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L1[00:08:53] ***
The_Fireplace is now known as The_Fireplace|Away

<Hanakocz> @abculatter it is because
stairs are not solid block and we cannot change them to be so. Nor
we can change vanilla track to behave like that. Not by easy

<Hanakocz> That is tax for "only
adding" modding without possibility to change vanilla
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Ajloveslily is now known as Ajloveslily|Sleep
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L7[00:38:09] <DarkV> How can I help to
figure it out? It's only one world doing it. I made a second
world with biomesop and it worked there just fine
L8[01:07:11] <neptunepunk> Oh, if only there
were some way of changing vanilla code!

<bballboy2002> Doesnt RC change
vanilla cart behavior?
L10[01:26:09] <Forecaster> it can be done,
but like I said, the model wouldn't fit on stairs anyway
L11[01:26:25] <Forecaster> you can't
just put the current track slope and stairs together
L12[01:45:29] <daniel> Couldn't you
use suspended tracks in the blockspace above the stairs
L13[01:45:58] <Forecaster> sure, but they
will not form slopes
L14[01:46:51] <daniel> I thought that I saw
a screenshot where they did
L15[01:47:20] <daniel> But maybe my mind is
not working properly yet
L16[01:47:31] <daniel> #tooearly
L17[01:48:23] <Forecaster> pretty sure
suspended tracks will not form slopes or turns
L18[01:50:11] <daniel> Well, if they
don't it would probably still be easier to add that, than to
integrate them into stairs
L19[01:51:18] <Forecaster> why would you
make suspended tracks do that?
L21[01:56:02] <Forecaster> oh, well
L22[01:56:25] <Forecaster> still wont
actually work with stairs because the models would intersect
L23[01:56:32] <daniel> Looks like fun
L24[01:57:02] <daniel> If you use the
blockspace above, they shouldn't
L25[01:57:13] ⇦
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L26[01:57:51] <daniel> But the tracks would
be floating in mid-air
L27[01:58:51] <daniel> Probably not quite
the look Abculatter_2 wants
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Gulps, huh? Alright... Welp, see ya later)
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L48[07:13:10] <DarkV> How can I help figure
out why i can't place a tunnel bore in one world?
L49[07:14:25] <Forecaster> is there
anything in the log?
L50[07:18:52] <DarkV> It doesn't
crash. It just breaks when I try to place itit down. Any other
world it let's me place it
L51[07:19:32] <Forecaster> I didn't
say crash log
L52[07:19:38] <Forecaster> the server
L53[07:20:40] <DarkV> Oh didn't think
of that, hold on gotta restart my game to have it keep that
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L59[07:34:57] <DarkV> It doesn't say
anything in the log when I try placing it
L60[07:36:19] <Forecaster> do you have a
gamerule or another mod in this world that affect entities?
L61[07:36:39] <Forecaster> are you on
L62[07:37:00] <DarkV> Not that I know of. I
didn't set any.
L64[07:37:52] <Forecaster> if you make a
copy of this world, and load it with just railcraft, does it still
L65[07:38:14] ***
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L66[07:38:17] <DarkV> I'll check
L67[07:39:56] ⇦
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L69[07:44:29] <DarkV> Yea it still does
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MrKick|Away is now known as MrKickkiller
L71[07:52:26] <daniel> Screenshot or video
of the setup?
L72[07:54:57] <DarkV> of all the mods I
L73[07:55:25] <DarkV> I can zip up the
instance if youI wamy and send it
L74[07:55:36] <DarkV> Want*
L75[07:55:51] <daniel> no, I mean the place
in the world where the problem occures
L76[07:57:06] <DarkV> Oh, it's in the
alps biometrics of biomes op. Around y level 10
L77[07:57:21] <DarkV> Stupid
L78[07:59:44] <daniel> maybe there is
something around that you are not seeing. tunnel bores need quite a
bit of space
L79[08:00:12] <DarkV> I cleared a very
large space for. It
L80[08:00:28] ***
cbcercas is now known as cbcercas|AFK
L81[08:00:59] <DarkV> It doesnt even let me
place it in another area further away from the biome
L82[08:02:14] <daniel> does it let you
place it anywhere in the world?
L83[08:02:30] <daniel> because I don't
think it's related to the biome
L84[08:02:47] <daniel> couldn't think
of any reason why it would
L85[08:02:59] <DarkV> Nope tried itto with
several areas but only this world it. Does this
L86[08:03:49] <Forecaster> is the world
L87[08:04:19] <DarkV> Nope I tried this in
several areas it still wouldn't let me place it, only this
world it does it. I guess not but I wanted to try to keep this
L88[08:05:16] <Forecaster> re-generate it
with the seed and see if it still happens
L90[08:06:21] <DarkV> As in make another
world with same seed right?
L91[08:07:08] <Forecaster> yes
L92[08:10:21] <DarkV> Yea it let's me
place it
L93[08:11:12] <DarkV> Is There any sort of
game rule I can try to see if it fixes it?
L94[08:11:19] <Forecaster> I doubt it
L95[08:11:30] <Forecaster> the mobspawning
one I guess
L96[08:11:36] <Forecaster> but the bore
isn't a mob
L97[08:12:17] <DarkV> Ok, it might be worth
a try, what's the command?
L98[08:12:29] <Forecaster> gamerule
L99[08:13:00] <Forecaster> then write a
space and hit tab and it'll show you the sub-commands
L100[08:13:11] <DarkV> The whole line?...
I never messed with the gamerules
L101[08:13:25] <Forecaster> what?
L102[08:14:11] <DarkV> I never touched the
game rule command before so I don't know any of its args
L103[08:14:22] <Forecaster> use tab
L104[08:17:27] <daniel> /gamerule
doMobSpawning true
L105[08:17:49] <daniel> but yes, the tab
key is your friend
L106[08:17:56] <DarkV> Ty
L107[08:18:33] <DarkV> Just waiting on
world to load
L108[08:22:43] ⇦
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(~nallar@cpc16-cani3-2-0-cust33.14-2.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: ZNC
- http://znc.in)
L109[08:25:50] <DarkV> Yea that
didn't work either
L110[08:27:56] <DarkV> If I upload my
instance to mediafire can someone try to see if they can get it to
work? It's from the curse client.
L111[08:30:44] <Forecaster> sorry,
can't run minecraft here
L112[08:30:56] <Forecaster> also might not
be worth the effort
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L114[08:32:40] <DarkV> So then this sort
of issue is one of those rare ones that can't be fixed
L115[08:33:24] <DarkV> I guess I'll
just try mcedit and move my progress to a new world
L116[08:34:03] <daniel> how big is the
L117[08:34:29] <Forecaster> it's
sounds like an edge case yeah
L118[08:34:41] <Forecaster> and I've
never heard of something like this happening before
L119[08:35:27] <DarkV> Ive loaded a
decentlot amount of the world but not too much.
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L121[08:54:53] ⇦
Quits: DarkV (webchat@66-87-114-252.pools.spcsdns.net) (Quit:
thanks for the help)
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206 seconds)
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timeout: 202 seconds)
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timeout: 186 seconds)

<Snapples> Awesome!

<Snapples> And people say Optifine
isn't cooperative...
L142[12:05:59] <MalkContent> neat
L143[12:06:08] <Forecaster> people say
lots of things
L144[12:06:52] <Player> afaik optifine has
always been working towards fixing compatibility issues
L145[12:07:08] <Player> it just lags
behind at times, partially because of it updating faster than

<Snapples> Jup.
L147[12:08:06] <MalkContent> would it be
possible to make carts pullable with a lead?
L148[12:08:33] <Forecaster> there's
an issue about that I believe
L149[12:08:39] <MalkContent> neat
L150[12:09:22] <Player> leads are glitchy,
not sure that'd be fun to implement and debug :D
L151[12:09:35] <Forecaster> but
there's an issue about it
L152[12:10:34] <MalkContent> ^
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Corjaantje is now known as Corjaantje|Offline
⇨ Joins: Nedelosk

<Snapples> I saw these pictures with
the modified minecarts.

<Snapples> Would that be possible to
do with a ressource pack?
L158[12:35:58] <Forecaster>

<Snapples> They looked like little
cargo containers.
L160[12:55:40] *
Michiyo pokes MrConductor1... you're breaking my script there
L161[12:55:56] <Michiyo> I need to add a
command so bot admins can change the nick...
L162[12:56:41] <Forecaster> you mean the
ones from railcraft cosmetics?
L163[12:57:30] <Forecaster> oh, I
didn't even notice that mrconductors name had changed
L164[12:59:31] ⇦
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L166[13:00:26] <Forecaster> there we
L167[13:01:34] <Michiyo> \o/ heh
L168[13:02:44] <Michiyo> Oh man, cosmetics
I got so excited... then I saw 1.7.. lol
L169[13:02:58] <Michiyo> I can still use
it on my main server, but the one I really wanted it on is
L170[13:03:04] <Forecaster> :P
L171[13:17:45] ⇦
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Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de)
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<Snapples> Yea, Railcraft

<Hanakocz> Update for 1.10 is
L175[13:47:16] ***
Keridos|away is now known as Keridos

<Hanakocz> I just got my computer back
this week after month , so you have to wait a lil more ?
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<Snapples> Oh, it is your mod?

<Snapples> Awesome to hear!
L182[14:08:32] ⇦
Quits: MalkContent (~MalkConte@p4FDCF08F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
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<Hanakocz> Cream_tea is main owner, I
just wrote a lil into it ?
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the connection)
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(Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye β)
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