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L1[00:00:10] ⇨ Joins: turmfalke (~turmfalke@p5B0830CA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
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L10[04:45:07] <travis-ci> Railcraft/Railcraft#477 (mc-1.10.2 - 51798af : CovertJaguar): The build passed.
L11[04:45:07] <travis-ci> Change view : https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/compare/d435044fa8f4...51798af7bf7b
L12[04:45:07] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org/Railcraft/Railcraft/builds/233952416
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L27[14:13:10] <nythawk2> i have a question
L28[14:13:51] <nythawk2> how does distance signals works
L29[14:14:13] <Forecaster> distant signals just display the aspect they receive
L30[14:14:22] <Forecaster> ie the color signal
L31[14:14:25] <Forecaster> they don't do anything
L32[14:14:37] <Hanakocz> usually you want it to show the next signal, so you can prepare for it
L33[14:15:11] <Hanakocz> in reality it is like that so train can slow down if he see one signal beforehand that there will be red aspect
L34[14:16:14] <jas777> Green - means next signal allow to go trough
L35[14:16:14] <jas777> Yellow - next signal stop (red)
L36[14:16:14] <jas777> Red - STOP
L37[14:16:44] <nythawk2> is there a one way block signal
L38[14:17:06] <Forecaster> uh, no
L39[14:17:17] <Hanakocz> if you couple them with the right tracks
L40[14:17:18] <Forecaster> signals don't control trains directly
L41[14:22:44] <nythawk2> what i was trying to do what making a signal and then having another singal facing the same directions like give me a minute and i will do a screenshot
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L44[15:00:51] <nythawk2> hey forecaster may i pm u
L45[15:01:04] <Forecaster> uh, why?
L46[15:03:12] <nythawk2> well this mod has been brought up to mojang and there has been discussion about putting this possibly on console
L47[15:03:48] <Forecaster> what
L48[15:03:52] <Hanakocz> railcraft?
L49[15:03:59] <nythawk2> yep
L50[15:04:23] <Forecaster> well, that doesn't answer my question at all
L51[15:04:49] <nythawk2> some guy is saying he could get a thousand sigs to have this mod on console
L52[15:05:21] * Michiyo grabs some popcorn
L53[15:05:31] * Michiyo hates popcorn, and offers it to anyone else
L54[15:05:35] <Forecaster> I have 0% caring for console
L55[15:05:45] <MrConductor> * <Forecaster> takes the popcorn
L56[15:06:02] <MrConductor> * <LizzyTheKitty> grabs the popcorn and runs off with it
L57[15:06:06] <Michiyo> lol
L58[15:06:12] <Michiyo> good thing there was extra :P
L59[15:06:36] <Forecaster> nooo
L60[15:06:37] <Forecaster> D:
L61[15:06:54] <Michiyo> Extra.. you can have some still :P
L62[15:07:33] <Forecaster> but it's not *all* the popcorn!
L63[15:07:41] <MrConductor> * <Forecaster> starts a crusade
L64[15:08:13] <MrConductor> * <Hanakocz> takes pizza instead
L65[15:08:36] <Forecaster> anyway, I couldn't care less what goes on on consoles
L66[15:08:58] <Forecaster> and my question why pm'ing is needed has gone unanswered
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L69[16:20:12] <SkySom> I'm thinking he thinks you're the one to ask for permission to put it on console?
L70[16:20:23] <SkySom> Rather than realizing that Mojang could just do it anyway lol
L71[16:32:43] <MrConductor> * <Forecaster> shrugs
L72[16:33:31] <nythawk2> http://tinyurl.com/kkms5ma
L73[16:33:33] <nythawk2> http://tinyurl.com/la4qfsn
L74[16:34:45] <nythawk2> how do i connect all the signals so when one train hits one signals the other train will stop and with for the first train to go to next signals
L75[16:37:24] <Forecaster> do you like video tutorials?
L76[16:38:31] <nythawk2> yea what im trying to do is build a one way track
L77[16:38:43] <Forecaster> https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrrr37cVgC0Fj7Qd3XSgsr986t6chnbYJ
L78[16:38:52] <Forecaster> https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrrr37cVgC0FPWufeHRW2tPXPH9lE6YRe
L79[16:38:56] <Forecaster> there
L80[16:39:03] <nythawk2> thanks
L81[16:39:29] <Forecaster> since you want signals specifically I'd start with this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUaOFvicIZE&index=1&list=PLrrr37cVgC0Fj7Qd3XSgsr986t6chnbYJ
L82[16:42:03] <Forecaster> once signals get fully ported to 1.10 I need to re-make that one...
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