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L1[00:04:19] <GrinningGamer> ?
L2[00:04:35] <GrinningGamer> +
L3[00:04:36] <GrinningGamer> -*
L4[00:04:50] <GrinningGamer> Oops, dropped keyboad...
L5[00:08:36] <Joshwoo70> woops
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L19[04:46:38] <Jack_rail> well yes you can walk inside the trains
L20[04:46:54] <Jack_rail> not from cart to cart but inside one you are able to walk around
L21[04:58:10] <jas777> when will 1.11 railcraft come
L22[05:03:43] <Forecaster> sometime after the 1.10 port is complete
L23[05:07:56] <CovertJaguar> possibly sooner, at this point it might be somewhat trivial
L24[05:08:13] <CovertJaguar> well, no probably not trivial, but not horrible
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L29[05:40:52] <Joshwoo70> time111release = time111release + timessaid*24h
L30[05:41:08] <Joshwoo70> time111release = originaltime + timessaid*24h
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L34[07:01:08] <WatchtowerOrator> Time for a new episode from Forecaster! You're welcome!
L35[07:01:08] <WatchtowerOrator> https://youtu.be/6zNXqq5H3DE - RailcraftLP [Episode 20] - The Farm Needs Plumbing
L36[07:01:08] <WatchtowerOrator> Tags on this video: forestry,building,guest,keridos
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L41[08:52:00] <kremsy> can someone tell how many RF a signle electric rail uses (if powered with a flux transformer)
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L53[15:24:36] *** SatanicSanta is now known as Santa|afk
L54[15:36:49] <Kodos> The rails don't use any they just charge electric carts
L55[15:36:56] <Kodos> Lovos
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L58[16:23:26] <CovertJaguar> Rails do add network loss though, its set at 0.01 c/t per track in the current versions.
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L62[17:11:42] <Natesky9> Hey CJ, I've been having some weird behavior with locking tracks. I'm log on to find that a locking track (set to train mode) will grab a train halfway through it's departure, and jam up a line
L63[17:11:54] <Natesky9> Hey CJ, I've been having some weird behavior with locking tracks. I'll log on to find that a locking track (set to train mode) will grab a train halfway through it's departure, and jam up a line
L64[17:13:02] <Natesky9> Would this possibly be due to a server restart not saving the state of the locking track?
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L74[18:31:31] <CovertJaguar> @Natesky9 1.7?
L75[18:31:41] <CovertJaguar> I think there were some fixes for that in 1.10
L76[18:34:39] <Natesky9> Yeah, still 1.7... Does it make a difference of the server is "rebooted" vs /stop? I'm using the Creeperhost service, and I've been... Skeptical of the reboot function, as the discord bridge doesn't announce a shut down when I reboot
L77[18:36:25] <CovertJaguar> not really, its just really hard to seriealize entity referances, and train objects don't persist at all
L78[18:36:48] <CovertJaguar> so the track has to make some assumptions about the state when it loads
L79[18:37:23] <CovertJaguar> and those assumptions haven't always been completely correct
L80[18:38:27] <CovertJaguar> I think the chunks themselves serialize the tile entities every 5 seconds or something
L81[18:39:08] <CovertJaguar> but I suppose that killing the process could result in incorrect states
L82[18:39:33] <Natesky9> You mean, there isn't some sort of uuid system that references the entities?
L83[18:39:57] <CovertJaguar> there is, but your issue is with trains, not entities
L84[18:40:13] <CovertJaguar> and trains are generated as needed
L85[18:40:43] <Natesky9> Oh, so it doesn't remember the trains's sequence
L86[18:41:11] <CovertJaguar> yeah, the track holds onto the train object while its doing its thing, but that object goes away when the server is rebooted
L87[18:41:33] <CovertJaguar> and there is no way to acquire the exact collection of carts that make up a train again
L88[18:41:44] <Natesky9> Huh. How did you manage to solve that one?
L89[18:41:51] <CovertJaguar> so the track just has to assume that the train currently on the track is the one it was looking at
L90[18:42:17] <CovertJaguar> the first tick makes some guesses about what the state should look like based on what it does know
L91[18:42:47] <CovertJaguar> it if was holding a train, and there is a train over the tracks, assume it was the train we were holding, etc...
L92[18:44:19] <Natesky9> Hmm. So if I moved the holding track back, it would fix this current issue, since it's half departed, and that's triggering the exit block
L93[18:45:06] <CovertJaguar> if I fixed the issue, I wasn't able to find the commit that did it, so I'm not really sure
L94[18:45:17] <CovertJaguar> I doubt it would make much difference where the track is located
L95[18:45:49] <Natesky9> Well, the track in question is staying locked because of the block in front of it
L96[18:47:11] <Natesky9> I should have mentioned, the locking track is right before a... T track?
L97[18:47:18] <Natesky9> What are those called again
L98[18:47:29] <Natesky9> Not Wye, not junction
L99[18:47:30] <bball> switch or wye?
L100[18:47:39] <Natesky9> Switch, I guess
L101[18:48:12] <CovertJaguar> turnout
L102[18:51:44] <Natesky9> Yeah, that's it
L103[18:52:29] <Natesky9> Also, I remembered how I did the FIFO loading dock
L104[18:52:47] <Natesky9> It's actually my phone background at the moment
L105[18:53:10] <Natesky9> And interlock boxes actually go on correct sequence
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L108[22:19:50] <Player> "reboot" vs stop depends entirely on the script/mechanism handling the server process
L109[22:19:58] <Player> the former uses stop internally when well implemented
L110[22:20:23] <Player> but you have no guarantee that there's something that handles stop in a way to do more than just stop the server ?
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