2ch> weather? How? Why?
L488[09:18:01] <madmerlyn> I don't know the specifics for a static fire, but in general windy conditions create problems
L489[09:18:07] ⇦ Quits: Flub2 (Flub2!~Fluburtur@2a01:e34:ecf7:d4f0:196:db83:639a:7027) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L490[09:18:18] <Mat2ch> true that
L491[09:18:23] ⇨ Joins: Alanonzander (Alanonzander!~Mibbit@mobile-166-176-251-35.mycingular.net)
L492[09:18:26] <Mat2ch> and it was windy there yesterday
L493[09:18:40] <Althego> how about yoda conditions? :)
L494[09:18:41] <Mat2ch> you could hear it in the livestream
L495[09:20:00] ⇨ Joins: Fluburtur (Fluburtur!~Fluburtur@2a01:e34:ecf7:d4f0:196:db83:639a:7027)
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L497[09:20:29] <JCB> 'yoda'?
L498[09:20:45] <GlassYuri> wtf https://twitter.com/tomo_fc3s/status/951578659445288960
L499[09:20:45] <kmath> <tomo_fc3s> ?????????????(?o?)?(?) https://t.co/4vkkpkQsVT
L500[09:20:57] ⇨ Joins: whatisthisidonteven (whatisthisidonteven!~hey@host81-135-199-64.range81-135.btcentralplus.com)
L501[09:21:02] <Althego> not windy condition but yoda condition. yoda condition is like if (5 == value)
L502[09:22:34] ⇨ Joins: Flub2 (Flub2!~Fluburtur@2a01:e34:ecf7:d4f0:196:db83:639a:7027)
L503[09:23:07] <Althego> what is that tweet about?
L504[09:23:39] <Althego> also why is there no tomo-chan no onnanoko update?
L505[09:23:50] ⇦ Quits: Fluburtur (Fluburtur!~Fluburtur@2a01:e34:ecf7:d4f0:196:db83:639a:7027) (Ping timeout: 207 seconds)
L506[09:24:09] <Althego> flub is having a hard time with the internet
L507[09:24:31] <JCB> yoda -> calm?
L508[09:25:08] <Althego> no, inverted order. it was an association to an other phrase with condition in it
L509[09:25:09] ⇨ Joins: Flub_ugh (Flub_ugh!~Fluburtur@2a01:e34:ecf7:d4f0:196:db83:639a:7027)
L510[09:25:18] <GlassYuri> Althego, disbelief about the blade having snapped like that
L511[09:25:58] <Althego> faulty welding?
L512[09:26:10] <JCB> lift truck forks are usually all one piece
L513[09:26:31] <JCB> they get made from a length of metal, heated, then bent right angle
L514[09:26:35] <GlassYuri> you can see that it was bent
L515[09:27:04] <JCB> my guess.. metal fatigue.. someone was probably lifting at the ends of the forks when suppose to lift close to the back plate
L516[09:28:15] <Althego> i was always more concerned with the payload to look at the forklift too much
L517[09:28:21] <GlassYuri> niconico is such a terrible video site
L518[09:28:45] ⇦ Quits: Flub_ugh (Flub_ugh!~Fluburtur@2a01:e34:ecf7:d4f0:196:db83:639a:7027) (Ping timeout: 207 seconds)
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L521[09:31:10] <JCB> should really be doing pre-work checks before doing anything with it.. but a lot of places.. people don't really bother.
L522[09:31:22] <Althego> as with any car
L523[09:31:35] <Althego> but people dont checks their cars either
L524[09:32:00] <Althego> tires, lighting, steering wheel and breaks
L525[09:32:35] <JCB> car... should do it on a regular basis... on the lifttrucks, they check /everything/
L526[09:32:58] <JCB> oil, hoses, fluids, mechanical, structrual, battery level.. ect
L527[09:33:55] <JCB> mind you.. I doubt you lift more than 2000lbs with your car every day..
L528[09:34:49] <madmerlyn> it's been 10 years since I've driven a forklift heh
L529[09:36:28] <JCB> oh.. news says india launched a rocket
L530[09:36:39] <JCB> carrying dozens of sats... had to delay to avoid hitting space junk.
L531[09:37:20] <JCB> two india weather sats, bunch of micro's from Canada here and 5 other countries
L532[09:38:02] <Althego> nice
L533[09:39:58] <JCB> also... don't know if kerbal inspired... genious, or just looks downright scary..
L534[09:39:59] <JCB> https://imgur.com/gallery/aEVsY
L535[09:39:59] <kmath> https://i.imgur.com/513dUiV.jpg
L536[09:41:12] <Althego> isnt this an oil tower extinguisher?
L537[09:41:33] <Althego> i think after the gulf war they used things like this to simply blow them away
L538[09:41:54] <Althego> i know there was at least one that was 2 jet engines on an apc
L539[09:43:14] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DTrWd2Q9cU
L540[09:43:15] <kmath> YouTube - World’s BIGGEST (and most powerful) FIRE ENGINE TRUCK ever built! (JET POWERED!)
L541[09:44:50] <JCB> heh ya.. I know.. just I've a friend in south america, rather big on russian tank models
L542[09:49:56] <JCB> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGHICSMGO04
L543[09:49:57] <kmath> YouTube - Kerbal Space Program Enhanced Edition Launch Trailer
L544[09:50:09] <JCB> haven't seen it yet
L545[09:51:59] ⇦ Quits: Oneiros (Oneiros!webchat@ (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L546[09:54:34] <madmerlyn> so going to cancel Sling today, just signed up for 2 MoviePass memberships for me and wife
L547[09:54:45] <Althego> enhanced edition = 1.2
L548[09:56:10] <Althego> i wish there were keyboard shortcuts for maneuver node manipulation
L549[09:56:20] <Althego> maybe the ijklhn would be ok
L550[09:56:31] <Althego> i hate the pain with the mouse
L551[09:57:23] <Althego> hmm this big wind is hungarian
L552[09:57:48] <JCB> oh feh... it was just trailer for consols.. here was hoping they 'upped' something in the 1.2 or 1.3 version
L553[09:57:57] <Althego> nah
L554[09:58:03] <Althego> it is the new console release
L555[09:58:06] <Althego> based on 1.2
L556[09:58:07] <JCB> doh...
L557[09:58:08] <Althego> or maybe 1.2.2
L558[09:58:28] <JCB> graphic enhancement would be cool :P
L559[09:58:37] <JCB> oh wait.. mods.. >.>
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L561[09:59:51] <Althego> hah designed in my uni
L562[10:10:27] <Althego> how much of a bluff is the spacex moon tourism?
L563[10:10:33] <Althego> ok, around moon
L564[10:12:56] <madmerlyn> bluff?
L565[10:13:19] <Althego> will they do it at all? will they do it this soon as they say?
L566[10:13:43] ⇦ Quits: Apexseals (Apexseals!~Apexseals@cpe-174-103-194-175.new.res.rr.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L567[10:14:07] <madmerlyn> I think space tourism will actually be profitable as they'll probably combine it with small payloads and rich people gonna do rich people things
L568[10:14:20] <madmerlyn> so I think it's still an objective for them
L569[10:14:26] <Althego> but i dont think they are ready for this
L570[10:14:43] <Althego> at least not reliably
L571[10:14:45] <madmerlyn> first crewed mission to ISS will establish readiness
L572[10:14:54] <madmerlyn> they have to go through crazy certification with NASA
L573[10:15:16] <Althego> i would think some kind of civil aerospace organization would be more in order
L574[10:15:29] <Althego> icao or something
L575[10:16:03] <Althego> or ntsb
L576[10:17:52] ⇨ Joins: Bacta (Bacta!~Bacta@2400:4030:9d31:aa00:7568:6988:dddb:a384)
L577[10:17:57] <Bacta> Hello
L578[10:17:59] <Mod9000> Hello, Bacta
L579[10:18:03] <Althego> bacta fluid :)
L580[10:18:07] <Althego> hi
L581[10:18:09] <Mod9000> Hello, Althego
L582[10:18:11] <Althego> damn
L583[10:18:15] <Althego> this always happens
L584[10:18:23] <Bacta> I'm having loads of issues getting to Duna
L585[10:18:55] <Bacta> Am I meant to gain 1000m/s or is that too fast?
L586[10:18:57] ⇨ Joins: Kabouik_ (Kabouik_!~kabouik@ks3100825.kimsufi.com)
L587[10:19:08] <Bacta> Starting from Kerbin orbit, 150KM
L588[10:19:14] <Althego> around 1040 or so in case of a launch window
L589[10:19:31] <Althego> from 150 km it may be only 1000
L590[10:19:51] <Bacta> How many m/s do I need to lose on approach?
L591[10:20:05] <Althego> doesnt really matter, you can aerobrake
L592[10:20:20] <Althego> that is why duna is around as hard as the mun, delta v vise
L593[10:20:23] <Althego> wise
L594[10:20:23] <Bacta> No I mean I get an encounter but it's way off
L595[10:20:41] <Althego> what do you mean way off?
L596[10:20:48] <Althego> when do you do this?
L597[10:20:57] ⇦ Quits: Kabouik (Kabouik!~kabouik@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L598[10:21:25] <Bacta> Ok, let me rephrase. Do I need to burn retrograde to get into an orbit?
L599[10:21:46] <Althego> you need to do something. it depends on what you mean bt retrograde
L600[10:21:52] <Althego> think of it thiw way:
L601[10:22:03] ⇨ Joins: Fluburtur (Fluburtur!~Fluburtur@2a01:e34:ecf7:d4f0:196:db83:639a:7027)
L602[10:22:23] <Althego> when you do the injection fro kerbin, you will have an orbit around the sun that one side is touching kerbin orbit, the other touches duna orbit
L603[10:22:36] <Althego> you want a final orbit where both sidees touch duna orbit
L604[10:22:44] <Althego> then you would stay around duna
L605[10:22:59] <Althego> so after arriving you have to burn or use the atmosphere to get captured
L606[10:23:28] <Althego> in a way you can think of this as raising your periapsis around the sun. or you can think of it as slowing down around duna
L607[10:25:01] <madmerlyn> so I think I'm going to archive my current KSP install (move it to my bulk storage HDD) and start a new one with OPM etc. tonight
L608[10:25:06] <Bacta> So after the burn I do in orbit around Kerbin I should not need to do anything to be captured?
L609[10:25:08] ⇨ Joins: Flub2 (Flub2!~Fluburtur@2a01:e34:ecf7:d4f0:196:db83:639a:7027)
L610[10:25:33] <Althego> as i said, you should need to do something around duna
L611[10:25:52] <Flub2> I might have to build a new tail for my plane
L612[10:26:02] <Bacta> But I shouldn't need to lose 1000m/s?
L613[10:26:06] <Flub2> the current one is soaked and might take long to dry
L614[10:26:12] <Althego> you will be on a flyby trajectory. you need to slow down to stay in orbit, which in the grander scheme means your periapsis around the sun rises to duna level
L615[10:26:19] <Althego> no, probably less
L616[10:26:29] <madmerlyn> if you're advanced enough you can use an Ike encounter to slow down a little before aerobraking Duna, and you could possibly capture that way, but I always plan to use at least 100dv inserting into Duna
L617[10:26:30] <Althego> but actually you can do it for almost free by using the atmosphere of duna
L618[10:26:54] <Bacta> Ok I'm going to try this again
L619[10:27:09] <Althego> http://alexmoon.github.io/ksp/
L620[10:27:32] ⇦ Quits: Fluburtur (Fluburtur!~Fluburtur@2a01:e34:ecf7:d4f0:196:db83:639a:7027) (Ping timeout: 207 seconds)
L621[10:28:05] <Althego> this says insertion delta v is around 700 m/s
L622[10:28:16] <Althego> but you are better off slowing down with the atmosphere
L623[10:28:30] <madmerlyn> yeah you can slam into Duna's atmo pretty hard with little heating
L624[10:28:45] <Althego> around 22 km or so it would capture you
L625[10:28:57] <Althego> and then you can come back a second time if it was not enough
L626[10:29:13] <madmerlyn> well first pass captures, second pass is to adjust your orbit :)
L627[10:29:43] <madmerlyn> if your ship is not aerodynamic at all it's pretty impressive how much Duna will slow you down without burning up
L628[10:30:22] <Althego> that is the problem with aerocapture, you have to adjust based on your ship. you need to be captured, but not burned
L629[10:30:23] <Flub2> it's 5:30pm
L630[10:30:32] <Althego> precise tiome
L631[10:30:40] <madmerlyn> yeah but Duna's atmo is stupid hard to burn up in
L632[10:30:45] <Althego> we didnt subscribe to that
L633[10:30:45] <Flub2> the guys that were destroying my internet have stopped work for the day so I may finally have decent internet for the night
L634[10:30:47] ⇦ Quits: Dman979 (Dman979!~D^man@pool-96-227-206-162.phlapa.ftas.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 207 seconds)
L635[10:30:50] <madmerlyn> you'd have to come in at a peri of like 5km
L636[10:31:00] <Althego> work?
L637[10:31:07] <Althego> they work on destroying your connection?
L638[10:31:13] <Althego> what kind of work is that
L639[10:31:17] <Althego> government agents?
L640[10:31:18] <Flub2> apparently internet lines maintenance but that's what they all say
L641[10:31:27] <Althego> hehe
L642[10:31:46] <Flub2> but I was so pissed at that bad internet that I did something useful
L643[10:31:59] <Flub2> went into the workshop and repaired something for my neightbour
L644[10:32:01] ⇨ Joins: dnsmcbr (dnsmcbr!uid136206@id-136206.hathersage.irccloud.com)
L645[10:34:50] <ve2dmn> Still sick today.
L646[10:34:56] <madmerlyn> bummer ve2dmn
L647[10:35:06] <JCB> anyone here fly planes in ksp?
L648[10:35:10] <ve2dmn> At least the headache is gone so I might actually do something useful
L649[10:35:11] <Flub2> yes
L650[10:35:15] <madmerlyn> I have spaceplanes JCB
L651[10:35:16] <Flub2> I have a lot of planes
L652[10:35:31] <JCB> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDs7haZK7Go
L653[10:35:31] <kmath> YouTube - Boeing 727 Flap Sequence
L654[10:35:40] <ve2dmn> I do Vector-and-plane math... does that count?
L655[10:35:43] <JCB> lets see someone do this in ksp :P
L656[10:36:04] <madmerlyn> I need to rewrite my vacuum precision landing script, it's broke
L657[10:36:22] <madmerlyn> last 4 or 5 landings have all missed the mark by 2.5-4km
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L659[10:36:48] <madmerlyn> and the only thing that has changed is the orbit I'm starting from, so I think the fault is in my orbital adjustment logic
L660[10:37:09] <madmerlyn> another thing that leads me to believe this is kOS variable reported peri was 11.8km when it was actually 9km
L661[10:39:05] <JCB> anyways.. forgot how far down flaps on planes can go.. I've flown a lot too
L662[10:39:13] <ve2dmn> Did you use Ship coordinates or SOI cordinates when you calculated the target?
L663[10:42:42] ⇦ Quits: Xetalim (Xetalim!~Xetalim@2a02:a440:e706:1:4851:b61d:ba29:a1e9) (Ping timeout: 383 seconds)
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L665[10:45:52] <ve2dmn> The fun thing about the flu: everything taste nothing
L666[10:53:00] <Flub2> this means you cna eat stuf youy don't like
L667[10:53:31] ⇨ Joins: Rokker (Rokker!uid37757@id-37757.brockwell.irccloud.com)
L668[10:54:05] <Althego> hehehe
L669[10:54:10] <Althego> i can eat that any time
L670[10:54:15] <Althego> i just dont want to
L671[10:54:36] <Althego> and btw in many cases the looks or the texture bothers me
L672[10:54:40] <Althego> so that doesnt work
L673[10:54:55] <ve2dmn> I'm an adult. I eat Ice Cream for breakfast and suffer then consequences (then do it again next morning)
L674[10:55:07] <JCB> hold your nose, close yoru eyes, bite into an onion.. you'll think it was an apple
L675[10:55:11] <JCB> or so they say
L676[10:55:18] <Althego> what do you mean suffer from icecream?
L677[10:55:23] <Althego> what can it do?
L678[10:55:28] <Althego> besides getting you fat
L679[10:55:39] <JCB> brian freeze from ice cream possible?
L680[10:55:45] <ve2dmn> I have trouble with too much diary
L681[10:55:57] <ve2dmn> give me acid reflux and headaches
L682[10:56:06] <JCB> I'd offer this can of mushed peas.. but I'm almost done it
L683[10:56:15] <Althego> so it is not the icecream itself
L684[10:56:19] <Althego> but a component
L685[10:56:23] <ve2dmn> I'll just skip eating. Much easier
L686[10:56:47] <JCB> coffee IV?
L687[10:57:17] <JCB> ugh.. you know you have problems when you get reflux from the ant-acid stuff
L688[10:58:05] <ve2dmn> JCB: that's probably more due to muscle relaxation then precence or lack of acid
L689[10:58:38] <madmerlyn> ve2dmn a lot of the code was recycled from Marcus House, it uses geo coordinates based on the ship and then impact coordinates provided from trajectories mod
L690[10:58:53] <JCB> .... news people, one of them saw the SpaceX taking off, while on a flight back from Mexico..
L691[10:59:08] <madmerlyn> I should probably just throw his code out and start fresh with my own so I have a stronger grasp of each step TBH
L692[10:59:24] ⇦ Quits: FLHerne (FLHerne!~flh@cpc129772-papw8-2-0-cust286.know.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: There's a real world out here!)
L693[10:59:31] <ve2dmn> I skip geocoordinates and use vectors for everything
L694[10:59:42] ⇨ Joins: FLHerne (FLHerne!~flh@cpc129772-papw8-2-0-cust286.know.cable.virginm.net)
L695[10:59:54] <madmerlyn> well here's the thing, when I'm landing my debugging output tells me distance to target based on impact projection
L696[10:59:56] <JCB> it hasn't hit me in a while.. though sometimes if I hadn't eaten in a while, my chest feels like its getting crushed in
L697[10:59:58] <Althego> how are coordinates not vectors?
L698[11:00:21] <madmerlyn> but then instead of burning to land, it just flies on by, and I watch that number go up from around 200m to 3500m or whatever when I finally touch down
L699[11:01:50] <ve2dmn> madmerlyn: orbit vs surface reference?
L700[11:01:58] <ve2dmn> I'm trying to think what might be wrong
L701[11:02:01] <JCB> oh.. the indian rocket got delayed only a minute cuz of debris in orbit
L702[11:02:16] <madmerlyn> it pulls it from trajectories plugin
L703[11:02:22] <madmerlyn> so I'm assuming surface
L704[11:03:14] <ve2dmn> Althego: Geocoordinates are surface-based longitudes and latitudes only. They move with the surface of the body. Vectors are fixed toward the Solar-prime vector
L705[11:03:47] <Althego> those are each a specific type of vector. vector is just a tuple of numbers
L706[11:03:47] <ve2dmn> So a struct (Lat,Long) vs a struct (X,Y,Z)
L707[11:03:56] <Althego> mathematically
L708[11:04:06] <ve2dmn> If you use that definition, yes. Yes it is
L709[11:04:40] <ve2dmn> And it would simply require a matrix to change from one to the other... but since it rotates....
L710[11:05:13] <Althego> that doesnt change the fact the matrix can transform between them
L711[11:05:18] <Althego> it is just time dependent
L712[11:05:44] <ve2dmn> so a 4 dimension one...
L713[11:06:13] <ve2dmn> and kOS doesn't have true Matrix to do that
L714[11:07:34] <Althego> or otherwise it is a composite of trqansformations
L715[11:07:47] <Althego> from the sun to the planet, from the planet to the surface
L716[11:08:03] <Althego> and what is changing is the planet position
L717[11:08:04] <ve2dmn> since kOS has Vectorangles, VectorCrossProduct and VectorDotProduct , I skip the GeoCoordinate structures
L718[11:08:06] <Althego> which is known
L719[11:08:39] <Althego> i am just talking in general, because i dont know anything about kos
L720[11:09:22] <ve2dmn> In general, what you are saying is 100% exact and would probably not even be a discussion worth having
L721[11:09:43] <madmerlyn> the thing is trajectories accounts for rotation on its impact estimate
L722[11:09:58] <ve2dmn> It's Spherical vs Spherical coordinates, except one rotate with time and the other does not
L723[11:10:12] <madmerlyn> my vessel comes in after its landing burn with a trajectories impact projection of ~200m of the target
L724[11:10:31] <madmerlyn> but doesn't engage the final landing burn until it flies on past
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L726[11:11:09] <ve2dmn> madmerlyn: debug output: use VectorDraw :)
L727[11:11:24] <madmerlyn> like I said I recycled another dude's code and that's probably my problem
L728[11:11:40] <madmerlyn> if it was my own code I could better visualize the logic and figure out why it's not behaving
L729[11:12:04] <ve2dmn> I recycled the 'execute_node()' from somewhere else and I hate it :/
L730[11:12:06] <madmerlyn> I just need to rewrite from scratch with my own logic
L731[11:12:53] <ve2dmn> did you try to compile the stuff btw?
L732[11:13:04] <madmerlyn> no, I've had no reason to compile
L733[11:13:05] <ve2dmn> (not that it chnages anything)
L734[11:13:18] <madmerlyn> my scripts aren't large enough to fill up default memory on kOS units
L735[11:13:30] <ve2dmn> I might try and see if it's faster or not
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L737[11:14:18] <ve2dmn> I'm writing tons of comments in my scripts and I don't want to impact the final size
L738[11:14:35] <Althego> kos minimizer :)
L739[11:14:48] <Althego> like for js :)
L740[11:15:00] <ve2dmn> Althego: that's part of the reason for the 'compile' instruction
L741[11:15:27] <ve2dmn> It makes a sort of pseudo-binary code
L742[11:15:35] <Althego> bytecoe
L743[11:15:37] <Althego> d
L744[11:15:41] <ve2dmn> You could technically write a compiler for it
L745[11:15:46] <Althego> like java and stuff
L746[11:15:49] <Althego> or python
L747[11:15:49] <ve2dmn> yes
L748[11:16:05] <Althego> which is probably how it operates anyway
L749[11:16:35] <ve2dmn> They have an internal parser and I don't quite remember the name, but it's not home-grown
L750[11:16:36] <Althego> on the fly interpreting is generally not a good idea, you are better off with precompiling it to a byrecode
L751[11:16:45] <madmerlyn> it'd be curious to see how I would go about writing python code and compiling it
L752[11:16:48] <Althego> hehe it may be perl :)
L753[11:16:58] <madmerlyn> like I know python, but I'm not sure how I'd translate that into commands for kOS
L754[11:17:13] <ve2dmn> madmerlyn: you make you own names :D
L755[11:17:36] <madmerlyn> I'm not a CS major, how do I turn python code into turn the brakes on
L756[11:17:52] <ve2dmn> call the right function adresse
L757[11:18:08] <madmerlyn> how am I going to know what that is
L758[11:18:09] <ve2dmn> it's probably 'CALL %EAX'
L759[11:18:17] <ve2dmn> that's the job of the compiler
L760[11:18:43] <madmerlyn> so it'd be like a python lib or something?
L761[11:18:59] <ve2dmn> A lot of Python is just calling underlaying C code anyway
L762[11:19:15] <ve2dmn> Which, when you get down to it, is all binary
L763[11:20:45] <madmerlyn> I'm still not seeing how I'm supposed to know what to put in python to get reactions out of KSP that way :shrug: I'll stick to native kOS syntax for now
L764[11:21:19] <Althego> what does that even mean?
L765[11:21:21] <ve2dmn> So when you call things that are really in LibC, all the Python interpreter does is prepare the register with the correct information and tell the processor : "The next intruction is at this adresse in memory'
L766[11:21:35] <ve2dmn> madmerlyn: you would have to write your own compiler
L767[11:22:06] <Althego> except when it does something language specific like list comprehension or some functional stuff that doesnt exist in any x86
L768[11:22:26] <madmerlyn> I'm aware of how machine language works, I'm just not sure how that helps me write python for kOS. The entire point of interpreted languages is not having to know how to send instructions on machine level
L769[11:23:17] <ve2dmn> in this case, you wait for someone to write the compiler, and that person will tell you how he intergrated the kOS libraries
L770[11:23:26] <Althego> i would just make some byte code translator. if you are lucky both instruction sets are similar and simple enough to just change one to the other with maybe 1-2 instructions for each
L771[11:24:12] <ve2dmn> Althego: I think the architecture for the kOS 'cpu' is RISC. So it might be very easy to do byte translation
L772[11:24:45] <ve2dmn> https://ksp-kos.github.io/KOS/general/compiling.html?highlight=compile
L773[11:25:09] <Althego> btw the kos has to be open source and that means you have access to its compiler
L774[11:27:36] <ve2dmn> not just the compiler: https://github.com/KSP-KOS/KOS/blob/develop/src/kOS.Safe/Compilation/CompiledObject-doc.md
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L776[11:27:58] <ve2dmn> They have design docs explaining the logic so that other people can write compilers
L777[11:28:27] * madmerlyn sends email with update on outstanding ISP work order to facility
L778[11:28:36] <madmerlyn> facility administrator replies "so is it working now?"
L779[11:28:54] <madmerlyn> no.. the email says it will be done today, administrator: ok sorry, your language is all Spanish to me.
L780[11:28:56] <madmerlyn> ¿Qué quieres decir?
L781[11:28:59] <madmerlyn> :P
L782[11:29:02] <Althego> lol
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L784[11:30:43] <ve2dmn> *sigh*
L785[11:30:59] <ve2dmn> Why do people have so much trouble with technology
L786[11:31:09] <madmerlyn> this is basic reading comprehension TBH
L787[11:31:17] <ve2dmn> that's my point
L788[11:31:32] <madmerlyn> thing is, there are a few administrators in my company that are.. very attractive females
L789[11:31:43] <ve2dmn> it's like: "They will be complicated. better shut down brain functions"
L790[11:32:00] <Althego> how is that a problem?
L791[11:32:08] <Althego> do males gather around them and not work?
L792[11:32:37] <madmerlyn> this particular administrator never knows what's going on and isn't highly competent at anything other than meeting people, but management loves her for some reason (have a pretty good idea on the reason)
L793[11:32:53] <madmerlyn> it's not a problem in itself
L794[11:33:18] <madmerlyn> it's the fact that the good ol boys running the company don't always stay objective
L795[11:34:12] <ve2dmn> I blame culture for not showing people how to do basic problem solving skills
L796[11:34:33] <ve2dmn> You can 'fake' success by rote memorisation
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L798[11:35:23] <ve2dmn> but then, you are never gonna learn anything. You are just a reference book with hands
L799[11:35:25] <madmerlyn> my gripe is the administrator of that facility before her was very good at his job but was let go because of a situation that was entirely out of his control, and she's basically in the same situation, maybe worse
L800[11:35:44] <madmerlyn> it's a middle/upper management problem
L801[11:35:51] <ve2dmn> Classic
L802[11:37:02] <madmerlyn> we have some attractive female administrators who are VERY good at their jobs in other facilities too, I just feel like she gets away with not being good because of her physical attributes
L803[11:37:39] <madmerlyn> kinda like how my direct supervisor gets away with a lot of stuff because he was buds in HS with the ownership
L804[11:38:19] <ve2dmn> You reminds me of the story I heard about GM's internal problems
L805[11:38:35] <ve2dmn> About how each manifacturing plant was like a fiefdom
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L807[11:39:27] <ve2dmn> And because each plant manager had a lot of power, they could not easily fix internal issues
L808[11:39:58] <ve2dmn> (eventually, the issues slowly got fixed when the managers retired and new management took over)
L809[11:40:22] <madmerlyn> seniority is a big thing in manufacturing
L810[11:40:23] <ve2dmn> Now they have a similar problem with franchises...
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L812[11:41:39] <ve2dmn> car dealership is usually a kingship passed down from generations
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L814[11:41:56] <madmerlyn> man I hate dealerships
L815[11:42:01] <ve2dmn> Turns out they need to lower the numbers of dealership they have... but they can't
L816[11:42:07] <madmerlyn> they have no scruples about selling someone a car above MSRP and do it all the time
L817[11:42:37] <madmerlyn> the new tactic is asking someone what monthly payment they can afford and never telling them the bottom line, just getting that monthly payment
L818[11:42:44] <madmerlyn> even if it's a 10 year loan
L819[11:43:20] <ve2dmn> madmerlyn: one of my friend decide to keep only 1 car instead of 2 once he moved in with his girlfriend...
L820[11:43:30] <madmerlyn> we only own 1 car
L821[11:43:36] <madmerlyn> I have a company provided vehicle though
L822[11:43:46] <ve2dmn> when she called to cancel the rental she had, the dealer tried everything to keep it
L823[11:43:55] <madmerlyn> perk of having a job that requires me to travel to multiple facilities every week
L824[11:44:13] <ve2dmn> He could not even register the idea of keeping only 1 car
L825[11:44:49] <ve2dmn> luckely, my friend works in car insurance and know a lot about the industry
L826[11:45:19] <ve2dmn> She works from home anyway... so
L827[11:46:01] <madmerlyn> ultimately I want to work from home coding
L828[11:46:12] <madmerlyn> it's a year goal for me this year
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L830[11:46:28] <madmerlyn> or at least land a job at a startup where I can work from home at least once or twice a week
L831[11:46:35] <ve2dmn> I wish I could, but I work inside a big old structure that can't even imagine the idea of worker not being on site
L832[11:46:36] <madmerlyn> I've suggested that to my current employer
L833[11:46:51] <madmerlyn> hell, even if I could just work from home on Fridays that would be a huge thing for me
L834[11:47:03] <ve2dmn> luckely my boss agree with me and let me do that in exceptional cases
L835[11:47:12] <madmerlyn> get to sleep in a little bit, don't have to worry about Sherri walking in with her small problem that can totally wait until Monday
L836[11:47:47] <madmerlyn> I do about half of the programming projects for our company and it's really hard to do when you're constantly being interrupted
L837[11:48:11] <madmerlyn> my setup at home is in my garage and my wife and kids won't bother me if I'm out there coding
L838[11:48:37] <ve2dmn> One of the Linux kernel developpers lived in a van in Hawaii.
L839[11:49:39] <madmerlyn> plus, and I told my employer this, it means I'm using 20% less fuel on weeks when I don't have to do a lot of on site visits because I'm not commuting
L840[11:49:47] <madmerlyn> if I were to stay home Fridays
L841[11:50:15] <madmerlyn> but they seem to think me working in my office (which does not have a direct supervisor in it, btw, they're 150 miles away) is somehow better than me working from my office at home
L842[11:50:26] <ve2dmn> It take me an hour to get to work every morning
L843[11:50:32] <ve2dmn> I wish I could work from home
L844[11:50:58] <madmerlyn> I'm self supervising in the office already, it's silly that they can't let me do it from home
L845[11:51:17] <madmerlyn> I'm fully set up with VPN and everything, there isn't anything I can do from this office that I can't do from my machine at home
L846[11:51:45] <madmerlyn> the ONLY real advantage is it puts me 10 minutes closer to 6 facilities
L847[11:52:07] <madmerlyn> but none of our IT emergencies need me to be there so quickly that that 10 minutes would make a difference
L848[11:52:17] <ve2dmn> We also have the full VPN thing setup, but since I'm not a PHD with tenure, I can't simply ask to work remote
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L850[11:56:56] <madmerlyn> lol: https://imgur.com/gallery/SzPWfmo
L851[11:57:55] <Althego> remember, usa is the only modern nation without healthcare
L852[11:57:59] <Althego> but that is politics
L853[11:59:09] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dDRBvjcjwE
L854[11:59:09] <kmath> YouTube - SpaceX's Zuma Situation is getting Weirder!
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L858[12:07:33] <ve2dmn> Althego: we have an ID number at least: 43098 and 2018-001A
L859[12:08:03] <ve2dmn> that, of course does not give us more info
L860[12:08:12] <ve2dmn> maybe we'll know someday
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L862[12:08:34] <Althego> it is disturbing that they dont even answer whether it was a failure or a success. and it was from taxpayer money. this would enrage me if i was american
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L864[12:08:56] <ve2dmn> They probably know and can't tell
L865[12:09:04] <Althego> no, they must tell
L866[12:09:10] <Althego> they spent the money from the people
L867[12:09:13] <Althego> they must be accoutnable
L868[12:09:24] <Althego> otherwise they could just steal all the money and dont do anything
L869[12:09:28] <ve2dmn> that's not how military classified missions works
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L874[12:11:06] <ve2dmn> we'll know when it's declassified in 60 years
L875[12:11:11] <Althego> hehe
L876[12:11:16] <Althego> i wont live that long
L877[12:11:26] <ve2dmn> I,ll try to
L878[12:11:57] <madmerlyn> so we're doing another family cruise out of Galveston this November, I think I might make another trip to NASA while I'm there :D
L879[12:12:31] <madmerlyn> last time was super fun, but my girls got kinda burnt out after a couple of hours, I want to do a more thorough visit and eat lunch there
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L882[12:13:13] <madmerlyn> plus they do lunch with an astronaut there too, but I'm not sure if that schedule will line up with my cruise departure heh
L883[12:14:29] <ve2dmn> I would prefer launch with an astronaut
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L886[12:16:03] <madmerlyn> so apparently that Indian launch last night was for an asteroid mining mission?
L887[12:16:11] <Althego> what
L888[12:16:37] <madmerlyn> it's a proving mission, it won't actually mine an asteroid
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L890[12:16:46] <madmerlyn> but it's a first step in their path to one
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L892[12:17:08] <madmerlyn> https://www.space.com/39363-planetary-resources-asteroid-mining-satellite-launches.html
L893[12:17:42] <Althego> planetary resources. those really want to do asteroid mining
L894[12:17:46] <Althego> go mining lasers
L895[12:17:58] <ve2dmn> good luck getting the stuff bck here
L896[12:18:14] <Althego> the highest value would be not getting it back here
L897[12:18:16] <madmerlyn> I don't know that many groups want to bring large quantities back
L898[12:18:24] <Althego> but using it for refueling and such
L899[12:18:27] <madmerlyn> yeah I think they want to use it in space
L900[12:18:45] <madmerlyn> obviously sample returns will have scientific and monetary value for collectors etc. too
L901[12:19:01] <ve2dmn> let's bring back an asteroid made of pure gold!
L902[12:19:05] <madmerlyn> Moon Express is planning on making money from collectors
L903[12:19:08] <Althego> i am excited for osiris rex
L904[12:19:16] <Althego> ok, we still need to wait for 5 years or so
L905[12:19:27] <madmerlyn> right now the only moon rocks on Earth are owned by governments
L906[12:19:34] <ve2dmn> I'm more excited for Final Fantasy 12 on PC
L907[12:20:01] <ve2dmn> I'll believe astroid mining when I see it. I have a lot more hope in moon ISRU
L908[12:20:07] <madmerlyn> you know people like James Cameron would finance a 5 million dollar launch so they could have a 10lb chunk of moon rock in their galleries
L909[12:20:22] <Althego> okami on pc
L910[12:20:26] <Althego> sadly no gog
L911[12:21:54] <madmerlyn> hopefully the second Electron launch happens this month, they keep delaying it
L912[12:22:13] <madmerlyn> I believe the most recent delays have been payload-related though
L913[12:22:41] <madmerlyn> I want Rocket Labs to be successful, we need a good low-cost small launch provider
L914[12:23:05] <madmerlyn> Electron is supposed to deliver 250kg to LMO for $4.9M
L915[12:23:21] <ve2dmn> cheap
L916[12:23:31] <madmerlyn> indeed
L917[12:23:50] <madmerlyn> most of the other guys in the satellite business just don't bother engineering rockets for payloads that small anymore
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L919[12:24:17] <madmerlyn> RL is also the only group I know of that is utilizing 3D printing to help reduce their component costs
L920[12:24:28] <madmerlyn> most of their engine is 3D printed
L921[12:24:39] <ve2dmn> I would send a toast king figurine to the moon
L922[12:24:52] <madmerlyn> Moon Express seems to be RL's most serious customer atm
L923[12:25:06] <madmerlyn> they want to go get moon rocks and bring them back, as well as do some polar prospecting for water
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L925[12:26:52] <ve2dmn> I'm just happy to see interest in space
L926[12:27:17] <madmerlyn> well like I said earlier, the moon rock thing for collectors could finance a few launches I think
L927[12:27:44] <madmerlyn> ME goes up on a 5M electron, gets 50lb of rocks to bring back, keeps half for science sells the other half to rich collectors
L928[12:27:58] <ve2dmn> Even if most of the companies fail, the groundwork is still useful
L929[12:29:12] <madmerlyn> proving rockets with 3D printed engines is a big deal with RL too
L930[12:29:44] <ve2dmn> I'm sure the engineering on that was a nightmare
L931[12:29:49] <madmerlyn> because as 3D printing tech continues to mature that could eliminate a lot of tooling and manufacturing costs, especially in the non-reusable market
L932[12:30:38] <ve2dmn> But if you can 'grow' your structures into a single giant crystal, you limit the defects a lot
L933[12:30:58] <ve2dmn> which makes them a lot stronger
L934[12:31:01] <Althego> qould 250 kgs enough to put a human up there?
L935[12:31:10] <madmerlyn> doubtful
L936[12:31:20] <madmerlyn> we take a lot of air, water, and food, even for short trips
L937[12:31:32] <Althego> you dont need water for a few hours
L938[12:31:41] <Althego> rebreather exists already for divers
L939[12:31:43] <madmerlyn> moon isn't THAT close
L940[12:31:53] <ve2dmn> even if you only manged to reduce the number of material crystiline defect by 20%, it would make them a lot stronger
L941[12:31:54] <Althego> i mean human for orbit
L942[12:32:20] <Althego> kerbal style, with command seat and a heatshield and a parachute
L943[12:32:22] <ve2dmn> Althego: think Submarine, not diver
L944[12:32:25] <madmerlyn> average human is 62kg
L945[12:32:39] <ve2dmn> ... I'm not average :(
L946[12:32:43] <Althego> hehe
L947[12:32:52] <madmerlyn> that leaves 188kg for all life support + vessel weight and fuel
L948[12:33:07] <madmerlyn> I just don't think it's possible to do with any measure of safety
L949[12:33:08] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2mU6USTBRE
L950[12:33:08] <kmath> YouTube - "Weird Al" Yankovic - Fat
L951[12:34:01] <madmerlyn> not to mention you'd have said passenger inside an EVA suit for an uncomfortably long time
L952[12:34:14] <Althego> just for a single orbit
L953[12:34:16] <madmerlyn> much longer than the 11h spacewalks astronauts do
L954[12:35:14] <ve2dmn> madmerlyn: bah. Safety, shmafety. I'm sure you can find someone to do it anyway
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L956[12:35:22] <Althego> hehe
L957[12:35:31] <ve2dmn> "There is a 40% change you'll die"
L958[12:35:33] <madmerlyn> Apollo 8 took 2d21h8m to get to orbital insertion on Moon
L959[12:35:38] <Althego> we could also replace the eva suite with a sphere
L960[12:35:42] <Althego> probably lighter
L961[12:35:48] <madmerlyn> 2 days worth of air is pretty heavy I'd imagine
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L964[12:36:19] <madmerlyn> with 188kg to work with I don't think you're going to have a very good scrubber system
L965[12:36:49] <ve2dmn> madmerlyn: you would have to sent a resupply mission around the moon with 250kg of supply
L966[12:36:55] <madmerlyn> Apollo 8 was 6d3h round trip
L967[12:36:58] <ve2dmn> but that would require dicking
L968[12:37:00] <Althego> i thought of something
L969[12:37:06] <ve2dmn> docking
L970[12:37:12] <madmerlyn> lol
L971[12:37:16] <Althego> i want an adam savage - scott manley meeting, available on youtube
L972[12:37:33] <umaxtu> that would be awesome
L973[12:37:33] <madmerlyn> what no Hyneman?
L974[12:37:45] <ve2dmn> Jamie is off the spotlights
L975[12:37:47] <Althego> he is kind of secretiuve
L976[12:37:54] <Althego> but adam is still doing stuff
L977[12:38:03] <madmerlyn> apparently he and Adam weren't really the greatest of friends either
L978[12:38:13] <Althego> they were no friends
L979[12:38:18] <Althego> they said that sevral times
L980[12:38:22] <ve2dmn> They were great coworkers, but they were not friends
L981[12:38:28] <Althego> no problem with that
L982[12:38:54] <madmerlyn> I've started rewatching the old mythbusters before I go to bed, good times
L983[12:39:15] <ve2dmn> madmerlyn: try the alska myths
L984[12:39:18] <Althego> arent both scott and adam in san fransisco?
L985[12:39:45] <Althego> so it shouldnt be too hard for them to meet
L986[12:39:51] <ve2dmn> I loved the Cabin Fever one. Adam was going completely crazy while Jamie Sat there like a little Budda. Not moving. Staring into the distance.
L987[12:39:54] <madmerlyn> 250kg you might be able to send your cat to the moon and back with lifesupport btw
L988[12:39:57] <madmerlyn> send your cat
L989[12:40:08] <Althego> hehe
L990[12:40:12] <Althego> moon cat
L991[12:40:29] <ve2dmn> Animals don't like 0G
L992[12:40:36] <Althego> they adapt
L993[12:40:40] <Althego> even spiders
L994[12:40:54] <madmerlyn> you could train your cat in the vomit comet
L995[12:41:09] <Althego> anyway i want an adam - scott meeting
L996[12:41:18] <madmerlyn> name the cat Sheperd
L997[12:41:20] <Althego> the sheer awesomeness that could result from that
L998[12:42:34] <ve2dmn> Althego: simple. Convince Adam to make a replicat of some movie rocket prop and convince Scott to be the 'expert' on the subject
L999[12:43:11] <Althego> obviously scott knows about adam, but adam probably doesnt know about scott because he is not a builder
L1000[12:43:28] <ve2dmn> He built a Lego Rocket once
L1001[12:43:37] <madmerlyn> does Adam know about KSP? he might know Scott if he knows KSP
L1002[12:43:47] <ve2dmn> (I did the same Lego Model btw)
L1003[12:43:49] <madmerlyn> Amy Shira Teitel plays KSP
L1004[12:43:50] <umaxtu> doesn't adam hangout with Chris Hadfield?
L1005[12:44:01] <ve2dmn> ^
L1006[12:44:10] <Althego> yes
L1007[12:44:12] <ve2dmn> They talk on twitter
L1008[12:44:20] <Althego> they even cosplayed togeteher
L1009[12:44:24] <Althego> astronauts :)
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L1011[12:45:00] <ve2dmn> There's a nice picutre of both of them in custome with Andy Weir
L1012[12:45:19] <Althego> yes i just wanted to say that they even appeared together with andy
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L1014[12:45:35] <Althego> ok, andy kind of disappeared after thesuccess of the martian
L1015[12:45:50] <Althego> he said he was working on a book
L1016[12:46:01] <ve2dmn> Adam also knows Neil deGrasse Tyson
L1017[12:46:23] <Althego> yes but they are real famous, while scott is just internet famous
L1018[12:46:24] <madmerlyn> NDGT meets a lot of pop culture people
L1019[12:46:40] <madmerlyn> it's been a while since I've listened to StarTalk though
L1020[12:47:05] <ve2dmn> madmerlyn: well... you can watch one of the last ones in Comic con
L1021[12:47:09] <madmerlyn> I wish he and MacFarlane could get Fox to make a S2 of Cosmos
L1022[12:47:57] <ve2dmn> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pP-hefhPdDA
L1023[12:47:57] <kmath> YouTube - Adam Savage on StarTalk at New York Comic Con!
L1024[12:48:23] <madmerlyn> although was Cosmos 21st Century Fox? Maybe Disney will drop some dollars on it
L1025[12:49:06] <madmerlyn> I don't really care for Seth's cartoons, but the man clearly is excited about space and science
L1026[12:51:10] <madmerlyn> apparently last year on StarTalk NDGT said there was talk of a second season, so that's cool
L1027[12:51:38] <madmerlyn> wonder if I could get my girls to sit down and watch it with me
L1028[12:57:13] <ve2dmn> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wq3xtZ8AjPE
L1029[12:57:14] <kmath> YouTube - Adam Savage, Astronaut Chris Hadfield, and Andy Weir Talk 'The Martian'
L1030[12:57:30] <Althego> i saw both of these :)
L1031[12:57:42] <Althego> (on youtube)
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L1036[13:07:55] <madmerlyn> so what's the story with the mohole? was it one of those glitches turned to feature thing? :P
L1037[13:08:17] <Althego> yes
L1038[13:08:45] <Althego> you can see it on all planets, that tiny altitude differences are more visible around the poles
L1039[13:09:02] <Althego> because of the way the terrain is generated, probably from a texture
L1040[13:09:13] <ve2dmn> cuz planets are revolution-made solids
L1041[13:09:17] <Althego> and the pole is probably a singular point
L1042[13:10:03] <Althego> and this causes problems even today around the poles, just moho was special it had bigger problems than most bodies
L1043[13:10:09] <ve2dmn> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solid_of_revolution
L1044[13:10:12] <Althego> and now it is canon
L1045[13:10:43] <Althego> easy to calculate the volume of these things :)
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L1051[13:30:17] <madmerlyn> how much dv does it take to simulate a kerbin>kerbol lagrange point I wonder?
L1052[13:30:32] <madmerlyn> like putting a sat out in front of Kerbin and then circularizing to match Kerbin's orbital period
L1053[13:30:47] <ve2dmn> That would make a Quasi-orbit
L1054[13:31:03] <ve2dmn> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quasi-satellite
L1055[13:31:25] <madmerlyn> well KSP doesn't have n-body so you can't do real lagrange
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L1057[13:33:36] <AASRaptor> Simulating being at L4/5 is "free"
L1058[13:33:54] <Althego> front of behind of the planet
L1059[13:33:59] <Althego> otherwise you cant do it
L1060[13:36:38] <darsie> The principia mod does it, IIRC.
L1061[13:36:51] <Althego> yes
L1062[13:36:54] <Althego> obviously
L1063[13:39:36] <madmerlyn> principia also ejects some of the stock moons heh
L1064[13:39:47] <madmerlyn> I'm not ready for that kind of situation atm lol
L1065[13:40:10] <Althego> i think they modified the joolian moons in the mod so that it doesnt happen anymore
L1066[13:40:11] <madmerlyn> I'm just thinking about putting some sats out there for commnet without parking them all at other planets
L1067[13:41:05] <ve2dmn> madmerlyn: put a Sentinel Camera on them so you get the asteroids contracts 'for free'
L1068[13:41:20] <madmerlyn> excellent idea
L1069[13:41:36] <madmerlyn> I'm still trying to figure out how that works, because some of them want satellites near Eve etc.
L1070[13:41:46] <ve2dmn> And then you put them on a circular orbit between Kerbin and Eve
L1071[13:41:57] <madmerlyn> do you just throw them all over the system and asteroids show up earlier than they would in the tracking center normally?
L1072[13:42:32] <ve2dmn> It create new astroids in bizarre orbits usually
L1073[13:43:03] <ve2dmn> like a class E in a 30degree inclination orbit between Kerbin and Duna
L1074[13:43:29] <madmerlyn> I will say one thing I don't like a whole lot with USI+CTT, I don't get good station parts until pretty far down the tree, which necessitates doing moon explorations at length just to get a decent LKO station up and running
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L1076[13:43:56] <madmerlyn> went on a tangent there, don't know why asteroids made me think of that
L1077[13:44:32] <madmerlyn> so should I put a sentinel in the spaces between eve and kerbin and between kerbin and duna?
L1078[13:45:59] <madmerlyn> wonder how hard it would be to do 2 sats in opposition orbits like this for a farside comm-relay https://i.redd.it/vzr97197imry.gif
L1079[13:46:49] <madmerlyn> if they were properly 180 degrees apart you'd always have full coverage on the farside with only 2 sats
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L1081[13:51:54] <madmerlyn> and I wonder if you could set up a Sentinel satellite in an orbit like that around Kerbin :O
L1082[13:52:33] <madmerlyn> that would be a proper quasi-satellite like ve2dmn said :D
L1083[13:53:46] <ve2dmn> might not cover the Sentinel contracts, but it would work for Commnet
L1084[13:54:13] <madmerlyn> it should still spawn asteroids out there shouldn't it?
L1085[13:54:26] <madmerlyn> I've also noticed the deviation for sentinel orbits is pretty high
L1086[13:54:30] <ve2dmn> I believe so
L1087[13:54:40] <madmerlyn> like I took a contract for one, the orbit line was NOWHERE NEAR the sentinel I had out there
L1088[13:54:52] <madmerlyn> 10 seconds later it switched the target orbit off
L1089[13:54:52] <ve2dmn> Yeah, it 'commandeers' the asteroid generation routine
L1090[13:55:46] <ve2dmn> It force the game to generate a new asteroid, and then switch it around
L1091[13:55:50] <ve2dmn> I brb
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L1094[14:12:09] <madmerlyn> so just discovered this, will be handy when I install OPM later today https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/153125-13-jx2antenna-v202-giant-1000g-antenna-for-big-solar-systems/
L1095[14:12:26] <madmerlyn> going to disable the MM script in OPM that makes all the stock antennas OP
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L1097[14:13:33] <madmerlyn> or maybe instead of doing OPM I'll do something completely new like GPP
L1098[14:14:02] <madmerlyn> is Gael a lot harder to make orbit on than Kerbin?
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L1101[14:16:38] <madmerlyn> eh, I think I'll start with OPM and do GPP after heh
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L1103[14:25:10] <APlayer> Hi there!
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L1106[14:34:05] <madmerlyn> hey APlayer
L1107[14:34:18] <madmerlyn> ve2dmn I think I am going to spreadsheet my USI-LS calculator after all
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L1110[14:34:55] <madmerlyn> instead of having it figure out your mass for you I'm just going to make it where you put in your converters and recyclers and it tells you how many supplies etc. and gross weight
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L1114[14:35:54] <APlayer> Guys, my new GPU arrived
L1115[14:36:08] <madmerlyn> whew, I've been waiting for that
L1116[14:36:09] <APlayer> I just launched KSP, and IT'S SO SMOOTH!
L1117[14:36:09] <Mjolnir> What'd you get?
L1118[14:36:21] <Althego> ksp is mostly cpu limited, at least stock
L1119[14:36:31] <Althego> my gpu fan barely moves
L1120[14:36:34] <APlayer> The difference is very subtle, but man, the feel is awesome
L1121[14:36:51] <APlayer> Althego: My GPU was an AMD Radeon 6050
L1122[14:36:55] <APlayer> It was trash
L1123[14:37:16] <APlayer> I can now point any direction I want and KSP won't lag! :D
L1124[14:37:25] <Althego> hwhw
L1125[14:37:26] <APlayer> I used to have to point at the sky for this
L1126[14:37:45] <APlayer> Awesome! :D
L1127[14:39:34] <APlayer> Heh, my KSP must have been stuttering with the old one, really, because every moves so unnoticeably faster... It's interesting, really
L1128[14:40:33] <APlayer> Is there a way to see the FPS in stock KSP or perhaps with KER?
L1129[14:43:13] <madmerlyn> steam has one, not sure about KSP direction though
L1130[14:43:15] <Althego> there is something in the cheat menu
L1131[14:43:19] <Althego> alt-f12
L1132[14:43:31] <Althego> at least i remember some graphs
L1133[14:43:43] <Althego> or you can just start a video recording program, those usually show framerate
L1134[14:45:13] <umaxtu> I use MSI afterburner
L1135[14:46:52] <APlayer> Humm, haven't found anything in the F12 menu
L1136[14:47:36] <Althego> i use afterburnet to eliminate the once a minute fan noise in ksp to decrease fan speed in the editor
L1137[14:48:01] <APlayer> There is some sort of cryptic graph, that could be the FPS
L1138[14:48:29] <APlayer> In that case, it is around 25 - 50
L1139[14:48:54] <APlayer> Huh, no, it changes way too much
L1140[14:49:37] <APlayer> Spiking up to 120... Whatever that is, doesn't look like FPS, TBH
L1141[14:51:29] <APlayer> Let me see if it runs EVE and perhaps even scatterer
L1142[15:06:51] <APlayer> Woah, it runs scatterer! Not well, it stutters very slightly, but I guess I can optimize my settings there
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L1144[15:18:51] <ve2dmn> APlayer: what's the new GPU?
L1145[15:19:04] <APlayer> Nvidia Quadro 2000
L1146[15:19:22] <Kalpa> Q-quadro
L1147[15:19:23] <APlayer> Still not top high end, but much better than the old one
L1148[15:19:31] <Kalpa> You're no consumer pleb then. You do professional work?
L1149[15:20:34] <APlayer> No, not professional. My PC is very much workstation optimized, because I do 1) Lots of browser windows, 2) some KSP and 3) some CAD stuff
L1150[15:20:43] <APlayer> In that order of quantity
L1151[15:22:17] <APlayer> Why? How would you classify this GPU?
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L1153[15:22:47] <Kalpa> Well just it being a quadro :p
L1154[15:22:54] <APlayer> Huh
L1155[15:24:05] <Kalpa> What you pay for in the quadro lineup are mostly (correct me if I'm wrong) ECC memory and driver validation to certain standards
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L1157[15:25:35] <Kalpa> So usually your standard consumer wouldn't bother with them :-)
L1158[15:26:15] <Kalpa> But yeah, you do CAD work, that's probably enough of a reason.
L1159[15:26:36] <APlayer> Ah. Well, I bought a used but nearly new one for 20€, so it didn't make much difference
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L1161[15:27:59] <Kalpa> That certainly works =)
L1162[15:28:39] <APlayer> I received my PC initially as a retired workstation from a rather large company for next to no money (50€ for an i5 Quad core CPU + 8 GB RAM + 128 GB SSD + trash GPU), and for an additional 20€ we now bought that GPU, which we were recommended from that same company as a good workstation GPU
L1163[15:29:22] <APlayer> I'd say this was a rather good deal. Both of them.
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L1170[15:39:12] <APlayer> Anyway, I'm off for today. Cya!
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L1178[15:48:10] <nick1> hi guys just got a quick query... i spent a while designing and testing a ship for a 1 way unmanned mission to deliver a rover to Moho. i kept removing Kerbals from my ship since it annoyingly keeps putting them back in and i keep taking them out... however
L1179[15:48:14] <Supernovy> Evening, Gentlemen.
L1180[15:48:58] <nick1> i let one check slip through the net and on an encounter with Moho noticed 3 of them sitting there, i'm rather P****** .... so does anyone know a way to remove them without restarting the mission?
L1181[15:49:37] <ve2dmn> One way is editing the save
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L1183[15:52:32] <nick1> Hi Ve2dmn. do mean in the text files?
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L1185[15:53:07] <nick1> i will be happy to 'cheat' since i don't believe this is my bad
L1186[15:53:36] <madmerlyn> man I hate working with spreadsheets lol
L1187[15:53:47] <ve2dmn> yeah. The persistent.dfd
L1188[15:53:53] <madmerlyn> so I've got it where my agroponics production sums properly after picking up to 5 agros
L1189[15:54:01] <ve2dmn> persistent.sfs*
L1190[15:54:10] <nick1> can i use hyperedit to move my kerbals from my ship in space to the austronaut complex
L1191[15:54:19] <ve2dmn> nick1: make a named quicksave and change that
L1192[15:54:47] <ve2dmn> nick1: not sure, but you could probably put a capsule on the launchpad and move them there
L1193[15:54:58] <nick1> i can use Ctrl8 to save as
L1194[15:55:11] <Ezriilc> nick1, yes you can.
L1195[15:55:26] <nick1> hmm clever, transfer to different ships somehow?
L1196[15:55:37] <Ezriilc> You go EVA, then edit your orbit to rendesvous with the target ship.
L1197[15:55:53] <madmerlyn> I really need to figure out how to script some of this so I can put this monster in a loop instead of a super long = function
L1198[15:56:06] <Ezriilc> Then you just need to use your RCS while in EVA to get to the hatch of your other ship.
L1199[15:56:07] <ve2dmn> Hyperedit can probably do eventhing for you
L1200[15:56:16] <nick1> i might see if i can move kerbals through Hyperedit, and put them back on the ship on the launchpad.
L1201[15:56:22] <nick1> 2 ticks i'll check
L1202[15:56:30] <ve2dmn> Ezriilc: nick1 want to bring them back to KSC.
L1203[15:56:34] <Ezriilc> nick1, let me know if you have any trouble with HyperEdit.
L1204[15:57:02] <Ezriilc> Yea, you can use the Lander to put any vessel (even a Kerbal) to land at the KSC.
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L1207[16:00:22] <nick1> hmm i cannot seem to find anything to do with kerbals,
L1208[16:00:38] <nick1> my issue with changing my orbit is that i won't be able to return to where i am right now
L1209[16:03:23] <madmerlyn> so I have the agroponics calculator done so you can easily match production to consumption, but properly calculating the Recyclers is going to be a bear
L1210[16:03:39] <nick1> yeah i seem to be struggling to get my kerbals back to the KSP hangar
L1211[16:03:46] <madmerlyn> because it has to match the recycler's modifier to number of kerbals
L1212[16:04:42] <madmerlyn> so you're just wanting to put your kerbals back home?
L1213[16:04:50] <nick1> yeah basically
L1214[16:04:55] <madmerlyn> step 1) back up your save file
L1215[16:04:59] <nick1> without changing my ships orbit
L1216[16:05:03] <nick1> yep
L1217[16:05:21] <madmerlyn> step 2) edit save file, find the vessel in your save file and delete the line that says `crew = Jebediah Kerman` etc.
L1218[16:05:30] <nick1> yeah
L1219[16:06:10] <nick1> do you put crew = 0 or just delete the entire line?
L1220[16:06:26] <madmerlyn> step 3) search save file for your kerbals by name, and change their state to `state = Available`
L1221[16:06:53] <madmerlyn> just delete the line
L1222[16:06:55] <nick1> ok
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L1224[16:07:50] <Malachite> countdown
L1225[16:07:55] <Malachite> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9O-JH4DtiQ
L1226[16:07:55] <kmath> YouTube - Delta IV NROL-47 Live Launch Broadcast (Jan. 12, 2018)
L1227[16:08:09] <madmerlyn> ha I was wondering if they were going to scrub yesterday's launch
L1228[16:08:12] <madmerlyn> I gave up after about an hour
L1229[16:08:29] <petti> 3 minutes \o/
L1230[16:08:36] <nick1> ok merlyn i'm about to try this technique
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L1233[16:11:06] <nick1> do i have to quit the game before messing in the persistent file? or just any point and then reload and hey-presto all's fine?
L1234[16:11:55] <Malachite> jesus that hydrogen fire was nasty
L1235[16:11:56] <madmerlyn> do the deltas always set themselves on fire before liftoff?
L1236[16:12:09] <Neal> that was cincerning
L1237[16:12:17] <madmerlyn> I would exit to main menu before editing
L1238[16:12:41] <madmerlyn> I seriously thought the rocket was going to explode for a second there
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L1240[16:12:53] <Neal> same
L1241[16:13:17] <Neal> its probably just the way the launch pad was designed, maybe exhaust gases reflected off something
L1242[16:13:18] <petti> not the prettiest
L1243[16:13:33] <madmerlyn> there's the SRB separation
L1244[16:13:56] <madmerlyn> I'm guessing there are no cameras on the rocket
L1245[16:14:05] <Neal> lol
L1246[16:14:05] <madmerlyn> or none that they want to show the public
L1247[16:14:12] <Neal> its a NROL launch
L1248[16:14:19] <madmerlyn> Zuma launch had cameras
L1249[16:14:24] <Neal> onboard?
L1250[16:14:26] <madmerlyn> just don't point them at the payload
L1251[16:14:30] <madmerlyn> yes I believe so
L1252[16:14:33] <Neal> interesting
L1253[16:14:48] <madmerlyn> they streamed the first stage the entire time
L1254[16:15:02] <madmerlyn> got to watch it all the way to landing
L1255[16:15:12] <Neal> man I wish this launch was 3 hours in the future, the ascent profile looks like it would make a nice cloud visible from the west coast
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L1257[16:15:31] <madmerlyn> if they had launched last night it would've been in the evening
L1258[16:16:00] <nick1> Merlyn, as a paranoid persistent file editor... do i overwrite the save file when i've done it and then just reload the quicksave in KSP? also, do i need to restart ksp or just load that save again?
L1259[16:16:01] <Neal> woulda had more los angeles people stopping on the freeway thinking it was aliens lol
L1260[16:16:18] <madmerlyn> exit all the way to the main menu
L1261[16:16:32] <madmerlyn> or if you're editing a quicksave, just reload the quicksave
L1262[16:17:03] <Neal> if you're messing with the persistent file, the main menu is enough. you just won't want the game autosaving as you're saving your editor.
L1263[16:17:49] <nick1> great thanks
L1264[16:17:54] <nick1> i'm deleting the crew
L1265[16:18:05] <nick1> then going to astrnaut complex
L1266[16:18:12] <madmerlyn> don't forget to change them all to state = Available in the Roster section of the save file
L1267[16:18:13] <nick1> crap forgot where to put them?
L1268[16:18:21] <nick1> roster
L1269[16:18:40] <nick1> is there many rosters? i#m using the control+F function to find next
L1270[16:18:54] <madmerlyn> 1 roster, will have the kerbals all underneath it
L1271[16:19:02] <madmerlyn> you'll have to touch each kerbal that was in the ship specifically
L1272[16:20:09] <Neal> I rewatched the launch and it looks like the excess hydrogen wasn't burned until the engines started
L1273[16:20:20] <Neal> hence the fireball
L1274[16:20:31] <madmerlyn> the entire core was scorched by it
L1275[16:20:34] <madmerlyn> thing was black going up
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L1277[16:21:05] <Neal> yeah the orange insulation was also burned
L1278[16:21:13] ⇨ Joins: Kabouik_ (Kabouik_!~kabouik@38.ip-37-187-46.eu)
L1279[16:21:14] <Neal> like on fire not just melted
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L1281[16:21:47] <madmerlyn> I bet even if the launch is nominal some investigation happens around that
L1282[16:21:51] <nick1> also a little side note... i can't express how much i love rick and morty
L1283[16:21:52] <madmerlyn> that did not look normal
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L1286[16:22:40] <Neal> my guess is the "rofie" (???)s didn't ignite
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L1288[16:23:03] <Neal> announcer said they were like sparklers to burn the excess fuel at around T-4min
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L1291[16:23:37] <madmerlyn> lol they didn't burn enough of it then, that seriously could've been disasterous
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L1293[16:27:55] <nick1> in the Roster they are 'Assigned' which i'm changing to 'Available' i'm assuming this is correct?
L1294[16:28:04] <madmerlyn> so apparently that happens with the Delta IVs a lot, but they don't like it being severe like that
L1295[16:28:08] <madmerlyn> yes nick1
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L1297[16:28:18] <nick1> thanks
L1298[16:29:01] <madmerlyn> I'm looking at images of multiple delta launches and they're very rarely not charred on liftoff lol
L1299[16:29:19] <madmerlyn> https://i.stack.imgur.com/hC6Ow.jpg
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L1302[16:30:28] <madmerlyn> that just seems like an insane design "yeah, so the rocket catches on fire 80% of the time, we just let the draft put it out"
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L1305[16:31:12] <nick1> ok done. sorry to be annoying but before i hit save is there anything i must do?
L1306[16:31:30] <madmerlyn> if you backed it up first just save it and find out
L1307[16:31:41] <nick1> amazing
L1308[16:31:58] <nick1> (Also brought back good ol' Jeb :P Cheeky!
L1309[16:32:12] <nick1> think i lost him to my Rookie days haha
L1310[16:33:17] <madmerlyn> I think today's launch charred as bad as that image I just posted
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L1312[16:33:26] <madmerlyn> which is some of the worst charring they've had heh
L1313[16:33:59] <madmerlyn> here are several other launches, the 2004 demo flight looks like it cooked a bit on liftoff too http://planetary.s3.amazonaws.com/assets/images/spacecraft/2014/20141120_d4h-montage_f537.jpg
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L1315[16:45:57] <nick1> well crap, the game crashed when i tried to load save. oh dear, will load it up again and see what happens
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L1318[16:58:05] <ve2dmn> I don't know if you guys care but the Megaman Relay race is soon: https://gamesdonequick.com/
L1319[16:58:21] <ve2dmn> Plus they are pretty close to the magic 1 million dollar
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L1323[17:53:53] <madmerlyn> let the weekending begin
L1324[17:54:24] <Flub_ugh> yeah
L1325[17:54:32] <Flub_ugh> I hope my friend will have some time to fly
L1326[17:54:37] <Flub_ugh> I want to do combat
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L1328[17:55:05] <nick1> thanks i got the kerbals back home
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L1331[17:57:11] <madmerlyn> does OPM work with 1.3.1?
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L1340[18:11:19] <madmerlyn> according to the guy who makes AVP it does
L1341[18:11:20] <madmerlyn> yay
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L1343[18:35:57] <nick1> Ok so after getting my kerbals back, my mission is now complete ... this is a mistake, i have not yet set foot on Moho, but my mission to land a rover there has been marked as done? how can i undo this to make mission active again?
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L1346[18:59:35] <nick1> i have a mission that's bugged and completed before i actually have. i want to re-open it. i have found it in the persistent file. does anyone know what i'm supposed to change?
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L1350[19:15:39] <Draconiator> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYS7UIUM_SQ
L1351[19:15:39] <kmath> YouTube - Scientists Put the Brain of a Worm Into a Robot… and It MOVED
L1352[19:15:57] <Flub_ugh> now make a robot play ksp
L1353[19:18:44] <JCB> mmm... I seem to recall they did an autopilot sorta thing with rat brain cells..
L1354[19:19:25] <JCB> makes me wonder how easy it is to do interfaces between organics and electronics
L1355[19:19:42] <Flub_ugh> synths when
L1356[19:19:51] <Flub_ugh> also I want a computer in my brain
L1357[19:20:12] <Flub_ugh> this way I can switch on autopilot and do stuff im supposed to do without having to think about it
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L1359[19:21:32] <JCB> ghost in the shell sorta does something similar... you could also talk to people mentally over long distances...
L1360[19:21:47] <JCB> mind you, people were also able to 'hack' brains at the same time so....
L1361[19:22:16] <Flub2> I guess with brain computer you can get brain data encription
L1362[19:22:36] <Flub2> using like chemicals and crap
L1363[19:22:48] <Flub2> so peoples have to guess you you feel and what you ate to hack you
L1364[19:23:40] <Flub2> but you know transhumanism sounds good to me
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L1366[19:26:58] <Draconiator> I think this is my 4th wind with KSP...I usually have a flurry of building and then don't touch it for months.
L1367[19:27:09] <JCB> not so sure on computer inplants myself... I'm a bit more towrds self expressionisim
L1368[19:27:36] <Flub2> well I would like to have bionic hands with a bunch of tools inside
L1369[19:27:51] <Flub2> or stuff like that
L1370[19:30:20] <JCB> heh.. going the more utilitarian route..
L1371[19:30:33] <Flub2> I like to build and tinker with stuff
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L1373[19:31:51] <JCB> right now.. my mood been all over the place, or no where since new years. Keep wanting to lay down, with the little fuzz butt a lot of times..
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L1375[19:37:11] <Draconiator> https://i.gyazo.com/6895cce2a8e8d06b48d9532d21aca4eb.png - There's what I'm calling the K-14, really wish there was a way to make stock swing wings...
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L1377[19:37:37] <madmerlyn> second launch of my new career, sounding rocket with all .625m parts went to high orbital altitude :D
L1378[19:38:05] <madmerlyn> didn't make orbit, has no solar panels was dead for the entire trip shortly after I got my thermometer and barometer readings from space heh
L1379[19:38:38] <JCB> wouldn't mind just making use of the smaller parts..
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L1382[19:39:08] <JCB> I've visited churchill up north where they used to launch sounding rockets from. Most of it was to do research into the norhtern light effects
L1383[19:39:54] <madmerlyn> I used slightly rotated fins to spin stabilize it on the way up
L1384[19:40:09] <madmerlyn> didn't have to do anything except stage the engines as they died
L1385[19:41:14] <madmerlyn> only cost me 3751 spesos too, since all the sounding rocket parts are so cheap
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L1387[19:42:26] <JCB> spesos... that the offical ingame currency?
L1388[19:48:22] <Kabouik_> Hey, anyone knows if there are any plans to release CKAN as a snap? My distribution is not deb-based, but supports snaps.
L1389[19:49:55] <JCB> not even sure what a 'snap' is..
L1390[19:50:31] <Kabouik_> In short, it's intended as a distribution-agnostic Linux application. I'll ask on their github.
L1391[19:51:42] <madmerlyn> snap is just another form of package, not quite an application per se
L1392[19:52:07] <madmerlyn> more likely that whomever makes the snaps could package CKAN for you
L1393[19:52:19] <madmerlyn> CKAN is in AUR even though archlinux doesn't do debs either
L1394[19:52:33] <Kabouik_> Yes I should have said package, but the important part is it is *supposed* to work across all distributions with snap support
L1395[19:52:35] <Draconiator> lol, wanted to see how high my biplane can go, thing got to 7.1k before running out of fuel
L1396[19:53:14] <madmerlyn> I'm still not quite sure what that means, you can use any package manager on any distribution, even aptitude (debs)
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L1398[19:54:08] <Kabouik_> AUR is kinda big, with a very active and tech-friendly community. It's good that they have CKAN in their repos, but I'm not sure it's a standard that can be expected for several distros. Snaps, on the other hand, are getting fully supported by many distributions now, including widespread ones (Ubuntu, Solus for instance)
L1399[19:54:36] <Kabouik_> I cannot use debs, I cannot use aptitude either
L1400[19:55:21] <madmerlyn> AUR is a repo, pacman is the equivalent of "snap", and debs = aptitude, which you can install and use, it's just probably not well supported with your distro as far as repositories go
L1401[19:55:34] <madmerlyn> what distro are you using?
L1402[19:56:50] <Kabouik_> As a application maintainer, if you provide a snap, then your snap is compatible with several distribution that normally use different packaging systems. If you provide regular packages, you have to do that for several types of packages. It's just more work and less coverage (as long as snaps are supported, but they are gaining a lot of popularity now)
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L1404[19:57:17] <madmerlyn> snap just sounds like another package, I don't see how that's different than dropping a tarball
L1405[19:57:43] <Kabouik_> Hum, as far as I understand it, pacman is not the equivalent of snaps, nor is aptitude. They are no designed to be agnostic, snaps are, plus the confinement feature
L1406[19:58:33] <madmerlyn> I'm looking at snap now, it's not really a desirable method of distributing ALL your packages
L1407[19:58:42] <Kabouik_> Well, you package one thing that eventually works on different distributions, instead of packaging for different distributions and their specificities (like their base package system)
L1408[19:58:52] <madmerlyn> also, snaps would be a total nightmare if your kernel is patched for Meltdown
L1409[19:59:09] <madmerlyn> it's a squashFS jail that has the app inside it
L1410[19:59:40] <madmerlyn> which means everything the snapped app does is going to be in userspace and have to be verified on the backend in Meltdown patched kernels
L1411[19:59:40] <Kabouik_> I disagree :/
L1412[20:00:40] <madmerlyn> snap is more like docker than anything else. You don't install every single app your OS needs in docker, at least most people don't
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L1414[20:01:26] <Kabouik_> But that is not the point, no, snapd is not intended as a replacement for everything. Quite the opposite, it's intended as a bridge between distributions that are built on different foundations
L1415[20:01:50] <madmerlyn> I'm looking at it right now, I see what its intended as
L1416[20:01:58] <madmerlyn> it's for encapsulation, much like docker
L1417[20:02:07] <madmerlyn> which will not play well with Meltdown patched kernels as I said
L1418[20:02:22] <madmerlyn> there's a reason so many web services have been performing poorly this week
L1419[20:02:54] <Kabouik_> And typically, for applications like CKAN that are mainly distributed on github rather than in official repositories, and that are compiled as .exe/.deb/macos/whatever, a snap would make it easier for just every Linux user whose distribution supports snaps (they are increasing in number), since having CKAN in every package system is never going to happen
L1420[20:03:24] <madmerlyn> any way, I don't think CKAN is going to package as a snap, it'll just be the usual source
L1421[20:03:43] <madmerlyn> CKAN is in AUR because someone has written a make script to compile it
L1422[20:05:27] <madmerlyn> and it's not a matter of distros supporting snap, snap is encapsulation and gets installed as an application, which is where your universal idea is coming from
L1423[20:05:44] <Kabouik_> I doubt they will either, but I wish they'd consider it.
L1424[20:05:58] <madmerlyn> snap has a lot of parallels to docker, but I don't think a small squashfs container is really going to dethrone docker
L1425[20:06:06] <Kabouik_> Considering that .deb *is* a solution that covers all Linux users is just wrong
L1426[20:06:31] <madmerlyn> debs are not tarballs, if someone wants to support all linux users they distribute tarballs
L1427[20:06:54] <madmerlyn> repo maintainers then can elect to put those tarballs in, or users can compile themselves
L1428[20:07:10] <Kabouik_> Or snaps for the compatibility + auto-update features
L1429[20:07:30] <madmerlyn> compatibility? if you compile it's already compatible
L1430[20:07:46] <madmerlyn> and most people prefer to get their apps from their repos
L1431[20:07:51] <Kabouik_> But, that is a big if, and it depends on third party
L1432[20:07:52] <madmerlyn> if they're not keen on compiling
L1433[20:08:14] <madmerlyn> eh whatever, believe what you want
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L1435[20:08:39] <Kabouik_> I'm not fighting, don't get me wrong
L1436[20:09:09] <madmerlyn> you're also not really acknowledging that apps are already universal if they're in the FOSS space
L1437[20:09:13] <Kabouik_> But the premises of your disbelief are not all correct, as a Solus user I can install snaps from my native/default application manager
L1438[20:09:29] <madmerlyn> as a Solus user you could install tarballs too
L1439[20:09:41] <madmerlyn> without having to encapsulate in a squashfs container
L1440[20:10:02] <Kabouik_> But they don't auto-update.
L1441[20:10:26] <madmerlyn> snaps aren't going to autoupdate unless they are running a daemon on your machine
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L1444[20:10:53] <Kabouik_> I mean, just because there are ways to run CKAN doesn't mean that I cannot question about snapd, there is a reason why they are getting supported by big distributions. And I can acknowledge that applications are already universal in some way if in the FOSS space, that was just not my point.
L1445[20:10:53] <Oneiros> sup Mod9000
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L1447[20:11:54] <madmerlyn> snap is no different than aptitude in the respect you're talking about it though, just another form of packaging to support, only instead of targeting a specific distro it's targeting a smaller subset of users who actually want snap on their system
L1448[20:12:07] <madmerlyn> FOSS maintainers are more likely to package something like that in docker
L1449[20:12:13] <Kabouik_> I don't know what is the plan for Ubuntu, but for my distribution the plan is to have snaps alongside the eopkg from the repos all available from the software manager, updates will be transparent to the user
L1450[20:12:15] <madmerlyn> if they're going to go through the trouble
L1451[20:15:08] <Kabouik_> I don't know, .deb is Ubuntu variants and Linux Mint, and they support snaps. So if you support snaps because you want to cover these people + others, I suppose you can provide snaps instead and I'm not sure you would face riots
L1452[20:15:33] <Kabouik_> But anyway, I was just asking, I totally understand that it's not an obvious answer or decision and I agree that you raised valid points
L1453[20:15:40] <madmerlyn> .deb is aptitude which is the package manager debian variants tend to use yes
L1454[20:15:44] <Kabouik_> I just want to know if they have plans for it, never know.
L1455[20:16:16] <Kabouik_> Sorry yes, forgot about Debian for some [reason], which is quite stupid indeed. :D
L1456[20:17:18] <madmerlyn> you have to remember there are a lot of Linux users out there who do not use "newbie friendly" distributions, and I'd wager they make up the bulk of Linux users
L1457[20:17:44] <madmerlyn> I don't even have a software manager, I just have pacman, I compile everything not available on the official repo from source
L1458[20:18:22] <madmerlyn> and docker is king when it comes to encapsulated applications
L1459[20:19:16] <Kabouik_> To be honest I do not have a good knowledge of docker, thought it was primarily intended for servers
L1460[20:20:19] <madmerlyn> but back to my earlier point, with the recent Meltdown situation, anything running in encapsulation is going to perform poorly compared to what it would have 2 weeks ago
L1461[20:20:39] <madmerlyn> because the kernel patches they put out to address the vulnerability substantially increase the overhead on userspace applications
L1462[20:20:43] <Iskierka> *Spectre would be more relevant to mention
L1463[20:20:51] <Iskierka> as it's why it will perform poorly on ANYTHING
L1464[20:20:53] <madmerlyn> Meltdown/Spectre
L1465[20:21:12] <madmerlyn> one is fixable, the other is just detectable, but you are correct
L1466[20:21:48] <Iskierka> the fix for meltdown is also extremely important mitigation for spectre, which is why everything is going to be slow
L1467[20:21:58] <Iskierka> (since the only things unaffected are those that were slow to begin with)
L1468[20:23:35] <madmerlyn> seems like encapsulating apps in squashfs would be more memory intensive too, doesn't squashfs emulate a fixed size filesystem?
L1469[20:24:15] <madmerlyn> I know that's how bootloaders like grub mount floppy and CD images to boot off of USB drives etc.
L1470[20:27:20] <Kabouik_> Actually I just found that somewhere in the CKAN wiki: You don't have to worry about platforms: CKAN is built using Mono, so it will work the same on Windows, Mac or Linux. Even though it's a .exe file, it will still work, thanks to Mono!
L1471[20:29:22] <Kabouik_> So the .deb file might just be a nice envelope to run "mono ckan.exe" :<
L1472[20:30:32] <Azander> except it doesn't run the same on all platforms
L1473[20:36:20] <madmerlyn> ve2dmn I'm testing your basic launch script now :P
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L1482[21:01:30] <madmerlyn> where's mp4?
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L1486[21:11:16] <Kabouik-> Oh noes, the spam bots are back.
L1487[21:11:21] <Kabouik-> Take shelter.
L1488[21:11:29] <madmerlyn> WHAT?
L1489[21:11:37] <madmerlyn> sorry, caps was on from precision mode
L1490[21:12:01] <Kabouik-> You haven't seen these spam bots in the last few weeks? They've been on several of my chans, really annoying
L1491[21:16:21] <Rolf> the racist ones? freenode have been fighting those for while
L1492[21:16:38] <Rolf> they are getting much faster on k0lining the attackers though
L1493[21:16:55] <Kabouik-> Yeah Rolf
L1494[21:17:31] <Rolf> never seen any on esper but then this is only major channel im in.
L1495[21:18:29] <Kabouik-> Oh, I thought I did but maybe I mixed it with another server as I'm pretty sure it was not only on freenode for me
L1496[21:18:35] <Kabouik-> But maybe not here, you might be right
L1497[21:19:07] <Zarthus> if they're here then you're reporting them in the wrong channel :P
L1498[21:19:09] <Kabouik-> Anyway they indeed seem to spread much less than earlier, they've be wiped from where I saw them a few min ago and I haven't seen others yet
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L1500[21:32:33] <ve2dmn> madmerlyn: did the scrip work?
L1501[21:32:51] <ve2dmn> I was in front of the TV watching a Megaman relay race live
L1502[21:32:54] <madmerlyn> eh.. at my extremely early point in the tree, mostly? :P
L1503[21:33:15] <madmerlyn> I'm still doing mostly sounding rockets, don't even have an SAS probe for manual maneuvers after the script ends heh
L1504[21:33:38] <ve2dmn> new career?
L1505[21:33:46] <madmerlyn> yep, doing OPM
L1506[21:34:16] <madmerlyn> except since I'm doing CTT and installed the JX2 antenna I took the science modifier and antenna patches out of OPM
L1507[21:34:25] <ve2dmn> yeah, I never got to Eeloo, so OPM is not in my priorities
L1508[21:34:29] <madmerlyn> OPM apparently nerfs the crap out of science in the inner system heh
L1509[21:34:47] <ve2dmn> Do you have Scansat?
L1510[21:35:12] <madmerlyn> no but I might install it before I get anything in space
L1511[21:35:22] <madmerlyn> so far I've only done a couple suborbital hops
L1512[21:35:40] <ve2dmn> btw, my own rendez-vous script is nearly finished... except for the final docking part
L1513[21:36:13] <madmerlyn> your launch4 script, doesn't seem to be getting me very much horizontal velocity before it terminates
L1514[21:36:14] <ve2dmn> I like the Scansat Biome and elevation maps (Along with the few contracts it gives)
L1515[21:36:33] <ve2dmn> ...that script is getting old at this point :D
L1516[21:36:51] <ve2dmn> The file date says 2016
L1517[21:37:18] <ve2dmn> I should just erase it, since I don't use it
L1518[21:37:32] <madmerlyn> oh I see your launchwithparameters script now
L1519[21:38:37] <ve2dmn> it uses a simple formula to set the pitch
L1520[21:39:01] <ve2dmn> I sugest you tweak it to your liking
L1521[21:40:36] <ve2dmn> I used 2 formulas, one based on speed and the other n altitude
L1522[21:40:39] <madmerlyn> did you see the ULA launch today btw?
L1523[21:40:52] <madmerlyn> that rocket was on fire :P
L1524[21:41:21] <ve2dmn> no, I was watching agdq most of the day
L1525[21:41:58] <madmerlyn> apparently the Delta IVs are famous for setting themselves on fire, but this one was pretty bad
L1526[21:42:09] <madmerlyn> it was super charred by the time it got off the pad heh
L1527[21:42:45] <ve2dmn> what, the paint caught fire?
L1528[21:43:04] <madmerlyn> the whole rocket practically up to the fairing was charred, yeah
L1529[21:43:48] <ve2dmn> pic? vid?
L1530[21:43:50] <madmerlyn> I looked up pictures and apparently that's normal, though it's usually much less severe
L1531[21:45:13] <madmerlyn> https://youtu.be/NwLWNXHL7D4?t=69
L1532[21:45:13] <kmath> YouTube - Delta IV NROL-47 Launch Highlights
L1533[21:45:18] <ve2dmn> btw, you made me look at my script and I probably need to chnage the formulas
L1534[21:46:39] <madmerlyn> that video is way better than the stream was too
L1535[21:46:50] <madmerlyn> stream it was just a dot in the sky 90% of the time
L1536[21:53:29] <ve2dmn> well... my rendez-vous script v0.1 is done.
L1537[21:54:03] <ve2dmn> What I should do is change all my script to add a lot of comments everywhere and make everything more clean...
L1538[21:54:16] <ve2dmn> ...and then use 'compile' in the boot scripts
L1539[21:56:20] <ve2dmn> Then I can start working on a docking script
L1540[21:58:17] <JCB> anyone familiar with M=1?
L1541[22:06:09] <JCB> I'm going to wager a 'no'... c_C
L1542[22:11:10] <ve2dmn> JCB: ?
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L1549[22:33:00] <JCB> ve2dmn M=1 is what they called when gemini launched to directly meet with the docking target prior to completion of a single orbit
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L1557[23:01:34] <Draconiator> Took a bit to get this huge thing to fly. https://gyazo.com/858e0b85bc94886fa8281e8d48bbf5c5 Still not done, takeoff weight is 208 tons
L1558[23:02:51] <JCB> what was causing problems.. just weight alone?
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L1560[23:04:45] <cringe> ISS Urine Tank Level: 54%
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L1562[23:06:31] <oren> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QwAp19xZDE <-- TMR looking great!
L1563[23:06:31] <kmath> YouTube - 173/714 Top Gun - NESMania
L1564[23:06:37] <Draconiator> Yeah
L1565[23:06:50] <Draconiator> specifically thrust.
L1566[23:07:17] <oren> Draconiator: now make it fly to space
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L1568[23:08:36] <Draconiator> Heh
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L1570[23:10:56] <Draconiator> And now apparently I have a whole other issue. Not destroying the runway on takeoff.
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