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L1[00:02:07] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
L2[00:03:58] ⇦ Quits: The_Fireplace|Away (The_Firepl@Im.Firing.My.Layza.PanicBNC.us) (Quit: PanicBNC - http://PanicBNC.net)
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L6[01:15:27] <LostGeek> morning
L7[01:15:36] <LostGeek> (while at work) <--- Darkelarious
L8[01:16:14] <liach> ...
L9[01:16:37] <LostGeek> out of curiosity, is there ever going to be a high-tier locomotive/train that has a significant amount more capacity?
L10[01:17:25] <LostGeek> like an electric loc with a ton of electric capacity, capable of pulling a very long train (9+ carts) and being able to go faster?
L11[01:18:27] <LostGeek> and additionally, I want to set up complex signalling with bidirectional tracks around my station area, for now I use rednet and signal receivers/controllers for that,
L12[01:19:08] <LostGeek> imho it's now a pain to have converging tracks
L13[01:19:50] <LostGeek> and then I'm hinting at behaviour like "receiver output = block1_red AND block2_red" or something like that
L14[01:22:39] <LostGeek> and in the same sense it's difficult to keep trains maintain their distance at high speed
L15[01:24:00] <LostGeek> if you have a booster track on top of a signal receiver at HS and the train passes into the signal block, the booster track becomes unpowered/disabled (in 1.7.10) and slows down the train regardless
L16[01:24:43] <Forecaster> the energy density of the future diesel locomotive will be pretty high compared to the electric locomotive
L17[01:24:51] <Forecaster> it probably wont be much more powerful though
L18[01:24:55] <LostGeek> ow cool, i was about to suggest diesel at some point :)
L19[01:25:08] <Forecaster> it's been suggested lots of times
L20[01:25:18] <Forecaster> you know you can chain multiple locomotive in a single train right?
L21[01:25:19] <LostGeek> what about making some slots upgradable?
L22[01:25:23] <LostGeek> yes, correct
L23[01:25:32] <LostGeek> but i now run into another limit at HS
L24[01:25:56] <Forecaster> I wouldn't use HS for goods trains
L25[01:26:06] <Forecaster> I only use that for personal transport
L26[01:26:18] <Forecaster> goods trains can take their time with regular speed as far as I'm concerned :P
L27[01:26:28] <LostGeek> heh
L28[01:26:52] <LostGeek> I actually send both over HS tracks, halfway across the (10k) map :)
L29[01:27:20] <Forecaster> well, that's the tradeoff then, shorter trains at higher speed
L30[01:27:34] <LostGeek> hm
L31[01:27:49] * LostGeek considers this for a moment
L32[01:28:42] <LostGeek> that actually is no problem at HS, assuming you can prevent trains crashing into each other with signalling
L33[01:29:09] <LostGeek> but then I'd like to know if there is a way to place the booster tracks directly next to the signal block
L34[01:29:20] <LostGeek> without slowing/disabling the train as soon as it passes into the block field
L35[01:29:49] <LostGeek> like the train locking track where it stays powered a second after the train passes its first wagon over it
L36[01:30:01] <LostGeek> or can that be achieved with the regular blocks?
L37[01:30:24] <LostGeek> right now i have a signal block, and the receiver at least 16 blocks further in order to keep the train at speed
L38[01:31:54] <LostGeek> i wish i could get railcraft to show properly in dynmap, that would make linking examples so much easier :(
L39[01:41:37] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E653104999AD380D256C125.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L40[01:42:56] ⇦ Quits: Nirek (~Nirek@ip70-180-92-41.no.no.cox.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
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L43[02:23:14] ⇦ Quits: Hawk777 (~chead@d75-157-139-36.bchsia.telus.net) (Quit: Leaving.)
L44[02:28:33] <Forecaster> I'm going to prevent multiple trains from entering my HS line (which only has one lane) with a token system in my LP
L45[02:31:23] <LostGeek> LP?
L46[02:39:27] <LostGeek> but that works for relatively short tracks, but not for double-HS tracks of more than 8000 blocks long :)
L47[02:50:13] <Forecaster> Lets Play
L48[02:50:39] <Forecaster> my track is way longer than 8k :P
L49[02:51:07] <Elourge> 11K was it
L50[02:52:06] <Forecaster> or well, it's not yet, but it's going to be
L51[02:52:39] <Elourge> Im living in the future
L52[02:52:49] <LostGeek> :)
L53[02:52:59] <vedrit> I need to figure out a way to keep my train stuck in an unloaded chunk...
L54[02:53:14] <LostGeek> but still, that means that you have to wait a long time between trains?
L55[02:53:17] <Elourge> with a holding track?
L56[02:53:22] <Forecaster> the LS track covers the entire distance
L57[02:53:30] <Forecaster> the HS one is incomplete
L58[02:53:46] <LostGeek> we/I have a track with (when in use) between 2 and 10 trains at all times on the tracks
L59[02:54:06] <Forecaster> LostGeek: yes, but since only passenger trains will use it there wont be much traffic on it :P
L60[02:54:12] <LostGeek> rofl
L61[02:54:28] <Forecaster> it's only me on the server after all, at least right now
L62[02:54:28] <LostGeek> you're cordially invited to come a look on my/our server :)
L63[02:54:44] <LostGeek> I'll add a page to 333networks.com with the modpack/server details at some point
L64[02:54:48] <Forecaster> I could come visit sometime probably
L65[02:55:01] <LostGeek> infinity pack + a ton of additional mods x_x
L66[02:55:09] <Forecaster> http://towerofawesome.org/tower/maps/letsplay/#map_overworld_topdown/0/4/-3211/2123/64
L67[02:55:14] <Forecaster> that's my world
L68[02:55:17] <Forecaster> the map is outdated though
L69[02:55:34] <LostGeek> bookmarked (i'm at the office, so I can't open nice big minecraft pages :P )
L70[02:55:50] <Forecaster> my current base is here: http://towerofawesome.org/tower/maps/letsplay/#map_overworld_topdown/0/9/-698/977/64
L71[02:56:11] <Forecaster> new base: http://towerofawesome.org/tower/maps/letsplay/#map_overworld_topdown/0/9/-8178/4087/64
L72[02:56:19] <Forecaster> the railway goes between these points
L73[02:56:34] <LostGeek> i guess there's no oper here right now who can sajoin Darkelarious into this channel? :/
L74[02:56:57] <Forecaster> what?
L75[02:57:35] <LostGeek> oh, my client at home is logged in, but not joined in here
L76[02:57:36] <Elourge> TFW sajoin
L77[02:57:41] <Forecaster> the distance works out to about 10k blocks
L78[02:57:51] <Forecaster> I don't know what sajoin is
L79[02:58:21] <Elourge> Its a meme now
L80[02:58:35] <LostGeek> @Elourge: was easier because then any admin could just force join anyone :)
L81[02:58:41] <Forecaster> "Forces a user to join a channel(s). Available to services & network admins only"
L82[02:58:49] <Forecaster> ah
L83[02:59:03] <LostGeek> but that's a small detail anyway
L84[02:59:27] <Elourge> I forgot, you guys are on the irc
L85[02:59:34] <Forecaster> "the irc"
L86[02:59:51] <LostGeek> (fyi, I'm at the office with a ssh connection to my server at home, which has a screen session with railcraft running)
L87[03:00:21] <Forecaster> same, except the railcraft part
L88[03:00:27] <Forecaster> I'm just connected to irc that way
L89[03:00:28] <Forecaster> :P
L90[03:00:42] <LostGeek> eh, s/screen session with railcraft/screen sesion with irssi/
L91[03:00:49] <Forecaster> ^
L92[03:01:20] <LostGeek> you're at work now too? :P
L93[03:01:24] <Forecaster> yep
L94[03:01:43] <LostGeek> *looks around at the office floor if anyone else has irc open here*
L95[03:01:54] <Forecaster> I don't need the ssh stuff, it's just how I irc
L96[03:02:09] <Forecaster> I like having a central client I can access from anywhere
L97[03:02:15] <LostGeek> I prefer to have everything private on my private server, instead of my work laptop
L98[03:02:45] <LostGeek> so no logs, nothing to clean up, no violations of the office policy, etc
L99[03:02:51] <Forecaster> :P
L100[03:04:02] <Forecaster> Irssi is great
L101[03:04:26] <Forecaster> I recently wrote a script for it that parses messages from the discord relay and makes them look more like irc messages
L102[03:05:03] <Forecaster> which also allows me to tab-complete discord usesrs if they've said something recently
L103[03:05:59] <LostGeek> it's good to see that the irc spirit is still alive :)
L104[03:06:34] <Forecaster> I use both irc and discord side by side :P
L105[03:08:06] <LostGeek> at home I have pidgin with gtalk, msn, skype, irc, etc
L106[03:08:19] <LostGeek> but that doesn't work over remote
L107[03:08:47] <LostGeek> when I'm bored on a rainy sunday-afternoon, I might actually set up a bitlbee server for that.....
L108[03:09:18] <Forecaster> I use the respective clients on this laptop, ie Discord and Skype :P
L109[03:10:46] <LostGeek> I often have the feeling that I'm the only one who works like this
L110[03:11:21] <LostGeek> on the other hand, we also have the kind of sysadmin here that does nothing but look at other people's systems
L111[03:12:43] <Forecaster> irc is the only thing I need remote access to, because the client requires a lot of configuration
L112[03:12:50] <Forecaster> it's nice to have that stuff in a central place
L113[03:13:09] <Forecaster> the other ones have nice clients that sync their own settings
L114[03:13:10] <Forecaster> :P
L115[03:14:01] <LostGeek> heh
L116[03:14:09] <LostGeek> i'm just a boring linux user in that respect :)
L117[03:14:17] <LostGeek> set up in 1 place, never move from it
L118[03:14:24] <LostGeek> (sounds like me in minecraft...)
L119[03:14:39] <LostGeek> that's probably why we have so much rail track in the server....
L120[03:14:40] <LostGeek> :)
L121[03:14:53] <LostGeek> if I may ask, what kind of work do you do?
L122[03:15:57] <Forecaster> I'm interning at a web-dev company right now
L123[03:16:18] <Forecaster> just today and tomorrow left though, with a slim hope of getting hired afterwards
L124[03:17:11] <LostGeek> as ICT intern, or graphical design?
L125[03:17:31] <Forecaster> the former
L126[03:18:38] <LostGeek> then I'll not show you our company website >_<
L127[03:18:48] <LostGeek> (it's so poorly designed, web-wise)
L128[03:19:19] <LostGeek> looks really good, but no justification for the horrible backend whatsoever
L129[03:19:24] <Forecaster> :P
L130[03:19:36] <Forecaster> hey, if you've seen my boiler calculator
L131[03:19:41] <Forecaster> the front-end is awful
L132[03:19:48] <LostGeek> wait, whut?
L133[03:19:58] <LostGeek> come again, /boiler calculator/? XD
L134[03:20:29] <Forecaster> http://calculator.towerofawesome.org
L135[03:20:34] <LostGeek> ow, I thought you were referring to a calculator made out of boilers XD
L136[03:20:40] <Forecaster> no :P
L137[03:20:51] <LostGeek> gheh
L138[03:20:56] <LostGeek> backend ftw
L139[03:21:01] <LostGeek> (also bug on small screens :P )
L140[03:21:04] <Forecaster> that's not that great either
L141[03:21:17] <Forecaster> yeah I know
L142[03:21:21] <Forecaster> the interface is terrible
L143[03:21:27] <Forecaster> it's not made to scale at all
L144[03:21:32] <LostGeek> (you may like some of the projects on git.333networks.com btw)
L145[03:22:16] <LostGeek> funny how none of this is related to any of the work i'm doing right now
L146[03:22:36] <Forecaster> I'd like to re-make the boiler calculator, the front at least
L147[03:22:58] <LostGeek> most of the skills I developed were from recreational projects
L148[03:23:22] <LostGeek> my electrical engineering/sensor specialist background was more a tool for getting recreational projects done than the other way round :)
L149[03:23:24] <Forecaster> but it'd be too time-consuming and I have other things to do right now
L150[03:24:00] <LostGeek> these projects may turn out more valuable than you realise right now
L151[03:24:19] <LostGeek> half of my resume consists of recreational things that I bothered to finish correctly
L152[03:24:35] <Forecaster> it's more because I hate it and it's awful to use
L153[03:25:29] <LostGeek> if you fix it and use it proudly on your portfolio, it will help your future as ICT-er
L154[03:25:47] <Forecaster> probably yeah
L155[03:26:36] <Forecaster> I do have a prototype for "boilercalculator 2.0"
L156[03:26:56] <Forecaster> which is an entirely javascript visual simulation
L157[03:30:20] <Forecaster> it's actually pretty neat, or it would be if it wasn't broken currently :P
L158[03:30:42] <LostGeek> do you know the mod bigreactors?
L159[03:31:27] <LostGeek> http://br.sidoh.org/ <-- this is their calculator
L160[03:32:42] <Forecaster> neat
L161[03:36:20] * daniel is too late to the irc client discussion :(
L162[03:36:38] <LostGeek> daniel: if Forecaster has no objections, we can fall back to that :D
L163[03:36:49] <daniel> :D
L164[03:36:59] * LostGeek has to wait for test results to be processed anyway
L165[03:37:12] <daniel> In that case: quassel is pretty good
L166[03:38:00] <Forecaster> that was my first attempt at a central irc solution
L167[03:38:05] <Forecaster> but I couldn't get it working
L168[03:38:11] <daniel> Also, you can open programs with a gui over ssh if you do X forwarding
L169[03:38:16] <Forecaster> the server was a pain
L170[03:38:24] <daniel> Huh?
L171[03:38:55] <Forecaster> I dunno, it was years ago now
L172[03:38:58] <daniel> apt install quasselcore; #should do the trick
L173[03:39:01] <Forecaster> I went with Irssi over ssh instead
L174[03:40:17] <Forecaster> apparently Quassel 4.8.1 is installed on here
L175[03:40:24] <daniel> Irssi would have been my alternative. But thankfully quassel works :)
L176[03:41:07] * Forecaster purges it
L177[03:42:02] <daniel> It's been a long time since I installed quassel. But since I don't remember much of it, it must have been pretty painless
L178[03:43:16] <Forecaster> I was really new to linux in general back then
L179[03:43:56] <daniel> Ok. Then it's not that easy.
L180[03:44:16] <daniel> Since the core has no gui
L181[03:44:44] <daniel> Which is not helpful for someone used to windows
L182[03:46:03] <Forecaster> I'm sure I'd have no issues now, but I'm happy with irssi :>
L183[03:46:47] ⇦ Quits: agro (~jmmanni1@civis.cc) (Quit: leaving)
L184[03:52:12] <LostGeek> I just picked irssi for their awesome numb3rs video :P
L185[03:53:30] <Forecaster> I don't know what that is
L186[03:53:40] <Forecaster> woo I fixed the calc2.0 prototype
L187[03:53:40] <daniel> Numb3rs video?
L188[03:53:47] <Forecaster> it loads the fuel items again
L189[03:54:27] <Forecaster> http://towerofawesome.org/calctwopointoh/
L190[03:54:33] <Forecaster> it's pretty cool I think
L191[03:58:02] <daniel> One of the main reasons against irssi for me was, that commandline sucks on cellphones
L192[03:58:17] <LostGeek> https://irssi.org/news/3/ <-- video on that page
L193[03:58:43] <LostGeek> daniel: i still don't own a smartphone for the reason that i can't make some key combinations in the terminals
L194[03:59:01] <Forecaster> aw man, I want to continue working on this thing now
L195[03:59:02] <Forecaster> dammit
L196[03:59:24] <LostGeek> Forecaster: you're doing webdev atm, so you're at work :D
L197[03:59:32] <Forecaster> it's so adorable
L198[03:59:43] <Forecaster> the iron tank fills up with steam and everything
L199[04:01:05] <Forecaster> http://i.imgur.com/CUQVMR3.png
L200[04:02:45] <Forecaster> the boilers can even explode
L201[04:03:49] <LostGeek> this is awesome
L202[04:05:19] <Forecaster> there are bugs though xD
L203[04:05:20] <Forecaster> http://i.imgur.com/As9xXHw.png
L204[04:07:40] <Forecaster> that's why it's just a prototype
L205[04:08:40] <Forecaster> oh yeah, there's also a debug feature in it
L206[04:08:49] <Forecaster> if you click the heat bar it instantly heats up the boiler
L207[04:09:46] <Forecaster> but there's a lot of features and fixes needed for this to be more than a toy
L208[04:10:38] <LostGeek> I think it's cool :D
L209[04:10:56] <Forecaster> it is, but it's not very useful :P
L210[04:11:10] <Forecaster> the amount of useful data you can get from it is limited
L211[04:12:02] <Forecaster> there should be a mode that uses fuel items like in-game for example
L212[04:13:09] <Forecaster> https://github.com/Forecaster/Boiler-Calculator-2
L213[04:19:50] <Forecaster> https://github.com/Forecaster/Boiler-Calculator-2/commit/ba93fddefaf9e7f0e5c7aa144c0ffffc64a9eebf
L214[04:19:56] <Forecaster> good lord Glob
L215[04:20:17] <Forecaster> this was a bunch of stuff that I'd changed ages ago plus the fuel loading fix I made today
L216[04:29:55] <LostGeek> ah well, if it's worth doing, it's worth overdoing
L217[04:29:56] <LostGeek> :)
L218[04:30:57] <Forecaster> not sure that qualifies as overdoing anything
L219[04:31:06] <Forecaster> I wish I had time to work on this >:
L220[04:31:14] <LostGeek> stop gaming, then :D
L221[04:31:46] <Forecaster> I'm not, I have other projects that are higher priority right now
L222[04:31:55] <Forecaster> nobody is waiting on this thing except me :P
L223[04:33:42] <LostGeek> i know that feeling :(
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L229[05:20:14] <LostGeek> ah well, almost lunch time
L230[05:20:25] <LostGeek> i wonder if my work laptop can run FTB infinity
L231[05:55:20] <Forecaster> probably
L232[05:55:24] <Forecaster> run it well? no idea
L233[05:56:42] ⇦ Quits: Alex_hawks (~Alex_hawk@2001:8003:8508:f800:c9d1:144f:225d:f279) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L235[06:01:06] ⇨ Joins: WatchtowerOrator (~Watchtowe@
L236[06:01:06] <WatchtowerOrator> Time for a new episode from Forecaster! You're welcome!
L237[06:01:06] <WatchtowerOrator> https://youtu.be/u_x03cBonRA - Modded Minedcrafted [Episode 205] - Not Pearls and processing
L238[06:02:07] ⇦ Quits: WatchtowerOrator (~Watchtowe@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L239[06:07:35] <LostGeek> Forecaster: I wouldn't be so sure, my old desktop just .. crashed ..
L240[06:08:46] <Forecaster> :P
L241[06:17:57] ⇨ Joins: CovertJaguar (~you@
L242[06:17:57] ChanServ sets mode: +o on CovertJaguar
L243[06:18:57] <LostGeek> ow, that's something encountered, btw
L244[06:19:16] <LostGeek> applied energistics 2 allows you to pull items from the cart loader and put them in another train loader
L245[06:19:35] <LostGeek> but locomotives all get assigned another whistle param
L246[06:20:09] <LostGeek> and the AE2 export box fills up locs / carts at random,
L247[06:20:27] <LostGeek> so 1) they take a lot of inventory space to automate
L248[06:20:41] <LostGeek> and 2) you can't export a train-at-once to the loader
L249[06:21:03] <LostGeek> is it possible to have the trainloader pull a train from an adjecent inventory instead?
L250[06:24:04] <Forecaster> wut
L251[06:24:30] <Forecaster> "trainloader"? oO
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L253[06:48:55] <LostGeek> train dispenser* my apologies.
L254[06:55:43] <Vexatos> train disperser? :>
L255[07:01:17] <Forecaster> I assume it's supposed to be "cart dispenser" as well then
L256[07:02:06] <Forecaster> I'm pretty sure the cart/train dispensers should pull from adjacent chests
L257[07:02:11] <Forecaster> the loaders do
L258[07:08:46] <LostGeek> wait, i would swear that in my server there's a train dispenser *and* a cart dispenser
L259[07:08:53] <LostGeek> or was that removed after 1.7.10?
L260[07:09:19] <LostGeek> but if they pull from inventories, then I screwed up my experiment
L261[07:09:39] <LostGeek> I thought they didn't
L262[07:09:45] * LostGeek should start opening source code more often
L263[07:11:25] <Forecaster> no they're separate blocks
L264[07:19:44] <LostGeek> ah, then i just ordinarily misunderstood :)
L265[07:19:48] <LostGeek> ok, I'll try that tonight
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L287[11:15:33] <darkelarious> hi
L288[11:15:36] * darkelarious is LostGeek btw
L289[11:16:46] <Forecaster> Aliens
L290[11:16:48] <Forecaster> I mean hi
L291[11:17:32] <darkelarious> lol
L292[11:18:31] <darkelarious> ok, tried the following: train dispenser (1.7.10, rc with a chest above or next to it
L293[11:18:38] <darkelarious> press button, no train
L294[11:18:54] <Forecaster> with a pattern?
L295[11:19:01] <darkelarious> put carts in the buffer of the dispenser, dispenses train
L296[11:19:02] <darkelarious> yes
L297[11:22:15] <darkelarious> let me set up a minimal working example
L298[11:22:27] <Forecaster> that's ok
L299[11:22:30] <Forecaster> I'm testing myself now
L300[11:24:28] <darkelarious> if you consider to join at some point, http://mp.333networks.com/2.6.0.zip for the modpack and pandora.333networks.com for the server/join
L301[11:24:32] <Forecaster> you're right, it doesn't pull from inventories
L302[11:24:37] <darkelarious> hah!
L303[11:24:45] <Forecaster> what was the issue with AE exactly?
L304[11:24:48] <darkelarious> (oshit, didn't mean to drop this in the main chat..)
L305[11:24:55] <darkelarious> it's an AE issue, actually,
L306[11:25:10] <darkelarious> the idea was this: AE2 interface, train dispenser pulling carts from it
L307[11:25:31] <darkelarious> however, AE2 doesn't allow fuzzy objects in the interface (such as locs with different whistles)
L308[11:26:16] <Forecaster> how are they getting different pitches?
L309[11:26:32] <darkelarious> you're the one who made them (A)
L310[11:27:01] <Forecaster> no CJ made them :P
L311[11:27:21] <darkelarious> actually, it says "???" after building and any value between (observed 0.5-2.0) after driving over a whistle track (perhaps even before that)
L312[11:27:52] <Forecaster> oh, hm
L313[11:28:33] * darkelarious sneaks in a suggestion: make the whistletrack tunable, give it an interface to fine-tune the pitch value
L314[11:29:36] <Forecaster> well, I believe a locomotive is actually assigned a random pitch when put down
L315[11:32:03] <darkelarious> i can perfectly imagine that, and under any circumstance i would say it's a good thing
L316[11:32:18] <darkelarious> but after placing i can't get it finetuned with the fork
L317[11:34:32] <Forecaster> why can't you just use an export buss?
L318[11:35:46] <darkelarious> loc-tankcart-cart-cart-anchor-cart-cart-tankcart-loc in the buffer will quickly become loc, loc, loc, etc
L319[11:35:57] <darkelarious> it won't always fill with the right items
L320[11:36:33] <Forecaster> you'd have the same problem with a chest though
L321[11:36:44] <darkelarious> yes
L322[11:36:54] <darkelarious> but diamond chests hold more room for locomotives
L323[11:37:02] <darkelarious> so you always have the correct item somewhere
L324[11:37:10] <darkelarious> and even better with an ME interface
L325[11:37:23] <Forecaster> use something else to supply the dispenser from the chest
L326[11:37:53] <Forecaster> or use multiple chests, one for each cart type
L327[11:38:15] <darkelarious> that's fine, but the problem is still that it doesn't pull from the chests
L328[11:38:23] <darkelarious> unless i do something wrong
L329[11:38:28] <darkelarious> the multiple chests would be ideal btw
L330[11:38:37] <Forecaster> you're not, it doesn't
L331[11:38:56] <Forecaster> but like I said, use something else to supply the dispenser itself
L332[11:39:08] <Forecaster> someting that you can tell to stop if there's x locomotives in it already
L333[11:41:08] <Forecaster> like buildcraft
L334[11:41:26] <darkelarious> funny that at moments like these i realize how little I know of different mods :)
L335[11:41:44] <darkelarious> but thanks, I'll try and figure out :)
L336[11:42:24] <Forecaster> I could probably pop on and help you some day if you like :P
L337[11:43:53] <Forecaster> looking at your modlist now
L338[11:44:29] <Forecaster> has computercraft and not OpenComputers, -90
L339[11:46:11] <darkelarious> (brb dinner)
L340[11:46:28] <darkelarious> but you're welcome to join, sure
L341[11:46:40] <darkelarious> (keep in mind it's a small, laggy, private server :P )
L342[12:05:35] <darkelarious> bk
L343[12:05:51] <Forecaster> visit, not join :P
L344[12:17:06] <darkelarious> visit*
L345[12:17:13] <darkelarious> still welcome (A)
L346[12:17:26] <Elourge> Pst, can I look at trains
L347[12:17:57] <Elourge> Psssst, can I look at trains
L348[12:18:25] <neptunepink> NO.
L349[12:22:32] <darkelarious> http://www.germansteam.co.uk/german-steam/FastestLoco/fastloco-09.jpg yes, here is a train to look at.
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L351[12:35:18] <bballboy2002> kinda looks like it has a face xD
L352[12:36:58] <Forecaster> http://www.wtface.com/
L353[12:37:35] <Elourge> Mercy
L354[12:37:36] <Elourge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/225184360049934336/258663799551295489/Train.png
L355[12:37:46] <Amerem> lel
L356[12:52:20] <ImQ009> Related: http://i.imgur.com/6arEaCj.gif
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L358[14:04:16] <darkelarious> a few screenshots:
L359[14:04:16] <darkelarious> http://darkelarious.blicky.net/share/Screenshot%20from%202016-12-14%2020:52:40.png
L360[14:04:16] <darkelarious> http://darkelarious.blicky.net/share/Screenshot%20from%202016-12-14%2020:54:58.png
L361[14:04:16] <darkelarious> http://darkelarious.blicky.net/share/Screenshot%20from%202016-12-14%2021:03:11.png
L362[14:04:16] <darkelarious> http://darkelarious.blicky.net/share/Screenshot%20from%202016-12-14%2020:57:03.png
L363[14:04:16] <darkelarious> http://darkelarious.blicky.net/share/Screenshot%20from%202016-12-14%2020:57:47.png
L364[14:21:22] <SkySom> I do love the station
L365[14:21:46] <SkySom> Though kids these days and their new fangled Electric engines ?
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L368[14:25:12] <cloakable> I am made sad that energy carts got nerfed a bit though
L369[14:25:18] <cloakable> well a lot
L370[14:25:29] <Elourge> They so heavy now
L371[14:25:29] <liach> A config option should be added at best\
L372[14:25:59] <Elourge> I wanted to make a massive nuclear plant then have all the energy carted over the map
L373[14:26:01] <cloakable> yeah. restore the original weight but disallow electric locomotives pulling from them
L374[14:26:39] <Elourge> Wait, can electric locos take power from the energy carts?
L375[14:27:35] <cloakable> yes, that's why they got made heavier
L376[14:27:58] <liach> That is overall a horrible design
L377[14:28:09] <liach> And bugs with drag had been observed
L378[14:28:27] <Elourge> Config Option, locos can only take power from tracks but energy carts are faster
L379[14:28:46] <cloakable> yeah
L380[14:28:48] <DeadlyWords> o/
L381[14:28:59] <liach> @Chief Engineer What is the plan for updating to Minecraft 1.11?
L382[14:29:16] <liach> I send a pull to forge to fix that sprite issue
L383[14:29:22] <darkelarious> skysom: thanks, i'm pretty proud of my station :)
L384[14:29:39] <cloakable> I want to replace dimensional tranceivers with railcraft, but there's no good way of moving power D:
L385[14:29:49] <liach> I really want to have more emblems
L386[14:29:50] <DeadlyWords> anyone got a clue if Covert wants to use the 3D track model for his rails?
L387[14:30:09] <Elourge> god that would kill frames
L388[14:30:12] <liach> @DeadlyWords He is already using 3D track models for buffer track
L389[14:30:21] <DeadlyWords> oh.
L390[14:30:38] <DeadlyWords> Are the 3D tracks actually that resource inefficient?
L391[14:30:45] <DeadlyWords> I mean he could have a config setting or sth.
L392[14:30:51] <liach> They should be resource sufficient
L393[14:30:56] <darkelarious> gn, all y'all
L394[14:31:07] <DeadlyWords> gn8
L395[14:31:09] <liach> Since Blocks after MC1.8 are all 3D models
L396[14:31:19] <Elourge> oh yea
L397[14:32:53] <DeadlyWords> So we can hope that we will soon have super fancy looking rail systems?
L398[14:33:09] <DeadlyWords> Oh gosh I will make a giant Stargate-Rail network :>
L399[14:33:20] <DeadlyWords> Wonder if trains can go through gates...BRB
L400[14:34:10] <liach> Well, normal tracks will be like vanilla rails
L401[14:34:20] <Elourge> If a full train goes through a nether portal will it stay connected?
L402[14:34:36] <liach> For 1.7 you can use stone posts and wooden posts first
L403[14:34:48] <liach> Not tested, do not know
L404[14:35:06] <liach> There should be some type of portal track
L405[14:35:27] <liach> I think they will no longer be connected.
L406[14:35:42] <Elourge> Or, horizontal portals with launcher tracks
L407[14:37:30] <DeadlyWords> Well the link breaks when they go through an SG Craft gate.
L408[14:37:37] <liach> What is SG
L409[14:37:47] <liach> https://github.com/Benimatic/twilightforest/ aye another dead mod
L410[14:37:59] <Elourge> Is twilight dead?
L411[14:38:08] <Elourge> I thought it was WIP for 1.10
L412[14:38:43] <liach> Benimatic disappeared, and willewillus... half way done to 1.9.4
L413[14:38:47] <DeadlyWords> SG = Stargates.
L414[14:38:50] <DeadlyWords> From the tv series.
L415[14:39:15] <DeadlyWords> I guess I can just make a train go through a portal
L416[14:39:21] <liach> Does the whole train go through at once or one by one?
L417[14:39:22] <DeadlyWords> And then have coupler tracks afterwards.
L418[14:39:39] <DeadlyWords> One by one. But as I stated above I could use couplers afterwards.
L419[14:39:53] <DeadlyWords> I think Greg could do some integration to check for the whole train
L420[14:39:56] <DeadlyWords> and let it go through
L421[14:40:06] <DeadlyWords> but the fuzz of spawning them one by one and coupling them again
L422[14:40:10] <DeadlyWords> would be horrible i think
L423[14:40:21] <DeadlyWords> You also have to account for momentum and stuff.
L424[14:40:34] <Elourge> Probably better to use decoupler and coupler tracks
L425[14:40:41] <DeadlyWords> Indeed Elourge
L426[14:41:38] <DeadlyWords> But at least it works! Im so happy. Wanted to make an adventure/survival/build map with stargates. But I wanted to wait for 1.10.2 to stabilize
L427[14:41:42] <DeadlyWords> or even go to 1.11
L428[14:43:46] <liach> https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/traincarts.8557/
L429[14:43:58] <liach> Can this provide an idea on how to fix linking?
L430[14:44:26] <darkelarious> @DeadlyWords: way to go. +1
L431[14:44:41] <darkelarious> (also, milkyway or pegasus gates?
L432[14:44:43] <darkelarious> )
L433[14:47:52] <DeadlyWords> @darkelarious SG Craft only has Milky Way gates, Lanteacraft hasnt updated to 1.10 yet, as soon as it does i will probably switch.
L434[14:48:04] <DeadlyWords> And SG gates Gates also look so blue-ish.
L435[14:49:18] <Forecaster> Iirc Michiyo makes lanteacraft?
L436[14:50:32] <DeadlyWords> Well AfterLifeLochie was the main modder i think, but yeah.
L437[14:50:56] <DeadlyWords> It even had working ring transports with awesome animations, but well i think he was pretty busy
L438[14:51:00] <Forecaster> it was one of them stargate mods, I forget which one
L439[14:51:09] <Forecaster> she maintains one of em
L440[14:51:16] <DeadlyWords> Lanteacraft.
L441[14:51:38] <DeadlyWords> What server are you guys playing on O.o
L442[14:51:58] <Forecaster> my own letsplay recording server
L443[14:52:23] <DeadlyWords> Oh, Railcraft focused?
L444[14:52:23] <Elourge> Small local server
L445[14:52:36] <Forecaster> railcraft focused
L446[14:52:51] <Forecaster> in that there is very little in the way of teleportation
L447[14:53:12] <liach> @Forecaster Do you know any big server with Railcraft? I just know one called Almura maintained by sponge members http://almuramc.com
L448[14:53:21] <DeadlyWords> Consider using Stargates, totally lore friendly and needs innovative ways of automating item and energy transport ?
L449[14:53:59] <Forecaster> @liach: I do not
L450[14:54:33] <Forecaster> @DeadlyWords: I am not going to use stargates...
L451[14:55:25] <liach> Aye, I want to play on some server having a developed railroad system
L452[14:55:46] <DeadlyWords> I might be a bit of a SG fanatic, sorry m8, got all relevant seasons here on my sideborad ?
L453[14:55:49] <liach> So Forecaster is your server's difficulty hard?
L454[14:56:10] <Forecaster> it's "incredibly hard"
L455[14:56:59] <liach> With gregtech?
L456[14:57:03] <Forecaster> no
L457[14:57:06] <liach> or tfc?
L458[14:57:09] <Forecaster> no
L459[14:57:17] <liach> The only thing super hard is gregtech
L460[14:57:27] <Forecaster> super tedious
L461[14:57:36] <liach> Why tedious
L462[14:57:38] <Forecaster> and I said "incredibly" not "super" :P
L463[14:57:43] <DeadlyWords> Infernal Mobs is actually hard ?
L464[14:57:49] <Forecaster> http://towerofawesome.org/youtube/modlist
L465[14:59:33] <liach> @Forecaster There is weaponmod... looks good to me
L466[15:00:57] <liach> There is no infernal mobs on that list
L467[15:01:47] <Forecaster> if I'd had that from the start I would have died all the time, like, once per minute
L468[15:01:50] <Forecaster> :P
L469[15:03:16] <DeadlyWords> Btw. how does RC ChunkLoad in 10.0.0?
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L471[15:03:45] <Forecaster> it doesn't
L472[15:03:47] <Elourge> It doesnty
L473[15:03:55] <Forecaster> anchors haven't been ported yet
L474[15:03:56] <DeadlyWords> Uh, that could be problematic.
L475[15:04:09] <Elourge> ic2 chunk loaders friend
L476[15:04:53] <DeadlyWords> Steves carts might work as well.
L477[15:08:54] <liach> @Forecaster Is modded lets play on a server world?
L478[15:09:07] <Forecaster> yes
L479[15:09:41] <liach> Who else are playing?
L480[15:09:48] <Forecaster> nobody
L481[15:09:58] <Forecaster> not regularly
L482[15:10:01] <Forecaster> I've had guests
L483[15:10:36] <liach> Why don't you use forge 1614
L484[15:10:54] <Forecaster> cause I'm lazy/don't have enough time
L485[15:12:57] <liach> You should put your modded minecraft in a video list
L486[15:13:10] <Forecaster> what?
L487[15:13:28] <Forecaster> you mean a playlist?
L488[15:13:33] <liach> yes
L489[15:13:38] <liach> youtube playlist
L490[15:13:43] <Forecaster> there is one
L491[15:14:20] <Forecaster> https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrrr37cVgC0FcqtgLTGjP_QMtxjSqB99d
L492[15:17:03] <liach> Do you have a dynmap
L493[15:17:28] <Forecaster> no, I have a generated map of my world, but it's not updated live
L494[15:17:31] <Forecaster> and it's a bit out of date
L495[15:18:01] <Forecaster> http://towerofawesome.org/tower/maps/letsplay/#map_overworld/0/4/-4680/1379/64
L496[15:19:56] <Vexatos> Does it even have the locomotive track yet
L497[15:20:06] <Forecaster> what?
L498[15:20:16] <Vexatos> the map
L499[15:20:40] <Vexatos> the finished track, that is
L500[15:20:45] <Vexatos> nope
L501[15:20:46] <Forecaster> no
L502[15:20:47] <Vexatos> it doesn't
L503[15:20:52] <Forecaster> I'm running an update now
L504[15:20:57] <Forecaster> it's gonna take a few hours though
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L506[15:22:29] <Forecaster> "Last rendering was on 02 Jun 2016"
L507[15:25:10] <Forecaster> yeah, a bit out of date
L508[15:27:28] <Amerem> wait you have your own server and modpack? lol man id join in from time to time me thinks haha
L509[15:28:04] <Forecaster> you can appear as a guest sometime if you like
L510[15:28:27] <Forecaster> I don't have anyone playing regularly besides me right now because the server can really barely handle me playing on it :P
L511[15:28:39] <Amerem> ah
L512[15:29:20] <Forecaster> there's an upgrade in the works though
L513[15:29:35] <Amerem> cool well maybe ill pop on sometime
L514[15:29:35] <Forecaster> current server is a single-core 2.something GHz
L515[15:29:48] <Forecaster> new one will be a 4-core something
L516[15:32:36] <Amerem> These are the mods Forecaster (are) using in his Modded Lets Play! typo alert lol the 2nd are should be an is
L517[15:34:25] <Amerem> eh doesn't matter really we all make mistakes
L518[15:41:17] <Forecaster> There is the mods
L519[15:41:24] <Forecaster> These is the mods
L520[15:41:49] <Amerem> no the 2nd one aka the one in parentheses
L521[15:42:26] <Forecaster> These the mods is using
L522[15:44:04] <Amerem> These are the mods Forecaster are using (what you have now)
L523[15:44:26] <Amerem> These are the mods Forcaster is using
L524[15:44:48] <Forecaster> This mod is the using
L525[15:47:55] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E653170096A5AD34EC69FB1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L526[15:48:29] <Forecaster> There, fixed :P
L527[15:53:46] ⇦ Quits: Nedelosk (~nedelosk@ip-176-198-97-232.hsi05.unitymediagroup.de) (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de)
L528[15:55:06] <DeadlyWords> btw the buffer track doesnt use 3D tracks yet ?
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