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L11[01:48:48] <CovertJaguar> Survived Oakland without any stabbings, it really didn't feel much different from Portland
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L16[02:12:23] <Kodos> Portland Maine or OR
L17[02:40:11] <CovertJaguar> The weird one
L18[02:48:20] <Kodos> Well, that could go either way
L19[02:48:24] <Kodos> But I'm gonna assume OR
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L23[03:18:24] <Joshwoo70> OR gates?
L24[03:19:43] <Joshwoo70> also... tried building railcraft myself... got a bunch of errors ? could i report it?
L25[03:19:53] <Joshwoo70> cc @CovertJaguar
L26[03:26:58] <Forecaster> Sure, chances are they're known but go ahead
L27[03:30:20] <Kodos> Okay, I'm in need of some assistance. I'm wanting to put together a list of songs related to trains. I'm open to just about any genre, as long as they're good songs. Looking to make custom records with the songs to play while playing my tweaked IE/RC pack :3
L28[03:30:49] <Forecaster> I don't have any train specific music I'm afraid
L29[03:30:57] <Forecaster> I don't know what that would be
L30[03:31:22] <Kodos> Well
L31[03:31:29] <Kodos> I've only got Folsom Prison Blues on my list so far
L32[03:31:54] <Kodos> Oh, and the Ballad of John Henry
L33[03:32:23] <Elizabeth> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHkKJfcBXcw
L34[03:32:30] <Elizabeth> ^ Kodos
L35[03:32:42] <Kodos> What is it? I can just write it down
L36[03:32:52] <Kodos> It's like 3 am, I can't play anything atm
L37[03:33:10] <Forecaster> I LIKE TRAINS (asdfmovie song)
L38[03:33:10] <Forecaster> don't you have headphones?
L39[03:33:14] <Kodos> Packed atm
L40[03:33:39] <Kodos> Running a very minimalist setup atm, the house has to be show-ready for the time being
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L46[05:40:33] <flappy> Kodos: Tuesday's Gone
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L88[17:11:45] <liach> What is CovertJaguar doing in Anaheim now?
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L92[17:22:36] <neptunepink> Covert mission
L93[17:42:22] *** MrKickkiller is now known as MrKick|Away
L94[17:47:56] <smbarbour> Bringing trains to Disneyland.
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L105[19:25:34] <Joshwoo70> minecon
L106[19:25:37] <Joshwoo70> duh ?
L107[19:26:01] <liach> Is minecon tomorrow?
L108[19:26:04] <Joshwoo70> Searge is there too
L109[19:26:19] <Joshwoo70> 16 more hours
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L113[20:52:39] <liach> .。。
L114[20:52:46] <liach> Why is there no one
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L120[21:43:58] <liach> @CovertJaguar I suggest you to take metrolink
L121[22:01:08] <liach> Btw what is TileSawmill?
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