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L1[00:45:21] ⇨ Joins: mallrat208 (~mallrat20@107-145-175-135.res.bhn.net)
L2[00:46:18] <bballboy2002> you could also try using interlock boxes, the difference: sequencers do it in a specific order, interlocks only output when necessary, search "Railcraft Interlock Box" on YouTube
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L27[05:38:43] <Cream Tea> Does anybody know which font Railcraft uses for the 'R'?
L28[05:48:12] <Joshwoo70> @here
L29[05:49:04] <Forecaster> oh uh
L30[05:49:12] <Forecaster> we figured that out a while ago
L31[05:51:28] <Joshwoo70> cc @CovertJaguar or @Forecaster
L32[05:52:51] <Forecaster> it was determined to be Crillee
L33[05:53:02] <Forecaster> probably Crillee Bold Italic Std Regular
L34[05:54:26] <Forecaster> @Cream Tea
L35[05:54:44] <Cream Tea> Thank you @Forecaster.
L36[06:00:47] ⇨ Joins: WatchtowerOrator (~Watchtowe@
L37[06:00:47] <WatchtowerOrator> Time for a new episode from Forecaster! You're welcome!
L38[06:00:47] <WatchtowerOrator> https://youtu.be/pqJ-6JkUQJE - Modded Minecraft [Episode 188] - Crabs in Hats
L39[06:00:47] <WatchtowerOrator> Tags on this video: Twilight Forest,Fighting,Exploring,Looting
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L43[06:28:05] <Snapples> Why was I pinged here?
L44[06:28:18] <Forecaster> someone did a "here"
L45[06:28:22] <Snapples> Ah, ok.
L46[06:28:30] <Forecaster> then edited the message
L47[06:28:31] <Forecaster> :P
L48[06:28:36] <Snapples> hax
L49[06:34:18] <Cream Tea> Oh and,
L50[06:34:24] <Cream Tea> I'm interested in,
L51[06:34:25] <Cream Tea> uh
L52[06:34:30] <Cream Tea> when the api will be ready ?
L53[06:35:00] <Forecaster> no eta
L54[06:43:23] <Cream Tea> Guess we'll have to wait then, before rca can be updated
L55[06:46:37] <Cream Tea> ?
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L59[08:01:22] ⇨ Joins: sinkillerj (~sinkiller@nc-67-232-8-209.dhcp.embarqhsd.net)
L60[08:17:51] <Hanakocz> always panicking how steam engines do heat up to red numbers :/
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L62[08:23:34] <Hanakocz> never remember if they will explode when filled by RF or not
L63[08:27:16] <Forecaster> they don't
L64[08:27:18] <Forecaster> never have
L65[08:28:19] <Hanakocz> so it is okay when they are filled full with RF?
L66[08:28:37] <Hanakocz> all normal other engines explode :3
L67[08:28:49] <Forecaster> no they don't
L68[08:29:05] <Forecaster> buildcraft engines used to explode, but they haven't since 1.6 or something
L69[08:29:26] <Hanakocz> they do, you only need to disable noob-nerf in config ?
L70[08:29:33] <Forecaster> railcraft engines will shut off and will need resetting with a crowbar if they're allowed to overheat
L71[08:29:53] <Forecaster> but that only happens if there's nothing using power
L72[08:29:54] <Hanakocz> well, but they overheat kinda...by just normal run, it seems
L73[08:30:13] <Hanakocz> at least the RF builds up still
L74[08:30:21] <Forecaster> overheating would be the bar filling up completely
L75[08:30:26] <Hanakocz> ya
L76[08:30:26] <Forecaster> otherwise it's just normal heating
L77[08:31:14] <Hanakocz> ok, lets see. I power just normal BC refinerey that is not going even half speed, but engine goes overtime into really red
L78[08:31:30] <Hanakocz> will now let him run without distract
L79[08:31:44] <Forecaster> that's because the output speed is relative to the heat level
L80[08:32:00] <Forecaster> and it balances out somewhere in the red
L81[08:32:27] <Hanakocz> for my personal feeling way high in red ?
L82[08:32:58] <Forecaster> you'll get used to it I'm sure
L83[08:34:32] <Hanakocz> well, everything redder than dark yellow is kinda bad in BC and also GT, so alarms in my head start to ring ?
L84[08:37:40] <Hanakocz> that engine beats faster than heart on rendez-vous with new girl ?
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L87[08:54:14] <Joshwoo70> @Hanakocz lol
L88[08:54:36] <Joshwoo70> *if you like abing secret little rendezvouse*
L89[08:58:27] ⇦ Quits: temdur (~temdur@x5d80e5e8.dyn.telefonica.de) (Quit: Leaving)
L90[09:17:24] <Joshwoo70> ffa
L91[09:17:34] <Joshwoo70> can peopls TYPE PROPERLY!?
L92[09:17:46] <Joshwoo70> ffa
L93[09:17:52] <Joshwoo70> seriously
L94[09:18:01] <Joshwoo70> CAN PEOPLE TYPE PROPERLY
L95[09:18:18] <Joshwoo70> and RTFL (read the freakin logs)!?
L96[09:18:20] <Joshwoo70> https://github.com/CovertJaguar/Railcraft/issues/941
L97[09:18:36] <Joshwoo70> and you pasted THE ENTIRE log into github
L98[09:18:40] <Joshwoo70> genius
L99[09:18:46] <Joshwoo70> anyways i am out
L100[09:26:11] <Joshwoo70> EDIT : removed link to github and removed a bit of rant.
L101[09:26:28] <Joshwoo70> and someone pasted THE ENTIRE log into github
L102[09:32:35] <Hanakocz> I once made a video where Google translator read loud whole server log
L103[09:33:01] <Hanakocz> only from "vanilla" server, but was fun, still
L104[09:39:47] <Joshwoo70> do you havd a link to it?
L105[09:40:27] <Joshwoo70> @Hanakocz
L106[09:50:29] <Cream Tea> Ever used Forestry's engines?
L107[09:50:32] <Cream Tea> They can be handy
L108[09:50:36] <Cream Tea> Like the Clockwork Engine.
L109[09:51:57] <Joshwoo70> yeah they are
L110[09:52:02] <Joshwoo70> CT lpokie
L111[09:52:04] <Joshwoo70> https://github.com/CovertJaguar/Railcraft/issues/941
L112[09:52:13] <Joshwoo70> CT lookie
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L116[10:31:56] <Hanakocz> Joshwoo link for what? that video of MC server console?
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L121[11:11:03] <Abculatter_2> Hm... Should I make a github issue for that spawner station idea I put here a few days ago?
L122[11:16:18] <Forecaster> spawner station?
L123[11:16:36] <Forecaster> if it's a feature request then yes
L124[11:19:12] <Abculatter_2> k, I'll just put it up there then
L125[11:20:06] ⇦ Quits: Zesty_ (~Zesty@ (Read error: Connection timed out)
L126[11:26:25] <Abculatter_2> Words have been vomitted
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L129[11:31:57] ChanServ sets mode: +o on CovertJaguar
L130[11:44:50] <Abculatter_2> Also, I noticed that you guys are trying to improve the ore veins, maybe another potential addition could be dynamite? From what I understand, mining out these veins requires clearing out large quantities of stone, which could be made much more interesting by the addition of a more practical mining explosive. I actually have a mod made by a friend of mine that does this in a way you might find interesting, and you can
L131[11:44:50] <Abculatter_2> also feel free to use the textures he and I made for it as well.
L132[11:45:21] <Forecaster> ic2 already adds dynamite :P
L133[11:45:46] <Abculatter_2> Not everyone plays with IC2
L134[11:45:55] <Forecaster> blasphemy
L135[11:47:12] <CovertJaguar> "and you can" what?
L136[11:47:40] *** alfw|Off is now known as alfw
L137[11:48:02] <Abculatter_2> The message got cut
L138[11:48:13] <Abculatter_2> Didn't it send two messages for you?
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L140[11:48:25] <Abculatter_2> "also feel free to use the textures he and I made for it as well." is what came after
L141[11:48:40] <CovertJaguar> oh, I got that, but it didn't flow in my mind
L142[11:48:58] <Abculatter_2> Heh, yeah it does tend to cut at awkward places...
L143[11:49:28] <CovertJaguar> one of the possible products of the chemlab is nitroglycerine, we already have the raw inputs necessary
L144[11:49:51] <Abculatter_2> chemlab?
L145[11:50:09] <Forecaster> for diesel production
L146[11:50:14] <Abculatter_2> Oh, I see
L147[11:50:19] <CovertJaguar> the psuedo-mythical fluid crafting machine
L148[11:50:38] <Abculatter_2> What in minecraft isn't pseudo-mythical? :P
L149[11:50:46] <Forecaster> rocks
L150[11:50:54] <Abculatter_2> Rocks that float
L151[11:52:11] <Abculatter_2> But anyway, I can send some github links to what I assume are the relevant java classes if you want.
L152[11:52:49] <CovertJaguar> make another issue =P
L153[11:52:59] <Abculatter_2> Mkay
L154[11:53:36] <Hanakocz> why explosives when you have tunnel bore
L155[11:54:07] <CovertJaguar> tunnel bore isn't a miner
L156[11:59:34] *** Corjaantje is now known as Corjaantje|Offline
L157[12:05:18] <Abculatter_2> More word vomit!
L158[12:24:11] <Abculatter_2> "Don't blink when placed" is not a very comforting commit to see...
L159[12:25:49] <CovertJaguar> eh, the locking track was just displaying the active texture for a second when placed due to how the state was initialized
L160[12:27:19] <Abculatter_2> I figured it was something like that, but still, my first thought was 'oh god please don't be an angel statue'
L161[12:30:55] <CovertJaguar> lol
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L168[13:04:48] <CovertJaguar> most awesome villager ever!
L169[13:04:49] <CovertJaguar> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/225184360049934336/236912346482737152/2016-10-15_11.04.10.png
L170[13:04:55] <Forecaster> hah
L171[13:06:56] <Mimiru> Dude.. I'd love to have one of those
L172[13:08:48] <CovertJaguar> sadly, it is just a world gen test world with ore blocks spawning in the sky
L173[13:10:11] ⇦ Quits: MrConductor (~MrConduct@ ()
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L175[13:12:41] <Forecaster> woop, updated @MrConductor
L176[13:12:55] <Forecaster> it now supports relaying discord nicknames
L177[13:13:02] <Forecaster> and strips irc colors and stuff
L178[13:15:36] <Mimiru> \o/
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L185[15:16:22] <neptunepunk> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDKuwVYtWgg "Behind the Mod S2 E9: CovertJaguar"
L186[15:30:14] ⇨ Joins: ImQ009 (~ImQ009@89-67-36-214.dynamic.chello.pl)
L187[15:41:59] <CovertJaguar> ofc my internet would fail just as I tried to upload beta-3
L188[15:42:23] <Vexatos> neptunepunk, yea and he mentioned every Railcraft addon that is not Computronics :>
L189[15:42:39] <Vexatos> Talk about equal advertisement
L190[15:43:35] <CovertJaguar> -.-
L191[15:44:17] ⇦ Quits: CovertJaguar (~you@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L192[15:44:32] <Vexatos> BIASED
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L201[15:53:46] <neptunepunk> Vexatos: BASED
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L203[15:55:48] <Kane_Hart> Is this a new forge bug or soemthng else? https://i.imgur.com/jD6QjW2.png
L204[15:55:59] <Kane_Hart> Seen this happen to CJ's villagers and 1 other.
L205[15:56:22] ⇦ Quits: CovertJaguar (~you@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L208[15:56:57] <Kane_Hart> woot I took CJ out :P
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L210[16:03:54] <CovertJaguar> naw, my net has been flaky all week, provider said something about "frequency issues at the access point" and that "maintance is scheduled"
L211[16:04:19] <neptunepunk> Standard BOFH excuses.
L212[16:04:28] <CovertJaguar> the result being that anything that raises the noise level (wind/rain/fog) tends to cause the service to drop out
L213[16:05:49] <CovertJaguar> and well... http://mashable.com/2016/10/14/pacific-northwest-storm-typhoon-remnants/
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L217[17:07:01] ⇨ Joins: TyRao (webchat@75-133-138-142.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com)
L218[17:07:21] <TyRao> Forecaster, are you on?
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L220[17:09:26] ⇨ Joins: TyRao (webchat@75-133-138-142.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com)
L221[17:09:41] <TyRao> I need help with advanced sidings
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L223[17:16:16] *** CovertJaguar changes topic to 'Do NOT ask CJ if he is here! | 10.0.0-beta-3 is out! WorldGen Fixes! | http://www.patreon.com/CovertJaguar | The Dark Tower Begins! http://goo.gl/5JF1j | Website: http://railcraft.info/ | Bug reports: http://goo.gl/90fqi | Change Logs: http://bit.ly/1jhFbXf | API: http://adf.ly/N2b30 https://t.co/AJBI0J8X6W | Discord: https://discord.gg/xRk8MnD&#039;
L224[17:20:01] ⇦ Quits: TyRao (webchat@75-133-138-142.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
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L229[17:38:30] <neptunepunk> ....pumpkin carts are available for crafting....
L230[17:38:43] <Vexatos> I wonder why
L231[17:39:34] <neptunepunk> because it is WEENSEASON
L232[17:39:55] <neptunepunk> ...smoothstone firestone ore?
L233[17:41:11] <neptunepunk> The carpenter recipe just uses a little bit less water.
L234[17:41:25] <neptunepunk> erm, for concrete rail ties
L235[17:41:38] <neptunepunk> CovertJaguar: Bug report: they're concrete rail ties, not stone rail ties.
L236[17:42:12] <Vexatos> Forecaster, oh my how awesome would an underbrick+carminite building be
L237[17:42:14] <Vexatos> with carminite doors
L238[17:42:18] <Vexatos> carminite pillars
L239[17:42:19] <Vexatos> D:
L240[17:42:59] <neptunepunk> Nonono, it's all about the hardwood cap thingies
L241[17:43:05] <Vexatos> well stone ties are concrete
L242[17:43:10] <Vexatos> they're virtually set in stone
L243[17:43:11] <Vexatos> :^)
L244[17:51:44] <Vexatos> Forecaster, I never realized that the term "Helmet Crab" was a pun ,_,
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L247[18:42:59] <CovertJaguar> wait smooth stone firestone? oops
L248[18:43:55] <Kane_Hart> was afk but that sucks about the Internet CJ.
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L250[18:49:24] <CovertJaguar> oh right, I forgot to check if there was more that needed to be done for retrogen support than just implement IWorldGenerator
L251[18:50:02] <Kane_Hart> I need to spend my week tracking down what mod that might cause some my mobs textures to go blury or white lol
L252[18:55:13] <neptunepunk> it's Optifine. #happytohelp.
L253[18:55:48] <Kane_Hart> THANKS SO MUCH I was worried I never figure it out
L254[18:55:51] <Kane_Hart> cuz I don't use shitfine
L255[18:55:53] <Kane_Hart> oh wait
L256[18:55:54] <Kane_Hart> :O
L257[18:56:46] <Kane_Hart> I should send you my pack now as punishment and you must go through it till you find it
L258[18:59:52] <CovertJaguar> try railcraft first?
L259[19:00:04] <CovertJaguar> I have a similar bug report up atm
L260[19:00:16] <CovertJaguar> but that probably only affects minecarts
L261[19:01:58] <Kane_Hart> Yeah I will give it a try. I actually never tried all entities but it's for sure happening to villagers.
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L263[19:10:22] <Kane_Hart> Thanks CJ. Sadly the issue was not RC https://i.imgur.com/aQG80bn.png
L264[19:11:57] <CovertJaguar> oh, well, its only shady merchants and red preists, those people were always sketchy anyway
L265[19:12:28] <Kane_Hart> =P It's sort of random at times happens even to your guys :(
L266[19:12:28] <Kane_Hart> https://i.imgur.com/jD6QjW2.png
L267[19:12:51] <CovertJaguar> hmm
L268[19:13:03] <CovertJaguar> only villagers or everything?
L269[19:13:04] <Kane_Hart> and the trackman profession is a very noble one.
L270[19:13:15] <Kane_Hart> So far I think villagers but I should test more things.
L271[19:14:18] <CovertJaguar> villager texture definition is quite different from how other entities are handled
L272[19:14:45] <Kane_Hart> ahh. Well so far I feel like it has only been them.
L273[19:15:21] <Kane_Hart> It's also strange like if I spawn them sometimes you see their texture for 1-2 seconds then they go white.
L274[19:15:23] <CovertJaguar> does it persist across world reloads?
L275[19:15:36] <CovertJaguar> or is it randomized every time?
L276[19:15:44] <Kane_Hart> Needs a client restart but it's random each time.
L277[19:15:51] <Kane_Hart> world restart I think is the same
L278[19:16:02] <CovertJaguar> so it affects different villagers on restart then...hmm
L279[19:16:36] <CovertJaguar> that eliminates something specific in the entity data probably
L280[19:18:24] <CovertJaguar> oh...looks like I forgot to create a zombie texture for the trackman
L281[19:18:37] <CovertJaguar> not that it probably related in anyway
L282[19:18:44] <Kane_Hart> hehe
L283[19:19:09] <Kane_Hart> wow so I went onto the world
L284[19:19:19] <Kane_Hart> all them were fine and 3-4 seconds later boom half them went white
L285[19:19:40] <Kane_Hart> watch it be that..
L286[19:19:41] <CovertJaguar> so...it could be a render context issue
L287[19:20:04] <Kane_Hart> oddly the red prist and such are fine this time around
L288[19:20:12] <Kane_Hart> ugh so annoying
L289[19:20:16] <CovertJaguar> some renderer is messing up the context, glEnable(TEX_2D) would do it
L290[19:20:26] <CovertJaguar> possibly
L291[19:20:44] <CovertJaguar> or something is changing the textures directly
L292[19:21:38] <Kane_Hart> Yeah I went back to the menu and in again and they were the same and instant. So it only happens once. Im going to try to see if it logs anything
L293[19:22:33] <CovertJaguar> are those flowers in the background of the superflat world?
L294[19:22:43] <CovertJaguar> I'd try removing the mod that addes the name bars too
L295[19:23:20] <CovertJaguar> also the one in the foreground has issues with his boots texture, probably not related, but still an issue
L296[19:23:50] <Kane_Hart> oh yeah there is this set of them having mipmap issues or something
L297[19:24:00] <Kane_Hart> their textures are not blurry persay but they look odd
L298[19:24:07] <CovertJaguar> turn off mipmap?
L299[19:24:15] <Kane_Hart> its off
L300[19:24:31] <Kane_Hart> I'm even making my modpack disable by default for anyone who uses it lol
L301[19:25:03] <CovertJaguar> those blurry textures are interesting yes
L302[19:25:20] <CovertJaguar> could be back resolution on the texture maybe...seems unlikely though
L303[19:25:34] <CovertJaguar> I'd locate the mod that adds those villagers and remove it too
L304[19:25:42] <Kane_Hart> yup
L305[19:25:48] <Kane_Hart> I saw an odd error on one too im removing right now
L306[19:26:32] <Kane_Hart> Id post it but the log file auto reloaded fail lol
L307[19:27:12] <CovertJaguar> well unless someone derps hard (in which case you get miles of openGL spam), the logs probably don't say much about this issue
L308[19:28:04] <Kane_Hart> bingo was the odd error one
L309[19:28:11] <Kane_Hart> it had something to do with forge registration
L310[19:28:46] <Kane_Hart> crap when I alt f4 I think I saw a white one now I have to double check haha.
L311[19:29:01] <Kane_Hart> This would be easy if I did not have 100+ mods.
L312[19:34:34] <Kane_Hart> haha https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/atlcraft-candles-mod?gameCategorySlug=mc-mods&projectID=252066
L313[19:34:40] <Kane_Hart> I even posted I think it was his mod :P
L314[19:34:52] <Kane_Hart> but I can confirm it is now going to get him that error
L315[19:37:56] <CovertJaguar> oh...fancy, if it wasn't buggy
L316[19:38:12] <Kane_Hart> Tell me what you think http://pastebin.com/HTzQGKEx
L317[19:38:34] <CovertJaguar> oh god
L318[19:39:09] <CovertJaguar> get it away! get it away! don't touch it with a 9 foot pole!
L319[19:39:59] <CovertJaguar> this must be another one of the mods from someone who can make models but doesn't have the slightest clue about code
L320[19:41:33] <Kane_Hart> haha :) thanks for the advice ;)
L321[19:41:46] <Kane_Hart> at least that issue is now solved.
L322[19:42:42] <Kane_Hart> I will still give them the error maybe they will learn before lex sees their code.
L323[19:46:37] <CovertJaguar> yeah...that would be bad
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L328[20:26:53] <Joshwoo70> CH found thia bug.. looks like hitboxes again...
L329[20:26:54] <Joshwoo70> https://github.com/CovertJaguar/Railcraft/issues/946#issuecomment-254021310
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