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L92[16:27:35] <TyRao> Hello. I was wondering if I can get some help with Railcraft. I am trying to link 9 Sidings to one set of track as the controller
L93[16:28:08] <TyRao> I have tried to search for tutorials to no avail
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L96[16:32:32] <TyRao> anyone?
L97[16:36:35] <TyRao> Someone?
L98[16:41:32] <CovertJaguar> I'm not entirely sure what you are asking, but if you want tutorials, watch Forecaster's stuff
L99[16:42:06] <TyRao> I have 9 sidings
L100[16:42:48] <TyRao> I need them to release in a seaquence if their is trains in the siding to the point they dont crash
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L102[16:43:26] <TyRao> I'll check the vids out
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L110[17:09:05] <CovertJaguar> TyRao have you looked at the sequencer?
L111[17:09:50] <TyRao> Cannot figure it out
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L113[17:10:35] <CovertJaguar> put down a line, stick a receiver next to one end for the clock, then add controllers next to it for output
L114[17:10:48] <CovertJaguar> that's basically all there is to it
L115[17:11:16] <CovertJaguar> the clock will switch the output to the next controller
L116[17:11:23] <TyRao> controllers next to the sequencers?
L117[17:11:29] <CovertJaguar> yes
L118[17:12:15] <TyRao> and then I link the receivers to the train release tracks?
L119[17:12:39] <CovertJaguar> yes
L120[17:13:48] <TyRao> Awesome you ROCK! Thx a million. Did you see my reply I sent via email? lhk****@yahoo?
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L125[17:14:47] <CovertJaguar> hmm? no I haven't checked me email yet today
L126[17:15:14] <TyRao> Ok
L127[17:15:54] <CovertJaguar> it gets a little tricker if one of the lanes is empty, you'll need a way to advance the clock in that case, probably some logic that sends the output back to the clock if the lane is empty
L128[17:16:08] <CovertJaguar> or you could use a timer for the clock
L129[17:16:16] <CovertJaguar> and just advance after a set time
L130[17:18:17] <CovertJaguar> I don't see any email, you sent it to covertjaguar@gmail.com?
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L132[17:33:01] <TyRao> ok well it is a block that will access the routing track to input the gold card to the track then once the tran passes it will pull the card back out of the Routing Track
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L136[18:06:59] <CovertJaguar> that works
L137[18:24:20] <TyRao> Is that something you think you could impliment in a update? ;)
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L141[18:54:40] <CovertJaguar> TyRao I'm not sure to what you are refering
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