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L17[01:32:30] <Shane> mechjeb. cheating or nah
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L22[01:43:26] <lpg> up to you
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L24[01:47:42] <Japa> Apollo Guidance computer: Cheating or nah?
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L26[01:51:01] <JCB> .. what about the AGC?
L27[01:54:50] <lpg> cheating or nah?
L28[02:02:07] <JCB> mean.. in real life or in game?
L29[02:03:43] <JCB> I don't think its cheaty... then again, I know a lot about it myself
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L33[02:17:54] <Blaank> I can't really say it's cheaty when IRL people used it in the 60's
L34[02:18:17] <Blaank> That's kind of not cheating unless you think they should have gone to the moon raw dogging it with no maneuver planner.
L35[02:18:38] <Blaank> The navball is cheating. DV readouts are cheating. Doing math to figure out your TWR is cheating.
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L37[02:21:03] <JCB> those days, people didn't exactly read things out in DV
L38[02:21:27] <JCB> what I think is most cheaty is how much fine control ksp engines are allowed to have
L39[02:22:28] <JCB> the LEM has the most control of its descent engine. Even that was limited. It was capable of 1g thrust down to something like 10%, in incriments.
L40[02:22:58] <tawny> I find myself never really caring about that part, honestly
L41[02:23:17] <tawny> the times at which my engines aren't either at full throttle or off are very few
L42[02:26:39] <Oneiros> i think reaction wheels are cheating..
L43[02:27:34] <JCB> the AGC was more for guidance and instrumentation.. also helped run some of the optical tools onboard. A lot of the figuring out was done on the ground by bigger mainframes
L44[02:27:39] <Oneiros> it even looks cooler using rcs to control attitude, and makes you attempt to be more efficient at it.
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L46[02:29:12] <JCB> reaction wheels do seem a touch.. over powered. there are systems that actually use RW.. the biggest being the ISS.. smallest being MOST, which I was just reading up on. It was a small suitcase sized telescope built by Canadians
L47[02:36:20] <Oneiros> it must be a huge mechanism on the iss
L48[02:37:46] <JCB> a pair of units on the truss section.. I think each has 4 gyros each
L49[02:42:23] <tawny> the ISS's gyros are enormous also
L50[02:42:42] <tawny> https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/ff/ISS_gyroscope.jpg four of these in a block
L51[02:44:54] <tawny> although, that'd probably be about the size of a 1.25m or 2.5m reaction wheel part in KSP, I guess
L52[02:47:51] <JCB> https://cdn.neow.in/forum/uploads/monthly_2015_08/main-qimg-791efbf0680db12a16fb5f9892fb4c65.thumb.png.eb56e6dbcf0523486fd8c280dfbc04b9.png
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L68[04:59:43] <JCB> hhhhhrrrg...
L69[05:00:26] <JCB> launching at the right time to do a direct rendezvous with an already orbiting part...
L70[05:00:34] <JCB> lol.. sometimes feels like hit or mis
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L97[08:58:52] <GuestBanana> Hi all and happy new years!
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L100[09:01:14] <darsie> Merry Christmas!
L101[09:01:44] <petti> Jolly Waiting For The Friggint Summer Already!
L102[09:03:04] <madmerlyn> hi
L103[09:03:05] <Mod9000> Hello, madmerlyn
L104[09:03:09] <GuestBanana> hello
L105[09:03:12] <Mod9000> Hello, GuestBanana
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L118[10:17:04] <ve2dmn> good morning fellow rocketeers.
L119[10:20:01] <madmerlyn> hi
L120[10:20:05] <Mod9000> Hello, madmerlyn
L121[10:20:10] <madmerlyn> heh
L122[10:20:18] <Althego> hehe
L123[10:20:26] <madmerlyn> Mod9000 always there to make you feel not alone in the universe, unlike all the aliens who are clearly avoiding us
L124[10:21:00] <Althego> maybe they are just not in our light cone
L125[10:21:24] <madmerlyn> that's what I never understood about the Prime Directive in Star Trek, if a civilization hasn't achieved warp yet, but has already advanced to basic space travel, why make them feel like they're alone?
L126[10:21:44] <Althego> because it would change their progression
L127[10:21:53] <madmerlyn> but they're already exploring space
L128[10:22:02] <ve2dmn> too disruptive
L129[10:22:03] <Althego> there was an episode about it
L130[10:22:15] <Althego> where the population, including politicians were xenophobic
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L132[10:22:28] <Althego> and they noticed the observers
L133[10:23:06] <madmerlyn> well any alpha species is going to have warlike past etc., but I don't think discovering warp technology in itself is a good metric to establish that they are beyond their primal instincts as a society
L134[10:23:09] <madmerlyn> look at the Klingons
L135[10:23:23] <Althego> klingons are relatively ok
L136[10:23:41] <madmerlyn> isn't their entire social structure built around war?
L137[10:23:47] <Althego> but also around honor
L138[10:24:16] <Althego> compare it to the dominion
L139[10:24:47] <ve2dmn> honour*
L140[10:26:13] <madmerlyn> I just don't think a civilization's ideology is going to be fundamentally changed by the discovery of warp, Prime Directive should include making peaceful contact with any space-faring civilization, and actively preventing espionage from any that are overtly aggressive or xenophobic
L141[10:26:50] <madmerlyn> I mean look at us here on Earth, call me a dreamer but I think if intelligent life confirmed its existence to us we'd see a drastic change for the better in world-views amongst most populations
L142[10:27:03] <madmerlyn> to the point where we might actually all come together as a species like the humans in Star Trek did
L143[10:27:24] <Althego> just avoid the borg invasion first :)
L144[10:28:43] <madmerlyn> in Star Trek lore wasn't there still international war on Earth when warp was discovered too? Wasn't it the arrival of the Vulcans that radically changed humanity's perspective?
L145[10:28:58] <Althego> they were after a nuclear war
L146[10:29:13] <Kalpa> Cochrane was a hippie
L147[10:29:17] <Althego> yes
L148[10:29:42] <Althego> launch to magic carpet ride lol
L149[10:30:12] <ve2dmn> Tom Cochrane is a hippie?
L150[10:30:23] <Althego> zefram
L151[10:39:21] <ve2dmn> Zefrank is a hippie?
L152[10:40:14] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIpXYU-9CBM
L153[10:40:14] <kmath> YouTube - Star Trek Zefram Cochrane Warp Flight
L154[10:40:38] <Althego> note that trajectory, velocity, and distance is completely off
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L156[10:47:26] <GuestBanana> Q: What's the best way to get into Star Trek as a whole?
L157[10:48:22] <Althego> not with abrams
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L159[10:55:44] <ve2dmn> never seen that movie
L160[10:57:08] <ve2dmn> Althego: they had to buy the rights for that song...
L161[10:57:21] <ve2dmn> ...or did it last only 8 seconds in the movie?
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L164[11:00:28] <TheKosmonaut> GuestBanana: You dont need to watch it chronologically really
L165[11:00:33] <TheKosmonaut> I mean, not by series anyway
L166[11:00:43] <TheKosmonaut> But I'd honestly go for TNG first
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L168[11:01:37] <ve2dmn> TheKosmonaut: the reason I didn't get into star trek as a kid is that the stories required that your knew a bit of the background first
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L170[11:01:55] <TheKosmonaut> You dont really need much TOS knowledge to get into TNG
L171[11:02:19] <ve2dmn> I know in insight it's irrelevant, but I was trying to remember who what species was and got real confused real fast
L172[11:03:26] <madmerlyn> I think TOS was kinda like the SW OT, I mean yeah it's there and it's canon, but things didn't really get fleshed out until people started writing novels and subsequent series/movies came out
L173[11:03:27] <Althego> ve2dmn: yes, that was the whole lenght
L174[11:03:51] <madmerlyn> some of TOS stuff is really really dated and not in-line with ST as a whole
L175[11:04:40] <madmerlyn> and when people mention TOS I always think of that scene where the extra was turning an imaginary gear on the wall
L176[11:04:54] <Althego> tos has its charm, but honestly i find kirk annoying and it is really dated
L177[11:05:41] <madmerlyn> if anything TNG really fleshed the universe out
L178[11:05:44] <ve2dmn> imaginary gear?
L179[11:05:55] <Althego> what is that
L180[11:05:56] <madmerlyn> so much so that they had spinoff mania with Voyager and DS9
L181[11:06:47] <madmerlyn> very few pixels, but here https://i.imgur.com/6iP0E9U.gif
L182[11:06:47] <kmath> https://i.imgur.com/6iP0E9U.gifv
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L184[11:08:14] <madmerlyn> I mean there is technically a crank in his hand, but what is it attached to, and why would there be a crank on a *highly advanced starship* in a hallway?
L185[11:08:22] <JCB> lol
L186[11:08:49] <JCB> gotta realize.. back when TOS was being made, it was sort of a different world back then on earth too
L187[11:09:15] <Althego> yes
L188[11:09:18] <Althego> very much
L189[11:09:28] <ve2dmn> very yes
L190[11:09:42] <Althego> and it was about that too. that is why it has an international crew
L191[11:09:50] <madmerlyn> "oi Captain, the clockwork that drives the automatic door to this crewman's cabin needs to be wound back up, lemme crank it"
L192[11:10:11] <Althego> maybe that let us closer to that world a bit. after all there is an iss
L193[11:10:27] <ve2dmn> Let's hope so
L194[11:10:35] <madmerlyn> do you think they have cranks on the ISS? :P
L195[11:10:41] <Althego> yes
L196[11:10:44] <ve2dmn> madmerlyn: yes
L197[11:10:51] <Althego> maybe some special zero torque ones
L198[11:10:53] <JCB> There was also a number of struggles with production just with the idea of what the series was about
L199[11:11:13] <ve2dmn> the thing that opens and closes the windows shutters
L200[11:11:30] <madmerlyn> "this is the ISS dynamo, we crank it to power our laptops so we don't have to plug them in."
L201[11:11:44] <ve2dmn> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSzuiqVjJg4
L202[11:11:44] <kmath> YouTube - 7 HOLES in the Space Station - Smarter Every Day 135
L203[11:11:46] <JCB> actually.. there is a little crank for the shutters on the ISS coupula dome
L204[11:12:26] <madmerlyn> that's a logical place for a crank though
L205[11:12:46] <madmerlyn> it's not on an interior hallway randomly attached to nothing on the wall
L206[11:12:54] <Althego> i think i saw this video
L207[11:12:58] <Althego> the 7 holes
L208[11:13:04] <JCB> maybe he was cranking on a flow tube for some fluid or gas line
L209[11:13:35] <madmerlyn> gas on an antimatter powered starship?
L210[11:13:43] <Althego> certainly
L211[11:13:46] <JCB> mind you.. a bare wall, then suddenly some 'greeble' in one spot... then you look at TNG's hallways..
L212[11:13:50] <ve2dmn> madmerlyn: water
L213[11:14:01] <JCB> gas.. coulda been O2
L214[11:14:19] <Althego> gor example
L215[11:14:31] <Althego> still can be lot of pneumatic mechanisms
L216[11:14:39] <ve2dmn> madmerlyn: but yeah, it looks very silly
L217[11:15:12] <JCB> idea in acting was to make the ship look like it was active.. lived in
L218[11:15:21] <ve2dmn> it's a bad filming but visual medium should be self-explanitory
L219[11:15:36] <ve2dmn> -but +because
L220[11:16:10] <JCB> it would have probably looked pretty boring, weird if there was no one there at all...
L221[11:16:47] <JCB> or.. I don't know, maybe they were trying things out. Could have had people just walking by too..
L222[11:16:54] <ve2dmn> JCB: it makes it looks like a 1800s ship, not far future
L223[11:17:18] <ve2dmn> If you look at the modern equivalent, it's people looking at screens
L224[11:17:20] <JCB> heh.. blame it on low budget?
L225[11:18:16] <ve2dmn> that will probably look weird to someone in the future
L226[11:18:42] <Althego> as usual
L227[11:18:46] <ve2dmn> but a ship from the future acting like a 'modern' submarine or sea vessel? sure
L228[11:18:52] <JCB> then again.. someone looking at a computer panel may also look weird as an idea to someone in our future.. nerual inplants
L229[11:19:01] <Althego> in hindsight most scifi things are never how people imagined them
L230[11:20:48] <JCB> I'm sort of 'eh', not sure what to make of the re-do of latest version of startrek designs.
L231[11:20:53] <madmerlyn> ha I remember going on Spaceship Earth in 2001 (Epcot) before they updated it
L232[11:21:02] <madmerlyn> still had the original 1960s narrative
L233[11:21:09] <Althego> i like the abrams design
L234[11:21:15] <ve2dmn> they updated it?
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L236[11:21:28] <Althego> i just dont like that they discarded all the star trek history
L237[11:21:30] <JCB> then again.. I sorta my own ideas
L238[11:21:37] <madmerlyn> "By the year 2000, the entire workforce will be replaced by robots and humans will be free to spend their time on leisurely activities and more intellectual work"
L239[11:21:57] <Althego> except t hat the intellectual work is done by ais
L240[11:22:11] <madmerlyn> "food will largely be replaced by pills, and flying cars will be common"
L241[11:22:14] <ve2dmn> madmerlyn: nah, we just did like how ancesters did: use these tools to make us more productive and still work
L242[11:22:56] <Althego> the idea of a next genertiion ship is stupid. the ship's computer runs ais in its spare time for the holodeck. it could do all its jobs without humans
L243[11:23:03] <JCB> self driving cars.. trucks.. now they talk'n about removing pilots from planes... uh.. that might be pushing it a little too much
L244[11:23:21] <Althego> pilots are not very useful even now
L245[11:23:28] <ve2dmn> ^
L246[11:23:36] <Althego> they are largely there for other reasons
L247[11:23:52] <JCB> backup... look at the landing in the river in new york..
L248[11:23:53] <Althego> so that there is somebody to take responsibility if anything happens
L249[11:23:58] <madmerlyn> the humans on the TNG bridge were all playing KSP while the ship's computer did all the work
L250[11:24:09] <Althego> note that many accidents are caused by the humans
L251[11:24:14] <Althego> you are better off by removing them
L252[11:24:27] <JCB> going by that logic... starsihps fly themselves by the time we even get around to making them.. then agian, that wouldn't make too good a tv series
L253[11:24:48] <Althego> exactly
L254[11:24:55] <ve2dmn> JCB: give them an AI, and it might makes a good TV series
L255[11:24:57] <JCB> accidents can be caused by weather too...
L256[11:24:58] <madmerlyn> I mean our spaceships already fly themselves now
L257[11:25:01] <Althego> on the other hand i would say humans would be there because they liek to explore
L258[11:25:25] <madmerlyn> I think the only reason astronauts are trained on manual control is for the event of systems failure
L259[11:25:31] <ve2dmn> Althego: exactly. Took me 50h to be bored of No Man Sky
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L261[11:25:36] <JCB> human exisistance is starting to look pretty grim
L262[11:25:45] <ve2dmn> Also took me 400h to be bored of Minecraft
L263[11:25:53] <Althego> and ksp?
L264[11:26:01] <ve2dmn> not bored yet, too many mods
L265[11:26:17] <ve2dmn> 1550h according to Steam
L266[11:26:38] <ve2dmn> Speaking of which, I didn't make it into space today
L267[11:27:03] <madmerlyn> there's a reason Hawking and Musk think AI is dangerous
L268[11:27:19] <Althego> let it be dangerous
L269[11:27:45] <JCB> eh.. Musk wants all cars AI driven
L270[11:27:46] <madmerlyn> if there's any real evidence of humanity's existence 1 billion years from now, it'll be in the form of AIs we've built that have managed to endure
L271[11:27:50] <Althego> humans die? nothing of value has been lost. as long as the machnes remember us as their creators, and store history and culture
L272[11:27:57] <ve2dmn> madmerlyn: There is an interesting video in the last CCC about 'corporation as very slow AI'
L273[11:28:08] <madmerlyn> yes but Musk started openAI or whatever to promote a conservative, safe development path of AI
L274[11:28:22] <madmerlyn> he has serious concerns about some of the military stuff etc. that's being developed
L275[11:29:17] <ve2dmn> If we build an AI, will it view us as a cat, a dog, a friend, a cow, a pig or a fly?
L276[11:29:21] <JCB> having a machine to decide who dies or lives... though that also depends on what sort of stuff you feed the machine to decide that. Or the limits
L277[11:29:53] <ve2dmn> Think about how, we, act toward other creatures and the AI will probably follow similar trend. Some more hardcore then others
L278[11:30:24] <madmerlyn> the key difference is AI won't have an impetus to kill and eat us
L279[11:30:42] <JCB> just hope the ai doesn't have a glitch..
L280[11:30:49] <madmerlyn> although if AI reaches "singularity" levels it could use our matter to reconfigure into micromachines
L281[11:30:52] <ve2dmn> madmerlyn: instead we will have 'Brave New World' or 'we lucky Few' as a distopia?
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L283[11:31:20] <ve2dmn> madmerlyn: or turn us into them, slowly, organ by organ
L284[11:31:33] <madmerlyn> borg.
L285[11:31:40] <ve2dmn> kind of
L286[11:31:40] <madmerlyn> AI turns us into borg
L287[11:31:48] <madmerlyn> but without the necessary organic component
L288[11:31:53] <JCB> then again.. with AI like with phones, people would probably want the next best thing, even if it comes out ever few weeks. This idea of the scene from i-robot... machine graveyard
L289[11:32:04] <ve2dmn> So, like in Stellaris: Assimilator, Exterminator or Rogue Servitor
L290[11:32:22] <madmerlyn> I doubt there'd be robot graveyards, there'd be robot recycling centers
L291[11:32:28] <ve2dmn> JCB: was it a good movie?
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L294[11:33:09] <JCB> guess it was ok.. was based on book, didn't really read it. Friend had a copy, though at the time was pretty young.
L295[11:33:28] <ve2dmn> I read the books, that's why I didn't see the film
L296[11:33:49] <ve2dmn> got told it vaguely ressembled the books...
L297[11:34:05] <JCB> some of it was filmed across the river from where I lived
L298[11:34:11] <madmerlyn> if you think about it, even the "latest model" will require a lot of the same components, there is already a demand to recycle them in that respect
L299[11:34:56] <madmerlyn> there might be landfills filled with parts of robots that weren't valuable or useful enough to recycle though, if we don't embrace recycling more aggressively by the time we're building AI robots en masse
L300[11:35:20] <JCB> CGI movie Robots was pretty good. Friend found he had to watch it several times and was still finding a lot of details he missed
L301[11:35:53] <JCB> sorta touches on the idea of tossing out the old, for newer, though not always in best interests.
L302[11:35:55] <Althego> i prefer the cybran nation from supcom
L303[11:36:00] <ve2dmn> Someone told me to watch 'ex-machina'
L304[11:36:59] <ve2dmn> Althego: so let the AI do the background process and do the strategic thinking?
L305[11:37:17] <Althego> it is not specified what the components do
L306[11:37:31] <Althego> they are jsut define themselves as an organic-ai hybrid
L307[11:37:46] <ve2dmn> Although, if I remember correctly, they are succeptible to 'hacking'
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L309[11:38:47] <JCB> ghost in the shell... people's implants could get hacked..
L310[11:38:54] <madmerlyn> sufficiently advanced AI could only feasibly be hacked by another advanced AI
L311[11:38:56] <ve2dmn> but I guess it makes them no different then to the religious cults in supcom
L312[11:39:17] <madmerlyn> once the AIs start designing themselves they'll be well beyond the realm of human capability to reverse engineer in a meaningful manner
L313[11:39:29] <JCB> heh.. I've seen someone hack a SNES through the game controller.. not easy but was able to turn it into another game
L314[11:39:41] <Althego> in supcome the only side that is moreally ok are the cybrans
L315[11:39:44] <madmerlyn> and SNES was designed by humans like 30 years ago
L316[11:39:56] <Althego> even though they have spiky red-black structures, they are the good
L317[11:39:59] <ve2dmn> JCB: SMB3 is now beatable under 2 sec thanks to that
L318[11:40:11] <Althego> the other two sides are out for destruction
L319[11:40:20] <Althego> or religious fanatics
L320[11:40:24] <JCB> meh... never cared for speed runs
L321[11:40:52] <ve2dmn> JCB: it's a tool assited speedrun... requires something like 8000 inputs per second
L322[11:41:31] <ve2dmn> All Hail our TASbot overlords
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L325[11:41:52] <JCB> ya.. they hooked a controller board to the game controller. exploited some kinks in the SNES hardware to get into the memory, change things around
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L327[11:47:05] <ve2dmn> great... my parents just lost power in this frigid weather. Let's hope the pipe don't burst
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L329[11:47:23] <Althego> that wouldnt have changed the heating here
L330[11:47:50] <ve2dmn> You probably don't have cheap power
L331[11:49:16] <madmerlyn> a lot of US homes have both cheap power and non-electric heating
L332[11:49:31] <Althego> heating has almost nothing to do with the powergrid
L333[11:49:33] <madmerlyn> especially in the north, where gas furnaces are more economical than heat pumps
L334[11:49:53] <ve2dmn> madmerlyn: I don't think you understand how 'cheap' we have it
L335[11:50:15] <madmerlyn> I have a heat pump because we only have on average a dozen or so days below freezing in my region
L336[11:50:25] <madmerlyn> but many homes even in my area still use gas for heating
L337[11:50:30] <madmerlyn> which does not require grid power to function
L338[11:51:26] <ve2dmn> madmerlyn: yes, but my electric bill, which include heating, is less then 150CAD per month
L339[11:51:47] <ve2dmn> can be as low as 45CAD some months
L340[11:51:49] <madmerlyn> in Canada I doubt you're using a pure electric heating system
L341[11:52:52] <madmerlyn> ground temperatures aren't stable enough unless you go deeper than normal for a heat pump, and using a thermal coil with raw AC isn't economical even with cheap electricity
L342[11:52:53] <ve2dmn> I know very few people with gas heating
L343[11:53:31] <ve2dmn> We aren't using heat pump below -15C if that is what you are thinking
L344[11:55:21] <ve2dmn> madmerlyn: see map: https://i.redd.it/in8gs5nlzmzz.jpg
L345[11:56:22] <madmerlyn> doesn't matter, if you're using a pure electric system to heat your home, you're going to use substantially more electricity to the point of it far exceeding market value for natural gas
L346[11:56:58] <JCB> we use gas here on west coast Canada.. but still need use of power
L347[11:57:59] <madmerlyn> if I lived up north I'd have a potbelly stove and/or generator
L348[11:58:17] <madmerlyn> let the convection from the stove push the air through the ventillation system
L349[11:58:26] <ve2dmn> https://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/11-526-s/2010001/t003-eng.htm
L350[11:59:25] <JCB> fellow I watch on youtube, sometimes heats his RV with a buddy heater... runs on propane bottles, doesn't need power
L351[11:59:50] <ve2dmn> JCB: compared to me, you don't really need heating at all :P
L352[12:00:15] <JCB> ve2dmn how do you figure?
L353[12:00:27] <ve2dmn> What's the current weather?
L354[12:00:53] <madmerlyn> -7C here right now
L355[12:02:01] <JCB> just coming out of -1 or so... suppose to warm up only slightly
L356[12:02:11] <ve2dmn> JCB: we had a cold advisory. Now it's lifted because it's 'only' -18C with no wind
L357[12:02:28] <JCB> most of Canada was under -10c or so the past few days
L358[12:02:43] <JCB> reginia was around -38c at night
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L360[12:02:54] <ve2dmn> Wind chill or not?
L361[12:03:23] <madmerlyn> TBF "most of Canada" is the Northern Territories where like 17 Inuit live.
L362[12:03:29] <ve2dmn> because if you account for wind chill, it was -46C in some places.
L363[12:03:46] <ve2dmn> madmerlyn: over 70% of the population was under a cold advisory
L364[12:04:09] <madmerlyn> doesn't 70% of the population live in the same region?
L365[12:04:27] <JCB> officially, no wind chill.. regina had low of -35c at night around dec 29-30
L366[12:04:49] <ve2dmn> 40% in Ontario, but the adivory stretched from Alberta all to way to Labrador
L367[12:05:23] <ve2dmn> so it covered Alberta, Ontario and Quebec, which is around 70% of the population
L368[12:06:12] <JCB> everyone, save for my area and far east coast was stuck under -10c or way less the past few days
L369[12:06:24] <madmerlyn> yeah this map shows the majority of the population being in 2 provinces, in 2 very small (relative) regions https://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/11-402-x/2010000/chap/geo/c-g/map1-eng.gif
L370[12:07:19] <ve2dmn> yes. The Qubec-Windsor corridor is where 60% of the population lives
L371[12:07:29] <ve2dmn> or close to
L372[12:08:34] <JCB> I'm in that purple area on the far west coast
L373[12:08:57] <ve2dmn> see graph: https://i.imgur.com/Caok5Jf.png
L374[12:11:09] <ve2dmn> The joke on reddit was that, since the advisory didn't cover Toronto at first 'nothing was happening in Canada'
L375[12:11:42] <JCB> people used to joke.. soon as you crossed into Canada, you'd hit year round snow.. and that eveyone lived in snow caves
L376[12:12:13] <petti> pfft, southerners
L377[12:12:27] <petti> greetings from the 62nd ;)
L378[12:13:08] <ve2dmn> petti: how's the weather?
L379[12:13:26] <JCB> meh.. 49th here..
L380[12:14:20] <JCB> cold don't bother me much. Wish we got more snow here...
L381[12:14:24] <petti> ve2dmn: rainy.. :D
L382[12:14:55] <JCB> rest of Canada ends up under dozen feet of snow, we end up drowning all the time
L383[12:14:57] <petti> no winter to speak of in 4 years or so
L384[12:15:45] <ve2dmn> I'm below the 49th and I have the same climate as Jyväskylä
L385[12:16:01] <Althego> winter has not been very.. wintery in the last 10 years
L386[12:16:14] <petti> yep, can't really compare the continents
L387[12:16:48] <JCB> not too sure who we'd compared with
L388[12:17:02] <ve2dmn> 45th to be more precise
L389[12:17:36] <JCB> mind you... we've had some summers which were nothing but sun for months.. no rain at all
L390[12:17:50] <petti> some part of siberia
L391[12:18:03] <ve2dmn> Average low in January: 12.C, average high in July: 26.6C
L392[12:18:49] <petti> I was in montreal a year ago, pretty breezy with -28 and high winds for a couple of days, otherwise it was quite ok
L393[12:19:05] <ve2dmn> For comparison, Jyväskylä (at 62°14.5′N) , has lows of 12C and highs of 21.8C
L394[12:19:13] <ve2dmn> so, kind of the same climate
L395[12:19:33] <petti> I'm on the coast so it's just wet and miserable
L396[12:20:16] <ve2dmn> petti: we just don't get the 14hours per month of sunlight in december
L397[12:20:18] <petti> not much difference between christmas and midsummer except for the amount of light :)
L398[12:21:13] <JCB> would love to take a drive up far north..
L399[12:21:39] <ve2dmn> JCB: I dream of going to see Auroras
L400[12:21:56] <ve2dmn> but it took me hours to get to the 50th parallel
L401[12:22:01] <petti> my brother has a house up at the arctic circle
L402[12:22:27] <petti> last time I visited the ground was frozen a bit on the morning of 1st of july
L403[12:23:13] <ve2dmn> petti: there is a lack of roads and civilization above the 50th parallel in Most of Quebec
L404[12:24:23] <petti> I've seen the tundra in google earth. pretty vast void.
L405[12:24:43] <ve2dmn> this entire region of 747161km^2 has a population of below 50k: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/12/LocationNord-du-Qu%C3%A9bec.png
L406[12:25:53] <JCB> ve2dmn I've seen.. well sorta
L407[12:26:11] <JCB> oddly enough, it came down as far south as my area once
L408[12:26:14] <ve2dmn> there are a few mines, but the entire thing is just too remote for anythingof economic value. And no good river
L409[12:26:46] <ve2dmn> JCB: It came down all the way to florida once. See http://www.spaceweather.com/
L410[12:27:35] <ve2dmn> right now: no sunspots
L411[12:29:19] <JCB> sun still in low cycle... they thinking its in some kind of other bigger cycle
L412[12:29:36] <ve2dmn> petti: The only issue I ever had with fins was over Santa
L413[12:30:16] <ve2dmn> JCB: our fourrier analysis of the Sun Cycle frequency is not perfect
L414[12:30:20] <JCB> also.. ouch.. 34km/s object...
L415[12:30:32] <JCB> wonder if thats our visitor from outside the system
L416[12:31:02] <ve2dmn> http://spaceweathergallery.com/indiv_upload.php?upload_id=141581
L417[12:31:10] <UmbralRaptor> http://www.astronomy.com/news/2017/11/close-calls-in-space
L418[12:31:25] <ve2dmn> I wanted to go to Iceland, but everyone seems to go there these days...
L419[12:32:59] <madmerlyn> Iceland is on my vacation list in the next decade or so
L420[12:33:06] <madmerlyn> want to go see the Aurora Borealis
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L422[12:34:24] <JCB> oh feh.. uses applet.. which doesn't work on 64 bit systems.. sigh
L423[12:40:23] <Althego> applet?
L424[12:40:41] <Althego> java applet from a galaxy far far away?
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L426[12:49:13] <JCB> website wanted to have java applet to show the astroid's orbit..
L427[12:49:30] <JCB> but since I'm on a 64 bit system.. it won't work
L428[12:50:04] <Althego> link?
L429[12:50:26] <ve2dmn> I went down the rabbit hole of comparing energy prices for 1 KWh equivalent in several regions
L430[12:52:26] <ve2dmn> The reasons I don't have gas heating is because the infrastructure is just not there. Very few pipes in the ground because electrification was the main focus of infrastructure construction
L431[12:53:09] <ve2dmn> It would probably be around 20% cheaper with gas heating, but the installation cost would be VERY high
L432[12:53:09] <JCB> I was looking at this astroid.. mostly for the fact it lists it at 34km/s
L433[12:53:10] <JCB> https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/sbdb.cgi?sstr=276033&orb=1
L434[12:54:01] <JCB> major city in my area wanted to have all gas and anything carbon related pulled out, turn everything into electric. Caused a bit of an uproar..
L435[12:54:25] <JCB> also turns out, an organization was trying to push for something and was getting a bit of a kick back from the electric company.. I think
L436[12:54:46] <ve2dmn> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/(276033)_2002_AJ129
L437[12:55:18] <madmerlyn> weaponized law, the reason we can't have proper progress in a lot of utilities.
L438[12:55:44] <Althego> oh wait i donteven have java installed lol
L439[12:56:45] <JCB> didn't java just get tossed out the window at some point a while back?
L440[12:56:57] <ve2dmn> madmerlyn: I would rather rant about my lack of proper internet then paying 20CAD more for heating every 2 months 6month per year
L441[12:57:07] <Althego> not really
L442[12:57:20] <Althego> "7 billion devices run java" - unchanged for many years :)
L443[12:57:29] <Althego> flash is almost dead
L444[12:57:39] <Althego> but both are almost as bad
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L447[12:59:50] <ve2dmn> For the record, my electric bill is lower then my Internet price
L448[13:00:01] <ve2dmn> by about 30-40%
L449[13:00:15] <JCB> eh well java doesn't run 64bit.. oh wel
L450[13:00:24] <User57893> so you have a very good energy saving home ;)
L451[13:00:41] <ve2dmn> I pay 70CAD per month on power, and more then 100CAD per month for crappy ADSL (uncapped)
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L454[13:02:04] <ve2dmn> User57893: not that much. My highest bill was 2788 kWh for 2 months and my lowest was 943 kwh for 2 month
L455[13:02:24] <ve2dmn> I'm bill every 2 month. why? no idea.
L456[13:02:37] <Althego> java is multi platform it should run on any system
L457[13:04:27] <JCB> found on Java's website: We have detected you are using the 64-bit version of Firefox which will not run the Java plugin.
L458[13:05:04] <JCB> also: The 64-bit version of Firefox does not support NPAPI plug-ins, including Java.
L459[13:05:13] <Althego> now that is a real reason
L460[13:05:25] <Althego> doesnt matter let it die peacefully
L461[13:06:16] <JCB> seems after firefox v52, it dropped java support
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L464[13:12:57] <ve2dmn> JCB: it should be dead by now
L465[13:13:05] <ve2dmn> but you found a zombie website
L466[13:13:21] <Althego> what is dead is java in browser then
L467[13:13:28] <Althego> java will be here for a long time
L468[13:13:33] <Althego> not that i want it
L469[13:14:17] <JCB> if it really came down to it.. I'd just drag the little laptop machine out.. since its only 32bit.. use that to check the site.
L470[13:14:31] <JCB> not a big deal.. I found a rough idea of the orbital path on google images..
L471[13:14:55] <JCB> I'm just kind of wasting time.. trying to push my sleep back to normal again.
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L476[13:38:53] <Lili-Anna> Hey, everybody.
L477[13:39:08] <Althego> hi
L478[13:39:10] <Mod9000> Hello, Althego
L479[13:39:12] <Althego> argh
L480[13:39:17] <Althego> i hate it when it does that
L481[13:39:31] <Lili-Anna> How are you?
L482[13:39:40] <User57893> hey. Fine thx
L483[13:40:13] <Lili-Anna> No problem. <Smiles softly>
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L486[13:46:22] <madmerlyn> https://thenextweb.com/opinion/2018/01/02/comcast-celebrates-repeal-of-net-neutrality-by-hiking-prices-in-2018/
L487[13:46:35] <Althego> haha
L488[13:49:02] <Lili-Anna> Hey, Madmerlyn.
L489[13:49:17] <madmerlyn> hi
L490[13:49:19] <Mod9000> Hello, madmerlyn
L491[13:49:33] <Lili-Anna> How are you?
L492[13:49:56] <madmerlyn> it's 2018 and I still have 1 viable ISP option at my residence. Well at least I have my health.
L493[13:50:08] <Althego> hehe
L494[13:51:22] <madmerlyn> local electric Co-op needs to hurry their rollout up
L495[13:51:34] <Althego> transform and rollout! :)
L496[13:51:35] <madmerlyn> I want uncapped fiber internet from a company I actually have faith in
L497[13:51:52] <Althego> and oddly fitting, because transformers are regularly used by electric companies :)
L498[13:52:25] <madmerlyn> yeah local coop, Ozarks Electric, has started a secondary company with the goal of providing FTTH to all their customers, even rural ones
L499[13:53:02] <petti> Blaank: did you see this yet? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ymcvZtkokQ (I remembered you asked about space engineers but good)
L500[13:53:03] <kmath> YouTube - Stationeers - Building A Space Station using Both Hands
L501[13:53:05] <madmerlyn> I'm unfortunately in a neighborhood that doesn't have them for electric BUT I'm sandwiched in between 2 rural areas that they do service so their fiber lines are going to come right through my neighborhood on the way there anyway
L502[13:53:21] <madmerlyn> so I'm in their "future service" category atm
L503[13:53:29] <madmerlyn> probably 5 years out I'd wager
L504[13:53:59] <madmerlyn> just long enough for Cox to really screw me with their deregulation victory last month
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L507[13:56:43] <JCB> petti derp.. just finished watching that... sorta 'ummm.. like the idea of the game physics.. not sold on the style they went with'
L508[13:58:10] <petti> yeah, it's not for me for sure
L509[13:58:53] <JCB> ugh, why's everything gotta be on steam
L510[13:59:21] <petti> where else should it be
L511[14:00:27] <JCB> develeoper's site?
L512[14:01:05] <petti> I prefer shopping from one place
L513[14:01:33] <petti> as long as it does not mean too much DRM and such trouble
L514[14:01:45] <JCB> I wouldn't mind getting space engineers, but its, having to get setup on steam, having to get setup on paypal, having to register the game through online means before can even play it...
L515[14:02:07] <madmerlyn> https://arstechnica.com/science/2018/01/spacex-will-try-to-launch-the-mysterious-zuma-satellite-again-thursday/
L516[14:02:34] <petti> paypal is pretty low hassle and secure since no credit card is required
L517[14:03:10] <petti> I didn't like the whole steamy thing until I actually started using it, now it seems to work OK for most things.
L518[14:03:51] <petti> I wasn't too happy though when I bought skyrim on physical media and... well it required me to register into steam in order to play my game off the DVD...
L519[14:04:04] <JCB> I heard a few things in the past, issues people had with steam.. but who knows now. Guess maybe I'm old, like actual physical copies. Not just a right to use code
L520[14:04:05] <petti> but then again that might have been the last game I bought on a disc.
L521[14:04:54] <JCB> lol.. physical media not so physical... its just a 'link' to get you started in downloading the game, then register it
L522[14:05:06] <petti> yeah, that sucks
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L532[14:25:45] <Althego> haha
L533[14:26:51] <madmerlyn> I think I might actually do a r/KSP challenge this week
L534[14:27:08] <Althego> what is the challenge?
L535[14:27:26] <madmerlyn> it's a duna land and return mission, no more than 10t, each kerbin launch can only contribute 2t
L536[14:27:36] <madmerlyn> hard mode is no fuel transferring
L537[14:28:03] <Althego> so you have to assemble a duna mission in orbit from 2 t payloads?
L538[14:28:06] <madmerlyn> and now I think I understand why normal mode is easier.. you could lift 2t of drymass and siphon fuel off the lifter for it?
L539[14:28:08] <Althego> or 2 t vehicles?
L540[14:28:09] <madmerlyn> yes
L541[14:28:27] <madmerlyn> 2t per launch, but can be assembled into larger vessel
L542[14:28:52] <madmerlyn> I'm thinking of doing like a cupcake lander style deal, command chair inside a service bay
L543[14:29:08] <madmerlyn> I also think the wording says it has to be assembled in low orbit
L544[14:29:29] <madmerlyn> so I'm thinking for launch vehicle I use my stock mk3 spaceplane the "Gallahad" and park my pieces at 245km orbit
L545[14:29:35] <madmerlyn> still technically low orbit :P
L546[14:30:01] <madmerlyn> assemble and transfer out from there
L547[14:30:52] <Althego> what does it mean fuel transfer between parts?
L548[14:31:03] <Althego> by the fuel transfer menu? or by the normal flow?
L549[14:31:12] <madmerlyn> I've found at ~250km what you lose in Oberth isn't greater than the difference in cost vs. transferring out from a lower orbit
L550[14:31:21] <madmerlyn> I think they mean manually moving fuel around
L551[14:31:34] <madmerlyn> like you can't launch a dry tank and then fill it up
L552[14:33:38] <Althego> this shouldnt be too hard
L553[14:34:18] <madmerlyn> 10t is a pretty slim budget though
L554[14:34:21] <Althego> i just dont like the fact the small payload would mean more wasted fuel
L555[14:34:41] <madmerlyn> only if you were using an oversized rocket
L556[14:34:56] <madmerlyn> the "scenario" was that the only rocket available could only lift a 2t payload, but could be reused
L557[14:35:35] <Althego> i think it would be better normally to put the whole thing on a single rocket
L558[14:35:48] <madmerlyn> if you had a rocket capable of that sure
L559[14:36:05] <madmerlyn> I think the idea is combining orbital assembly with a low tonnage interplanetary mission
L560[14:36:35] <madmerlyn> the part I'm pondering is assembly tugs.. do you have to use that as part of your payload?
L561[14:36:48] <madmerlyn> it's too bad there isn't a stock canadarm :P
L562[14:37:01] <Althego> why would you need that?
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L564[14:37:23] <madmerlyn> put your 2t in orbit, use arm to dock all the pieces together, no need to waste mass on RCS or vernors
L565[14:37:24] <Althego> you just need to slam few tanks and engines together
L566[14:37:49] <Althego> like the whole 1 unit of rcs need normally?
L567[14:37:57] <Althego> and can even skip on that
L568[14:38:01] <madmerlyn> how do you put just 1 unit of RCS in it?
L569[14:38:11] <Althego> no, i mean that is what is needed for a docking
L570[14:38:13] <Althego> or even less
L571[14:38:23] <Althego> and certianly it is possible to dock without rcs
L572[14:38:59] <madmerlyn> maybe.. since the payload just has to be 2t, I can design my rocket so the upper stage is also the docking probe
L573[14:39:25] <madmerlyn> that way no wasted mass on the final vessel
L574[14:40:03] <User57893> u can use an extra "vehicle" for docking
L575[14:40:15] <Althego> not needed
L576[14:40:24] <madmerlyn> I think I'm going to try Apollo style though, have a lightweight lander for Duna, and a transfer vessel to meet up with in orbit
L577[14:40:36] <Althego> obviously the best
L578[14:40:58] <oren> space train
L579[14:41:24] <oren> lander with side engines at front, buncha fuel tanks behind it
L580[14:41:49] <madmerlyn> I posted on reddit asking if all parts have to return to kerbin
L581[14:42:00] <Althego> but that also causes some overead, and from duna to kerbin is less than from duna surface to duna orbit
L582[14:42:01] <madmerlyn> it's very vague on the requirements for returning
L583[14:42:20] <madmerlyn> if I can ditch the lander after making orbit again it makes everything a lot easier
L584[14:42:33] <Althego> it doesnt say that everything has to return
L585[14:42:48] <Althego> but wouldnt matter much anyway because of the overhead
L586[14:42:56] <madmerlyn> well the wording is: Assemble a craft in low orbit around Kerbin in 5 launches, then fly it to Duna and back
L587[14:43:43] <Althego> i would interpret it (based on the premise): land a kerbal on it on duna and then make it back with the surface sample
L588[14:44:29] <madmerlyn> so you think taking the whole vessel to surface and back would be more practical in 10t gross mass than a lightweight lander would?
L589[14:45:37] <Althego> no
L590[14:45:53] <madmerlyn> I didn't know IR was allowed in subreddit challenges, that seems like it would make a lot of things easier
L591[14:45:58] <Althego> i say it is practical to havea single 10 t launch, but the challenge explicitly forbids it
L592[14:46:11] <Althego> without actually limiting anything, because docking ports are light
L593[14:46:53] <Althego> i would leave the return craft in duna orbit
L594[14:47:24] <Althego> if i found it hard to make an ssto from duna to kerbin
L595[14:47:34] <Althego> but that is probably not too hard, did that many times
L596[14:47:42] <Althego> one docking less
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L598[14:48:14] <Althego> but even then, i would lose some stages going to duna
L599[14:48:17] <madmerlyn> well really you don't even have to dock with a dedicated lander, just rendezvous
L600[14:48:36] <madmerlyn> provided it was attached to the main craft without a docking port somehow
L601[14:48:37] <Althego> because the goal is to get the surface ssample
L602[14:48:41] <Althego> in 2t payload launches
L603[14:49:20] <Althego> you dont even need a cabin for that
L604[14:49:26] <madmerlyn> Redbiertje confirmed just the kerbal needs to come back
L605[14:49:30] <Althego> i just usually avoid cabinless designs
L606[14:49:47] <madmerlyn> and he said transferring fuel after landing at Duna for balancing purposes is ok
L607[14:49:52] <Althego> now if you combine that with a crew report, then you would need a cabin too
L608[14:50:51] <madmerlyn> and he said SSTO planes are allowed as launch vehicle
L609[14:51:19] <madmerlyn> so I'll just send a mk3 plane up to 245km orbit with an assembly probe since probe won't count against weight requirements
L610[14:53:48] <ConductingCat> :3
L611[14:53:52] <madmerlyn> Althego I think another reason the 2t requirement is there: it disallows Nukes
L612[14:53:58] <Althego> obviously
L613[14:55:12] <Althego> can i go to laythe instead? :)
L614[14:56:11] <madmerlyn> can you build a mass efficient stock prop in less than 2t? Would the lift from a stock prop be enough to realize mass efficiency over just using that mass for additional fuel?
L615[14:56:32] <Althego> a stock prop gives you infinite delta v
L616[14:56:43] <Althego> the problem is it d oesnt give you infinite speed
L617[14:57:18] <madmerlyn> right, and Duna's atmo is small, so can you save enough dv by flying a stock prop through Duna's atmosphere instead of burning out of it
L618[14:57:26] <Althego> no
L619[14:57:35] <Althego> on eve however
L620[14:58:04] <Althego> you can fly up with it to say 10 km where the remainig chemical engines would be more efficient, thus needing less fuel
L621[14:58:55] <madmerlyn> if you use an external command chair lander, can you get to the surface of Duna safely without retrothrust using a parachute you think?
L622[14:59:19] <Althego> it is still better to pack at least an ant
L623[14:59:36] <Althego> or maybe try one of the small metal plates as lending leg
L624[14:59:45] <madmerlyn> ha, can you make orbit with only 2kN of thrust?
L625[14:59:46] <Althego> the half sized i beam like thingie
L626[15:00:05] <Althego> not sure, but it would be enough to land you with a parachute
L627[15:00:26] <Althego> the problem is the atmosphere is not enough for a parachute lannding normally
L628[15:00:47] <Althego> so even with a tiny engine and a minimal amount of fuel you are lighter than the amount of parachutes needed
L629[15:01:04] <madmerlyn> I was thinking like an oscar with a spark on it and a reaction wheel + command chair
L630[15:01:15] <Althego> or pack a crush zone that explodes, or some tolerant parts
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L632[15:01:40] <Althego> anyway for landing you probably dont need more than 200 m/s
L633[15:01:58] <Althego> if you are lightenough
L634[15:02:05] <Althego> or have one parachute
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L640[15:12:31] <oren> lol I use better atmospheres and FAR so all this talk about duna's atmosphere and I'm like what atmosphere
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L642[15:12:56] <ve2dmn> FAR got rid of the Duna atmosphere?
L643[15:13:25] <madmerlyn> FAR is an allowed mod
L644[15:13:32] <ve2dmn> I know someone made a stock plane that uses only Xenon and made it into orbit...
L645[15:13:33] <oren> er, I meant realistic atmospheres
L646[15:13:43] <ve2dmn> ...BEFORE the ion drive was boosted
L647[15:14:29] <oren> FAR doesn't get rid of Duna's atmosphere but it does mean you can't really fly
L648[15:14:56] <oren> even with huge wings, you can't fly on duna any slower than mach 1.5
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L650[15:15:24] <ve2dmn> What's the speed of sound in the Martian atmosphere?
L651[15:15:29] ⇨ Joins: Supernovy (Supernovy!~Supernovy@122-61-20-42.jetstream.xtra.co.nz)
L652[15:15:45] <Supernovy> Evening, Gentlemen.
L653[15:16:10] <ve2dmn> a quick google says the speed of sound on Mars is 240m/s
L654[15:16:46] <oren> realistic atmospheres does help a little, by making duna's atmosphere deeper (up to 70 km)
L655[15:17:03] <ve2dmn> so Mach 1 on mars would be 864km/h
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L657[15:18:27] <oren> relistic atmospheres makes Eve flybys even more broken, because Eve's atmosphere only goes up to 55 km because of the high lapse rate caused by eve's high gravity
L658[15:19:02] <ve2dmn> I wonder if kOS knows this
L659[15:20:15] <oren> flying by Eve at 90 km is broken enough but you can basically reverse your trajectory relative to Eve with a 55 km flyby
L660[15:24:19] <ve2dmn> dammit ksp crashed
L661[15:24:50] <madmerlyn> bummer
L662[15:25:05] <madmerlyn> I haven't had any KSP crashes since I stopped using Steam overlay (on Linux)
L663[15:25:40] <ve2dmn> it always crashes on load
L664[15:26:58] <madmerlyn> ve2dmn you gonna do this week's reddit challenge?
L665[15:27:04] <madmerlyn> I think it's going to be my project tonight
L666[15:27:40] <ve2dmn> what's the challenge?
L667[15:28:37] <madmerlyn> Duna landing and back, maximum weight 10, can only launch 2t at a time, hard mode no fuel transfers
L668[15:29:01] <madmerlyn> so basically you can assemble a vessel up to 10t in low orbit, with only 2 tons per launch
L669[15:29:12] <ve2dmn> that's beyond my habilities, but I could try
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L671[15:29:34] <madmerlyn> well the payload only has to be 2t per launch, launch vehicle can be as big as you need
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L673[15:29:54] <madmerlyn> I'm going to send my pieces up in a spaceplane to 245km orbit and use a tug on the plane to assemble the pieces
L674[15:31:19] <madmerlyn> I'm thinking a cupcake-style lander will be light and draggy enough to land and return from Duna cheaply enough
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L678[15:39:05] <ve2dmn> I wish I could run ksp in borderless window mode
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L681[15:45:06] <madmerlyn> play on linux and you can just put it in its own workspace :P
L682[15:45:39] <ve2dmn> I could, that's true
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L685[15:48:07] <ve2dmn> wow... I have 100m/s of dv to make my 350km orbit into a 375km one for rendez-vous with my space hotel
L686[15:48:20] <ve2dmn> ...out of an initial value of 5540
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L689[15:57:03] <madmerlyn> one thing I love about doing Hohmann transfers in Kerbin orbit, super easy to set up
L690[15:57:18] <madmerlyn> just push your AP out and move the node around the orbit until you get a super close encounter
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L693[15:58:39] <ve2dmn> I tried to go directly to 350km from ground
L694[16:00:29] <madmerlyn> direct rendezvous are hard to do manually, that's why I don't do them :P
L695[16:01:00] <madmerlyn> even when I have rescue contracts that are in the 70-80km range, I usually just push my rescue craft into a higher orbit to catch them
L696[16:01:03] <ve2dmn> the timing was real bad. They are at the opposite sides of kerbin.
L697[16:01:19] <ve2dmn> I might revert and do it again at 80km
L698[16:01:23] <madmerlyn> in that case you almost certainly should have parked in a lower orbit and did a Hohmann
L699[16:01:54] <ve2dmn> I'm trying to see what used less dV. Then I'll try doing the math :D
L700[16:02:19] <madmerlyn> I know for a fact going from like 175km to 350km with Hohmann around Kerbin with similar inclination will put you around 80m/s relative at encounter
L701[16:03:03] <ve2dmn> I just want a 'close enough encouter' that I can then wait out with KAC
L702[16:03:33] <madmerlyn> park in 175km orbit and Hohmann out and you can make encounter in less than 2 orbits every time
L703[16:03:47] <madmerlyn> which comes out to like what.. 1 in game hour?
L704[16:04:18] <madmerlyn> less time than timewarping for the optimal launch window I'd wager
L705[16:04:39] <madmerlyn> the dv savings for direct ascent probably isn't significant either
L706[16:04:54] <madmerlyn> maybe 100m/s or so that you spent on circularization at lower orbit
L707[16:06:53] <ve2dmn> say you have a 100kmx175km orbit. which would be more efficient: several burns at 100km to raise to 350km or a single burn at 175km and then circularise at 350km.
L708[16:07:02] <ve2dmn> I'm thinking the low orbit is better
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L710[16:07:11] <ve2dmn> because Hoffman
L711[16:07:38] <madmerlyn> the higher eccentricity can increase your relative velocity on the final encounter though, increasing the amount of dv you have to spend there
L712[16:08:16] <madmerlyn> and doing it that way would require you wait until your phase angle is right so you can do your burn at peri to benefit from oberth
L713[16:08:37] <ve2dmn> right
L714[16:09:09] <madmerlyn> a proper circular to circular Hohmann maneuver you don't have to wait for phase angles, you just burn at the appropriate spot in your own orbit
L715[16:09:47] <ve2dmn> but then my encouter would be at high speed and I don't think I have enough thrust
L716[16:09:52] <madmerlyn> and even still, doing the eccentric one will increase circularization cost on the final orbit
L717[16:09:59] <madmerlyn> due to higher relative velocity coming in
L718[16:10:28] <ve2dmn> this is also a test of my kOS scripts... so this is not my first revert :D
L719[16:10:37] <ve2dmn> because 'check yo staging'
L720[16:11:18] <madmerlyn> I'd love to see math etc., oberth is a 2 way street AFAIK, you're saving by pushing apo out at peri, but then you have to circularize at apo which is much more highly eccentric than it would've been
L721[16:11:47] <madmerlyn> I imagine the difference in dv costs is going to be very similar to just circularizing at 175km, but I've been wrong many times before
L722[16:12:50] <ve2dmn> which is why I was trying to go to 350km from ground directly. The target is slightly above 350, so I would have an encouter eventually
L723[16:14:10] <ve2dmn> The point was to get out of the atmosphere as soon as possible to limit air resistance, then burn at AP (350)
L724[16:15:07] <madmerlyn> you should see what costs are for KSC>175km then Hohmann are vs. KSC>350 rendezvous
L725[16:15:26] <madmerlyn> I personally default to Hohmann just because it's so much easier heh
L726[16:16:05] <ve2dmn> yeah. But in this case, it's mostly automated, so I just want to see what I could do
L727[16:17:12] <madmerlyn> on the case of kOS scripts, I think I'm going to put some logic in mine to better tune the target orbit
L728[16:18:09] <madmerlyn> like maybe have an if statement during the main loop during "coasting stage" that if the current AP drops below the orbitHeight parameter to burn 10% at prograde until orbitHeight is exceeded again
L729[16:20:31] <madmerlyn> because drag losses are dropping my orbits by as much as 5km on some launches
L730[16:20:57] <madmerlyn> what I've been doing is just manually specifying like 178km instead of 175
L731[16:21:06] <madmerlyn> but I'd like it to be a bit more precise on the final orbit
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L739[16:57:13] <ve2dmn> going for a transfer orbit left me with 1000m/s more dV
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L742[17:20:48] <oren> If the rover can't land on Moho even with the extended-range ion upper stage, I think I'll have to do a manned mission with a much much larger craft
L743[17:22:50] <oren> last attempt had 10km/s, this one has 11 km/s and will flyby Eve to save some
L744[17:23:19] <ve2dmn> pff. just make it 17km/s. Problem solved
L745[17:23:56] <oren> ve2dmn: Last time I went to Moho it was a manned mission using ion clusters, and had over 50 km/s
L746[17:28:19] <oren> of course that was using the super-OP nuclear reactors
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L749[17:33:06] <oren> this time for my endgame ultracruisers I can use open-cycle gas core nuclear rockets
L750[17:38:04] <ve2dmn> arrgh... I assembled a pair of docking ports upside down...
L751[17:38:10] <ve2dmn> I have to do everything AGAIN
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L761[18:19:40] <madmerlyn> oh hi there
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L763[18:23:19] <JCB> blep
L764[18:26:51] <madmerlyn> blep, it's like pleb but less Roman
L765[18:27:03] <JCB> eh...
L766[18:28:32] * JCB face-palms while trying to find a pic...
L767[18:28:32] <JCB> https://i.redd.it/lqscwhijuspz.jpg
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L769[18:34:43] <JCB> ugh good thing I hadn't started recording... -dragged off to help room mate with something, sigh...
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L771[18:36:19] <madmerlyn> external command seat, does navball prograde point the same direction kerbal is facing?
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L776[18:54:37] <whales> that pic is some goooood blep action
L777[18:56:17] <ve2dmn> wow, Rover didn't lie when he said that compressin the Contruction docking ports could wake the Kraken
L778[18:59:11] <ve2dmn> KSP, where the speed of light can be done by unplanned explosions
L779[19:07:19] <darsie> Are there also slow or thorough saves? All I ever see are quick saves.
L780[19:09:08] <ve2dmn> MOD-F5
L781[19:09:19] <ve2dmn> you can rename your saves and have more then 1
L782[19:09:51] <ve2dmn> also, I believe KAC can be configured to save before each scene load
L783[19:10:02] <madmerlyn> so dv map says duna is 1450dv to make orbit, that's not my experience so far :P
L784[19:13:27] <madmerlyn> I'm not even making it with 1900dv, hrm
L785[19:15:59] <madmerlyn> taking huge drag losses
L786[19:16:38] <ve2dmn> same map says 3400 m/s for orbit around Kerbin
L787[19:16:52] <madmerlyn> I can make kerbin orbit in 3400 dv though
L788[19:16:59] <ve2dmn> I can't
L789[19:17:30] <ve2dmn> usually takes me more because of the lower ground ISP
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L792[19:19:01] <madmerlyn> hrm
L793[19:19:09] <madmerlyn> now I need to figure out what I'm doing wrong or change lander design
L794[19:20:33] <madmerlyn> according to KER I shouldn't be losing hardly any engine efficiency from duna's atmosphere
L795[19:21:09] <madmerlyn> 3.3m/s is and 0.209kN of thrust is all I lose at sea level on Duna
L796[19:21:15] <madmerlyn> and I landed at an altitude of 3km
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L798[19:23:34] <ve2dmn> *sigh*
L799[19:23:58] <ve2dmn> I used Contruction ports to make sure things were aligned to 90 degree angles...
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L802[19:24:38] <ve2dmn> except for one port... which I already compressed...
L803[19:26:07] <madmerlyn> so I think it's drag losses, though I'm not sure why I'm getting such huge drag
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L805[19:44:18] <JCB> madmerlyn whats wrong?
L806[19:44:54] <madmerlyn> trying to make orbit on this Duna lander I made and even with 1930dv it's not getting anywhere close to orbit
L807[19:44:58] <bees> madmerlyn: lander is small, right?
L808[19:45:03] <madmerlyn> yes
L809[19:45:05] <bees> madmerlyn: and lander has horrible aerodynamics, right?
L810[19:45:07] <bees> this is your answer
L811[19:45:20] <bees> you are trying to orbit a feather, relatively speaking
L812[19:45:24] <JCB> you following your vector or you trying to force it over?
L813[19:45:38] <madmerlyn> I've tried a ton of different ascent vectors heh
L814[19:45:50] <JCB> got a pic?
L815[19:45:51] <bees> you would be surprised how much normal little lander parts add drag
L816[19:46:01] <bees> especially with small crafts
L817[19:46:37] <bees> 1450dv assumes a streamlined rocket, not a something with 100x things attached to it
L818[19:46:54] <JCB> I was trying to land on the mun a few times with 700dv.. I only needed 580 exactly.. I still was running out of fuel. granted its airless but what the problem was my correction vectoring was eating up dv
L819[19:47:29] <JCB> depends on how you mounted those things to your craft.. part clipping does cut back a little I think
L820[19:47:42] <JCB> on the flip side, parts clipping has been known to cause krakkens
L821[19:48:02] <bees> part clipping has been known to cause low fps
L822[19:48:18] <bees> this is the main reason i unclip to have a small airgap
L823[19:48:31] <JCB> for me.. fps drop usually caused by parts count rather than clipping
L824[19:48:38] <bees> this way it stops constantly calculating something and fps jumps to the sky
L825[19:48:54] <bees> most radially attached boosters are affected
L826[19:49:17] <bees> this is a very easy way to drastically increase your launch fps - airgap all radial boosters
L827[19:49:28] <JCB> it also depends on how good a system you've got.. whats in the background
L828[19:49:30] <bees> and preferably all radial things on your craft
L829[19:49:49] <JCB> i usually don't do big craft anyways
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L831[19:55:33] <madmerlyn> alright made a much larger lander that still fits in the challenge parameters that should be aerodynamic
L832[20:03:07] <madmerlyn> ok that worked a lot better
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L834[20:07:52] <madmerlyn> course with it being more aerodynamic I had to use more engine to not crash on landing :P
L835[20:10:07] <JCB> ya well.. tradeoffs
L836[20:10:21] <JCB> maybe consider airbrakes?
L837[20:10:42] <ve2dmn> I don't think that's allowed
L838[20:11:00] <JCB> and what exactly is the challenge parameters?
L839[20:11:35] <madmerlyn> https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/7nocmw/weekly_challenge_week_149_roads_to_duna/
L840[20:11:46] <madmerlyn> airbrakes are allowed, but possibly heavy
L841[20:11:56] ⇨ Joins: ckindley (ckindley!~ckindley@c-73-96-55-219.hsd1.or.comcast.net)
L842[20:13:06] <ve2dmn> Well... the new Space Hotel is officially Open
L843[20:13:10] <ve2dmn> it needs a name
L844[20:13:23] <JCB> I don't see anything saying airbrakes aren't allowed... its a stoke part
L845[20:13:25] <JCB> er stock
L846[20:13:45] <madmerlyn> but each 1 is 50kg :/
L847[20:13:57] <madmerlyn> I'm already using a parachute to cut down the velocity
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L849[20:14:14] <madmerlyn> also airbrakes are HUGE compared to my lander heh
L850[20:14:42] <Lili-Anna> Hello, again! Again, hello.
L851[20:15:21] <JCB> well there are big airbrakes, then there are the little control surfaces which can be made to act as airbrakes if done right
L852[20:15:49] <JCB> I'll sometimes use sets on my aircraft to help slow it down.. even act like flaps, though I think KSP gets weird on them sometimes
L853[20:19:24] <ve2dmn> Should I go with 'Orbits Inn' or 'Super 8000'
L854[20:20:38] <ve2dmn> Or maybe even 'Rent-a-Space'
L855[20:20:47] <JCB> Orb-i-shack
L856[20:21:17] <JCB> .... space closet..?
L857[20:21:42] <JCB> I have a hard enough time trying to come up with a name for my LKO or munar orbit stations
L858[20:22:34] <ve2dmn> Orbit Estate Space & Spa
L859[20:23:01] <ve2dmn> Orbitside Resort
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L861[20:25:28] <JCB> keep wanting to do an orbiting mun shack..
L862[20:26:39] <ve2dmn> JCB: I have Tourism+. A Kerbin Space hotel is one of the main contract
L863[20:27:09] <ve2dmn> I also have to a a 100kerbal-with-4-asteroid-space-casino
L864[20:27:50] <ve2dmn> 'Where your money has all the weigh'
L865[20:28:54] <JCB> not really a hotel.. I had a bunch of tourists wanna go around the mun in one go..
L866[20:29:09] <JCB> >_> oh.. that ryhmed
L867[20:30:29] <ve2dmn> anyway. While the hotel is 'opened' it's not 100% operational: it lacks any supplies for now
L868[20:31:41] <ve2dmn> And a new contract was generated: bring 37 tourist to our Space hotel: Exosphere Inn
L869[20:31:43] <JCB> kerbals vs classic space lego.. mini figures... or something
L870[20:32:25] <ve2dmn> madmerlyn: I'll need a good spaceplane to carry 37 kerbal to 350km... any suggestions?
L871[20:32:42] <madmerlyn> stock or are OPT wings + Mk4 ok? ;)
L872[20:32:56] <ve2dmn> .. stock
L873[20:33:58] <ve2dmn> OPT should really be named OP-Tech
L874[20:34:22] <madmerlyn> this might do it, swap the nose out for a shielded docking port and stick a mk1 can inside the service bay https://kerbalx.com/madmerlyn/Gallahad-LC-XL-Mk1
L875[20:34:32] <ve2dmn> Anyway, I barely have Mk2 plane parts unlocked. I need MORE SCIENCE
L876[20:34:33] <madmerlyn> and I don't use the OPT engines, just the wings :P
L877[20:34:45] <madmerlyn> oh well 37 kerbals on mk2 is no small feat
L878[20:35:39] <ve2dmn> I'll have to do several planes
L879[20:36:20] <madmerlyn> I swear KER doesn't understand multipart vessels at all sometime
L880[20:37:02] <madmerlyn> add a tank to this craft, of which 1.125/1.6 tons of it is REACTION MASS, KER estimates my dv drops by 1400
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L882[20:43:57] <madmerlyn> alright I think I have mission planned, but I'll deal with it tomorrow
L883[20:45:13] <madmerlyn> that test does have me wondering if my rover bay on the bottom of my Lockheed style lander is going to cause drag losses on Duna.. although it has a LOT more mass than the lander I was just using
L884[20:45:21] <ve2dmn> interestingly, my probe heading for Jool is relaying its' signal through the probe heading for Eeloo
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L887[20:59:38] *** Lili-Anna is now known as ElizabethMoore
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L890[21:07:26] <ElizabethMoore> Hello...
L891[21:07:28] <Mod9000> Hello, ElizabethMoore
L892[21:08:01] <ElizabethMoore> Hi. <Smiles weakly> How are you?
L893[21:11:04] <ElizabethMoore> Everyone has become so quiet.
L894[21:13:33] ⇦ Quits: lqid (lqid!~lqid@ (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
L895[21:14:44] <JCB> hello..
L896[21:14:45] <JCB> kinda here
L897[21:14:46] <Mod9000> Hello, JCB
L898[21:15:06] <JCB> rwar..?
L899[21:15:39] <ElizabethMoore> Hi... You wouldn't know of a welcoming channel, would you?..
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L901[21:16:48] <ElizabethMoore> I'm in need of a conversation, and I can't find one anywhere.
L902[21:17:30] <JCB> suppose I should eventually stick in a proper irc client.. I've just been using the web based one off the squad/ksp site. actually, I never closed the tab since finding it.
L903[21:17:48] <JCB> otherwise.. it probably be a lot easier to go digging through the channels
L904[21:17:49] <madmerlyn> Hexchat
L905[21:18:22] <ElizabethMoore> Thanks, Madmerlyn. ^^
L906[21:18:32] <madmerlyn> that's an IRC client, not a channel
L907[21:18:57] <JCB> I might just grab a copy of mIRC off my other machine or something.. eventually
L908[21:19:05] <ElizabethMoore> Ah, okay. <Nods, smiling a little>
L909[21:19:19] <madmerlyn> :/
L910[21:19:55] <ElizabethMoore> I am very new to this, apparently. (I've only heard of three places now. Freenode, Hexchat, and....forgotten name.)
L911[21:20:45] <madmerlyn> freenode is an IRC network, this is Esper
L912[21:20:53] <madmerlyn> Hexchat is software to connect to IRC with
L913[21:21:41] <madmerlyn> this channel specifically is mostly about Kerbal Space Program as well as RL Space Exploration in general
L914[21:22:23] <madmerlyn> on that note.. SpaceX is launching Zuma payload on Friday
L915[21:22:23] <JCB> as well as the odd occasional silliness on just about any random thing it seems
L916[21:22:28] <ElizabethMoore> Alright. (I'm completely clueless in IRC subjects, as well as any video/online games.)
L917[21:22:44] <JCB> madmerlyn correction. The /mysterious/ Zuma payload :P
L918[21:23:16] <madmerlyn> what got you looking for chatrooms? Just bored?
L919[21:23:42] <JCB> apparently us Canadians is gearing towards getting our own launch facility over on the east coast, to be finished sometime by 2020
L920[21:23:46] <ElizabethMoore> A friend invited me.
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L923[21:24:36] <ElizabethMoore> I haven't seen the person in a while, so I branched off from what little I knew.
L924[21:25:26] <ElizabethMoore> I'm here for the people. Conversation,
L925[21:25:36] <ElizabethMoore> *people and conversation.
L926[21:25:49] <JCB> eh well.. can't have one without the other...
L927[21:25:53] <JCB> unless you like talk'n to yourslef
L928[21:27:08] <ElizabethMoore> I don't particularly enjoy it, but it can be relaxing.
L929[21:27:50] <ve2dmn> madmerlyn: do we have more info on Zuma?
L930[21:28:07] <madmerlyn> if you ask Alex Jones it's a mind control satellite I'm sure
L931[21:28:51] <madmerlyn> who knows though, secret US Government launches are always hard to make sense of as a civilian
L932[21:29:01] <ElizabethMoore> I meant conversation; something more than polite greetings and small topics.
L933[21:29:28] <JCB> just that its for NRO...
L934[21:29:37] <JCB> it'll be low orbit.. they guessing spy sat
L935[21:29:40] <madmerlyn> I really still don't understand what you're looking for, we have conversations here.. about space.
L936[21:30:13] <ElizabethMoore> Alright....thanks.
L937[21:30:45] <ve2dmn> sigh
L938[21:31:44] <madmerlyn> smells a lot like catfish
L939[21:31:44] <ve2dmn> JCB: we should annex the Turks and Caicos Islands and put the launch site there
L940[21:32:11] <JCB> meh.. I"m quite happy for having a site on our own lands
L941[21:32:23] <JCB> churchill used to launch sounding rockets..
L942[21:32:39] <JCB> I've actually been up there for a little over a week some years ago.. mostly for the polar bears though
L943[21:33:02] <madmerlyn> I live in the US, we have multiple launch sites :shrug:
L944[21:33:18] <JCB> faclity had something like 1mill btu heating.. but also 1/2mill btu for cooling of the 60-70's era computer gear
L945[21:33:38] <madmerlyn> I want to get to the cape when they do the first crewed Mars launch
L946[21:33:43] <madmerlyn> bucket list item
L947[21:34:44] <ve2dmn> madmerlyn: hard to launch north of the 49th
L948[21:34:57] <ve2dmn> not impossible, just a bit harder
L949[21:35:20] <madmerlyn> the cape is only 28 degree latitude?
L950[21:35:28] <madmerlyn> I'm talking about Canaveral
L951[21:35:51] <ve2dmn> something like that
L952[21:36:10] <JCB> ... not hard
L953[21:36:20] <ve2dmn> I know France uses their Oversea territories for the launches, for the same reason
L954[21:36:55] <madmerlyn> I'm fairly confident the next crewed launch beyond LEO is going to launch from Canaveral
L955[21:36:56] <JCB> mind you.. denmark launches with a sub and floating platform on the seas between sealand and bornhlm
L956[21:37:36] <madmerlyn> unless China just blows everyone's mind by going Lunar out of nowhere
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L958[21:37:51] <JCB> there's been talk about us canadians building our own launch system... problem is.. politics. ugh >.<
L959[21:38:23] <madmerlyn> I'd think it'd be more likely you'd launch from Canaveral too though wouldn't it?
L960[21:39:00] <ve2dmn> easier to use existing facilities
L961[21:39:12] <madmerlyn> not to mention it's a lot closer to the equator
L962[21:39:29] <madmerlyn> you all could do polar launches just fine up there though
L963[21:39:42] <madmerlyn> in the summer time
L964[21:39:43] <JCB> don't know... all I know is there's already been work started on an east coast Canadian launch port
L965[21:39:59] <JCB> maybe its a push from being reliant..
L966[21:40:31] <ve2dmn> JCB: There's lot of empty space, that's for sure. Any issues would be in low population area
L967[21:41:07] <JCB> could hire the pegasus launch system
L968[21:41:37] <JCB> though, payload is a tad limited.. we already had a couple of our own homegrown sats launched on it
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L970[21:43:55] <madmerlyn> anyway, I'm calling it a night, had enough "polite greetings and small topics" for one night, lol
L971[21:45:02] <JCB> k.. lates
L972[21:46:10] <ve2dmn> bye
L973[21:46:14] ⇦ Quits: madmerlyn (madmerlyn!~madmerlyn@ip72-204-59-67.fv.ks.cox.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L974[21:47:24] <ve2dmn> I'm still trying to remember the name of that company that want to do launches from NZ
L975[21:48:19] <Blaank> Forgot to bookmark Scott after installing new browser so I've missed out on a month of videos.
L976[21:50:33] <JCB> bluh... doing this direct ascent to meet up with this in orbit part proving more difficult...
L977[21:53:48] <Blaank> I''ve never managed a direct ascent to rendezvous.
L978[21:56:03] <JCB> I got it a few times...
L979[21:56:42] <JCB> don't remember if it was via spaceplane or rocket... its a little tricky because you have to account for the in orbit's speed, how fast your launch goes, and having the right amount of lead time
L980[22:04:41] <UmbralRaptor> ve2dmn: rocket lab?
L981[22:08:24] <Blaank> Would it make sense to use a sub-optimal ion thruster for ISS stationkeeping? For example using argon because it's cheaper.
L982[22:09:34] <JCB> ... so not the Vasmir?
L983[22:09:45] <Blaank> I don't know if that's deployed yet.
L984[22:09:47] <JCB> er... Vasimr..
L985[22:09:57] <Blaank> I think it's still in testing.
L986[22:10:25] <JCB> they were talking about eventually using it, along with some lithium-ion battery tech
L987[22:10:34] <Blaank> The VF-200 flight-rated thruster consists of two 100 kW VASIMR units with opposite magnetic dipoles so that no net torque is applied to the space station when the thruster magnets are working. The VF-200-1 is the first flight unit and was slated to be tested in space attached to the ISS.
L988[22:11:04] <JCB> ya... kinda crazy when you gotta counter magnetic torque..
L989[22:11:43] <ve2dmn> UmbralRaptor: not sure
L990[22:12:33] <Blaank> As far as I can tell it's not in use yet.
L991[22:12:41] <Blaank> I mean production use
L992[22:15:37] <Blaank> Powerful superconducting electromagnets, necessary to contain hot plasma, generate tesla-range magnetic fields[9] that can cause problems with other onboard devices and produce unwanted torque by interaction with the magnetosphere.
L993[22:16:09] <JCB> I know microsats use magnetic coils to help with turning in space
L994[22:16:30] <Blaank> Only works on planets with magentic fields.
L995[22:17:02] <Blaank> Still neat
L996[22:17:17] <Blaank> That limits it to earth and jupiter I think?
L997[22:19:02] <JCB> think some systems use gravity gradient to help orient stuff... like the LDEF back in the old days
L998[22:19:05] <bees> theoretically, you can create planetary magnetic fields if you want
L999[22:19:06] <bees> so...
L1000[22:19:09] <Blaank> it was expected that the VX-200 engine would have a system efficiency of 60–65% and thrust level of 5 N. Optimal specific impulse appeared to be around 5,000s using low cost argon propellant.
L1001[22:20:41] <Blaank> No idea if they actually mounted the thing to the ISS. Everything is from 2008 and nothing about it actually being there.
L1002[22:20:47] <JCB> dang it wiki.. now I'm looking up things spacey
L1003[22:21:32] <Blaank> and dead links to the citation for the vasimiriss thing
L1004[22:21:47] <Blaank> how do you flag a dead citation?
L1005[22:23:07] <JCB> 2015.. wiki saying the ISS may not be ideal testing platform for the VASIMR..
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L1008[22:24:54] <JCB> also states that ISS only produces 200kw extra power.. may have to trickle charge a battery pack and run the engine for no more than 15 minutes at a time... mind you.. that might be old info too
L1009[22:25:40] <Blaank> It's a 200kw unit they were planning on using.
L1010[22:25:41] <ve2dmn> what's the stated max life for the ISS?
L1011[22:27:17] <JCB> wiki says it shoulda been dead back in 2016
L1012[22:27:33] <Rokker> ve2dmn: there isn't necessarily one
L1013[22:27:57] <JCB> so far.. things are good to go at least till 2020
L1014[22:28:06] <Rokker> JCB: 2024
L1015[22:28:16] <Blaank> They overbuild the crap out of stuff.
L1016[22:28:49] <ve2dmn> Blaank: because replacements and repair price are out of this world
L1017[22:29:08] <Blaank> Well the cost to built this overbuilt stuff is equally high.
L1018[22:30:15] <JCB> some of the parts, can be referbished in space..
L1019[22:30:43] <JCB> there was talk about returning stuff back ot Earth but currently with shuttle out of commission, only option is to just keep it in orbit
L1020[22:31:49] <JCB> could force a deorbit but with russia's help, its a lot of hardware to come down. There is also the international co-operation side of things. With skylab it was just USA only.. so only they had to worry about what happens
L1021[22:31:51] <Blaank> Yeah, the shuttle did have that going for it. It could return some stuff.
L1022[22:32:42] <JCB> there's a lot of talk about what to do, some ideas floating around was pulling off some of the parts, rebuilding it into another station. disposing of some of the older parts
L1023[22:32:47] <ve2dmn> I can only imagine the headache to replace just one of the O-Rings in the handles to open and close the shutters on the Cupola
L1024[22:33:16] <JCB> ve2dmn seal off the cupola, pull it off, make the repair..
L1025[22:33:44] <JCB> chances are.. there's a couple of o-rings in place as backups. video I saw, says they only dealing with 7lbs pressure
L1026[22:34:46] <ve2dmn> You would probably have to close off the whole tranquility module... which means no toilet for the enterity of the repairs
L1027[22:35:07] <Blaank> They only have one toilet?
L1028[22:35:58] <JCB> no .. two
L1029[22:36:11] <JCB> and no.. the cupola can be removed with affecting the whole moduel
L1030[22:36:30] <JCB> a panel gets placed in the port its connected to, like all the other ports
L1031[22:37:13] <JCB> when they show you around, each of the 'door ways' you can see tracks on either side. There are panels that slide down, closes sections off.
L1032[22:40:25] <ve2dmn> last time I was to KSC, the ISS wasn't a thing :/
L1033[22:43:18] <ConductingCat> :3
L1034[22:43:53] <JCB> you thought elon musk had big plans...
L1035[22:43:56] <JCB> article from 2015...
L1036[22:43:57] <JCB> http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3030087/Could-300-billion-space-mushroom-replace-ISS-Giant-rotating-station-create-artificial-gravity-astronauts.html
L1037[22:44:14] <Blaank> hahahahahahhah what the heck is that?
L1038[22:44:40] <JCB> I was looking up pics for the isolation door panels on the ISS, a pic of this thing shows up in google image search
L1039[22:45:10] <ConductingCat> The ISS has to nucleate Valerian's City of a Thousand Planets.
L1040[22:45:17] <JCB> I don't knwo if its a joke... someone toking one too many, or ...
L1041[22:45:23] <Blaank> The only reason you want gravity is if you plan to return to earth.
L1042[22:45:37] <Blaank> People can't seem to grasp that spacers can exist.
L1043[22:46:00] <ConductingCat> There are other reasons.
L1044[22:46:04] <JCB> think the concern is.. want to return people, but not have the ill effects
L1045[22:46:13] <Blaank> Once you get over the initial bone loss you don't get kidney stones.
L1046[22:46:45] <JCB> been some talk about if we do interplanetary, or evne interstellar, there is a chance a new version of humans end up getting created in the proccess
L1047[22:46:53] <JCB> or.. would they still be humans?
L1048[22:46:56] <Blaank> It won't be a new species.
L1049[22:47:00] <ConductingCat> Trees in greenhouses will die if you don't shake them to simulate wind.
L1050[22:47:27] <Blaank> So they require flexing to function?
L1051[22:48:08] <JCB> or that because of stale air.. no fans
L1052[22:48:10] <Blaank> Humans don't require a pulse as far as we can tell from two humans who at least at one point were alive for years without one due to a mechinical impeller blood pump and failed hearts.
L1053[22:49:12] <ConductingCat> Resisting gravity is a useful form of exercise for the whole body.
L1054[22:49:48] <Blaank> Again, we can have super weak hearts, pencil thin bones, nearly no muscle and be alive and fine.
L1055[22:50:04] <JCB> so.. valley girl syndrom?
L1056[22:50:25] <Blaank> As long as you don't plan on returning to earth, none of that stuff is needed.
L1057[22:50:26] <JCB> or.. wait.. am I thinking something else..?
L1058[22:50:44] <Blaank> You will be forced to live out the rest of your life in microgravity.
L1059[22:51:01] <ConductingCat> Broken bones are a problem in space too.
L1060[22:51:14] <JCB> ... spaces from the Expance...
L1061[22:51:17] <JCB> er.. spacers
L1062[22:51:21] <Blaank> Belters
L1063[22:51:34] <Blaank> They don't function in microgravity, they function at 1/4 g or so.
L1064[22:51:44] <JCB> difference.. belters live in astroids.. spacers just in space.. or orbit of planets
L1065[22:51:45] <Blaank> But it's like that more or less. They can't live on earth.
L1066[22:52:21] <JCB> funny how the expance and my Jovian Chronicals RPG books play along similar lines
L1067[22:52:34] <Blaank> People call becoming a spacer a problem but it's not in itself a problem.
L1068[22:52:46] <Blaank> The problem is being a spacer and wanting to return to Earth.
L1069[22:52:52] <JCB> there was also one for those that were from the moon..
L1070[22:53:10] <ve2dmn> Blaank: there a lot of unkown beside just the issue of microgravity in low earth orbit
L1071[22:53:14] <Blaank> Everyone thinks humans have to live on Earth. A lot of people have that stuck in their head and can't get over it.
L1072[22:54:26] <darsie> Proper skydiving is essential if you're out of jetpack fuel: http://www.bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot97.png
L1073[22:54:26] <ve2dmn> I'm curious how the first babies born and raised outside earth will be like...
L1074[22:54:29] <ConductingCat> Someone conditioned under gravity is more fit for space than someone who is not.
L1075[22:54:43] <ve2dmn> they probably won't have the same issues we do
L1076[22:54:48] <Blaank> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Effect_of_spaceflight_on_the_human_body None of this is lethal.
L1077[22:55:10] <ConductingCat> Not good for you anywhere.
L1078[22:56:41] <ConductingCat> Living in space is basically an extreme version of living as a couch potato.
L1079[22:56:43] <JCB> you could technically build a rotating ring on the moon.. (damn it I keep wanting to type mun, curse you ksp) ring would maintain a close to 1g pull..
L1080[22:57:23] <ve2dmn> Blaank: you would still have to find better radiation shield, but the rest you can probably live with, yes
L1081[22:57:27] <Blaank> Again it may be perfectly fine having 0.1 g with less cost/mass/complication and still get nearly all the benefits.
L1082[22:57:47] <Blaank> we could get 90% of the benifits of 1 g at 0.1 g
L1083[22:58:02] <Blaank> I don't know and it should be tested because 0.1 is a hell of a lot easier to generate than 1.
L1084[22:58:26] <JCB> or easier to manage.. not getting tossed into a tumble drier
L1085[22:58:36] <ve2dmn> People simulated spine problems in space by spending weeks on a bed
L1086[22:58:43] <Blaank> Things go down. hot air goes up.
L1087[22:58:54] <JCB> I'd just like to see something made... tested.. last time was back in Gemini 11
L1088[22:59:11] <JCB> sorry, I couldn't htink of something else that spun around fast
L1089[22:59:18] <JCB> toy top...
L1090[22:59:31] <ConductingCat> There have been experiments raising chickens in >1 g.
L1091[22:59:39] <ConductingCat> Very buff chickens.
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L1093[23:00:54] <JCB> ... midgets in space...
L1094[23:01:04] <Blaank> The largest problem I see for spacers is intracranial pressure disrupting vision.
L1095[23:01:13] <JCB> mind you, old days, NASA was all gunho about trying to get average or slightly shorter than average
L1096[23:01:20] <Blaank> Since that doesn't go away no matter how long you spend in zero g
L1097[23:09:20] <Iskierka> https://i.imgur.com/ea0NKlp.mp4
L1098[23:09:46] ⇨ Joins: Oneiros (Oneiros!webchat@
L1099[23:10:19] <Blaank> Ooooooooh booooy. SpaceX is going to be doing fairing surfing now.
L1100[23:10:33] <Blaank> They are working it out. The latest launch had RCS thrusters on the fairings.
L1101[23:11:38] <Oneiros> i would love to ride waves on a spacex fairing surfboard
L1102[23:12:22] <Blaank> I love the chaos and stuff it caused.
L1103[23:12:34] <Blaank> Who knew a rocket launch could cause that much panic?
L1104[23:15:41] <JCB> caused at least one car crash..
L1105[23:15:56] <Oneiros> o.O
L1106[23:16:31] <Oneiros> when was this
L1107[23:17:15] <JCB> http://www.newsweek.com/video-spacex-falcon-9-rocket-launch-was-so-spectacular-viewers-crashed-their-760077
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L1109[23:19:27] <tawny-> fairing surfing?
L1110[23:20:09] <Oneiros> damn that looks awesome
L1111[23:21:05] <JCB> fairing surfing the chutes the last bit?
L1112[23:21:11] <JCB> the=then
L1113[23:22:27] <tawny-> as in, like, gliding them down through the atmosphere, or?
L1114[23:23:16] <JCB> I suspect they trying to glide them.. but probably some sorta chute system back to the ground the last bit.
L1115[23:23:48] <JCB> mostly cuz I think fairings into planes that fly back down might be .. um.. complex?
L1116[23:24:38] <Oneiros> hm, i thought fairings would have burnt up
L1117[23:26:06] <JCB> not nessarilly..
L1118[23:26:20] <JCB> they do keep out a bit of heat going up..
L1119[23:26:42] <tawny-> I know people have found pieces of them from reentry
L1120[23:26:53] <tawny-> which implies they're at least sorta good at surviving it
L1121[23:27:26] <JCB> they also not going completely at orbital velocity when they get ejected
L1122[23:28:44] *** tawny- is now known as tawny
L1123[23:29:37] <tawny> vanilla ksp fairings are basically just confetti in a convenient shape, but I wonder if you could make procedural fairings or another mod's parts into something that you can reenter safely?
L1124[23:30:28] <Oneiros> that would be cool
L1125[23:31:01] <Oneiros> and have a random chance that they land on someone, thus costing you reputation and funds in the form of a damages claim
L1126[23:31:11] <JCB> you can clam shell the stock fairings.. just have to take care with how they are built
L1127[23:31:35] <Oneiros> unless you safely parachute them or surf them into the sea or something.
L1128[23:32:02] <JCB> egh.. I'm sure someone's built confetti style fireworks in ksp
L1129[23:32:29] <ve2dmn> ok, I was confused by the MKS mod. It seems it can't really be used 'as intended' without KAS
L1130[23:32:43] <ve2dmn> even if it doesn't requires it
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L1133[23:36:58] <Blaank> Oh no. Stationeers is by the DayZ guy.
L1134[23:37:10] <JCB> saw that.. kinda eh..
L1135[23:37:23] <JCB> system seems neat, not so keen on the look style
L1136[23:37:25] <Blaank> That pentagonal lens flare
L1137[23:37:25] <ve2dmn> link?
L1138[23:37:40] <Blaank> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ymcvZtkokQ and that horrorshow protag
L1139[23:37:40] <kmath> YouTube - Stationeers - Building A Space Station using Both Hands
L1140[23:37:52] <Blaank> horrifying
L1141[23:37:53] <JCB> also.. coal on the mun.... moon.. ugh.
L1142[23:38:14] <JCB> remember when people had a hard time trying to call it mun instead of moon and kerbin instead of earth? c_C;
L1143[23:38:41] <Blaank> oh no, left and right hands
L1144[23:44:18] <Blaank> This is a lot more complicated than it needs to be.
L1145[23:44:46] <JCB> ?
L1146[23:44:52] <Blaank> stationeers
L1147[23:44:54] <JCB> the game..?
L1148[23:45:04] <Blaank> It's like 3d SS13 with all the bad parts ported as well
L1149[23:45:22] <ConductingCat> :3
L1150[23:45:39] <JCB> ok I should probably look up SS13... people have made a number of references to it
L1151[23:46:00] <Blaank> It's ...... a thing
L1152[23:47:14] * ConductingCat MASSIVE CHALICEs.
L1153[23:48:08] <Blaank> Another early access space game.
L1154[23:48:10] <Blaank> ugh
L1155[23:48:16] <Blaank> Have any been released?
L1156[23:49:04] ⇨ Joins: Neal (Neal!~Neal@
L1157[23:49:28] <JCB> don't know...
L1158[23:49:46] <Blaank> Wait, KSP released
L1159[23:49:48] <JCB> but some reason now I'm pondering getting copy of xcom 1 and 2... just to get back to building and managing type games
L1160[23:50:07] <Blaank> The new xcoms?
L1161[23:50:11] <Blaank> Or the old ones?
L1162[23:50:20] <JCB> old
L1163[23:50:31] <ve2dmn> try Xenonauts too
L1164[23:50:35] <JCB> I had it ages ago... friend used to play it on his pc and I sorta pickedup on it after
L1165[23:51:00] <Blaank> I really don't like the hand and tool switching of stationeers
L1166[23:51:03] <JCB> only down side was ... newer pc's ran it too fast
L1167[23:51:06] <Blaank> That's the least good part of SS13
L1168[23:52:20] <ve2dmn> Blaank: I think I'm gonna go with Astroneer insted of Stationeer
L1169[23:52:27] <Blaank> Space Engineers feels like it's stagnated.
L1170[23:52:37] <Oneiros> there was space engineers
L1171[23:52:47] <Blaank> Astroneer is an ok arcady space thing
L1172[23:52:53] <Blaank> Pretty shallow
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L1174[23:55:14] <JCB> I would love to build my ship from the RR'ing I've done online..
L1175[23:55:20] <Blaank> Stationeers is certainly dragged down by the inventory system.
L1176[23:55:39] <ve2dmn> very
L1177[23:55:53] <Blaank> The design is clearly inspired by another user interface atrocity: Space Station 13.
L1178[23:56:04] <ve2dmn> I mean..that problem was solved back in System Shock 2
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L1180[23:56:33] <JCB> what was it someone said another game seemed a bit system shock like..?
L1181[23:56:53] <JCB> or was it stationeers?
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L1183[23:57:44] <Blaank> Oh, game is hardcore mode only. You have one life. You die, deletes your save. That's nice.
L1184[23:58:20] <JCB> lol... save another copy of the game
L1185[23:59:20] <Blaank> right now I'm looking for "Like Space Engineers but it doesn't delete your inventory upon disconnecting from a multiplayer server."
L1186[23:59:51] <Blaank> If you loose connection for any reason, your inventory is deleted, no corpse, no loot, gone, period, 100% working as intended.
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