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L1[01:06:23] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300C107205E39293A5872CF5874B4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
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L5[04:06:35] <Darkelarious> thanks for the reminder, I almost forgot
L6[04:12:02] <Darkelarious> About yesterday's discussion with CovertJaguar and Natesky9 (no highlight) ,
L7[04:12:02] <Darkelarious> The logic is, from an abstract point of view, very specific for railcraft. I have my own ideas about that logic and it works most of the time, but even with Forecaster's tutorial videos, I often struggle with some basics. What I would really like to see is a depiction of "correct" signalling in some standard situations, like two or more tracks merging into one (main track and side track)
L8[04:12:45] <Darkelarious> and eventually it's up to the user to make their definition of correct, but I need a starting point from which to compare whether I'm doing it as intended, or that I'm deviating from that "Standard"
L9[04:15:04] <Darkelarious> the other problem I'm having is with high speed rails and signalling, I think we discussed that some time ago already; when a train moves with high speed from one signalling block to the other, with a holding (or equivalent) track inbetween, the tail of my train either catches the unpowered holding track at high speed and will explode, or due to constructions with booster/transition tracks, it gets slowed down
L10[04:16:33] <Darkelarious> my solution was to make that separation somewhere 20-30 blocks in front of the next track, but that means you have "gaps" in your signalling as you're trusting that there's nothing coming into the other block from either a junction or opposite direction
L11[04:17:16] <Darkelarious> I think there are solutions in "vanilla" railcraft without introducing new or modified blocks, but I have not found a "clean" solution yet
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L13[04:28:40] <Darkelarious> oh, and another thing I was wondering about.. is it possible, preferable and realistic to have some cosmetically good-looking block that repulses all mobs from the tracks? like the magnum torch that prevents mobs from spawning in a certain area, would it be an idea to have some expensive end-game block or torch that pushes/repulses/despawns all mobs away from your (high speed) tracks so that you either don't ne
L14[04:28:41] <Darkelarious> monorail-like bridge, but that you can put your tracks inside the landscape safely instead?
L15[04:29:05] <Darkelarious> or some fence that looks like it's only 1 block high, but repells arrows up to 3-4 blocks high so you don't get hit?
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L18[08:28:49] <Forecaster> crushed obsidian blocks mob spawning
L19[08:28:52] <Forecaster> that's what it's for
L20[08:31:40] <Forecaster> @Darkelarious I'm confused about your issues
L21[08:32:06] <Forecaster> there is no standard, you build a system that does what you need
L22[08:32:18] <Forecaster> my videos are there to explain how the pieces work
L23[08:32:42] <Forecaster> if there's something that's missing from then I'd like to know so I can take that into account when I re-make them
L24[08:32:50] <Forecaster> if there's something that's missing from them I'd like to know so I can take that into account when I re-make them [Edited]
L25[08:38:21] <Darkelarious> I should go through the vids and compare them with my problems, I'm also not up-to-date anymore on what exists
L26[08:40:38] <Darkelarious> when rc for 1.12 is publicly available (is it already?) i'll just make some testcases and see what status is
L27[08:41:08] <Forecaster> there's a beta
L28[08:45:22] <Darkelarious> as soon as i have the hardware for my new server in, i'll get to it and report back :)
L29[09:18:03] <fLAK> @Forecaster I believe what @Darkelarious was asking for was a way to prevent mobs from getting near tracks, because while you can prevent mobs from spawning there they can still walk into areas they shouldn't be, unless you build on elevated platforms or enclose the whole thing in a tunnel.
L30[09:18:24] <Forecaster> put fences on the sides...
L31[09:19:05] <fLAK> It does't sound like he want's that
L32[09:19:54] <Forecaster> well that's their choice
L33[09:19:58] <fLAK> I mean, if he's asking here then wouldn't you think he already considered fences?
L34[09:20:06] <Forecaster> I elevate my HS tracks generally to keep mobs away from them
L35[09:23:18] <fLAK> Yeah but just reread his question, he's suggesting an expensive end-game item/block/torch to repel mobs so he can run HS tracks nicely along the terrain.
L36[09:25:44] <Forecaster> I know. I read the same thing you did.
L37[09:27:33] <Darkelarious> the fences or same-level track are just a open question, not related to the signalling thing
L38[09:28:08] <Forecaster> I doubt railcraft will have a magic way of keeping tracks clear
L39[09:28:34] <Forecaster> you'll either have to elevate the tracks, build a glass tunnel or something, or use something from another mod
L40[09:28:41] <Darkelarious> what i noticed about my same-level tracks, is that even with fences, arrows can be shot over by skeletons, and that mobs start following you
L41[09:28:56] <Darkelarious> that's what I'm trying to address
L42[09:29:09] <Darkelarious> and indeed, elevated tracks, glass tunnels, magnum torches, etc that all works
L43[09:29:14] <Forecaster> See glass tunnel :P
L44[09:29:23] <Forecaster> and certain mods add very fancy glass
L45[09:29:39] <Darkelarious> myeah
L46[09:30:27] <Darkelarious> i think that I'll give some full-transparent glass a chance next
L47[09:30:47] <Darkelarious> so it looks like a single wooden fence, but 2-3 layers of transparent panes on top
L48[09:31:28] <Forecaster> railcraft also have fairly fancy posts (that are kinda buggy in 1.12 but still)
L49[09:31:52] <Darkelarious> ow, the metal posts that if you have a single block in the air, it's invisible? :)
L50[09:32:12] <Forecaster> yeah, like I said, buggy :P
L51[09:32:27] <Darkelarious> that was the case in 1.10 or 1.11 already as well :)
L52[09:32:38] <Darkelarious> but meh, it's known and worked on, so not relevant :P
L53[09:32:39] <Forecaster> there's no 1.11 version
L54[09:32:43] <Darkelarious> then it was 1.10
L55[09:32:47] <Darkelarious> it's been a while since I tried
L56[09:33:03] <Forecaster> it's know and will be fixed eventually
L57[09:33:11] <Darkelarious> >eventually
L58[09:33:15] <Darkelarious> that's all we're ever hope for :)
L59[09:33:17] <Forecaster> yep
L60[09:33:25] <Darkelarious> that's all we ever hope for :) [Edited]
L61[09:33:39] <Forecaster> I can make up a timeframe if you want
L62[09:33:50] <Darkelarious> wait wait, there should be a dilbert comic about that
L63[09:35:08] <Darkelarious> anyway
L64[09:35:44] <Darkelarious> as said, I'll sketch some signalling issues / routing issues / block issues that I'm having and discuss them around the same time those bugs get fixed >:)
L65[09:36:18] <Forecaster> you do that
L66[09:38:51] <Darkelarious> it'll probably be around the same time that I finish my first minecraft mod that I started on so long ago in the future already
L67[09:38:57] <Darkelarious> \* cries in java \*
L68[09:39:28] <Forecaster> "long ago in the future"
L69[09:39:29] <Forecaster> :P
L70[09:40:20] <KillTyrant> I chuckled at that as well
L71[09:41:29] <KillTyrant> Dark, I generally do what engineers IRL do. Raised track and if it cant be raised than bushes with fences.
L72[09:41:47] <Darkelarious> oh, i didn't say I couldn't get it done :P
L73[09:42:07] <Darkelarious> *pulls out 400 screenshots of a few thousands blocks of Epic. f-ing. rail track.
L74[09:42:35] <Forecaster> you can post som of those in #showcase if you want
L75[09:42:53] <Darkelarious> I linked it in showcase, but i cleaned up my server yesterday so that link is dead
L76[09:56:26] <Darkelarious> what do you prefer, a 120MB dump of screenshots, or link to a website? :)
L77[09:57:32] <Darkelarious> (arf, afk, bbl)
L78[09:58:00] <Forecaster> I did say "some"
L79[09:58:18] <texaswriter> so, like less than 120 MB lol?
L80[09:58:22] <Forecaster> just post a select few directly to the channel
L81[11:12:14] <WiFiN> plow cart could solve the problem of mobs on the track in a spectacular way
L82[11:35:29] <liach> well, mob ai avoid tracks by default
L83[11:36:55] <Darkelarious> anyway, link posted with some sshots
L84[11:37:30] <Darkelarious> too bad the generic survival landscape does not have flat areas with different biomes for 3000 blocks
L85[11:37:43] <Darkelarious> on the other hand, it's minecraft. you can make it happen.
L86[11:38:04] <Darkelarious> anyway, later.
L87[11:38:40] <TheMadMen> Hello everyone, my name is Louis, also know as TheMadMen on MineCraft.
L88[11:38:53] <Darkelarious> there's still so many things I want to do in minecraft. and irl. and mod-wise. I'm going to game the shit out of my retirement in 96 years....
L89[11:39:01] <Darkelarious> hi @TheMadMen
L90[11:40:05] <TheMadMen> I have aspiration of becoming a mod pack creator, and Railcraft is one of my favourite mod.
L91[11:44:13] <Darkelarious> ?faq
L92[11:44:16] <Darkelarious> .faq
L93[11:44:24] <Darkelarious> !faq
L94[11:44:25] <GearBot> Message contained 4 or more newlines and was pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/runizibiqi
L95[11:44:27] <Darkelarious> there we go
L96[11:47:09] <TheMadMen> Oups, did I trigger the bot ?
L97[11:53:35] <Forecaster> no
L98[12:09:29] <liach> darkelarious did
L99[12:14:03] <KillTyrant> Gahhh why are lga 1155 boards so expensive >.<
L100[12:53:36] <Natesky9> old standard?
L101[12:59:34] <KillTyrant> But 500+??
L102[12:59:55] <KillTyrant> Not even new, but a refurbished
L103[13:37:05] <Chocohead> Even X79 boards aren't that much
L104[14:18:20] <KillTyrant> I know! It's almost cheaper to build a modern rig over older one.
L105[14:56:19] <CovertJaguar> regarding skeletons shooting trains, I do plan to make carts more resistant to mob damage
L106[14:57:27] <CovertJaguar> @Darkelarious you mention locking tracks catching the end of trains... that isn't supposed to happen with train mode locking tracks, if it is, I'd consider it a bug
L107[14:58:23] <CovertJaguar> I admit I haven't given HS track signaling much thought
L108[14:59:31] <CovertJaguar> junctions these days are mostly just token signals all around with interlocks on the approach lines
L109[15:01:21] <CovertJaguar> I do know however that there is some kind of rare serialization bug with interlock, but the result seems to be deadlock rather than collisions and sometimes Token Signals lose track of trains existing the zone, but the result there is also deadlock
L110[15:01:42] <CovertJaguar> I do know however that there is some kind of rare serialization bug with interlock, but the result seems to be deadlock rather than collisions and sometimes Token Signals lose track of trains exiting the zone, but the result there is also deadlock [Edited]
L111[15:02:13] <Darkelarious> I think the HS catching is not a bug, but implementation issue on my side
L112[15:02:38] <Darkelarious> i think we also discussed that during the time that i pointed out that a train could go from high speed to standstill on a locking track if red signal
L113[15:03:09] <CovertJaguar> hmm.... yeah I could see a red arriving too late for the train to stop
L114[15:03:24] <Darkelarious> yup, basically that
L115[15:03:27] <Darkelarious> but not only
L116[15:04:07] <CovertJaguar> you'd basically have to trigger the slowdown and then using a capacitor box for a delay before activating the locking track
L117[15:04:14] <Darkelarious> i want to do fancy things like "if next section is clear, but the one after that occuppied, then slow down"
L118[15:04:34] <CovertJaguar> but the result could be the train entering an occupied zone
L119[15:04:38] <Darkelarious> but right now it's indeed a lot of boxes
L120[15:05:33] <CovertJaguar> hmm....we were talking about the other day, a new type of signal based on graphs that would cover the use cases of bother types of existing signals and do it better
L121[15:05:36] <Darkelarious> and i haven't found a solution yet for large freight areas with a lot of tracks
L122[15:05:53] <CovertJaguar> one of the consideration was detection of occupied zones beyond the current block
L123[15:05:53] <Darkelarious> grahs?
L124[15:05:55] <Darkelarious> graphs*?
L125[15:06:10] <Darkelarious> but yes, that's exactly what I'm talking about
L126[15:06:41] <CovertJaguar> ie scan the track layout and build connection graphs to define complex shaped blocks
L127[15:06:59] <Darkelarious> nice
L128[15:08:46] <Darkelarious> what i often struggle with, is that i have a lot of tracks at a station, then some double-track to some far-out corner on the map, an intersection or a split to 2-3 more locations, and at every location another set of tracks fanning out into multiple platforms, industrial/freight areas and so on
L129[15:08:54] <CovertJaguar> hmm....we were talking about the other day, a new type of signal based on graphs that would cover the use cases of both types of existing signals and do it better [Edited]
L130[15:09:08] <Darkelarious> and Forecaster helped with the general routing logic about two years ago, and that works great
L131[15:09:20] <Darkelarious> but the signalling i sort of did in a (in my opinion) dirty way
L132[15:09:27] <Darkelarious> by having overlap in the signalling areas
L133[15:09:51] <CovertJaguar> I definitely agree signaling is burdensome atm
L134[15:10:12] <Darkelarious> fyi, i'm not complaining -- i think it demands abstract thinking and I'm in favour of that
L135[15:10:21] <Darkelarious> but it's a subject worth of discussion :)
L136[15:10:22] <CovertJaguar> the Token Signals help _alot_, but they aren't perfect
L137[15:10:53] <Darkelarious> that aside, i don't think tokens are the solution if you have a lot of trains and a lot of destinations
L138[15:11:23] <CovertJaguar> deadlock due to too many trains wanting to use an intersection?
L139[15:11:33] <Darkelarious> no doubt that will happen too
L140[15:11:58] <CovertJaguar> what is the limitation of token signals then?
L141[15:12:57] <Darkelarious> i didn't experience limitations with token signels, i just doubled my tracks
L142[15:13:30] <Darkelarious> what I meant to say, is that token signals do not solve my particular issue
L143[15:14:16] <CovertJaguar> what is that issue? too many trains wanting to use a single track?
L144[15:14:27] <Darkelarious> sec
L145[15:17:01] <Darkelarious> I think that, when making my problems abstract workpackages, there are three general issues: 1) trains following too close behind each other at high speed, which you already addressed with possible new signals or different signalling techniques; 2) merging two tracks onto one track in a Y-merge, 3) trains crossing over from 1 track to another, sort of like an |\| layout
L146[15:17:17] <Darkelarious> er.. that last one requires some fancy ascii arting or drawing... sec
L147[15:20:32] <Darkelarious> situation 1 is pretty clear:
L148[15:20:32] <Darkelarious> `=|=====[train one]>========|=============[train two]>========|=====`
L149[15:20:33] <Darkelarious> where `|` are signal block start/ends
L150[15:21:11] <Darkelarious> Message contained 4 or more newlines and was pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/ekasasixid
L151[15:21:46] <Darkelarious> and situation 3:
L152[15:21:46] <Darkelarious> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/icogiweyec
L153[15:21:46] <Darkelarious> where both trains are still driving in the same direction
L154[15:22:05] <Darkelarious> for all my sitations, i never expect trains driving towards each other
L155[15:22:16] <Darkelarious> unless something really Fabulous'd Up happens
L156[15:22:40] <Darkelarious> i think these are also the standard situations that I tried to describe to Forecaster, but didn't get explained in a clear way yet
L157[15:28:11] <Darkelarious> also to clarify, these are the kinds of problems that I'm struggling with in general and solved in some ways (but imo always the dirty way), it's not something I'm trying to get fixed urgently
L158[15:37:24] <Darkelarious> situation 2 I fixed now by having signals A B and C, and relay blocks D E and F in place like so:
L159[15:37:24] <Darkelarious> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/ecuvevisin
L160[15:37:47] <Darkelarious> so the signal block is routed A-----D--E----B
L161[15:37:59] <Darkelarious> as if they were to make a U-turn instead of a Y-merge
L162[15:38:36] <Darkelarious> and it then relies on the train being long enough to keep ADEB occuppied if C-F is occuppied
L163[15:55:18] <Darkelarious> ..what.. was my monologue so boring that everyone fell asleep?
L164[15:58:13] <KillTyrant> Lol treat this chat as if its IRC
L165[15:58:26] <KillTyrant> Check back in a couple hours
L166[15:59:14] <Darkelarious> that's the spirit <3
L167[16:16:29] <CovertJaguar> sorry got distracted by other things
L168[16:18:27] <KillTyrant> "Things"
L169[16:18:50] <CovertJaguar> regarding #3, is this what you are talking about? https://wiki.openttd.org/Signals#Path_signals
L170[16:19:53] <CovertJaguar> @Darkelarious regarding #3, is this what you are talking about? https://wiki.openttd.org/Signals#Path_signals
L171[16:21:29] <CovertJaguar> #2 looks like it could be simplified with Token Signals
L172[16:22:32] <CovertJaguar> #1 would indeed benefit from "yellow means following block occupied"
L173[16:24:06] <CovertJaguar> any place you use several overlapping block signals can generally be simplified significantly with a single Token Signal block covering the entire area
L174[16:26:35] <CovertJaguar> as for #3, I'm not sure if your problem is just signaling it at all (which I assume yes) or if its the problem described on the TTD wiki. As I said the other day, Path Based Signaling is probably not coming to Railcraft as its basically a "total control" system and our framework isn't designed around such an idea
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L178[17:36:18] <Darkelarious> @CJ yes, that looks like #3 yes
L179[17:37:11] <Darkelarious> maybe with routing blocks and signalling you could make your own pathing
L180[17:38:59] <Forecaster> You can already do that :P
L181[17:48:42] <Darkelarious> there you have it :p
L182[17:48:50] <Darkelarious> ok, bedtime
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