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L22[04:19:04] <travis-ci> CovertJaguar/Railcraft#150 (mc-1.10.2 - 0112257 : CovertJaguar): The build passed.
L23[04:19:04] <travis-ci> Change view : https://github.com/CovertJaguar/Railcraft/compare/b449586e1637...0112257de944
L24[04:19:04] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org/CovertJaguar/Railcraft/builds/216268734
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L26[04:20:31] <CovertJaguar> And we have JEI support for the Rolling Machine!
L27[04:20:35] <Joshwoo70> yay!
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L31[04:27:07] <travis-ci> CovertJaguar/Railcraft#151 (mc-1.10.2 - af24c2e : CovertJaguar): The build passed.
L32[04:27:07] <travis-ci> Change view : https://github.com/CovertJaguar/Railcraft/compare/0112257de944...af24c2e798f9
L33[04:27:07] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org/CovertJaguar/Railcraft/builds/216271165
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L42[07:00:16] <travis-ci> CovertJaguar/Railcraft#152 (mc-1.10.2 - d6c700f : CovertJaguar): The build passed.
L43[07:00:16] <travis-ci> Change view : https://github.com/CovertJaguar/Railcraft/compare/af24c2e798f9...d6c700f479a0
L44[07:00:16] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org/CovertJaguar/Railcraft/builds/216316240
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L48[07:08:06] <travis-ci> CovertJaguar/Railcraft#153 (mc-1.10.2 - c257d5a : CovertJaguar): The build passed.
L49[07:08:06] <travis-ci> Change view : https://github.com/CovertJaguar/Railcraft/compare/d6c700f479a0...c257d5a8aa32
L50[07:08:06] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org/CovertJaguar/Railcraft/builds/216318630
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L52[07:36:28] <Joshwoo70> travis pls
L53[07:36:29] <Joshwoo70> pls
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L68[11:04:56] <Natesky9> What host do you guys recommend for a server considering players from other countries?
L69[11:06:19] <Natesky9> Also, ship you have to have a pack approved and added to curse to upload it to their server
L70[11:06:29] <Natesky9> Also, do you have to have a pack approved and added to curse to upload it to their server
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L74[11:43:44] <bballboy2002> idk any hosts
L75[11:43:44] <bballboy2002> if you have access to the server via ssh, sftp, etc, you can upload the modpack directly without needing approval
L76[11:47:35] <Natesky9> That's convenient
L77[11:47:55] <Natesky9> I might go with creeper host
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L82[12:14:08] <scj643> Hello
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L84[12:38:46] <Forecaster> hi
L85[12:52:10] <scj643> Any eta on when the next version will be stable?
L86[12:54:19] <Kodos> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L87[12:56:59] <scj643> Take that as no
L88[12:57:29] <bballboy2002> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L89[12:57:43] <scj643> :P
L90[13:00:25] <bballboy2002> me
L91[13:00:37] <bballboy2002> welp didnt mean to type that
L92[13:00:54] <bballboy2002> my computer changed my window automatically idk why
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L111[17:06:29] <CovertJaguar> Things left to do: add manual rolling machine and fix loot
L112[17:07:09] <CovertJaguar> These will probably take at least a week
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L115[17:34:30] <travis-ci> CovertJaguar/Railcraft#156 (mc-1.10.2 - b8fa1c0 : CovertJaguar): The build passed.
L116[17:34:30] <travis-ci> Change view : https://github.com/CovertJaguar/Railcraft/compare/c257d5a8aa32...b8fa1c051bbf
L117[17:34:30] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org/CovertJaguar/Railcraft/builds/216544938
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L120[17:45:39] <travis-ci> CovertJaguar/Railcraft#160 (mc-1.10.2 - 5eaa740 : CovertJaguar): The build passed.
L121[17:45:39] <travis-ci> Change view : https://github.com/CovertJaguar/Railcraft/compare/b8fa1c051bbf...5eaa740284a8
L122[17:45:39] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org/CovertJaguar/Railcraft/builds/216548263
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L129[19:00:33] <Natesky9> Got a picture of what has been happening to me
L130[19:00:48] <Natesky9> http://tinyurl.com/m425572
L131[19:44:26] <Player> mc entities at their best :D
L132[19:47:03] <Natesky9> Oh, hey Player
L133[19:47:17] <Player> \o
L134[19:47:23] <Natesky9> o/
L135[19:47:45] <Natesky9> I seem to have mitigated it somewhat by doing double parking tracks at every stop
L136[19:48:09] <Natesky9> I know there's a way to do it better with detector + train locking track
L137[19:48:59] <Natesky9> probably just a torch powering the locking track, and the detector inverting the torch
L138[19:49:13] <Natesky9> would serve to seperate the trains
L139[19:49:22] <Natesky9> actually, isn't that what the new delay track does?
L140[19:51:09] <Player> are they already at min. speed?
L141[19:51:40] <Natesky9> No, usually they are at least 2 or 3 speed
L142[19:52:07] <Natesky9> for some reason though, the different trains go different speeds
L143[19:52:20] <Natesky9> probably because one had a tank cart
L144[19:52:25] <Natesky9> I fixed that too
L145[19:52:46] <Natesky9> (even color coded them)
L146[19:54:32] <Natesky9> problem now is that I actually have too much, and everything is backing up
L147[19:55:22] <Katie> Is there any way to rotate a switch track?
L148[19:55:44] <Natesky9> you can flip it by clicking on it with a crowbar
L149[19:56:03] <Katie> Doh!
L150[19:56:05] <Katie> Thanks
L151[19:56:08] <Player> we usually slowed them down before every station/junction
L152[19:56:36] <Natesky9> It's actually not the junction that it's been having trouble at
L153[19:56:45] <Natesky9> the junction is pretty much solid
L154[19:57:51] <Natesky9> https://gyazo.com/a280c2b74b7eb819a8d40f463dfc2b46
L155[19:58:04] <Natesky9> I was so proud about this
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L158[20:02:57] <travis-ci> CovertJaguar/Railcraft#161 (mc-1.10.2 - bc969b2 : CovertJaguar): The build passed.
L159[20:02:57] <travis-ci> Change view : https://github.com/CovertJaguar/Railcraft/compare/5eaa740284a8...bc969b221db0
L160[20:02:57] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org/CovertJaguar/Railcraft/builds/216583398
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L163[20:05:26] <travis-ci> CovertJaguar/Railcraft#162 (mc-1.10.2 - 1b39804 : CovertJaguar): The build passed.
L164[20:05:26] <travis-ci> Change view : https://github.com/CovertJaguar/Railcraft/compare/bc969b221db0...1b39804fef53
L165[20:05:26] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org/CovertJaguar/Railcraft/builds/216583655
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L167[20:06:51] <CovertJaguar> @Natesky9 nice junction
L168[20:07:03] <Natesky9> Thanks
L169[20:07:20] <Natesky9> I need to probably add a left turn, but I don't know how to do that in a clean way
L170[20:07:57] <Natesky9> I know how to add the signal, but the tracks would look cluttered
L171[20:18:03] <CovertJaguar> don't worry, that's a major pain in real life too ;)
L172[20:19:38] <Natesky9> I think I have to either turn left after the junction signal and before or after the junction
L173[20:19:51] <Natesky9> both are equally as ugly
L174[20:19:56] <CovertJaguar> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_union#/media/File:CTA_loop_junction.jpg
L175[20:20:03] <Natesky9> Ah, yeah
L176[20:20:04] <Natesky9> that's it
L177[20:20:09] <CovertJaguar> er... oops wrong image
L178[20:20:21] <CovertJaguar> https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b4/CTA_loop_junction.jpg
L179[20:20:22] <Natesky9> That wouldn't be it?
L180[20:20:33] <Natesky9> Oh
L181[20:20:35] <Natesky9> irl image
L182[20:22:07] <neptunepink> There's no way for the oncoming train to 'turn right'? Like it could get on the track, but it'd be facing the wrong way I think...
L183[20:22:37] <neptunepink> oh, I'm a derp.
L184[20:22:57] <neptunepink> No, maybe I'm not. Hmmm.
L185[20:41:51] <CovertJaguar> maybe you could use this for inspiration: http://i.imgur.com/XLQQ0RC.png
L186[20:42:10] <CovertJaguar> from here: http://imgur.com/a/CxXxd
L187[20:44:20] <GeneralCamo> Chain Signals
L188[20:44:25] <GeneralCamo> Interesting
L189[20:54:57] <Natesky9> Alright
L190[20:55:00] <Natesky9> I think I've got something
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L193[21:07:59] <vedrit> WOO! FACTORIO!
L194[21:13:55] <Joshwoo70> hey @CovertJaguar just curious... do you want a patreon server?
L195[21:17:02] <CovertJaguar> do you have experiance with running servers?
L196[21:17:19] <Joshwoo70> I have already a server up and running
L197[21:17:44] <Joshwoo70> i do have experience in ssh and moderating a server
L198[21:18:16] <CovertJaguar> could we get away with a straight Forge server? maybe with ForgeEssentials?
L199[21:18:34] <Joshwoo70> FE is not updated to 1.10
L200[21:18:35] <Joshwoo70> yet
L201[21:18:46] <Joshwoo70> i coudl get FTB utils to replace them
L202[21:18:54] <CovertJaguar> well whatever is used
L203[21:19:06] <CovertJaguar> I'd prefer not to have to go to Sponge or whatever
L204[21:19:11] <Joshwoo70> well yeah
L205[21:19:22] <Joshwoo70> our current server has no sponge.. full forge
L206[21:19:30] <Joshwoo70> we also have WE
L207[21:19:34] <CovertJaguar> WE?
L208[21:20:24] <Natesky9> http://tinyurl.com/nytz3x5
L209[21:20:24] <Natesky9> That didn't work...
L210[21:20:45] <Natesky9> though, I did learn that you can put a torch on top of a box
L211[21:20:53] <Natesky9> and it work
L212[21:21:30] <Joshwoo70> @CovertJaguar world edit
L213[21:21:49] <CovertJaguar> oh that's Forge now? interesting
L214[21:21:58] <Katie> http://ci.forgeessentials.com/job/FE-1.10/ it
L215[21:22:02] <Joshwoo70> it has been forge since forever XD
L216[21:22:06] <Katie> it's dev, but it works
L217[21:22:21] <Joshwoo70> huh okay
L218[21:22:38] <CovertJaguar> all I know about server maintance is what I learned from watching cpw and player chat about Forgecraft ><
L219[21:22:48] <Joshwoo70> lul
L220[21:23:02] <GeneralCamo> Patreon Railcraft Server
L221[21:23:05] <GeneralCamo> Interesting
L222[21:23:24] <GeneralCamo> What's the modlist like?
L223[21:23:32] <Joshwoo70> any opinions?
L224[21:23:45] <Joshwoo70> @GeneralCamo sorting out the modlist currently at the same time
L225[21:24:00] <CovertJaguar> It would be kind of cool if my next series took place on such a server, if I can get the internet issues to work out
L226[21:24:06] <GeneralCamo> Indeed
L227[21:24:19] <GeneralCamo> I have a few opinions on the modlist. Nothing too fancy though
L228[21:24:59] <CovertJaguar> I have some ideas: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NaQ13nU6r04ecFYig66hMEqVKtGVGHDZsrTSOvhDjZA/edit?usp=sharing
L229[21:25:15] <Joshwoo70> ```
L230[21:25:15] <Joshwoo70> Veinminer
L231[21:25:16] <Joshwoo70> Extra Utilities
L232[21:25:16] <Joshwoo70> Chisel
L233[21:25:16] <Joshwoo70> Chisels&Bits
L234[21:25:16] <Joshwoo70> Bibliocraft(probably)
L235[21:25:17] <Joshwoo70> Railcraft(potentially Alpha builds)
L236[21:25:17] <Joshwoo70> Soul shards The Old Ways
L237[21:25:17] <Joshwoo70> RFTools
L238[21:25:18] <Joshwoo70> ```
L239[21:26:34] <GeneralCamo> ...alpha builds on a server
L240[21:26:40] <GeneralCamo> Well, it is a _patreon_ server
L241[21:26:49] <GeneralCamo> You might be able to get special permission from CJ
L242[21:27:04] <neptunepink> Another bloody ocean.
L243[21:27:15] <GeneralCamo> Also: This modlist?
L244[21:27:16] <CovertJaguar> I don't see why not, as long its not a half broken one
L245[21:27:25] <GeneralCamo> It's.. big
L246[21:28:16] <CovertJaguar> its actually what I was investigating to use in my next lets play
L247[21:28:24] <CovertJaguar> its also about six months old
L248[21:28:46] <GeneralCamo> There are only two mods I can think of
L249[21:28:55] <GeneralCamo> There are a few mods I can think of
L250[21:29:04] <GeneralCamo> Some of which needs some consideration though
L251[21:29:19] <GeneralCamo> IC2-Exp is a good one to have, along with _maybe_ Advanced Machines
L252[21:30:05] <Joshwoo70> eh sure IC2
L253[21:30:16] <Joshwoo70> though classic is in the works
L254[21:31:21] <GeneralCamo> Hmm, right we _do_ have classic support for Railcraft now
L255[21:31:27] <GeneralCamo> So that's an option
L256[21:31:38] <Player> pff. exp certainly fits a mp playstyle better ;)
L257[21:31:49] <CovertJaguar> I'd probably stick with exp honestly
L258[21:31:59] <GeneralCamo> The reason I suggested Advanced Machines though is because it removes a lot of the hassle that people have with Automation
L259[21:32:12] <GeneralCamo> You have tons of power? Use it to constantly run machines that are like the Induction Furnace
L260[21:32:44] <GeneralCamo> We don't have buildcraft unfortunately...
L261[21:32:44] <Joshwoo70> but if we use IC2 *we could* use a energy coverter
L262[21:32:50] <Joshwoo70> just sayjng
L263[21:32:53] <GeneralCamo> Well
L264[21:32:59] <GeneralCamo> Forestry has the EU --> FE engine
L265[21:33:09] <GeneralCamo> Railcraft has support for EU --> RC
L266[21:33:31] <GeneralCamo> So it could easily factor into our builds if we wanted it to
L267[21:33:38] <Joshwoo70> how to annoy everybody
L268[21:33:56] <Joshwoo70> Thermal Expansion
L269[21:34:05] <GeneralCamo> SCREW YOU
L270[21:34:29] <GeneralCamo> It's BAD ENOUGH I need to add it into my Dev Environment to ensure there aren't some crappy bugs (Guess what? THERE ARE! On THEIR END!)
L271[21:34:30] <Joshwoo70> lol
L272[21:34:30] <Joshwoo70> lol
L273[21:34:40] <Joshwoo70> but also
L274[21:34:57] <Joshwoo70> i need to stab @Hanakocz to hurry up on the RCA port XD
L275[21:35:18] <GeneralCamo> Heh
L276[21:35:28] <Joshwoo70> Hana PLS
L277[21:35:39] <Joshwoo70> stop playing with greg and get on the port XD
L278[21:36:38] <Joshwoo70> anyways i checked the hardware that we have.... should be fine
L279[21:37:17] <Natesky9> http://tinyurl.com/ksk8jc4
L280[21:37:33] <Natesky9> Anyone have a better design for straight/left/right?
L281[21:38:41] <Joshwoo70> though i suggest to expand this a bit for longer trains its fine
L282[21:38:42] <GeneralCamo> @player Totally agree with you that exp is better however
L283[21:38:57] <GeneralCamo> The complaints people have with it can be easily resolved with a few addons
L284[21:39:14] <Natesky9> The thing is
L285[21:39:32] <Natesky9> I can set it up so that the intersection is locked at 1 train
L286[21:39:49] <Natesky9> but if there are 2 trains waiting, they both go, regardless
L287[21:40:03] <Natesky9> I tried interlock boxes, but I don't think that's what I need
L288[21:40:06] <Joshwoo70> i miss nuclear control
L289[21:41:02] <GeneralCamo> Same
L290[21:41:03] <GeneralCamo> Oh
L291[21:41:14] <GeneralCamo> you want Compact Solars and/or Advanced solars?
L292[21:43:02] <Player> imo a rc-y server should discourage solars
L293[21:43:17] <Natesky9> Forestry for sure
L294[21:43:27] <Natesky9> I'd recommend Roguelike Dungeons
L295[21:44:18] <Natesky9> OH! I was using the interlock boxes the wrong way...
L296[21:44:26] <Natesky9> I thought they had to be chained with the receivers
L297[21:47:05] <Joshwoo70> welp!
L298[21:47:56] <GeneralCamo> @Player That's a good point...
L299[21:48:05] <GeneralCamo> @Joshwoo70 You installing Minetweaker?
L300[21:48:23] <Player> drop their power output to 20% ;)
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L302[21:49:10] <GeneralCamo> @Player Good idea, though I was just thinking replace the coal dust with compressed carbon
L303[21:49:56] <GeneralCamo> Greg I know made his Solars require _Silicon Plates_, which are a pretty expensive item
L304[21:50:00] <GeneralCamo> But that's probably... overkill
L305[21:50:58] <GeneralCamo> The good thing is that IC2 nerfed Water Mills and Wind Generators though!
L306[21:51:07] <GeneralCamo> When are you guys going to get to Solar Panels ?
L307[21:53:10] <CovertJaguar> yeah, no advanced solars
L308[21:53:35] <Natesky9> IC2 biogas is actually pretty broken
L309[21:53:45] <GeneralCamo> What? I thought they removed Biogas?
L310[21:53:51] <Natesky9> did they?:
L311[21:54:01] <GeneralCamo> I know the Biofuel Cans were removed in Exp
L312[21:54:06] <Natesky9> oh no, not those
L313[21:54:07] <GeneralCamo> Possibly also the Secret Fuel
L314[21:54:13] <Natesky9> those were pretty bad
L315[21:55:35] <Natesky9> The *new* biogas
L316[21:55:44] <Natesky9> is pretty sweet
L317[21:56:36] <GeneralCamo> http://wiki.industrial-craft.net/index.php?title=Secret:Super-Fuel_Recipe
L318[21:56:43] <GeneralCamo> @player I'm going to presume _this_ was removed?
L319[21:56:49] <Natesky9> that's old
L320[21:56:52] <GeneralCamo> If that's the case, the page should probably mention that!
L321[21:56:54] <Natesky9> that's ic2 classic
L322[21:57:20] <Player> yes 99% sure we don't have any of the old fuel stuff anymore
L323[21:58:30] <GeneralCamo> I don't have access to the Navbox.. crap
L324[21:58:56] <GeneralCamo> Well, I guess SuperFuel, Secret Nukes, and TFBP - Hollow will remain!
L325[21:59:57] <GeneralCamo> TBH "Secret" Items are kind-of dead these days since we have JEI
L326[22:00:25] <Player> you can open the recipe files in the text editor of your choice..
L327[22:01:28] <GeneralCamo> Both the Secret:Hollow and Secret:Nuke page I note have pretty big "do not use in SMP" warnings
L328[22:03:34] <Player> the nuke isn't too bad, may even have some legitimate uses
L329[22:03:45] <CovertJaguar> I assume that if a mod is on CurseForge its safe to use in modpacks?
L330[22:03:56] <GeneralCamo> @CovertJaguar By the curse license, yes
L331[22:04:06] <Player> if safe means no malware, no ;)
L332[22:04:21] <CovertJaguar> I assume we'd be using the Curse modpack thingy
L333[22:04:30] <GeneralCamo> Probably
L334[22:04:43] <GeneralCamo> I would ask that it be exported for use in MultiMC though...
L335[22:04:59] <CovertJaguar> though that does make using RC alphas tricky
L336[22:05:29] <GeneralCamo> Oh right
L337[22:06:33] <CovertJaguar> I mean it its too much hassle too use it, its not a huge deal, they are alpha for a reason after
L338[22:06:42] <CovertJaguar> and generally not recommended for servers anyway
L339[22:07:08] <GeneralCamo> I mean, if it's a Patreon Server..
L340[22:07:37] <CovertJaguar> yes, but that doesn't mean it would be a technical server
L341[22:07:51] <GeneralCamo> True
L342[22:07:56] <CovertJaguar> the alternative is probably a shared folder for mod/configs somewhere
L343[22:08:03] <CovertJaguar> rather than the Curse client
L344[22:08:13] <GeneralCamo> Meh, release builds then?
L345[22:08:40] <Player> most mods are shareable due to their license outside curse
L346[22:09:24] <GeneralCamo> Also for the mod list: OpenComputers (and perhaps a few addons?) should be added
L347[22:09:46] <CovertJaguar> Computronics probably, whatever that needs
L348[22:09:57] <GeneralCamo> In Kiraracraft, we actually had AE2 installed with special configs to make it _expensive_
L349[22:10:07] <GeneralCamo> (So you still used Trains primarily)
L350[22:10:13] <GeneralCamo> That could also be an option
L351[22:10:15] <CovertJaguar> I would not be opposed to something like that
L352[22:10:22] <GeneralCamo> Either AE2 or Refined Storage
L353[22:10:24] <GeneralCamo> Both of which I can work with
L354[22:10:27] <CovertJaguar> I always thought AE2 looked interesting
L355[22:10:38] <GeneralCamo> Let's not go the FTB Beyond route and add _both_
L356[22:10:41] <CovertJaguar> it is complex enough to require effort to setup
L357[22:12:38] ⇦ Quits: sinkillerj (~sinkiller@nc-67-232-9-24.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) (Quit: またね)
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L359[22:12:41] <travis-ci> CovertJaguar/Railcraft#163 (newtrade - dc7f982 : liach): The build passed.
L360[22:12:41] <travis-ci> Change view : https://github.com/CovertJaguar/Railcraft/commit/dc7f98232ecf
L361[22:12:41] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org/CovertJaguar/Railcraft/builds/216604980
L362[22:12:41] ⇦ Parts: travis-ci (~travis-ci@ec2-54-198-210-35.compute-1.amazonaws.com) ())
L363[22:13:12] <GeneralCamo> The only issue with AE2 compared to RS is that AE2 doesn't have fluid support, since Extra Cells hasn't been updated
L364[22:13:44] <GeneralCamo> Also I hear it has a few bugs
L365[22:15:02] <GeneralCamo> Oh wow
L366[22:15:07] <GeneralCamo> Refined Storage is SUPER configurable
L367[22:15:43] <Natesky9> Guys
L368[22:15:44] <Natesky9> I did it
L369[22:15:44] <Natesky9> http://tinyurl.com/ly8tmo6
L370[22:16:29] <Player> it may be configurable, but ae is way more reliable and more interesting
L371[22:16:41] <GeneralCamo> I do agree
L372[22:17:42] <Player> hmm i don't remember our intersection designs
L373[22:17:54] <Player> the short sections are a bit problematic due to lack of signal coverage
L374[22:19:37] <Natesky9> Which ones?
L375[22:20:02] <Natesky9> http://tinyurl.com/mr3fa6s
L376[22:20:06] <Natesky9> Oh, the very short right hand turns?
L377[22:20:11] <Player> the 90° mostly
L378[22:20:27] <Natesky9> It's very unlikely that any train won't trigger on that small of a section
L379[22:20:44] <Player> if you have a certain minimum train size, yes
L380[22:20:58] <Player> one could fix missing coverage with delays
L381[22:21:01] <Natesky9> Yeah, I could cover those, but any train that small going right will be out of the way
L382[22:21:19] <CovertJaguar> really need to get those Token Signals done
L383[22:21:31] <CovertJaguar> it would make it much simple to look out an entire block like this to only one train
L384[22:21:38] <Player> junctions etc. become tricks if you use them on a server with chunkloading
L385[22:21:48] <Natesky9> They do?
L386[22:21:50] <CovertJaguar> it would make it much simple to lock out an entire block like this to only one train
L387[22:21:58] <Player> that really lets the failure probability do its job
L388[22:24:03] <Natesky9> I always stick an anchor cart on all my trains
L389[22:25:20] <GeneralCamo> @Natesky9 I wonder if you could do an over/underpass?
L390[22:25:28] <GeneralCamo> Get rid of those 4 major intersections
L391[22:25:31] <Natesky9> I don't see why not
L392[22:25:41] <Natesky9> it would just take up alot of space
L393[22:26:00] <Natesky9> http://tinyurl.com/lk8376e
L394[22:26:03] <Natesky9> goddamnit
L395[22:26:47] <Natesky9> So, it has to be as they push into each other
L396[22:26:57] <GeneralCamo> Well
L397[22:27:00] <GeneralCamo> That's interesting
L398[22:27:26] <CovertJaguar> @Natesky9 are they duplicating? or just colliding?
L399[22:27:38] <Natesky9> Just... merging into one
L400[22:27:39] <Player> they clearly lack a nice explosion :D
L401[22:27:48] <Natesky9> No, nothing violent
L402[22:27:52] <Natesky9> just... they melt
L403[22:27:55] <Player> once trains overlap too much, it becomes hopeless
L404[22:28:02] <CovertJaguar> is that when they both enter the same track from different directions?
L405[22:28:13] <Natesky9> No, head to tail
L406[22:28:19] <Player> that's rather normal if they move quickly
L407[22:28:25] <CovertJaguar> just running into each other?
L408[22:29:03] <Natesky9> Yeah
L409[22:29:37] <Natesky9> ahh
L410[22:29:43] <Natesky9> http://tinyurl.com/k4dlwun
L411[22:29:46] <Natesky9> I found how to replicate it
L412[22:29:59] <Natesky9> It's as they get locked
L413[22:30:08] <Natesky9> they rubberband into the past
L414[22:30:42] <CovertJaguar> so two close trains, first gets locked, and they shuffle into each other?
L415[22:30:55] <Natesky9> Eeyup
L416[22:31:00] <Natesky9> gif incoming
L417[22:31:00] <CovertJaguar> hmm
L418[22:31:23] <Player> probably the deglitching..
L419[22:31:38] <CovertJaguar> also never lock around corners
L420[22:31:50] <CovertJaguar> I _know_ that causes issues
L421[22:35:05] <Joshwoo70> @GeneralCamo probably
L422[22:36:54] <Natesky9> I can only seem to replicate it around a corner
L423[22:37:02] <Natesky9> https://gyazo.com/a280c2b74b7eb819a8d40f463dfc2b46
L424[22:37:28] ⇦ Quits: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p54961433.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L425[22:38:27] <CovertJaguar> wrong one?
L426[22:38:40] <CovertJaguar> I do see at least on of your locking tracks is not safe
L427[22:42:05] <Natesky9> wait
L428[22:42:12] <Natesky9> that was not the right gif
L429[22:42:36] <Natesky9> https://gyazo.com/df90291256a08f90e49505b98826e1b1
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L431[22:44:58] <Natesky9> Also, The delay mechanism works perfectly
L432[22:45:03] <Natesky9> http://tinyurl.com/ny686kf
L433[22:45:45] <Natesky9> If nothing else, this will space them apart more
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L436[22:47:29] <GeneralCamo> Eyy
L437[22:47:45] <GeneralCamo> Eventually Delay Tracks should serve that purpose
L438[22:48:17] <Natesky9> I needed a budget delay track
L439[22:48:23] <Natesky9> and in 1.7.10
L440[22:51:12] <GeneralCamo> Hopefully they'll be in for 10.1
L441[22:52:35] <liach> Guys see my pull
L442[22:52:46] <liach> https://github.com/CovertJaguar/Railcraft/pull/1131
L443[22:58:37] <Natesky9> OH!
L444[22:58:44] <Natesky9> I know what I was going to ask!
L445[22:59:11] <Natesky9> CJ, what are your thoughts about making a hopperducts-style item transport system?
L446[23:00:05] <Natesky9> (not saying that you should blatently rip off another mod)
L447[23:00:36] <Natesky9> but Railcraft doesn't really have a very effective short-range item transport system without external mods
L448[23:00:51] <Player> liach: imo you're overusing the functional constructs a bit
L449[23:01:08] <Player> at least setUse would benefit from a plain int overload
L450[23:03:47] <liach> I plan to change the number if the traded item is too good, I mean
L451[23:07:36] <Player> hmm makes sense
L452[23:16:04] ⇦ Quits: Everseeking (~Everseeki@pool-100-6-95-214.pitbpa.fios.verizon.net) (Quit: Big Gulps, huh? Alright... Welp, see ya later)
L453[23:29:11] <liach> How do you guys think of woodland mansion added in mc 1.11?
L454[23:34:31] <Player> meh, if you know tf, it's quite disappointing ;)
L455[23:36:01] <GeneralCamo> Oh hey Player
L456[23:36:21] <GeneralCamo> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1AHxz1KdAVzV6CiEWW-atoDBGth7GeauheEf95J33YuY/edit?usp=sharing
L457[23:36:31] <GeneralCamo> We've been discussing this server list for a patron server
L458[23:36:36] <GeneralCamo> We've been discussing this mdd list for a patron server
L459[23:36:49] <liach> ?
L460[23:36:58] ⇦ Quits: dustinm (~dustinm@68.ip-149-56-14.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L461[23:36:59] <Player> editing isn't being conducted well ;)
L462[23:38:00] <Player> not sure what i should comment on, i certainly don't have the time to play extensively
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L464[23:41:43] <neptunepink> I didn't find tough as nails to be all that impressive when I poked it w/ a stick
L465[23:45:51] <GeneralCamo> I've heard mixed things about it
L466[23:45:57] <GeneralCamo> I'm also concerned about it being on an MP server
L467[23:46:17] <Player> the list doesn't contain any mods that i know are problematic
L468[23:47:10] <Player> server side you may need sampler sooner or later ;)
L469[23:48:19] <GeneralCamo> Ahh nice
L470[23:48:22] <GeneralCamo> Sampler, forgot about that
L471[23:48:36] <GeneralCamo> Server-side mod I believe, though Fastcraft is the client side version, yes?
L472[23:48:42] <liach> how about spongeforge?
L473[23:49:31] <GeneralCamo> But why?
L474[23:49:43] <Player> sampler has almost nothing to do with fastcraft
L475[23:49:57] <Player> sampler just does profiling or whatever other commands you use
L476[23:50:11] <Player> it's completely client<->server independent
L477[23:50:58] <GeneralCamo> Why is it in the same thread as Fastcraft?
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L490[23:52:45] <GeneralCamo> (I mean I know they aren't related, I'm just wondering why)
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