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L1[00:10:54] <liach> no, put it in routing motor @texaswriter
L2[00:28:20] <texaswriter> i see.
L3[00:28:37] <texaswriter> i'm not having any luck with it routing carts
L4[00:28:48] <texaswriter> what track does the routing motor interact with?
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L6[00:47:38] <bball.psd> switches and wyes
L7[00:47:47] ⇦ Quits: Hawk777 (Hawk777!~chead@2607:c000:81d9:f400:8464:5fc4:331b:7779) (Quit: Leaving.)
L8[00:50:21] <texaswriter> thanks guys . I had the routing motor on the wrong side.
L9[01:24:06] ⇨ Joins: mattym (mattym!mattym@2604:180:2:da::7)
L10[02:00:42] <Hanakocz> Who used technicpack forums, check out this: https://www.technicpack.net/article/forums-database-breach.149
L11[03:37:47] <liach> Strongly agree. If you are in the technic discord and did not mute everyone pings you should be informed, too
L12[09:09:13] <Trinsdar> on a scale of 1-10, how buggy would you say railcraft 1.12 is right now?
L13[09:36:37] <liach> 4
L14[09:37:08] <liach> for i'm lazy fixing it, working on sth else
L15[09:47:55] <Trinsdar> So 4 means very buggy or not very buggy?
L16[09:50:59] <liach> 1 least 10 most
L17[09:51:13] <liach> some bugs are caused by the merging
L18[09:51:37] <liach> some refactors are underway, but most core logics should be fine
L19[09:53:47] <liach> honestly i am not a big fan of the current release system, too. Even patrons cannot get non-manual builds
L20[09:54:05] <liach> and even a tiny compile fix need to wait till cj's free
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L25[15:45:10] <CovertJaguar> do you have to be so negative all the time? ugh
L26[15:46:51] <CovertJaguar> there was _one_ bug from the merging, it was fixed weeks ago. The other bugs in the multiblocks were from code _you_ added, namely returning zero size inventories for invalid structures
L27[15:47:53] <CovertJaguar> right now, I'd say we are closer to 6-8 in terms of readiness
L28[15:48:03] <CovertJaguar> I've been contemplating moving out of alpha
L29[15:48:36] <CovertJaguar> I need to look at the recipe stuff still, but other than that the API is mostly finalized
L30[15:49:37] <CovertJaguar> charge and inventory stuff needs testing, but I'm fairly confident in it atm
L31[15:50:17] <CovertJaguar> I need to push that final 1.10 build to release, I keep forgetting about it
L32[15:53:42] <CovertJaguar> and no I don't see how routing is a PITA to use, its no more complicated than any other alternative and probably 10x more reliable than any graph building path finding algorithm that the other solutions require
L33[15:55:28] <CovertJaguar> your destination string is like a mailing address, for example you have country->state->county->city->street->address
L34[15:57:00] <CovertJaguar> then in your routing tables, if you need to divert at a switch to reach that address, you just put for example the "country->state" bit in the routing table to indicate that all traffic headed to that state needs to turn here
L35[15:57:13] <CovertJaguar> @texaswriter ^
L36[15:58:50] <CovertJaguar> and that's it, all that is required is an intelligent address system and a quick setup when building your switches
L37[15:59:41] <CovertJaguar> your address system can be as simple or as complex as you require
L38[16:06:47] ⇦ Quits: Nirek (Nirek!~Nirek@ip68-11-40-69.no.no.cox.net) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L39[16:09:36] <CovertJaguar> with the current system, if a train gets lost, it was because of user error, not system faults. any other design would undoubtable result in occasional system faults and lost trains, and lets not talk about the computational cost of scanning an entire railsystem
L40[16:11:47] <CovertJaguar> I've seen factorio's trains drive in endless circles for example
L41[16:13:02] <vedrit> Factorio is amazing.
L42[16:13:03] <vedrit> That aside, please do let the ~~mindless masses~~ public get RC, please :D
L43[16:14:46] <CovertJaguar> soon, I want it out too, it just not quite ready
L44[16:15:23] <liach> cj, let me work on my data pack thing first
L45[16:16:18] <CovertJaguar> first I've heard of that. what's your goal in regards to railcraft?
L46[16:22:36] <liach> bug fixes? i am mainly interested in tracks and carts
L47[16:22:57] <liach> there's a very interesting cart blanche mod that adds a lot of carts
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L49[17:10:34] <CovertJaguar> what does that have to do with datapacks?
L50[17:34:15] <liach> uh, not much
L51[17:34:36] <liach> the thing is i've never really published a mod before that is totally authored by me
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L53[18:52:10] <ThatGuy> Do you think it will be out before February?
L54[19:06:49] <liach> asking when it will be out is generally ineffective
L55[19:12:05] <vedrit> Do you think it will be out?
L56[19:12:12] <vedrit> :p
L57[19:12:41] <liach> ask cj. it's not really my business to release railcraft
L58[22:31:39] <CovertJaguar> I'd say there is a really good chance it is out before Feburary
L59[22:31:49] <CovertJaguar> I'd say there is a really good chance it is out before February [Edited]
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L62[22:38:42] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/builds/93612287
L63[22:38:42] <travis-ci> Change view : https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/compare/d9c2e2b942bc...c5baf0db2a2f
L64[22:38:42] <travis-ci> Railcraft/Railcraft#111 (mc-1.12.2 - c5baf0d : CovertJaguar): The build is still failing.
L65[22:46:32] <liach> Largely good chance. I agree.
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