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CovertJaguar/Railcraft#92 (messenger-track-kit - 22ec4b3 : liach):
The build passed.
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L11[02:11:56] <Forecaster> Kodos:
comparator I believe should work for the loaders/unloaders
L12[02:12:28] <Forecaster> rock crusher is
top in, any other side out
L13[02:12:35] <Kodos> Yep, got everything
working, thanks
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has left the facility!)
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<Natesky9> How do you compare to see
if a train gas been filled with a comparator?
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L34[09:09:43] <Forecaster> what?
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<Natesky9> He said that unloaders work
with comparators, and I was wondering how that would help
L37[09:29:26] <Forecaster> I said that
L38[09:30:27] <Forecaster> and like Kodos
said it's useful if you have multiple loaders/unloaders and
want to make sure all of them are done before releasing the
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host closed the connection)
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Connection reset by peer)

<Natesky9> But... That won't

<Natesky9> Because if you *and* all
the loaders, it doesn't matter if you're going to detect
empty, or full, you won't be able to have a consistent

<Natesky9> You'd be better having
your loaders set to immediate over top of locking tracks. That way,
they unlock whenever that cart is finished, or didn't move any

<Natesky9> Even then, you'll want
to use either cargo carts to filter, or only pipe items in when a
train is on the detector track in the front

<Natesky9> I guess I just don't
see why you would do it another way
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MrKick|Away is now known as MrKickkiller
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timeout: 204 seconds)
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@Natesky9 I'm using an integrated circuit to run AND gates
across 4 diff colored insulated wire with inline toggle latches,
which then pops a signal to my train holding track, and a timer
that resets the latches

<Natesky9> Why not use a chest
detector underneath the track then?

<Natesky9> set it to emit when the
cart above it is full, and there is a locomotive in position

<SkySom> Why not just use detector
rails and comparators?

While I get the point you're making, comparators are finicky
to set up
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Joins: SatanicSanta
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Joins: mr208 (~mallrat20@107-145-175-135.res.bhn.net)

<vedrit> We talking vanilla
comparators? If so, I don't like them

<vedrit> They feel like a blunt,
unwieldy tool
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timeout: 180 seconds)
L76[15:32:55] ***
cbcercas is now known as cbcercas|AFK

<Natesky9> Like I said, just use an
item detector underneath the track pointed into a torch

<Natesky9> when all the torches are
triggered, the train is full
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L81[16:16:39] <travis-ci>
CovertJaguar/Railcraft#94 (mc-1.10.2 - 266bcde : CovertJaguar): The
build passed.
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CovertJaguar/Railcraft#95 (mc-1.10.2 - 1099706 : CovertJaguar): The
build passed.
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CovertJaguar/Railcraft#96 (mc-1.10.2 - 447d7c4 : CovertJaguar): The
build passed.
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Connection reset by peer)
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timeout: 180 seconds)
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L103[19:04:03] <travis-ci>
CovertJaguar/Railcraft#97 (mc-1.10.2 - 0f10516 : CovertJaguar): The
build passed.
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L108[19:05:07] <travis-ci>
CovertJaguar/Railcraft#98 (mc-1.10.2 - 254921a : CovertJaguar): The
build passed.
L111[19:05:07] ⇦
Parts: travis-ci

<CovertJaguar> @everyone
10.1.0-alpha-2 is now available to Patrons! Turnouts, new Bricks,
Message Track and other fixes!

<dshatneriii> Yay!

<CovertJaguar> @everyone
10.1.0-alpha-2 is now available to Patrons! Turnouts, new Bricks,
Message Track and other fixes!

<vedrit> Kewl
L119[19:18:15] <MalkContent> neato
L121[19:24:53] <CovertJaguar>
hmm....MrConductor reposts when you unpin something, weird
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⇨ Joins: Serge (~Serge@
L124[19:38:24] <Serge> hello
L125[19:39:42] <Serge> i can't make a
railcraft coke furnace with FTB Beyond
L126[19:46:12] ⇦
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<GeneralCamo> Serge: Coke ovens are
not available in 1.10 versions of Railcraft ATM
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mr208 is now known as mallrat208
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Quits: MalkContent (~MalkConte@p4FDCE98A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Read
error: Connection reset by peer)
L130[20:24:30] <Serge> how do i get
creosote then?
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Quits: Vexatos
(Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)

<Natesky9> I think the smelting recipe
still exists

<Natesky9> which *may* conflict with
graphite from Big/ExtremeReactors
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timeout: 206 seconds)
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