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L1[00:03:46] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@2601:648:8000:134f:28bc:e805:71c7:91ef) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L5[01:01:34] <Xilandro> Apropos early game charge producer; Could always do something like iChun did, and add a treadmill, only make this one player-usable, with minimal charge production
L6[01:01:38] <Xilandro> Would be hilarious
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L10[01:52:48] <bballboy2002> ?
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L12[02:25:04] <Sketchy> A track that generates power if you push a minecart on it down hill.
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L15[03:54:54] *** MrKick|Away is now known as MrKickkiller
L16[04:07:17] <Elourge> A good idea but powered rails exist
L17[04:09:26] <Forecaster> yeah but it'd take up space and take some planning
L18[04:09:29] <Forecaster> to set up
L19[04:27:55] <Joshwoo70> but its fairly exploitablr
L20[04:27:59] <Joshwoo70> but its fairly exploitable
L21[04:28:20] <Joshwoo70> powered tracks and then that track going downwards
L22[04:29:54] <Forecaster> but it wouldn't produce much power
L23[04:29:58] <Forecaster> presumably
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L26[07:15:11] <GeneralCamo> Cheap infinite energy is a bad idea
L27[07:15:33] <GeneralCamo> This isn't thermal expansion
L28[07:17:11] <Forecaster> you know there's such things as solar panels right? :P
L29[07:19:32] <Forecaster> this would at least be more interesting than that :P
L30[07:28:25] <MCenderdragon> hi I have a smal problem. I want my mod to support steam. But I found out different mods have different names for their steam fluid and I dont know wich one to use or how to support all.
L31[07:29:49] <Forecaster> you should use "steam"
L32[07:30:02] <Forecaster> if a mod is using a different name they most likely don't want to be compatible
L33[07:30:31] <MCenderdragon> well I think railcraft uses fluid.steam but I am not shure
L34[07:30:44] <Forecaster> yes we just call it steam
L35[07:30:48] <Forecaster> that's the proper name
L36[07:31:03] <MCenderdragon> ok thanks :)
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L38[09:41:16] ⇨ Joins: liach (liach@cpe-76-169-232-24.socal.res.rr.com)
L39[09:47:20] <GeneralCamo> Solar Panels aren't generally cheap though ?
L40[09:47:33] <GeneralCamo> Unless you are talking Thermal Expansion
L41[09:47:39] <GeneralCamo> Or IC2's advanced solars
L42[09:47:44] <Forecaster> I dunno
L43[09:48:37] <Forecaster> my point is you can balance the amount of power you can generate with how difficult it is to set up and keep running, and how much space it takes up
L44[09:49:05] <Forecaster> I wouldn't imagine it'd be used for serious power gen unless severely overpowered though
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L46[10:52:52] <bballboy2002> TE doesnt have solar panels last I checked
L47[10:54:00] <liach> https://youtu.be/moOMKC3o2Ew How do you think of this railroad
L48[10:58:29] <Forecaster> looks pretty
L49[10:59:13] <[SukuFloof] MyonyMyon> @liach Looks great!
L50[10:59:22] <[SukuFloof] MyonyMyon> Even with my crappy internet. ;w;
L51[10:59:58] <liach> Again, Railcraft is a creative mod, different from those tech mods only fit for survival
L52[11:00:15] <liach> The tech development may consider about this also
L53[11:04:07] <Forecaster> uh, what
L54[11:04:19] <Forecaster> that last sentence doesn't make sense to me
L55[11:18:17] <liach> Railcraft should be interesting in Creative mode more than other tech or magic mods
L56[11:20:05] <[SukuFloof] MyonyMyon> ^
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L65[14:34:08] <CovertJaguar> nice railway
L66[14:35:55] <GeneralCamo> Very nice indeed
L67[14:36:03] <GeneralCamo> From the Chinese Fans of Railcraft I see
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L70[14:58:42] <liach> right
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L79[15:49:48] <liach> @CovertJaguar https://github.com/CovertJaguar/Railcraft-Localization/issues/317 How about this issue?
L80[15:50:19] <CovertJaguar> I saw it, on the todo list for later
L81[15:50:54] <liach> cool
L82[15:51:28] <liach> Again, if you establish an org, you can put all these issues in GitHub projects and things will be clear
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L88[18:36:47] <CovertJaguar> I can do projects now, the interface just makes no sense to me
L89[18:37:29] <CovertJaguar> @liach I looked at it, but it just seems to be a collage of random junk
L90[18:37:49] <liach> Ah laugh
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