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L40[11:54:44] <Regaus> I dont understand... Is there a downloadable 1.12 version for Railcraft or not?
L41[12:01:48] <Forecaster> no
L42[12:02:08] <Forecaster> !faq
L43[12:02:10] <GearBot> Message contained 4 or more newlines and was pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/aratunamop
L44[12:04:37] <Regaus> o-ok
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L54[15:23:17] <rory> i was about to ask that, and not to be that guy but is there a general ETA? big fan of the mod and is the onl one left im waiting for
L55[15:24:44] <LuigiHutch> There is not... be patient
L56[15:34:02] <bball.psd> should add to faq “There is no ETA. ~~The more you ask, the longer we will take~~ It will be done when it’s done.”
L57[15:34:49] <Forecaster> that's pretty well known throughout modding though
L58[16:04:35] <matthijsvdmeulen> Anyone know how to fix this?, ./gradlew runClient works fine, but after opening the project in eclipse, this shows up http://tinyurl.com/y9jr65lk
L59[16:12:18] <matthijsvdmeulen> Easier to read: http://tinyurl.com/y7ngqy5t
L60[16:13:11] <Natesky9> did you do it recursive?
L61[16:15:47] <matthijsvdmeulen> Message contained 4 or more newlines and was pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/omoyesowoc
L62[16:17:25] <Natesky9> did you setup workspace in that folder?
L63[16:17:50] <matthijsvdmeulen> My workspace is one folder above
L64[16:18:52] <matthijsvdmeulen> and imported the project as I do normally for any forge project
L65[16:41:23] <matthijsvdmeulen> Te above error was fixed by letting eclipse import nested projects (I assume the lowercase 'railcraft' is the API)
L66[16:42:07] <matthijsvdmeulen> But now I get these errors http://tinyurl.com/y8qrcyej
L67[16:42:26] <matthijsvdmeulen> The above error was fixed by letting eclipse import nested projects (I assume the lowercase 'railcraft' is the API) [Edited]
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L69[17:44:57] <liach> try `./gradlew eclipse` to see if that sets you up
L70[17:58:49] <matthijsvdmeulen> Already did that, but for my own sanity, I'll try again
L71[18:00:53] <matthijsvdmeulen> Ran command, and reimported project in eclipse, still the same errors as in the last screenshot
L72[18:01:38] <liach> weird that eclipse disallow that
L73[18:02:28] <matthijsvdmeulen> I'm trying to install Intellij as we speak, but I prefer using eclipse, as that is what I'm used to ?
L74[18:03:38] <matthijsvdmeulen> Should that error break anything?
L75[18:04:01] <matthijsvdmeulen> Otherwise I could change the configs to see this as a warning
L76[18:37:58] <liach> make it an warning
L77[18:38:17] <liach> java's javac can compile, you know eclipse jdt is just too silly
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L80[18:44:44] <matthijsvdmeulen> It works!
L81[18:45:01] <matthijsvdmeulen> might want to make a not of this somewhere though
L82[18:45:08] <matthijsvdmeulen> might want to make a note of this somewhere though [Edited]
L83[18:45:51] <Generalcamo> It's known in the community
L84[18:46:06] <Generalcamo> This is not a problem unique to us
L85[18:47:08] <matthijsvdmeulen> It's new to me anyways, it doesn't matter anymore, it works now!
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