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L28[13:42:59] <Darkelarious> what about zinc ore? is that supposed to generate?
L29[13:43:11] <Darkelarious> so far, i only found 4 zinc at a railcraft chest in the village
L30[13:58:22] <Forecaster> it generates in mines like the other railcraft ores
L31[14:10:36] <liach> use buildcraft miner. drill 100 chunks, and you can find a big mine(yeah, mines are not very frequent)
L32[14:11:35] <Forecaster> I'd actually recommend the Scannable mod
L33[14:11:49] <Forecaster> configure it to recognize poor ores
L34[14:12:57] <liach> if you are too lazy, you can see distribution by turning on skygen, using an extra-sensory perception mod (xray), and using worldedit and replacing all stones with air
L35[14:14:20] <Forecaster> or just use the scannable mod and don't cheat
L36[14:23:24] <liach> hmm, time to get things moving forward!
L37[14:32:45] *** SatanicSanta is now known as Santa|afk
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L39[14:59:57] <Darkelarious> i have draconic evolution installed
L40[15:00:17] <Darkelarious> i have this staff profile called "mountain mover"
L41[15:00:26] <Darkelarious> for obvious reasons
L42[15:00:35] <Darkelarious> ty anyway
L43[15:00:40] <Darkelarious> i'll check the mines
L44[15:07:01] <vedrit> So, Liach. I saw that you posted in Git that RC works in 1.12, but I also saw a few posts noting work that needs to be done. So...does RC work for 1.12?
L45[15:17:54] <liach> Yes, much things work already
L46[15:18:01] <liach> I am trying to fix some bugs
L47[15:18:23] <vedrit> Ok, cool
L48[15:19:33] <Darkelarious> about signalling at high speed, what's best practise or useful knowledge here?
L49[15:20:15] <Darkelarious> if i have a signal block, a signal receiver and booster tracks on top, the train enters the new block which then goes into the yellow state
L50[15:20:24] <Darkelarious> and my booster tracks switch redstone off
L51[15:20:48] <Darkelarious> so my solution is to have a gap between the signalling block and the receiver, so the full train passes the boosters before entering the new block
L52[15:20:58] <Darkelarious> is there a better way?
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L54[15:25:47] <liach> you get a locking track before boosters. so when the signal is on, the locking track is on and the second train will wait for the first one to speed up and leave before it can actually speed up and go
L55[15:26:26] <Darkelarious> how will locking tracks interact with HS trains?
L56[15:26:44] <Forecaster> yeah I don't think they explode when caught by locking tracks
L57[15:26:49] <Darkelarious> and when the train is already moving at high speed?
L58[15:26:55] <Forecaster> it's only when turning or entering non-HS tracks
L59[15:27:05] <Forecaster> maybe
L60[15:27:09] <Darkelarious> assuming electric HS track with locking track kit btw
L61[15:27:50] <Darkelarious> will an unpowered locking track kit actually stop a train moving at HS?
L62[15:28:03] <Forecaster> it should yeah
L63[15:28:10] <Darkelarious> that's going to be fun lol
L64[15:28:22] <Forecaster> well, it will definitely stop it
L65[15:28:27] <Forecaster> and I think it wont explode
L66[15:28:37] <Darkelarious> that feels a bit counterintuitive though
L67[15:29:03] <Darkelarious> since that would mean you can use 1 locking track to stop a moving HS train, while normally you would craft booster/transition tracks for that
L68[15:29:37] <Forecaster> yeah you're right about that
L69[15:30:02] <Darkelarious> i guess i'm the first one who wants to split up the high speed track in signal blocks to make trains keep distance from each other
L70[15:30:47] <Forecaster> I doubt that :P
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L72[15:30:55] <Darkelarious> or at least the first one to admit it lol
L73[15:31:47] <Darkelarious> one transition track or unpowered booster track makes a train slow down until it reaches normal speed after some blocks, right?
L74[15:31:56] <Darkelarious> like rolling out?
L75[15:32:16] <Forecaster> uh, I'm not sure
L76[15:32:24] <Forecaster> I always use several transition tracks
L77[15:32:31] <Darkelarious> i'm not sure on the physics in 1.10.2
L78[15:32:46] <Darkelarious> in 1.7.10 i observed that 4 booster tracks were enough to speed up and slow down hs trains
L79[15:33:00] <Forecaster> I've always used 6
L80[15:33:14] <Forecaster> because "better safe than sorry" :P
L81[15:33:18] <Darkelarious> indeed
L82[15:33:48] <Darkelarious> and does any kind of track have the behaviour that the train continues rolling out until normal speeds, after passing the single transition/booster track?
L83[15:35:44] <Darkelarious> signalling at high speed has always been a bit tricky imo
L84[15:35:57] <Forecaster> I've never done it :P
L85[15:36:08] <Darkelarious> i kindly challenge you to do so, sir :D
L86[15:36:22] <Darkelarious> looking for old sshots to illustrate my current actions
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L88[15:38:45] <Darkelarious> http://share.333networks.com/share/screenshots/Screenshot%20from%202016-12-14%2020:54:58.png
L89[15:40:14] <Darkelarious> basically: <control block new section> hs track <signal new section> <control block for current section end> hs track of at least 1 train length <reciever of new section signal> 4 booster tracks on top <> hs track until the next block signal
L90[15:40:34] <Forecaster> hm yeah
L91[15:40:44] <Forecaster> locking tracks will catch a train going at high speed
L92[15:40:48] <Forecaster> with no explosions
L93[15:41:28] <Darkelarious> ... but that's not the effect we want to achieve, do we? :)
L94[15:42:02] <Darkelarious> or at least, at HS a locking track should reduce a train to "normal" speed
L95[15:42:28] <Darkelarious> instead of a full stop
L96[15:42:38] <Forecaster> nah
L97[15:42:42] <Forecaster> it should just explode
L98[15:42:58] <Forecaster> or if it's on, nothing should happen
L99[15:43:14] <Darkelarious> or that
L100[15:43:19] <Forecaster> second result is in
L101[15:43:25] <Darkelarious> hehe
L102[15:43:32] <Forecaster> a single transition track does not slow down the train
L103[15:43:35] <Forecaster> you need several
L104[15:44:33] <Darkelarious> does the detector track have a train mode?
L105[15:44:40] <Darkelarious> or is it just ==cart?
L106[15:44:49] <Forecaster> it does not
L107[15:45:08] <Darkelarious> hm, no, that doesn't help even if it did
L108[15:45:22] <Forecaster> use the train detector?
L109[15:46:23] <Darkelarious> well, i am looking for something with the same function as a train locking track, without it actually stopping it
L110[15:46:50] <Darkelarious> so when activated it has a redstone signal and stays on until the last cart has passed, even though the original redstone disappeared
L111[15:47:02] <Darkelarious> but it stays off when there was no original redstone signal
L112[15:47:13] <Darkelarious> a glorified redstone repeater, i guess
L113[15:47:27] <Forecaster> oh wait
L114[15:47:29] <Forecaster> I am dumb
L115[15:47:34] <Forecaster> it does work with one transition track
L116[15:47:41] <Kodos> Did you forget to redstone it
L117[15:47:43] <Kodos> Or face it the other way
L118[15:47:44] <Forecaster> I forgot you need to power those :|
L119[15:47:53] <Forecaster> no it was facing the right way
L120[15:48:02] <Forecaster> but for some reason I thought I was using the boosters
L121[15:48:10] <Forecaster> apparently
L122[15:48:17] <Darkelarious> a transition track powered on a red signal would cause the gradual slowdown as preferred
L123[15:48:42] <Darkelarious> but then when it's at low speed it won't accelerate to high speed anymore
L124[15:48:53] <Darkelarious> at least, not without extra hacks
L125[15:49:07] <Forecaster> a single seemed to work for acceleration as well
L126[15:49:14] <Darkelarious> really?
L127[15:49:15] <Forecaster> enough to explode when entering normal track at least
L128[15:49:25] <Forecaster> it might not have reached maximum speed though
L129[15:49:27] <Forecaster> hard to tell
L130[15:49:28] <Darkelarious> i need to do some benchmarks in speed then
L131[15:49:35] <Kodos> I always use 8 for maximum zoomies
L132[15:49:42] <Darkelarious> uhuh :P
L133[15:49:46] <Forecaster> that's more than necessary it sounds like
L134[15:49:56] <Kodos> Also one of the speed adjuster thingers to crank the train to max speed setting as well
L135[15:49:59] <Darkelarious> if it's worth doing, it's worth overdoing, right? :)
L136[15:50:02] <Kodos> ^
L137[15:50:05] <Forecaster> around 5 should do I think :P
L138[15:50:33] <Darkelarious> unpowered transition tracks don't do squat, right?
L139[15:50:46] <Kodos> ` In order to transition safely, 8-10 of these tracks are required.`
L140[15:50:54] <Darkelarious> ^
L141[15:51:03] <Darkelarious> but i found out 4 does the trick too
L142[15:51:08] <Kodos> Might be a bug
L143[15:52:02] <Darkelarious> is there any block that gets a redstone signal, immediately passes it, and holds it for X seconds?
L144[15:52:50] <Darkelarious> @Forecaster btw, when you add the explosion to HS locking tracks, make sure that at "normal" speeds, the locking tracks still work :P
L145[15:52:59] <Darkelarious> ow, of course!
L146[15:53:14] <Darkelarious> signal, locking track, 4 booster tracks
L147[15:53:42] <Darkelarious> if redstone, locking track is high, so booster tracks powered, and in train mode it stays on until the entire train passed
L148[15:54:14] <Darkelarious> if not redstone, locking track is low, so booster tracks unpowered, train slows down, gets stopped in front of the signal
L149[15:54:32] <Forecaster> @Darkelarious it'd be great if you added a ticket about the locking track thing
L150[15:55:29] <Darkelarious> tickets, how did that work again...
L151[15:55:45] <Darkelarious> not even sure if i have an account tbh
L152[15:56:07] <Darkelarious> anyone listening in with the ability to file ticket?
L153[15:56:22] <Forecaster> I can do it if you can't
L154[15:56:31] <Darkelarious> would be more practical
L155[15:56:44] <Darkelarious> otherwise i first need to register, figure out tickets, make a MWE and so on
L156[15:56:54] <Forecaster> it's not difficult :P
L157[15:57:10] <Darkelarious> no, but it's 4 minutes until i'm about to shut down and go to bed, work tomorrow (A)
L158[15:57:29] <Forecaster> going to bed at 11?
L159[15:57:33] <Darkelarious> yep
L160[15:57:54] <Darkelarious> once you grow up to be a big boy and learn the way of adults, you'll be happy if your head touches the pillow at 11 :P
L161[15:58:05] <Forecaster> we're in the same timezone then :P
L162[15:58:09] <Darkelarious> i'm literally turning 30 tomorrow and i feel to old for this shit :P
L163[15:58:17] <Darkelarious> we already established that a while ago ;)
L164[15:58:29] <Forecaster> I don't remember things like that
L165[15:59:12] <Darkelarious> it's a while ago, a discussion about regions and destinations on routing
L166[15:59:20] <Darkelarious> you made a nice moving sketch for that
L167[15:59:24] <Darkelarious> to explain the concept
L168[15:59:26] <Darkelarious> worked great btw
L169[15:59:37] <Forecaster> yeah, I have no memory of that
L170[16:01:33] <Darkelarious> i can't find logs, though
L171[16:01:44] <Darkelarious> maybe as a different nick then
L172[16:02:26] <Darkelarious> Wed Dec 14 10:26:51 2016 with the nick LostGeek :D
L173[16:03:08] <Forecaster> ah well, if you change names I'm not sure how you expect me to remember :P
L174[16:03:22] <Darkelarious> well, technically it's just my remote account, but true :P
L175[16:03:40] <Forecaster> I have no way of telling that...
L176[16:03:44] <Darkelarious> but indeed, we talked about timezones, and you were busy with a portfolio website of some sorts if i recall correctly
L177[16:04:05] <liach> you can search in discord
L178[16:04:19] <Forecaster> also over a year ago... I wouldn't remember that no matter what name you were using :P
L179[16:04:24] <Darkelarious> 08:15 < LostGeek> (while at work) <--- Darkelarious
L180[16:04:27] <Darkelarious> :D
L181[16:04:30] <Forecaster> and yeah, that thing got iced
L182[16:04:52] <Forecaster> you use irc at home and discord at work?
L183[16:05:22] <liach> $quote 278499082845028352
L184[16:05:38] <Gearbot>
L185[16:05:48] <liach> yep, see
L186[16:06:06] <liach> indeed, over one year ago
L187[16:08:30] <Darkelarious> well, that was at a previous job
L188[16:08:41] <Darkelarious> i resigned there, got another job in another city, moved,
L189[16:08:55] <Darkelarious> and that job is the kind of job where i am no longer that bored that i spend time on either irc or discord
L190[16:09:10] <Forecaster> that's good?
L191[16:09:10] <Darkelarious> but, as you may have noticed, i'm still both on irc and discord
L192[16:09:19] <Forecaster> so am I :P
L193[16:09:20] <Darkelarious> wut
L194[16:09:38] <Darkelarious> as in, same avatar and icon
L195[16:09:44] <Darkelarious> oh wait, wrong window
L196[16:09:49] <Darkelarious> different client
L197[16:09:54] <Forecaster> xD
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L199[16:10:03] <darkelarious> there we go
L200[16:10:10] <Darkelarious> better
L201[16:10:16] <Darkelarious> that's the one i meant :0
L202[16:10:18] <Darkelarious> :)
L203[16:10:33] <Forecaster> that's definetly not the same avatar :P
L204[16:11:29] <Darkelarious> gheheh
L205[16:11:37] <Darkelarious> anyway, 11 minutes past my bedtime
L206[16:11:41] <Darkelarious> so time to hit it
L207[16:11:52] <Darkelarious> i'll try the locking track mechanism later
L208[16:11:56] <Forecaster> you mean hit the hay
L209[16:11:57] <Forecaster> :P
L210[16:12:01] <Darkelarious> *uche*
L211[16:12:12] <Forecaster> "hit it" means "play music" pretty much
L212[16:12:32] <Forecaster> pretty sure you aren't doing that :P
L213[16:12:42] <Darkelarious> aint over until the fat lady sings, is it? :P
L214[16:12:52] <Darkelarious> either way, good night :P
L215[16:13:03] <Darkelarious> i'll be mostly gone upcoming week, this job has its perks
L216[16:13:28] <Darkelarious> like a trip to paris scheduled right after my birthday :P
L217[16:13:34] <Forecaster> hah, nice
L218[16:14:09] <Darkelarious> nah, i went from working with farming machines to high tech industrial systems/vision
L219[16:15:18] <Darkelarious> so it's a great job improvement
L220[16:15:21] <Darkelarious> anyway, good nigh
L221[16:37:42] <liach> night
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L224[17:54:44] <Kodos> touching the pillow at 11? Shit, I'm happy if I can get to it by dark
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L232[21:02:49] <UnusualCaleb> Hello everyone I have loved railcraft since 1.3.2 thank you
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