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L1[01:21:50] ⇦ Quits: MrConductor (MrConductor!~MrConduct@81-233-60-160-no71.tbcn.telia.com) ()
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L6[03:48:49] <Itaros> Oh my, nice change from irc
L7[03:50:56] <Itaros> Saw the side-drama about Lex asserting a nominal api usage assessment and then still implying his way is imperative and only one right without actually providing substance. Seen that, been there. Ended up stopping modding. Annoying, ungrateful as it always were. :/
L8[03:55:49] <Kodos> Lex is an egotistical prick whose attitude will be his ultimate undoing
L9[03:57:39] ⇦ Quits: Keridos (Keridos!~Keridos@static. (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
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L15[09:57:40] <travis-ci> Railcraft/Railcraft#1205 (indev-1.12.2 - 02cd2dd : Cody Brittain): The build was fixed.
L16[09:57:40] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org/Railcraft/Railcraft/builds/432509791
L17[09:57:40] ⇦ Parts: travis-ci (travis-ci!~travis-ci@ec2-54-197-142-194.compute-1.amazonaws.com) ())
L18[09:57:40] <travis-ci> Change view : https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/compare/09d57257aa58...02cd2dda2b1b
L19[11:04:53] <Its_Chris_2003> i've just found a way to stop that sudden turn when you branch off at a set of points
L20[11:04:59] <Its_Chris_2003> ill screenie later
L21[11:26:04] <Its_Chris_2003> kk i'll upload some screenies now just messing around with a few mods for a sec but im bk
L22[11:29:44] <Its_Chris_2003> im making a station similar to Stratford Intl atm in my test world. The aim is to branch and reduce trains out of high speed mode before entering the station (to avoid a BOOOOOOOM obvs). i'll cdo this by using a routing detector, if the destination reads *Fast* on the end then the train will carry on past the station on the fast line, if the destination is normal with no *Fast* at the end, the the train will
L23[11:29:44] <Its_Chris_2003> some transition tracks which WON'T be powere, which should hopefully let it come into the station gracefully with no explosions
L24[11:37:13] <Its_Chris_2003> thats the system FIRST to get a smooth switch transition, basically so that you dont suddenly jerk to the left/right violently when changing tracks http://tinyurl.com/yc9y2u3z
L25[11:37:41] <Its_Chris_2003> then fill in that gap above the corner http://tinyurl.com/ya3bx4xf
L26[11:38:02] <Generalcamo> How do you handle the signalling with that?
L27[11:38:24] <Its_Chris_2003> finally use the Maul to turn it into a set of points, and adjust with crowbar if neccessary http://tinyurl.com/y7qjde2q
L28[11:39:06] <Its_Chris_2003> good question, unfortunately its your lucky day with relay boxes im afraid theres no other way around it, its rlly meant for creative mode or if ur an admin on a server doing a connecting railway, it'll be quite expensive in survival
L29[11:54:32] <liach> signals adjust for tracks not tracks adjust for signals
L30[11:55:07] <liach> @Its_Chris_2003 i like what you do (and have been doing that for a while)
L31[11:57:22] <Its_Chris_2003> oh thx @liach appreciate ot
L32[11:57:23] <Its_Chris_2003> *it
L33[11:58:22] <Its_Chris_2003> i started in 2016, made this basic world using some basic 2 way tracks and signal blocks inspired by one of Forecaster's videos. Unfortunately it went corrupt and i started to lose interest in mc. i've only just made my return bk and BOYYY has RC taken a step forward
L34[12:02:07] <liach> if you have more ideas, feel free to share on github
L35[12:03:45] <Its_Chris_2003> yeah anther one ahs just come to me actually, which utilises the new messenger track (dk if thats it's actual name)
L36[12:03:48] <Its_Chris_2003> *another
L37[12:03:55] <Its_Chris_2003> yeah anther one has just come to me actually, which utilises the new messenger track (dk if thats it's actual name) [Edited]
L38[12:05:19] <liach> yes that is the right name
L39[12:05:27] <Its_Chris_2003> on HS1 (which is the route between London St Pancras Intl heading out through the Eurostar Tunnels, they use an in-cab signalling system which does not use any colour light signals, but instead the signalling system is all in the cab. if i use some controller/receiver boxes and set up signal blocks using the relay boxes, i could utilise that so that it displays a message when a train is in the signal block ah
L40[12:05:32] <liach> i actually proposed that track
L41[12:05:35] <Its_Chris_2003> oh goody xD
L42[12:05:39] <Its_Chris_2003> u did the right thing
L43[12:05:51] <Its_Chris_2003> on HS1 (which is the route between London St Pancras Intl heading out through the Eurostar Tunnels) they use an in-cab signalling system which does not use any colour light signals, but instead the signalling system is all in the cab. if i use some controller/receiver boxes and set up signal blocks using the relay boxes, i could utilise that so that it displays a message when a train is in the signal block ah
L44[12:06:08] <Its_Chris_2003> im gonna try that
L45[12:07:48] ⇨ Joins: ImQ009 (ImQ009!~ImQ009@89-64-46-174.dynamic.chello.pl)
L46[12:09:07] <Its_Chris_2003> when emblems are added too, i could make up fancy signs. here's a pic of one of the signs which signals (pun not intended) a new signal block on the line http://tinyurl.com/ya7ph8nh
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L49[12:43:42] <Its_Chris_2003> god damn high speed track. it keepos on exploding on mme idk what im doing wrong
L50[12:48:07] <liach> in 1.10.2? under what conditions
L51[12:48:24] <liach> keep the train slow so it does not explode
L52[12:58:34] ⇨ Joins: SatanicSanta (SatanicSanta!~SatanicSa@c-24-22-63-87.hsd1.or.comcast.net)
L53[13:02:36] <Forecaster> kinda defeats the purpouse of High Speed doesn't it :P
L54[14:00:34] *** Michiyo is now known as Katie
L55[14:00:37] *** Katie is now known as Caitlyn
L56[14:00:43] *** Caitlyn is now known as Michiyo
L57[14:26:24] <Kodos> High speed works fine as long as you're transitioning correctly
L58[14:36:01] ⇦ Quits: Backslash (Backslash!~Backslash@ip-88-153-113-13.hsi04.unitymediagroup.de) (Quit: Leaving)
L59[14:44:59] <liach> explosions happen at turns
L60[14:54:16] <Forecaster> @Its_Chris_2003 are you trying to turn at high speed?
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L62[15:39:13] <Its_Chris_2003> no i am reducing the speed with atleast 8-10 transition tracks, which end up on normal electric track which continues for atleast 5-6 blocks before turning
L63[15:39:52] <Its_Chris_2003> ill screenie my setup
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L66[15:48:17] <Its_Chris_2003> its a bit unclear bc im working on eurostar like tunnels so it goes rlly narrow in the tunnel, but for now i've looped it round to look for errors like this http://tinyurl.com/ycrs77qw
L67[15:48:36] <Its_Chris_2003> i have 17 transition tracks, and 9 normal electric tracks after that
L68[15:48:58] <Its_Chris_2003> some how it seems to go boom still, although it doesnt cause too much destruction bc of the bedrock and andesite bricks
L69[15:49:17] <Its_Chris_2003> am i placing those transition tracks the right way round?
L70[15:49:34] <Its_Chris_2003> @Forecaster @liach
L71[15:50:38] <Forecaster> I have no idea
L72[15:50:42] <Forecaster> but you want them powered
L73[15:50:49] <Its_Chris_2003> do i ?
L74[15:51:00] <Its_Chris_2003> wont that just keep the carts in high speed?
L75[15:51:18] <Its_Chris_2003> i dont know tbh i used to play on 1.7.10 alot has changed with this mod
L76[15:51:18] <Forecaster> they'll slow down to regular speed if they go against the arrows
L77[15:51:27] <Its_Chris_2003> oh
L78[15:51:28] <Forecaster> HS hasn't changed
L79[15:51:30] <Its_Chris_2003> thats my issue
L80[15:51:32] <Its_Chris_2003> xD
L81[15:51:43] <Its_Chris_2003> crap that messes up one of my setups
L82[15:51:45] <Forecaster> transition tracks don't do anything when unpowered
L83[15:51:55] <Its_Chris_2003> ooooohhh
L84[15:51:57] <Its_Chris_2003> it doesnt then
L85[15:52:00] <Its_Chris_2003> nvm xD
L86[15:52:15] <Forecaster> when powered carts going with the arrows are sped up, against are slowed
L87[15:52:34] <Forecaster> carts going below regular speed will actually be sped up to regular speed at all times
L88[15:52:44] <Forecaster> even when they're unpowered
L89[15:52:53] <Natesky9> It... Shouldn't mess with any setups... The arrows always point into the high speed zone
L90[15:53:08] <Natesky9> 100% of the time
L91[15:53:15] <Forecaster> yes
L92[15:53:23] <Forecaster> do that + power and you'll be fine
L93[15:53:32] <Forecaster> around 6 tracks should work fine for most setups
L94[15:54:37] <Its_Chris_2003> thanks so much
L95[15:55:58] <Its_Chris_2003> one other question though, when disengaging i have some transition tracks that only power when the points are switched. will i be okay to reduce the trains down to normal speed but keep the HS tracks after that, or will it go boom then?
L96[15:57:19] ⇦ Quits: ImQ009_ (ImQ009_!~ImQ009@89-64-17-188.dynamic.chello.pl) (Read error: -0x1: UNKNOWN ERROR CODE (0001))
L97[15:59:18] <Its_Chris_2003> thanks guys that all works now it was just my weakened RC knowledge cus i last used it on 2016 lol http://tinyurl.com/y9p7eju3
L98[16:14:23] <Forecaster> normal speed carts never explode
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L102[16:46:55] <Kodos> I forget, what's the most transition tracks you ever need
L103[16:47:04] <Kodos> Let's say a 5-car length train, incl loco
L104[16:51:10] <Generalcamo> 0
L105[16:51:41] <Generalcamo> Locomotives Do not need transition tracks for some reason
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L108[20:45:29] <Trinsdar> I noticed this when looking through a tank. http://tinyurl.com/ya4g2y73
L109[20:45:56] <Trinsdar> is it because of vanilla water rendering mechanics?
L110[21:25:31] <liach> This is weird. Probably because of the render layer.
L111[22:44:07] ⇦ Quits: Lathanael|Away (Lathanael|Away!~Lathanael@p549608C6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
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L113[23:58:10] <Goldobsidian> I kinda like it like that.
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