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L1[00:08:25] ⇦
Quits: Alex_hawks
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Connection reset by peer)
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Joins: Alex_hawks
L3[00:45:09] <Kane_Hart> So the other day I
asked if recipes were being removed CovertJaguar was because I
guess there is a bug hidding them
L5[00:45:33] <Kane_Hart> so this why I
thought recipes went missing from one build to another
L6[00:45:34] <Kane_Hart> lol
L7[00:46:30] <CovertJaguar> strange
L8[00:46:54] <Kane_Hart> it might be a JEI
issue too things break all the time lol
L9[00:48:38] ⇦
Quits: cloakable
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Quits: Sketchy (~Sketchy@ (Quit: This is not a Quit
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Corjaantje|Offline is now known as Corjaantje
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Quits: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@c-73-189-164-179.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
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Connection reset by peer)
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(~nallar@cpc16-cani3-2-0-cust33.14-2.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: ZNC
- http://znc.in)
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Joins: MalkContent
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Joins: Nirek (~Nirek@ip70-180-92-41.no.no.cox.net)
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Corjaantje is now known as Corjaantje|Offline
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Joins: Nedelosk
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Joins: Vexatos
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Quits: Alex_hawks
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Connection reset by peer)
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Joins: Alex_hawks
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Connection reset by peer)
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DivineAbsense is now known as DivineAspect
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Corjaantje|Offline is now known as Corjaantje
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Joins: sww1235 (~sww1235@lotus.cs.colostate.edu)
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Joins: Sketchy (~Sketchy@
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Corjaantje is now known as Corjaantje|Offline
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timeout: 206 seconds)
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Quits: Bunsan (~bunsan@S010674440131016b.cg.shawcable.net) (Ping
timeout: 198 seconds)
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Joins: SatanicSanta
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Quits: ImQ009 (~ImQ009@89-67-36-214.dynamic.chello.pl) (Read error:
Connection reset by peer)
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Joins: Abculatter_2
L45[16:16:29] ***
Mine|away is now known as minecreatr
L46[16:22:34] <Abculatter_2> I don't
know why I keep vomitting words all the time
L47[16:22:38] <Abculatter_2> It's
becoming a problem
L48[16:32:53] <Lumindia>
L49[16:32:59] <Lumindia> I think you should
see a doctor about that
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Joins: MalkContent
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Quits: Vexatos
(Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye β)
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(~SatanicSa@c-76-115-175-15.hsd1.or.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 206
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Quits: Nedelosk
(~nedelosk@ip-176-198-97-232.hsi05.unitymediagroup.de) (Quit:
Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de)
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Quits: PitchBright
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206 seconds)
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Joins: Doty1154
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mr208 is now known as mallrat208
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Quits: Guest10908 (~Katielyn@katelyn.ml) (Quit: Bye
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Joins: Katielyn (~Katielyn@katelyn.ml)
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Joins: Lathanael|Away

<Shadows> Dunno if you actually want
to join but we're attempting to get as many modders in here as

<bballboy2002> URGENT