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L1[00:19:36] <CovertJaguar> lol
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L4[00:42:53] <Natesky9> Oh
L5[00:42:53] <Natesky9> http://tinyurl.com/kh32skl
L6[00:42:56] <Natesky9> Well hello there
L7[00:43:47] ⇨ Joins: Abculatter_2 (~abculatte@104-183-112-164.lightspeed.dybhfl.sbcglobal.net)
L8[00:59:02] <liach> ?!
L9[00:59:34] <liach> @Natesky9 What is the server
L10[01:00:23] <Natesky9> Haha
L11[01:01:01] <Natesky9> So, this is the server that I set up for a few of us on the /r/ reddit GMS discord channel
L12[01:01:14] <Natesky9> I don't know what else to call it other than that
L13[01:01:26] <Natesky9> There's a mod called 'Headcrumbs'
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L16[01:01:58] <liach> wanna play...
L17[01:02:13] <Natesky9> and it adds youtubers, mod developers, and patreons as the default skins
L18[01:02:27] <liach> eh
L19[01:03:25] <Natesky9> I just thought it was ironic that I look over to see Cj say something in chat, then look over to see his character walking towards me while I'm working on the tracks
L20[01:08:46] <liach> Jaguar should really get on some servers
L21[01:08:57] <Joshwoo70> yes
L22[01:08:59] <Joshwoo70> yes yes
L23[01:09:18] <Natesky9> I think I remember a few DW20 playthroughs with him in it
L24[01:09:23] <Natesky9> but that was ages ago
L25[01:09:33] <liach> and spacetoad
L26[01:09:34] <Joshwoo70> forgecraft i believe
L27[01:09:45] <Joshwoo70> thats forgecrsft if spacetoad is in...
L28[01:09:49] <Joshwoo70> thats forgecraft if spacetoad is in...
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L30[01:12:32] <liach> no, cj is mp with spacetoad in one of his videos
L31[01:12:42] <liach> anyway cj should post some videos
L32[01:16:00] <Natesky9> I would definitely love a few train tutorials
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L35[01:44:18] <liach> or track kits
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L42[02:32:51] <vedrit> I don't like headcrumbs....
L43[02:38:35] <Forecaster> better than headcrabs
L44[02:45:27] <Shurtle> is the most current alpha able to run on a personal server or just on single player?
L45[02:45:56] <Shurtle> is the most current build able to run on a personal server or just on single player?
L46[02:47:33] <Forecaster> either
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L62[06:02:59] <Natesky9> Well, I origionally got it because it adds every mob head as a drop
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L94[13:10:15] <Natesky9> My trains are occasionally "merging"with each other
L95[13:10:21] <Natesky9> How do I prevent this?
L96[13:10:35] <bballboy2002> what do you mean by merging?
L97[13:12:24] <Natesky9> The locomotive from behind will lodge itself into the caboose ahead of it
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L99[13:14:31] <bballboy2002> coupling together or just being on the wrong side of each other?
L100[13:23:31] <Natesky9> No, like, they just... Merge
L101[13:24:08] <Natesky9> So, 12345 and 12345 become 1234152345
L102[13:25:56] <bballboy2002> yes thats what i was talking about with them being on the wrong side of each other
L103[13:25:56] <bballboy2002> this happens a lot when your tracks arent chunkloaded or if you have weird situations where two trains come together at an intersection at the same time (indicating your signalling system failed) but somehow didnt explode
L104[13:27:53] <Natesky9> They have anchor carts on the back of each one
L105[13:28:18] <Natesky9> Admin anchor carts, if that makes any difference
L106[13:28:53] <bballboy2002> hmmm, try recording a video and creating a ticket on Github
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L108[13:29:28] <Natesky9> It's 1.7.10, which unfortunately won't get any attention
L109[13:29:43] <bballboy2002> RIP
L110[13:30:00] <Natesky9> Yeah, no signals for 1.10.2
L111[13:30:05] <Natesky9> I tried
L112[13:30:15] <Natesky9> So, I down graded
L113[13:31:25] <Natesky9> Which is sad, because furnace minecarts really had some kick in that version
L114[13:31:46] <bballboy2002> oh i never messed around with furnace carts ?
L115[13:31:58] <Natesky9> Worth a shot
L116[13:32:18] <Natesky9> Especially if you measure out how far 1 charcoal goes
L117[13:33:08] <Natesky9> In fact, can furnace minecarts pull from attached inventories?
L118[13:33:24] <bballboy2002> idk, you should test that
L119[13:33:26] <Natesky9> Or are they just kinda ignored for the most part
L120[13:33:47] <Natesky9> I'm feeling they probably aren't
L121[13:33:55] <Natesky9> Provably don't
L122[13:34:22] <Natesky9> Probably
L123[13:35:32] <Natesky9> It's really inconsistent where they get stuck
L124[13:36:41] <Natesky9> So, what are some good signaling practices to prevent this from happening?
L125[13:36:59] <bballboy2002> interlock boxes?
L126[13:37:15] <Natesky9> What are those?
L127[13:37:36] <MrConductor> * bballboy2002 facepalms
L128[13:37:53] <Natesky9> Keep in mind, I doubt know these terms
L129[13:38:09] <Natesky9> I might know what they do
L130[13:40:41] <bballboy2002> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vijf05hyGqc&ab_channel=CovertJaguar
L131[13:41:12] <bballboy2002> if that doesnt help then google is your friend
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L135[14:37:45] <GeneralCamo> @Natesky9 Signal Boxes are in at least
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L150[17:57:16] <Natesky9> so how would the interlock boxes help me here?
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L158[22:12:52] <RedneckGenius> They only let 1 train move at a time through the intersection.
L159[22:14:11] <Natesky9> Isn't that what a grand junction is for?
L160[22:14:34] <Natesky9> It's not getting stuck there, the problem is that the trains run into each other
L161[22:16:02] <GeneralCamo> If only one train at a time is moving through the intersection, why would they be running into each other?
L162[22:16:22] <Natesky9> no, not like intersecting running into each other
L163[22:16:41] <Natesky9> the one behind is faster than the one ahead somehow, and it pushes into the one in front of it
L164[22:23:59] <liach> eh
L165[22:24:32] <Natesky9> I've put a few spacer tracks between the stops, and that seems to do for now
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