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L1[00:00:53] <Abculatter_2> Just had an odd idea, what about adding some form of station block that causes an adjacent mob spawner to spawn mobs, or generates items based the mob. Maybe costs emeralds to do so, so you pretty much have to set up a villager trader?
L2[00:02:13] <CovertJaguar> probably not in railcraft I'd say
L3[00:04:25] ⇦ Quits: Fandroid (~Fandroid@ (Quit: Sleep.)
L4[00:04:56] <Abculatter_2> Well, as long as there isn't a way to move the spawners in Railcraft, I feel that it would be an interesting way to encourage the creation of satelite bases
L5[00:05:28] <Abculatter_2> Ideally automated with trains
L6[00:06:59] <CovertJaguar> oh...I see what you are saying
L7[00:07:03] <CovertJaguar> hmm....not sure
L8[00:10:39] <Abculatter_2> One thing that I've been trying recently, and find is quite enjoyable, is to try to make self-imposed rules so that I can only automatically get certain resources in certain locations. For example, growing oak and birch in forests, cacti and sugarcane in deserts, etc.
L9[00:11:27] <Abculatter_2> It really encourages the creation of trains, and it would be nice to see more reasons to build permanent bases in distant locations in Railcraft
L10[00:11:55] <Abculatter_2> The Saltpeter spawners are a great example of something that's already there
L11[00:12:29] <CovertJaguar> yeah most of my worldgen is like that
L12[00:13:08] <CovertJaguar> hmm....I can disable the pig from following the carrot, but they still move around randomly and run when hit
L13[00:16:19] <Joshwoo70> yeah
L14[00:16:24] <Joshwoo70> wait
L15[00:16:40] <Joshwoo70> i think keep it in.. i have an idea for a minigame ?
L16[00:18:35] <PitchBright> Abculatter_2: you'd like what I've been working on then
L17[00:19:45] <Abculatter_2> ?
L18[00:19:56] <PitchBright> survival realism stuff
L19[00:20:15] <PitchBright> like you say, birch only growing in certain biomes...
L20[00:20:50] <PitchBright> resources found in a realistic geographical distribution
L21[00:21:10] <PitchBright> necessitating distant sites
L22[00:21:46] <Abculatter_2> I don't really care about realism, I just did the above thing so I have a reason to make a train network
L23[00:22:12] <Abculatter_2> Still, if you have any additional info, I might be interested in what you're doing
L24[00:22:32] <PitchBright> real life challenges, is what necessitated the invention of railways :)
L25[00:24:09] <PitchBright> if minerals and resources were found IRL the way they are in MC, we'd all still be nomads
L26[00:24:51] <PitchBright> there's no real reason to set up a base anywhere, or mine anywhere different than where you spawn
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L28[00:29:24] <PitchBright> here's our train network, as a result of the realism i've imposed
L29[00:29:28] <PitchBright> http://imgur.com/a/SbygO
L30[00:29:51] <PitchBright> 4k x 4k... each most of those sites are mining operations
L31[00:30:45] <PitchBright> the hubs are major train stations, with cargo bays for shipping and receiving trains moving resources/commodities to and from various sites
L32[00:31:25] <Abculatter_2> Interesting... Would you mind sending some images of the actual stations and hubs?
L33[00:31:38] *** Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
L34[00:31:51] <PitchBright> I'll see if I can dig something up
L35[00:32:07] <PitchBright> we're not fancy builders though... it's more about functionality than aesthetic
L36[00:32:40] <PitchBright> plus... we're playing hardcore survival... so we don't really spend time or resources on aethetic stuff
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L38[00:44:12] <PitchBright> here's a few different locations http://imgur.com/a/rZIup
L39[00:45:49] <Abculatter_2> That really doens't look that bad
L40[00:46:10] <Abculatter_2> btw, how exactly did you accomplish the world gen? And what are the specifics?
L41[00:46:48] <PitchBright> 6 months of pulling my hair out in front of XML files
L42[00:46:59] <Abculatter_2> Also, I noticed on a video I found of the Stone Titans server that is seems like there's not a lot of automation beyond the train lines?
L43[00:47:00] <Abculatter_2> lol
L44[00:47:11] <Abculatter_2> Did you use Custom Ore Gen?
L45[00:47:19] <PitchBright> ya COG, it's the bomb
L46[00:47:28] <Abculatter_2> Yeah it is
L47[00:47:57] <PitchBright> ya no real automation aside from using a chest cart to feed a set of 27 Railcraft Creosote furnaces...
L48[00:48:31] <Abculatter_2> I assume that you made the veins incredibly rare, but so large that even a single one could feed a server of 50-60 something people?
L49[00:48:44] <PitchBright> and then like you say... train lines... but the only automation in the train lines... is the levers on the wall in each Junction, that switch a track from going down Track 7 and forking left or right
L50[00:49:24] <PitchBright> yeah, pretty much... like... it took us over a year to find Tin, but when we did, we fed off that deposit for a good 6 months.
L51[00:49:32] <Abculatter_2> Huh... Well, I suppose if you have the manpower, that would be a more interesting way of playing
L52[00:49:40] <Abculatter_2> lol, wow
L53[00:49:57] <PitchBright> so we took a big step from the Copper age to the Bronze age, I guess
L54[00:49:58] <Abculatter_2> What kind of prospecting system did you implement?
L55[00:50:48] <PitchBright> We had people whose jobs it was to Survey areas, and search for ores (and other stuff)
L56[00:50:58] <Abculatter_2> Well yea I know that
L57[00:51:34] <PitchBright> they'd go out, map, notebooks, food and drinks, maybe they had a Hunter with them to help them survive and fend off the wildlife...
L58[00:51:46] <Abculatter_2> I mean, what, specifically, did they do to try to find ores? Just look through caves, or dig down every once in awhile? Or were there clues that they could find if there was something underground?
L59[00:52:57] <PitchBright> oh i see... ah depends... over time, they get to know (if they didnt' google it)... that gold would typically be found in mountainous regions... and tell tale signs would be the occasional bit of gold in rivers nearby the lode
L60[00:53:11] <PitchBright> so if they found placer gold in the rivers... they knew they were close to a deposit
L61[00:53:59] <Abculatter_2> How did you manage that with COG?
L62[00:53:59] <PitchBright> but ya... no magic tools to say "you're getting closer"
L63[00:54:12] <PitchBright> 6 months of pulling my hair out in front of XML files XD
L64[00:55:12] <PitchBright> you get decent with it after awhile
L65[00:55:26] <PitchBright> i was doing things like Kimberlite pipes for diamonds
L66[00:55:37] <PitchBright> and funnels for Sulfur
L67[00:55:49] <PitchBright> and Geodes of Quartz
L68[00:56:41] <PitchBright> you can get pretty creative with the use of parent and child veins/clouds in COG
L69[00:57:09] <Abculatter_2> Interesting...
L70[00:57:21] <Abculatter_2> Do you guys not go to the Nether?
L71[00:58:25] <PitchBright> originally no... then after about a year, I decided to make it possible, so we could get into Enchanting tools... which I always kind of wanted to view as "Honing tools" rather than "magic"
L72[00:58:46] <PitchBright> but then I shut the nether down again, and just did away with as much non IRL stuff as possible
L73[00:59:48] <PitchBright> we were very thrifty with our resources, since everything was such a challenge to acquire
L74[01:00:41] <PitchBright> we'd recycle the hell out of tools... people only used them to an almost-broken state, then they'd ship them from the work site, and they'd get delivered to the Blacksmith to be repaired, and reused.
L75[01:03:01] ⇦ Quits: Abculatter_2 (~abculatte@2602:306:8b77:a40:a8a7:1987:8e1b:d9f1) (Quit: Leaving)
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L79[01:11:15] <Cream Tea> That looks really good, How did you make the map it looks well done?
L80[01:11:23] <PitchBright> thanks
L81[01:11:30] <PitchBright> i did it in Adobe Illustrator
L82[01:13:42] <Cream Tea> Ah thought it would be some kind of Adobe program ?
L83[01:14:13] <PitchBright> :D
L84[01:14:24] <PitchBright> I love Photoshop too
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L87[01:27:40] <Cream Tea> I'm cheap.. I just have to use paint.net
L88[01:29:02] <Cream Tea> Anybody thought about a "Railcraft Trailer" yet?
L89[01:33:29] ⇦ Quits: SatanicSanta (~SatanicSa@c-76-115-175-15.hsd1.or.comcast.net) (Quit: sleep)
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L91[01:45:02] ⇦ Quits: Cricket (uid66833@id-66833.richmond.irccloud.com) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L92[01:50:01] <Joshwoo70> i am up for that idea
L93[01:50:17] <Joshwoo70> maybe someone could host us a server to build the stuff
L94[01:50:51] ⇨ Joins: Cricket (uid66833@2001:67c:2f08:6::1:511)
L95[01:53:33] <Cream Tea> I may have somebody who is wanting to setup, like a creative forge mod server.
L96[01:53:44] <Cream Tea> With the basic mods like Buildcraft etc..
L97[01:55:39] ⇨ Joins: zero-ghost (~0@
L98[01:55:54] <Joshwoo70> we should include forestry too
L99[01:57:11] <Joshwoo70> however BC will probably have to be updated to 1.10 to be included
L100[01:58:13] <Joshwoo70> for 1.10 BC :
L101[01:58:14] <Joshwoo70> https://github.com/BuildCraft/BuildCraft/issues/3432
L102[01:59:06] <Joshwoo70> https://github.com/BuildCraft/BuildCraft/projects/1
L103[01:59:24] <CovertJaguar> PitchBright I'd be interested in more details about what you did with the Ore Gen, I have some interest with implementing a similar option directly into Railcraft
L104[02:00:34] <Joshwoo70> eurgh cannot upload zips...
L105[02:00:39] <CovertJaguar> I've been thinking of adding an option to disable vanilla ore gen and just leave you with poor ores with maybe a few clusters in the poor ore vein of better stuff
L106[02:01:08] <Joshwoo70> or not! first try of Railcraft Trailer Modpack. (Does not redistribute RC)
L107[02:01:08] <Joshwoo70> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/225184360049934336/233483845217943555/RailcraftIsBleeding-1.0.zip
L108[02:01:32] <CovertJaguar> but I don't even know whever the poor ore veins are rare enough atm
L109[02:01:36] <Joshwoo70> if you guys have any ideas.. ping me
L110[02:02:07] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
L111[02:02:09] <Joshwoo70> CJ: never liked the idea of poor veins ?
L112[02:02:30] <CovertJaguar> reasons?
L113[02:02:45] <Joshwoo70> just.. the idea behind it... is kinda me for me
L114[02:03:03] <Joshwoo70> i am strangle find with dense ores though ?
L115[02:03:44] <CovertJaguar> you mean the "give people reasons to keep coming back to distant places"
L116[02:03:48] <Joshwoo70> i am strangely find with dense ores though enjoyable ?
L117[02:03:59] <CovertJaguar> what do you mean by dense ores?
L118[02:04:06] <Joshwoo70> dense ores mod
L119[02:04:14] <CovertJaguar> what does it do?
L120[02:04:31] <Joshwoo70> https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/dense-ores
L121[02:04:46] <CovertJaguar> yes read that
L122[02:04:59] <CovertJaguar> but it just sounds like adding more evenly scattered ore
L123[02:05:17] <Joshwoo70> nope
L124[02:05:32] <Joshwoo70> it is like in the normal veins
L125[02:05:42] <CovertJaguar> "It generates about 1-10 dense blocks per chunk"
L126[02:05:54] <Joshwoo70> like eg coal veins.. usually have coal ore right?
L127[02:06:17] <Joshwoo70> (replacing already generated ores)
L128[02:06:48] <Joshwoo70> aka normal vanilla ones goes first.. then it replaces them.
L129[02:06:56] <CovertJaguar> so do you just like the reward mechanic of finding something good?
L130[02:07:09] <Joshwoo70> kinda... ?
L131[02:07:10] <Joshwoo70> i dunno
L132[02:07:14] <Joshwoo70> gotta fly
L133[02:07:16] <Joshwoo70> later.
L134[02:07:41] <CovertJaguar> because I can do reward clusters in the poor veins, that's not an issue =P
L135[02:08:34] <CovertJaguar> the main point of poor ore is to give you a reason to return to an area (you know you will always find more ore there)
L136[02:10:02] <asie> yes, i agree, that's a good design
L137[02:10:18] <asie> one of minecraft's biggest flaws imho is that you can fit an entire chunk's worth of ores in one inventory *and* you just take it back and move on
L138[02:10:28] <asie> there's no real concept of mines, or long-standing builds to reap the benefits of a larger area
L139[02:10:45] <asie> which would then give railcraft a lot more use in the survival world
L140[02:14:17] <neptunepink> GregTech has an interesting effect; you either have to be picky about what you grab, or your inventory fills up very quickly so you have to go back & forth more often
L141[02:14:45] <neptunepink> Oh, Dwarf Fortress adds 'stone rails'; you just kinda carve them in rock.
L142[02:18:16] <CovertJaguar> hmm....
L143[02:18:25] <CovertJaguar> that might not be a horrible idea
L144[02:18:47] <CovertJaguar> they would be slow ofc, but very cheap
L145[02:18:52] <CovertJaguar> good for mining
L146[02:18:57] <Kodos> Uhh is left clicking with a hoe for a massive harvest aoe new to vanilla in 1.10 or is a mod adding it
L147[02:19:05] <asie> isn't it a better idea to just use wooden rails
L148[02:19:11] <asie> you can automate their production much more easily
L149[02:19:26] <asie> Kodos: i'm pretty sure it's a mod
L150[02:19:27] <neptunepink> I wish wooden rails didn't take iron tho
L151[02:19:31] <Kodos> k
L152[02:19:34] <neptunepink> That is certainly not vanilla.
L153[02:19:39] <asie> neptunepink: they do? I'd probably change that myself
L154[02:19:51] <neptunepink> Yeah
L155[02:20:08] <CovertJaguar> they have been renamed to Strap-Iron Rail to reflect histroy better
L156[02:20:40] <asie> i might do something with rail balance in my own project...
L157[02:22:08] <neptunepink> Hmm. What if they had a chance to break...
L158[02:22:23] <Kodos> "Chance to violently toss your minecart into the air"
L159[02:22:37] <neptunepink> And maybe rather than derailing they just become impassable because derailing is kind of difficult to deal with?
L160[02:22:38] <CovertJaguar> Kodos that is Abandoned Track ;)
L161[02:22:43] <Kodos> \o/
L162[02:22:48] <neptunepink> !???
L163[02:22:49] <Kodos> Also, who maintains charset now
L164[02:22:54] <Kodos> asie
L165[02:23:05] <neptunepink> Vazkii
L166[02:23:07] <Kodos> k
L167[02:23:12] <Kodos> I need to go ask why there isn't a timer :x
L168[02:23:16] <neptunepink> In theory anyways
L169[02:23:23] <asie> because i was lazy and never bothered to add in the animation
L170[02:23:26] <asie> and GUI
L171[02:23:32] <asie> however, Kodos, keep in mind charsetwires are worst wires
L172[02:23:44] <Kodos> Indeed
L173[02:23:47] <asie> good
L174[02:23:48] <Kodos> However I'm playing Proton
L175[02:24:11] <Kodos> Working on a sawmill build using a buddy piston
L176[02:24:20] <CovertJaguar> you get 32 Strap-Iron tracks for a piece of Iron
L177[02:24:38] <neptunepink> Oh. Maybe that's not so bad.
L178[02:25:35] <CovertJaguar> you get ~5 Iron Tracks when using Steel for each Iron
L179[02:25:43] <neptunepink> Kodos: Sawmill?
L180[02:25:51] <Kodos> Better With Mods
L181[02:26:03] <neptunepink> Right, that proton.
L182[02:26:29] <neptunepink> And for boosters at least it's like 1-for-1. Maybe 2-for-1 for iron
L183[02:26:43] <neptunepink> 16 for 6?
L184[02:29:56] <CovertJaguar> uh...track kits are not really balanced yet
L185[02:30:00] <CovertJaguar> I'm not really sure
L186[02:30:21] <neptunepink> I've been stuck on the old drive build; haven't gotten the git to compile due to some arcanity
L187[02:30:51] <CovertJaguar> I thought that was on alpha-23
L188[02:31:13] <CovertJaguar> yes, it should be
L189[02:31:57] <neptunepink> Oh. Well also I've only been playing in survival and didn't think any of that stuff was craftable.
L190[02:32:29] <CovertJaguar> it should be, though I admit I'm don't see the track part recipes in JEI
L191[02:33:51] <CovertJaguar> oh....they conflict with nugget recipes, derp
L192[02:40:10] <neptunepink> ....what the heck is this weird try syntax...
L193[02:42:40] <neptunepink> "*various stuff* stuff does not throw IOException"
L194[02:44:50] <neptunepink> Guess my MC decomp is somehow mysteriously broken.
L195[02:45:02] <neptunepink> But it's easy to 'fix'
L196[02:45:03] ⇦ Quits: cloakable (~cloakable@cpc87205-aztw31-2-0-cust241.18-1.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
L197[02:45:20] <CovertJaguar> you trying to compile rc?
L198[02:45:22] ⇨ Joins: Snapples (uid167569@id-167569.highgate.irccloud.com)
L199[02:45:24] <neptunepink> Yeah
L200[02:45:56] <neptunepink> I'll have moar specifics when gradle stops hogging my terminal
L201[02:46:17] <CovertJaguar> clone, init submodules, setupworkspaces, release
L202[02:46:47] <CovertJaguar> I think those are the only four commands needed
L203[02:48:16] <neptunepink> It does not like that DataManagerPlugin.DataSerializer.read throws IOException
L204[02:48:23] ⇨ Joins: Xilandro (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:3c6c:4a43:3a9b:5b60)
L205[02:48:28] <neptunepink> But whatever it's compiling or something probably.
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L207[02:49:12] <CovertJaguar> usually it complains about the use of internal sun apis there
L208[02:49:27] <CovertJaguar> in DataManagerPlugin
L209[02:49:50] ⇦ Quits: Kodos (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:3c6c:4a43:3a9b:5b60) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L210[02:50:12] <neptunepink> It is good to have so few warnings!
L211[02:51:43] <neptunepink> I may fall asleep before gradle finishes its sausage making
L212[03:00:23] <CovertJaguar> I think that is the last of a major recipe issues
L213[03:01:04] * CovertJaguar whispers "public beta tomorrow"
L214[03:01:35] <MoxieGrrl> OMG!!!!
L215[03:01:52] <neptunepink> \o/
L216[03:05:58] <CovertJaguar> I'll leave this here so no one gets "too" excited: https://github.com/CovertJaguar/Railcraft/milestones?direction=desc&sort=completeness&state=open
L217[03:06:33] <MoxieGrrl> STILL EXCITED.
L219[03:07:03] <MoxieGrrl> That could also be because I shouldn't be awake right now and I'm too tired to know better.
L220[03:11:49] <zero-ghost> MoxieGrrl: you know traincraft was just updated to 1.7.10 like last week right?
L221[03:14:13] <MoxieGrrl> I...don't play 1.7.10 anymore. I barely play Minecraft right now. I'm actually waiting for Railcraft because I like it. :P
L222[03:15:52] <zero-ghost> traincraft and railcraft working like a dream in 1.7.10
L223[03:16:07] <zero-ghost> no reason not to play it until things get updated
L224[03:17:33] <MoxieGrrl> I test things. I've basically played all there is to play of 1.7.10. :P
L225[03:18:19] <neptunepink> >:) launch tracks for everything
L226[03:18:25] <zero-ghost> im thinking of putting a bitcoin bounty up for someone to make a thaumcraft addon for traincraft
L227[03:18:43] <zero-ghost> i want to see magic train cars, and cars with thaumcraft blocks on them
L228[03:19:17] <neptunepink> CovertJaguar: You didn't do the 'metadata=hash-of-NBT' thing so looking up recipes doesn't work well
L229[03:19:28] <neptunepink> But prolly there's a nicer way I dunno
L230[03:20:08] <neptunepink> hmm, how2make track parts...
L231[03:20:42] <neptunepink> Also shapeless...
L232[03:21:09] <CovertJaguar> which recipes?
L233[03:21:12] <neptunepink> It feels weird to me that the kit recipes are shapeless. But really it makes sense anyways.
L234[03:21:21] <neptunepink> Since it's a kit
L235[03:22:14] <CovertJaguar> which recipes need hashes?
L236[03:22:30] <CovertJaguar> the tracks?
L237[03:22:39] <neptunepink> The kit + track recipes
L238[03:23:20] <CovertJaguar> so ItemTrackOutfitted
L239[03:23:26] <neptunepink> well, doesn't have to be hash but just some sensible & hopefully future-proof unique-item-metadata thing
L240[03:23:42] <neptunepink> Also why is it called metadata it isn't metadata it's data.
L241[03:23:57] <neptunepink> block metadata would be like
L242[03:24:01] <neptunepink> who placed it
L243[03:24:07] <neptunepink> Not 'what color the wool is'
L244[03:26:51] <CovertJaguar> now its my gradle that doesn't want to build
L245[03:26:55] <CovertJaguar> it just sits there
L246[03:32:30] <neptunepink> item.railcraft.tool.stone.carver.name.unlocalized.bugreport
L247[03:32:44] <neptunepink> And the charge trap as well
L248[03:32:51] <CovertJaguar> heh
L249[03:33:12] <neptunepink> Firestones seem to have recipes twice
L250[03:33:26] ⇦ Quits: zero-ghost (~0@ (Quit: Leaving.)
L251[03:34:08] <Joshwoo70> Cj could build it for you ?
L252[03:34:10] <CovertJaguar> firestones do everything twice I think, just because
L253[03:34:51] <Joshwoo70> *why not*
L254[03:35:42] <CovertJaguar> neptunepink are you using JEI?
L255[03:35:46] <neptunepink> Yes.
L256[03:36:28] <Joshwoo70> um... *whispers to CJ for a easter egg triggering when creative locomotive is renamed to pentium*
L257[03:44:56] <neptunepink> CovertJaguar: There's no junction tracks!
L258[03:47:23] <CovertJaguar> yes, I know they'll come with the switches
L259[03:48:06] <CovertJaguar> havent decided whether to make them their own block or combine with switches
L260[03:50:12] <neptunepink> That sounds like a cool idea.
L261[03:50:41] <CovertJaguar> er...well the end user won't see much difference from 1.7
L262[03:50:57] <CovertJaguar> its mostly just an implementation detail
L263[03:51:17] <CovertJaguar> why does the firestone list 4999?
L264[03:51:38] <neptunepink> CovertJaguar: Abandoned track unsupportedness is less strict on placement than block update
L265[03:52:35] <CovertJaguar> how so?
L266[03:53:13] <CovertJaguar> oh derp...I should probably set the meta not stack size when producing charges ones
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L269[03:57:10] <neptunepink> CovertJaguar: There's an annoying vanilla bug you'll have to deal with, minecart names, try breaking/placing a cart a few times in survival and you'll see.
L270[03:58:27] <CovertJaguar> this happens in vanilla too?
L271[03:58:51] <neptunepink> RC makes it worse.
L272[04:00:25] <CovertJaguar> hmm
L273[04:00:36] <CovertJaguar> it adds an nbt tag, name I assume
L274[04:01:54] <neptunepink> Yeah
L275[04:02:13] <neptunepink> Hopper & cart separate when hoppercart is broken
L276[04:02:35] <CovertJaguar> yeah, I haven't completely overriden that one I think
L277[04:05:55] <CovertJaguar> ok, the name thing only affects the vanilla carts, not mine, which means I just need to copy the kill/drop code from my carts into the vanilla ones
L278[04:06:21] <CovertJaguar> but I'll worry about that tomorrow
L279[04:06:25] <CovertJaguar> sleep time now
L280[04:09:54] <neptunepink> the forestry centrifuge GUI changed
L281[04:09:56] * neptunepink freaks out
L282[04:10:29] <Xenoniuss> Test
L283[04:10:53] <Xenoniuss> What's that Mister conductor thingy?
L284[04:11:10] <Forecaster> IRC relay
L285[04:11:25] <Forecaster> also hello
L286[04:14:11] <neptunepink> pft, more like discord relay
L287[04:14:16] <neptunepink> relaying discord in from the discord dimension
L288[04:15:53] <Forecaster> I gave it a better icon :>
L289[04:16:41] <asie> neptunepink: sowing discord*
L290[04:17:12] <MrConductor> * Forecaster uses bonemeal on discord
L291[04:18:14] <asie> what have you done
L292[04:18:38] <Joshwoo70> *crops bloom frlm the railcraft discord soil*
L293[04:18:55] <Joshwoo70> dammit forcaster! noew we have tall grass everywhere
L294[04:19:10] <Joshwoo70> *crops bloom from the railcraft discord soil*
L295[04:19:15] <Joshwoo70> dammit forcaster! now we have tall grass everywhere
L296[04:19:38] <Forecaster> gasp, it's an asie on discord!
L297[04:21:10] <Forecaster> ohno we scared them away
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L301[04:55:21] <Joshwoo70> guys
L302[04:55:36] <Joshwoo70> want a amplified world for the trailer?
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L317[07:00:41] <Forecaster> Trailer?
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L322[07:28:31] <Joshwoo70> yeah
L323[07:28:42] <Joshwoo70> wait.. no signals in RC now?
L324[07:30:14] <Joshwoo70> @Forecaster
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L327[07:53:43] <Joshwoo70> legit? maybe...
L328[07:53:43] <Joshwoo70> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/225184360049934336/233572573844209674/2016-10-06_20.53.41.png
L329[07:54:14] <4000DC> How it's done?
L330[07:55:05] <Joshwoo70> chisel bits
L331[07:55:36] <4000DC> Wait a bit...
L332[07:55:45] <4000DC> How irony...
L333[07:56:22] <4000DC> God damn it, these R made from IRON blocks, double irony.
L334[07:56:30] <4000DC> God damn it, this R made from IRON blocks, double irony.
L335[07:56:37] <Joshwoo70> nope
L336[07:56:38] <Joshwoo70> steel
L337[07:56:55] <Joshwoo70> burned
L338[07:56:55] <4000DC> Well, no such matter i think.
L339[07:57:09] <4000DC> In the visual aspect.
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L342[08:08:40] <4000DC> Wait, this one is too big,,,
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L344[08:40:35] <4000DC> Guys, can an elevator track direct trains down?
L345[08:42:13] <4000DC> Oh, it does when it off.
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L366[10:24:53] <Cream Tea> That @Xenoniuss is a spy!
L367[10:25:01] <Cream Tea> Spy creepin' around here...
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L369[10:27:15] <Forecaster> @Joshwoo70 ?
L370[10:34:19] <Xenoniuss> @Cream Tea Ssshhhhhh
L371[10:34:23] <Xenoniuss> Don't tell em
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L378[10:48:26] <4000DC> Good old TF2.
L379[10:58:58] <bballboy2002> w0t?
L380[10:59:22] <bballboy2002> @Cream Tea
L381[10:59:56] <Cream Tea> Nothing,...
L382[11:02:13] <4000DC> http://pastebin.com/6Q8A6JNA
L383[11:02:45] <4000DC> It happens when some blocks is disabled.
L384[11:10:06] <Prototik> Enable these blocks back >_<
L385[11:13:16] <4000DC> But i don't want them.
L386[11:14:56] <4000DC> And why should i have them enabled at all? There's a reason for these settigns exists.
L387[11:15:14] <Forecaster> to avoid crashing
L388[11:15:15] <Forecaster> :P
L389[11:15:20] <4000DC> ~_~
L390[11:16:10] <4000DC> ?
L391[11:16:58] <Prototik> @4000DC otherwise you could apply patch to RC's code
L392[11:17:29] <4000DC> Well, OFC, that is not a big deal.
L393[11:17:30] <Forecaster> well it's not going to get fixed immidiately, even if you report it, so the immidate fix is to not disable it
L394[11:17:50] <4000DC> There's only about 30-40 blocks.
L395[11:17:58] <4000DC> But still.
L396[11:18:46] <Hanakocz> @4000DC remove recipe or that block via minetweaker ?
L397[11:19:07] <Hanakocz> @4000DC remove recipe for that block via minetweaker ?
L398[11:19:35] <4000DC> Would that work?
L399[11:19:37] <Prototik> @4000DC скажи используемую версию - дам фикс.
L400[11:19:49] <4000DC> Последняя.
L401[11:19:54] <Hanakocz> then you won't be able to get the block in survival
L402[11:20:32] <Hanakocz> (if it is not a part of dungeon loot - but you can exclude it via minetweaker from that, too)
L403[11:20:58] <4000DC> Yep. But aren't minetweaker scripts loading much later than the default ones?
L404[11:21:45] <Hanakocz> I don't know later than what, but mineweaker just can override all the recipes - at least for normal crafting
L405[11:22:26] <Hanakocz> for crafting via blast furnace etc it has some addon, but most things are doable.
L406[11:22:45] <Forecaster> what is your goal exaclty?
L407[11:22:52] <Forecaster> what do you want to disable and why?
L408[11:23:03] <Hanakocz> You also can hide items from NEI, so players will think it is just disabled
L409[11:23:10] <4000DC> Dude, i know about that. The thing is that it crashes when the game loading.
L410[11:23:31] <4000DC> My goal is to disable "magic-like" blocks.
L411[11:23:45] <4000DC> Frost and blood ones.
L412[11:24:07] <Hanakocz> I thing best aproach would be to disable whole magic modul
L413[11:24:12] <Forecaster> uh
L414[11:24:20] <Forecaster> you mean the purely decorative blocks?
L415[11:24:21] <Forecaster> why?
L416[11:25:43] <4000DC> Because frost bricks can't exists as a stable matter.
L417[11:25:54] <Forecaster> ...
L418[11:25:56] <Forecaster> just ignore them?
L419[11:26:07] <Forecaster> or use minetweaker to remove the recipes
L420[11:26:18] <4000DC> Lemme try.
L421[11:26:30] <Forecaster> seems excessive to me but whatever
L422[11:26:38] <Hanakocz> keep them enabled and just remove ways how to get them in survival ?
L423[11:26:53] <Forecaster> that's what minetweaker does
L424[11:27:13] <4000DC> Okay, there is 2 ways actually.
L425[11:27:30] <4000DC> Okay, there is 3 ways actually.
L426[11:27:38] <4000DC> The first one is just removing something via config.
L427[11:28:25] <4000DC> Also there is a bad way with editing source code.
L428[11:29:07] <4000DC> The second one is hiding it from NEI, disabling the craft and the usage, etc.
L429[11:29:37] <Forecaster> hiding from NEI does not disable crafting
L430[11:29:54] <4000DC> IKR?
L431[11:30:02] <4000DC> I meant both.
L432[11:30:05] <Forecaster> ah
L433[11:30:12] <4000DC> Sorry.
L434[11:30:41] <4000DC> Still pretty hard to speak english for me.
L435[11:31:07] <4000DC> And the third one is, let's say, moving-original-sense-away.
L436[11:31:34] <Forecaster> just use minetweaker + nei hiding
L437[11:32:09] <4000DC> Like, i don't want magic frost bricks. I'm removing it to "blue bricks", override their craft with blue dye, all that stuff.
L438[11:32:20] <Forecaster> I don't care
L439[11:32:30] <4000DC> About what?
L440[11:33:12] <4000DC> I'm just sharing my minds with you.
L441[11:35:52] <4000DC> With everyone, actually.
L442[11:36:20] <4000DC> Yep, it crashes.
L443[11:36:53] <4000DC> Then the 2nd one will be the only useful.
L444[11:37:13] <Forecaster> I have no idea what you're doing
L445[11:37:28] <4000DC> I'm doing shit as always...
L446[11:37:39] <Forecaster> that's not helpful
L447[11:38:08] <4000DC> I've made this script:
L448[11:38:08] <4000DC> recipes.remove(<railcraft:*>);
L449[11:38:18] <Forecaster> ...
L450[11:38:25] <Forecaster> why would you remove all recipes
L451[11:38:36] <Forecaster> and did you re-enable the blocks in the config?
L452[11:38:39] <4000DC> To test is this works or not.
L453[11:38:47] <4000DC> if*
L454[11:39:42] <Prototik> @4000DC try it
L455[11:39:42] <Prototik> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/225184360049934336/233629445028708352/Railcraft_1.7.10-
L456[11:39:58] <4000DC> I probably misunderstood Hanakocz.
L457[11:40:44] <4000DC> I'm fucking stupid.
L458[11:40:52] <4000DC> Yes, i did.
L459[11:41:05] <4000DC> Lemme go sleep.
L460[11:41:13] <Forecaster> um, okay
L461[11:44:36] <4000DC> ?
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L474[12:59:42] <Xenoniuss> Are most modders Russian or something...
L475[13:00:01] <Xenoniuss> Since here there seems to lot of russian stuff aswell as with RoW
L476[13:00:12] <Xenoniuss> We Germans/Dutch/French are the minority : (
L477[13:00:31] <Cream Tea> I'm English.
L478[13:01:02] <Cream Tea> And you thought you were the minority?
L479[13:01:07] <Cream Tea> ?
L480[13:01:15] <4000DC> Your nickname is about tea, that's kinda obliviosly...
L481[13:01:22] <Cream Tea> obvious*
L482[13:01:28] <4000DC> Yep, thanks.
L483[13:01:40] <Cream Tea> And yes, it should be ?
L484[13:07:20] <4000DC> Probably.
L485[13:08:05] <Forecaster> I'm not russian :P
L486[13:08:33] <4000DC> Not most, but maybe 5% at least.
L487[13:08:47] <4000DC> I am russian :З
L488[13:09:03] <4000DC> Putin Vodka Balalaika.
L489[13:09:22] <4000DC> Putin Vodka Balalayka.
L490[13:12:38] <4000DC> Your nickname is about tea, that's kinda oblious...
L491[13:12:45] <4000DC> Yep, thanks. Fixed.
L492[13:13:23] <Forecaster> now it says "oblious" instead of "obvious" :P
L493[13:15:31] <4000DC> Your nickname is about tea, that's kinda obvious...
L494[13:15:44] <4000DC> FML ?
L495[13:18:55] <4000DC> Forge Mod Loader.
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L497[13:55:55] <PitchBright> I agree with you asie about vanilla ore gen... and it being one of the biggest flaws of the game
L498[13:56:33] <CovertJaguar> @4000DC should be fixed in 1.10
L499[13:56:50] <PitchBright> it was probably the first thing I noticed when i started playing. I think I wasn't playing the game more than 2 weeks, before I started trying to find a way to change ore gen.
L500[13:57:40] <PitchBright> there's no reason whatsoever to setup a base, because you'll clean a chunk out, and then move on...
L501[13:58:30] *** manmaed is now known as manmaed|AFK
L502[13:58:41] <PitchBright> conversely, there's no real reason whatsoever, to setup a remote operation, if you do decide to setup a base (because you enjoy building a home/base/etc)... because you clean the chunks out quickly
L503[13:59:35] <PitchBright> the trickle down of that, is that, there's no point in setting up a rail network, because you'll constantly need to change it. Spend more time changing your rails, than you would digging the stuff up that you're setting your rails up to get to...
L504[14:00:04] <PitchBright> and THEN... the the fact that you can carry it all back in your inventory, and really don't need rails in the first place... really makes rail irrelevant
L505[14:00:50] <PitchBright> the way I solved that was to make deposits rare, far apart, biome-specific, and very large.... as well as...
L506[14:00:59] <PitchBright> eliminated player inventories...
L507[14:03:20] <PitchBright> plus a few other little mechanics... so we can't just shred a chunk and pillage ores with ease. Namely, removing mojang stone, and replacing it with real-world geology... where various stone types have different hardnesses and pickspeeds.
L508[14:05:55] <PitchBright> CJ, i'm readin' back... see that you pinged me about it
L509[14:09:01] <PitchBright> not sure what to suggest really... because it kinda sounds like you want to give RC a bigger role in OreGen... and I totally get the rationale behind why you would...
L510[14:09:57] <PitchBright> but I would have to think that anybody that feels the way I, or asie, or others in the same boat, feel... probably employed the use of Ore Gen mods to tackle that stuff
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L512[14:10:57] <PitchBright> I've always disabled all world gen stuff, that other mods do... with the exception of the world gen / ore gen mods that I trust all my gen to
L513[14:11:49] <PitchBright> i think it's too hard to try to let a bunch of different mods share that control, and then to configure them yourself to work in harmony, especially when most mods often do gen differently from the next mod
L514[14:12:56] <Shadows> If what Im getting from this is the need to setup railways
L515[14:13:26] <PitchBright> in that way, I've always felt that ore gen, was out-of-scope for those mods. BiomesOPlenty for example, I disable all the ore gen there, and I only want BOP to do biome decoration. Same with RC... to me RC is about Rails.
L516[14:13:40] <Shadows> The only mod that *ever* did it well was Iguana Tweaks weight system, actually forcing you to use rail nets
L517[14:13:58] <Shadows> Oregen doesnt have a huge effect on railnets since player invs are huge
L518[14:14:04] <PitchBright> I'm not familiar with that one, Shadows
L519[14:14:05] <Forecaster> I use that in my LP
L520[14:14:15] <Shadows> It added a weight system to every block
L521[14:14:23] <Forecaster> and items
L522[14:14:24] <Shadows> If you got too heavy you couldnt even move
L523[14:14:31] <Shadows> Exponential slowness
L524[14:14:38] <Shadows> And reduced jump
L525[14:14:50] <PitchBright> but yeah, a weight system would definitely add to the whole impetus for an organized transport system
L526[14:14:57] <Shadows> It alsp worked around some backpacks
L527[14:15:00] <Shadows> But not all
L528[14:15:26] <Shadows> Bc backpacks totally negate it without integrating into the backpack themselves
L529[14:15:32] <PitchBright> ya
L530[14:15:47] <PitchBright> BP mod authors would have to add compat for it
L531[14:16:09] <PitchBright> but the root of the problem does stem from World Gen for sure
L532[14:16:42] <PitchBright> there's absolutely no reason to start digging a Spot A versus Spot B, when the odds of finding the same stuff, is the same for each spot.
L533[14:17:28] <Forecaster> I use custom ore gen :3
L534[14:17:29] <Shadows> Gregtech oregen
L535[14:17:37] <Shadows> Tfc oregrn
L536[14:17:41] <PitchBright> Custom Ore Gen here too
L537[14:17:53] <Shadows> But thats about it as far as actually forcing movement
L538[14:18:08] <Shadows> Either custom or GT/TFC
L539[14:19:17] <CovertJaguar> custom ore gen is a lot of work though, and since no on posts ore gen configs, it would be easier for me to just write it in JAVA ;)
L540[14:19:38] <CovertJaguar> also...the thing that bothers me a ore gen mods....like most of Railcraft'
L541[14:19:46] <CovertJaguar> railcraft's ore gen is non-standard
L542[14:20:02] <Forecaster> it comes with configs for common mods
L543[14:20:07] <Forecaster> those have worked fine for me
L544[14:20:08] <Forecaster> mostly
L545[14:20:10] <CovertJaguar> you can't easily replicate sulfur or saltpeter for example
L546[14:20:13] <Shadows> Cofh world best oregen
L547[14:20:17] <PitchBright> whatcha mean by non-standard?
L548[14:20:17] <Shadows> Sulfur is magic
L549[14:20:28] <Shadows> You scan for lava and place right?
L550[14:20:38] <CovertJaguar> yes and biome
L551[14:21:06] <CovertJaguar> and saltpeter generates spawners at bedrock level, you arent going to get that from some other random mod
L552[14:21:45] <CovertJaguar> you can probably get a reasonable approximation of a simplex noise field for poor ore I assume at least
L553[14:22:03] <Shadows> I never understood the why for poor ores
L554[14:22:13] <PitchBright> actually before yo uanswer that
L555[14:22:25] <PitchBright> can you explain what poor ores are? I never really looked into them
L556[14:22:46] <CovertJaguar> they are designed to give you a reason to keep coming back to an area
L557[14:23:07] <CovertJaguar> they generate in clustered regions covering dozens of chunks
L558[14:23:15] <CovertJaguar> at specific levels
L559[14:23:17] <PitchBright> oh so a diffuse cloud?
L560[14:23:27] <CovertJaguar> yeah, but non-uniform
L561[14:23:38] <PitchBright> aight ya, I do that with COG
L562[14:23:43] <Shadows> They always seemed to be more of an annoyance bc cost of furnacing them was so high and they couldnt be multiplied
L563[14:24:19] <Shadows> The premise sounds good but they seem archaic
L564[14:24:42] <CovertJaguar> by archaic you just mean no ore doubling I assume =P
L565[14:24:57] <PitchBright> so "poor ores" arent' really about the quality of the ore block, it's about the dispersion of the ore deposit
L566[14:25:04] <PitchBright> correct?
L567[14:25:22] <CovertJaguar> yes, if you find one, you can probably mine all day an not run out
L568[14:25:27] <CovertJaguar> but only in that area
L569[14:25:31] <PitchBright> gotcha
L570[14:25:43] <Shadows> Thats what greg does with normal ores
L571[14:26:05] <Shadows> But greg also disables every other bit of oregen he can
L572[14:26:36] <PitchBright> and the reason you want people to keep going back to an area CJ, is so that there's a good reason to establish permanent rail lines to said location?
L573[14:26:45] <CovertJaguar> I'm thinking of sprinkling normal ores through the ore region and adding an option to disable vanilla gen
L574[14:27:05] <CovertJaguar> yes, all my world gen is based on the premise
L575[14:27:16] <PitchBright> yeah... makes sense
L576[14:28:06] <PitchBright> i guess what it boils down to is... how many people play that RC... don't use Ore Gen mods also?
L577[14:28:10] <Shadows> I still have a strong opinion that weight is thr only logical way to make vehicular transport a good option
L578[14:28:34] <CovertJaguar> you mean carry wieght for the player?
L579[14:28:38] <Shadows> Yeah
L580[14:28:42] <PitchBright> Weight is awesome, for sure, I'd love to do it myself... just haven't yet.... but I can show you that it's not the only way to go about it, Shadows
L581[14:28:55] <CovertJaguar> is there a mod for that?
L582[14:29:02] <Shadows> Igauana Tweaks
L583[14:29:05] <Shadows> Non tic version
L584[14:29:23] <Forecaster> I use that in my LP...
L585[14:29:30] <Forecaster> have from the start
L586[14:29:35] <Forecaster> it's great
L587[14:29:42] <PitchBright> Weight is the impetus to set up a rail system to haul stuff... but it's not the impetus to keep returning to an area.
L588[14:29:47] <Shadows> Theres other issues about railway importance tho, most likely the largest being
L589[14:29:50] <Shadows> Specifically
L590[14:29:53] <Shadows> Teleportation
L591[14:30:04] <Shadows> Generally super easy teleportation like ftbu
L592[14:30:31] <Shadows> Imo ic2 is the only really balanced teleportation
L593[14:30:44] <Shadows> That thing is a pain to use
L594[14:31:07] <Forecaster> that's the only one I have :P
L595[14:31:15] <PitchBright> teleportation shouldn't even enter the conversation, if we're talking about reasons to establish a proper rail network
L596[14:31:28] <PitchBright> but I'm a survival purist so, what i think doesn't matter xD
L597[14:31:51] <CovertJaguar> yeah, teleportation is beyond my control
L598[14:32:08] <Forecaster> ic2 teleportation uses a lot of power though
L599[14:32:18] <Shadows> As annoying as it is, if it exists it kinda obsoletes most rail importance
L600[14:32:28] <CovertJaguar> how does this weight thing work with backpacks?
L601[14:32:31] <Forecaster> no it doesn't
L602[14:32:42] <Shadows> It worked with the tic one and maybe some others
L603[14:32:44] <CovertJaguar> I assume weight is based on material type (wood, stone, metal)
L604[14:32:49] <Shadows> Kinda
L605[14:32:51] <Forecaster> yes
L606[14:32:59] <Forecaster> it doesn't work with forestry backpacks
L607[14:33:15] <Forecaster> weight is not calculated with items in them
L608[14:33:17] <CovertJaguar> does that mean forestry backpacks are free weight?
L609[14:33:19] <Shadows> It has variation and is also definable for blocks
L610[14:33:21] <Shadows> Pretty much
L611[14:33:23] <Forecaster> yes
L612[14:33:30] <Shadows> Iguana man kinda vanished
L613[14:33:34] <CovertJaguar> is there a gui bar or something?
L614[14:33:47] <Forecaster> it tells you on the gui a general level
L615[14:33:53] <Forecaster> like "encumbered"
L616[14:33:53] <PitchBright> I think a simpler solution, or at least a bigger issue that would need addressing before weight/encumbrance ... is "space"
L617[14:34:05] <Shadows> And you start getting debuffs if you go too high
L618[14:34:06] <Forecaster> int he debug screen it can show the actual weight/max weight
L619[14:34:15] <Forecaster> in the debug screen it can show the actual weight/max weight
L620[14:34:16] <PitchBright> a stack of 64 sticks taking up the same space as 64 blocks of stone... is redick
L621[14:34:36] <Shadows> It also changed stack sizes
L622[14:34:43] <Forecaster> yep
L623[14:34:51] <PitchBright> you solve that by customizing stack sizes for everything
L624[14:34:51] <Forecaster> also based on the materials
L625[14:34:52] <PitchBright> oh that's good then
L626[14:34:54] <Shadows> It literally did everything but backpacks
L627[14:35:06] <Shadows> Bc it didnt hook every kind of backpack for a calculation
L628[14:35:08] <Forecaster> that's fine with me though
L629[14:35:22] <Forecaster> because forestry backpacks aren't that big
L630[14:35:35] <Shadows> Backpacks should really have a discount to weight in them but not like 700:1 ratio
L631[14:35:47] <Forecaster> and since they're separated into types, you need a lot of them
L632[14:36:02] <Forecaster> so they can still take up a lot of space
L633[14:36:13] <Forecaster> unlike the magic puches I've seen :P
L634[14:36:36] <Shadows> (Stares at ExU and PE maybe TTKami)
L635[14:36:37] <CovertJaguar> the backpack thing is kind of show stopper for this I'd think
L636[14:36:54] <CovertJaguar> there are dozens of backpack implementations
L637[14:37:09] <Forecaster> meh, I've built my back around itself
L638[14:37:19] <Forecaster> for this reason
L639[14:37:25] <Shadows> Thats the other thing
L640[14:37:29] <Forecaster> the only backpacks are forestry and better storage ones
L641[14:37:29] <Shadows> Relative balance
L642[14:37:39] <Forecaster> both are limited in their own way
L643[14:37:41] <Shadows> Thats all there is for mc
L644[14:38:57] <Forecaster> you can't have universal balance in an unrestricted game
L645[14:39:00] <PitchBright> I tink the weight thing... doesn't address the root of the problem though...
L646[14:39:19] <Shadows> It does it pretty well imo
L647[14:39:36] <Shadows> Since you need vehicular movement for practical travel
L648[14:39:50] <PitchBright> I can see it forcing the need to use rails, to haul stuff (as opposed to carrying by hand/inv)...
L649[14:39:56] <CovertJaguar> the discusion of unrestricted balance isnt really relevant to the conversation I feel
L650[14:40:12] <PitchBright> but it doesn't do anything to slow a player down from clearning out an area, and then moving on to a new area... never to return...
L651[14:40:13] <Shadows> It was more of a final note to the teleportation thing
L652[14:40:30] <Shadows> So realistic oregen + weight
L653[14:40:40] <Shadows> Oh and what it did really well
L654[14:40:40] <PitchBright> which is what, imo, renders building a rail network, not worth the effort.
L655[14:40:44] <Shadows> Forest importance.
L656[14:40:46] <CovertJaguar> there probably isn;t a silver bullet, so it would need to be a collection of forces
L657[14:41:03] <PitchBright> ya CJ... which leads me to wonder
L658[14:41:11] <Shadows> If people can just grow a damn backyard forest what importance is the natural forests
L659[14:41:12] <PitchBright> if that's not out of the scope of RC
L660[14:41:24] <Forecaster> unless you make ore regenerate you're gonna clear out an area in time no matter what :P
L661[14:41:26] <PitchBright> you give people teh tools to solve Transportation issues... via RC...
L662[14:41:38] <Shadows> Telecarts
L663[14:41:41] <Shadows> 10/10
L664[14:41:57] <PitchBright> but it's up to them to create the need for Transportation... with other mods that are specifically designed for that stuff
L665[14:42:16] <CovertJaguar> yeah, thats one thing I worry about, if I was to implement a weight system and disable vanilla ores and make all this the default....is that too much?
L666[14:42:38] <Forecaster> probably :P
L667[14:43:04] <Forecaster> for the majority of players it would be I'd think
L668[14:43:08] <PitchBright> apart from it sounding like a lot of work... and also retracing the footsteps of others...
L669[14:43:29] <CovertJaguar> ignauna looks pretty dead
L670[14:43:41] <Shadows> The guy himself is gone
L671[14:43:46] <Forecaster> like was said iguanaman vanished
L672[14:43:55] <Forecaster> a pair of other people took over maintenance
L673[14:44:01] <Forecaster> not sure if they're still active though
L674[14:44:09] <Shadows> boni took over the tic half and idk who got the rest
L675[14:44:16] <PitchBright> yeah, squeek and prog
L676[14:44:19] <PitchBright> they're around
L677[14:44:51] <PitchBright> at least, on Iguanaman's Hunger Overhaul
L678[14:44:52] <PitchBright> i dont' know what else Iggy did
L679[14:45:46] <PitchBright> going back to what you were asking, CJ... about it being "too much"
L680[14:46:22] <Shadows> kinda sounds like it should be separate from the main rc modules
L681[14:46:30] <PitchBright> I think RC is so firmly established in the community, that people know what it is, and what it isn't... and the vast majority of your userbase would have already solved these issues themselves... if they wanted to
L682[14:46:46] <Shadows> Iguana Tweaks is public domain tho
L683[14:46:47] <Shadows> soi
L684[14:46:50] <Shadows> so
L685[14:47:30] <CovertJaguar> it wouldn't be that hard to implement a simple weight system I think
L686[14:47:31] <PitchBright> the only people it might appeal to, you creating an all-in-one outta-the-box solution... would be people new to MC, who are wondering "Where can I find a good rail mod that will let me set up trains to my remote sites."
L687[14:48:05] <PitchBright> how many people build rain netowrks becuase they wanna build a model train set
L688[14:48:10] <Shadows> that and the GT/TFC playerbases
L689[14:48:11] <PitchBright> and how many do it because they NEED to do it
L690[14:48:42] <Shadows> Therein lies another issue
L691[14:48:48] <Shadows> half the time I can just walk faster than minecarts
L692[14:48:51] <Shadows> so I avoid them
L693[14:49:13] <PitchBright> you're trying to address the "Need to" people... and imposing it on the "hobbyist"
L694[14:49:44] <PitchBright> I fixed that too Shadows
L695[14:50:02] <PitchBright> it's too easy to get around on foot
L696[14:50:45] <PitchBright> I've made grass and other flora slow the player down...
L697[14:50:54] <Shadows> iguana tweaks did that as well
L698[14:51:02] <Shadows> you had to build roads
L699[14:51:04] <PitchBright> players eventually wear a dirt path into the ground, from travelling back and forth along the same route
L700[14:51:20] <Forecaster> that sounds neat
L701[14:51:22] <Forecaster> I'd want that :P
L702[14:51:46] <PitchBright> spring regrowth
L703[14:52:00] <PitchBright> then in winter, you've got snow at various depths, impeding the player
L704[14:52:13] <CovertJaguar> did you write mod for that?
L705[14:52:15] <Shadows> seasons were never done well in 1.7
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L707[14:52:31] <PitchBright> you wouldn't believe the shit i'm doing with seasons in 1.7 ;)
L708[14:52:51] <Shadows> the only person I saw have a real working seasons mod in 1.7 had to have a custom mod loader to do it
L709[14:53:32] <PitchBright> I make it so players have to plant wheat in early spring, and monitor their crops throught the spring and summer, and harvest them RIGHt before autumn... before the yield nose-dives because of autumn ground frost
L710[14:53:53] <CovertJaguar> what if I was to write a compainion mod for Railcraft with various changes to vanilla to make carts more attractive?
L711[14:54:50] <PitchBright> not only that but soil has fertilization levels, dependent on the biome, so players use manure and RC salpether, plus things like Phosphorus, Magnesium, etc to create fertilizer... to help pump the soil up.
L712[14:54:56] <Shadows> Railcraft and Railcraft: Survival
L713[14:55:05] <PitchBright> Soil nutrient levels affect crop growth rates... the more a crop grows on the soil, the more the soil becomes depleted
L714[14:55:17] <Forecaster> does that require GT?
L715[14:55:21] <Shadows> that sounds awfully bad for tick rate in a multiplayer scenario
L716[14:55:40] <PitchBright> I think my server runs between 18-22 tps
L717[14:55:40] <CovertJaguar> Survival, that's a good name
L718[14:55:58] <PitchBright> CJ, why change minecarts look?
L719[14:56:09] <Shadows> I think he meant gameplay
L720[14:56:10] <CovertJaguar> do what?
L721[14:56:17] <CovertJaguar> which minecarts?
L722[14:56:28] <PitchBright> oh... "attractive"
L723[14:56:42] <PitchBright> you mean "important" or "useful"... not "good looking"?
L724[14:56:47] <CovertJaguar> yes
L725[14:56:50] <Forecaster> xD
L726[14:56:50] <PitchBright> haha sorry
L727[14:57:16] <PitchBright> I tihnk you've done a pretty good job of it already
L728[14:57:31] <PitchBright> one thing I haven't Feature Requested yet... was configgable inventory size on Cargo Carts
L729[14:57:42] <CovertJaguar> smaller?
L730[14:57:56] <PitchBright> well.... for my use, I'd make them bigger
L731[14:58:04] <Shadows> man the one thing that *really* made carts good was Steve's Carts
L732[14:58:07] <PitchBright> right now, they're less useful than vanilla chest carts
L733[14:58:08] <Shadows> wizard magic right there
L734[14:58:23] <Shadows> whatever happened to vswe
L735[14:58:24] <CovertJaguar> there utility comes from the filter
L736[14:58:27] <PitchBright> they're wayyy cooler than vanilla chest carts though :)
L737[14:58:52] <PitchBright> I don't use automation and filtration... so that's probably why i never realized that...
L738[14:58:59] <CovertJaguar> Id probaby go the other way and make chest carts smaller
L739[14:59:02] <PitchBright> basically we use 'em to haul crap from A to B
L740[14:59:36] <PitchBright> that'll throw some people for a loop though
L741[14:59:57] <PitchBright> "My chest has 27 slots. I stick it on a cart... and now it has less slots all of a sudden?"
L742[15:00:41] <CovertJaguar> anyway, I'll be making the ore gen changes, the only question is whether its default or not
L743[15:00:45] <PitchBright> I'd get rid of chestcarts altogether on my server, if I could config Cargo Cart sizes
L744[15:00:51] <PitchBright> fer real
L745[15:01:13] <Forecaster> probably don't want to mess with ore-gen by default
L746[15:01:38] <Forecaster> people might not expect railcraft to do that. unless you make it very clear that it does it now
L747[15:01:56] <PitchBright> CJ, are you just looking for ways of continuing to make RC cool?
L748[15:01:56] <Forecaster> so people don't generate a world and later find out that it didn't genreate as they expected
L749[15:02:07] <Forecaster> why wouldn't he?
L750[15:02:08] <Forecaster> :P
L751[15:02:39] <PitchBright> I know haha... i'm just wondering... what's the driving force behind the questions he's askin'
L752[15:02:45] <CovertJaguar> actually, I'm in the mood to play myself, and I'm very much a hardcore survival players who likes things like this =P
L753[15:03:03] <PitchBright> is there an actual problem that needs solved... or are you just looking to continue evolving the mod
L754[15:03:29] <PitchBright> ohhh CJ... Imma invite you for a tour... and then try to enlist you for your java wizardry
L755[15:03:39] <CovertJaguar> lol
L756[15:04:21] <Forecaster> I wish you had a better internet connection so you could join me for a LP episode :P
L757[15:04:27] <CovertJaguar> I mean im always looking for ways to solve the railcrafts biggest issue, that being "why use this?"
L758[15:04:52] <PitchBright> i know for a fact you could put the finishing touches on what i've been doing for the last 5 years... the stuff that's just beyond my skillset, and holding me back from taking Survival to a place no man has gone before like Star Trek
L759[15:04:56] <CovertJaguar> its the number one complaint I get from people, "why should I use this? I'm faster, and have no reason to build rails"
L760[15:05:27] <PitchBright> well... straight-up... RC doesn't really solve much, in the ways of the shortcomings of Vanilla
L761[15:05:46] <PitchBright> it adds to the experience... but it doesn't solve any shortcomings
L762[15:06:20] <PitchBright> people have to introduce the impetus to "use RC because it is needed"
L763[15:06:41] <CovertJaguar> well it is primarily a content mod, not a tweak mod, but the idea of a seperate tweak mod is interesting
L764[15:07:20] <PitchBright> Tweaks mods are out there, I think you'd be retracing other's footsteps
L765[15:07:23] <PitchBright> just my 2¢
L766[15:08:02] <CovertJaguar> maybe...but how many people are willing to spend days slaving over custom ore gen configs or updating outdated mods?
L767[15:08:15] <Forecaster> not many :P
L768[15:08:18] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E319B26ED39BD3AFA25CC0E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L769[15:08:19] <PitchBright> just me, as far as i know
L770[15:08:20] <PitchBright> lol
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L772[15:08:37] <PitchBright> naw, there's a few of us
L773[15:08:42] <Forecaster> although COG doesn't actually require you to edit configs
L774[15:08:50] <Forecaster> to use with a certain modset
L775[15:09:11] <CovertJaguar> surely the default isnt very interesting
L776[15:09:33] <Forecaster> it has gui settings that come shipped for for example forestry and ic2 that you can tweak
L777[15:09:51] <PitchBright> what you could do if you were looking to throw time into something... is serve up RC Cog configs
L778[15:09:55] <Forecaster> it's what I use in my LP
L779[15:10:05] <Forecaster> because I'm lazy/lack time
L780[15:10:09] <CovertJaguar> or you could just give me yours =P
L781[15:10:20] <PitchBright> mmm... i guard those with my life
L782[15:10:28] <Forecaster> why?
L783[15:11:20] <PitchBright> well... really... I wanna hit the scene with a complete package.... and if I give away bits and pieces of what I've been blowin' my brains out on for the last 5 years... there'll be bastardized versions of my thing, out there before my thing
L784[15:12:48] <PitchBright> plus my stuff is like Jenga... there's so many moving parts that rely on one another
L785[15:13:53] <PitchBright> I'd hoped to present this stuff about 2 years ago... but I've really hit some uphill battles with the things that are beyond my coding level... but I'm really close to being there... I'd put it at about 90-95% done.
L786[15:14:51] <PitchBright> my goal is to serve a multiplayer survival experience you can't get anywhere else
L787[15:14:52] <PitchBright> the way I've always thought survival mode should have been, from the get-go
L788[15:15:23] <CovertJaguar> generate firestone in clusters? what?
L789[15:15:31] <CovertJaguar> this is why I don;t understand ore gen mods
L790[15:16:11] <PitchBright> what's firestone?
L791[15:16:26] <Forecaster> really?
L792[15:16:27] <Forecaster> xD
L793[15:16:33] <CovertJaguar> magical ore found on the bottom of lakes of lava
L794[15:16:36] <CovertJaguar> very rare
L795[15:16:40] <CovertJaguar> very dangerous
L796[15:16:56] <PitchBright> and you wanna config it in COG?
L797[15:17:13] <CovertJaguar> no I'm looking at the default config gui
L798[15:17:31] <PitchBright> of COG?
L799[15:17:43] <CovertJaguar> its just seems to swap its own ore gen without regard for the nuances of the code
L800[15:17:45] <CovertJaguar> yes
L801[15:17:55] <Forecaster> well yeah
L802[15:18:11] <PitchBright> you customize the parameters in the XML file
L803[15:18:23] <Forecaster> the defaults use a handful of preset distributions that it offers to apply to any ore
L804[15:18:29] <Forecaster> with random variations
L805[15:18:39] <Forecaster> and adjustable size etc
L806[15:18:55] <PitchBright> so like.... what I did for Sulfur is... have it scan for Lava at certain Y height... then replace only Stone that touches Lava at those heights
L807[15:19:20] <PitchBright> that gives me subterrainian Sulfur lined lava pools, for example.
L808[15:19:38] <CovertJaguar> which is what railcraft alreadys does
L809[15:19:49] <CovertJaguar> but what about more complex stuff like saltpeter?
L810[15:20:26] <PitchBright> for Saltpeter, i had it scan certain biomes, near surface level, for sand blocks touching air... and replace those with Saltpeter... to get salt flats
L811[15:21:05] <CovertJaguar> and the saltpeter respawners?
L812[15:21:25] <PitchBright> what's a respawner?
L813[15:21:40] <CovertJaguar> a bedrock look alike that regenerates saltpeter
L814[15:21:48] <CovertJaguar> it gens at the same time as saltpeter
L815[15:21:48] <PitchBright> where do they come from?
L816[15:21:58] <Forecaster> railcraft world-gen
L817[15:22:00] <PitchBright> oh
L818[15:22:13] <CovertJaguar> every piece of saltpeter generated has a respawner at the bedrock level below it
L819[15:22:18] <Forecaster> you didn't think you could make them did you
L820[15:22:19] <PitchBright> I didn't know that... those would be disabled on my server because i disabled all world gen
L821[15:22:57] *** Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
L822[15:23:47] <PitchBright> I'm no geollgist so forgive me but I thought Saltpeter was different from Rock Salt
L823[15:24:05] <Forecaster> railcraft isn't a geology mod
L824[15:24:17] <CovertJaguar> I beleive its a percolate, on large time scales ofc
L825[15:24:30] <CovertJaguar> it collects in the hollows of the desert
L826[15:24:41] <CovertJaguar> I just speed the process up
L827[15:24:51] <PitchBright> I thought rock salt comes from salt domes, which sounds like what you're talking about coming up from bedrock
L828[15:24:52] <PitchBright> oh i see
L829[15:24:52] <PitchBright> makes sense
L830[15:24:56] <Forecaster> well, world-gen builds a world :P
L831[15:25:10] <PitchBright> yeah true
L832[15:25:16] <Forecaster> or wait, you mean the re-generating, nevermind
L833[15:25:25] <CovertJaguar> the bedrock block was just a hack to allow me to do the respawn =P
L834[15:25:36] <PitchBright> but i didn't activate anything that forms new minerals or rocks... since that stuff happens over millions of years and the time scale would be off
L835[15:25:42] <PitchBright> vs in-game time
L836[15:25:51] <PitchBright> gotcha, that's cool
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L838[15:26:55] <Forecaster> I prefer to make gameplay more interesting rather than strictly adhering to "realism"
L839[15:27:48] <PitchBright> I'm all about the realism, and I try to make gameplay interesting by making the player feel like their goal in Survival... is to survive
L840[15:28:15] <PitchBright> the way i see it... surival mode right now... is just creative mode on hard.
L841[15:29:04] <Forecaster> pff
L842[15:29:10] <PitchBright> I know I'm probably in the minority on that...
L843[15:29:36] <PitchBright> but there's gotta be enough people out there, that feel the same way as me... that would take an interest in it
L844[15:29:51] <PitchBright> frig I hope so... otherwise i've just wasted the last 5 years of my life xD
L845[15:30:08] ⇦ Quits: Zepanv (~Zepanv@ ()
L846[15:30:23] <CovertJaguar> you are preaching to the choir I think, Forecaster here is mister finite water/die of thirst himself
L847[15:32:43] <PitchBright> Well, I love RC the way it is, tbh, there's a few things I'd request for it, and few ideas I'd throw at ya for it... but other than that... I think you've hit the bullseye with it.
L848[15:33:17] <PitchBright> I think if you're being asked "why do I need RC?", it's gotta be people who don't really need it
L849[15:33:51] <PitchBright> and that's fine because, your not trying to make RC standard with vanilla
L850[15:33:58] <PitchBright> (although I think it should be)
L851[15:34:05] <PitchBright> you're*
L852[15:38:11] <Forecaster> well yeah, I couldn't possibly play with any of the common modpacks for a number of reasons
L853[15:38:34] <Forecaster> dislike of certain mods, lack of certain others
L854[15:41:41] <PitchBright> Have you given any thought to making it so that players can enter Locos and "drive" them, CJ?
L855[15:42:01] <Forecaster> you can drive them from any cart in a train
L856[15:42:09] <Forecaster> kindof
L857[15:42:54] <PitchBright> I meant more like... using controls that engineers use IRL
L858[15:43:12] <Forecaster> that sounds a bit out-of-scope :P
L859[15:43:13] <PitchBright> I don't know what those controls are, having never driven a train myself, but you know what i mean
L860[15:43:17] <Forecaster> have you seen Rails of War? :P
L861[15:43:27] <PitchBright> Driving a Loco would be outta scope for RC?
L862[15:43:49] <Forecaster> you can already drive them
L863[15:43:50] <CovertJaguar> that is indeed a bit out of scope
L864[15:44:09] <PitchBright> when you say drive them... Forecaster, whatcha mean?
L865[15:44:20] <PitchBright> i'm still 1.7 so maybe i havent' seen the new stuff yet
L866[15:44:31] <Forecaster> you can change the speed and start/idle
L867[15:44:36] <Forecaster> with keyboard keys
L868[15:44:40] <CovertJaguar> Rail of War and Traincraft do that so much better than I ever could with my tiny mineshaft engines
L869[15:44:42] <Forecaster> it's not new
L870[15:45:01] <PitchBright> so player hops in minecart behind loco?
L871[15:45:09] <CovertJaguar> that's the idea
L872[15:45:10] <Forecaster> anywhere in the train
L873[15:45:10] <Kodos> Any chance 10.0 will make it to curse?
L874[15:45:17] <CovertJaguar> Kodos yes
L875[15:45:20] <Kodos> \o/
L876[15:45:28] <Forecaster> why wouldn't it?
L877[15:45:40] <CovertJaguar> 10.0.0-beta-1 will as well ;)
L878[15:45:53] <Kodos> Dunno, I didn't see it so I asked :3
L879[15:46:11] <CovertJaguar> if I ever fix these annoying bugs neptune found last night -.-
L880[15:46:20] <PitchBright> I guess that does the trick then. I was thinking the player sitting in the engine block, as opposed to a cart behind it
L881[15:46:30] <PitchBright> why's one out of scope, and the other not, just curious?
L882[15:46:31] <CovertJaguar> less talking, more coding needed!
L883[15:46:53] <CovertJaguar> because it would require making the locomotive much larger
L884[15:47:13] <PitchBright> to make the player visible to the outside world?
L885[15:47:17] <CovertJaguar> and then you get clipping issues and corner issues and other weirdness
L886[15:47:35] <CovertJaguar> you want me shrink them down and stick them inside??
L887[15:47:55] <PitchBright> I'd just hide 'em.... they're "inside" the loco
L888[15:48:08] <PitchBright> i dunno, just spitballin'.
L889[15:48:49] <CovertJaguar> what my locomotives are based on-> http://glostransporthistory.visit-gloucestershire.co.uk/images/IOM%20DF_Great%20Laxey%20Mine%20Railway.jpg
L890[15:49:07] <PitchBright> oh cool
L891[15:49:30] <PitchBright> i didn't know there were unmanned locos back in the day
L892[15:52:08] <PitchBright> anyway, not tryin' to give ya grief or anything. I just thought you were lookin' for things to do to evolve RC. Like I say, I love it just the way it is.
L893[15:56:27] <PitchBright> Forecaster, you might get a kick out of this...
L894[15:56:50] ⇨ Joins: Zepanv (~Zepanv@
L895[15:57:34] <PitchBright> you know how vanilla crop growth is random, and your wheat fields can look pretty crazy, as some crops will have reached maturity before other crops haven't even grown a stage?
L896[15:57:50] <Forecaster> yeah?
L897[15:58:14] <PitchBright> here's a screeny showing the various stages (recoloured to make each stage stand out)
L898[15:58:16] <PitchBright> http://imgur.com/a/nyEL7
L899[15:58:56] <PitchBright> I've come up with a way to make the growth distribution more uniform
L900[15:59:17] <PitchBright> so that fields don't look silly and random
L901[15:59:18] <PitchBright> http://imgur.com/a/mUWWN
L902[15:59:32] <Forecaster> nice
L903[15:59:55] <PitchBright> that's my big achievement this week lol
L904[16:04:25] <Forecaster> :P
L905[16:04:35] <Forecaster> I've never really made a big wheat field
L906[16:04:56] <Forecaster> I have a really tiny garden with a tiny wheat field in it
L907[16:05:07] <PitchBright> personal use?
L908[16:05:28] <PitchBright> or just aesthetic/hobby
L909[16:05:35] <Forecaster> personal use :P
L910[16:05:40] <PitchBright> cool cool
L911[16:05:44] <Forecaster> I mean in minecraft
L912[16:05:47] <PitchBright> ya ya
L913[16:05:50] <PitchBright> farming's fun
L914[16:06:21] <PitchBright> that field would be typical in size of something we'd use to feed the village
L915[16:06:35] <PitchBright> but it was just a testing ground in dev
L916[16:06:40] <Forecaster> :>
L917[16:08:07] <CovertJaguar> I'm going to need to figure out how to integrate with JEI eventually, but not today
L918[16:08:23] <CovertJaguar> little annoyed that the cart disassembly recipes are missing
L919[16:08:58] <CovertJaguar> ok, I think that was the last bug
L920[16:09:21] <CovertJaguar> well no...that would be a silly statement that would come back to bite me...
L921[16:09:33] <PitchBright> ya that's askin' for it xD
L922[16:09:35] <CovertJaguar> I'm sure there are many more, its just the last _known_ bug
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L927[16:29:28] <CovertJaguar> https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/railcraft/files/2334570
L928[16:30:02] *** CovertJaguar changes topic to 'Do NOT ask CJ if he is here! | 10.0.0-beta-1 is out! The Future is now! | Become a Beta Tester: http://www.patreon.com/CovertJaguar | Discord: https://discord.gg/xRk8MnD | The Dark Tower Begins! http://goo.gl/5JF1j | Website: http://railcraft.info/ | Bug reports: http://goo.gl/90fqi | Change Logs: http://bit.ly/1jhFbXf | API: http://adf.ly/N2b30&#039;
L929[16:53:21] <CovertJaguar> what? was I too subtle? PUBLIC BETA IS OUT GET IT HERE: https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/railcraft/files/2334570
L930[16:53:45] <Shadows> its already also on /r/ftb
L931[16:53:50] <Shadows> cuz people need rails
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L935[17:06:00] <neptunepink> <CovertJaguar> if I ever fix these annoying bugs neptune found last night -.- -- I'm helpful! :D
L936[17:09:56] <CovertJaguar> hmm...CurseForge doesn't appear to tracking downloads properly
L937[17:10:29] <Shadows> cj this beta version already broke
L938[17:10:29] <Shadows> lol
L939[17:10:40] <CovertJaguar> the only question is how badly
L940[17:10:40] <Shadows> your decorator either doesn't like bop or rtg
L941[17:10:52] <CovertJaguar> what happened?
L942[17:11:13] <Shadows> https://gist.github.com/Shadows-of-Fire/9b5b5875355fff8c41e6a93b0b20c149
L943[17:11:16] <Shadows> on world creation
L944[17:11:37] <CovertJaguar> ugh
L945[17:11:45] <CovertJaguar> I'm going to help with that one probably
L946[17:13:06] <colourless> Why are you messaging through IRC instead of just talking directly in Discord? haha. By the way, congrats on releasing the first beta release for 1.10.2 ?
L947[17:14:24] <CovertJaguar> depends on my mood I guess, discord also only covers a small subset of my convos
L948[17:14:56] <colourless> ah, gotcha. I'm in like 18 servers on here haha
L949[17:15:01] <colourless> ah, gotcha. I'm in like 18 servers on here lol
L950[17:15:43] <Shadows> and yeah that error's source is def railcraft, removing it lets that world finish generation and work fine
L951[17:16:46] <CovertJaguar> how do these mods intercept my world gen anyway?
L952[17:16:53] <CovertJaguar> what function does that?
L953[17:16:58] <Shadows> uh
L954[17:17:02] <Shadows> Idk about bop
L955[17:17:07] <Shadows> RTG redoes the entire terrain
L956[17:17:11] <CovertJaguar> I was thinking more cog
L957[17:17:25] <CovertJaguar> so it just replaces then entire system?
L958[17:17:39] <CovertJaguar> and never spawns the events?
L959[17:17:53] <Shadows> RTG replaces the normal decorator with a delayed decorator iirc
L960[17:18:03] <Shadows> you'd have to ask them to explain it in their channel
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L962[17:19:21] <CovertJaguar> well I currently add my own decorator types to the decorator enum so that you can catch the shouldDecorate events, but that seems to break some stuff that BOP is doing
L963[17:25:15] <LuigiHutch> uh oh... https://gist.github.com/LuigiHutch/ae658b12f1b983ac3bc2a45accf6119d
L964[17:25:58] <Shadows> rip
L965[17:29:51] * MoxieGrrl downloads the future
L966[17:31:25] <LuigiHutch> heh
L967[17:32:28] <CovertJaguar> oh 60 downloads, yay!
L968[17:32:55] <CovertJaguar> LuigiHutch what where you doing when that happened?
L969[17:33:38] <LuigiHutch> placing down a cart detector, already put it on the github
L970[17:34:16] <MoxieGrrl> I have to update all my crap before I start playing. Bah.
L971[17:35:29] <CovertJaguar> oh it was a mob detector
L972[17:35:40] <CovertJaguar> yeah, that one is broken looks like
L973[17:35:47] <CovertJaguar> gui doesn't work anyway atm
L974[17:36:17] <LuigiHutch> well, I just chose a random one :P
L975[17:37:06] <CovertJaguar> the only broke one ;)
L976[17:37:18] <LuigiHutch> the animal one is also broken
L977[17:37:27] <CovertJaguar> is it??
L978[17:37:35] <CovertJaguar> hmm....I might be wrong about the cause then
L979[17:38:08] <CovertJaguar> ah...no there is the issue, constructor not public derp
L980[17:38:36] <LuigiHutch> heh
L981[17:40:30] <LuigiHutch> the rest are ok :)
L982[17:44:17] <LuigiHutch> perfectly readable text xD http://i.imgur.com/yrqge5U.png
L983[17:46:03] <MoxieGrrl> I found a village with a Railcraft house. I missed those.
L984[17:47:20] <MoxieGrrl> The chest is empty, but the house generates like it should!
L985[17:47:26] <CovertJaguar> \o/
L986[17:47:36] <CovertJaguar> that's better than it did a month ago, it had no rood
L987[17:47:38] <CovertJaguar> *roof
L988[17:47:54] <CovertJaguar> but yeah, loot is utterly broken across the board atm
L989[17:48:10] <Shadows> not even minetweaker was able to touch loot last I checked
L990[17:48:18] <Shadows> it seems like a mojang issue
L991[17:48:20] <Shadows> or forge
L992[17:48:22] <Shadows> or something
L993[17:48:27] <LuigiHutch> and another crash :P https://gist.github.com/LuigiHutch/9ccadb1e33320266c87a480a9258e92f
L994[17:48:29] <CovertJaguar> does the loader look like that for everyone? http://i.imgur.com/yrqge5U.png
L995[17:49:25] <MoxieGrrl> Yay Saltpeter.
L996[17:49:27] <CovertJaguar> oh god I can't keep up
L997[17:54:36] <Joshwoo70> sooo
L998[17:54:52] <LuigiHutch> what did you break?
L999[17:54:53] <Joshwoo70> when is the rollin machine coming nack?
L1000[17:54:59] <LuigiHutch> oh xD
L1001[17:55:06] <CovertJaguar> 10.2.0
L1002[17:56:32] <Joshwoo70> someone pinged me eh?
L1003[17:56:56] <Joshwoo70> yeah the loader loks like that..
L1004[17:57:28] <CovertJaguar> for all options?
L1005[17:58:05] <Joshwoo70> yup
L1006[17:58:06] ⇦ Quits: neptunepink (~root@2601:640:c300:1620:230:48ff:feb0:6d7e) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L1007[17:58:24] <Joshwoo70> all loaders and unloaders
L1008[17:59:17] <CovertJaguar> no I mean the options
L1009[17:59:22] <Joshwoo70> yeah
L1010[17:59:32] <CovertJaguar> hmm...it works in my dev env
L1011[17:59:34] <Joshwoo70> it occurs to all off the optin buttons
L1012[17:59:49] <CovertJaguar> maybe if I use unicode escapes
L1013[17:59:58] <Joshwoo70> in other news : https://youtu.be/EXgbGOImrZo
L1014[18:05:40] *** manmaed is now known as manmaed|AFK
L1015[18:10:02] <Joshwoo70> oh CovertJaguar : Railcraft : Survival Mode 'RCSM'
L1016[18:10:03] <LuigiHutch> another one... https://gist.github.com/LuigiHutch/d955ed9840fafb040eb3485835b02006
L1017[18:10:30] <Joshwoo70> um make bug report
L1018[18:10:33] <LuigiHutch> sorry :P
L1019[18:10:41] <Joshwoo70> heh
L1020[18:10:44] <Joshwoo70> luigi
L1021[18:10:51] <LuigiHutch> I will do, give me a few ;)
L1022[18:11:04] <Joshwoo70> cpuld you check if entities still float in minecarts?
L1023[18:11:35] <Joshwoo70> like use a crowbar to whack a cart to make it move into a pig
L1024[18:11:43] <Joshwoo70> see if the pig levitates
L1025[18:12:13] <CovertJaguar> I didn't change anything there
L1026[18:12:21] <CovertJaguar> it seems to go away eventually
L1027[18:12:32] <CovertJaguar> and the pig settles into the cart
L1028[18:12:43] <CovertJaguar> LuigiHutch what where you doing?
L1029[18:13:01] <LuigiHutch> got some gated tracks out the creative menu
L1030[18:13:18] <LuigiHutch> hadn't even placed them down yet :/
L1031[18:13:25] <CovertJaguar> eh?
L1032[18:13:40] <CovertJaguar> but...that...no..
L1033[18:14:22] <LuigiHutch> dunno, Now I cant reproduce :/
L1034[18:15:30] <CovertJaguar> hmm....pos was null?
L1035[18:15:39] <CovertJaguar> I guess I can add checks...
L1036[18:18:44] <CovertJaguar> I guess I'm caught up now...anything else? ;)
L1037[18:19:19] <LuigiHutch> not for now :P
L1038[18:19:19] <CovertJaguar> going once
L1039[18:19:26] <CovertJaguar> going twice!
L1040[18:19:45] <CovertJaguar> alright beta-2 here we come!
L1041[18:37:15] <MoxieGrrl> Okay. So I'm finding villages in the ocean...
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L1048[18:55:28] *** CovertJaguar changes topic to 'Do NOT ask CJ if he is here! | 10.0.0-beta-2 is out! It works now! | Become a Beta Tester: http://www.patreon.com/CovertJaguar | Discord: https://discord.gg/xRk8MnD | The Dark Tower Begins! http://goo.gl/5JF1j | Website: http://railcraft.info/ | Bug reports: http://goo.gl/90fqi | Change Logs: http://bit.ly/1jhFbXf | API: http://adf.ly/N2b30&#039;
L1049[18:55:55] <CovertJaguar> beta-2 is up, I'm especially interested in whether the loader icons are still garbled
L1050[19:02:59] <LuigiHutch> seem good now... they are supposed to be crosses and tick etc. correct?
L1051[19:03:16] <CovertJaguar> yep
L1052[19:03:34] <LuigiHutch> cool
L1053[19:10:42] <LuigiHutch> so it seems that ic2 eu storage carts dont actually render the ic2 eu storage blocks
L1054[19:13:19] <CovertJaguar> um...odd...I think I just pass them to the vanilla system
L1055[19:13:41] <CovertJaguar> make an issue
L1056[19:13:48] <LuigiHutch> oke
L1057[19:19:08] <LuigiHutch> done
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L1060[19:31:28] <Meelock> heya, now that railcraft is in beta... how long till you think buildcraft will have working content
L1061[19:31:30] <Meelock> ?
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L1065[19:42:14] <CovertJaguar> No idea, I'm no longer in charge of Buildcraft
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L1069[21:13:40] <Joshwoo70> BC kinda in limbo... cause code changes...
L1070[21:14:45] <Joshwoo70> also @CovertJaguar switch tracks jn 10.2.0?
L1071[21:21:26] <Joshwoo70> 1337!
L1072[21:21:30] <Joshwoo70> commits!!!
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L1074[21:57:50] <Joshwoo70> oh also... particlefleet.x86_84 ... lol
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L1076[22:01:14] <liach> @CovertJaguar How did they create a russian channel?
L1077[22:01:39] <4000DC> Forecaster created it.
L1078[22:02:09] <liach> I actually want a Chinese channel
L1079[22:03:23] <liach> @Forecaster Could you create a Chinese channel?
L1080[22:16:31] <CovertJaguar> @Joshwoo70 10.1.0
L1081[22:17:22] <Joshwoo70> ahh gotcha thanks ?
L1082[22:17:44] <Joshwoo70> if i compile source code... when could i expect it ?
L1083[22:20:38] <CovertJaguar> dunno, some time next week maybe
L1084[22:22:14] <Joshwoo70> hmm okay
L1085[22:22:42] <Joshwoo70> hmm i probably have to wait for signals and switch tracks then\
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L1087[22:26:22] <CovertJaguar> @liach there you go, see #sky-road
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L1089[22:34:35] <Joshwoo70> i can comfirm i am in love with chisel and bits
L1090[22:34:35] <Joshwoo70> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/225184360049934336/233794251740151808/2016-10-07_11.34.31.png
L1091[22:38:17] <Joshwoo70> also @CovertJaguar unicode fixed the issues
L1092[22:38:33] <CovertJaguar> cool
L1093[22:40:49] <Joshwoo70> huh having this werd issue... locoss have a white glow on it...
L1094[22:40:50] <Joshwoo70> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/225184360049934336/233795824641900554/2016-10-07_11.40.40.png
L1095[22:42:31] <Joshwoo70> also unable to put ANY carts into the carts filet in intem loaders
L1096[22:42:35] <Joshwoo70> item*
L1097[22:46:12] <Joshwoo70> also.. chest carts and cargo carts share the sme recepie
L1098[22:49:30] <Ommina> Cargo carts are trapped chests vs regular chests, are they not?
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L1101[23:03:30] <Joshwoo70> nope
L1102[23:10:31] <CovertJaguar> hmm
L1103[23:10:51] <CovertJaguar> I've seen the glow thing a few places, not sure what it means
L1104[23:11:19] <CovertJaguar> say it in that update video that was linked earlier for example
L1105[23:19:07] *** minecreatr is now known as Mine|dreamland
L1106[23:29:57] <Ommina> My locomotive went into glowing mode as soon as I hit the 'idle' button on the GUI. Glow went away the same time the smoke particles went away.
L1107[23:35:42] <Ommina> The glowing outline itself continues to render even if behind a wall. Which is kind of neat in its own way.
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