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L1[00:42:39] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (Doty1154!~Doty1154@c-69-181-167-40.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
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L5[01:59:12] <travis-ci> liachmodded/Railcraft#46 (indev-1.12.2 - 648ca6d : liach): The build passed.
L6[01:59:12] <travis-ci> Change view : https://github.com/liachmodded/Railcraft/compare/f93e9a67d21b...648ca6d71258
L7[01:59:12] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.com/liachmodded/Railcraft/builds/85244242
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L20[07:42:46] <Trinsdar> does railcraft just use the ic2 api?
L21[07:46:00] <Trinsdar> I'm trying to figure out where the ic2 ex file is.
L22[11:30:19] <liach> for running?
L23[11:31:06] <Generalcamo> The file for IC2 is within the cache
L24[11:31:22] <Generalcamo> It uses the API for the code, but requires the full thing for the Rock Crusher
L25[11:31:29] <Generalcamo> Hence why it is included at runtime
L26[11:37:55] <Generalcamo> I believe the plan is to eventually include our own ore processing with the Chemlab
L27[12:00:02] <Trinsdar> where is the cache folder?
L28[12:00:34] <liach> just go to http://ic2.player.to:8080/ to download ic2
L29[12:00:47] <Generalcamo> It's decompiled in the cache
L30[12:00:52] <Generalcamo> IIRC
L31[12:00:59] <Generalcamo> It's not worth hunting for it
L32[12:01:49] <Trinsdar> I was trying to find it cause I wanted to try railcraft with ic2 classic.
L33[12:01:56] <Generalcamo> Oh
L34[12:02:00] <Generalcamo> ``` runtime "net.industrial-craft:industrialcraft-2:${project.version_industrialcraft}"```
L35[12:02:01] <Generalcamo> That line
L36[12:02:07] <Generalcamo> Add two `//` before it
L37[12:02:15] <Generalcamo> That will disable IC2
L38[12:03:05] <liach> but you need to set up again after that
L39[12:03:26] <Generalcamo> Just refresh it
L40[12:03:36] <Generalcamo> If that doesn't work, setupdecompworkspace again
L41[12:06:58] <Trinsdar> by the way it uses a way too old forge version for forestry
L42[12:07:52] <liach> you mean our dev forge is too old?
L43[12:08:20] <Trinsdar> yes
L44[12:09:21] <Trinsdar> forestry requires 4.2749
L45[12:17:24] <liach> oh. go to api railcraft folder and change the forge version in gradle properties
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L51[12:35:59] <Trinsdar> how does the rock crusher work?
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L54[12:40:18] <Generalcamo> Put charge into it
L55[12:40:24] <Generalcamo> Then you can put various things in it
L56[12:40:28] <Generalcamo> JEI shows what you can put into it
L57[12:42:41] <Trinsdar> do you mean mj or eu or rf?
L58[12:42:52] <Generalcamo> Charge
L59[12:43:05] <Trinsdar> oh railcraft charge
L60[12:43:10] <Trinsdar> I forgot about that
L61[12:43:41] <Trinsdar> also jei does not seem to show recipes.
L62[12:43:55] <Trinsdar> in rock crusher that is
L63[12:46:54] <Trinsdar> of course with ic2 classic some recipes use ic2 classic's no use item.
L64[12:47:07] <Trinsdar> can't be helped
L65[12:54:42] <liach> jei does
L66[12:54:51] <liach> you might be looking at wrong items.
L67[12:55:19] <Trinsdar> well I tried to press u over the rock crusher block.
L68[12:56:29] <liach> No that is not how you are supposed to use it
L69[12:56:39] <liach> You are supposed to check recipes for firestone ore
L70[12:57:45] <Trinsdar> so I guess it's based off macerator recipes?
L71[12:59:42] <liach> no
L72[13:00:07] <liach> i think the catalyst might be broken or you disabled rock crusher
L73[13:00:15] <liach> Go to #support for that
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L86[20:31:13] <Trinsdar> 2 questions: are mfsu carts planned and will their be configs for the amount of storage within the eu carts?
L87[20:32:33] <Natesky9> the IC2 carts will always be the equivilent of their IC2 counterparts
L88[20:32:46] <Natesky9> and I thought they were already implimented, if IC2 is installed
L89[20:33:34] <Generalcamo> MFSU carts are in Classic mode
L90[20:33:35] <liach> @Trinsdar mfsu carts were requested to be removed
L91[20:33:42] <liach> back in 1.7
L92[20:33:59] <Generalcamo> Being honest they are way too powerful in experimental to be a cart
L93[20:35:01] <liach> They can be back, a config option can be added
L94[20:35:08] <liach> if you really want that open an issue
L95[20:36:30] <Generalcamo> I'm not fond of adding them for balance reasons
L96[20:36:44] <Generalcamo> Even with a config option
L97[20:37:13] <Trinsdar> I was thinking mabye they could be part of a classic mode, where they have ic2 classic's values.
L98[20:37:23] <Trinsdar> I was thinking maybe they could be part of a classic mode, where they have ic2 classic's values. [Edited]
L99[20:37:27] <Generalcamo> They are
L100[20:37:34] <Generalcamo> Classic mode enables them
L101[20:38:31] <Generalcamo> If Railcraft detects IC2 classic, it will enable the MFSU cart and disable the CESU cart
L102[20:38:44] <Trinsdar> doesn't do that in 1.12
L103[20:41:04] <Kodos> Maybe add the config option and disable it by default
L104[20:42:02] <liach> no, we need a config option besides classics mode
L105[20:42:11] <Kodos> I mean what Generalcamo said
L106[20:42:20] <Kodos> It should be up to the player/pack dev to balance a pack
L107[20:43:51] <Generalcamo> Hahahahahahaha
L108[20:44:08] <Generalcamo> Botania learned otherwise the hard way
L109[20:44:21] <Kodos> Some players, like myself, don't care much for balance and just enjoy the gameplay
L110[20:45:48] <Generalcamo> Internal balance is very important to maintain. While in theory configs provide power to the players, in practice they encourage modpack authors to crank things up to make their pack more appealing
L111[20:46:19] <Generalcamo> Vazkii learned this with Botania. Giving too much power in the configs did not do his mod well in packs
L112[20:47:00] <Trinsdar> shall I make an issue about the ic2 classic integration?
L113[20:47:11] <liach> sure
L114[20:47:20] <Generalcamo> No. They probably changed the ID
L115[20:47:29] <Generalcamo> An easy two minute fix
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L117[20:47:40] <Trinsdar> the id did not change
L118[20:47:48] <Trinsdar> I'm pretty sure
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L120[20:48:33] <Generalcamo> Unlikely. 1.11 forced lowercase IDs. This wasn't the case in 1.10
L121[20:48:49] <Trinsdar> I can ask speiger
L122[20:49:22] <Generalcamo> Truth be told I was told IC2 classic would never update past 1.10
L123[20:50:35] <Trinsdar> it wasn't until he got inspired by a friend
L124[20:50:56] <Trinsdar> and if he hadn't finished it when he did it never would have.
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L126[20:57:23] <Trinsdar> he said the id did not change
L127[21:02:44] <Trinsdar> maybe it needs to be changed to this: `ic2-classic-spmod` I grabbed that from my addon for ic2 classic I'm making.
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L129[21:10:41] <Trinsdar> yep replacing `IC2-Classic-Spmod` with `ic2-classic-spmod` in mods.railcraft.common.plugins.misc.Mod worked
L130[21:11:11] <liach> yeah open pr
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L132[21:39:18] <Trinsdar> just made a pr.
L133[21:46:36] <liach> eh, wrong branch and we cannot merge. so.
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L135[21:57:35] <travis-ci> Railcraft/Railcraft#1198 (indev-1.12.2 - 1ff041e : liach): The build passed.
L136[21:57:35] <travis-ci> Change view : https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/compare/648ca6d71258...1ff041e2a11f
L137[21:57:35] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org/Railcraft/Railcraft/builds/430838249
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L139[22:35:54] <Trinsdar> I unfortenatly could not fix the lang file issues as I do not know where to edit the unlocalized name of the mfsu cart.
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L142[22:42:16] <liach> open github issue.
L143[23:00:27] <Generalcamo> That's an ID change
L144[23:00:58] <Generalcamo> I don't know why he would think otherwise
L145[23:24:47] <liach> well it is a case issue
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