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L8[08:03:47] <liach> @matthijsvdmeulen what did you do to make it work
L9[08:03:57] <liach> use javac instead of jdt?
L10[08:38:16] <Shovinus> !faq
L11[08:38:17] <GearBot> Message contained 4 or more newlines and was pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/ejenovirad
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L19[10:38:14] <matthijsvdmeulen> Just made eclipse see it as a warning, until all errors are resolved, eclipse doesn't let you try to run or build anything. But you can mar the issue as a warning instead of an error, and that makes it build just fine
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L24[13:22:42] <VOL | Crusher> Hi all. I just wanted to ask what works and what doesnt in the 1.12 version on git. Is it playable?
L25[13:23:19] <VOL | Crusher> If yes I'll build it if not I'll just wait till a stable jar is released. Btw thanks for the hard work ?
L26[13:24:17] <LuigiHutch> boilers missing, it doesnt build
L27[13:24:44] <VOL | Crusher> But besides the boiler everything works? Wow nice job
L28[13:25:49] <LuigiHutch> I didn't say its works but its there
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L31[14:16:31] <liach> besides steam most other stuff are in but are mainly buggy
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L33[14:24:36] <Lombaxy> i'm having problems on 1.7.10- with the iron tanks, they were working fine until today. But the texture of the liquid xp inside the tank has turned into a black grid with green squares inside the tank. The quantity of liquid still shows when I right click and it is in there, i just can't visibly see it in the tank. Is there any way to fix i
L34[14:24:36] <Lombaxy> t? I've already tried completely draining it and putting liquid in again, as well as completely destroying and rebuilding the structure.
L35[14:27:09] <Lombaxy> this is what the tank looks like: https://imgur.com/a/bPzv8rc
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L37[14:27:51] <Lombaxy> It worked fine until today, showing liquid inside perfectly.
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L39[14:28:40] <abculatter_2> Free bug testing!
L40[14:40:50] <Lombaxy> i don't suppose anyone has ran into this before?
L41[14:45:55] <bball.psd> if you recently updated the mod that adds liquid xp, contact that author
L42[14:48:29] <Lombaxy> but it works fine in every other tank, buildcraft, openblocks and thermal expansion... just not railcraft.
L43[14:54:34] <Forecaster> did you add or remove any mods before you saw this?
L44[14:55:31] <Forecaster> oh
L45[14:55:34] <Forecaster> that's strange
L46[14:55:41] <Forecaster> submit a ticket
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