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L9[03:57:25] <Snapples> @transcon Yea, that sounds pretty neat!
L10[03:58:34] <Snapples> I might do something like that for 1.10.
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L17[04:36:54] <MalkContent> is it intentional that the recipe for the ornate stones are 8 to 1?
L18[04:38:34] <Forecaster> uh
L19[04:38:37] <Forecaster> screenshot?
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L34[10:58:05] <MalkContent> o sorry, didn't read D:
L35[10:58:06] <MalkContent> sec
L36[11:01:51] <MalkContent> Forecaster: http://www.sinister-lore.de/picdump/ornate8to1.png
L37[11:02:06] <Forecaster> ah, no that looks wrong
L38[11:02:16] <MalkContent> is the same thing for the other ornates
L39[11:02:24] <MalkContent> hooray, found a bug ^^
L40[11:02:30] <Forecaster> ticket please
L41[11:06:09] <MalkContent> done
L42[11:06:35] <MalkContent> one other thing: the steel armor chestplate has it's armor points switched with the steel leggins
L43[11:07:02] <MalkContent> the thing is that also is the case for harvestcraft's armor
L44[11:07:08] <MalkContent> and IE's armor
L45[11:07:35] <MalkContent> so i'm guessing the system changed or forge derped or something
L46[11:07:50] <MalkContent> should i write a ticket for that, too?
L47[11:08:42] <SkySom> Yeah iirc everything shifted one
L48[11:09:44] <Forecaster> ticket that too
L49[11:10:51] <MalkContent> SkySom: elaborate please (if you can be bothered ^^)
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L51[11:40:27] <Elourge> I thought the armor shift was intentional, makes have a mixed armor set most effective
L52[11:46:25] <MalkContent> that doesn't sound right
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L59[12:21:55] <Snapples> It is, tho.
L60[12:22:07] <Snapples> For exactly the point @Elourge has.
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L62[12:31:18] <MalkContent> i read that as "it was intentional so mixed armore is more effective"
L63[12:31:38] <MalkContent> as in, they shifted it for that reason
L64[12:32:30] <SkySom> Naw just some number got shifted in code or something
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L92[15:45:39] <Abculatter_2> Holy shit I just realized, I got issue #999 on the RC github
L93[15:45:46] <Abculatter_2> :o
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L96[15:53:02] <MalkContent> you got the #999 issue but a bitch aint one :x
L97[16:03:01] <Abculatter_2> lol
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L99[16:44:49] <Fleynic> Hello there! I've seen that many blocks (or maybe machines?) are invisible/transparent on Railcraft; they even have recipes, although they're transparent/invisible too! I was wondering if they can be used.
L100[16:45:07] <Forecaster> sounds like optifine
L101[16:45:16] <Forecaster> there's an issue about that on the tracker
L102[16:45:59] <Fleynic> Just in case, this only happens in 1.10.2
L103[16:46:16] <Fleynic> in 1.7.10 this doesn't exists
L104[16:46:36] <Forecaster> it's because optifine in 1.10 breaks railcrafts texture loader
L105[16:46:40] <Forecaster> which is used for some blocks
L106[16:47:15] <Fleynic> I hope this get fixed soon ^w^
L107[16:49:18] <Fleynic> another thing I saw... trying to place a transport minecart (the one whose item looks like having a side hollowed or similar) it did something akward, displaying a ghostly chest blocks away or so? I can't remember exactly, but it was very laggy and very broken
L108[16:49:38] <Fleynic> another thing I saw... trying to place a transport minecart (the one whose item looks like having a side hollowed or similar) did something akward, displaying a ghostly chest blocks away or so? I can't remember exactly, but it was very laggy and very broken
L109[16:51:09] <Fleynic> Not sure if this is fixed, but it happened on the release before Halloween. Still notifying as the bug could be still there.
L110[16:53:12] <Elourge> Like this?
L111[16:53:12] <Elourge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/225184360049934336/245682166422437888/2016-10-28_15.40.44.png
L112[16:54:22] <Fleynic> I was into a cave atm, and No, I don't recall it having detail, but rather glitched graphics
L113[16:54:30] <Fleynic> although it had hte same transparency
L114[16:54:40] <Fleynic> although it had the same transparency
L115[16:54:52] <Fleynic> before you ask, yes I had optifine installed.
L116[16:55:04] <Michiyo> That looks like the Halloween effect was having.. issues
L117[16:55:23] <Michiyo> You can disable the seasonal module, but it'll have to be disabled on the server as well if you're playing on one
L118[16:57:40] <Michiyo> (As the seasonal module also adds pumpkin carts and.. something else iirc)
L119[16:57:55] <Fleynic> no need to!
L120[16:58:19] <Fleynic> it's minor, and I assume everything else works anyways.
L121[16:59:00] <Fleynic> that being said, I might ask... How RailCraft and MineFactory Reloaded go along?
L122[16:59:57] <Fleynic> both add rails and if I recall, it MFR still uses normal rail recipe or so
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L124[17:05:18] <Forecaster> I don't use it
L125[17:05:28] <Hanakocz> Nobody does xD
L126[17:06:35] <Hanakocz> Fleynic, if you don't like recipes, just use minetweaker
L127[17:09:38] <Fleynic> lol. I am not saying I dislike the recipes XD
L128[17:09:47] <Fleynic> just if it has some kind of interaction with it
L129[17:13:20] <Fleynic> Also, by curiousity. is there a minecart with the original feature of minecarts? that is, ore-transportation minecarts
L130[17:13:26] <Fleynic> Also, by curiousity. is there a minecart with the original feature of minecarts? that is, ore-transportation minecarts that fills with ore
L131[17:13:43] <Forecaster> What
L132[17:14:04] <Forecaster> You mean like the cargo cart
L133[17:14:36] <Forecaster> And we don't do anything with MFR
L134[17:14:46] <Forecaster> If they do anything I have no idea
L135[17:16:49] <Fleynic> uhm... to be precise, like the secret friday update ones
L136[17:17:17] <Fleynic> (infdev) "Minecarts had a different inventory icon. Their only purpose was to store things in. The more things you would put in, the higher the "Dirt Level" would rise."
L137[17:17:47] <Forecaster> Cargo carts
L138[17:18:47] <Fleynic> oh! I see. thanks!
L139[17:19:14] <Forecaster> :|
L140[17:20:11] <Fleynic> Sorry, I know it sounded like a silly question.
L141[17:30:12] <Fleynic> Sorry, I know it sounded like a silly question. my curiousity pokes in weird ways sometimes
L142[17:55:21] <Hanakocz> I wanted to make one cart to get filled by ore in rcc addon
L143[17:55:40] <Hanakocz> But still not have pc back functional
L144[18:01:43] <Fleynic> oh, almost forgot
L145[18:01:57] <Fleynic> is there any way of removing TNT from wooden minecarts?
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L148[18:22:51] <Hanakocz> Ignition track removes it.
L149[18:23:23] <Hanakocz> ...well, ya, even with the cart and surroundings, but hey xD
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L151[18:33:22] <Fleynic> ...xDD
L152[18:33:53] <Fleynic> I see. x'3 must ask, by the way.
L153[18:34:18] <Fleynic> what is the difference between wood and iron minecarts?
L154[18:34:39] <Fleynic> what is the difference between wood and iron minecarts? (the only time I had one was finding that TNT wooden minecart)
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L156[18:41:23] <Mimiru> Ok... note to self, the IRC<->Discord bridge resending entire messages on edit gets annoying
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