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L23[09:03:11] <Kodos> Is there a way to use routing to check whether something like a cargo cart is full
L24[09:03:19] <Kodos> Or am I stuck with detectors
L25[09:18:55] <Forecaster> you are
L26[09:19:07] <Forecaster> you can use detector to affect routing though
L27[09:19:15] <Forecaster> use a*
L28[09:19:53] <Forecaster> Kodos: ^
L29[09:20:09] <Kodos> Alright
L30[09:20:20] <Kodos> I'll probably just make an IC with P:R
L31[09:20:48] <Forecaster> did they ever fix those?
L32[09:20:59] <Forecaster> in the version I have you can't actually craft the ic gates
L33[09:21:17] <Kodos> Dunno, let me test
L34[09:22:20] <Kodos> Erm, might help to have the Fabrication module installed, eh
L35[09:22:46] <Forecaster> I don't have all the modules
L36[09:23:03] <Kodos> I don't either
L37[09:23:07] <Kodos> I only have the redstone stuff and lighting
L38[09:23:21] <Forecaster> me too
L39[09:25:31] <Kodos> I should really get around to finishing my zs files for making the dyes from my mod
L40[09:29:05] <Kodos> Okay, loading in now to try the IC
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L42[09:32:14] <Kodos> Crafting for me
L43[09:34:40] <Kodos> I still like SCM better, but for 1.7.10 this works well enough
L44[09:36:49] <Kodos> wait, how do you set the chip into the thing
L45[09:37:19] <Kodos> Ah, nvm
L46[09:37:45] <Kodos> Can confirm, works fine
L47[09:38:03] <Kodos> http://puu.sh/tc3YK/4f2d669362.png
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L53[09:54:46] <Forecaster> Kodos: does the recipe show up in nei?
L54[09:55:43] <Kodos> For turning a chip into a gate?
L55[09:55:48] <Forecaster> yeah
L56[09:55:54] <Kodos> Sec
L57[09:56:03] <Kodos> tbh, it probably won't, but let me load in and check
L58[09:56:37] <Kodos> It does not, no
L59[09:56:44] <Kodos> But it's just 8 circuit plate around the chip
L60[09:56:51] <Kodos> Crafted fine into a gate, placed and didn't crash
L61[09:56:53] <Forecaster> maybe I assumed it didn't exist then
L62[09:56:56] <Kodos> And the logic worked fine
L63[09:57:04] <Forecaster> I can't remember if I tested it or not
L64[09:57:07] <Kodos> Granted, it wasn't a super advanced IC
L65[09:57:09] <Forecaster> I have a gate
L66[09:57:12] <Forecaster> I know it worked
L67[09:57:17] <Forecaster> works*
L68[09:57:42] <Forecaster> it controls the segment display for my in-world tank
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L76[11:02:59] <Kodos> Does the Panzer Cart (RCA) do anything, or is it just for looks
L77[11:04:39] <Forecaster> no idea
L78[11:07:05] <ccgfok> where is CJ?
L79[11:08:08] <Forecaster> dunno, dealing with RL thing I imagine
L80[11:08:13] <Forecaster> things*
L81[11:10:12] <Hanakocz> Kodos, it is only for looking for now
L82[11:10:24] <Kodos> Mkay
L83[11:10:27] <Kodos> I really like the wood cart :3
L84[11:10:53] <Hanakocz> kinda we did not found any usable mod or things that would make him load/unload. And it was kinda common usage of flat carts
L85[11:11:13] <Kodos> You should do a coal/coke cart with the same concept of the wood cart :3
L86[11:11:23] <Kodos> Only have it look like the quarry cart
L87[11:11:51] <Hanakocz> Ya, wood one is nice. Wanted to do also Tender one with similar partial filling, but was not satisfied, mostly because I failed to make it think that it is short cart (so there was really big unpleasant gap)
L88[11:14:43] <Hanakocz> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/h6icv73g7xrey3b/Screenshot%202017-01-05%2018.13.17.png well, it exists, but probably needs to be redone because I did not centered it and it does not like it :/
L89[11:15:02] <Hanakocz> or maybe I did it?
L90[11:15:55] <Kodos> If I had half a clue how to use Techne, I'd probably start making shit tons of carts
L91[11:16:24] <SkySom> Hehe yeah I tried modelling
L92[11:16:26] <SkySom> Gave up.
L93[11:16:33] <SkySom> Commission Wiiv to do it. lol
L94[11:16:38] <SkySom> Commissioned Wiiv to do it. lol
L95[11:16:44] <Kodos> lol
L96[11:17:07] <SkySom> It's quite nice. Just have the model sitting because I've been too busy to finish it.
L97[11:17:21] <SkySom> It's quite nice. Just have the model sitting because I've been too busy to finish the code for it.
L98[11:17:56] <Hanakocz> we had bigger problem to find what carts to make. I have there also this one https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/geha3hbvqnuiyx6/Screenshot%202017-01-05%2018.16.31.png for some coal or so, but did not finished the "full" version, I think
L99[11:18:18] <Hanakocz> and then some passenger cart and that is nearly all you want to do?
L100[11:18:32] <Hanakocz> and of course some more locos
L101[11:18:57] <SkySom> Indeed more locos ❤
L102[11:19:02] <SkySom> Hence why I need to finish my loco
L103[11:19:04] <Kodos> Hopefully a Diesel loco =D
L104[11:19:17] <Kodos> Or rather, a liquid fuel loco
L105[11:19:26] <SkySom> I've got a model for the ManaSteel steam loco, a diesel loco, and a nuclear one.
L106[11:19:31] <Hanakocz> Well probably not diesel, that would be kinda complicated
L107[11:19:48] <SkySom> manasteel was by Wiiv, the Diesel and the Nuclear one are both by Mr_Hazard
L108[11:19:54] <Hanakocz> but change model, keep insides is not probably that hard.
L109[11:20:00] <Kodos> I'd love to see a cobble cart, too
L110[11:20:06] <SkySom> Cobble cart?
L111[11:20:10] <Kodos> 54 slots, takes cobblestone only =D
L112[11:20:32] <Hanakocz> you know why container has only 4*9 slots?
L113[11:20:48] <Hanakocz> because that is the max that vanilla container render can do xD
L114[11:20:59] <SkySom> lol
L115[11:21:07] <Kodos> How do double chests work then
L116[11:22:04] <Hanakocz> well, at least I really tried 54slots and it did not worked somehow, never. 1,2,3,4 lines worked flawlessly, 5 or 6 just nope
L117[11:22:50] <Hanakocz> probably just some more digging inside a code or just making own inventory would be a go, but was kinda lazy
L118[11:22:55] <Kodos> Also, any way to change the color of the tanker cart?
L119[11:23:08] <Hanakocz> also 54slot cart is kinda OP
L120[11:23:29] <Kodos> Which is why it would need a hardcoded filter for what it could take
L121[11:23:44] <Kodos> And hauling rock (Cobble, gravel)
L122[11:23:47] <Kodos> would be a good use
L123[11:24:09] <Hanakocz> well, not yet except replacing it, but ya, I know, giving them a random color on placement was really evil idea
L124[11:24:31] <Kodos> Have you thought about having it be a general grey color, and having it take on the color of the fluid inside of it?
L125[11:24:46] <Hanakocz> There was also an idea to change them colors randomly on every chunk/world load, but that would be probably too insane
L126[11:26:00] <Hanakocz> if something like that, then probably only some "window", whole tanker would be lil unrealistic to change colors. Well it also miss the showings of bucket filter
L127[11:26:52] <Hanakocz> Hm, you made me feel like I want to code it for a while, lol. What would you say for that cobble/gravel cart to use the last pic model?
L128[11:27:40] <Kodos> Should look fine, I would think
L129[11:28:25] <Kodos> Only real reason I want a cobble/gravel cart is because I'm weird enough to have Minetweaked an IE Cobble Mineral vein into existance
L130[11:28:50] <Kodos> I use that for cobble gen, vs magic blocks or some convoluted lava water build
L131[11:29:52] <Hanakocz> Well, but I would make it probably only also 36 slots big. I think I managed to make whitelist for wood cart, if I remember correctly
L132[11:31:52] <Hanakocz> Have you tried a whistle?
L133[11:33:05] <Kodos> Yes, -love- that. Does it work in MP in that others can hear it being blown?
L134[11:33:18] <Hanakocz> sure
L135[11:33:39] <Hanakocz> only "flaw" is that you can spam it into someones ears xD
L136[11:33:55] <bballboy2002> lol
L137[11:34:36] <Kodos> "It's a feature!"
L138[11:34:42] <Kodos> Hanakocz, probably
L139[11:34:50] <Hanakocz> sadly the uniform is uniform with only a lot of fantasy
L140[11:35:24] <Kodos> My wife said I looked like Mister Conductor
L141[11:35:37] <Hanakocz> oh? okay then xD
L142[11:36:30] <Kodos> Not sure if you're old enough to know who that is
L143[11:40:45] <Hanakocz> Well if you mean some culture reference then probably not country-wise. But otherwise we have country full of those even nowadays xD
L144[11:51:49] <Kodos> It's an ollllld show I watched as a kid called Shining Time Station
L145[11:52:11] <Kodos> George Carlin played a character named Mr Conductor
L146[11:52:24] <Kodos> a 20 cm tall guy that lived in a signal house in a rail line sculpture lol
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L148[11:52:50] <SkySom> So like the precursor to even Thomas... Oh lord.
L149[11:53:27] <SkySom> Oh included sequences from.
L150[11:53:28] <SkySom> Nice.
L151[12:00:29] <Kodos> I wish there was an easy way to balance cart inventories
L152[12:03:39] <Kodos> I really like BetterStorage's Storage Crates, but absolutely cannot stand the randomization of the item order
L153[12:04:36] <SkySom> Balance Cart inventories?
L154[12:06:07] <Kodos> 3 chest carts in a train, for example
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L156[12:06:42] <Kodos> I want to balance their inventories between the 3 of them. So if one cart had 60 logs, one had 30, and one had 20, a balanced load would be 36 ish in each cart
L157[12:10:14] <SkySom> Ah.
L158[12:12:33] <Kodos> I suppose I could do something with IE and loaders
L159[12:12:56] <Hanakocz> You can have multiple loaders after each other
L160[12:13:15] <Hanakocz> and load multiple wagons at once, and only one holding track set to train mode
L161[12:13:24] <Kodos> I....
L162[12:13:30] <Kodos> Well
L163[12:13:31] <Kodos> Shit
L164[12:13:31] <Kodos> brb
L165[12:13:47] <Kodos> Would it matter where the holding track was
L166[12:14:16] <Hanakocz> needs to be on first cart
L167[12:14:18] <SkySom> Just need to add a round robin cart lol
L168[12:14:43] *** MrKick|Away is now known as MrKickkiller
L169[12:15:24] <Kodos> And a wheat cart, potato cart, carrot cart, (char)coal, uhh
L170[12:15:53] <Hanakocz> because when you visit that track with filter-ok cart, it will hold it immediatly, and when you set it to release it after loader does nothing (lack of store or full), then wholetrain needs to leave before it can be triggered again
L171[12:16:22] <Hanakocz> hm, like one model with rendered different load?
L172[12:17:08] <Hanakocz> Probably possible with only change of colours of insides , that would not be hard
L173[12:17:43] <Hanakocz> btw. our country railroad fairy tales-> https://youtu.be/n8R9RT3_U0s sadly dunno how to add subtitles to youtube xD
L174[12:18:50] <Kodos> Do you know what hte name of the show is in English?
L175[12:23:03] <Kodos> Also, how come my unloaders and loaders never use their buffer? Is there something I'm not doing
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L177[12:24:54] <Hanakocz> I guess there is no other language mutation of this. It was originally a book though
L178[12:25:36] <Hanakocz> Dunno, I always used advanced ones and they worked as intended ?
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L198[16:29:48] <MindWorX> Is it possible to route like this without any additional tracks: http://i.imgur.com/9ctiu46.png
L199[16:30:19] <MindWorX> I can't seem to get the switch track to behave how I want and I'm starting to think it's either not possible I'm doing something wrong.
L200[16:32:02] <Kodos> It should be afaik, but I'm no trackman
L201[16:32:25] <MindWorX> Ah, I was being silly
L202[16:32:48] <MindWorX> I was using the crowbar to switch the track, but I obviously need a Switch Lever/Motor
L203[16:32:56] <MindWorX> The crowbar just rotates it.
L204[16:34:41] <SkySom> Yes. You need a switch level
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L206[16:44:01] <Hanakocz> motor is better to connect it to some automatization...or just to redstone and lever 10 blocks in before, so you can switch track without stopping the train you ride in ?
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