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L1[00:47:35] <texaswriter> Thanks for the response CJ. I'm actually really excited about that because I was thinking of a fairly complicated method of handling a to/from matrix of source+material/destination combinations. Although this will require a fair amount of work with semaphores/schedulemaster, i only have to worry about setting up from semaphores and to semaphores without regard to where they go to or where they come from. This ty
L2[00:47:35] <texaswriter> of the patience and possibly capabilities of a lot of players, so the semaphores/schedulemaster will make this much easier to do while still being in the spirit of Railcraft.
L3[00:48:41] <texaswriter> That said, I did want to say the following: I hope it can be flexible to multiple things, like picking up entities (like villagers, sheep, cows, etc.) --> minecarts, fluids, items, etc.
L4[00:49:50] <texaswriter> Sounds like it will be a great way to encourage people to use railcraft as logistics. It would be exciting to see a server that allowed even buying/selling as a prerequisite to allow a delivery.
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L16[11:13:12] <rrusciguy> Being able too use any block for a tank didn't make sense to me
L17[11:22:19] <coderbot> Fancy Fluid Storage has flexible tanks anyway if people want that kind of thing
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L19[16:05:36] ⇦ Quits: CovertJaguar (CovertJaguar!~you@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L20[17:59:34] <CovertJaguar> I hadn't thought about entities, hmm have to think about that
L21[18:01:38] <CovertJaguar> but I was thinking of having a block, call it a "Semaphore Marker" or something for lack of any better ideas, that you can place on any chests or tanks nearby and it will connect to the Semaphore which is next to the track, and in these markers you can set whether that chest/tank provides or requests specific things, in this way you could create stops that supply multiple items
L22[18:02:27] <CovertJaguar> and this would pair with cargo carts/tank carts such that on being assigned a job, an amount and filter was set on the train as to how much and what to pick up
L23[18:11:11] <CovertJaguar> basically, if you've ever played Factorio, think train stop as the semaphore, and circuit connections to chests/tanks as markers
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L25[18:41:23] <texaswriter> okay.
L26[18:44:47] <Zomec> Do any of you guys happen to know what mod adds these icons in the upper right hand corner? My mining is almost impossible now, I have no clue what mod changed it but I have got to get rid of it http://tinyurl.com/yy3dvaf8
L27[19:00:48] <Zomec> Wasn't a mod, Was because I had this is my pocket http://tinyurl.com/y4c7fsjs
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L30[22:30:27] <FullMetalJuggernaut> Any good airship mods for 1.12?
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