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L1[00:07:35] <daniel> @bballboy2002: if that was true, you shouldn't let anyone on your server. After all, new accounts are cheap to get.
L2[00:08:36] <daniel> So please think before you try to spread panic ;)
L3[00:09:00] <bballboy2002> i was just told to share this
L4[00:09:09] <bballboy2002> i have no other info
L5[00:10:10] <daniel> Still: think before you do something.
L6[00:11:12] <daniel> And in general: you should not blindly trust strangers (including me).
L7[00:11:29] <daniel> Some of them are not very nice
L8[00:14:48] <daniel> And if I told you to shut down your computer because there is a virus named MC.exe out there, you probably wouldn't do that, right? ;)
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L17[01:24:43] <Forecaster> Abculatter_2: eat less alphabet soup
L18[01:26:53] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@c-73-189-164-179.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L19[01:27:46] <Abculatter_2> ... Ya know, I don't think I've ever had alphabet soup in my life
L20[01:28:31] <Abculatter_2> I would say I should rectify this, but then I remember that alphabet soup is canned soup,,,\
L21[01:29:57] <Forecaster> yeah...
L22[01:46:22] ⇦ Quits: Abculatter_2 (~abculatte@2602:306:8b77:a40:15ee:b5c1:9746:77fc) (Quit: Leaving)
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L24[02:19:16] ⇦ Quits: SatanicSanta (~SatanicSa@c-76-115-175-15.hsd1.or.comcast.net) (Quit: sleep)
L25[03:42:56] <Snapples> Is that a problem?
L26[03:46:24] *** Corjaantje is now known as Corjaantje|AFK
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L28[04:02:55] <Forecaster> the problem is that alphabet soup isn't actually tasty :P
L29[04:08:38] <CovertJaguar> very thin tomato broth and small sparse noodles
L30[04:13:17] <Elourge> Is there a config that allows one to change the number of ore gravel output from a crusher?
L31[04:13:41] <CovertJaguar> ore gravel?
L32[04:14:07] <Elourge> the ic2 output
L33[04:14:11] <Elourge> brainfart
L34[04:16:01] <CovertJaguar> I believe the answer is no
L35[04:16:13] <CovertJaguar> at least I don't see anything like that
L36[04:16:30] <CovertJaguar> is it different from IC2 values?
L37[04:16:57] <CovertJaguar> ModTweaker could probably do it
L38[04:17:14] <Elourge> Macerator outputs 2 crusher outputs 2
L39[04:17:27] <Elourge> ill investigate modtweaker
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L41[04:29:10] <Forecaster> They're not supposed to output the same amount?
L42[04:39:43] *** Corjaantje is now known as Corjaantje|Offline
L43[04:40:57] <Snapples> You are aware that you can buy alphabet noodles and mix it with whatever soup you want?
L44[04:41:10] <Snapples> And also make it as thick as you want?
L45[04:42:34] <Forecaster> I didn't
L46[04:42:59] <CovertJaguar> Pretty sure that would no longer the authentic Alphabet Soup experiance then
L47[04:54:03] <Snapples> But what else would it be?
L48[04:54:05] <Snapples> It's soup
L49[04:54:11] <Snapples> with alphabet noodles
L50[04:54:15] <Snapples> -> alphabet soup
L51[04:54:34] <Snapples> Made with your taste in mind.
L52[04:54:58] <Snapples> Consider it Premium alphabet soup.
L53[04:55:08] <Forecaster> but that's cheating
L54[04:55:11] <Forecaster> D:
L55[05:04:00] <CovertJaguar> https://www.cscassets.com/FoodService/US/large/10051000011562_A1C1.jpg
L56[05:04:52] <Elourge> I think I found a bug or im not doing something right
L57[05:05:00] <Elourge> not entirely sure
L58[05:05:49] <Elourge> I have an item loader over a holding track
L59[05:06:14] <Elourge> I set the item loader to immediate and then put items into a chest next to it
L60[05:06:47] <Elourge> and the immediate goes back to the complete setting
L61[05:07:12] <CovertJaguar> hmm...
L62[05:22:30] ⇦ Quits: SatanicSanta (~SatanicSa@c-76-115-175-15.hsd1.or.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
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L72[06:49:00] <Munchy907> may i ask who the dev of railcraft is?
L73[06:50:14] <CovertJaguar> you can ask anything except if he is "sitting at his keyboard", that one isn't allowed ;)
L74[06:50:30] <Munchy907> ?
L75[06:50:32] <Forecaster> it's all of us, the power is in our hearts
L76[06:50:58] <Munchy907> i need to speak to the founder
L77[06:51:11] <Forecaster> or, it's possibly the person at the top of the userlist with the title of "Chief"
L78[06:51:16] <CovertJaguar> o/
L79[06:51:25] <Forecaster> more at 11
L80[06:51:33] <Munchy907> so covertjaguar?
L81[06:51:41] <Forecaster> maybe
L82[06:52:01] <Munchy907> ty
L83[06:55:24] <daniel> XD
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L86[07:49:51] <DaMachinator> CovertJaguar: why does the residual heat block break some mods' multiblock structures?
L87[07:50:18] <CovertJaguar> because the aren't checking air blocks properly
L88[07:51:12] <CovertJaguar> you are supposed to use Block.isAir(world, pos), but a lot of mods just use world.getBlock(pos) == Blocks.AIR
L89[07:54:42] <DaMachinator> i assume that things like the arcane lamp would also break this?
L90[07:59:52] <Forecaster> most likely yes
L91[08:00:40] <CovertJaguar> absolutely
L92[08:13:06] <DaMachinator> hmm
L93[08:13:23] <Forecaster> indubidably
L94[08:13:47] <DaMachinator> is it non-trivial to substitute the one for the other, and are there any instances in which using Block.isAir(world, pos) would break functionality
L95[08:13:59] <Forecaster> no
L96[08:14:09] <Forecaster> or rather
L97[08:14:19] <Forecaster> yes its trivial, and no it wont break anything
L98[08:14:41] <DaMachinator> so what reason would someone have not to do it
L99[08:15:17] <DaMachinator> is block.isAir in some way more computationally expensive?
L100[08:15:19] <CovertJaguar> ignorance or stuborness typically
L101[08:15:35] <CovertJaguar> not especially
L102[08:15:50] <Forecaster> it just checks a flag in the block, instead of the blocktype
L103[08:19:02] <DaMachinator> and the return value is the same (true/false)?
L104[08:19:31] <DaMachinator> 2) because this isn't going to help me convince the person i have in mind change their stuff
L105[08:19:39] <Forecaster> yes
L106[08:19:43] <DaMachinator> what breaks when I disable the residual heat block
L107[08:19:50] <Forecaster> nothing breaks
L108[08:20:07] <Forecaster> you just wont be able to use the tracking aura in the trackmans goggles
L109[08:20:11] <DaMachinator> What functionality depends on the residual heat block? - reworded
L110[08:20:29] <Forecaster> see above
L111[08:21:11] <Forecaster> all they do is let you see where players have been, nothing else
L112[08:21:27] <Forecaster> oh, and break lazy modauthors mods :P
L113[08:22:28] <CovertJaguar> well...there are some legit perfomance concerns too
L114[08:22:49] <DaMachinator> by now you probably all know who and what i'm talking about
L115[08:23:16] <Forecaster> is it someone who's name begins with R and ends with eika
L116[08:23:34] <CovertJaguar> well that or Mechanism
L117[08:23:51] <DaMachinator> yes, although I was unaware that Mekanism also broke due to this
L118[08:24:09] <CovertJaguar> no, mechanism is just broke in general
L119[08:24:21] <DaMachinator> O_-
L120[08:24:26] <Forecaster> xD
L121[08:24:36] <Forecaster> #shotsfired
L122[08:24:58] <CovertJaguar> hey, I'm just repeating the general consensus I read on reddit!
L123[08:25:18] <Forecaster> I don't care, I don't use mechanism
L124[08:25:19] <Forecaster> :P
L125[08:25:24] <DaMachinator> From the point of view of a player who has used mekanism somewhat extensively, the only thing broken about Mekanism is its balance when isntalled with other mods.
L126[08:25:30] <DaMachinator> spelling
L127[08:25:59] <DaMachinator> Oh, and there's very little documentation. But other than that it seems to work well.
L128[08:26:53] <DaMachinator> I've heard tales of players killing a server with the logistical transporters by making setups that would never work properly with pipes that take time to transit items in the first place.
L129[08:28:03] <CovertJaguar> well the big thing atm is that mechanism uses 50% of the texture altas ;)
L130[08:28:26] <CovertJaguar> that's half...of all the texture space in the game
L131[08:28:50] <DaMachinator> it uses 32-bit textures
L132[08:29:00] <CovertJaguar> and that's on a big pack like hermitpack
L133[08:29:02] <DaMachinator> so every texture is 4x as big as other textures
L134[08:29:15] <Forecaster> 2x...
L135[08:29:15] <DaMachinator> and it has a lot of content
L136[08:29:19] <DaMachinator> 4x.
L137[08:29:31] <CovertJaguar> that's not the kicker, its that it 80% of its textures are whitespace
L138[08:29:41] <DaMachinator> You can fit 4 16x16 squares into a single 32x32 square.
L139[08:29:45] <Forecaster> oh yeah, it's 4x
L140[08:29:56] <Forecaster> forgot textures are 2D somehow
L141[08:30:11] <DaMachinator> CovertJaguar: i wonder if this problem is alleviated by using a resourcepack
L142[08:30:30] <DaMachinator> also I thought CyanideX got his hands on Mekanism recently
L143[08:30:34] <CovertJaguar> I believe the correct term would be lines, not textures ;)
L144[08:30:57] <DaMachinator> meaning that everything would get retextured
L145[08:31:00] <CovertJaguar> the texture pack probabalby just makes it work
L146[08:31:04] <CovertJaguar> *worse
L147[08:31:11] <DaMachinator> i'm a sucker for Unity32x
L148[08:31:32] <Forecaster> I have no idea how resource packs work with the generated texture sheet
L149[08:32:00] <Forecaster> does it regenerate it each time you switch resource packs around? oO
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L151[08:32:12] <CovertJaguar> https://github.com/aidancbrady/Mekanism/issues/3920
L152[08:32:52] <CovertJaguar> yeah, it recreates it
L153[08:33:01] <CovertJaguar> same with mipmapping setting
L154[08:34:36] <Forecaster> pssh, no railcraft
L155[08:34:41] <Forecaster> :|
L156[08:34:52] <CovertJaguar> actaully its there
L157[08:34:52] <Forecaster> that's a terrible modpack
L158[08:34:59] <CovertJaguar> on the far right side
L159[08:35:00] <Forecaster> oh, I didn't see any of the blocks
L160[08:35:10] <CovertJaguar> against the edge, you can see some tracks
L161[08:35:17] <CovertJaguar> well track kit overlay textures
L162[08:36:22] <Forecaster> oh, I wouldn't regonize those
L163[08:36:24] <DaMachinator> IIRC mipmapping in 1.7 doesn't actually work
L164[08:36:44] <DaMachinator> there was something on the FTB reddit a week or two ago about it
L165[08:36:50] <CovertJaguar> mezz made a huge reddit post about a few days ago
L166[08:37:11] <DaMachinator> it was longer ago than that
L167[08:37:58] <CovertJaguar> oh...wait must have been some other pack
L168[08:38:31] <Hanakocz> Mekanism is from my view just another copypasta amateur mod :) same as while TE mod group xD
L169[08:38:42] <Hanakocz> Mekanism is from my view just another copypasta amateur mod :) same as whole TE mod group xD
L170[08:39:26] <DaMachinator> doublepost?
L171[08:40:03] <CovertJaguar> edit
L172[08:40:09] <CovertJaguar> discord does that
L173[08:40:23] <Hanakocz> Oh sorry
L174[08:40:24] <Forecaster> technically it's the bot
L175[08:40:28] <Forecaster> :P
L176[08:40:43] <Forecaster> that re-sends when you edit
L177[08:40:55] <DaMachinator> I personally find Mekanism to add quite a bit of original content.
L178[08:41:03] <Hanakocz> Would not expect the bot to send another message on edit
L179[08:42:13] <Forecaster> well you can't edit irc messages :P
L180[08:43:36] <DaMachinator> Strangely despite being fully compatible with RF Mekanism is in no 1.7.10 mainline FTB pack that I know of
L181[08:43:40] <Hanakocz> Ya I know , for example bot that sends messages to mc server , just ignores the edits, but well, it can be different
L182[08:54:10] <Xenoniuss> http://screenshot.sh/odDYi1l6aOIhZ
L183[08:54:22] <Xenoniuss> Running shaders + 512x512 texture pack xD
L184[08:54:29] <Xenoniuss> http://screenshot.sh/odwJ5Y1U9a7uz
L185[08:54:33] <Xenoniuss> Looks amazing tho
L186[08:55:02] *** Yuujin_Hiiragi is now known as L
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L188[08:56:35] <Forecaster> I don't think so
L189[08:56:50] <Forecaster> I prefer 32x
L190[08:57:01] <Forecaster> gets you enough detail but still keeps the minecraft look
L191[08:57:18] <DaMachinator> at least it's moderately faithful to the vanilla textures
L192[08:57:26] <DaMachinator> it's a long shot better than Sphax
L193[08:59:30] <Xenoniuss> Using R3D
L194[08:59:39] <Xenoniuss> Looks like MC, but high end
L195[08:59:53] <4000DC> @Xenoniuss Is there any mods excluding shaders?
L196[09:00:16] <Xenoniuss> Yeah, my own mod (ZnD) + some building mods, so that also adds to the ram usage
L197[09:00:33] <Xenoniuss> But I ran it fine on 2 gigs but the texture pack wouldn't load with any less than 8 :P
L198[09:03:53] ⇦ Quits: Cricket (uid66833@richmond.irccloud.com) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L199[09:04:49] <4000DC> Sadly never heard about it.
L200[09:05:41] <4000DC> You probably should make some screenshots for your mod.
L201[09:06:00] <4000DC> To post it both on curse and MCF.
L202[09:08:31] <Xenoniuss> Funny thing is... I only make the models ^^
L203[09:08:42] <Xenoniuss> + we already have an MC forum post + curse
L204[09:10:03] <4000DC> I meant post screenshots.
L205[09:11:53] <Xenoniuss> We got a boatload of screenshots...
L206[09:12:01] <Xenoniuss> https://twitter.com/ThomasWaagenaar https://twitter.com/ZnDevelopment
L207[09:12:20] <Xenoniuss> Tell me once you've seen them, then I will remove them due to advertising
L208[09:12:46] <Forecaster> they'll still be on irc :P
L209[09:13:05] <4000DC> Maybe my english suck so much...
L210[09:13:16] <Snapples> I don't like HD in Minecraft.
L211[09:14:27] <4000DC> This.
L212[09:14:27] <4000DC> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/225184360049934336/241203058057543682/8356134.png
L213[09:14:44] <4000DC> Screenshot.
L214[09:15:04] <4000DC> In the post.
L215[09:15:14] <4000DC> To see what does this mod adds.
L216[09:15:42] <4000DC> Because it's really easier to understand visually at least for me but i sure for some more people.
L217[09:17:11] <Snapples> Sane here.
L218[09:17:49] ⇦ Quits: Alex_hawks (~Alex_hawk@2001:8003:84cf:5b00:556f:1d28:5aef:ce10) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L219[09:17:58] <4000DC> And is this some kind of rule to delete your messages if they content link to your mod?
L220[09:17:58] <Snapples> Oh, @Xenoniuss is German?
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L222[09:18:23] <4000DC> That's just weird. i sure everybody is fine with it.
L223[09:18:35] <Xenoniuss> Actually I'm Dutch
L224[09:18:38] <Xenoniuss> But I speak some German
L225[09:19:39] <Snapples> Because the webpage mentioned Aachen
L226[09:19:57] <Snapples> The train mod is really neat!
L227[09:20:05] <Snapples> But what's with the name?
L228[09:26:08] <Snapples> Not having "train" in the name is a mistake imo.
L229[09:27:55] <4000DC> It's japanese.
L230[09:28:39] <4000DC> No idea what does it mean.
L231[09:29:21] <4000DC> Densha = train.
L232[09:31:10] <4000DC> no = of
L233[09:31:20] <Xenoniuss> Yeah, the main guy is a weeaboo, and the rest of the team liked how it sounded, so we took it
L234[09:31:28] <Xenoniuss> Zora = those guys from legend of zelda
L235[09:31:37] <4000DC> Lol.
L236[09:31:50] <4000DC> I though it something like sky.
L237[09:32:09] <4000DC> Wait, though?
L238[09:32:18] <Xenoniuss> But yeah, the main devs twitter is @Znddev... and mine is @ThomasW...
L239[09:32:44] <4000DC> thought*
L240[09:32:50] <Xenoniuss> http://screenshot.sh/m1SzD6H6HH1MD
L241[09:32:53] <4000DC> What the fuck is wrong with english.
L242[09:33:04] <Xenoniuss> My location says the Netherlands ^^
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L244[09:35:02] <Snapples> I see.
L245[09:36:24] <4000DC> Look at this.
L246[09:36:24] <4000DC> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/225184360049934336/241208582157107209/836523.png
L247[09:36:31] <4000DC> What the heck.
L248[09:36:47] <4000DC> That should be offtopic, sorry.
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L317[21:41:43] <Elourge> Looks like my carts now fly
L318[21:41:44] <Elourge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/225184360049934336/241391118019854346/2016-10-28_15.40.44.png
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L332[23:58:06] <bballboy2002> whoa
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