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L1[03:23:23] ⇨ Joins: flappy (flappy!~flappy@88-113-149-197.elisa-laajakaista.fi)
L2[04:12:35] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@port-92-201-21-87.dynamic.qsc.de)
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L4[05:57:50] ⇨ Joins: MCenderdragon (MCenderdragon!~MCenderdr@
L5[11:48:16] <DoubleTony> Quick question! if I use the locomotives can I avoid putting the booster track?
L6[11:51:56] <DoubleTony> Quick question! if I use the locomotives can I avoid putting the booster track? And and still reach the maximum? [Edited]
L7[11:54:38] <Forecaster> or regular tracks, not HS tracks
L8[11:54:53] <Forecaster> for high-speed you still need boosters/transition tracks
L9[12:02:21] <DoubleTony> and for HSE?
L10[12:02:33] <Forecaster> what?
L11[12:03:22] <DoubleTony> High Speed Eletric
L12[12:03:39] <Forecaster> same deal
L13[12:05:08] <DoubleTony> for maximum efficiency the boosters every how much should be put?
L14[12:05:55] <DoubleTony> for maximum efficiency the boosters every how often should be put? [Edited]
L15[12:07:48] <Forecaster> dunno
L16[12:57:17] ⇦ Quits: Keridos (Keridos!~Keridos@static. (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in)
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L20[13:52:54] <bball.psd> If you’re using a locomotive you only need them for transitions, otherwise I would experiment in the range of 10-20 blocks
L21[13:55:21] <Natesky9> That's actually an idea for a new cart/feature
L22[13:55:43] <Natesky9> Add the speed to locomotives, or add a speed cart
L23[14:07:24] ⇨ Joins: Hawk777 (Hawk777!~chead@2607:c000:8223:d00:7883:90e1:91aa:9729)
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L25[14:12:17] <Forecaster> what does that mean
L26[14:23:47] <Kobayen> I think they mean, trains with multiple locos.
L27[14:25:55] <Forecaster> you can do that already
L28[14:26:57] <Kobayen> Then why that doesnt get you over base top speed?
L29[14:27:54] <Kobayen> Imean its more horsepower in the same composition.
L30[14:28:23] <Forecaster> because the speed limits for regular and HS tracks are hard limits
L31[14:28:41] <Forecaster> you can adjust the limit for regular tracks in the config
L32[14:29:03] <Forecaster> but the limit for HS tracks is pretty much the upper limit before the risk of issues increase
L33[14:30:53] <Kobayen> Okay I phrased that poorly.
L34[14:30:54] <Kobayen> I understand the speed limit depends on the track. I also understand that the only way to get to HS speeds is boosters use is that right?
L35[14:31:22] <Kobayen> Imean why not just have more locos help reach that speed?
L36[14:32:03] <Forecaster> there's more to HS tracks than that...
L37[14:32:21] <Forecaster> you need to slow down again before turning or entering a non HS track or boom
L38[14:32:53] <Kobayen> I know you need the brakes for switching and curve, but I'm on here about reaching and sustaining higher speed.
L39[14:33:06] <Kobayen> I know you need the brakes for switching track types and curves, but I'm on here about reaching and sustaining higher speed. [Edited]
L40[14:33:52] <Forecaster> that's just the system that's been in place since before there were locomotives
L41[14:35:46] <Kobayen> ...... understood.
L42[14:36:04] <Ommina> I get his point though. Having the track provide the additional speed to the train instead of the locomotive just feels weird.
L43[14:36:18] <Kobayen> THANK YOU.
L44[14:36:52] <Kobayen> (Not to mention wasteful)
L45[14:38:24] <Forecaster> sure, but there just isn't enough dev-time to put into changing that
L46[14:38:25] <Kobayen> Strangely enough I am okay with the need to place brakes, because Railcraft trains aint smart. The signaling system is the extension of that, it detects, processes, and holds or releases a train depending on how well you coded it.
L47[14:38:33] <Kobayen> But a train just y'know. Goes fast.
L48[14:40:37] <Natesky9> I moreso meant a way to see your speed , either in the locomotives GUI , or in a special type of cart
L49[14:41:01] <Forecaster> ah
L50[14:41:18] <Forecaster> that would be useful, and would probably be fairly simple
L51[14:44:39] <Kobayen> speed in Blocks Per Second
L52[14:44:57] <Natesky9> Especially for high-speed tracks, and maximizing the use of locomotives any longer trains
L53[14:45:04] <Natesky9> no, meters per second
L54[14:45:18] <Kobayen> Same thing, oddly enough.
L55[17:24:29] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@port-92-201-21-87.dynamic.qsc.de) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L56[17:29:32] ⇦ Quits: MCenderdragon (MCenderdragon!~MCenderdr@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L57[21:30:29] <Natesky9> Yeah, same metric , more understandable unit
L58[21:34:07] <Natesky9> oh my gosh
L59[21:34:11] <Natesky9> that gives me an idea
L60[21:35:58] <Natesky9> new train mechanic, for high speed trains, when a train is going "high speed", let it only chunkload 1x1 chunks ahead of it, instead of the whole x*x chunkload area
L61[21:36:57] <Natesky9> and then you can have it travel as if it were a node-based path, instead of every block
L62[21:37:22] <Natesky9> since you'll never take turns in high speed, you know exactly how far and how fast
L63[21:38:56] <Kobayen> I dont know much about Minecraft modding, but changing how chunks are loaded doesnt sound like garden variety changes.
L64[21:39:05] <Kobayen> Or within Railcraft's scope.
L65[21:48:34] <Natesky9> railcraft already does that with the worldspikes
L66[21:49:10] <Natesky9> as per vanilla behavior though, a 5x5 of chunks has to be "lazy loaded" in order for it to be entity processing chunks
L67[21:50:18] <ElectroBot> True, but what Natesky9 is referring to is the chunkloader cart (the standard/player/passive anchor cart) that loads 3x3. There should be a HS anchor option/cart so it only loads 1x2/1x3 for length, but no width
L68[21:50:36] <ElectroBot> True, but what Natesky9 is referring to is the chunkloader cart (the standard/player/passive anchor cart) that loads 3x3 (or is it 5x5?). There should be a HS anchor option/cart so it only loads 1x2/1x3 for length, but no width [Edited]
L69[22:50:01] <Natesky9> yeah, because the issue with High speed tracks
L70[22:50:11] <Natesky9> is that especially on unequipped/busy servers
L71[22:50:24] <Natesky9> a high speed train travels faster than the chunks can load
L72[22:50:41] <Natesky9> and significantly drops the tps, grinding the server to a halt
L73[22:50:48] <Natesky9> ... yeah
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