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L3[00:42:13] <Forecaster> you know you can just... click the @ button in the top right to see the last pings received right....?
L4[01:17:01] <liach> or go to the servers bar and click @ next to the settings on mobile
L5[01:27:38] ⇨ Joins: travis-ci (travis-ci!~travis-ci@ec2-54-90-223-241.compute-1.amazonaws.com)
L6[01:27:39] <travis-ci> Change view : https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/compare/e802abe89e04...b7c7bcb6e154
L7[01:27:39] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org/Railcraft/Railcraft/builds/439487203
L8[01:27:39] ⇦ Parts: travis-ci (travis-ci!~travis-ci@ec2-54-90-223-241.compute-1.amazonaws.com) ())
L9[01:27:39] <travis-ci> Railcraft/Railcraft#1213 (indev-1.12.2 - b7c7bcb : liach): The build is still failing.
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L12[04:08:28] <Scai> [GearBot] "...and all will return fully in 1.12" THIS!! So much this! I vote for this and quality of life improvements like cross-mod compatibility and maybe a small in-game book to search and learn from. No new mechanics or gadgets. Just make it easy for people to get it and play it, make it easy for people to incorporate it with other mods in their builds. Let the average Joe like me just enjoy the mod. I am very muc
L13[04:08:29] <Scai> remember playing it last, a year ago for 1.10, and there was nothing there from what i remembered. Just a barebone mod. I wanted to make electric rail and there was no power generation and it didn't accept power from other mods. This seems like a rant... I just want to urge @CovertJaguar to concentrate more on accessibility, and less on adding new stuff. Thank you for your time!
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L15[04:27:48] <Forecaster> @Scai because the 1.10 version is an incomplete port, because Covert has been away and have not been able to work on the mod until now
L16[04:28:15] <Forecaster> it's not like the missing things were thrown away on purpose
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L18[04:54:21] <Scai> Got it @Forecaster ! Thanks for the reply!
L19[05:34:33] <Resuz> diagonal laser tracks (up-down)
L20[06:12:39] ⇨ Joins: MCenderdragon (MCenderdragon!~MCenderdr@
L21[07:40:40] <Mey Ha Zah> Yo, you don't know me, but Railcraft was an important mod to me during the 1.7.10 era. I LOVED building rail systems between locations, with villagers acting as engineers and such.
L22[07:41:59] <Mey Ha Zah> It was a fun time, and being in 1.12 with new content and old, it really made me miss it, but going back to 1.7.10 without some of the newer mods irked me, because they have been such a new part of the system
L23[07:42:37] <Mey Ha Zah> I hope you get this developed quickly, properly, and with minimal complications... hope to see this soon.
L24[07:55:19] <Forecaster> we can't promise quickly, but we'll definitely do it properly
L25[08:50:21] <wormzjl> Suggestion: factorio trains
L26[08:52:40] <wormzjl> What RC really need is something which make railworks simpler
L27[08:53:19] <wormzjl> Not so many people want to use the bore machine tbh
L28[08:53:47] <wormzjl> What RC really need is something which makes railworks simpler [Edited]
L29[08:54:31] <Hanakocz> bore machine is actually really simple
L30[08:54:48] <wormzjl> Yeah it's not that complicated
L31[08:55:15] <wormzjl> But it's slow, and limited by gravel
L32[08:55:37] <Hanakocz> slow....once you find GT granite ?
L33[08:56:00] <Hanakocz> it is more like fire and forget machine than something to speed up your mining
L34[08:56:09] <wormzjl> And cannot place two lanes of rails at the same time
L35[08:56:25] <Hanakocz> that can be fixed by having 2 bores though xD
L36[08:56:51] <wormzjl> What I have in mind is something which can dig and place blocks on pattern
L37[08:57:39] <wormzjl> And configure devices such as signals automatically
L38[08:59:16] <Hanakocz> well that's BuildCraft
L39[08:59:24] <? Auden ?> Hope you guys have fun developing the mod :>
L40[08:59:28] <wormzjl> Mod players tends to evade rails as much as they can
L41[08:59:43] <wormzjl> So something needs to be done
L42[09:00:18] <Hanakocz> Historically, IC2, BC, RC, and even Forestry....did their job, but together they fitted into each other. And did not copied ideas more than needed
L43[09:00:43] <Hanakocz> because why add own pipes when everyone already plays with buildcraft etc.
L44[09:01:16] <Hanakocz> only new copypasta mods that tried to steal users, while providing less quality, did "everything"
L45[09:01:35] <wormzjl> Advanced TBM anyone?
L46[09:02:54] <Hanakocz> if it would be me, I would design one intersection, then make buildcraft blueprint of it and paste it whenever you want it...same for rail segments
L47[09:02:55] <? Auden ?> icbc packs are fun still tbh
L48[09:03:19] <? Auden ?> I don't like too many mods in my packs because it's overwhelming and feels wrong
L49[09:03:32] <? Auden ?> People like to have more content than they'll ever use
L50[09:03:40] <Hanakocz> the technology offers it, we just need *someone* to make comprehensive lets play of it and let people build those things on mass, not by hand.
L51[09:04:03] <? Auden ?> I think doing something in vanilla is far more engaging
L52[09:04:19] <wormzjl> Such stuff is not suitable for most people
L53[09:04:28] <? Auden ?> there are cases where vanilla mechanics fail, that's where mods come in like open crate from botania
L54[09:04:34] <Hanakocz> you just plop down the buildcraft builder, put in blueprint and materials - plop, done, another 64 blocks segment built
L55[09:04:37] <wormzjl> It needs to be more accessible
L56[09:04:48] <wormzjl> And bc builder is broken
L57[09:05:11] <Hanakocz> is it?
L58[09:05:29] <wormzjl> As always
L59[09:05:30] <Hanakocz> it's a while since I used it
L60[09:05:47] <Hanakocz> then you also have architect mod that can do same
L61[09:05:48] <? Auden ?> what's the purpose of @GearBot
L62[09:06:13] <wormzjl> Let CJ judge it
L63[09:06:15] <Hanakocz> search for his messages
L64[09:08:48] <? Auden ?> I think
L65[09:09:09] <? Auden ?> Logistics Pipes was peak
L66[09:09:14] <? Auden ?> in storage stuff
L67[09:31:19] <Shovinus> I have a pack that basically forces rails use by removing vanilla ore gen and making different ores spawn in different biomes with no simple way to get between them, working quite well in test runs but waiting on RC 1.12 to come out.
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L69[10:03:11] <Generalcamo> You might be interested in Railcraft's mine generation
L70[10:03:24] <Generalcamo> Which spawns ores in giant clusters far apart rather than a diffuse style generation
L71[10:09:05] <? Auden ?> I want stuff like Greg tech ore veing
L72[10:09:14] <? Auden ?> I like one big cluster of ores
L73[10:12:58] <Natesky9> I had a concept for condensed ores which could work amazingly with Railcraft
L74[10:13:03] <Hanakocz> those are similar
L75[10:13:19] <Hanakocz> they just need to be more about regular ore sizes than poor ores tbh
L76[10:13:40] <Hanakocz> or even better, densed ores
L77[10:13:46] <? Auden ?> I don't really like poor ores
L78[10:13:53] <? Auden ?> idk
L79[10:14:19] <? Auden ?> dunno ugh
L80[10:14:27] <Shovinus> I already use custom ore gen, its much more flexible
L81[10:16:09] <Mineotopia> After CovertJaguars question about the future of RF I posted this question to reddit and got quite a few interesting responses. In case you are interested: https://www.reddit.com/r/feedthebeast/comments/9mx6ik/1122_railcraft_news/
L82[10:17:43] <Mineotopia> After CovertJaguars question about the future of RC I posted this question to reddit and got quite a few interesting responses. In case you are interested: https://www.reddit.com/r/feedthebeast/comments/9mx6ik/1122_railcraft_news/ [Edited]
L83[10:26:25] <Its_Chris_2003> Message contained 4 or more newlines and was pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/layoguvigo
L84[10:26:31] <Its_Chris_2003> Message contained 4 or more newlines and was pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/olubevoyes
L85[10:27:20] <Its_Chris_2003> the whole idea around it basically, expand your locomotive and cart range ?
L86[10:27:35] <Its_Chris_2003> im sorry that its so long xD
L87[10:39:36] <Natesky9> I think overhead lines were discussed, and I think even someone made them
L88[10:45:02] <Natesky9> In my personal opinion, the mod needs more purpose. Ores are a great place to start, but even with the veins, a player can still just carry 3 metric tons out of a mine
L89[10:46:39] <Natesky9> Out of any packs that I've ever played, TerraFirmaCraft was the *only* instance where I needed to carry 40 stacks of ore
L90[10:47:52] <Natesky9> And that was because each stack equated to 4 ingots, and you needed alot, for tools, armor, etc. So literally only on that pack ha have I ever had to revisit a mine
L91[10:48:24] <Natesky9> And that was because each stack equated to 4 ingots, and you needed alot, for tools, armor, etc. So literally only on that pack have I ever had to revisit a mine [Edited]
L92[10:55:43] <Hanakocz> GT has config to change any stacksizes, and hardcored gt players used it to limit ores to be stackable by 16 for example....many people reeeeeeeeeeeee hard even if they get just 2 planks from one log, this stacking is even harder for them
L93[10:57:41] <Natesky9> The planks I can see, because that's always been a core part of Minecraft.
L94[10:59:22] <Hanakocz> but it is same issue...core part of minecraft does not care to be railroad friendly
L95[10:59:35] <Natesky9> The only time you care about using wood is early game, and that's the only real limitation, so this screws over new players and doesn't add content, and the only thing it encourages is to make a roll
L96[10:59:42] <Natesky9> The only time you care about using wood is early game, and that's the only real limitation, so this screws over new players and doesn't add content, and the only thing it encourages is to make a tool [Edited]
L97[11:00:20] <Natesky9> No, vanilla Minecraft is not rail friendly. If they're ever used, it's for furnace automation
L98[11:00:30] <Hanakocz> well it encourages you to do progress and have that progress shown by getting better yields from same raw materials. It is rewarding to get every such progress
L99[11:01:49] <Hanakocz> I can't wait for "reeeee we cannot transport those new railcraft goodies with our inventories but trains" xD
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L102[12:44:46] ⇨ Joins: CovertJaguar (CovertJaguar!~you@
L103[13:14:26] ⇨ Joins: Nirek (Nirek!~Nirek@ip68-11-40-69.no.no.cox.net)
L104[14:03:38] <Mey Ha Zah> Oh can I say something in suggestion? Can there different styles of engines? Just cosmetic I mean.
L105[14:04:45] <Mey Ha Zah> I know you can color engines, but maybe something to make them look different or sound different?
L106[14:16:46] <Shovinus> You can easily make a pack need rails for good use, you just have higher tier items that need loads of resources and no other insta travel way of transporting them, but in a bog standard world no it is not something people would do unless they just liked messing with trains.
L107[14:16:46] <Shovinus> I like immersive railroading, but automating trains on that is hard, however it does and model gauge rails which is cool, it would be awesome to see railcraft add a model size system using multipart, but I think that would be an entirely new add on.
L108[14:16:47] <Shovinus> One thing that would be amazing is a more intelligent rail system mimicing how factorio rails work, however this would need to be able to path find through chunks and I don't think it would realistically be possible, or if possible would again be a different rail mod.
L109[14:18:14] <Shovinus> You can easily make a pack need rails for good use, you just have higher tier items that need loads of resources and no other insta travel way of transporting them, but in a bog standard world no it is not something people would do unless they just liked messing with trains.
L110[14:18:14] <Shovinus> I like immersive railroading, but automating trains on that is hard, however it does add model gauge rails which is cool, it would be awesome to see railcraft add a model size system using multipart, but I think that would be an entirely new add on.
L111[14:18:14] <Shovinus> One thing that would be amazing is a more intelligent rail system mimicing how factorio rails work, however this would need to be able to path find through chunks and I don't think it would realistically be possible, or if possible would again be a different rail mod. [Edited]
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L116[17:14:35] <Affect> @Shovinus https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/signals
L117[17:15:51] <Shovinus> oh nice, does this work even through unloaded chunks do you know?
L118[17:17:09] <Affect> I don't know. But i Think exsist some upgrade with chunkloader for carts
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L120[17:30:58] <Shovinus> no thats not the issue, I am talking about path finding over massive distances
L121[17:32:25] <Shovinus> the easiest way of course is to create a database of paths and destinations and update it any time a block is made/ destroyed/changed irrelevant of the chunk loading
L122[17:32:56] <Hanakocz> I can imagine the performace hit from that
L123[17:33:18] <Shovinus> should not actually be that bad
L124[17:33:42] <Shovinus> it is of course basically a list of connected nodes
L125[17:33:48] <Shovinus> thats all
L126[17:34:01] <Shovinus> and directions of the nodes
L127[17:43:27] <ChiefLogan> My view on it is that RC doesn’t need to give you a reason to use rails. That’s the job of a pack dev, changing the stack size of ores or the generation of them isn’t something I think RC should do. I think of RC as more of a set of tools than as a mod to increase your power level, which is where a lot of mods have gone wrong recently.
L128[17:43:41] <Shovinus> ^ exactly
L129[17:44:54] <ChiefLogan> As was said earlier, BC and RC are very similar, they both expand upon vanilla content without replacing it, you don’t have to work towards some end-game armour or items, they just help you automate things
L130[17:48:20] <Hanakocz> providing also tools to actually make those reasons (and solutions for that reasons) is perfectly fine, I guess
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L132[17:50:17] <Tallywort> On that note, I quite like using Reasonable Realism's Harder Ores, for the big-veins-that-require-me-to-make-mines itch.
L133[17:56:36] <Shovinus> I just use poor ore with a splattering of normal
L134[17:57:23] <Shovinus> approx 10-1 ratio, you have to mine ALOT to get any amount of ore, but the motherloads are huge
L135[17:57:34] <LuigiHutch> That with dense ores is great ?
L136[17:57:39] <Shovinus> and the ration of ore to stone is about 4-1
L137[17:58:03] <Shovinus> so for 1 ingot you need to mine about 20 blocks XD
L138[18:11:42] <CovertJaguar> Railcraft's routing table are essentially the same thing as global routing table
L139[18:11:49] <CovertJaguar> and actually easier to setup imo
L140[18:12:16] <CovertJaguar> as long as you plan your network naming scheme properly
L141[18:26:56] ⇦ Quits: MCenderdragon (MCenderdragon!~MCenderdr@ (Quit: Leaving)
L142[19:00:30] <AlexJ6301> Signal mod doesn't seem to place nice (or at all) with Railcraft, as expected... But it does have a more Factorio signalling-type implementation.
L143[19:00:42] <AlexJ6301> Signal mod doesn't seem to play nice (or at all) with Railcraft, as expected... But it does have a more Factorio signalling-type implementation. [Edited]
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L150[21:39:16] <Mey Ha Zah> I always liked Conveyer belts for factory style shit
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