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L1[00:14:24] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (Doty1154!~Doty1154@2601:648:8000:134f:c15a:a82b:9a8c:7518) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
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L3[00:44:10] <Schtyger> I am up for any beta testing or any testing for that matter for RC 1.12.2
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L5[00:44:27] <Schtyger> Been anxiously waiting to be able to play on 1.12.2 for my single for a while
L6[01:15:37] <Hanakocz> yes, this was discussed a lot already.
L7[01:16:13] <Hanakocz> one problem is mining. If you will get permanent mining spots, you are more likely to make automated transport between them and your base
L8[01:16:27] <Hanakocz> BC oil is good for that for example ?
L9[01:18:44] <Hanakocz> RC did added "mines" to make places rich for ore, but it is still not enough. The best would be to have multiore per block, aka you would need to dig that one block for example 50 times to deplete the ore...then you would find such a mine and you are incentivized to build railroad there and deliver by it....especially if those mines would be kinda rare round the world so you won't have all kinds of ores like 100m f
L10[01:18:50] <Hanakocz> BUT it changes the game so much
L11[01:22:17] <3TUSK> https://github.com/MightyPirates/BedrockOres
L12[01:35:45] <Natesky9> I actually would like to see an ore mechanic where there's an unbreakable ore spawner, and it spawns the ore in stone over time
L13[01:54:55] <Forecaster> railcraft has a base for that in the saltpeter spawner
L14[01:56:11] <Natesky9> wait, how does that work?
L15[01:56:27] <Natesky9> I've seen it in NEI, but never knew how it do the do
L16[01:58:49] <Forecaster> it's a block with a bedrock texture that spawns at bedrock layer in desert biomes in clusters
L17[01:59:03] <Forecaster> it simply replaces sand blocks near the surface with saltpeter blocks
L18[01:59:09] <Natesky9> Is that just at world spawn?
L19[01:59:16] <Natesky9> or does it replace sand over time?
L20[01:59:16] <Forecaster> creating a regenerating saltpeter field
L21[01:59:24] <Natesky9> whaaa??
L22[01:59:29] <Natesky9> That's amazing!
L23[01:59:34] <Forecaster> over time, obviously
L24[01:59:42] <Forecaster> why else would you need the spawner block
L25[01:59:44] <Natesky9> I thought it was just worldgen, I didn't know it came back!
L26[02:01:23] <Natesky9> Unfortunately, there's no realistic use for niter, but otherwise, that would be amazing for a regenerative resource mechanic
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L32[03:10:16] <Hanakocz> that is true, I did not ever looked for those salts, maybe except gregtech times when they have some more uses
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L38[09:42:34] <liach> niter is used for creating gunpowder with sulfur and charcoal dust
L39[09:43:49] <Hanakocz> yea, but usually one has enough from creepers....but if we would make creepers drop something less usable, maybe then....
L40[09:44:25] <Forecaster> that's up to pack creators
L41[09:44:28] <Forecaster> ?
L42[09:44:50] <Hanakocz> of course. just stating why not many use the crat way
L43[09:44:54] <Hanakocz> of course. just stating why not many use the craft way [Edited]
L44[09:45:43] <liach> well, covertjaguar can answer all of our questions but he is not here (which causes all these drama)
L45[09:47:04] <Forecaster> what drama...
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L47[09:48:15] <liach> all these shouts for 1.12 but people cannot even test it when code is available
L48[09:49:02] <Forecaster> that's not drama -_-
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L53[10:22:12] <liach> anyways i am trying to fix loot table now... they break if a module is disabled or so
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L56[11:11:00] <liach> fyi i am trying to make loot tables work with modules. before they just break when a module (like the signal module) is disabled
L57[11:14:02] <liach> ah, i am so done with jsons... straight errors.
L58[11:17:56] <liach> lol turned out that i had a typo in the word `condition`
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L61[12:23:47] <vedrit> I know that, in my plays, I don't really ever use gunpowder. I think there's a mod that turns niter into something else, but *shrug*
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L71[14:23:49] <Natesky9> I hate when you type a word so many times that it loses meaning, then you start to question if you are misspelling it
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L79[18:02:50] <⎛⎝?⎠⎞SaintCharlieKyoot⎛⎝?⎠⎞> i was reading cloud atlas and one word came to my mind when you said
L80[18:05:08] <⎛⎝?⎠⎞SaintCharlieKyoot⎛⎝?⎠⎞> Message contained 4 or more newlines and was pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/rucaxufaya
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