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L1[00:56:39] ⇦ Quits: Nirek (Nirek!~Nirek@ip68-11-40-69.no.no.cox.net) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
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L5[04:27:37] <Natesky9> What if locomotives put out different smoke particles depending on the fuel it ran on?
L6[04:28:32] <Natesky9> I was just thinking about that while setting up the alumentum to run my trains
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L12[11:10:48] <liach> how do you calculate the particles? by color?
L13[11:11:47] <liach> or do you want cracked item particles
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L19[12:16:19] <Natesky9> I'm actually kinda conflicted
L20[12:16:27] <Natesky9> I'm using the Fancy block particles mod
L21[12:16:42] <Natesky9> and now I can't not see smoke as not being cubes
L22[12:17:59] <Forecaster> you just used 3 negatives...
L23[12:19:37] <Natesky9> Exactly
L24[12:20:22] <Forecaster> I'm not even going to try to parse that
L25[12:21:04] <Natesky9> But yeah, I'm so used to the cube smoke
L26[12:21:15] <Natesky9> I forgot how it normally looked
L27[12:21:43] <Forecaster> I have no idea what "cube smoke" is
L28[12:22:12] <Natesky9> so, uh
L29[12:22:21] <Natesky9> it's kinda hard to explain if you haven't seen it yourself
L30[12:22:31] <Forecaster> so link to a picture
L31[12:22:33] <Natesky9> all the flat, 2d particles are cubic
L32[12:22:56] <Forecaster> well, then you could have just said "it makes the particles 3D"
L33[12:23:09] <Generalcamo> The best I can do is adjusting the color of the smoke based on a B/W value according to the fuel value used
L34[12:23:26] <Generalcamo> Though the more realistic solution is doing that based on the temperature of the locomotive's boiler
L35[12:24:03] <Natesky9> I mean, even just making "magical" fuels, like nitor, the redcoal from... Extra utilities?
L36[12:24:16] <Natesky9> give off different particles than smoke I guess
L37[12:24:49] <Generalcamo> Difficult
L38[12:33:20] <Natesky9> Btw, when the chemlab comes out, are you guys planning on keeping all the recipes "realistic", or are you willing to throw a couple of "magical" elements into it?
L39[12:34:17] ⇦ Quits: Hawk777 (Hawk777!~chead@2607:c000:8115:bc00:940c:e46f:d868:2e43) (Quit: Leaving.)
L40[12:38:34] <Generalcamo> That's up to CJ
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