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L16[05:16:32] <Natesky9> So I'm starting up rails (finally) in a 1.7.10 world
L17[05:17:01] <Natesky9> and I have to ask, how are you supposed to mass produce rails without a mod that adds autocrafting?
L18[05:18:15] <Natesky9> Doing the wooden ties with a bucket is tedious, and there aren't any crafting blocks in railcraft. The cans (from a different mod) are consumed, which isn't optimal
L19[05:19:03] <Natesky9> I think bottles are returned, but they don't stack
L20[05:22:16] <Forecaster> if you have forestry you can use the carpeneter
L21[05:22:22] <Forecaster> if you have forestry you can use the carpenter [Edited]
L22[05:23:02] <Natesky9> I know there are dozens of ways other mods allow you to, but I was wondering if there were a way within RC or vanilla to do it
L23[05:23:14] <Forecaster> no
L24[05:23:23] <Natesky9> oof
L25[05:25:14] <Natesky9> Is the carpenter the only machine that gets reduced creosote usage?
L26[05:25:27] <Natesky9> or is that up to the individual mods?
L27[05:25:39] <Forecaster> that depends how the recipe is added
L28[05:26:33] <Natesky9> so if it uses the shaped crafting, it uses 1 bucket, but if it's a custom recipe, it uses a preset amount?
L29[05:27:33] <Forecaster> sure
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L31[05:36:33] <Forecaster> I tend to use the carpenter when making ties
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L33[05:38:36] <Natesky9> I only ask because my friend brought up a good point about why railcraft is so hard to get into
L34[05:40:02] <Forecaster> nobody is forcing anyone to just play with railcraft :P
L35[05:41:36] <Natesky9> No, but it simplifies working through a mod when all the tools are from the same mod
L36[05:42:02] <Natesky9> one of the main concepts that brought together the RF API
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L38[05:42:22] <Natesky9> and the ore dictionary
L39[05:42:25] <Natesky9> etc
L40[06:01:07] ⇨ Joins: WatchtowerOrator (WatchtowerOrator!~Watchtowe@
L41[06:01:07] <WatchtowerOrator> Time for a new episode from Forecaster! You're welcome!
L42[06:01:08] <WatchtowerOrator> Tags on this video: crafting,ic2,industrialcraft2,opencomputers,lua,OpenOS,foundry,cabling
L43[06:01:08] <WatchtowerOrator> https://youtu.be/XwJN9JhU7oc - RailcraftLP [Episode 84] - Technical Difficulties
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L52[07:31:50] <Hanakocz> naatesky, obviously gregtech or buildcraft are superior for autocrafting
L53[07:32:04] <Hanakocz> back then for sure
L54[07:32:11] <Hanakocz> back then in 1.7.10 for sure [Edited]
L55[07:32:42] <MrConductor> * <LizzyTheSiren> likes Logistics Pipes
L56[07:32:57] <LizzyTheSiren> sadly it's not updated past 1.7.10
L57[07:33:22] <Hanakocz> hm, logi pipes....we usually got replaced that mod with ae2
L58[07:33:47] <Hanakocz> logipipes were too much automatic I think ??
L59[07:34:06] <LizzyTheSiren> i don't think there were any more 'automatic' than AE
L60[07:36:19] <Hanakocz> that's true, but they definetly were cheaper. Usually you have AE2 stuff locked behind tech tree, depending on other mods you have, or at least behind high power usage
L61[07:37:10] <LizzyTheSiren> i mean, in the later versions of LP they needed power by default and i'm pretty sure you were able to adjust stuff
L62[07:57:36] <Hanakocz> yeah, power was adjustable. It was so easy to make though, on that iteration of our server everyone ended with Solars->UUmatter->More solars setup, that just killed whole economy
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L69[12:35:18] <St Ransor | Waddle on CPR> Hullo
L70[12:50:49] <liach> hello st sansor
L71[12:50:55] <liach> ~ransor
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L83[15:49:31] <liach> Aye, I recall when 3TUSK spelled CovertJaguar as ConvertJaguar four years ago. That was silly.
L84[15:59:19] <3TUSK> Don't remember, cannot verify
L85[16:08:07] <liach> (Was on a mcbbs post talking about railcraft)
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L88[17:19:31] <3TUSK> *who cares*
L89[17:34:24] <liach> Cuz I thought that was fun. Anyways covertjaguar is away...
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