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L1[02:27:04] ⇨ Joins: Hgrebnednav (Hgrebnednav!~Hgrebnedn@ptr-918dom0uuom28cdwynv.18120a2.ip6.access.telenet.be)
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L5[04:57:39] <Cream Tea> guys
L6[04:58:04] <Cream Tea> for long distance caves/tunnel systems do you prefer locomotives or an old fashioned single cart track with boosters
L7[04:58:24] <Cream Tea> if it's just to go down, mine and quickly come back up to store your items and get new pickaxes
L8[04:59:13] <Cream Tea> What I've done on my server is a "main line" with locomotives from my base to a mining outpost, and then there is a track down into the caves (goes a long way) for a single cart with boosters
L9[04:59:21] <Cream Tea> just interested in what you guys do/think ?
L10[05:15:11] <FeherNeoH> in the 1.4.7 times I used single carts, not I'm usually using locomotives for basically everything
L11[05:15:20] <FeherNeoH> in the 1.4.7 times I used single carts, now I'm usually using locomotives for basically everything [Edited]
L12[05:18:32] <Hanakocz> I think that booster tracks should be removed by railcraft for the sake of locomotives
L13[05:19:42] <FeherNeoH> Not sure about that
L14[05:19:52] <FeherNeoH> some things still work better with those
L15[05:20:51] <FeherNeoH> On larger GalactiCraft spacesations those are a great way to travel in the service tunnels
L16[05:47:04] <Hanakocz> They should get replaced by electric booster tracks that do same but for charge
L17[05:57:58] <FeherNeoH> You actually have a point
L18[07:11:05] <axelandre42> Is there a planned alpha/beta public release?
L19[07:13:26] <Hanakocz> maybe also gamma and delta
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L23[07:51:33] <Resuz> ?
L24[08:36:58] ⇨ Joins: Hgreb (Hgreb!~Hgrebnedn@d8d872a6e.access.telenet.be)
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L27[10:16:59] <Report> !faq
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L29[11:04:49] <Shovinus> Hey guys I am looking to make a rails mod for MC akin in simplicity to Factorios method, tell me if I shouldn't continue talking please. I am just looking for any knowledgeable coders (especially if they have model/texture experience) with free time.
L30[12:03:40] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300C107205E723AD7F66FAC2E7C81.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
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L34[15:57:06] <Cream Tea> like in my mineshaft
L35[15:57:09] <Cream Tea> oh
L36[15:58:01] <Cream Tea> I have booster tracks and stuff, only because it's quick and easy, the downside is I can't exactly store stuff in an extra chest cart or anything
L37[15:58:05] <Cream Tea> it just makes it easier to go down
L38[15:58:23] <Cream Tea> although it's.. harder to stop at particular places
L39[16:01:16] <Cream Tea> I mean in traditional mineshafts you used to have standalone carts that would join up to a "core track" which would have a locomotive
L40[16:01:22] <Cream Tea> or they would get winched individually to the top
L41[16:01:31] <Cream Tea> that's what I gathered anyway
L42[16:01:52] <Cream Tea> and then at the top (like in my mineshaft/cave network) you would have a locomotive pull a train with all the stuff you have collected
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L46[17:47:53] <Natesky9> I have never used a linking track
L47[18:31:13] <liach> @Natesky9 Linking track? Coupler track?
L48[18:41:36] <Natesky9> Whatever it's called. The crowbar track
L49[18:44:50] <Generalcamo> Coupler kit
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L51[18:54:13] <liach> I really love the autocoupler mode
L52[18:58:10] <Cream Tea> that was my addition @liach ❤
L53[18:58:28] <Cream Tea> CJ wasn't sure about the concept to begin with so I had to make a video about it
L54[18:58:46] <Cream Tea> then he added it
L55[18:58:50] <liach> I also improved it so that it can link on two sides (twice) instead of just one @Cream Tea
L56[18:58:54] <Cream Tea> nice
L57[18:59:00] <Cream Tea> like from the front and back?
L58[18:59:04] <liach> yes
L59[18:59:45] <liach> Moreover, camo suggested to remove the autolink when passing unactivated couplers, which make it more save at the same time (you can just wrap your yard with these couplers)
L60[19:00:58] <Cream Tea> remove the autolink?
L61[19:01:11] <Cream Tea> I thought if it was turned off it just didn't do anything anyway
L62[19:02:12] <liach> @Cream Tea How do you plan to turn it off originally?
L63[19:02:24] <liach> Like expire afte a few ticks?
L64[19:02:25] <Cream Tea> i mean it has to be redstone activated for it to work
L65[19:02:35] <Cream Tea> the autocoupling mechanism
L66[19:02:51] <Cream Tea> unless i'm misunderstanding you
L67[19:02:52] <Cream Tea> xd
L68[19:03:01] <liach> but once a train has autolink and collided with another train, they stick together
L69[19:03:16] <liach> so we need to manually remove it with some other mean after we give it the autolink
L70[19:04:17] <Cream Tea> you mean in case there are not carts etc?
L71[19:04:34] <Cream Tea> you mean in case there are no carts to couple with etc? [Edited]
L72[19:04:41] <Cream Tea> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zaxqc7XZ3P8
L73[19:04:48] <Cream Tea> this was the original video btw
L74[19:05:23] <Cream Tea> Well actually that's an even older concept
L75[19:06:49] <Cream Tea> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o70Lwg-LugQ
L76[19:09:26] <liach> I love this concept, seriously
L77[19:10:06] <Cream Tea> same that's why i thought it would be a good idea
L78[19:10:08] <Cream Tea> ?
L79[19:10:27] <Cream Tea> but when you say uhhh manually remove autolink
L80[19:10:59] <Cream Tea> if it's not powered, it won't do anything anyway, do you mean it sort of "blocks" the auto linking process if it goes over an unpowered one?
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L84[21:23:43] <Trinsdar> have you ever thought of making railcraft multiblocks be formed with an item such as a crowbar like IE's multiblocks are formed?
L85[21:25:38] <LuigiHutch> Why tho?
L86[21:26:02] <Trinsdar> to make the blocks more feasable for decoration
L87[21:26:27] <LuigiHutch> There’s specific decoration blocks of them already
L88[21:26:36] <LuigiHutch> Which are cheaper iirc
L89[21:26:39] <liach> @Trinsdar this has been the old way. to reduce overhead, open issue so that we only check if there is block placed
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L92[23:42:01] <Generalcamo> You are still crazy to use IE or TiCon blocks for decorating
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