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L9[05:48:12] <Its_Chris_2003> hi
L10[05:49:39] <Its_Chris_2003> i joined cus im currently having a flustrating time, i'm trying to play on 1.10.2/1.11 with Railcraft, IndustrialCraft 2, Buildcraft and PneumaticCraft but they're all on different versions. I mean railcraft is a must but its the only mod thats on an incompatible version compared to the other 3 ?
L11[05:51:13] <Natesky9> yeah, alot of the mod authors have struggled to keep up with the jump from 1.9 to 1.12
L12[05:51:38] <Natesky9> not to mention the other jump from 1.7.10 to 1.9
L13[05:52:13] <Its_Chris_2003> yeah
L14[05:52:56] <Its_Chris_2003> i mean RC is a must cus im a rail enthusiast and tbh the features in the mod are very good and suit the game style
L15[05:53:23] <Its_Chris_2003> i was gonna be making a subway/underground style network but i need to kinda decide how to do this lel
L16[05:56:55] <Its_Chris_2003> i mean i'd prefer a 1.11 version but idk if this mod is just gonna jump to 1.12
L17[05:58:55] <Its_Chris_2003> btw i managed to make a level crossing using railcraft signals, it was a couple of years ago but i briefly remember how to do it
L18[06:03:24] <Its_Chris_2003> sooo how's RC going? i heard it wasn't going well....
L19[06:12:41] ⇨ Joins: MCenderdragon (MCenderdragon!~MCenderdr@
L20[06:18:06] <Forecaster> !1.12.2
L21[06:18:06] <GearBot> https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/wiki/Running-instructions-for-Minecraft-1.12.2
L22[06:18:40] <Forecaster> !faq
L23[06:18:42] <GearBot> Message contained 4 or more newlines and was pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/fiyuqojoxu
L24[06:26:24] <Its_Chris_2003> ooohh okay thanks
L25[06:27:15] <Natesky9> Honestly, if you want to track how the mod is coming, this page shows it
L26[06:27:15] <Natesky9> https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/graphs/contributors
L27[06:27:30] <Its_Chris_2003> ill play on 1.10.2 for now then, if i upgrade to 1.12 in the future, will i have to restart my mc map (just focussing on RC)
L28[06:27:46] <Forecaster> probably
L29[06:28:04] <Forecaster> the worldgen may change
L30[06:28:32] <Its_Chris_2003> oh
L31[06:28:34] <Its_Chris_2003> :/
L32[06:28:41] <Its_Chris_2003> uhhhhhhh
L33[06:28:51] <Its_Chris_2003> xD
L34[06:37:25] <Its_Chris_2003> sorry i've got alot of questions and i dont mean to be spamming the server, but i saw u have a server? do i need to be a patreon to join that?
L35[06:37:38] <Its_Chris_2003> sorry i've got alot of questions and i dont mean to be spamming the server, but i saw u have an mc server? do i need to be a patreon to join that? [Edited]
L36[06:39:21] <Forecaster> yes
L37[06:39:40] <Forecaster> although it's "patron", patreon is the service
L38[06:40:05] <Forecaster> I'm considering changing that though, but that'd be when we reset the server for 1.12 in that case
L39[06:41:08] <Its_Chris_2003> oooh okay, sorry i dont use patreon much i dont really know the right terms to use xD.
L40[08:30:00] <Mineotopia> is the faq really up to date? The indev branch of 1.12.2 is really promising and seems mostly finished. And the faq bot says that 1.10 is finished before 1.12.
L41[08:31:05] <LuigiHutch> yes it is
L42[08:34:57] <Mineotopia> okay!
L43[08:36:03] <Mineotopia> do you plan on backporting 1.12.2 to 1.10.2? Becuase all commits in the last three months were in the 1.12.2 branch
L44[08:37:17] <Forecaster> it doesn't mean 1.10 will get everything 1.12 is getting, but it should at least get the multiblocks and whatever else is missing
L45[08:38:24] <Mineotopia> ahh okay. I'm a bit confused because 1.12.2 already looks really good, even better than 1.10.2. And you want to hold back on this stuff until the multiblocks are in the 1.10.2 version?
L46[08:39:36] <Forecaster> you'll just have to wait and see how it plays out
L47[08:40:15] <Mineotopia> okay, thanks ?
L48[09:53:00] <liach> @Mineotopia well, as the main coder, i cannot even edit faq or post announcements. the part that 1.10 will be finished first is wrong; cj meant to finish tanks on 1.10, which was already done.
L49[09:53:38] <Mineotopia> @liach thanks for the information ? looking forward!
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L53[11:48:32] <Its_Chris_2003> lol i actually just played with 1.10 and i thought those tanks were missing. i used the BC ones tho xD
L54[11:56:39] <liach> they are in code but never released (or included in a beta)
L55[12:29:20] <Its_Chris_2003> oh ok
L56[12:30:20] <Generalcamo> Misleading
L57[12:30:47] <Generalcamo> 1.10 will be released and finished first. But 1.12 requires a bit more work.
L58[12:32:07] <liach> I don't think we will put *all* multiblocks to 1.10
L59[12:32:30] <liach> but many are done already (coke oven, blast furnace, flux transformer, and tanks)
L60[12:32:39] <Its_Chris_2003> oh
L61[12:33:16] <Its_Chris_2003> fairs i am looking forward to 1.12 i mean 1.10 half of the other mods i wnated jumped *officially* to 1.11 but their are buggy ports which i have had trouble with
L62[12:33:26] <Its_Chris_2003> fairs i am looking forward to 1.12 i mean 1.10 half of the other mods i wanted jumped *officially* to 1.11 but their are buggy ports which i have had trouble with [Edited]
L63[12:34:03] <Its_Chris_2003> i was gonna start an automatic subway project but i'll wait till RC 1.12 its not worth starting on 1.10 if 1.12 is in development
L64[12:34:26] <Its_Chris_2003> i wanted 1.11+ for the observer blocks too bc they're redstone gods
L65[12:34:29] <liach> The situation is critical now
L66[12:34:39] <Its_Chris_2003> wdym?
L67[12:35:00] <liach> some other mod tries to kill off railcraft since rc is not yet released on 1.12
L68[12:35:33] <Its_Chris_2003> do u know what? i wont go get it obvs but im curious
L69[12:35:56] <liach> it is still under development and unreleased
L70[12:36:07] <Its_Chris_2003> oh so u got a bit of competition?
L71[12:36:18] <Its_Chris_2003> it's turning into a race
L72[12:36:22] <liach> guess that person thinks there is no competition
L73[12:36:30] <Its_Chris_2003> yeah
L74[12:36:31] <liach> king lemming is notorious
L75[12:37:08] <Its_Chris_2003> i prefer RailCraft it fits into mc a bit more, things like traincraft look to big and bulky, they're real life scale wise but i prefer mini trains xD
L76[12:37:26] <Its_Chris_2003> and the RC signals are genious
L77[12:37:45] <Its_Chris_2003> last time i played was 2 years ago tho i forgot how to use em
L78[12:38:56] <Its_Chris_2003> i did make an automatic level crossing using default pistons/redstone stuff and a distant signal/controller/receiver boxes it worked a treat unfortunately that was on 1.7.10 which is on my old pc and the map eventually corrupted
L79[12:39:40] <Its_Chris_2003> i do plan on making a tube-like station like westminster (but less confusing) with automatic doors (server proof so that no-one blocks the trains from coming in)
L80[12:39:58] <Its_Chris_2003> those being piston ones im trying to cut down on mod use
L81[12:46:35] ⇨ Joins: travis-ci (travis-ci!~travis-ci@ec2-50-17-108-90.compute-1.amazonaws.com)
L82[12:46:35] <travis-ci> Railcraft/Railcraft#1200 (indev-1.12.2 - 810dffa : liach): The build passed.
L83[12:46:35] <travis-ci> Change view : https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/compare/cf6b58760a35...810dffaa2215
L84[12:46:35] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org/Railcraft/Railcraft/builds/431925910
L85[12:46:35] ⇦ Parts: travis-ci (travis-ci!~travis-ci@ec2-50-17-108-90.compute-1.amazonaws.com) ())
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L87[12:54:33] <travis-ci> Railcraft/Railcraft#1201 (indev-1.12.2 - f26292e : liach): The build passed.
L88[12:54:33] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org/Railcraft/Railcraft/builds/431927535
L89[12:54:33] <travis-ci> Change view : https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/compare/810dffaa2215...f26292edf891
L90[12:54:33] ⇦ Parts: travis-ci (travis-ci!~travis-ci@ec2-54-158-172-158.compute-1.amazonaws.com) ())
L91[13:02:04] <Mineotopia> there's competition? I've nerver heard of them. We will always love railcraft ?
L92[13:02:09] <Mineotopia> there's competition? I've nerver heard of them. We will always love railcraft \:) [Edited]
L93[13:02:51] <liach> cofh plans to kill railcraft.
L94[13:03:04] <LuigiHutch> >_>
L95[13:03:07] <Forecaster> sigh
L96[13:04:03] <liach> imo we should start addign american style signals (speed signals)
L97[13:05:55] <Generalcamo> No
L98[13:09:31] <Its_Chris_2003> hm i am british and i think we need a more british looking electric locomotive, aswell as one that maybe runs of IC2's oil (like a diesel loco), that'd be cool.
L99[13:09:40] <Its_Chris_2003> althought the current one looks pretty awesome
L100[13:09:52] <Its_Chris_2003> this guy isnt gonna kill RC that easily
L101[13:10:08] <Its_Chris_2003> go on curseforge and look at the downloads
L102[13:10:14] <Generalcamo> Diesel is planned along with a full refinement system
L103[13:10:18] <Its_Chris_2003> over 100,000 have downloaded
L104[13:10:22] <Its_Chris_2003> oooooooo
L105[13:10:27] <Its_Chris_2003> great news :>
L106[13:11:06] <Chocohead> It will kill it if it comes out first
L107[13:11:31] <Chocohead> People are more drawn to CoFH than the originals
L108[13:11:42] <Forecaster> people who want easier/fancier alternatives have those already
L109[13:11:47] <Its_Chris_2003> i havent used RC since 2016 on 1.7.10. 1.10.2 was still being worked on and not many mods had jumped or updated so i used 1.7.10. i love the new track kits though its an amazing new way of adding track
L110[13:11:51] <Forecaster> I doubt it's going to change much
L111[13:12:15] <Generalcamo> There is a lot of exciting stuff planned
L112[13:13:56] <Chocohead> There is no exact Railcraft replacement as it stands
L113[13:14:03] <Its_Chris_2003> can i see this new mod, have any pictures been posted im curious to see if this guy is actually stealing RC ideas
L114[13:14:24] <Chocohead> If it releases people will go towards it even if they were using other options right now
L115[13:14:44] <Its_Chris_2003> CoFH, is this a bit like buildcraft it comes in loads of sub-mods
L116[13:14:59] <Generalcamo> They make Thermal Expansion
L117[13:15:08] <Generalcamo> They teased Locomotion the other day
L118[13:15:16] <Its_Chris_2003> :/
L119[13:15:26] <Its_Chris_2003> it'll affect IC2 tho and maybe BC a bit too
L120[13:15:40] <Its_Chris_2003> thermal expansion sounds like engines and machines to me
L121[13:16:28] <Its_Chris_2003> i think i used to have a few of those but i dont now, they were pretty useless to me anyways i only got them to try and never used those items again
L122[13:16:34] <Its_Chris_2003> i used to have 70 mods lel
L123[13:16:41] <Its_Chris_2003> performance was terrible
L124[13:17:46] <Mineotopia> oha, haven't heard of it! I'll stick with Railcraft
L125[13:17:47] <Mineotopia> @liach I've read through an old issue #1232 where you talked about the pain of developing this mod. I just wanted to say that we all appreciate your work!
L126[13:18:01] <Generalcamo> We have a fair few people that support us
L127[13:18:08] <Its_Chris_2003> yes agreed with @liach
L128[13:18:37] <Its_Chris_2003> as in agree with mineotopia but i just tagged liach again because....... uM..... why not?
L129[13:20:02] <Generalcamo> I had to leave for a fair while unfortunately
L130[13:20:10] <Its_Chris_2003> they probably know about Railcraft and they probably sense that things aren't going smoothly converting it so they're probably deciding to be cheeky ********* by trying to beat u to it
L131[13:20:17] <Mineotopia> Yeah, it was all very well documented in this issue
L132[13:20:34] <Its_Chris_2003> they probably know about Railcraft and they probably sense that things aren't going smoothly converting it so they're probably deciding to be cheeky *cursed* by trying to beat u to it [Edited]
L133[13:20:43] <Its_Chris_2003> they probably know about Railcraft and they probably sense that things aren't going smoothly converting it so they're probably deciding to be cheeky *censored* by trying to beat u to it [Edited]
L134[13:20:59] <Its_Chris_2003> its sad rlly
L135[13:21:19] <Mineotopia> hmm, while I like the general idea from the thermal mods, they were never my first choice. In my opinion they've never fitted quite in there. And I think their Railcraft clone is going to have the same problem
L136[13:21:33] <Mineotopia> "censored " \:D
L137[13:21:55] <Generalcamo> Some of our mechanics are poorly refined. I have been working on some pretty interesting things
L138[13:22:22] <Generalcamo> Multiblock turbines, gas burners, diesel locomotives
L139[13:22:34] <Mineotopia> I'm looking forward to it!
L140[13:22:43] <Its_Chris_2003> xD yeah same
L141[13:23:02] <Its_Chris_2003> i'm a rail enthusiast, and weirdly a streetlight enthusiast too from a very young, disturbing age
L142[13:23:09] <Mineotopia> speaking of multiblocks: the blockstate is updating really slow. at least the textures need a few seconds to change to the multiblock texture
L143[13:23:14] <Generalcamo> 2x2x3 turbines are so last major version
L144[13:24:05] <Its_Chris_2003> i have noticed in BC, the pipes dont have textures when u break them, the breaking animations have that purple/black *no texture here* pattern
L145[13:24:12] <Its_Chris_2003> sorry back on subject xD
L146[13:24:19] <Mineotopia> yeah, noticed that too
L147[13:24:27] <Mineotopia> and in project red are no particles at all!
L148[13:24:40] <Its_Chris_2003> oml project red i forgot about that
L149[13:24:50] <Its_Chris_2003> but tbh im not gonna use project red
L150[13:24:55] <Its_Chris_2003> i prefer default redstone
L151[13:25:09] <Its_Chris_2003> its just me trying to keep things as vanilla as possible
L152[13:25:12] <Generalcamo> SimpleLogic by Asie is a mod I personally recommend
L153[13:25:22] <Its_Chris_2003> oooh okay
L154[13:25:52] <Its_Chris_2003> i'd prefer default redstone though so that anything i make i could make elsewhere in an unmodded environment
L155[13:26:08] <Its_Chris_2003> like a certain design
L156[13:26:40] <Its_Chris_2003> otherwise my RS knowledge will go out the window in favour for project red bc it's technically easier like with clocks
L157[13:26:52] <Its_Chris_2003> that happened before
L158[13:27:01] <Mineotopia> i like simple logic. But I switched to project red because of some compatibility things. I tried to use teckle with the asie mods and it worked, but I love the PR frames and therefore decided to combine all three mods into project red. But I still mis redpower ?
L159[13:27:24] <Generalcamo> Chisels and Bits works with SimpleLogic wires
L160[13:27:42] <Its_Chris_2003> hm i always used project red, never rlly used redpower but i think project red has more tbh
L161[13:28:24] <liach> i can change multiblock detections to be faster with world event listeners
L162[13:28:32] <Mineotopia> yep, I know. But ... I dunno. After reporting like 10000 Bugs to asie and letting him fix the I switched to project red ? I might as well switch back, but I'm not sure
L163[13:28:58] <Mineotopia> @liach That would be cool because it was confusing at first but it's not that important
L164[13:29:21] <Its_Chris_2003> hm sometime in the future i plan a video demonstrating that level crossing if i can actually rebuild it again
L165[13:29:34] <Its_Chris_2003> it'd be pretty good
L166[13:29:49] <liach> asiekierka is busy
L167[13:30:02] <Mineotopia> @Its_Chris_2003 hmm ... I started a modded MC 1.2.5 (:D) project yesterday. And played with redpower for the first time in years. It has way more content than project red. Except the autocrafting part from project red
L168[13:32:12] <Its_Chris_2003> oh ok
L169[13:33:30] <liach> aye elorram is gone
L170[13:33:58] <Mineotopia> it has been so long. But I think she still pretends to develop her own game.
L171[13:34:49] <Mineotopia> at least her twitter feed looks like she's still working on it
L172[13:34:53] <Mineotopia> https://twitter.com/TheRealEloraam
L173[13:35:08] <Its_Chris_2003> LOL
L174[13:55:41] <Natesky9> I actually don't blame anyone for making a train clone. In the past, Railcraft was always a shoe-in, because it was one of a kind. Now that it's...unavailable, and others have the skill, knowledge, and time to do what Railcraft did, yeah, they're going to take the opportunity to make a functional copy. Because then at least that guarantees either a complete, new mod in a high demand category, or ignites competition
L175[13:55:41] <Natesky9> up activity
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L184[17:34:03] <AngelOfDeath> @CovertJaguar is the source code build the latest forge ? i dont think it is can i change it some how or does it not work like that i wanna play with railcraft but for some reason alotta the mods im useing in my other pack dont work
L185[17:38:30] <LuigiHutch> !faq
L186[17:38:32] <GearBot> Message contained 4 or more newlines and was pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/daleyunire
L187[17:40:47] <Natesky9> CJ whenever someone randomly pings him http://tinyurl.com/yaclbdau
L188[17:41:47] <LuigiHutch> I assume/hope he has pings from here muted
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L197[19:29:29] <liach> @AngelOfDeath you checked out the wrong branch
L198[20:43:43] <AngelOfDeath> @liach what do u mean?
L199[20:52:10] <liach> the mc-1.12.2 branch (the default branch) does not run with latest forge or even compile, but the indev-1.12.2 branch works correctly.
L200[20:53:28] <AngelOfDeath> i use this https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/wiki/Running-instructions-for-Minecraft-1.12.2#how-to-test-run
L201[20:53:55] <liach> Go to #coding
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