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L1[00:02:44] <Neal> I have run into an unexpected problem
L2[00:02:58] <Neal> my lander is so heavy it just sank into the ocean...
L3[00:03:26] <Neal> now sinking at around 15 m/s
L4[00:04:41] <tawny-> that's quite a problem
L5[00:05:15] <Neal> now sitting on the seafloor at -1014 meters depth =|
L6[00:05:46] <Neal> ...and getting direct sun on the solar panels somehow..!
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L9[00:15:03] <Althego> lol
L10[00:15:41] <Althego> even a full eve ascent vehicle is unable to sink, what did you put on that
L11[00:17:36] <Gasher[work]> Neal, screenshots please? just for the glory of that
L12[00:21:35] <Neal> Gasher[work], https://i.imgur.com/cWObDCo.png
L13[00:22:02] <Neal> Althego:
L14[00:22:21] <Althego> tiny
L15[00:22:35] <Althego> the monoprop tanks may be really dense
L16[00:23:25] <Neal> runs on depleted uranium
L17[00:23:37] <Neal> monoprop tank was mostly empty too
L18[00:23:45] <Althego> strange
L19[00:23:52] <Althego> then it should float
L20[00:38:38] <Althego> or maybe even double :
L21[00:38:40] <Althego> )
L22[00:42:10] <Neal> it only INTed =(
L23[00:43:54] <Neal> somehow 3 toroidal tanks were enough to get me from LKO to landed on the muns surface
L24[00:44:09] <Neal> only have 6 fuel units to spare
L25[00:50:03] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_x2nL6ukJDg
L26[00:50:03] <kmath> YouTube - Suicide Space Robots | Space Time
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L42[03:23:28] <daey> i am running kerbal on linux. im having an issue with the planet textures. basically my planet surface is fractured in big squares of surface texture. these squares float around freely above the actual surface with gaps in between :')
L43[03:24:42] <daey> during the launch everything looks fine btw. but not when i come back down
L44[03:38:06] <Althego> dont you run some mod? scott had an issue like that while having some mods?
L45[03:38:58] ⇨ Joins: GlassYuri (~Kreuzung@163-139-157-49.tokyo.fdn.vectant.ne.jp)
L46[03:49:30] <daey> Althego: i am using the mechjeb plugin, nothing else
L47[03:51:17] <Althego> that probably shouldnt do it
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L52[04:22:14] <GlassYuri> so today I accidentally went to kawasaki
L53[04:22:33] <GlassYuri> and found a factory that didn't have a do not enter sign at the entrance
L54[04:22:43] <GlassYuri> like, I searched for it, couldn't find anything
L55[04:23:01] <GlassYuri> so I just walked around the area photographing everything
L56[04:23:19] <Althego> hehe
L57[04:23:36] <Althego> is it still producing stuff?
L58[04:24:09] <GlassYuri> it was a public holiday
L59[04:25:02] <GlassYuri> there didn't seem to be much going on but the parking lot was in use and there were some cars coming in and out
L60[04:27:20] <GlassYuri> also the individual buildings and outside storage tanks all had authorized persons only on them
L61[04:27:27] <TheKosmonaut> GlassYuri: How did you "accidentally" go to Kawasaki
L62[04:27:39] <Althego> got on a wrong train?
L63[04:27:57] <GlassYuri> TheKosmonaut, I was randomly riding around in the jr east network and decided to try the nanbu branch line
L64[04:28:54] <TheKosmonaut> Althego: It's not exactly inside the main tokyo area which is wy I asked lol
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L66[04:30:21] <TheKosmonaut> It'd be like "I accidentally went to New Jersey" but you're in downtown NYC
L67[04:30:38] <GlassYuri> I can't really recommend it to tourists though, you might literally walk past a sign saying "special anti terror measures in place" with no english translation
L68[04:31:19] <TheKosmonaut> GlassYuri: Hmm, they'd probably have shot you if it's closer to Christmas
L69[04:31:23] <TheKosmonaut> THat's when the germans attack
L70[04:31:45] <TheKosmonaut> Just make sure there are no barefoot cops around
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L72[04:32:00] <GlassYuri> TheKosmonaut, special anti terror measures seems to mean that the guardhouse at the gate is staffed
L73[04:32:24] <TheKosmonaut> So the camouflage worked perfectly!
L74[04:32:57] <tawny> reading the words "special anti terror measures in place" would have the exact opposite effect on my emotional state tbh
L75[04:33:23] <tawny> maybe it's some sort of equivalent exchange thing? The more terror I feel, the less terror they feel
L76[04:36:06] * TheKosmonaut breaks down door
L78[04:36:25] <JCB> special huh? here I was thinking something like land mines
L79[04:40:12] <daey> GlassYuri: is there even any terror thread in japan atm?
L80[04:40:16] <daey> threat*
L81[04:40:21] <TheKosmonaut> daey: Not really
L82[04:40:27] <TheKosmonaut> But it's always like that
L83[04:40:35] <TheKosmonaut> The rail system is always "on heightened alert"
L84[04:40:41] <daey> :P
L85[04:40:51] <TheKosmonaut> That said, the POTUS was in town a few weeks ago
L86[04:41:38] <daey> yeah ive heard about it
L87[04:43:33] <daey> 日本に住んでいるか
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L89[04:45:46] <TheKosmonaut> yes
L90[04:48:49] <daey> neat
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L95[05:18:57] <Althego> https://twitter.com/irwin/status/933176066272718850
L96[05:18:58] <kmath> <irwin> I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Gopher, Netscape with frames, the first Browser Wars. Searching for p… https://t.co/dBEnF36k7U
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L102[05:53:20] <Althego> https://newatlas.com/interstellar-asteroid-eso/52269/
L103[06:09:20] <Althego> hehe there is already an xkcd for it https://xkcd.com/1919/
L104[06:09:48] <Rolf> lol
L105[06:10:30] <Rolf> https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/nightmare_email_feature_2x.png
L106[06:11:33] <Althego> there was one that i wrote for over a day, starting in my head, and only editing for several hours after i typed it in, it turned out to be more than 20K
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L114[07:08:44] <Iskierka> https://i.imgur.com/klupsFA.mp4
L115[07:18:03] <Gasher[work]> hm, so you can't put kerbals on the command seat via launch options?
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L132[08:44:32] <TheKosmonaut> Gasher[work]: there’s a mod for that ™
L133[08:47:33] <ve2dmn> We need a bot that searches for me and quote this sentence before the search
L134[08:47:50] <Althego> hehehe
L135[08:48:16] <ve2dmn> -me +mod
L136[08:48:20] <ve2dmn> stupid brain
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L146[09:18:12] <Draconiator> KSP is joining the Net Neutrality push, awesomeeeeee
L147[09:19:08] <Draconiator> What the hell are those pleeeeeebs thinking anyway...:/
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L149[09:19:28] <Althego> this can quickly go to politics
L150[09:20:46] <ve2dmn> Draconiator: link?
L151[09:21:22] <Althego> lol i found some good stuff on ksp twitter
L152[09:21:43] <Althego> https://twitter.com/Million_Lights_/status/933430288369242113
L153[09:21:43] <kmath> <Million_Lights_> Random conversation Today: X: What have you been up to today? Me: Nothing useful. X: Nothing huh? Show me what you'… https://t.co/ZgiEwWhmII
L154[09:23:07] <Althego> https://twitter.com/DjPreside/status/910254996838584323
L155[09:23:08] <kmath> <DjPreside> Hullo! Scott Kerman here! I kerbalized Scott Manley, the man that taught the world how to play @KerbalSpaceP with h… https://t.co/tDWC7gfE8E
L156[09:23:19] <Althego> scott and skye kerman!
L157[09:24:57] <ve2dmn> I like the "H.u.l.l.o." shirt on that pic
L158[09:26:30] <ve2dmn> What do you think it's an acronym for?
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L160[09:28:27] <ve2dmn> wow... I search for 'Hullo acronym' on google and saw so really weird auto-generataed astrological website for the 'deeper meaning' of Hullo
L161[09:30:28] <ve2dmn> wait... no it's numerology
L162[09:30:47] <Althego> same useless thing
L163[09:31:48] <ve2dmn> I'm trying to understand the how they got a 'Life path 5' of 'emmencipation' out of just 5 letters...
L164[09:32:16] <Althego> how do people come up with anything?
L165[09:33:48] <ve2dmn> reminds me of http://sebpearce.com/bullshit/
L166[09:34:29] <technicalfool> *coff*
L167[09:34:55] <Althego> coff is a deprecated executable format
L168[09:35:05] <Althego> we use elf32 instead
L169[09:35:52] <ve2dmn> technicalfool: I understand the deeper meaning of the *Coff*. I must distance myself for the *coff*
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L171[09:36:01] <Althego> hehe
L172[09:37:00] <ve2dmn> "We self-actualize, we dream, we are reborn. Presence requires exploration. To go along the path is to become one with it."
L173[09:37:08] <ve2dmn> I am one with my kerbals
L174[09:37:15] <Althego> what is self-actualize?
L175[09:37:28] <ve2dmn> no clue. it come from that generator
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L179[09:44:38] <Draconiator> https://i.gyazo.com/2a6559444951f926b53f331c2a909c02.jpg - KerbAir - the only way to fly...literally. We're lonely....
L180[10:01:33] <UmbralRaptor> Huh, bizjet sized trijet.
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L186[10:37:27] <Fluburtur> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJODnQ8D4zs
L187[10:37:27] <kmath> YouTube - Slav makes a demostration of russian tank guns firepower
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L199[11:50:07] <xShadowx> happy turkey day \o/
L200[11:51:32] <APlayer> Is thanksgiving today?
L201[11:53:06] <Althego> i dont give a thanks :)
L202[11:53:37] <ve2dmn> APlayer: depends where you live, but for the majority, it's turkey day
L203[11:54:08] <APlayer> I don't think I am familiar with that term
L204[11:54:16] <ConductorCat> How happy can the turkeys be today?
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L206[11:54:57] <ve2dmn> ConductorCat: they are very happy: they survived
L207[11:56:09] <ConductorCat> Something is very wrong when a President's first pardon isn't a turkey.
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L209[12:03:00] <ve2dmn> Desert Bus for hope is almost over
L210[12:04:22] <ve2dmn> it's either the last shift or pen-ultimate
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L213[12:06:48] <schnobs> Is there a mod that helps with VTOL craft?
L214[12:07:04] <schnobs> I find hovering on jets quite hard.
L215[12:07:26] <Althego> throttle control avionics maybe
L216[12:07:52] <Althego> but jets have lagging throttles, so it is harder than with rockets
L217[12:08:27] <schnobs> don't need to tell *me*. Just crashed a few times because of that.
L218[12:08:35] <APlayer> Custom kOS scripts are my means of achieving un-achievable things. Although some tasks are beyond what I can do, and usually people need to help me
L219[12:08:59] <Althego> https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/97154-131-throttle-controlled-avionics/
L220[12:09:50] <Althego> actually hovering is one of the hardest things you could choose to do
L221[12:10:16] <ve2dmn> it's like an inverted pendulum
L222[12:10:17] <schnobs> well, I'd already settle for not spazzing out *that* badly.
L223[12:10:29] <ve2dmn> you need to correct all the time
L224[12:10:31] <Althego> different, but both are unstable
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L226[12:11:47] <schnobs> hmmm. hold on. If I tell MJ to limit thrust to just slightly above 1g...?
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L228[12:12:50] <Althego> just dont do too fast adjustments
L229[12:23:42] * schnobs watches *that* vid again, gets WASD envy.
L230[12:25:13] <schnobs> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=za-ZTlQpR2Q
L231[12:25:13] <kmath> YouTube - ...and it only took a few hundred takes!
L232[12:36:00] <ve2dmn> So Desert Bus (the charity) has challenges that they can do (People donate X if they do Y)...
L233[12:36:27] <ve2dmn> ...some viewer challenged 'James Turner' to name his daughter 'Paige'
L234[12:38:51] <Althego> hehe
L235[12:41:48] <ve2dmn> of course the best challenges was the list they used yesterday: A neural network generated list that was fed the challenges from the 10 previous years
L236[12:42:03] <ve2dmn> It was complete nonsense
L237[12:42:12] <ve2dmn> they did them anyway...
L238[12:42:21] <Althego> lol
L239[12:46:08] <SnoopJeDi> is that to imply that challenges aren't usually nonsense :P
L240[12:46:30] <ve2dmn> those challenges were hardly sentences
L241[12:46:57] <ve2dmn> but yes, the input was silly to begin with
L242[12:48:42] ⇨ Joins: Warrigal_ (~tswett@c-68-48-150-165.hsd1.mi.comcast.net)
L243[12:54:41] <schnobs> 2km/s for a lunar landing is about right?
L244[12:57:36] <SnoopJeDi> there's a Δv map in the /topic
L245[12:59:09] ⇨ Joins: sasamj (uid193032@id-193032.brockwell.irccloud.com)
L246[12:59:10] <Althego> from where?
L247[12:59:36] <Althego> just for landing a lot less is enough
L248[12:59:45] <schnobs> low lunar orbit. LLLunar, not munar.
L249[12:59:52] <Althego> ah
L250[13:00:58] <schnobs> got a dV map squirreled away somewhere, nevermind. *goes looking*
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L252[13:07:43] <schnobs> it says 1720m/s, but that strikes me as rather tight. If memory serves, that's orbital velocity...
L253[13:10:39] <Warrigal_> I think there used to be a common recommendation that when building large craft, you should use pairs of docking ports to connect parts that wouldn't otherwise be connectable.
L254[13:10:40] <Warrigal_> Right?
L255[13:10:54] <Warrigal_> Does that advice still apply now that we've got struts?
L256[13:11:06] <Althego> i never did that. i always used cubic octagonal
L257[13:11:55] <Althego> cubic... is the part that makes the impossible possible. the glue of the universe. the one to rule everything
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L259[13:15:46] <schnobs> Warrigal_: there's a mod called Recoupler (I think) which does what the double docking ports did. only at fewer parts.
L260[13:17:34] ⇨ Joins: iamfishhead1 (~fishhead@2602:304:791d:2c50:6d18:77e5:460b:bdf3)
L261[13:18:32] <schnobs> For large craft (wide, sprawling) stabilty can increase by a lot of you do that. The mechanism is quite different from autostruts, so I don't think the two approaches are comparable.
L262[13:19:03] <schnobs> Then again, if you build it in one piece, you may as well use ordinary struts to begin with.
L263[13:19:46] <schnobs> The docking ports only really make sense if you want to rip it apart at some point. Otherwise, use Recoupler (if that's the name) or just plain boring struts.
L264[13:24:21] <oren> I just use real struts
L265[13:24:22] <Warrigal_> Whelp, good news and bad news about my Mün landing just now.
L266[13:24:32] <Warrigal_> I've landed and collected 132 science points...
L267[13:24:41] <ve2dmn> you need a rescue mission?
L268[13:24:45] <Warrigal_> And my ship is currently oriented horizontally.
L269[13:24:45] <Althego> hehe
L270[13:24:46] <schnobs> Warrigal_: Please, leave out the rock dots.
L271[13:25:00] <Althego> rock dots?
L272[13:25:08] <Althego> but metal dots are ok?
L273[13:25:08] <Warrigal_> The umlaut in Mün.
L274[13:25:14] <schnobs> "Mün"sounds totally silly for people who actually have that character in their language.
L275[13:25:20] <Althego> to me to
L276[13:25:27] <Althego> i always say it as mun
L277[13:25:34] <Warrigal_> I bet.
L278[13:25:36] <Althego> maybe because most peopla also call it like that
L279[13:25:51] <oren> what does ü actully represent?
L280[13:25:59] <Warrigal_> In IPA, "Mün" would be /myn/ or something, right?
L281[13:26:12] <schnobs> I guess most people say something that sounds almost but not quite like "moon".
L282[13:26:19] <schnobs> Warrigal_: right.
L283[13:26:21] <Althego> line in german words
L284[13:26:35] <oren> like meen but rounded
L285[13:26:46] <Warrigal_> So, my remaining delta-v is 1,422.
L286[13:26:59] <Warrigal_> I just need to get off this here Mun.
L287[13:27:01] <ve2dmn> schnobs: sound depends on the language
L288[13:27:11] <Eddi|zuHause> <ve2dmn> ...some viewer challenged 'James Turner' to name his daughter 'Paige' <-- there are a few jokes like that in german, the most common is the clerk asking: "do you really want to name your daughter Claire, miss Grube?"
L289[13:27:37] <schnobs> ve2dmn: I only know german and turkish.
L290[13:27:46] <Warrigal_> There's a character in "Arthur" named Paige Turner.
L291[13:27:47] <oren> schnobs: and english
L292[13:27:51] <Althego> hehe
L293[13:27:55] <schnobs> Eddi|zuHause: Frau Mira Bellenbaum.
L294[13:28:40] <schnobs> Warrigal_: where's the problem? 1400m/s sounds like plenty. ~800m/s to take off, ~270m/s to get a low Kerbin PE....
L295[13:28:40] <Eddi|zuHause> and then there are those simpsons prank calls, which also have a (probably unrelated) german translation/replacement
L296[13:28:51] <Warrigal_> schnobs: yeah, but my ship is lying on its side.
L297[13:29:04] <schnobs> Ah, I can see how this complicates matters.
L298[13:29:05] <ve2dmn> schnobs: The letter Ü is present in the Hungarian, Turkish, Uyghur Latin, Estonian, Azeri, Turkmen, Crimean Tatar, Kazakh Latin and Tatar Latin alphabets,
L299[13:29:18] <oren> Warrigal_: horizontal takeoff from mun is ok if you have a hill you can roll to
L300[13:29:44] <schnobs> Warp on / warp off and hope for a good leap?
L301[13:30:01] <Eddi|zuHause> ve2dmn: in almost all of them the sound will probably be similar
L302[13:30:06] <oren> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volap%C3%BCk#/media/File:VolapukAOU.svg
L303[13:30:10] <Warrigal_> Roll it to a hill. Wish me luck.
L304[13:30:37] <schnobs> Warrigal_: brute force, hack gravity and use reaction wheels.
L305[13:31:02] <ve2dmn> Eddi|zuHause: depends if it's a seperate letter, or if it is a diaeresis over the letter U
L306[13:31:19] <oren> Note: The letters ä, ö, and ü do not have alternative forms such as the ae, oe, and ue of German, but Schleyer proposed alternate forms ꞛ, ꞝ, and ꞟ for them
L307[13:31:34] <Eddi|zuHause> anyway, i always thought of "Mün" as something equivalent to "Mötely Crüe", where people who had no idea what the dots mean used them as pure style element
L308[13:31:55] <Warrigal_> My electric charge is pretty limited...
L309[13:32:15] <Warrigal_> Let me see if I can use RCS to spin my ship around so it's at least pointing up.
L310[13:32:22] <ve2dmn> Eddi|zuHause: I always assume that alphabets diverges enough over the centuries that I don't trust my own prononciations of the letters
L311[13:32:26] <Kalpa> Mün is myn
L312[13:32:42] <Warrigal_> The answer is nope, not really.
L313[13:33:17] <schnobs> Soooooo.... soliciting advice.
L314[13:33:28] <Eddi|zuHause> Warrigal_: get the kerbals out, disassemble the ship, and reassemble it upright :p
L315[13:33:52] <schnobs> In my olde-timey game, I'm approaching the point where a lunar landing would be in order.
L316[13:34:03] <schnobs> The proposed vessel looked like this:
L317[13:34:05] <schnobs> http://ksp.schnobs.de/stuff/conquer/LunarLander.jpg
L318[13:34:25] <Warrigal_> Oh ****.
L319[13:34:43] <Warrigal_> I decided to fire the rocket engine and use reaction wheels to turn around.
L320[13:34:44] <Eddi|zuHause> that sounds a bit overdone for a moon landing
L321[13:34:48] <Warrigal_> It worked well for one or two seconds...
L322[13:34:55] <ve2dmn> you need a rescue mission?
L323[13:34:56] <schnobs> It assumes inflatable, lightweight everything. Some handwaving involved.
L324[13:35:20] <Eddi|zuHause> Warrigal_: try to avoid the ground while taking off :p
L325[13:35:27] <Warrigal_> But then my engine exploded.
L326[13:35:31] <Warrigal_> And then my fuel tank exploded.
L327[13:35:37] <schnobs> Ah, three of these, two crew and one cargo vessel. Cargo vessel holds lots of rovers and stuff.
L328[13:35:45] ⇨ Joins: maxtothemax (~maxtothem@2602:306:3a7c:42b0:99dd:bc10:f872:670)
L329[13:36:01] <schnobs> approx 40 crew spend a fortnight on the moon. That's exploration!
L330[13:36:24] <Warrigal_> The good news is, I managed to get the remaining part of the craft upright. :D
L331[13:36:42] <schnobs> Still... It's tall, spindly, and all things considered I wonder if that plan would have held up.
L332[13:37:14] <Eddi|zuHause> Warrigal_: sounds like a job for f9 :p
L333[13:37:23] <APlayer> schnobs: This amount of engines sounds like an excessive hassle in KSP
L334[13:38:21] <schnobs> APlayer: I don't even know. I modded me some engines and tanks to have the "proper" stats and it just doesn't work out.
L335[13:38:24] <Eddi|zuHause> schnobs: reminds me a bit of the space ship in Civ1
L336[13:38:27] <Warrigal_> I'm going to plant a flag that says "Please Send Help".
L337[13:38:31] <schnobs> I guess that's a case of the artist going wild.
L338[13:39:28] <APlayer> schnobs: What does not work out exactly?
L339[13:40:35] <schnobs> The engines as pictured amount to perhaps 2000kN; first attempts to put it together like that would give me TWR=7 for the landing.
L340[13:42:13] <APlayer> TWR 2 - 10 is appropriate depending on your trajectory
L341[13:42:23] <APlayer> It's on the Mun, after all
L342[13:42:30] <APlayer> Also, what's the things mass?
L343[13:43:14] <Althego> ah another systematic classification of life episode from aronra
L344[13:43:15] <schnobs> No precise data available. But it's clearly ripped of the martian vessels, so... (hold on)
L345[13:45:10] ⇨ Joins: Supernovy (~Supernovy@122-60-255-30.jetstream.xtra.co.nz)
L346[13:45:10] ChanServ sets mode: +o on Supernovy
L347[13:45:16] <Supernovy> Evening, Gentlemen.
L348[13:45:42] <schnobs> newspaper where I got the pics gives 160feet tall, 110 wide (including the large spherical tanks) and 4370t at departure from earth.
L349[13:46:36] <schnobs> 800,000 gallons of hydrazine and nitric acid. 580,000 for departure burn.
L350[13:47:29] <Althego> lol
L351[13:47:38] <schnobs> That's a lunar "expedition" in the sense of, say, an arctic expedition of the time.
L352[13:47:39] <Althego> all these friendly materials
L353[13:47:53] <oren> schnobs: sounds like a Von Braun design from the the 40's
L354[13:48:05] <schnobs> oren: it is.
L355[13:48:21] <schnobs> Nowhere does he mention "inhibited" acid, I think the concept wasn't known.
L356[13:48:32] <oren> schnobs: discovered in the 60's
L357[13:49:27] <schnobs> IIRC, you neededglassware or ceramics to store it until they put the i in IRFNA.
L358[13:50:22] <schnobs> So, as I said, there's some handwaving involved. Lightweight inflatable tanks.... but in KSP, I can.
L359[13:50:32] <oren> schnobs: you could also just use steel and launch it right after filling
L360[13:51:17] <oren> The main problem wasn't the eating through the walls, it was the fact that doing so weakened the acid
L361[13:51:34] <oren> and created sludge in the works
L362[13:51:42] <schnobs> You can do that with oxygen too. Which he had some experience with, after all. But for that mission, storable fuel was required.
L363[13:52:00] * schnobs has read "Ignition", too.
L364[13:52:38] <oren> schnobs: have you read von braun's Das Mars Projekt?
L365[13:52:57] <schnobs> diagonally. Mostly the data tables near the end.
L366[13:53:24] <oren> he proposed launching >1000 ferry rockets to assemble a mars fleet in orbit
L367[13:53:35] <oren> all hydrarfna
L368[13:54:06] <schnobs> oren: http://ksp.schnobs.de/stuff/OrbitalAssembly.jpg
L369[13:54:07] <oren> the rockets were suppose to be reusable with each stage piloted (!)
L370[13:54:26] <schnobs> of course. He did not foresee robotic probes.
L371[13:55:40] <schnobs> oren: also, this: http://ksp.schnobs.de/stuff/conquer/conquer-1.html
L372[13:56:10] <schnobs> (old and outdated WIP pics, vessel has evolved a lot. And been put into RSS)
L373[13:56:16] <oren> nice!
L374[13:57:15] <Neal> somehow my kerbin apoapsis is at 1.6 billion meters
L375[13:57:22] * Neal is confused
L376[13:57:58] <Neal> https://i.imgur.com/ERD4rUQ.png
L377[13:58:14] <Althego> lol
L378[13:58:28] <Neal> kerbin's SOI is only supposed to be around 80Mm, and here i am at 1.6Gm
L379[13:58:36] <Althego> ask taniwha, he did the current trajectory system
L380[13:58:53] <daey> i tried to screenshot my problem https://i.imgur.com/v9gHWoy.jpg
L381[13:59:05] <schnobs> So, yea, about soliciting advice: should I try to follow through with a moon mission that *looks* like those ald magazine illustrations?
L382[13:59:23] <Neal> I feel like a quick kick of my engine will get the trajectory recalculated and fixed
L383[13:59:28] <Althego> if it is fun for you
L384[13:59:30] <daey> two things happen there. A. the rectangular floating surface texture. and me exploding at 2346m mid air due to an invisible mountain :')
L385[13:59:58] <daey> no mods running
L386[14:00:09] <schnobs> Or come up with somehting more reasonable / workable?
L387[14:00:34] <ve2dmn> schnobs: it's your game. Why not both?
L388[14:00:53] <ve2dmn> Survival of the fitest
L389[14:01:50] <schnobs> The latter would probably look a lot like the IPP: LEO - lunar shuttle - lunar station (mostly for a fuel depot) - lunar lander
L390[14:02:43] <APlayer> Neal: Switch to KSC?
L391[14:04:41] <Neal> APlayer, skipping ahead a few days fixed it
L392[14:05:03] <daey> that image shows it better i think: https://i.imgur.com/Oa0naOb.jpg
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L394[14:05:50] <daey> Kerbal: textures in the sky. presented by studio ghibli :P
L395[14:06:18] <schnobs> ve2dmn: I'm trying to make up my mind about what to do next in my game.
L396[14:06:56] <ve2dmn> make a moon base to kcik-launch further explorations?
L397[14:07:27] <daey> oh im retarded. im using a scatterer mod :3
L398[14:08:30] <schnobs> moon station would make more sense, to land in several spots. Possibly a reusable lander too. But then it becomes the 1960s IPP, just without Nerva.
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L400[14:10:53] <schnobs> ve2dmn: https://media.wired.com/photos/593306f768cb3b3dc40979c3/master/w_600,c_limit/spacetug70.jpg
L401[14:11:03] <Blaank> What a shame that interstellar object https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%CA%BBOumuamua is going way too fast to catch and is already on it's way out.
L402[14:11:33] <daey> still amazes me that something like that happens
L403[14:11:48] <Blaank> Well it had to happen eventually with all the rocks flying around everywhere.
L404[14:11:49] <daey> imagine how precisely that thing had to start to meet us
L405[14:11:53] <daey> sure
L406[14:11:56] <Blaank> But we could have learned an amazing amount from it.
L407[14:12:12] <daey> dont know about that. it probably looks exactly like our rocks :')
L408[14:12:15] <Althego> that specific one
L409[14:12:28] <Blaank> Says it's going to take 20,000 years to leave, maybe we will come up with a drive capable of chasing it down.
L410[14:12:37] <Althego> but surely there are millions of things like this in the galaxy, so one is boud to go through our solarsystem
L411[14:12:43] <daey> meh apparently it happens once a year.
L412[14:12:58] <daey> its more a question of finding it
L413[14:13:01] <Althego> we just did not detect the ones before it
L414[14:13:11] <Blaank> Even if it's just a normal rock no different from ours that gives us information about other star systems are similar.
L415[14:13:44] <Althego> what gives me goosebumps is the fact that it is interstellar
L416[14:13:49] <Althego> it did what we couldnt
L417[14:13:56] <Althego> crossed the space beteen stars
L418[14:14:07] <daey> well voyager is going to do it as well.. eventually
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L420[14:14:15] <Althego> what huge cataclysm could have shot it here
L421[14:14:23] <ve2dmn> Althego: that's somewhat easy if you have infinite time
L422[14:14:52] <Blaank> rampant speculation being 45 million year voyage.
L423[14:14:59] <ve2dmn> for a vague definition of 'somewhat' and 'easy'
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L425[14:15:01] <daey> im sure our star system loses stuff on a daily basis, just as earth itself does
L426[14:15:16] <Blaank> So when are we going to rig up a rocket and lasso this sucker?
L427[14:15:18] <SnoopJeDi> Blaank, things get murky when you're willing to speculate on a timescale twice as long as the history of civilization :P
L428[14:15:36] <Warrigal_> All right... I figure it's probably not necessary to euthanize Megfrid just yet.
L429[14:15:43] <Warrigal_> I have a ton of money, after all.
L430[14:15:44] <Blaank> We don't have the tech to catch it right now but work on propulsion technology for 100 years and then we should be able to grab that sucker.
L431[14:16:45] <daey> catching it wouldnt even be necessary. a small research satellite would already be nice. but its hard to schedule something like that i guess
L432[14:17:04] <daey> we would need many of them in orbit on standby
L433[14:17:15] <Warrigal_> I think I'll try again after I've researched Landing.
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L435[14:17:15] <Althego> or we could wait for the next one in 2018
L436[14:17:27] <daey> assuming we see it :')
L437[14:17:42] <Althego> still easier than cacthing up with this one
L438[14:18:00] <Blaank> So ... how big is this thing compared to most random rocks. 180mx30mx30m
L439[14:18:08] <daey> seeing that that task is likely impossible, yeah :P
L440[14:18:39] <Blaank> If the entire human race devoted itself totally to propulsion research for the next 10 years I think we could make something to catch it.
L441[14:18:52] <Althego> dont count on it
L442[14:18:55] <Blaank> All wars and recreationk put on hold to chase down a rock.
L443[14:19:00] <schnobs> Blaank: hard to say. "About the size of an aircraft carrier" gives me something to imagine, but i don't know how common that size is.
L444[14:19:22] <daey> is there even a light at the end of the propulsion research tunnel?
L445[14:19:26] <Althego> even usa only could achieve so much just by ditching the useless wars
L446[14:19:37] <daey> atm nuclear drives seem to be the hit. but are they good enough?
L447[14:20:01] <Blaank> dicey to launch them.
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L449[14:20:05] <schnobs> "atm"?
L450[14:20:12] <Althego> at the moment
L451[14:20:16] <Blaank> People don't like them blowing up and spraying them with 0.5 banana doses of radiation.
L452[14:20:18] <Althego> i thought ions are all the rage
L453[14:20:33] <Blaank> Nuclear got the power. Ion got the ISP.
L454[14:20:34] <Warrigal_> Do I want to research Landing or Electrics first? Hmmmm.
L455[14:20:42] <daey> i only know that china/usa restarted their nuclear propulsion research this year iirc.
L456[14:20:45] <Blaank> Landing legs are overrated.
L457[14:20:48] <Althego> you dont need legs
L458[14:20:59] <Blaank> Engines are super sturdy if you land at low speeds.
L459[14:20:59] <ve2dmn> combine the 2... BAM! worse then either probably
L460[14:21:10] <schnobs> I understand the literal meaning, just wondering what world daey lives in. In mine, work on nukes has effectively stopped some fifty years ago.
L461[14:21:12] <tawny> if you can figure out how to assemble a fusion engine in orbit, then that's probably as good as you'll get
L462[14:21:27] <daey> schnobs: o0 kim disagrees
L463[14:21:29] <Althego> the problem is, we dont even know how to do it on earth
L464[14:21:35] <Iskierka> there are many kinds of 'fusion' engines
L465[14:21:41] <Iskierka> it's somewhat meaningless
L466[14:21:50] <daey> schnobs: https://www.nasa.gov/centers/marshall/news/news/releases/2017/nasa-contracts-with-bwxt-nuclear-energy-to-advance-nuclear-thermal-propulsion-technology.html
L467[14:21:51] <tawny> alright, fair
L468[14:22:02] <Warrigal_> Well, I tried to land without landing legs and my ship tipped over.
L469[14:22:12] <daey> im not taking about nuking the capsule to space btw :P
L470[14:22:54] <Althego> nuclear propulsion is something that could have been done decades ago. it is just with too many risks and probably against current agreements about nuclear stuff in space
L471[14:23:38] <daey> well it was done decades ago. they had nuclear powered missles, but the research was stopped due to icbm's and international agreements iirc.
L472[14:23:53] <schnobs> Althego: I think public opinion is all you're up against. but yeah, can't imagine it to happen.
L473[14:24:08] <tawny> maybe your best hope is that metallic hydrogen is real and usable at all
L474[14:24:17] <daey> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Pluto
L475[14:24:38] <daey> heck they even had nuclear powered planes :P
L476[14:24:46] <Althego> scott has a video about metallic hydrogen propulsio
L477[14:24:56] <tawny> or, only slightly less probable than metallic hydrogen, you can hope for the EM drive to be real!
L478[14:24:58] <schnobs> daey: and "nuclear" not being safe as milk after all, and general opinion swinging to the oppsite once the public got wind of it.
L479[14:25:08] <Althego> em drive is not real
L480[14:25:10] ⇦ Quits: Supernovy (~Supernovy@122-60-255-30.jetstream.xtra.co.nz) (Quit: Be back later.)
L481[14:25:37] <schnobs> If your world is like mine, you probably know a few people who panic at the mention of radioactivity.
L482[14:26:02] <schnobs> (nevermind if that's reasonable -- it's what you're up against)
L483[14:26:34] <SnoopJeDi> MSL has an RTG though, there's hope \o/
L484[14:27:10] <daey> schnobs: the incentive needs to be big enough. but seeing that two countries are actively working on them as we speak, im pretty sure its going to happen sooner or later
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L486[14:27:21] <SnoopJeDi> and the 2020 rover, for that matter
L487[14:27:59] <schnobs> wasn't there quite a brouhaha about Cassini's RTG, back in the day? "And it's gonna do a close flyby too, just imagine what could happen"
L488[14:28:07] <daey> i mean they are already shooting nuclear material into space. i dont think the nuclear drive would be used during the launch
L489[14:28:20] <Iskierka> and one's on offer for the mission that Titan Dragonfly is competing for
L490[14:28:46] <Iskierka> nuclear thermal rockets, the type being studied, are closed-cycle and have minimal if any radioactive material release
L491[14:29:09] <daey> only if they dont happen to blow up :^)
L492[14:29:17] <Iskierka> a **** of a lot of radiation sitting right next to it, but that's neutron flux, not material release
L493[14:29:18] <schnobs> daey: and packed well enough to just sink to the bottom of the ocean, where it would be spilled over decades. Which I consider to be "mostly harmless", but... well, ain't gonna convince my mother of that.
L494[14:29:32] <Iskierka> they're much lower temperature and pressure than conventional engines. If you blow it up you did something very wrong
L495[14:30:09] <daey> well its sufficient when the big liquid engine below it blows up. which happens not that rarely
L496[14:30:33] <ve2dmn> schnobs: I'm sure the underwater fumaroles are more radioactive that the debri we make...
L497[14:30:51] <schnobs> ve2dmn: possibly.
L498[14:30:59] <Warrigal_> So um, I guess I just need to figure out how to land without my ship falling over.
L499[14:32:22] <schnobs> Warrigal_: always a good idea.
L500[14:32:40] <schnobs> gotta run. See you tomorrow.
L501[14:33:03] <ve2dmn> SnoopJeDi: wait... which 2020 rover?
L502[14:33:29] <SnoopJeDi> AFAIK "Mars 2020" is as specific a name as NASA have given it
L503[14:33:57] <SnoopJeDi> Curiosity 2: Thermoelectric Boogaloo
L504[14:34:21] <SnoopJeDi> Roly Poly Science Patroly
L505[14:34:21] <Althego> there is no name for it yet
L506[14:35:12] <Althego> btw insight is getting into shape too
L507[14:35:50] ⇦ Quits: schnobs (~user@p4FCC04AC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L508[14:37:00] <SnoopJeDi> ...huh. I did not know about that mission, but the CubeSats really seems like something I should have been cognizant of
L509[14:37:25] <Iskierka> AIUI Mars 2020 is to be better prepared for planetary protection and will go into the slightly more likely areas for evidence of life
L510[14:37:49] <daey> i dont see the purpose that these hobby cubesats serve.. most of them do totally retarded experients :/
L511[14:37:58] <Althego> hehe
L512[14:38:07] <daey> dont get me wrong a satellite is awesome. but...
L513[14:38:30] <Althego> which probe was designed with 2 interplanetary cubesats?
L514[14:39:06] <Warrigal_> Maybe I just need to land much more slowly.
L515[14:39:21] <Althego> ah it was insight
L516[14:39:32] <Althego> i hope the cubesats still go with it
L517[14:40:03] <SnoopJeDi> daey, leaving aside the remarkably poor taste of using "retarded" in this context, these aren't hobbyist devices, they're JPL.
L518[14:40:29] <daey> yeah im using that word to lightly :')
L519[14:41:08] <daey> im kinda hyped about the steam rocket launch on sunday though :D
L520[14:41:15] <Althego> i still find it funny that retarded potential is actually a thing
L521[14:41:18] <SnoopJeDi> CubeSat is worth what's been spent on developing it many many times over for the developed infrastructure alone
L522[14:41:30] <SnoopJeDi> PPOD etc
L523[14:42:41] <daey> i think one cool effect of cubesats is that the space travel is actively being funded through paid services available to the public
L524[14:44:10] <ve2dmn> daey: most... but the Humble space telescope is a good example of a small sat doing good work
L525[14:44:24] <SnoopJeDi> the relevant attitude determination and control problems are pretty cute, too.
L526[14:44:42] <daey> ve2dmn: im not saying small sats are useless. what i meant is that most of these hobby lowcost projects seem to be.
L527[14:45:07] <ve2dmn> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MOST_(satellite)
L528[14:45:18] <SnoopJeDi> very unclear what "these" projects are since we began the discussion with a NASA/JPL project
L529[14:45:21] <ve2dmn> although, I don't know if that qualifies as a cubesat...
L530[14:45:39] <SnoopJeDi> but that's also rather implying that teaching a next generation is not fruitful
L531[14:46:10] <daey> nah thats not a cubesat. cube sats are 10x10x10*X
L532[14:46:57] <SnoopJeDi> among many other specifications
L533[14:47:21] <Althego> actually that is just the smallest size
L534[14:47:25] <Althego> these are modular
L535[14:48:12] <SnoopJeDi> Althego, IIRC the CubeSat spec only supports union along one axis
L536[14:48:23] <daey> yeah
L537[14:48:44] <daey> they are deployed via special deployer systems which can afaik only take those dimensions
L538[14:48:44] <SnoopJeDi> but they're obviously related if you think about other axes (Wallops did a lot of looking at a 6U once upon a whenever)
L539[14:49:00] <daey> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NanoRacks_CubeSat_Deployer
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L541[14:49:55] <ve2dmn> I wonder what's the smallest sat you could make that could still be usefull
L542[14:50:39] <Althego> probably microscopic
L543[14:50:45] <daey> i think the problem is mainly the available money not the available space
L544[14:50:52] <SnoopJeDi> hardest part of figuring that out is how to get N > 1 people to agree on what "useful" is supposed to mean
L545[14:51:01] <Althego> hehe
L546[14:51:57] <Warrigal_> I think I'll use the Mk1 Lander Can for the landing stage on my second attempt...
L547[14:52:21] <Althego> good choice because it is the lightest you can go with a 1 person cabin
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L550[14:56:10] <Warrigal_> Looks like it only has one hatch, which is on the side, right?
L551[14:58:32] <daey> aww the cubesats even have density restrictions. i guess someone tried to launch a leadblock :P
L552[15:00:29] <SnoopJeDi> it's a very thorough specification, even includes constraints on CoM deviation from geometric center
L553[15:01:42] <bees> lightest useful sat would probably be a few grams
L554[15:02:35] <SnoopJeDi> go big^H^H^Hsmall or go home, MEMSsat :)
L555[15:03:45] <bees> why you would need such a sat, i have no idea
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L557[15:03:53] <SnoopJeDi> I think the whispercraft in Accelerando was a few grams, but there are some computronium tooth fairies involved
L558[15:04:19] <bees> irl grams-range sat would be a simplest retranslator possible
L559[15:04:21] <daey> According to NanoRacks, this mission marks the first deployment of the industry standard 6U CubeSats in the 2U x 3U form factor
L560[15:04:28] <daey> it looks like they are getting more flexible
L561[15:04:33] <daey> http://www.satellitetoday.com/newspace/2017/11/22/nanoracks-deploys-first-doublewide-satellites-iss/
L562[15:04:36] <SnoopJeDi> it's not exactly a stretch of the imagination
L563[15:04:43] <SnoopJeDi> 6U I mean
L564[15:05:00] <daey> yes but its 2U wide and 3U long not 6U long
L565[15:05:15] <SnoopJeDi> bees, sure, you'd have to actually specify some kind of valuation function to take any of this past "idle speculation"
L566[15:05:16] <daey> that wasnt possible before
L567[15:05:18] <SnoopJeDi> but that's not very KSP :)
L568[15:05:23] <Mat2ch> Which still is pretty small
L569[15:05:29] <Mat2ch> had a cubesat in my hands today :D
L570[15:05:45] <daey> what is its task?
L571[15:05:53] <Mat2ch> And I saw the engineering module for Rosetta. That's a huge sat...
L572[15:05:56] * legion looks behind him at the full scale cubesat model he has made
L573[15:06:54] <SnoopJeDi> now, PhoneSat? That's a little silly :P
L574[15:07:05] <SnoopJeDi> the good kind of silly though
L575[15:09:27] <bees> SnoopJeDi: "retranslate a radio signal on fixed frequency if sun is shining on a panels"
L576[15:09:58] <SnoopJeDi> err, that wasn't a request so much as pointing out that the original question was vague. but yes, point taken.
L577[15:10:23] <bees> this is probably the most basic function that can be considered "useful"
L578[15:10:53] <SnoopJeDi> inside of the present framework, yep
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L581[15:21:02] <Warrigal_> All right... my ship is kinda funny looking, and I don't know if it will actually work...
L582[15:21:12] <Warrigal_> https://i.imgur.com/S1BP44g.jpg
L583[15:21:20] <Warrigal_> But hey, what's the worst that could happen?
L584[15:23:52] <Warrigal_> Oh yeah, that was TERRIBLE. :D
L585[15:26:08] <Warrigal_> That's kinda weird, FAR says this is aerodynamically stable...
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L587[15:31:49] <Warrigal_> I tried adding struts. I don't expect that to help... but I figure it *might* help.
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L589[15:37:34] <ve2dmn> anyone know who 'Jerry Holkins' from Penny-arcade is?
L590[15:38:33] <ve2dmn> ^ disregard, wrong channel
L591[15:41:51] <ve2dmn> (For the record, he's "Tycho Brahe" from Penny Arcade)
L592[15:45:08] <Warrigal_> Whelp, that was a bad launch. I spent over 5,000 delta-v getting into orbit.
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L595[16:03:31] <tawny> any launch you can walk away from...
L596[16:04:26] <RandomJeb> if my kerbals can walk away from a launch something is very wrong, they should be in space or exploded
L597[16:07:16] <tawny> haha
L598[16:10:40] ⇦ Quits: Gasher (~Gasher@broadband-46-188-123-151.2com.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L599[16:18:12] <Warrigal_> \o/ \o/ \o/ Landed on the Mun without tipping over. :D
L600[16:18:50] <tawny> nice
L601[16:23:07] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@hsi-kbw-37-209-86-166.hsi15.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L603[16:35:00] <SnoopJeDi> grats Warrigal_
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L607[16:49:47] <Warrigal_> And I got 162 science returning from that trip. :D
L608[17:07:44] <Warrigal_> I wonder how I'm supposed to easily find the Infernal Robotics parts in the VAB...
L609[17:07:59] <Warrigal_> They don't show up at all under "Filter by function" or "Filter by manufacturer".
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L611[17:08:40] <Warrigal_> They do show up under "Filter by Tech Level", tiers 6 through 8, but so does a bunch of other junk.
L612[17:14:06] ⇦ Quits: Ezriilc (~Ezriilc@ (Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.Kerbaltek.com))
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L617[17:44:21] <Fluburtur> I played like 10 hours of war thunder today
L618[17:44:25] <Fluburtur> what am I even doing with my life
L619[17:45:45] <Warrigal_> Whelp, I made a helicopter using Infernal Robotics. :D
L620[17:45:49] <Warrigal_> It *technically* works...
L621[17:46:08] <Warrigal_> It just produces some pretty extreme yaw.
L622[17:48:17] <Warrigal_> As in, it causes the cockpit to yaw at a good 100-200 RPM.
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L624[17:50:08] <Fluburtur> I don't think that's big enough https://youtu.be/jFkRFGZ5ezQ
L626[17:51:51] <Warrigal_> Also, it's impossible to stop the blades spinning.
L627[17:52:12] <Warrigal_> Cut the engine, they continue spinning anyway.
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L631[17:58:08] <TheKosmonaut> Fluburtur: only in Germany could they be excited about RC cranes
L632[17:58:19] <Fluburtur> those crazy germans
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L639[18:59:19] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/1e442f624ea0f099fbf85796aeadf985/tumblr_oz7a32vMzM1w4teq4o1_500.jpg
L640[19:07:20] ⇦ Quits: Fluburtur (~Fluburtur@2a01:e34:ecf7:d4f0:adbd:e3f5:cb2c:ce6e) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L641[19:24:15] <kuzetsa> TheKosmonaut: wow yeah I agree.
L642[19:24:35] <kuzetsa> like my first thought was: "huh, why are they remote-controlling a full-size construction / junkyard crane"
L643[19:25:06] <kuzetsa> followed immediately by HOLY [expletive deleted] WHAT?!
L644[19:26:27] ⇦ Quits: Supernovy (~Supernovy@122-60-103-107.jetstream.xtra.co.nz) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Cynephobn!~Supernovy@122-59-115-174.jetstream.xtra.co.nz)))
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L647[19:26:39] <kuzetsa> so I guess it's like model trains... except REC contruction equipment instead of track-based "literally on rails" things which don't normally get micromanaged by a pilot or whatever [O__o]
L648[19:26:45] <kuzetsa> *RC
L649[19:27:18] <kuzetsa> TL;DR good job, germany: a hobby-sport-activity of some kind which I never knew existed
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L655[20:46:19] *** UmbralTurkey is now known as UmbralRaptor
L656[21:04:40] <Draconiator> KSP is 40% off on Steam
L657[21:06:42] <UmbralRaptor> Happy black friday eve.
L658[21:07:40] <Kalpa> Happy black friday (our webstores seem to have crashed under the rampage of people)
L659[21:12:43] <taniwha> Neal: that's either a mod breaking things, or Squad went and broke my code :P
L660[21:13:49] <Neal> taniwha, no mods installed whatsoever =p
L661[21:14:46] <taniwha> then it's time for you to head to bugs.kerbalspaceprogam.com
L662[21:15:26] <taniwha> I notice it's after an encounter with something (Minmus?)
L663[21:15:43] ⇦ Quits: Daz (~Daz@81-231-72-94-no23.tbcn.telia.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L664[21:16:04] <Neal> I was on an escape trajectory and the minmus intercept was after apoapsis
L665[21:16:21] ⇨ Joins: Daz (~Daz@81-231-72-94-no23.tbcn.telia.com)
L666[21:17:11] <Neal> also taniwha http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogam.com/ doesn't resolve
L667[21:17:28] <taniwha> hang on
L668[21:17:50] <taniwha> https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/
L669[21:18:04] <taniwha> working here (do note the https, though)
L670[21:18:18] <Neal> lol whoops, neither noticed the typo
L671[21:18:43] <taniwha> yeah
L672[21:19:04] <taniwha> I suspected a typo so I went and pulled the url out of my browser history
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L676[21:31:11] <xShadowx> taniwha: happy turkey day :D
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L678[21:43:16] <taniwha> on the internet, every day is turkey day :P
L679[21:43:30] <xShadowx> o.O
L680[21:44:07] <taniwha> (there's at least one turkey in every community)
L681[21:45:13] <UmbralRaptor> ???
L682[21:45:30] <taniwha> what font do I need to see those?
L683[21:47:41] <Warrigal_> Aww crap, I warped right through Kerbin periapsis at 40,000 m. :D
L684[21:48:05] <taniwha> avoid > 10k warp when in Kerbin's SoI
L685[21:49:13] <UmbralRaptor> taniwha: anything that covers the SMP?
L686[21:49:34] <taniwha> 10k means 200s per frame, so you're guaranteed to hit Kerbin's atmo
L687[21:49:49] <taniwha> 100k means 2000s per frame: all too easy to miss
L688[21:49:52] <taniwha> UmbralRaptor: thanks
L689[21:50:34] <UmbralRaptor> Anyway, it's U+1F983 Turkey
L690[21:52:57] * xShadowx gives taniwha a fresh homemade pumpkin pie
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L692[21:59:47] <Warrigal_> Woo, I've got enough science now to get to any Tier 6 technology, or any three Tier 5 technologies.
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L695[22:04:28] <Warrigal_> So it looks like landing on Minmus is probably actually easier than landing on the Mun?
L696[22:05:24] <UmbralRaptor> Pretty much.
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L700[22:12:16] <tawny> it takes less delta-v to descend to as well as to slow down for a safe landing, with the only real hard parts being matching the inclination and timing it to actually get there
L701[22:12:32] <Warrigal_> Well, then, sounds like it's time to...
L702[22:12:34] <tawny> it's a lot easier to get a mun intercept without even trying at all
L703[22:12:57] <Warrigal_> Start a new career game on a higher difficulty, because this is too easy.
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L705[22:15:33] * Warrigal_ just sets everything to the highest difficulty possible.
L706[22:16:03] <Warrigal_> Starting Funds: 0. Starting Reputation: -1,000.
L707[22:16:11] <Warrigal_> I don't think it will actually be possible for me to do anything.
L708[22:16:33] <Warrigal_> Kerbal G-Force Tolerance: 0.01
L709[22:17:08] <xShadowx> both are easy to land on, get enough dv to make an encounter, then just sat sas to point retrograde, engines on/off to slow you enough to run into minmus/mun, repeat again as you get close to lose speed, then near ground nudge throttle up/down to keep falling speed controlled enough to just not go forward, sas will keep the engine pointing down so you can land
L710[22:21:39] <taniwha> Warrigal_: the difficulty setting affects only science and finance. it's not really worth it
L711[22:22:22] <taniwha> (now, if it randomized planetary parameters a bit and hid the information, then it might be worth calling a difficulty setting)
L712[22:25:01] <mabus> the no reverts makes it tough
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L716[22:25:34] <KrazyKrl> The no reverts makes it sadistic.
L717[22:25:42] <mabus> you can also select that probes have no control when they have no signal which isnt default for hard
L718[22:25:44] <Warrigal_> taniwha: science and finance are the parts that make it too easy...
L719[22:26:01] <taniwha> mabus: no, it makes it punishing, which is unacceptable in a game
L720[22:26:28] <Warrigal_> I've been playing with no reverts for a pretty long time.
L721[22:26:33] <taniwha> Warrigal_: no, it's us having access to the information NASA and Russia (not sure the name) had to figure out
L722[22:26:37] <mabus> ok but its default on hard
L723[22:26:40] <taniwha> that's what makes it easy
L724[22:26:49] <KrazyKrl> Unless you run stuff that lets you modify crafts after launch. The only times I really use reverts, are when I forget simple stuff at launch.
L725[22:26:49] <taniwha> mabus: doesn't make it right
L726[22:26:49] <mabus> so more than just science and funds
L727[22:27:03] <mabus> Warrigal_: wants a harder mode
L728[22:27:08] <mabus> it can be fun
L729[22:27:21] <mabus> i usually play that way
L730[22:27:26] <KrazyKrl> Play RSO then.
L731[22:27:31] <taniwha> if you want harder, use a life support mod
L732[22:27:59] <mabus> or let us use the options we find fun
L733[22:28:06] <KrazyKrl> RSO/RSS with life support?
L734[22:28:21] <taniwha> oh, use what you want
L735[22:28:39] <taniwha> I won't even try to stop you
L736[22:28:54] <taniwha> but calling "no reverts" hard is not really accurate
L737[22:29:03] <mabus> im just saying "hard" difficulty chamges more than science/funds
L738[22:29:12] <KrazyKrl> No reverts is tedious, not actually difficult.
L739[22:29:22] <taniwha> KrazyKrl: yeah
L740[22:29:26] <mabus> and by default sets no reverts no quickloads
L741[22:29:37] <taniwha> mabus: which does not affect the difficulty
L742[22:30:02] <taniwha> (it does affect the consequences, though)
L743[22:30:05] <mabus> not sure how you make that case
L744[22:30:20] <mabus> funds become a problem when you jave to spend them on mistakes
L745[22:30:52] <KrazyKrl> Now... if you had a mod that limited reverts to only prelaunch...
L746[22:31:17] <taniwha> mabus: launch cheaper rockets :P
L747[22:31:37] <mabus> play on default hard, get back to me
L748[22:31:50] <Warrigal_> I think that g-force tolerance setting is gonna be the hardest thing on me, here. :D
L749[22:32:02] <taniwha> that I turn on anyway
L750[22:32:20] <mabus> they turned down threshold too
L751[22:32:28] <taniwha> (but it won't affect you much unless you fly planes a lot)
L752[22:32:31] <mabus> which seems to me it will be unplayable
L753[22:33:31] <mabus> since on launchpad they will be 100x over gee limit
L754[22:33:43] <taniwha> (or do lots of bad reentries, I guess)
L755[22:33:48] <mabus> or is it just a factor of 0.01
L756[22:33:57] <taniwha> mabus: eh?
L757[22:34:15] <mabus> Warrigal_: said they set gees limit to 0.01
L758[22:34:32] <mabus> i dont think its possible to play a career with that set
L759[22:36:48] <Warrigal_> Well, I launched a ship. Jebediah immediately lost consciousness and remained unconscious for about 150 seconds.
L760[22:39:07] <Warrigal_> Oh boy, look at the money numbers on this contract.
L761[22:39:20] <tawny> not letting probes operate with no signal is a neat idea I guess but it makes anything better than the stayputnik almost totally useless
L762[22:39:36] <Warrigal_> Advance: $20. Completion: $450. Failure: -$18,000.
L763[22:44:52] ⇦ Quits: icefire (~icefire@ (Read error: -0x1: UNKNOWN ERROR CODE (0001))
L764[22:52:37] <Warrigal_> Whelp, there goes Jebediah.
L765[22:52:55] <Warrigal_> Hit the ground at 276.5 m/s.
L766[23:04:01] <petti> reduce lithobraking slightly
L767[23:07:38] <Warrigal_> And there goes Valentina, too.
L768[23:07:57] <Warrigal_> There's good news, though.
L769[23:08:06] <Warrigal_> I have more than 1% of the amount of money required in order to hire a new pilot.
L770[23:08:20] ⇨ Joins: Gasher[work] (~Gasher@
L771[23:10:55] ⇨ Joins: Althego (~Althego@BC246A88.dsl.pool.telekom.hu)
L772[23:11:43] <mabus> never hire kerbals, the ones you enslave, i mean, rescue, are better value
L773[23:12:01] <Warrigal_> And I have good news about Bill Kerman.
L774[23:12:05] <Althego> exactly
L775[23:12:08] <Warrigal_> He didn't regain consciousness before dying.
L776[23:13:55] <Warrigal_> So if I cancel a contract, I *don't* get the failure penalty, right?
L777[23:15:01] <Warrigal_> Whew. I wasn't eager to get that $94,500 penalty.
L778[23:27:56] <Gasher[work]> you save their lives and then you own them :)
L779[23:33:09] ⇦ Quits: ergZay (~ergZay@c-24-7-55-179.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
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L781[23:35:24] ⇨ Joins: daey_ (~Unknown@p5B2413A6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L782[23:36:58] <Warrigal_> This career game is proving to be surprisingly possible.
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L784[23:37:21] <Warrigal_> Looks like all my kerbals can sustain 2 g's indefinitely. 3 g's, not so sure.
L785[23:38:42] <taniwha> 3 is pretty low, really
L786[23:39:11] <Warrigal_> I haven't actually had anyone pass out from 3 yet.
L787[23:40:38] ⇦ Quits: daey (~Unknown@p5B241117.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 383 seconds)
L788[23:45:30] <petti> normal people usually have no problems sustaining 4 g I think?
L789[23:46:27] <Althego> maybe with some training
L790[23:47:24] <taniwha> I think the limit for normal people is somewhere between 4 and 6
L791[23:47:26] <Althego> wiki says 5 g is the usual limit although it can be lower for some people
L792[23:47:56] <taniwha> yeah, well, if you're fairly unfit, 5g would be pretty nasty
L793[23:48:13] <Gasher[work]> Althego, i guess those some people won't get through initial testing
L794[23:48:27] <petti> no more donuts at the crew lounge
L795[23:57:26] ⇦ Quits: transitbiker1 (~transitbi@pool-98-115-189-119.phlapa.fios.verizon.net) (Quit: bwoop bwoop)
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