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L1[03:05:42] ⇦ Quits: MikrySoft (MikrySoft!~mikrysoft@89-72-250-169.dynamic.chello.pl) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by MikrySo5)))
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L3[05:58:10] <Resuz> suggestion: diagonal laser tracks
L4[05:58:32] <Resuz> I mean up-down
L5[05:59:09] <Resuz> and maybe vertical
L6[05:59:53] ⇨ Joins: Backslash (Backslash!~Backslash@ip-88-153-113-13.hsi04.unitymediagroup.de)
L7[06:12:55] <Forecaster> that's not really their intended purpose
L8[06:13:11] <Forecaster> vertical would be neat, laser elevator tracks
L9[06:13:25] <Forecaster> could have a slight speed boost
L10[06:13:40] <Forecaster> although, it may be weird if they react to redstone in the same way
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L13[07:15:39] <TC25> @Generalcamo I was reading back on the chat to try and keep up to date with how the mod is going and I saw you mention Diesel loco back on 7/17/18 about couples both ways. It question me, is there gonna be diesel locomotives added to Railcraft?
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L15[07:37:22] <LuigiHutch> Maybe one day, it’s been discussed and in planning for a while now
L16[07:46:02] <Forecaster> they're in the works
L17[07:46:22] <Forecaster> the plan is to get the fuel production infrastructure implemented first
L18[08:34:37] <abculatter_2> Will it run on basically processed coal with only RC installed?
L19[08:38:47] <Forecaster> I think so
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L21[08:48:40] <abculatter_2> Are there plans for a renewable alternative? Not that I think there *has* to be
L22[08:49:27] <abculatter_2> I assume that it will take a lot more fuel types then just RC Diesel
L23[08:53:49] <Forecaster> you'll probably be able to make biodiesel from charcoal at a lesser rate
L24[08:55:24] <abculatter_2> Ah, cool
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L28[10:31:32] <qwusshchsh> hi
L29[10:43:48] <Forecaster> Hello
L30[10:50:41] <qwusshchsh> are you a pro railcrafter
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L32[11:04:28] <Generalcamo> No it will not run on Coal
L33[11:04:53] <Generalcamo> Liquefacted coal may be one option
L34[11:05:16] <Generalcamo> Renewable Alternatives: Forestry Integration is very strong, bioethanol will be one of the options
L35[11:18:37] <qwusshchsh> can someone help me
L36[11:18:57] <qwusshchsh> can someone help me please? i have a question about railcraft mod [Edited]
L37[11:29:28] <Chocohead> Ask away
L38[11:33:01] <qwusshchsh> do steam enignes explode if there red
L39[11:33:26] <qwusshchsh> i always turn them off just incase but its kinda annoying how they need to power up again
L40[11:42:50] <Generalcamo> Use a gate
L41[11:43:15] <Generalcamo> They have integration with Buildcraft so they can be shut off if read
L42[11:43:16] <Generalcamo> They have integration with Buildcraft so they can be shut off if red [Edited]
L43[11:45:15] <qwusshchsh> how do i use a gate
L44[11:48:34] <Generalcamo> Put it on a kinesis pipe
L45[11:48:53] <Generalcamo> And configure it to shut off the redstone signal if the engine is red
L46[11:48:56] <Generalcamo> Buildcraft has a wiki for that
L47[11:49:22] <qwusshchsh> wait you can do that
L48[11:50:02] <Generalcamo> Yes
L49[11:50:15] <qwusshchsh> thats cool
L50[11:54:28] <Forecaster> They don't explode
L51[11:54:50] <Forecaster> They will shut down if they overheat
L52[11:55:54] <qwusshchsh> im using 1.7.10 version does it have that feature?
L53[11:59:42] <Generalcamo> Yes
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L56[13:51:30] <abculatter_2> Camo, liquidated coal, or a mechanic similar to it, was what I meant when I said 'basically processed coal'
L57[13:53:53] <abculatter_2> I am curious about the details of implementation there, since it introduces potential for benefits and downsides to the use of liquid coal vs burning it directly in a steam loco, though I know it hasn't been implemented yet
L58[14:27:08] <Generalcamo> The diesel locomotive isn't a pure Diesel engine in my mind. It will actually be a diesel-electric engine that burns fuel for charge, which is then used to power the locomotives. This makes it less wasteful than a steam engine but less infrastructure dependant than an electric locomotive
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L65[14:34:42] <Generalcamo> Electric engines are the most efficient since they can use full sized gas turbines and steam turbines, but they require a large amount of infrastructure
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L73[20:01:07] <abculatter_2> So, since the diesel locos are the easiest and most flexible to run and maintain, shouldn't they be the least energy efficient, from a gameplay perspective?
L74[20:01:33] <abculatter_2> Otherwise, I feel like they'd just be a direct upgrade to steam locos
L75[20:01:47] <abculatter_2> So, since the diesel locos will be the easiest and most flexible to run and maintain, shouldn't they be the least energy efficient, from a gameplay perspective? [Edited]
L76[20:02:55] <abculatter_2> That, or require special and ideally expensive infrastructure to produce fuel for them, or require specific materials to make that fuel
L77[20:04:50] <Natesky9> How about, since RC is based around transporting items/fluids and train routing, the material required to make the better tier locomotives comes from using the existing infrastructure to achieve some goal?
L78[20:06:08] <Natesky9> I've been playing a bunch of Immersive Engineering and No Man's Sky, and at first, they don't seem to correllate, but the upgrade path in both of those require actually using the lower tiers before you can upgrade to the high-tech solutions
L79[20:07:01] <abculatter_2> Gating based on initial recipe is really meh, since it's only a one-time cost
L80[20:07:49] <Natesky9> I'm not talking about just "build this machine to enter age X"
L81[20:07:49] <abculatter_2> All that it will mean is that most people will wait until they habe the infrastructure for the superior item, and then use it exclusively
L82[20:08:00] <Natesky9> again, not what I'm talking about
L83[20:08:02] <abculatter_2> All that it will mean is that most people will wait until they have the infrastructure for the superior item, and then use it exclusively [Edited]
L84[20:08:18] <Natesky9> I'm talking about using Tier 1 to get Tier 2, etc
L85[20:08:50] <abculatter_2> Yes, that is what I understood you meant
L86[20:09:30] <abculatter_2> It still means that you're gating based on a one-time cost, since you only have to build each tier once
L87[20:10:55] <abculatter_2> If you mean making the fuel with previous infrastructure... well, the only previous infrastructure there would be in this situation is charcoal, and possibly steam turbines, if you consider electric to be tier 2
L88[20:12:15] <abculatter_2> Which... I guess that wouldn't be too bad of a progression, I kinda like it tbh, though it still comes with the downside of being a one-time cost per upgrade
L89[20:12:46] <Natesky9> It's moreso for each train. It's an upgrade *per locomotive*
L90[20:13:10] <Natesky9> which, if you tie the resource to the use of the trains
L91[20:14:46] <abculatter_2> But even a small infrastructural set up like described above can make and fuel more locos then your average user is likely to ever need
L92[20:18:41] <Natesky9> That's where the balancing factor comes in
L93[20:19:04] <Natesky9> the demand for resources vs the capacity to obtain them
L94[20:20:26] <Natesky9> The void miners from environmental tech are actually like this
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L96[20:46:15] <Generalcamo> It requires a full chemlab and is still less efficient than the electric locomotive and only runs on nonrenewable material
L97[20:58:18] <Natesky9> I'm not that fond of non-renewable energy in games. It either is too common and just litters the world, or unbelievably rare and not worth searching for
L98[20:58:28] <Natesky9> sorry, resources, not energy
L99[21:44:24] <Dame-E-in> I don't actually know what Railcraft is. Seems like a pretty popular mod, so I don't know how I've avoided it all my life
L100[21:45:46] <Dame-E-in> And I know like half of these people from the Buildcraft server.
L101[21:46:10] <Natesky9> Well, railcraft is a mod that lets you redefine your rails
L102[21:46:44] <Natesky9> It's supposed to offer alternatives and cheaper recipes for long distance transport in the form of trains
L103[21:47:12] <Natesky9> one thing that I always take advantage of is the ability to substitute bronze for tracks and carts
L104[21:47:26] <Natesky9> also, it has a pretty strong RF power generator
L105[21:47:44] <Dame-E-in> Oh so you don't waste a double chest of iron and gold on going a few hundred blocks
L106[21:48:54] <Natesky9> Yeah, railcraft, with the aid of a few machines, can stretch your resources to craft dozens of times more rails
L107[21:49:19] <Dame-E-in> I like the idea.
L108[21:49:35] <Dame-E-in> does it have more efficient powered rails that can send you further?
L109[21:49:42] <Natesky9> Absolutely
L110[21:49:52] <Dame-E-in> Oh then it's literally a no-brainer
L111[21:50:13] <Natesky9> The reinforced rails give a passive speed boost, while the High speed tracks make you go zooooom
L112[21:50:47] <Natesky9> So, on the cheaper recipes, top is vanilla, bottom is Railcraft
L113[21:50:47] <Natesky9> https://gyazo.com/d8f349dd6a82b40a4c3d46be3bd394ce
L114[21:51:00] <Dame-E-in> oh thats nice
L115[21:51:40] <Dame-E-in> I wonder if the powered rails are comparitive to the double block tall ice on bottom and trapdoor on top jumpy thing
L116[21:51:49] <Dame-E-in> if ya know what im talking about
L117[21:52:12] <Natesky9> Yeah, the thing people use in the nether, that drains your hunger like crazy?
L118[21:52:17] <Dame-E-in> yeah
L119[21:52:22] <Natesky9> I'm not sure on the blocks/s speed
L120[21:53:05] <Dame-E-in> well im gonna screw around with it so bye
L121[21:53:34] <Natesky9> The 1.12 version is still work in progress
L122[21:53:58] <Dame-E-in> I kind of assumed
L123[21:54:20] <Natesky9> 1.7.10 is the most complete version, and is imo the most fun
L124[21:54:27] <Dame-E-in> I feel like 1.12.2 is gonna be another 1.7.10 with the new item update stuff
L125[21:54:46] <Dame-E-in> and 1.13 will be another 1.8
L126[21:56:13] <Natesky9> Unless the game reaches a stable state, it's going to be hell for modders to make ground
L127[21:56:26] <Dame-E-in> yup
L128[21:56:42] <Dame-E-in> remember how many modders just quit when 1.8 rolled around
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L131[22:39:18] <Kobayen> Stable as in, unupdated for a year?
L132[22:44:12] <Kobayen> Oddly enough I always liked RC for the industrial aspect if anything. Large superheavy machines, ~making transport easier, as if someone here actually had a sense of scale.
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L134[23:47:45] <liach> the 1.12 version can run.
L135[23:48:28] <Natesky9> not quite survival-world ready yet
L136[23:55:21] <abculatter_2> The 1.12 version is capable of existing
L137[23:55:39] <abculatter_2> It can make an attempt
L138[23:55:51] <Natesky9> It can do the thing
L139[23:56:04] <abculatter_2> ... Possibly.
L140[23:56:12] <abculatter_2> ... Possibly [Edited]
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