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L21[04:51:46] <LostGeek> writing code to generate code that generates code, what a time to be alive..
L22[05:07:56] <Forecaster> but does the code's code's code generate code?
L23[05:10:02] <LostGeek> no, that one is interpreted by the compiler that generates machine code :)
L24[05:10:09] <LostGeek> (coding for PLCs)
L25[05:16:43] <Forecaster> I am dissapoint
L26[05:18:46] <LostGeek> let's hope this works...
L27[05:18:54] <LostGeek> (•_•) / ( •_•)>⌐■-■ / (⌐■_■) deal with it!
L28[05:19:12] * LostGeek doesn't see non-ascii characters in irssi
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L91[14:54:55] <Fleynic> Heya! So, are watertank siddings nether usable?
L92[14:55:11] <Fleynic> in 1.7.10, can we get water in the nether with it?
L93[14:55:43] <Fleynic> reply needed as I'm about to do nether survival
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L96[14:56:58] <Benanov> I'm sure they're placable in the nether, but I don't know if it will generate water in the nether.
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L98[14:58:36] <Fleynic> that is exactly the question x.x
L99[15:01:15] <Benanov> testing a 1.7.10 pack
L100[15:01:40] <Benanov> it's a "copy & corrupt" version of the FTB Infinity Evolved Skyblock pack
L101[15:03:24] <Fleynic> copy & corrupt? corrupting on purpose?
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L103[15:03:58] <Benanov> This group adds a few custom mods, hence the designation
L104[15:04:28] <Fleynic> hm?
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L106[15:06:09] <Benanov> okay, water tank builds
L107[15:06:12] <Benanov> is formed
L108[15:06:13] <Benanov> no water.
L109[15:06:40] <Benanov> water does not generate.
L110[15:07:07] <Benanov> which, thematically, makes sense. There's no water in the nether to speak of.
L111[15:07:49] <Benanov> so you could import water, and hold water in the tank...but you're not going to get any water condensing in the tank.
L112[15:08:01] <Benanov> and I like nether survival, it's fun.
L113[15:09:49] <Forecaster> It's biome dependant
L114[15:09:59] <Fleynic> that's why I asked forecaster
L115[15:10:00] <Forecaster> and the hell biome does not produce water
L116[15:10:21] <Forecaster> and there is no rain in the nether, so no, the tank will never generate any water
L117[15:10:34] <Fleynic> thanks. Benanov, lemme coppy your messages
L118[15:10:54] <Fleynic> as for that of no rain.. how it does then in deserts?
L119[15:11:04] <Benanov> Desert Biome isn't Hell Biome
L120[15:11:26] <Benanov> they're different biomes, and as such are programmed differently
L121[15:11:31] <Fleynic> but is still as dry as... and I think that hell was made with the same values than desert
L122[15:11:35] <Forecaster> the "rain" state is constant in the overworld
L123[15:11:47] <Forecaster> no matter the biome
L124[15:11:49] <Benanov> for illustration purposes only, Forestry treats Hell and Desert as different
L125[15:11:51] <Forecaster> the nether doesn't have rain
L126[15:12:10] <Forecaster> pretty sure that's how it works
L127[15:12:54] <Benanov> I do not believe RC has any facility besides the water tank to generate water.
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L130[15:14:21] <Fleynic> thanks for this...
L131[15:14:31] <Fleynic> now, I need to think of a way to get some
L132[15:14:55] <Fleynic> for short, would be needing water for some things in nether. not farm related, but tech related
L133[15:15:47] <Kodos> Fleynic, it's worth noting that the IC2 Turbine outputs water from the bottom
L134[15:15:49] <Kodos> When in use
L135[15:16:06] <Benanov> Pure railcraft? World anchor + nether portal, send tank carts through portal to interact w/ fluid loader in overworld
L136[15:16:07] <Fleynic> ehrm, Gregtech
L137[15:16:11] <Fleynic> that's the thing
L138[15:16:19] <Kodos> You have my condolences
L139[15:16:45] <Benanov> and here I thought I was self-flagellating playing Technodefirmacraft
L140[15:17:19] <Benanov> I just got a water tank. Considering how expensive wrought iron is...it's an accomplishment.
L141[15:19:01] <Fleynic> @Kodos , off topic, but is your pic from the moment when she is converted in matrix?
L142[15:19:15] <Fleynic> it seems you just caught the correct frame if so
L143[15:19:20] <Kodos> Uhh
L144[15:19:26] <Kodos> No idea, it was off a google search
L145[15:19:39] <Fleynic> lol. looks like. XD
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L149[16:04:33] <Benanov> @Fleynic What pack?
L150[16:04:50] <Fleynic> ???
L151[16:05:10] <Fleynic> if you mean the water thank thing...
L152[16:05:19] <Fleynic> that was just my curiousity
L153[16:05:23] <Benanov> ok.
L154[16:05:26] <Fleynic> I'm customizing an instance
L155[16:05:52] <Benanov> I've done nether survival in vanilla. It's very limited.
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L204[23:54:41] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
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