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L1[00:29:40] <Natesky9> I didn't know vanilla furnace minecarts could pull carts
L2[00:30:14] <Generalcamo> But it's broken and slated for removal
L3[00:30:24] <Generalcamo> They just haven't gotten around to it yet
L4[00:32:03] <Generalcamo> (It breaks as soon as it gets to a corner)
L5[00:32:28] <liach> i don't think it does any more in rc
L6[00:32:32] <Natesky9> Yeah, but I imagine that's a similar issue that railcraft had
L7[00:32:42] <Natesky9> No, this is a vanilla feature
L8[00:32:49] <Natesky9> unless RC disables it
L9[00:32:52] <liach> rc changes vanilla minecart's hitbox, so it breaks.
L10[00:33:09] <liach> @Natesky9 what issue? report to github
L11[00:33:22] <Generalcamo> Honestly I want to remove it
L12[00:33:24] <Generalcamo> https://twitter.com/jeb_/status/699241247391772672
L13[00:33:33] <Generalcamo> No other reason necessary to remove it
L14[00:34:29] <Natesky9> I really had hoped that minecarts were a viable solution
L15[00:35:14] <Natesky9> I mean, you can tweak things with mods, but the base game really doesn't have any demand for it
L16[00:39:19] <liach> opened gh issue
L17[00:39:40] <liach> if vanilla removed it, we will make it burn items instead.
L18[00:40:12] <Generalcamo> Ehhhhhhhh
L19[00:40:24] <Generalcamo> I'm _really_ not fond of that
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L21[00:49:40] <travis-ci> liachmodded/Railcraft#47 (indev-1.12.2 - 1ff041e : liach): The build passed.
L22[00:49:40] <travis-ci> Change view : https://github.com/liachmodded/Railcraft/compare/648ca6d71258...1ff041e2a11f
L23[00:49:40] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.com/liachmodded/Railcraft/builds/85378301
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L28[01:18:44] <Natesky9> Just convert it to a working furnace, but in a minecart
L29[01:22:46] <liach> yeah!
L30[01:26:15] <Generalcamo> Except handling the automation would be a nightmare
L31[01:26:32] <Generalcamo> Sidedness is not exactly a constant when dealing with entities
L32[01:27:36] <Natesky9> If you wanted to automate the furnace minecart, you're assuming it's on a rail, right?
L33[01:28:01] <Natesky9> which means you can still use the top, side, and bottom sided-ness
L34[01:28:30] <Natesky9> but why would you want to use a furnace minecart in an automated system, when you easilly could just use a furnace
L35[01:28:57] <Generalcamo> Well why bother with railcraft when teleporters exist?
L36[01:28:58] <Generalcamo> ?
L37[01:29:40] <Forecaster> you're right, we should all quit immidiately
L38[01:30:10] <Natesky9> Some things we don't do because it's convenient, but because it's enjoyable
L39[01:30:26] <Generalcamo> Indeed
L40[01:30:31] <Forecaster> seriously though, there's zero reason to need to automate a furnace minecart
L41[01:30:41] <Forecaster> it'd be useful for smelting on the go, and that's it
L42[01:30:41] <Generalcamo> You just answered your own question
L43[01:31:15] <Natesky9> however, teleporters don't exist irl, so trains are actually more efficient, so railcraft exists for those who want to model their game more around real life
L44[01:31:40] <Forecaster> just make loaded items go in the input slots, and unload items from the output slot
L45[01:31:45] <Generalcamo> My point isn't that this is all pointless
L46[01:32:03] <Generalcamo> It's that someone will challenge themselves to build a fully-automated smelting train
L47[01:32:15] <Generalcamo> @Forecaster Ahh but which input slot?
L48[01:32:27] <Natesky9> games are pointless. We stare at a plastic light screen for hours of end to gain nothing tangible
L49[01:32:46] <Forecaster> if the item has a fuel value, make it go into the fuel slot
L50[01:32:56] <Generalcamo> That's most items
L51[01:33:15] <Forecaster> well, it's not going to be possible to make it behave like a furnace block
L52[01:33:22] <Forecaster> it'll be up to the player to deal with the limitations
L53[01:33:23] <Natesky9> Why not make a furnace minecart not need fuel if it's linked to a locomotive?
L54[01:33:35] <Forecaster> (or we could add filter slots)
L55[01:33:43] <Generalcamo> >Steals idea and calls it a steam oven cart
L56[01:34:25] <Forecaster> then it's not a furnace cart anymore, and the entire discussion was pointless :P
L57[01:35:24] <Generalcamo> As we have previously established, this is all pointless! ?
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L66[05:50:19] <Natesky9> what is it, a circle?
L67[05:50:32] <Hanakocz> just to add to furnace minecart discussion, for me the solution would be to add it as a skin to T0 locomotive, that omits the steam step (or has it hidden), and is brutally ineffective, but still good starting point before you get industry to produce actual T1 steam locomotives
L68[05:50:56] <Natesky9> stirling engine on wheels
L69[05:51:28] <Natesky9> Furnace cart really just needs an inventory, that's all
L70[05:51:28] <Hanakocz> it is still no big deal when we have "leg powered" carts and redstone tracks...
L71[05:52:02] <Natesky9> I think the worst part is that the furnace cart only goes like, 20 blocks on one piece of coal
L72[05:55:12] <Natesky9> https://youtu.be/tPMatt9DNP8?t=57s
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L78[08:30:16] <Hakameda> So uh, on semi-related note. Anyone try to automate a minecart apiary?
L79[08:31:09] <Forecaster> I don't think they automate by default
L80[08:31:20] <Forecaster> you need an alveary for that
L81[08:31:31] <Forecaster> but I believe there's a setting you can change to allow automation
L82[08:32:10] <Natesky9> what do you mean?
L83[08:33:00] <Natesky9> the beehouse is the Tier 1, can't be automated, Apiary is Tier 2 and can be automated with hoppers and pipes
L84[08:34:30] <Forecaster> oh yeah
L85[08:34:54] <Forecaster> oh wait, he said minecart apiary
L86[08:35:07] <Forecaster> I have no idea about those
L87[08:35:20] <Forecaster> I'd guess loaders/unloaders work as you'd expect with them
L88[08:35:31] <Natesky9> I mean, you *can*
L89[08:35:34] <Natesky9> but why would you
L90[08:36:43] <Natesky9> That's prime steel you could otherwise use for cooler stuff
L91[08:37:30] <Natesky9> Like locomotive tug of war
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L93[09:58:29] <Trinsdar> is it intended that FluidFuelManager in mods.railcraft.api.fuel doesn't exist?
L94[09:58:52] <Forecaster> that sounds like a #coding issue
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L96[10:15:14] <Hakameda> @Natesky9 because we are in a rail only world =p
L97[10:16:05] <Hakameda> That's why locomotives not working sucks
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L110[14:56:13] <Kodos> Locomotives don't work?
L111[14:56:27] <Kodos> Or are you on about newer MC versions
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L113[15:07:38] <liach> he is a 17 player
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L115[15:39:35] <travis-ci> Railcraft/Railcraft#1199 (indev-1.12.2 - cf6b587 : liach): The build passed.
L116[15:39:36] <travis-ci> Change view : https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/compare/1ff041e2a11f...cf6b58760a35
L117[15:39:36] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org/Railcraft/Railcraft/builds/431214478
L118[15:39:36] ⇦ Parts: travis-ci (travis-ci!~travis-ci@ec2-54-226-100-181.compute-1.amazonaws.com) ())
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L120[15:41:10] <travis-ci> liachmodded/Railcraft#48 (indev-1.12.2 - cf6b587 : liach): The build passed.
L121[15:41:11] <travis-ci> Change view : https://github.com/liachmodded/Railcraft/compare/1ff041e2a11f...cf6b58760a35
L122[15:41:11] ⇦ Parts: travis-ci (travis-ci!~travis-ci@ec2-54-205-136-216.compute-1.amazonaws.com) ())
L123[15:41:11] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.com/liachmodded/Railcraft/builds/85482577
L124[16:41:06] <Hakameda> They work ish
L125[16:41:15] <Hakameda> Some bad issues
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L129[16:56:43] <Kodos> I play 1.7 as well. Only real issue I've noticed is sometimes a train will disconnect
L130[16:56:50] <Kodos> Which is a big one, but as it's 1.7 I tend to just work through it
L131[16:56:57] <Kodos> Since there's not likely to be a bugfix
L132[16:58:57] <liach> it should be caused by chunk unloading
L133[17:48:15] <Trinsdar> is railcraft getting close to a beta release?
L134[17:48:39] <Trinsdar> or alpha?
L135[18:03:04] <liach> @Trinsdar Depends on how close CovertJaguar is to the end of his hunting season. Well, whether is is an alpha or beta depends on bug testing. I wish you can test more and report more bugs.
L136[18:08:33] <Trinsdar> I will be doing some more testing but i will also be working on my mod at the same time.
L137[18:09:19] <Trinsdar> I was just asking as I noticed that there was now a changelog.
L138[18:09:28] <Trinsdar> I was just asking as I noticed that there is now a changelog. [Edited]
L139[18:17:05] <liach> yeah, that is a dummy
L140[18:17:14] <liach> too much is changed.
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L143[19:05:52] <Trinsdar> what's the best way to find bugs?
L144[19:14:57] <Trinsdar> also is there any torch placing cart?
L145[19:24:40] <Chocohead> The best way to find bugs is to play with the mod
L146[19:24:49] <Chocohead> Try everything out, test possible configurations
L147[19:33:10] <Trinsdar> I may have already found a bug: high speed electric track does not transfer energy into electric locos
L148[19:34:50] <Trinsdar> I may have already found a bug: high speed electric track does not transfer energy into moving electric locos
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L150[19:49:49] <Trinsdar> "no flex track" must be a joke.
L151[19:52:55] <Trinsdar> because I certainly did not saw a track in half.
L152[20:43:18] <Generalcamo> @Trinsdar what are you referring to
L153[21:01:19] <Trinsdar> if one right clicks a upgraded track with the upgrade used to upgrade it to what it is, it says invalid track, not flex track, or already outfitted.
L154[21:01:46] <Trinsdar> I figured it was refering to flex tape/seal
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L156[21:54:56] <liach> the invalid info is intentional
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