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L1[00:03:26] ⇦ Quits: Corjaantje (znc@bnc.corjaantje.com) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
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L6[00:55:40] <Forecaster> woo
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L28[06:47:23] <Lei of Nihility> Hey guys. I'm realy sorry if I'm missing something obvious but I have a question about the anchor carts for 1.10(.2), I've been trying to find info as to when and where they would be implimented in the current version and thought I saw mention that they were but I can't seem to find them. I'm using 10.1.2. If not implimented do you guys have any suggestions for alternative able to be used over large networks?
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L31[06:53:54] <Forecaster> anchor carts are in beta right now
L32[06:54:22] <Forecaster> they'll be released when ready
L33[06:54:31] <Forecaster> and as far as I'm aware there isn't really an alternative
L34[06:58:16] <Lei of Nihility> Thats a shame, thanks for your time ^^ I had used the search function here there and everywhere to find a definitive before asking XD
L35[06:59:02] <Forecaster> well, like I said, they're in beta, they're being tested
L36[06:59:11] <Forecaster> they'll be released to the public eventually
L37[06:59:23] <Forecaster> if you want early access you can become a patron ;)
L38[06:59:31] <Hanakocz> it is not such a shame, they are ALREADY in beta, so it is cool they are there so soon xD compared to otherr things xD
L39[07:00:13] <Lei of Nihility> The steves carts chunkloader module is all well and good but I find that they detatch often. Though I have just thought, custom NPCs can chunk load, I might have to do some testing and see whether one can be dressed up as a conductor and sent around with the train XD
L40[07:00:13] <Hanakocz> (read: you are lucky they are higher priority than other things xD)
L41[07:00:54] <Hanakocz> if you can put any armor on NPC, you can try Railcraft cosmetic conductor uniforms xD
L42[07:01:33] <Lei of Nihility> :3 Either that or skin them in general. I'll have to test this now. Poor guy, riding the rails ad infinitum
L43[07:02:47] <Hanakocz> you even can stuff him with hand signals or whistle (probably you won't be able to make him use tht whistle though, dunno, don't know those NPCs a lot)
L44[07:12:03] <Lei of Nihility> http://tinyurl.com/yaae7xtp
L45[07:12:04] <Lei of Nihility> I... feel really guilty for this XD
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L48[07:15:35] <Hanakocz> haha cool
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L51[07:21:55] <Lei of Nihility> http://tinyurl.com/y8mnheet
L52[07:22:25] <Lei of Nihility> He's now off on an adventure, lets see if encarceration gets him all the way around the track. :p
L53[07:22:43] <Elourge> Whats those pillars under the glowstone lamps
L54[07:24:00] <Lei of Nihility> http://tinyurl.com/y7op9lct
L55[07:25:08] <Lei of Nihility> Initially got the mod for the path wedge piece but these pillars have become invaluable since
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L63[09:43:56] <Joshwoo70> was thinking chisel and bits
L64[09:52:29] <Forecaster> huh, wooden lamps, pretty nice
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L80[14:00:22] <MipoloArchiletti> How do you guys integrate Railcraft in your bases?
L81[14:02:00] <MipoloArchiletti> I'm working on a factory build with IE in Direwolf20 1.10 and wanted to have some kind of above-ground rail system for item transport, but I'm not sure how rails will benefit me
L82[14:05:42] <Forecaster> trains are good for moving items long distances
L83[14:06:28] <Natesky9> I usually have a train line delivering things to/from farms and eventually, factories or mines
L84[14:06:43] <bball> assuming you have no teleporters in your modpack (although they are much more expensive than rails anyways)
L85[14:06:50] <bball> they are the best
L86[14:07:01] <bball> railways
L87[14:07:03] <MipoloArchiletti> I'm trying to confine myself to an industrial age aesthetic
L88[14:07:20] <MipoloArchiletti> I'm thinking having above ground trains like how they did in NYC back in the day
L89[14:08:33] <Natesky9> Bridges, tunnels, all the like are great with trains
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L91[14:08:55] <MipoloArchiletti> Would I need to set up some kind of railyard or switchyard to organize all the different lines?
L92[14:09:15] <bball> Depending on how many you have
L93[14:09:29] <Natesky9> Well, most of the switches happen on the line. But you'll definitely want a switch yard, for say, unloading/loading docks
L94[14:10:08] <Natesky9> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/276520011261149188/324997438194843648/when_developer_wants_something_different.gif
L95[14:10:25] <MipoloArchiletti> I can show the setup I've built for myself so far with regard to how much space I have, I used a builder to fill in an ocean for some flatlands
L96[14:11:04] <Natesky9> This was my loading dock for my treefarm setup
L97[14:11:04] <Natesky9> https://images.discordapp.net/attachments/225184360049934336/314868638790451212/2017-04-05_18.32.57.png?width=761&height=418
L98[14:12:21] <Thoughtless> Hey guys, i'm a little bit confused with RC and maybe you can gelp me :) I got RC 10.1.2 für MC 1.10.2 - since i don't have IC2 installed RC deletes the electric charge feeder.. no EU.. so far so good, in RC should a Flux Transformere been added.. but there is none.. how am i supposed to power the electric rails? :(
L99[14:12:47] <Natesky9> Only IC2 at the moment
L100[14:13:01] <Natesky9> You can use the steam turbine
L101[14:13:11] <Natesky9> that produces RC charge
L102[14:14:09] <Thoughtless> there is no turbine
L103[14:14:29] <Natesky9> Hmm
L104[14:14:33] <Natesky9> Oh right, no multiblocks
L105[14:14:37] <Natesky9> ....
L106[14:14:39] <Natesky9> well shit
L107[14:14:57] <Thoughtless> common multiblock problem ?
L108[14:17:29] <Thoughtless> the only workaround i got so far is make a recipe for the admin charge feeder unit.. but.. yeah.. kind of not good ^^
L109[14:18:03] <Natesky9> Actually
L110[14:18:14] <Natesky9> charge has been improved in this version
L111[14:19:22] <Thoughtless> how? ^^
L112[14:20:12] <Natesky9> Well, it's not so lossy, plus it behaves like the IE power lines
L113[14:20:26] <Natesky9> no longer does the entire track have to be loaded in order to work
L114[14:20:40] <Natesky9> (also, saves performance, because no more tile entity ticks
L115[14:20:43] <Natesky9> (also, saves performance, because no more tile entity ticks)
L116[14:21:08] <Natesky9> any time charge is used, it is pulled from theconnected supplier
L117[14:21:14] <Natesky9> any time charge is used, it is pulled from the connected supplier
L118[14:21:15] <Thoughtless> sounds good, but doesn't help if you hate ic2 xD
L119[14:21:23] <Natesky9> aww come on
L120[14:21:32] <Natesky9> IC2 may have it's quirks
L121[14:21:40] <Natesky9> but it's one of my classic mods
L122[14:21:44] <Natesky9> but it's one of the classic mods
L123[14:22:16] <Natesky9> Yeah, it's evolved over time, changed into something more complicated
L124[14:22:17] <Thoughtless> ic2 is like a 5$ hooker.. too many people have missused it ^^
L125[14:22:21] <MipoloArchiletti> I hadn't played it since b1.7.3 and had the surprise of my life trying to get it working again
L126[14:25:36] <Thoughtless> we had servers with ic2 which produced so big log files the hdd went full and the world corrupted..
L127[14:25:48] <Natesky9> I can vouch that ic2 is pretty well balanced, as compared to other mods
L128[14:25:49] <liach> IC2 is extremely good
L129[14:26:04] <liach> Tell player if you have issues with ic2, he is here
L130[14:26:29] <Natesky9> I do actually have a bug for him
L131[14:26:32] <Thoughtless> i don't have issues with ic2 xD ic2 is not installed :D
L132[14:27:23] <Thoughtless> but the lack of ic2 makes the issue with RC...
L133[14:27:43] <Player> that was only a temporary issue in particular versions
L134[14:28:05] <Player> these days you can disable enet logging and you always could use a suitable log4j filtering config
L135[14:28:56] <Hanakocz> playing without IC2 is like playing vanilla xD
L136[14:31:57] <MipoloArchiletti> I get so much early game anxiety trying to get my hands on all the early game crafting components
L137[14:32:19] <Thoughtless> sry i didn't want to start a discussion about ic2.. its a good mod, i just don't like it that much, which is fine ^^
L138[14:36:51] <Thoughtless> I might have a gregtech trauma^^
L139[14:42:01] <Natesky9> Ic2 is one of those things where you really want Autocrafting/factory
L140[14:42:28] <Natesky9> Where you can just set up once, and put in materials
L141[14:42:38] <MipoloArchiletti> Which mod does autocrafting best?
L142[14:42:55] <MipoloArchiletti> I find crafting to be where I start fizzling out right after earlygame
L143[14:42:56] <Natesky9> Ic2 actually has a crafter now
L144[14:43:28] <Natesky9> Uh, ender IO has an autocrafter
L145[14:44:01] <MipoloArchiletti> What's your opinion on crafting options for mods like Refined Storage and AE2?
L146[14:44:36] <bball> AE2 autocrafting is extremely good if you know how to set it up
L147[14:45:26] <Natesky9> AE2 is mid-to-late game though
L148[14:45:50] <Natesky9> when you have quite some diamonds and redstone to spare
L149[14:46:00] <bball> that too
L150[14:46:19] <Natesky9> for early game crafting, it's the same as storage
L151[14:46:21] <Thoughtless> they are both good, but it gets boring if you do it for the 50th time ^^
L152[14:46:28] <bball> but redstone is easy to get, and diamonds arent _too_ bad if you have a quarry of some sort
L153[14:46:33] <Natesky9> Well then, get creative
L154[14:46:43] <Natesky9> you have almost limitless possibilities
L155[14:46:49] <Hanakocz> with few forestry worktables the crafting is not boring part , waiting for machines to get the resources is xD (until you make them fast)
L156[14:47:01] <MipoloArchiletti> I have a decent RS system right now and an excess of resources, but since I'm rebuilding my base I'm open for change
L157[14:47:35] <Natesky9> I have a decent system, but it's still not very grea, and what I like to do is actually expand to several locations
L158[14:48:02] <Natesky9> like I showed before, I set my farms and factories further out, and connect them with trains
L159[14:48:14] <Natesky9> playing at 40 fps is not fun
L160[14:49:51] <Hanakocz> ya, it has some positives to spread things out, chunkload those bases and get deliveries, instead of putting everything into one base
L161[14:51:09] <Natesky9> It actually affects your mood, when you're in your base all day
L162[14:51:21] <Thoughtless> unfortunately that doesn't work very well on a server with ~ 15 people ^^
L163[14:51:22] <Natesky9> It actually affects your mood, when your in your base all day
L164[14:51:34] <Natesky9> Well
L165[14:51:54] <Natesky9> if those people are at least courtious of your stuff
L166[14:52:03] <Natesky9> they won't mess with your rails
L167[14:52:15] <Natesky9> unfortunately, on public servers, that isn't always the case
L168[14:52:19] <Hanakocz> well, you can live some 5K blocks away so they visit only occasionally
L169[14:52:33] <Thoughtless> the problem isn't griefing, its tha amount of loaded chunks
L170[14:52:38] <Natesky9> I actually enjoy connecting everyone through the rail lines
L171[14:53:15] <Thoughtless> yeah, that's our plan too ^^
L172[14:53:20] <Natesky9> well, the average player has ~3 chunkloaders, right?
L173[14:53:33] <Natesky9> at least in my experience
L174[14:53:59] <Thoughtless> atm, we are thinking of not using chunkloaders at all
L175[14:54:41] <Natesky9> well, if you consider that a single player loads about 8x8 chunks by just being on
L176[14:55:03] <Natesky9> a world anchor only loads a 3x3
L177[14:55:59] <Thoughtless> yeah shure, but the 3x3 is additional, depending where the player is
L178[14:56:34] <Natesky9> Now, the *biggest* factor of lag is usually in how condensed the cables, pipes, conduits, etc are
L179[14:57:17] <Natesky9> so if you have 1 base of 60 machines, you're creating much more lag than 4 bases of 15 machines
L180[14:57:30] <Thoughtless> yup.. we'll give xnet a try with that ^^
L181[14:58:31] <Thoughtless> making our own modpack with mostly uncommen stuff and a transport heme
L182[14:58:43] <Player> ic2 also works well if you batch craft or juts don't force your way through it by using it on the side while actually playing the game instead of tryingto crush the tech tree ?
L183[14:58:46] <Thoughtless> making our own modpack with mostly uncommen stuff and a transport theme
L184[14:59:42] <Forecaster> if only there was some kind of multiblock crushing device to put the tech-tree in
L185[15:00:51] <bball> go into railcraft for 1.7.10, get a rock crusher, rename a sapling "Tech Tree" and throw it in
L186[15:00:51] <bball> lol
L187[15:01:39] <Hanakocz> will it explode?
L188[15:02:00] <bball> if you surround it with TNT
L189[15:02:11] <Forecaster> as will most things I expect
L190[15:02:13] <Natesky9> IE Grinder should work
L191[15:02:20] <Player> ?
L192[15:02:36] <Player> by that i obviously mean trying to rush through it or cheat it ?
L193[15:02:53] <Forecaster> impossible, people are always literal
L194[15:03:02] <Forecaster> O
L195[15:03:10] <Forecaster> I've learned this through denial
L196[15:03:34] <Thoughtless> i you don#'t like something and you have to use it, you always try to rush through ^^
L197[15:03:59] <Player> but then you'll quickly run out of things to do
L198[15:04:13] <Natesky9> ^I have friends who have that problem constantly
L199[15:04:19] <Natesky9> not very fun friends to play with
L200[15:04:29] <Player> ic2 is quite heavily favoring opportunities for coming up with automation/smarter solutions
L201[15:05:05] <Player> i.e. most of the "limitations" are deliberate
L202[15:06:10] <Natesky9> I gotta say, biogas is amazing though
L203[15:06:28] <Hanakocz> favoring getting GT over IC2 xD
L204[15:06:29] <Natesky9> takes alot of setup, but if done properly, is almost OP
L205[15:06:41] <Natesky9> Um, I think it's TechReborn
L206[15:06:41] <Thoughtless> don't you guys got a mod thatyou don't like ? :)
L207[15:06:51] <Natesky9> I don't like Tinkers
L208[15:07:01] <Natesky9> Tinkers is just "too good"
L209[15:07:06] <Hanakocz> I don't like RF copypasta mods in general
L210[15:07:14] <Natesky9> it overshadows literally any weapon or tool from every other mod
L211[15:07:21] <Thoughtless> true
L212[15:07:51] <Natesky9> Hmm
L213[15:08:01] <Natesky9> I'm kinda not a fan of "infinite storage" mods
L214[15:08:14] <Natesky9> I like the challenge of logistics puzzles
L215[15:08:49] <Thoughtless> so you mean compact storage systems
L216[15:09:05] <Natesky9> plus, it just promotes laziness in storage, and at that point, it's about getting thousands of items, and the rest of the game's resources become "I have none, or I have thousands"
L217[15:09:17] <Natesky9> it dilutes the inventory experience
L218[15:11:03] <Thoughtless> i understand you perspective, but i like the possibility to tidy things up
L219[15:12:24] <Thoughtless> in a small space
L220[15:14:18] <Natesky9> Well, my gripe is two-fold. It's partially the limitation to minecraft that setting up lots of stuff absolutely kills your frames, and also that there's no benefit to going overboard. There's no real resource sink, or high demand items
L221[15:14:27] <Natesky9> at least outside of "expert mode"
L222[15:14:27] <Thoughtless> aren't 90% of the mods the paragon of laziness? :D
L223[15:15:30] <Natesky9> Well, there are convenience mods, which just add the standard "two ingots from every ore, faster that, more damage this
L224[15:15:59] <Natesky9> then there are adventure mods, which promote exploration combat, and sometimes puzzle-solving
L225[15:16:41] <Natesky9> then there are the cosmetic mods, and yes, I'll put Railcraft in here, because even though trains are useful, they allow for neat looking builds
L226[15:17:44] <Natesky9> then you have the tech mods, which are in themselves, and adventure, but more of an advancement adventure, where you need x machine to make y, and it's a chain of "need this" until you eventually reach the top
L227[15:18:17] <Natesky9> Lol, I'm ranting again
L228[15:19:32] <Thoughtless> ^^ not the easiest way for s.o. who's first language isn't english ^^
L229[15:21:35] <Thoughtless> but i mean.. more like by comparsion.. there are way more mods out there which makes your life more lazy than the rest
L230[15:23:43] <Natesky9> Well, yes. Those are usually "convenience mods", which add some sort of mechanic that is supposed to alleviate some difficult or menial task
L231[15:23:52] <Natesky9> one example is storage
L232[15:24:07] <Natesky9> when you get more and more stuff, you usually have to find some way to store it
L233[15:24:34] <Natesky9> but when you have infinite storage, or at least extremely cheap mass storage
L234[15:24:52] <Natesky9> that unique challenge gets nullified
L235[15:25:13] <Natesky9> It's the same as "never have to eat"
L236[15:25:19] <Natesky9> sure, it's convenient
L237[15:25:37] <Natesky9> but it completely erases a challenge of the game
L238[15:25:51] <Thoughtless> yeah,, it should be balanced, at least a little bit ^^
L239[15:25:53] <Natesky9> which, in turn, makes most food mods utterly useless
L240[15:25:59] <MipoloArchiletti> Which mods are we talking here?
L241[15:26:18] <Natesky9> Take your pick
L242[15:26:21] <Thoughtless> none specific
L243[15:26:43] <Natesky9> My all-time "I hate this mod" absolutely has to be EE3
L244[15:26:57] <Thoughtless> xD
L245[15:27:23] <Thoughtless> it's funny in certain modpacks.. but nothing for your everyday modpack
L246[15:27:49] <Natesky9> though, Dartcraft has to be a close second, but at least that mod has some progression and some actual good utility. Broken, but good at least
L247[15:28:14] <MipoloArchiletti> So what's your opinion on the mass storage in hard drive mods?
L248[15:28:22] <MipoloArchiletti> So what's your opinion on the "mass storage in hard drives" mods?
L249[15:28:39] <Natesky9> I'm not much of a fan. I used to use them all the time
L250[15:28:47] <Natesky9> but it doesn't quite fit my playstyle
L251[15:29:01] <Natesky9> I'm not entirely against them though, they have their purpose
L252[15:29:24] <Natesky9> and at least they offer alternatives
L253[15:29:43] <Natesky9> but personally, I think the crafting costs are too cheap for such a powerful system
L254[15:30:22] <MipoloArchiletti> It feels like the mod would get a lot easier when you figure out the autocrafting for the components, but that's my biggest hurdle so far
L255[15:30:43] <MipoloArchiletti> I have a very difficult time going from manual to automation
L256[15:30:47] <Thoughtless> it's not that cheap, but after a certain point ( quarrys) you don't care about mats anymore
L257[15:31:29] <Natesky9> I have despised quarries from almost every mod ever since their creation
L258[15:32:35] <Natesky9> Yeah, the resouces are great, but from a balance point of view
L259[15:33:16] <Natesky9> they absolutely trash any semblance of balance
L260[15:33:45] <MipoloArchiletti> Loading in my instance finally, I can show the crumbs of a base I've been working with
L261[15:34:12] <Thoughtless> thats the chain reaction... digital storage mods aren't that bad
L262[15:34:48] <Natesky9> I actually like AE2 even more ever since the update that added channels
L263[15:34:50] <Thoughtless> it's always the combination
L264[15:35:13] <Natesky9> yeah, infinite storage + infinite resources
L265[15:35:27] <Thoughtless> = bored veryfast ^^
L266[15:35:31] <Natesky9> Now, I'm not saying that either is bad
L267[15:35:46] <Natesky9> but for most people, once they have these, they feel like they "beat the game"
L268[15:35:53] <Natesky9> and then don't play anymore
L269[15:36:04] <Forecaster> I prefer the long game myself
L270[15:36:05] <Thoughtless> yup, i know exactly that feeling
L271[15:36:46] <Thoughtless> maybe i should deactivate the void ore miner ?
L272[15:37:16] <Thoughtless> at least we have vein miner
L273[15:37:31] <Natesky9> Now, earlier I mentioned that I didn't like "most" quarries
L274[15:37:48] <Natesky9> there are some that have their unique drawbacks that make them somewhat balanced
L275[15:38:14] <Natesky9> MFR's void miner is one of those that fall under my "ok" category
L276[15:38:28] <Natesky9> because not only does it require alot of power
L277[15:38:37] <Natesky9> but it's also not intrusive to the environment
L278[15:39:00] <Natesky9> and also requires at least midgame machines/resources
L279[15:39:26] <Thoughtless> unfortunately MFR is no more :/
L280[15:40:13] <Natesky9> Well, there is always Immersive engineering
L281[15:40:36] <MipoloArchiletti> I am such a fanboy of IE
L282[15:40:38] <Thoughtless> the void miner i meant is the one from environmental tech
L283[15:40:43] <Natesky9> Oh, right
L284[15:40:51] <Natesky9> I've not played with that one yet
L285[15:40:58] <Thoughtless> and yeah, IE is in the pack too ^^
L286[15:41:31] <MipoloArchiletti> It has a very kinesthetic feel to it because of the way it focused on multiblocks and conveyors as opposed to blocks and pipes
L287[15:41:52] <MipoloArchiletti> There's an immediate feedback if you do something or set something up
L288[15:48:35] <MipoloArchiletti> Ok so I crashed the server I play on apparently
L289[15:48:36] <MipoloArchiletti> whoops
L290[15:50:00] <MipoloArchiletti> http://tinyurl.com/yc3otdxe
L291[15:50:12] <MipoloArchiletti> This is the most up to date screenshot of my base currently, mod spaghetti in all
L292[15:50:36] <MipoloArchiletti> I have a kind of frame for a factory currently, sloped roof with probably some chimneys going in
L293[15:51:41] <Thoughtless> sooo, my inernet connection is a little bitchy.. i'm off, gn8 gyus, or whatever your timezone pleases ^^ @Natesky9 ,it was nice talking with you, bbo/
L294[15:51:58] <Natesky9> Seeya bud!
L295[16:06:03] <MipoloArchiletti> Are there any plans to add in-game documentation to Railcraft?
L296[16:07:42] <Hanakocz> isn't wiki enough?
L297[16:08:38] <MipoloArchiletti> Probably
L298[16:35:31] <Cream Tea> The wiki could probably do with some updating though.
L299[16:35:46] <Cream Tea> The software isn't very newb friendly I feel.
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L301[17:07:51] <MipoloArchiletti> Yeah, my little newb self is having difficulty
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L305[17:50:15] <Natesky9> There's actually I just thought about that absolutely no mods do
L306[17:51:10] <Natesky9> what if there was a "adventure map" world added by every mod, that was a brief rundown of everything the mod offered, and was a sort of "tutorial" for the whole mod
L307[17:51:58] <Natesky9> It wouldn't completely replace the wikis, of course, but it would teach the basics, and give a few ideas of how things look when all set up
L308[18:05:17] <MipoloArchiletti> That would be extremely neato
L309[18:05:38] <MipoloArchiletti> Maybe like, a forge mod that adds a world type that's a flat world grid
L310[18:05:58] <MipoloArchiletti> And in each grid space you'd have a mod adding a tutorial map
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L314[18:54:11] <Hanakocz> well it would make mods way bigger in size to ship actual world files
L315[18:54:42] <Hanakocz> also it expects that someone updates it and places there those things and puts on them notes...
L316[18:54:53] <Hanakocz> It won't be intuitive at all.
L317[19:07:06] <Natesky9> Maybe like a third-party map maker then?
L318[19:07:32] <Natesky9> Or a third-party mod that automatically updates worlds with the new features/items/blocks
L319[19:08:06] <Natesky9> on that note, a mod might be the best, so that it can add a pedestal to display mobs and items?
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L323[19:15:26] <Hanakocz> well there are already people that do mod previews and tutorials on youtube
L324[19:16:04] <Hanakocz> they actually also talk about it so it is more useful than anything. And usually authors do some, too, if they are brave enough.
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L328[20:23:09] <MipoloArchiletti> I do think a map may be better than a video for how easy it would be to update
L329[20:23:24] <MipoloArchiletti> I ran into some issues with some Direwolf20 spotlights because some information on the mods were since out of date
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