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L1[10:53:54] ⇨ Joins: Mimiru (~Mimiru@2607:5300:60:9553::1bad:babe)
L2[10:53:54] *** Server sets mode: +Cnt
L3[10:53:54] *** Server sets mode: +Cnt
L4[10:54:52] <Forecaster> MrConductor will now take code blocks from discord and put them in a paste, then link to that on irc
L5[10:55:01] <Forecaster> instead of printing the code block
L6[10:55:47] <Forecaster>
L7[10:57:11] <Natesky9> `yes, I too am a code block`
L8[10:57:21] ⇨ Joins: Zesty (~Zesty@
L9[10:57:41] <Forecaster> multi-line code blocks :P
L10[10:58:23] <Natesky9>
L11[10:58:26] <Natesky9> ***MULTI-TRACK DRIFTING***
L12[10:58:38] <Forecaster> that's probably illegal :P
L13[10:58:46] <MrConductor> * <jas777> America... FUCK YEAH!
L14[10:58:48] <Natesky9>
L15[10:59:04] <Natesky9> This gif is actually pretty impressive though
L16[10:59:05] <Natesky9> and yes
L17[10:59:16] <Natesky9> *exceptionally* illegal
L18[10:59:35] ⇦ Quits: Zesty_ (~Zesty@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L19[11:24:26] ⇦ Quits: PitchBright ( (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L20[11:28:56] <GeneralCamo> Not to mention dangerous
L21[11:30:21] <Forecaster> that's why things tend to be illegal :P
L22[11:32:09] <GeneralCamo> Debatable
L23[11:33:27] <Forecaster> sure
L24[12:08:56] ⇦ Quits: scj643 ( (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
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L26[12:36:55] ⇨ Joins: travis-ci (
L27[12:36:55] <travis-ci> CovertJaguar/Railcraft#315 (fix/1153 - e3e6409 : liach): The build passed.
L28[12:36:56] <travis-ci> Change view :
L29[12:36:56] <travis-ci> Build details :
L30[12:36:56] ⇦ Parts: travis-ci ( ())
L31[12:42:23] ⇦ Quits: MCenderdragon (~MCenderdr@ (Quit: Leaving)
L32[13:17:37] <Forecaster> Michiyo: might have to adjust that regex to not expect a linebreak after the first set of backticks
L33[13:31:40] <MalkContent> why does invar used for reinforced rail yield 4 rails
L34[13:31:44] <MalkContent> steel is 8 rails
L35[13:32:12] <MalkContent> wait lemme think
L36[13:33:02] <MalkContent> okay, again. for all other recipes, the ratio is 3:4 when comparing the recipe yield of invar and steel
L37[13:33:16] <MalkContent> but for the reinforced rails its 1:2
L38[13:33:22] <MalkContent> that on purpose?
L39[13:42:21] ⇦ Quits: Cast0077 ( (Quit: Poof)
L40[14:50:20] <dshatneriii> Good afternoon, I would like to participate in the new railcraft server, I went to the tower of awesome site and entered my info then allowed the access to my Patreon. Then it didn't do anything else. Is this where I wait for someone to check my credentials for whitelisting? Just checking. Thanks
L41[14:52:32] <Forecaster> what do you mean "didn't do anything"?
L42[14:53:00] <dshatneriii> Just went back to the login screen
L43[14:53:06] <Forecaster> hm
L44[14:53:25] <Hanakocz> are you patreon?
L45[14:53:33] ⇨ Joins: travis-ci (
L46[14:53:34] <travis-ci> CovertJaguar/Railcraft#317 (mc-1.10.2 - d889f6d : CovertJaguar): The build passed.
L47[14:53:34] <travis-ci> Change view :
L48[14:53:34] <travis-ci> Build details :
L49[14:53:34] ⇦ Parts: travis-ci ( ())
L50[14:54:12] <Hanakocz> you should connect your discord account to patreon, to have rights here as well ?
L51[14:54:34] <Forecaster> yes, there's a channel for the server that patrons get access to
L52[14:54:36] <Hanakocz> (but that is independent on modpack website)
L53[14:54:39] <dshatneriii> Sorry I'm a server noob, been playing MC for a long time and thought a railcraft server is an awesome idea. Never server though gh
L54[14:54:56] <dshatneriii> Alright thank you I'll do that now
L55[14:55:15] <Forecaster> if you logged in successfully and nothing happened
L56[14:55:22] <Forecaster> it didn't add a user entry for you
L57[14:55:29] <CovertJaguar> Discrod connection instructions:
L58[14:55:32] <Forecaster> I might have messed that part up in a recent update
L59[14:55:49] <CovertJaguar> lol, again?
L60[14:56:03] <Forecaster> well, I fixed the issue CT's brother was having
L61[14:56:22] <Forecaster> I might have broken it for everyone else instead :P
L62[14:57:13] <Forecaster> let me see about adding some logging, then I'll need you to try logging in again @dshatneriii
L63[14:58:30] <dshatneriii> Thanks, I was using my phone also and am adding discord to my computer now so I can do everything from there, probably better
L64[15:00:40] <dshatneriii> there we go, much easier..
L65[15:00:48] <dshatneriii> (from computer)
L66[15:01:00] <Hanakocz> ? app is useful
L67[15:02:03] <Forecaster> @dshatneriii okay, I'm gonna need you to go to the login page, try loggin in, and after coming back to my site press `ctrl + shift + i`
L68[15:02:31] <CovertJaguar> oooh...hacker keys
L69[15:03:54] <dshatneriii> alright thanks
L70[15:04:58] <Forecaster> @dshatneriii once you've done that tell me
L71[15:05:02] <Forecaster> do you use chrome?
L72[15:06:21] <dshatneriii> usually, I literally just got a new computer and haven't gotten there yet, no Edge right now temporarily..
L73[15:06:37] <Forecaster> ah, that'll make this slightly more difficult
L74[15:07:50] <Forecaster> actually no, it's almost the same
L75[15:07:55] <dshatneriii> alright, got in and clicked allow and now it seems to have worked
L76[15:08:12] <Forecaster> oh
L77[15:08:14] <Forecaster> kay
L78[15:08:15] <dshatneriii> added MC username
L79[15:08:16] <Forecaster> xD
L80[15:08:19] <dshatneriii> thank you
L81[15:08:24] <Forecaster> well then
L82[15:08:44] <Forecaster> I didn't do anything
L83[15:08:44] <dshatneriii> it opened this "Official Railcraft Patreon Server Pack"
L84[15:08:46] <MrConductor> * <Forecaster> shrugs
L85[15:08:48] <Forecaster> :P
L86[15:09:06] <CovertJaguar> don't forget to pair Patreon and Discord, but other than that you should good then (not sure how often the whitelist updates)
L87[15:09:20] <Forecaster> once per hour
L88[15:09:25] <Forecaster> aka 9 minutes ago
L89[15:09:25] <dshatneriii> haha, appreciate the help again I think I'm decent with modded MC but server/multiplayer play is new, I appreciate your patience
L90[15:09:47] <Forecaster> @dshatneriii just pick the optional mods you want, click the download button
L91[15:09:59] <dshatneriii> cool
L92[15:10:02] <Forecaster> then create an instance with the forge version indicated on the page
L93[15:10:11] <CovertJaguar> you need a "force whitelist update" button on the admin panel
L94[15:10:12] <Forecaster> extract the archive you got into the instance root
L95[15:10:29] <Forecaster> @CovertJaguar this is true, that is easy
L96[15:10:56] <Forecaster> in fact the update script already supports ignoring the time, I just need to connect that override to a button
L97[15:11:11] <CovertJaguar> or you know...trigger the update after someone enters a new MC username
L98[15:11:25] <Forecaster> oh, hm
L99[15:11:29] <Forecaster> that would work too :P
L100[15:11:34] <dshatneriii> I'm guessing that some mods are not optional per your world play rules?
L101[15:11:55] <Forecaster> all the mods listed under "required mods" are... required
L102[15:12:07] <dshatneriii> i just watched the first ep, it looks intense, haha
L103[15:12:17] <Forecaster> whose first episode? :P
L104[15:12:17] <dshatneriii> oh missed that, oops..
L105[15:12:26] <dshatneriii> covertjaguar
L106[15:12:31] <Forecaster> kay :P
L107[15:12:48] <Forecaster> we both have our own series
L108[15:12:48] <CovertJaguar> Forecaster has episodes too, and my second one is up
L109[15:13:02] <Forecaster> my second went up today as well
L110[15:13:22] <dshatneriii> cool, I can catch up then with your server shananigans
L111[15:13:40] <CovertJaguar> its less intense once you get a good sword, some armor, and a nice cobblestone wall around your base
L112[15:14:10] <dshatneriii> definitely
L113[15:14:22] <CovertJaguar> player has build stinking Fort Knox at his place
L114[15:14:46] <dshatneriii> I hate this MS Edge BS browser...
L115[15:14:50] <Forecaster> I might have figured out the issue...
L116[15:14:54] <Forecaster> with the login
L117[15:15:12] <CovertJaguar> you mean aside from using a phone?
L118[15:15:29] <Forecaster> that shouldn't matter
L119[15:15:48] <Forecaster> I think it's a redirect I'm doing, it's being done too early
L120[15:15:49] <dshatneriii> just saying, its not Chrome.. haha
L121[15:15:52] <Forecaster> I need to debug this
L122[15:16:03] <dshatneriii> anyway. Did you all condsider Immersive Engineering?
L123[15:16:14] <dshatneriii> its steampunkish
L124[15:16:33] <CovertJaguar> I did, then got jumped on from several directions, so yeah its not in
L125[15:17:07] <dshatneriii> oh well
L126[15:17:36] <CovertJaguar> people are surprising vehement about duplicated functionality
L127[15:17:52] <Forecaster> that was probably me saying that :P
L128[15:18:29] <Forecaster> I thought you didn't want it for the coke oven & blast furnace thing
L129[15:19:23] <CovertJaguar> I was going to put it in my orignal lets play pack that morphed into the server pack, but Vex was all like "NOPE!"
L130[15:20:17] <dshatneriii> Patreon and Discord are coneected now, thanks again
L131[15:21:18] <Forecaster> it *is* basically IC2 but RF
L132[15:21:41] <CovertJaguar> well to be fair the original pack didn't have IC2 =P
L133[15:21:50] <Forecaster> ic2 ftw
L134[15:23:19] <dshatneriii> In my solitary playing I've always used IC2, IE and forestry and then RC as my base mods just to liven up vanilla
L135[15:35:07] ⇦ Quits: CovertJaguar (~you@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L136[15:49:52] ⇦ Quits: MrConductor (~MrConduct@ ()
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L139[15:54:55] ChanServ sets mode: +o on CovertJaguar
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L142[16:45:23] <travis-ci> CovertJaguar/Railcraft#318 (IC2Module - cb081e2 : GeneralCamo): The build passed.
L143[16:45:24] <travis-ci> Change view :^...cb081e2480e4
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L148[17:06:02] <travis-ci> CovertJaguar/Railcraft#319 (IC2Module - 53cde83 : GeneralCamo): The build passed.
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L150[17:06:03] <travis-ci> Build details :
L151[17:06:03] ⇦ Parts: travis-ci ( ())
L152[17:08:23] <MalkContent> but ie is so pretty though
L153[17:09:12] <GeneralCamo> I don't mind IE too much
L154[17:11:56] ⇦ Quits: Hgrebnednav ( (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L155[17:18:20] <Speiger> @Forecaster have you tried placing a YeOldBarrel?
L156[17:19:27] <Forecaster> no
L157[17:20:34] <Forecaster> why?
L158[17:20:40] <Speiger> good it crashes your client
L159[17:21:11] <Speiger> chisel & bits, Achemedy carft & YeOldBarrel = crash
L160[17:22:11] *** MrKickkiller is now known as MrKick|Away
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L162[17:24:15] <travis-ci> CovertJaguar/Railcraft#320 (IC2Module - ad3c5db : GeneralCamo): The build passed.
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L165[17:24:15] ⇦ Parts: travis-ci ( ())
L166[17:41:50] <Hanakocz> ye olde barrel does not crash at least in singleplayer
L167[17:42:07] <Hanakocz> dunno about server
L168[17:43:00] <Speiger> i placed a barrel crash.. (Client world)
L169[18:00:31] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos ( (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye βœ”)
L170[18:07:52] <MalkContent> i like that you can craft carts from bronze
L171[18:08:08] <MalkContent> thought i'm a bit sad that they are still iron grey
L172[18:08:20] <MalkContent> riding in a bronze cart would be beast :D
L173[18:08:58] <MalkContent> using anything bronze as a vehicle is pretty chaos space marine-y
L174[18:17:34] <Natesky9> iirc, iron posts take the color of the ingot they were crafted from. Using bronze gives you orange-ish posts
L175[18:19:33] <Hanakocz> well using bronze is cool until you have recycling recipe for carts.....
L176[18:20:31] <Natesky9> Which, by the way, I totally abused a couple of times
L177[18:20:59] <Natesky9> But only because block signals are not cheap in the iron department
L178[18:21:09] <Hanakocz> but if you want bronze carts, it might not be so big problem
L179[18:21:38] <Hanakocz> however that would be more likely to be part of RCC than RC
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L181[19:04:32] ⇨ Joins: Everseeking (
L182[19:12:37] <MalkContent> do cargo carts have a practical use besides the filter or is it just for pretties?
L183[19:13:26] <MalkContent> i'm a bit confused why they have less inventory space than a chestcart :x
L184[19:25:06] <Forecaster> the filter was a requested feature
L185[19:37:57] <MalkContent> guess its handy, yea
L186[19:48:53] ⇨ Joins: travis-ci (
L187[19:48:53] <travis-ci> CovertJaguar/Railcraft#322 (IC2Module - f3e3c67 : GeneralCamo): The build passed.
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L195[20:51:00] <travis-ci> CovertJaguar/Railcraft#324 (IC2Module - a216c71 : GeneralCamo): The build passed.
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L199[20:55:53] ⇦ Quits: MalkContent ( (Quit: Leaving)
L200[21:18:54] ⇦ Quits: Everseeking ( (Quit: Big Gulps, huh? Alright... Welp, see ya later)
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