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L19[04:18:25] <MalkContent> rc purposefully not using universal bucket or should i make an issue for that?
L20[04:18:57] <bballboy2002> probably should make an issue
L21[04:21:23] <MalkContent> kay
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L26[06:13:48] <Speertkow> Hello all! I've just downloaded a latest release of Railcraft 10.0.0 for Minecraft 1.10.2. And I'm observing a lack of many of Railcraft's features, such as: junction tracks, multiblock structures(e.g. coke oven, rock crusher); unability to charge electic locomotive, etc. Is this caused by absence of the Buildcraft for 1.10.2 release? I have these mods alongside with Railcraft: latest nightly IC2ex; Applied Energistics; NEI. Forge ver
L27[06:16:20] <Player> it's not a complete port, just a subset of features atm
L28[06:20:15] <Speertkow> thanks)
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L36[08:35:33] <Lily_White> yeah, Railcraft is currently missing many of the important features
L37[08:36:16] <MalkContent> well you can build rails :)
L38[08:36:30] <MalkContent> and carts and trains
L39[08:36:42] <Lily_White> yeah, but it's missing things like the coke oven and the blast furnace
L40[08:36:47] <Lily_White> among other things
L41[08:36:57] <MalkContent> yea :/
L42[08:37:12] <MalkContent> i got i.e. so i'm luckily covered for those
L43[08:37:21] <MalkContent> IE
L44[08:37:24] <MalkContent> *
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L46[08:38:13] <MalkContent> i like that you can get your creosote from charcoal for now and can stockpile the real thing for later when the coke oven is in
L47[08:41:11] <Lily_White> heh
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L79[14:02:34] <Lylac> hey, i have a problem in railcraft with command block minecarts that keep exploding when more than 11 are stacked on an activator rail in a 1x1x1 space
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L81[14:06:19] <Forecaster> the solution is to not let that many be in a 1x1x1 space
L82[14:06:34] <Lylac> is this intended though?
L83[14:06:41] <Forecaster> yes
L84[14:08:22] <Lylac> :I i really have no choice do i
L85[14:09:12] <Lylac> i mean, i've been trying to create a 1 command block contraption, but this has prevented that from happening
L86[14:10:53] <DaMachinator> most 1 command block contraptions i've seen use a command block to place more command blocks
L87[14:12:17] <Forecaster> yeah, sorry, beceause it's a lag-prevention feature it can't be disabled
L88[14:14:15] <Lylac> its ok. thank you for letting me understand ?
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L119[21:12:17] <arama> yo im looking to increase the speed of HS rail, anyone know where I can find a config setting for that?
L120[21:15:29] <arama> to me it looks like its hardcoded https://github.com/CovertJaguar/Railcraft/blob/fb37747027c4faf2fb2c80a9ad467369a09f4d00/src/main/java/mods/railcraft/common/blocks/tracks/behaivor/HighSpeedTools.java
L121[21:16:14] <arama> its a shame it doesnt allow changing in config
L122[21:16:46] <arama> it would make it easier to balance against other means of transport like jetpacks (on the highest tier they go 3x the speed of HS rail)
L123[21:23:30] <Kodos> Yeah, but you don't have to occupy a train for it to transport stuff
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L125[21:25:34] <arama> right but we have tesseract
L126[21:25:35] <arama> right but we have tesseracts
L127[21:25:53] <arama> so the only use for us of rails is transport + looks awesome
L128[21:26:09] <arama> but looking awesome is less compelling if you're 3 times slower than when not in the train
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L130[21:27:23] <Ajloveslily> so is MrConductor a relay for some official railcraft server
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L132[21:29:38] <Kodos> It's the discord bridge
L133[21:29:56] <Ajloveslily> cool :)
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