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L5[01:19:00] <CovertJaguar> that's the eternal problem with documentation, its _always_ out of date
L6[01:20:03] <CovertJaguar> doesn't matter if its a wiki, ingame, or a video, it will be out of date within a year of creation, and the imputus to fix it falls to the wayside
L7[01:21:30] <CovertJaguar> it was easier back when the "this really should have been done yesterday" todo list wasn't two miles long
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L18[07:01:07] <WatchtowerOrator> Time for a new episode from Forecaster! You're welcome!
L19[07:01:07] <WatchtowerOrator> https://youtu.be/WeA0P3djj8U - RailcraftLP [Episode 16] - Plumbing
L20[07:01:07] <WatchtowerOrator> Tags on this video: industrialcraft2,crafting,building,pipes
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L50[14:50:15] <CovertJaguar> @Speiger @MedurisDev this is probably already fix in the dev version, we change how items are registered
L51[14:50:28] <CovertJaguar> @Speiger @MedurisDev this is probably already fixed in the dev version, we changed how items are registered
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L53[15:46:33] <CovertJaguar> oh right...I completely forgot about this weeks video, crap
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L57[16:47:12] <KnightMiner> Are poor ores still a thing in 1.10? If so, what is the metal rate?
L58[16:48:03] <KnightMiner> I seem to recall it being 3 nuggets, but for some reason the intregration in Tinkers for `orePoor` is set to 1 nugget
L59[16:56:41] <LuigiHutch> they used to produce 2 nuggets but that was changed in a recent update to rpoduce 3 nuggets
L60[16:56:54] <LuigiHutch> they used to produce 2 nuggets but that was changed in a recent update to produce 3 nuggets
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L62[17:21:42] <liach> @KnightMiner Now they are generated in ore veins
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L66[17:50:16] <Speiger> @CovertJaguar can I give him the test version out of the beta area to confirm that?
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L68[17:51:55] <Forecaster> Confirm what?
L69[17:52:33] <CovertJaguar> doesn't really need comfirming, the code that lead to that path simple doesn't exist anymore
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L72[20:34:20] <Estradus> Is it possible to disable railcraft spawning ingots and plates in dungeon and village chests? The items it gives are too commonplace for the rarity of dungeons; and it keeps giving me things like nickel plates which have no use, even for scrap
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L75[22:31:56] <Estradus> also the plates arent hooked to the ore dictionary
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L78[22:50:48] <TriTUSK> exit
L79[22:50:59] <TriTUSK> nvm forget slash
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L88[23:38:29] <liach> 3TUSK?
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