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L1[00:07:11] ⇨ Joins: Kodos (Kodos!~Kodos@
L2[00:50:08] <NightwolfBlue> ok
L3[00:50:26] <liach> i am actually fixing a bug first
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L7[03:03:31] <Hanakocz> liach, I want to look into my addon next week as I will have free days...so if I manage to make some testing version for 1.12, it will count as base RC testing as well ?
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L11[08:40:04] <Durzan> @liach I am of course open to beta testing. Specifically, I will try to determine to see if the current builds are compatible with the current Buildcraft Alpha.
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L13[09:29:49] <liach> it is said to be compatible
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L19[11:02:26] <Durzan> awesome
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L22[11:13:09] *** Santa|afk is now known as SatanicSanta
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L24[11:50:16] <Cyther> i think rc can very much be fun on its own
L25[11:52:28] <Cyther> some things just need you to be creative, its more involving than 1 block does all which takes the fun out of things, it fits vanilla very well too at least did do when you could exclude all the power system stuff and just have everything coal/charcoal based i think its more than just a support mod
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L28[12:18:24] <Natesky9> Are you saying you don't like the multiblock feature?
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L33[13:58:01] <vedrit> No, no. I think they're saying the opposite, that they like RC because of the multiblock
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L35[16:10:17] *** SatanicSanta is now known as Santa|afk
L36[16:32:21] <Sentenryu> My 2 cents on the "RC could be fun by itself" thing: I was just looking at journey map and plotting a route to link 2 villages, 2 pyramids and what I plan to turn into a walled desert city. I would love to have a big railway linking those, but I don't have Railcraft.
L37[16:33:48] <Sentenryu> Honestly? RC is fun by itself as long as you have a reason to build things that are far enough away. Vanilla gives you the reason, mods remove it. What takes the fun away from RC are tesseracts, teleportation, etc.
L38[17:06:09] <vedrit> This is true
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L41[19:48:34] <liach> @Sentenryu so rc is not fun any more?
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L43[20:21:06] <Sentenryu> nono, my argument is the opposite.
L44[20:22:08] <Sentenryu> giant railways are fun, but you need a reason for them, mods that let you have everything without having to branch out into different biomes or finding villages/temples are what take some of that fun away
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